We love our customers roboticalavori


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    2,000 we love our customers robotica lavori trovati

    Azienda nel settore dell’automazione, con una linea di bracci robotici, è alla ricerca di un freelance per lo sviluppo della rete commerciale e la gestione della vendita diretta nel campo dell’automazione e della robotica. Si richiede una comprovata esperienza nel settore o, in alternativa, una solida conoscenza tecnica di base. Offriamo una collaborazione di medio-lungo termine in un contesto dinamico e in continua espansione.

    €17 - €35 / hr
    €17 - €35 / hr
    0 offerte

    ...Code: Each customer is assigned a unique QR code for identification and tracking referrals. • Customer Type: During registration, customers are classified as: o Private: Can accumulate points to redeem for future services. o Professional: Can convert accumulated points into cash (1 point = 1 euro). ________________________________________ 2. Referral Process • QR Code Sharing: The QR code can be shared via social media or scanned by another device to register a new referred customer. • Customer Linking: o When someone scans or uses a QR code to register, they are hierarchically linked to the customer who referred them. o This creates a structured hierarchy where customers are organized by levels. ________________________________________ 3. Points and Percent...

    €1170 Average bid
    €1170 Offerta media
    58 offerte
    itc renting
    Terminato left

    ...and Minimum Rental Amount Cart Functionality: Customers add desired products to their cart, where the website continuously calculates and updates the total monthly rental cost. Minimum Order Requirement: To proceed to checkout, the monthly rental total must reach a minimum of €1,000. Until this threshold is met, checkout remains disabled. A message will inform the customer of the minimum amount required, providing guidance on how to qualify for rental. 3. Rental Application Process Application Form: Upon reaching the minimum order amount, customers proceed to checkout, where they complete a rental application form. This form collects essential details needed by the financial intermediary to evaluate the rental request. Document Upload: Customers have the opt...

    €581 Average bid
    €581 Offerta media
    42 offerte

    ...for Shopify, with solid knowledge of OpenAI, to implement the following automations on my e-commerce platform: Automatic product description generation: Each time a new product is added to Shopify, I want OpenAI to automatically generate a detailed description of the product based on its characteristics. 360-degree virtual assistant: I would like a virtual assistant capable of providing customers with information about orders, shipments, returns, and, finally, giving personalized product recommendations. Automatic image upload: If technically feasible, I would like to automate the process of uploading images for new products on Shopify, allowing OpenAI to collect the image and upload it automatically. Technical Requirements: Proven experience with API integrations,...

    €1097 Average bid
    €1097 Offerta media
    35 offerte

    ...widely regarded as the seminal work on love, sexuality, and relationships. Written in Sanskrit, it dates back to between the 3rd and 5th centuries CE. While many associate the Kama Sutra primarily with its detailed descriptions of various sexual positions, this is only a small portion of its content. The work encompasses a broader philosophy of life, emphasizing the balance between dharma (duty), artha (prosperity), kama (pleasure), and moksha (spiritual liberation). The art of the Kama Sutra, therefore, can be seen as a multifaceted exploration of human relationships and pleasures within the context of ancient Indian society. ### Literary Structure and Philosophy The Kama Sutra is structured into seven books, each of which deals with different aspects of love and human ...

    €46 / hr Average bid
    €46 / hr Offerta media
    2 offerte

    ...explanatory excel where you can see what data is to be shown in other sections of the CRM. (CRM ) Below you can see what data need to be sync in the Perfex CRM. 1. When creating a Lead-related Task, copy the data [Address] [City] [Description] 2. When creating a Proposal related to the Lead, copy the data [Network] In CRM I created a custom Network field (multiselect) for Leads and Customers and the same field within Proposals as well. When creating a proposal associated with a lead or customer the Network data should appear automatically rather than being entered manually. For example for Customer “ALLASIA & TAVELLA S.N.C.” with Network “Dottor Grandine” I should find it automatically when creating the proposal this pre-filled data [ see image - p...

    €247 Average bid
    €247 Offerta media
    9 offerte

    Devo esportare dal sito del fornitore ed importare nel mio negozio woocommerce i prodotti. Voglio un plugin che mi permetta di importare in automatico e sincronizzare 1 volta al giorno i prodotti forniti dai files dei miei fornitori. “Export Web” interface This feature allows customers to export data in different file formats (csv, xml, json, etc.).

    €181 Average bid
    €181 Offerta media
    17 offerte

    Il progetto consiste nella realizzazione di illustrazioni originali da utilizzare su un sito web dedicato a temi hi-tech. Le immagini dovranno riflettere un'estetica moderna e futuristica, adatta a un pubblico appassionato di tecnologia avanzata e innovazione. Stile Visivo: 3DFX o Wireframe, con un focus su elementi geometrici, strutture reticolari, e una pale...un'estetica moderna e futuristica, adatta a un pubblico appassionato di tecnologia avanzata e innovazione. Stile Visivo: 3DFX o Wireframe, con un focus su elementi geometrici, strutture reticolari, e una palette di colori neon o accenti luminosi su sfondo scuro. Temi: Intelligenza artificiale, blockchain, realtà virtuale, cyber security, cloud computing, big data, IoT (Internet delle Cose), robotica, e a...

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Offerta media
    4 offerte

    Salve, Stiamo cercando un creativo esperto nell'animazione di logo per sviluppare un breve video di intro (da 3 a 5 secondi) per i PC installati sui nostri macchinari prodotti. L'animazione dovrebbe essere semplice, pulita e presentare elementi di robotica, mentre incorpora in modo creativo la bandiera italiana. La nostra attività si occupa di creare linee altamente robotizzate per i più disparati settori dell'automazione industriale, dall'aerospaziale al siderurgico, per questo non vogliamo elementi che rimandino a uno specifico di questi campi. Requisiti: L'animazione deve essere 1:1 su sfondo nero in modo da poter essere facilmente implementata in tutti i sistemi necessari, deve essere pensata per essere visualizzata su schermi di dimens...

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr Offerta media
    22 offerte

    Hello everyone, We need an ITALIAN professional to manage a social and/or Google campaign for a Photo Studio project that should start in January. The purpose is to acquire new customers who are interested in a video/photographic promotion of their business, with particular attention towards B&B managers and other accommodation businesses in the province of Catania or in general to businesses that are interested in having some kind of visibility somewhere between an "influencer" and a "classic" photography studio. The budget is €2000 for the first six months, with the possibility of renewing the collaboration if the campaign is successful. We are looking for flexibility and adaptability. We are NOT looking for an employee, we ...

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Offerta media
    28 offerte

    ...2018, Molok studios handles translations, voice-over and audio/video post-production for video games, anime e music. The HQ is in Italy, but we work with international clients only (TV/web broadcaster and software houses). The team is young, but in these 5 years managed to bring home some very important titles, the mood is fresh and catchy, but it has to deliver solidity, high quality and great experience, especially with the non-Italian customers. The current logo is a comic balloon (voiceover) TV screen shaped with a video game controller inside. From the old logo we'd like to keep the Molok studios name under the logo and the controller icon. We prefer to keep the same font, but we're open to interesting suggestions. As an additional hint, the contro...

    €143 Average bid
    Garantito Sigillata Concorso top
    240 proposte

    Salve Shariful H., ho notato il tuo profilo e mi piacerebbe assegnarti il mio progetto. Possiamo discutere i dettagli tramite chat.

    €30 Average bid
    €30 Offerta media
    1 offerte
    Trophy icon Realizzazione logo - Logo creation
    Terminato left

    ...capire che amiamo la pecora. In allegato mettiamo il vecchio logo che però non ci soddisfa più attualmente vorremmo qualcosa di diverso. I would like to create a logo for a company that produces sheep's salami, so the logo must have a reference to the sheep, the company is called PECORIAMO and the sub-title is "Love for sheep" so there must also be something that does understand that we love the sheep. Attached we put the old logo which, however, no longer satisfies us, currently we would like something different....

    €304 Average bid
    869 proposte
    Sviluppo PLC Siemens
    Terminato left

    Si ricerca un programmatore PLC per lo sviluppo di un software di gestione di una cella robotica comandata da PLC Siemens S7-1200. Il software dovrà comandare dei motori della Festo, un braccio antropomorfo, un encoder e dei nastri trasportatori. In allegato lo schema elettrico già realizzato. il progetto verrà pubblicato dopo l'approvazione di AddLance

    €3463 Average bid
    €3463 Offerta media
    20 offerte
    Sito corporativo
    Terminato left

    Cerco qualcuno per costruzione di un sito corporativo , completo di logo. I'm looking for someone to build a corporate website, complete with logo. we cater to customers who want to develop apps, crm or other, we also provide consulting services but we don't have a corporate site, until now we have worked through presenters. We need to have pages such as home page, mission, servizi resi, contact , partner.

    €1145 Average bid
    €1145 Offerta media
    25 offerte

    Cerco sviluppatore blockchain per creare circuito di fidelizzazione basato su blockchain SHA256 con app Android/iOS per i clienti e negozi. La blockchain è già attiva incluso pool ed explorer. Seeking blockchain developer to create SHA256 blockchain based loyalty circuit with Android / iOS apps for customers and stores. The blockchain is already active including the pool and explorer.

    €33 / hr Average bid
    €33 / hr Offerta media
    20 offerte

    ...and its app for users and the administrator, we need to be able to upload products and services we want to sell by ourselves simply and intuitively. Moreover, Products on the website will be purchased only by registered users. Also, we would love to be able to interact on apps and social media as well. However, there is already a bone structure to work on (completed at the ~70%) using Codeigniter c# and CI (Ecommerce (). This website has the following sections that might need some tweaking: Home - About us - products and services - News - work with us - Contacts - User area. On each website page, we need to incorporate a contact registering form (generate by the CRM system). Then their information will autofill the Address Book section. Our proj...

    €2377 Average bid
    €2377 Offerta media
    17 offerte

    Ciao Shahnawaz U., ho notato il tuo profilo e mi piacerebbe assegnarti il mio progetto. Possiamo discutere i dettagli tramite chat.

    €57 Average bid
    €57 Offerta media
    1 offerte
    App Delivery
    Terminato left

    ENG: We're looking for develop a delivery app where customers can order my product and I'd deliver it within the day. It must use geolocalization. IT: Ho bisogno di un'applicazione da dare ai clienti nel raggio di 50 Km dal mio negozio. Loro ordinano sull'app e io consegno in giornata - Deve essere un'app geolocalizzata. Doveva essere finanzianza da fondi statali che sono stati ritirati. Ho bisogno comunque di far partire l'attività quindi parto con i pochissimi fondi che ho a disposizione e, insieme allo sviluppatore che troveremo, aggiungeremo altre funzioni nel corso del tempo quando avrò più risorse

    €1176 Average bid
    €1176 Offerta media
    81 offerte

    Hello I would like to create a landing page for my advertising, in which to insert the offers of my car list - I deal with long-term car rental - but I would like it interactive, that is with the prices for each car that vary depending on the km and months that customers will travel. Furthermore, the prices will have to vary according to the advance that the customer wants to enter (I will provide the data, then I will have to be given the opportunity to enter the landing to vary the offers that will vary from time to time). A very clear example is given by the site https://www.leaseplan.com. On this site, when you click on "find out the details" you enter a page where the car is located and the various price scenarios that change thanks to a plug in. Then I also want ...

    €320 Average bid
    €320 Offerta media
    26 offerte

    Sono una psicologa e love coach, e vorrei creare una landing page per vendere i miei pacchetti, percorsi, consulenze singole. Ho un sito web molto semplice che vorrei trasferire su un nuovo dominio che ho acquistato.

    €203 Average bid
    €203 Offerta media
    54 offerte
    Bot Telegram,
    Terminato left

    Salve, vorrei fare in modo che quando i miei clienti che compilano un form che si trova su un mio sito realizzato in joomla, io possa ricevere una notifica su su un gruppo telegram. abbiamo già creato il bot su telegram e ipotizzato che si ...miei clienti che compilano un form che si trova su un mio sito realizzato in joomla, io possa ricevere una notifica su su un gruppo telegram. abbiamo già creato il bot su telegram e ipotizzato che si debba utilizzare il metodo POST, ma nonostante molte prove non funziona. Hi, I would like to make sure that when my customers fill out a form that is on my site made in joomla, I can receive a notification on a telegram group. we have already created the bot on telegram and assumed that we should use the POST method, bu...

    €381 Average bid
    €381 Offerta media
    15 offerte

    abbiamo sviluppato un app che consente agli utenti di guadagnare soldi con i loro SMS. Il tuo ruolo è d'incentivare il più utenti possibili con il tuo codice refferal. Verrai pagato per questo lavoro + avari una commissione con il tuo codice refferal.

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Offerta media
    11 offerte

    ...geographically closest to the customer and who has the product available. The plugin must allow vendors to have a backend, where they will find: - Order history - Shop details (address, telephone, email, vat, etc.) - Product Inventories (which connects to the main catalog uploaded by the administrator) - Sales commissions Note: Sellers can only add the availability they have of products. Customers who go to the site will browse through many products and without realizing it will automatically purchase from the nearest store. The customer will pay directly to the portal and you have no sellers. RICHIESTA IN ITALIANO: Buonasera a tutti, vorrei creare un plugin che sia compatibile sia con wordpress e che con woocommerce. La mia idea è creare un sito multi venditore ...

    €623 Average bid
    €623 Offerta media
    15 offerte

    ...SFA - CRM application) We need a tool for internal employee but also for "field" people (dealers, agents, resellers...) something flexible and easy to use (=for those who are mobile easy to use). We do not have a preference for CRM over others, knowing that at the base must be a flexible software with outlook integration (both Windows and Mac) and easy to evolve/integrate it. Below is an overview of ourselves and what we need. 1) first of all we need to describe what we do: we sell IT solutions (labels to show prices) for grocery shops, pharmacies, consumer electronics and DIY (so our customers are B2B and not B2C shops). 2) to know where to sell we have 2 possibilities: a) preload a list of all target shops ...

    €2448 Average bid
    €2448 Offerta media
    19 offerte

    we need a certified google specialist with experienced pla display ads and search network experience for our e-commerce

    €144 Average bid
    €144 Offerta media
    2 offerte
    MapsFood App
    Terminato left

    Hello, we are looking for a developer who can work on our app creation project for Our platform is a social network for restaurateurs, the ritoratore can publish his restaurant, enter events and search for staff. He can promote his content through promotion packages that can be purchased directly from his dashboard. The customer can leave reviews, visit places, see dishes and specialties and send messages directly to the restaurateur via direct chat. We want an app that interacts with our website, to create accounts and have the same functions in symbiosis with the website. We would like to clarify that, after receiving a scam from other developers, our initial payment budget will be 250 €, after which those who marry our l...

    €789 Average bid
    €789 Offerta media
    37 offerte

    di dati direttamente da google per creazione di un customers' database. 2. Inserimento in un database excel (già esistente) di informazioni basic. In allegato esempio del database. Richiesto creazione di minimo 1000 linee. Formula di pagamento: 0,3€ x linea 3. Automazione invio mails a gruppi di clienti.

    €306 Average bid
    €306 Offerta media
    11 offerte

    I have to synchronize customers, orders and products between opencart and perfex crm. Documentation:

    €573 Average bid
    €573 Offerta media
    5 offerte

    Cerchiamo professionisti per una collaborazione stabile per il sito Ovvero per scrivere articoli inerenti ad una delle seguenti sezioni: News/moda/bellezza/mamma/casa/ricette/matrimonio/sex e love/pink power Cerchiamo qualcuno specializzato in SEO e Wordpress. La collaborazione prevederebbe la scrittura di un articolo a settimana.

    €90 Average bid
    €90 Offerta media
    27 offerte
    update prestashop
    Terminato left

    si ricerca aggiornamento PrestaShop version: alla ultima versione 1.7.6 senza perdere prodotti e clienti e plugin indispensabili per sito italiano, con installazione nuovo template ottimizzato per seo. english version: search for PrestaShop version: update to the latest version 1.7.6 without losing essential products and customers and plugins for the Italian site, with installation of a new template optimized for seo.

    €184 Average bid
    €184 Offerta media
    9 offerte
    Trophy icon logo coaching
    Terminato left

    logo per life love coaching il mio nome è Simona

    €91 Average bid
    20 proposte

    Guadagna subito online grazie alle commissioni di Twooflove! TwoofLove è il nuovo sito di incontri dedicato a persone che davvero cercano una relazione! Il nostro programma di affiliazione ti permette di guadagnare commissioni continue su tutte le operazioni effettuate dai nuovi iscritti. Per ogni utente che invierai al sito riceverai continue commissioni su tutti gli acquisti che verranno fatti all’interno del nostro servizio. Twooflove è l’unico sito che ti da realmente chat e incontri veri. Sfoglia centinaia di profili di ragazze e ragazzi con cui stringere amicizia e scopri gente che è in cerca di persone reali per avere relazioni vere e trovare il vero amore. Scegliere noi Perchè scegliere TwoofLove? Siamo sempre a tua disposizione per aiuta...

    €8 - €10
    €8 - €10
    0 offerte

    Avrei la necessità di avere un disegno composto da più "parole ed immagini". Sarà utilizzato come tattoo. Il disegno dovra raffigurare l'impronta di un piede e riportarare all'interno quanto segue: - Ginevra - 05.04.2014 / 2014 April 05 / ... - 16.59 pm - Love / amore - 3.160 gr - 50 cm - Grandfather - immagini: cuori /corone/ a fantasia... Allego due immagini per rendere l'idea. Grazie.

    €11 Average bid
    8 proposte

    salve vorrei avere alcune informazioni sulla creazione dei siti di streaming e iptv service. vorrei creare una piattaforma webtv. mi spiego meglio un sito web che trasm...fargli installare sul pc o smartphone programmi come kodi o breve un sito web come che trasmetta i miei canali della lista m3u. budgets can vary Hello I would like some information on the creation of streaming sites and iptv service. I would like to create a webtv platform. I better explain a website that transmits channels in m3u format, giving the possibility to customers to see the transmissions through the website without having them install on the pc or smartphone programs like kodi or other. in short a website like that transmits my channels on the m3u list. budgets can vary

    €1132 Average bid
    €1132 Offerta media
    14 offerte

    Management for real estate agency with filemaker pro 13 software, manage its customers who sell and new customers buyers looking for a property, customer database, buyers, property, documents, photos, some prints related to real estate and various documents. The center of everything is a diary in which all the company's business is stored, which has only 2 operators in the real estate agency that operate with PC windows 7/10 pro and ipad ios 12 Gestionale per agenzia immobiliare con software filemaker pro 13, gestire i propri clienti che vendono e nuovi clienti acquirenti che cercano un immobile, database clienti, acquirenti, immobili, documenti, foto, alcune stampe relative agli immobili e documenti vari. Il centro di tutto è un diario nel quale viene memorizz...

    €1324 Average bid
    €1324 Offerta media
    9 offerte

    Io ho richieste da clienti per organizzare ecommerce per loro. Ricerco un freelance disponibile su Roma con cui collaborare per gestire queste richieste. ________________________________________________ I have requests from customers to organize ecommerce for them. I am looking for a freelance available on Rome to work with to manage these requests.

    €3595 Average bid
    €3595 Offerta media
    49 offerte

    English: Dear freelancer, we are a italian company and we are looking for a commercial profile, that can find new customers. Our core business are services in support of the mechanical design of the companies that build machines / industrial plants. Skills: good dialectic and technical preparation. I send details to selected candidates. Italiano: Siamo una società italiana e stiamo cercando un profilo commerciale che possa trovare nuovi clienti. Il nostro core business sono i servizi in ausilio alla progettazione meccanica delle aziende costrutttrici di macchine/impianti industriali. Richiesta buona dialettica e preparazione tecnica. Verranno inviati i dettagli ai candidati selezionati.

    €239 Average bid
    €239 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    Settaggio del server più realizzazione schema del database e profilazione di accessi. Proprietà Collaboratori Clienti finali privati Clienti finali aziende e Grafica per accedere _____________________________________________________________________ Server setting plus database schema creation and access profiling. Property Collaborators Private end customers End customers companies and Graphics to access

    €570 Average bid
    €570 Offerta media
    16 offerte

    serve realizzare un sito web che abbia anche all'interno l'ecommerce per la vendita di ceramiche che sono circa 20730 diverse proponetemi una veste grafica interessante

    €922 Average bid
    €922 Offerta media
    27 offerte

    ...before applying. We will not consider automatic proposals. The project is extremely clear, so NO TIME WASTER. We are exporting the services of our web agency to other countries and therefore we are looking for collaborators who speak (preferably) Italian but mainly another language. Our web agency sells and deals mainly with the creation of websites, e-commerce, apps, social media etc and our rates range from €500 to €5000. We are willing to give the new resource 30-40% of the aforementioned sales. The employee will not receive a fixed sum, he will earn on the basis of the revenue generated. It is a serious and lasting work, not a simple collaboration: the partner we are looking for will be our sales manager in ...

    €980 Average bid
    €980 Offerta media
    4 offerte

    ...before applying. We will not consider automatic proposals. The project is extremely clear, so NO TIME WASTER. We are exporting the services of our web agency to other countries and therefore we are looking for collaborators who speak (preferably) Italian but mainly another language. Our web agency sells and deals mainly with the creation of websites, e-commerce, apps, social media etc and our rates range from €500 to €5000. We are willing to give the new resource 30-40% of the aforementioned sales. The employee will not receive a fixed sum, he will earn on the basis of the revenue generated. It is a serious and lasting work, not a simple collaboration: the partner we are looking for will be our sales manager in ...

    €1197 Average bid
    €1197 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    ...before applying. We will not consider automatic proposals. The project is extremely clear, so NO TIME WASTER. We are exporting the services of our web agency to other countries and therefore we are looking for collaborators who speak (preferably) Italian but mainly another language. Our web agency sells and deals mainly with the creation of websites, e-commerce, apps, social media etc and our rates range from €500 to €5000. We are willing to give the new resource 30-40% of the aforementioned sales. The employee will not receive a fixed sum, he will earn on the basis of the revenue generated. It is a serious and lasting work, not a simple collaboration: the partner we are looking for will be our sales manager in ...

    €718 - €1437
    €718 - €1437
    0 offerte

    ...before applying. We will not consider automatic proposals. The project is extremely clear, so NO TIME WASTER. We are exporting the services of our web agency to other countries and therefore we are looking for collaborators who speak (preferably) Italian but mainly another language. Our web agency sells and deals mainly with the creation of websites, e-commerce, apps, social media etc and our rates range from €500 to €5000. We are willing to give the new resource 30-40% of the aforementioned sales. The employee will not receive a fixed sum, he will earn on the basis of the revenue generated. It is a serious and lasting work, not a simple collaboration: the partner we are looking for will be our sales manager in ...

    €718 - €1437
    €718 - €1437
    0 offerte

    ...before applying. We will not consider automatic proposals. The project is extremely clear, so NO TIME WASTER. We are exporting the services of our web agency to other countries and therefore we are looking for collaborators who speak (preferably) Italian but mainly another language. Our web agency sells and deals mainly with the creation of websites, e-commerce, apps, social media etc and our rates range from €500 to €5000. We are willing to give the new resource 30-40% of the aforementioned sales. The employee will not receive a fixed sum, he will earn on the basis of the revenue generated. It is a serious and lasting work, not a simple collaboration: the partner we are looking for will be our sales manager in ...

    €1197 Average bid
    €1197 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    ...before applying. We will not consider automatic proposals. The project is extremely clear, so NO TIME WASTER. We are exporting the services of our web agency to other countries and therefore we are looking for collaborators who speak (preferably) Italian but mainly another language. Our web agency sells and deals mainly with the creation of websites, e-commerce, apps, social media etc and our rates range from €500 to €5000. We are willing to give the new resource 30-40% of the aforementioned sales. The employee will not receive a fixed sum, he will earn on the basis of the revenue generated. It is a serious and lasting work, not a simple collaboration: the partner we are looking for will be our sales manager in ...

    €850 Average bid
    €850 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    ...before applying. We will not consider automatic proposals. The project is extremely clear, so NO TIME WASTER. We are exporting the services of our web agency to other countries and therefore we are looking for collaborators who speak (preferably) Italian but mainly another language. Our web agency sells and deals mainly with the creation of websites, e-commerce, apps, social media etc and our rates range from €500 to €5000. We are willing to give the new resource 30-40% of the aforementioned sales. The employee will not receive a fixed sum, he will earn on the basis of the revenue generated. It is a serious and lasting work, not a simple collaboration: the partner we are looking for will be our sales manager in ...

    €957 Average bid
    €957 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    ...before applying. We will not consider automatic proposals. The project is extremely clear, so NO TIME WASTER. We are exporting the services of our web agency to other countries and therefore we are looking for collaborators who speak (preferably) Italian but mainly another language. Our web agency sells and deals mainly with the creation of websites, e-commerce, apps, social media etc and our rates range from €500 to €5000. We are willing to give the new resource 30-40% of the aforementioned sales. The employee will not receive a fixed sum, he will earn on the basis of the revenue generated. It is a serious and lasting work, not a simple collaboration: the partner we are looking for will be our sales manager in ...

    €891 Average bid
    €891 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    ...before applying. We will not consider automatic proposals. The project is extremely clear, so NO TIME WASTER. We are exporting the services of our web agency to other countries and therefore we are looking for collaborators who speak (preferably) Italian but mainly another language. Our web agency sells and deals mainly with the creation of websites, e-commerce, apps, social media etc and our rates range from €500 to €5000. We are willing to give the new resource 30-40% of the aforementioned sales. The employee will not receive a fixed sum, he will earn on the basis of the revenue generated. It is a serious and lasting work, not a simple collaboration: the partner we are looking for will be our sales manager in ...

    €1252 Average bid
    €1252 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    Siamo una web agency in fase di costituzione e stiamo selezionando freelancers per un eventuale collaborazione continuativa. Meglio se freelancers che parlano italiano. we need a wordpress website like

    €190 Average bid
    €190 Offerta media
    27 offerte