Hp proliant dl360 g7 bios settingslavori


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    ...automatizzata degli scambi e la gestione delle transazioni tra gli utenti. ## **2. Tecnologie Richieste** - **Framework**: Laravel (ultima versione stabile) - **Admin Panel**: FilamentPHP v3 -> - **Database**: sqlite - **Gestione permessi**: spatie/laravel-permission -> - **Gestione impostazioni**: spatie/laravel-settings -> - **Strumenti aggiuntivi**: Code per notifiche email, coda di elaborazione per match di scambio ## **3. Funzionalità Principali** ### **3.1 Pubblicazione Inserzioni** - Ogni utente registrato può pubblicare un’inserzione indicando: - **Città attuale** - **Regione/Province/Città desiderate (piu opzioni)** - **Ruolo e professione** - **Note aggiuntive

    €1075 Average bid
    €1075 Offerta media
    39 offerte

    ...servizi di ristorazione e alberghieri, con supporto per multi-tenancy, pagamenti online e personalizzazione avanzata. ? Stack Tecnologico Backend: Laravel 10 + Jetstream (Livewire) Admin Panel: FilamentPHP Database: MySQL / PostgreSQL Autenticazione: Jetstream con multi-tenancy Gestione file multimediali: Spatie Media Library Ruoli e Permessi: Filament Shield Impostazioni dinamiche: Spatie Settings Gestione icone personalizzate: Filament Icon Picker Supporto multi-lingua: Plugin Filament Multilingual Front-end pubblico: Livewire con Blade 1️⃣ Multi-Tenancy e Gestione Utenti ? Struttura Multi-Tenant Ogni vendor (utente registrato) gestisce autonomamente il proprio business. Possibilità di creare team con Jetstream per la gestione collaborativa. Ogni tenant h...

    €2169 Average bid
    €2169 Offerta media
    42 offerte

    ...description -Synchronization of images -Management through a panel in the marketplace admin of the various marketplace customer connections -Easy connection between the two websites (seller website - Marketplace) -Product categories to be manually assigned to the products -Updating of price, various descriptions, quantity, title, images in real time or a few seconds later -Section with various settings to manage the entire plugin such as activation and deactivation of features present in the plugin. From the seller's dokan dashboard, the seller must: -Be able to independently connect their website to the marketplace -Be able to manage a price increase in percentage -Be able to synchronize all products in bulk via a button -Delete products inserted via the plugin with a but...

    €138 Average bid
    €138 Offerta media
    22 offerte

    ...Network data should appear automatically rather than being entered manually. For example for Customer “ALLASIA & TAVELLA S.N.C.” with Network “Dottor Grandine” I should find it automatically when creating the proposal this pre-filled data [ see image - point 1 ]. Have the Network field be unique and always the same wherever it appears. The list of Networks I would like to be able to manage via settings in a dedicated menu having to be able to add, remove and reorder them, alternatively it is fine to manage just one custom field rather than the 4 currently used. 3. When creating an Estimate related to the Client, copy the data [Network] In CRM I have created a custom Network field (multiselect) for Leads and Customers and the same field within Quotes a...

    €247 Average bid
    €247 Offerta media
    9 offerte

    ...broadcast live quizzes, interacting with the chat in different ways depending on the platform (e.g., horizontal format for YouTube, vertical format for TikTok). I would prefer it to be developed for WordPress, or at least be integrable with WordPress. Importantly, I would like to continually add new features to enhance the project. I'm not a programmer, so I welcome any suggestions. 1) Live Settings Each user will have the ability to "connect" to various platforms: TikTok, YouTube, and Twitch. Connecting to Twitch and YouTube should be relatively simple since they offer both RTMP services and the option to add as a moderator. As far as I know, TikTok does not offer these features. Users will choose the platform for broadcasting. The transmission will not occur...

    €330 Average bid
    €330 Offerta media
    12 offerte

    ...broadcast live quizzes, interacting with the chat in different ways depending on the platform (e.g., horizontal format for YouTube, vertical format for TikTok). I would prefer it to be developed for WordPress, or at least be integrable with WordPress. Importantly, I would like to continually add new features to enhance the project. I'm not a programmer, so I welcome any suggestions. 1) Live Settings Each user will have the ability to "connect" to various platforms: TikTok, YouTube, and Twitch. Connecting to Twitch and YouTube should be relatively simple since they offer both RTMP services and the option to add as a moderator. As far as I know, TikTok does not offer these features. Users will choose the platform for broadcasting. The transmission will not occur...

    €103 Average bid
    €103 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    ...layout, i colori e la grafica restino simili agli attuali (Vedi immagine) Va anche conservata la responsiveness, in base al dispositivo di visualizzazione. Anche le sezioni resteranno quelle attuali (HP, come, listino, testimonianze, verifica copertura, footer) L’implementazione in wordpress richiede invece che successivamente un operatore senza competenze di programmazione html/php/javascript possa essere in condizione di modificare ogni sezione in termini di testo grafica e contenuti, tramite interfaccia di amministrazione wp-admin. E’ inoltre necessario implementare la prima sezione del sito (HP) come carosello con testo personalizzabile sovrapposto a immagine scorrevole. Ogni slide avrà una sua immagine e testo specifici. Oltre al testo dovr&agrav...

    €220 Average bid
    €220 Offerta media
    25 offerte

    Salve, ho creato una bozza con testo e immagini del mio sito shopify dove ora ho solo un prodotto. Mi sembra un po' poco accattivante, vorrei che qualcuno me lo sistemasse, credo di aver scelto un tema troppo "chiuso". Non ho grandi pretese, ma solo sistemare la HP per vendere il prodotto, oppure creare una landing.

    €123 Average bid
    €123 Offerta media
    10 offerte

    ...ottimizzare tutti i parametri Php, cache, opcode etc necessari per orchestrare il tutto. Essendo un social network (con varie interazioni tra utenti, caricamento media di vario genere, invio messaggi etc) ci saranno molti utenti concomitanti, quindi lo sviluppatore deve sapere cosa fare e non mettere in cache tutto. Non funionerà. Il progetto è agli inizi, non ci sono utenti, ma devo avere un settings iniziale idoneo che mi permetta di non incorrere in down dovuti all eventuale carico. Il budget è nella norma. Ho già fatto delle consulenze in merito e questa è una consultazione ulteriore per decidere. Se sei esperto in settaggi di Blog e vuoi mettere in cache tutto, sappi che non è possibile con il mio sito. No cache pagine, non cache ser...

    €269 Average bid
    €269 Offerta media
    5 offerte

    Ciao Rushabh P., ho notato il tuo profilo e mi piacerebbe assegnarti il mio progetto. Possiamo discutere i dettagli tramite chat.

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr Offerta media
    1 offerte

    Sono alla ricerca di una persona (she/he/them/their/gender fluid) che conosca il mercato Italiano a Londra, idealmente ha lavorato o vissuto o tuttora vive e lavora a londra. Idealmente hai anni di esperienza come Social media Content creator per gestire il nostro blog/IG/FB pages. You have experience as social media/digital marketing expert and you will help us: * Create content for our...* Identify audience and platform trends and use them to develop platform-specific content. Required Skills: -Experience using Later or other scheduler -Good understanding of instagram algorithms (knowing when to post, how to engage effectively, paid promo and targeting etc) -Organisation skills Desirable skills: -Video editing skills  -Photoshop/InDesign/Canva -Experience working in similar ...

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr Offerta media
    9 offerte
    seo optimization
    Terminato left

    For our new e-commerce platform - We evaluate monthly packs for seo settings.

    €87 Average bid
    €87 Offerta media
    60 offerte

    Richiediamo 1) ottimizzazione risorse del Server Linux 2) MariaDB (aumento collegamenti lettura-scrittura) e ottimizzazioni 3) controllo parametri già inseriti Apache e Nginx 4) configurazione Prestashop - Nginx...i tempi di apertura della prima pagina (TTFB) sono pessimi 5) controllo vari settings... vi invitiamo cortesemente a non rispondere se non conoscete Prestashop perfettamente.

    €87 Average bid
    €87 Offerta media
    6 offerte

    ...ge0 con ip pubblico e la ge1 con ip privato sulla porta ge2 vogliamo configurare la parte che attualmente non abbiamo collegato perchè ha gli stessi indirizzi dell'ufficio 1 nellufficio 3 abbiamo il router vodafone huawei configurato con ip privato Non riusciamo a comunicare con tutti i dispositivi nelle varie lan con i router hp connessi quindi sicuramente c'è qualche problema di configurazione sui router hp. I router hanno il sw Comware version 7.1.064...

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    Ho necessità di installare un Themplate acquistato su ThemeForest per Magento 2. Ho solo bisogno l'installazione e setting del themplate come Demo originale (già presente nel file zip). Budget 10-20 euro Nel server abbiamo già installato la versione aggiornata di Magento 2 e anche tutti i settings necessari per l'installazione sono stati preparati dal nostro Hosting. La cartella ZIP è già stata caricata nell'FTP ed è anche stata Unzippata. Quello che ci serve è solo l'apertura del Themplate e controllare che tutto sia esattamente corrispondente come quello della demo (versione con categorie a sinistra). Restiamo a disposizione per eventuali chiarimenti.

    €35 Average bid
    €35 Offerta media
    7 offerte

    Programma esclusivamente in CUDA, si tratta di un sorting per ricerca statistica. Il programma deve generare uno o piu file random di stringhe numeriche e poi ricercare mie stringhe particolari. Esiste già un vecchio programma scritto in Basic ma e molto lento- Il Pc sul quale deve deve lavorare e un HP pavilion con I7

    €8 - €29
    €8 - €29
    0 offerte

    Bisogna modificare o riscrivere Drive per stampanti HP desktop (Hp PAGEWIDE 352DW LAN) affinchè sia possibile stampare su foglio di carta continuo etichette in formato A4. Per ogni etichetta il testo e la grafica non sono uguali. I file da stampare sono realizzati in PDF. La stampante sarà modificata per gestire Carta a foglio continuo. E' richiesta la conoscenza del linguaggio PCL5 / Postscript .

    €2041 Average bid
    €2041 Offerta media
    4 offerte

    Configurazione Magento Configurazione metodi di pagamento...Configurazione plugin Installazione plugin cache e cooke Installazione sul server Sincronizzazione file XML dal gestionalale QUICK Creazione funzione newsletter Configurazione Cronjobs Configurazione file htaccess Ottimizzazione SEO onpage per motori di ricerca Magento Configuration Payment Methods (PayPal) and express couriers Settings Payment Page Mobile customization template (responsive) Configure Categories and Subcategories Settings robots files () Plugin Configuration Cache and cookie plugin installation Installation on server Synchronize XML files from the QUICK management Create newsletter function Cronjobs Configuration Configure htaccess file SEO optimization onpage for search en...

    €617 Average bid
    €617 Offerta media
    27 offerte

    ...pronto e funzionante in modalità offline. Ci occorre implementare, correggere o completare le ultime attività da svolgere per renderlo online. Molte delle quali occorrerebbe la mia collaborazione di cui mi renderò disponibile a realizzarle insieme magari con condivisione di schermo. Check up settings Wordpress e woocommerce Check up settings SEO con Yoast Google webmaster tools: redirect 301 principali url e dominio (da .it a .com). Il contenuto e corrispondenze sarà effettuato da noi. Settings in our account google webmaster and Analytics Rimango a disposizione per ulteriori domande riguardante le richieste sopraindicate. Cordiali saluti e buona giornata Franco O....

    €138 Average bid
    €138 Offerta media
    31 offerte

    ...pronto e funzionante in modalità offline. Ci occorre implementare, correggere o completare le ultime attività da svolgere per renderlo online. Molte delle quali occorrerebbe la mia collaborazione di cui mi renderò disponibile a realizzarle insieme magari con condivisione di schermo. Check up settings Wordpress e woocommerce Check up settings SEO con Yoast Google webmaster tools: redirect 301 principali url e dominio (da .it a .com). Il contenuto e corrispondenze sarà effettuato da noi. Settings in our account google webmaster and Analytics Rimango a disposizione per ulteriori domande riguardante le richieste sopraindicate. Cordiali saluti e buona giornata Franco O....

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr Offerta media
    40 offerte
    SEO il mio Sito Web
    Terminato left

    Siamo in procinto di migrare da vecchio sito a uno nuovo realizzato con Wordpress woocommerce ...woocommerce Yoast plugin. Gradito freelance lingua italiana. Ci occorre implementare, correggere o completare le seguenti attività da svolgere. Molte delle quali occorrerebbe la mia collaborazione di cui mi renderò disponibile a realizzarle insieme magari con condivisione di schermo. Check up settings Wordpress e woocommerce Check up settings SEO con Yoast Google webmaster tools: redirect 301 principali url e dominio (da .it a .com). Il contenuto e corrispondenze sarà effettuato da noi. Settings in our account google webmaster and Analytics Rimango a disposizione per ulteriori domande riguardante le richieste sopraindicate. Grazie anticipatamente. C...

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr Offerta media
    22 offerte
    lavoro per hp
    Terminato left

    Sto cercando un grafico che ci supporti nella creazione di brochure , volantini, immagini per il web, pagine landing

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Offerta media
    24 offerte

    Gestione telemarketing, partendo da un prodotto già in uso(scritto in VBA e db Access)lo si dovrebbe riscrivere usando un linguaggio è un DB più attuale, si possiede hardware proprietario per far girare il software(server hp virtualizzato di nuovo acquisto), connessione fibra 100mega e hdsl di backup Per la realizzazione del progetto, lo sottolineo si parte da un prodotto già in uso quindi non bisognerà partire da zero, bisognerà solo riproporre le funzioni già in uso ed implementarne di nuove sotto precise direttive.

    €4054 Average bid
    €4054 Offerta media
    12 offerte

    Magento mail send mail config,Magento mail send mail config,Magento mail send mail config,Magento mail send mail config

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    Sono alla ricerca di firmwarista in grado di programmare il microprocessore Texas TMS320DM368, o altro similare, con le seguenti funzioni: Connessione parallela a CCD ( telecamera) Codifica video H264 NV12 BP/MP/HP Codifica audio: G.711?/a, G.722, G.726-32, G.729, (RFC2833, SIP INFO) Trasmissione video e audio full duplex su IP tramite server SIP Sinterizzazione brevi messaggi audio Sovraimpressione testo su immagine video Altre piccole funzioni

    min €4525
    min €4525
    0 offerte
    Costruire Siti Web
    Terminato left

    ...diversi preventivi per un sito/social di argomento sanitario / medico. Mi scuso in anticipo se il linguaggio da me usato può essere improprio ma spero di rendere il concetto al meglio. A grandi linee il sito dovrebbe essere cosi strutturato: - Dominio .com e lingua inglese - Home page con latest news - Forum - Pagina Search per i utenze premium e contenuti ( da valutare se tenere in HP insieme alle news) - Accessi premium su invito con profilo personalizzabile (modello FB) Questi utenti devono poter pubblicare sul loro profilo, commentare e poter interagire sul Forum - Accessi basic con registrazione libera direttamente dal sito Questi utenti potranno scrivere sul Forum e sui profili degli utenti premium. Al contrario dei premium non possiederanno un...

    €927 Average bid
    €927 Offerta media
    14 offerte

    Abbiamo bisogno di sviluppare sul nostro sito in wordpress: 1) una nuova HP per il nostro sito di vendita di pacchetti turistici per stranieri: In Particolare, invece della descrizione dei 4 prodotti in alto sotto lo slider con simboli (Cooking Holidays, Art Holidays, ecc.) dobbiamo inserire dei pulsanti per i nostri prodotti (8 al momento) con immagini, titolo, introduzione, come in queste pagine: , 2) Pagina con video tipo questa: comprensiva del layout per le sottopagine come nell'esempio: La caratteristica fondamentale è l'utilizzo di wordpress.

    €305 Average bid
    €305 Offerta media
    8 offerte

    Abbiamo bisogno di sviluppare sul nostro sito in wordpress: 1) una nuova HP per il nostro sito di vendita di pacchetti turistici per stranieri: In Particolare, invece della descrizione dei 4 prodotti in alto sotto lo slider con simboli (Cooking Holidays, Art Holidays, ecc.) dobbiamo inserire dei pulsanti per i nostri prodotti (8 al momento) con immagini, titolo, introduzione, come in queste pagine: , 2) Pagina con video tipo questa: comprensiva del layout per le sottopagine come nell'esempio: La caratteristica fondamentale è l'utilizzo di wordpress.

    €213 Average bid
    €213 Offerta media
    7 offerte

    I'm looking for an expert in WordPress and server migrations to assist with transferring my WordPress site t...will remain the same. Key Tasks: - Migrate the WordPress site to the new server while ensuring minimal downtime. - Set up the site on the new server, ensuring all aspects of the site are working as they should post migration. - Update DNS settings if necessary to point to the new server. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WordPress and server migrations. - Familiarity with Shared Hosting environment. - Understanding of DNS settings and domain configurations. Please note, there are no specific server setup requirements, configurations, or settings needed for the new server. Your expertise and best practices will be relied upon for a smooth transi...

    €16 Average bid
    €16 Offerta media
    31 offerte

    ...This widget should display the top 20 most accessed links in a table format, sorted from most accessed to least accessed. Each link should be listed with its alias, total number of accesses, and total revenue generated. Key Requirements: - Data Display: Each of the top 20 links should be displayed in a table format, with columns for the link's alias, total accesses, and total revenue. - Default Settings: The widget should default to showing results on a weekly basis, with the option to manually select different dates. - Data Utilization: The widget should use existing data from the system without requiring additional calculations. - Testing & Verification: Ensure the widget correctly pulls and organizes the data from the existing database. Ideal candidates for this p...

    €109 Average bid
    €109 Offerta media
    26 offerte

    ...to me by my boss: Executive Summary Introduction and Overview of the Firm History Products and Services Major Competitors Industry Analysis Industry Summary Industry Trends and Industry Outlook Degree of Competition/ Market Shares/ Economic Moat Key Industry Drivers Overall Conclusions about the Industry Management Team Brief bios and photos (if available) for senior management including the Chairman of the Board, CEO, CFO, and heads of Marketing, Human Resources, Operations, Information Technology, Legal and Compliance, and others if appropriate. This information can be found in the Proxy Statement, in the 10K, and in Cap IQ. State your overall conclusions about Management. Financial Analysis of th...

    €517 Average bid
    €517 Offerta media
    14 offerte

    ...facial consistency across multiple poses, expressions, and environments in both images & videos. Use AI generation tools like Stable Diffusion, MidJourney, DALL·E, or similar for model design. Implement face-swapping & deepfake technology to embed the AI model into real footage. 2. AI Content Generation (Photos, Videos, Talking Avatars) Generate high-quality AI influencer images for different settings, outfits, and branding purposes. Create AI-generated videos where the influencer talks using lip-syncing AI and deepfake technology. Utilize face-swapping for realistic influencer placements in different video formats (TikTok dances, product promos, lifestyle vlogs, etc.). Automate content scheduling & bulk content creation for long-term scalability. 3. Social Med...

    €113 Average bid
    €113 Offerta media
    20 offerte

    **Job Brief: Ultra-Realistic AI Artist** **Position:** Freelance Ultra-Realistic AI Artist **Project Scope:** Creation of 100 ultra-realistic AI-generated illustrations for a children's book. **Illustration Details:** - Size: 6" x 6" each. - Depicting the same group of children characters consistently across various engaging settings and scenarios. - Illustrations should be ultra-realistic, rich in detail, vibrant, and appealing to children. **Theme & Style:** - Ultra-realistic visuals capturing authentic expressions, detailed backgrounds, and lifelike environments. - The same children depicted in diverse locations and situations, promoting curiosity and learning. - Scenes should be warm, inviting, and highly engaging to young readers. **Requirements:**...

    €94 Average bid
    €94 Offerta media
    68 offerte
    AI-Powered SaaS Web App Development
    6 giorni left

    ...The main goal is to help users (primarily students) create and study flashcards, summaries and quizzes, with the option to generate them automatically from uploaded PDFs, images or text passages. Below is an overview of the functionality I’d like implemented: 1. User Registration and Profiles Sign Up / Log In: Standard email/password or social logins. Profile Settings: Basic information, notification preferences, and language settings. 2. Flashcard Creation & Management Manual Creation: Users can manually add flashcards (front/back or question/answer) with formatting (bold, italics, etc.). Automated Generation: Users can upload a file or paste text, and the app should parse it to identify key concepts. Automatically create flashcards from that content (sim...

    €574 Average bid
    €574 Offerta media
    72 offerte

    ...Authenticate & attach a specific IP address to their login. Change their assigned IP address from a preloaded pool by clicking a button in Telegram. Upload configuration files manually or via script to update the available IP pool. Requirements: ✅ Develop a Bash (.sh) script or another suitable method for automatic deployment on two servers. ✅ Properly configure WireGuard, forwarding, and network settings. ✅ Enable seamless traffic forwarding between the two servers. ✅ Integrate a Telegram bot that allows users to: Attach an IP address upon authentication. Request a new IP from the available pool. ✅ Ensure the script is easy to use and deploy. ✅ Provide a clear manual/documentation for future use. Test Environment: We will provide two test servers for deployment and testing....

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Offerta media
    28 offerte

    I require an expert to assist in uploading and installing a theme (purchased from CodeCanyon) on my Prohoster VPS. Post installation, the SMTP settings need to be configured for seamless email communication. Some standard customizations will also be necessary to ensure the website runs smoothly. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficient knowledge of and VPS hosting - Experience with CodeCanyon themes - SMTP configuration skills - Ability to perform standard website customizations - Understanding of seamless website operation requirements

    €73 Average bid
    €73 Offerta media
    13 offerte

    Im looking for an experienced email deliverability expert to configure our email-sending setup to ensure maximum inbox placement. We already have our email content ready, but we need a professional to optimize our domain authentication and technical settings, including SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and other necessary configurations. Requirements: Set up SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records correctly Optimize email headers and authentication for maximum inbox placement Configure PTR records, MX records, and custom Return-Path if needed Ensure compliance with major email providers (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.) Avoid spam filters and improve email reputation Test deliverability and provide recommendations

    €50 Average bid
    €50 Offerta media
    23 offerte

    I have a completed screenplay set in the SoCal area and Mexico, and I need help editing and improving the dialogue, as well as developing the supporting characters. Key Tasks: - Enhance character development, particularly for the supporting characters - Refine and improve dialogue throughout the screenplay - Help with story flow and transitio...improve dialogue throughout the screenplay - Help with story flow and transitions, ensuring a smooth narrative - Assist with structural editing for plot and pacing Ideal Skills: - Experience in screenplay editing - Strong background in character development and dialogue enhancement - Excellent understanding of plot consistency, story flow, conflict and resolution - Familiarity with settings in the SoCal area and Mexico would...

    €47 / hr Average bid
    €47 / hr Offerta media
    23 offerte

    ...template. The ideal candidate will demonstrate an understanding of WordPress, Elementor, ACF and Anywhere Elementor. **Scope:** We’re experiencing a bug when using multiple elements in an ACF flexible content module. The subfields from one element—like a customizable divider line—overwrite any other instance of the element. We want to be able to ensure each instance has its own ID and retains the settings entered into the subfields. **Our Setup:** - Elementor page template has a “flexible content” widget installed from Anywhere Elementor - The AE flexible content widget is allowing us to add pre-built modules into the final Wordpress page. The first example we have set up is a line divider. When you add a line divider via the flexible content widge...

    €52 Average bid
    €52 Offerta media
    25 offerte

    We are a fitness company seeking an experienced professional to manage and optimize our website's Cloudflare configuration, as well as oversee general web security. Responsibilities: Manage and configure Cloudflare settings for optimal performance, security, and speed. Monitor website security, address vulnerabilities, and prevent spam and fraud-related issues. Implement strategies to reduce failed credit card alerts and optimize the sign-up process. Ensure seamless user experience during sign-ups and payments. Provide ongoing recommendations for optimization and web security improvements. Troubleshoot issues related to merchant services and user registration. Requirements: Proven experience with Cloudflare and web security best practices. Ability to address and resolve perform...

    €420 Average bid
    €420 Offerta media
    175 offerte
    Pixel Art Graphic Design for Game
    6 giorni left

    I'm in the process of developing a card game and need a talented graphic designer to create pixel art for various elements. Key Requirements: - Design pixel art--mostly for UI elements, but a handful of character avatars, etc. - Create backgrounds and user interface elements in the same pixel art style to maintain visual consistency. This would include a title screen, pause menu, settings menu, multiplayer menu, scoring screen, chat screen, Steam invite screen. Animations will be needed in a few places. - The designs should be suitable for a game, understanding of game design principles is a plus. - Ability to work within deadlines and take feedback constructively. This is not a rush job, so we can take it slow and develop carefully. I can show a basic prototype of the game ...

    €332 Average bid
    €332 Offerta media
    95 offerte

    I need a straightforward, reliable, and user-friendly work calendar. This calendar should enable staff to input their working shifts, and allow managers to see in real-time who is on duty and who is off. Key Features: - Accessibility on both Web and Mobile platforms - Shift information privacy: ...Web and Mobile platforms - Shift information privacy: only admins can view all schedules - Different user roles: Admin and Employee - Comprehensive admin powers: View and edit all schedules, manage user roles and permissions Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Web and Mobile application development - Experience in creating user-friendly and reliable systems - Understanding of privacy settings in software development - Capability to design systems with multiple user roles and p...

    €163 Average bid
    €163 Offerta media
    200 offerte

    I mistakenly added a new site on my Bluehost account, causing my original Laravel website to go offline. It's currently not loading and I don't have a backup to restore it from. I need an experienced web developer with: - Proficiency in Laravel - Extensive knowledge of Bluehost server settings - Excellent troubleshooting skills The goal is to get my site back online as soon as possible.

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Offerta media
    75 offerte

    ...specifically using Odoo Manage Financial Operations within Odoo: Utilize Odoo's accounting modules (e.g., general ledger, accounts payable/receivable, financial reporting) effectively. Ensure accurate data entry and reconciliation within Odoo. Generate timely and accurate financial reports from Odoo. Troubleshoot and resolve accounting-related issues within Odoo. Configure and optimize Odoo accounting settings to align with our business needs. Implement and Manage Coating Inventory Procedures in Odoo: Provide Financial Analysis and Reporting: Analyze inventory cost variances and identify areas for improvement. Prepare and present financial reports related to inventory performance. Provide financial insights and recommendations to support business decision-making. Be able t...

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr Offerta media
    50 offerte
    BUBBLE Web App
    6 giorni left

    ...and share their favorite dishes and restaurants. Users can create profiles, post food photos, write detailed reviews, and rate dishes. Restaurants can list their menus, showcase signature dishes, and interact with customers. The platform fosters community engagement through likes, comments, and the ability to follow fellow food enthusiasts. Key Features: User Profiles: Personalized profiles with bios, food preferences, and saved favorites. Content Creation: Post reviews, ratings, and dish photos with rich descriptions. Restaurant Listings: Browse nearby eateries, view menus, and explore top-rated dishes. Social Features: Follow users, engage with posts, and receive notifications for interactions. Recommendations: Get personalized dish and restaurant suggestions based on pre...

    €160 Average bid
    €160 Offerta media
    41 offerte

    ...responsive design compatible with desktop and mobile devices. * Design intuitive navigation with clear calls-to-action (e.g., “Search Flights,” “Book Now”). * Add visual elements like flight maps or calendars for date selection. * User Accounts: * Develop a registration/login system for users to manage bookings. * Include a dashboard to view upcoming trips, past bookings, and profile settings. * Backend Requirements: * Set up a database to store user info, booking history, and transaction details. * Ensure secure handling of sensitive data (e.g., GDPR/CCPA compliance). * Build an admin panel for managing flights, pricing, and user support. * Additional Features: * Add email/SMS notifications for booking confirmations and fli...

    €328 Average bid
    €328 Offerta media
    19 offerte
    Laptop Hardware Assistance
    6 giorni left

    I'm experiencing a hardware problem with my laptop, specifically related to the BIOS. I need expert assistance to diagnose and resolve the issue. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in laptop hardware repair - Familiar with BIOS troubleshooting - Prior experience with laptop repair - Excellent problem-solving skills

    €21 / hr Average bid
    €21 / hr Offerta media
    16 offerte

    ...candidate will have experience with Schneider Electric's EcoStruxure Machine Expert software and a strong background in designing control systems that manage airflow, refrigeration equipment, air quality, and ethylene levels. Key Responsibilities: Design, develop, and implement PLC programs using Schneider Electric's EcoStruxure Machine Expert software to control HVAC-R systems in agricultural settings. citeturn0search0 Develop user-friendly applications for monitoring and controlling HVAC-R systems, ensuring seamless integration with mobile and desktop platforms. Implement robust security measures to protect control systems from unauthorized access and cyber threats. Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including mechanical engineers and facility managers, ...

    €685 Average bid
    €685 Offerta media
    7 offerte

    ...done: ✔ Transfer all content 1:1, including text, images, page names, and structure – nothing should be changed ✔ Maintain all existing keywords, page URLs, meta tags, and SEO structure ✔ A new WordPress theme/template can be used (if it improves the design), but the content must remain exactly the same ✔ Ensure a fully responsive design with proper formatting ✔ Optimize and configure WordPress settings to avoid errors ✔ Ensure SEO best practices are maintained (redirects if needed, alt attributes, structured data, etc.) ✔ Set up the new WordPress installation properly on the provided server ? What I will provide: Access to the new server where the website will be transferred All necessary credentials and files ? Requirements: Proven experience with WordPress website mig...

    €142 Average bid
    €142 Offerta media
    200 offerte

    I am launching an AI Championship with a focus on Operations. The goal is to culti...proposed solutions must be feasible for implementation at scale across our operations. In addition, we aim to use AI to automate repetitive tasks in our Customer Service department. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Machine Learning Algorithms: This is the primary technology we anticipate using for our AI solutions. - Operational Strategy: Experience in applying AI in operational settings will be beneficial. - Cost-Effectiveness: Proven track record of delivering budget-friendly AI solutions will be a plus. Your goal is to propose and deliver AI solutions that will drive operational efficiency, reduce costs, save time, and ultimately, foster a culture of AI-led innovation in our org...

    €27 / hr Average bid
    €27 / hr Offerta media
    13 offerte