Data outsourcing agentslavori
I work for a company that operates in sports mental coaching (foot...coaching (football), the new project will involve creating partnerships with various professional categories in Italy, I need about 60k email contacts (you can scrap it from LINKEDIN; I NEED TO KNOW NAME, JOB POSITION AND EMAIL VALID ADRESS) I need a contact list (60k) of some categories of professionals here in ITALY. among these there are: fifa coaches (UEFA A/UEFA B/UEFAC/UEFA PRO), FOOTBALL AGENTS football observers match analyst technical staff sports director sports doctor football physiotherapist/physiatrist football sector nutritionist male/female football players/goalkeepers all of this in Italy and closely linked to the world of football (sector in which we work), we need email addresses, can you make us...
Stiamo valutando di fare un sito web di un nostro cliente in outsourcing. Il sito dovra essere costruito con le seguenti tecnologie: Html5, CSS3, Font Awesome, bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX (forse, devo ancora decidere se utilizzare AJAX), Responsive, PHP, Mysql, Laravel. Il sito web dovrà chiamare le API di in PHP per poi creare delle liste filtrate (classifica), dove in alto vi saranno le partite delle squadre di calcio con il “coefficiente di rendimento”* pìù alto. *Nota: il coefficiente di rendimento è una formula, da noi fornita, che tiene conto delle partite disputate, dei punti delle squadre, ecc. Il sito dovrà avere registrazione/login, inizialmente solo per admin. L’admin dovrà avere la possibilità...
Buongiorno, abbiamo necessità di sviluppare una landing page per un webcomponent che abbiamo sviluppato, per mancanza di tempo lo sviluppo della landing la dobbiamo dare in outsourcing. Mi domandavo se sarebbe disponibile a seguire il progetto
Cerchiamo freelance Esperto in Copywriting persuasivo per collaborazione continuativa. CHI SIAMO? Un gruppo di liberi professionisti del Digital Marketing che lavorano con passione e metodo per piccole e medie imprese Italiane. Per i nostri clienti siamo come un vero e proprio reparto di Marketing in Outsourcing, per questo siamo sempre alla ricerca di nuove persone con cui collaborare. PROFILO IDEALE: Sei a tuo agio con la scrittura strategica di Landing Page, Mail Automatiche, Newsletter, Ads? Sai scrivere testi persuasivi ma anche con un occhio attento al brand e alla creatività? Hai flessibilità di orari e preferisci lavorare da remoto? Se la risposta è sì, sei la persona che stiamo cercando. SOLO MADRELINGUA ITALIANI SE HAI PORTFOLIO O SITO LAVORI...
Ag web con portafoglio big brand > seleziona Junior Outsourcing web agency con diverse competenze a disposizione per collaborare ad un progetto di Startup nazionale per conto del CONI con oltre 15.000 attività in portafoglio. COSA STIAMO CERCANDO giovani programmatori e/o laureandi E AVENTI MENTE Conoscere il web con spiccate competenze nella risoluzione di problemi, project manager e principali linguaggi di programmazione. lo stesso potrà poi essere assunto come personale grazie al progetto autofinanziato. anche da remoto. Il progetto sarà finanziato in circa 50 giorni. durante l'attesa si può percepire una royalty grazie ad una campagna nazionale. è richiesta disponibilità per completare/riorganizzare il progetto già in ...
Siamo alla ricerca di un’agenzia in grado di gestire in outsourcing il marketing del nostro progetto in ambito sostenibilità sul mercato italiano. The Greenest ( ) è un portale dedicato alla piantumazione di alberi e si rivolge sia alle aziende che ai privati. Sia i privati che le aziende possono decidere se acquistare gli alberi per sé stessi o regalarli attraverso un sistema di riscatto. Per ogni nuovo ogni cliente viene automaticamente creata una foresta condivisibile sui social e una dashboard in cui vengono riportate news sulle attività di The Greenest, il numero di alberi piantumati, l’impatto positivo prodotto in termini di riduzione del CO2, dopo di cui vengono avviate le attività di stimolo verso l’upselling. ...
...internal employee but also for "field" people (dealers, agents, resellers...) something flexible and easy to use (=for those who are mobile easy to use). We do not have a preference for CRM over others, knowing that at the base must be a flexible software with outlook integration (both Windows and Mac) and easy to evolve/integrate it. Below is an overview of ourselves and what we need. 1) first of all we need to describe what we do: we sell IT solutions (labels to show prices) for grocery shops, pharmacies, consumer electronics and DIY (so our customers are B2B and not B2C shops). 2) to know where to sell we have 2 possibilities: a) preload a list of all target shops (e.g. from excel) b) add target shops c).... we may be able to ask some agents to "qual...
I am looking for someone who gives me a quote for a website, concerning dental outsourcing. I have a site as a reference point to copy as a structure (with different content that I provide) I provide the url privately and it must be absolutely the same. Being particular, I ask for a cost estimate and professionalism. Sto cercando qualcuno che mi dia un preventivo per un sito web, riguardante l'outsourcing dentale. Ho un sito come punto di riferimento da copiare come struttura (con contenuti diversi che fornisco) fornisco l'url in privato e deve essere assolutamente lo stesso. Essendo particolare chiedo un preventivo e professionalità.
Le nostre aziende, una storica B2B ed una nata poco fa, B2C, hanno la necessità di gestire completamente in outsourcing i loro siti internet ( istituzionale il primo, e-commerce il secondo). Si tratta di inserire notizie, immagini, correlarsi coi social, promuovere campagne, ecc... Proponiamo dunque un lavoro continuativo, che vorrei quantificare in fatture mensili dopo che avremo insieme stimato l'impegno e condiviso in linea di massima le ore necessarie a portarlo a termine. Preferenziale sarà la residenza in area Piemonte- Lombardia, dove sono ubicate le aziende.
vorrei far sviluppare un software gestionale in outsourcing in versione nativa DESKTOP CLIENT SERVER con accessi concorrenti (no cloud o via browser) che deve trasmettere i dati ad un portale esterno tramite messaggi xml firmati con firma digitale (automatizzata senza intervento dell’utente) via webservices (xml, soap,rest, firma digitale , etc) Cerco partner di comprovata esperienza che abbiano già esperienza di sviluppo in proprio di software gestionali (esempio, gestione magazzino , trasporti, etc testimoniabili mediante la visione di demo ) e che abbiano sviluppato applicazioni che incorporano client "webservices/xml/firma digitale" Sono indispensabili esperienze pregresse/referenze con l'uso delle tecnologie richieste. NON sono interessato a svilupp... e applicazione mobile. In particolare ci occupiamo di: SOFWARE APP MOBILE - MARKETING - OUTSOURCING - CONSULENZA E ANALISI - E-COMMERCE - SYSTEM INTEGRATION. Le nostre attività sono rivolte a tutte quelle aziende che hanno bisogno di digitalizzare le proprie attività o di migliorare le performance delle proprie strutture dati. Ci occupiamo anche di creazione di banche dati profilate per azionare determinate operazioni pubblicitarie e/o di marketing, oppure per delle semplici analisi di mercato in determinati settori. Il nostro nome è "metidata" METI proviene dalla mitologia greca (Oceanina) e vuole rappresentare la prudenza ma anche la perfidia. DATA sta per appunto dati informatici. Il carattere istituzionale da noi scelto è...
Siamo alla ricerca di un copywriter/ghost writer per nostra azienda cliente che si occupa di soluzioni aziendali di gestione sistemistica delle infrastrutture applicative in modalità remote administration e outsourcing. Le tematiche trattate saranno SAP HANA ed Enterprise Mobile Management. Il costo per ogni articolo prodotto di 800/1000 parole è €75. A seguito della realizzazione con successo di questo primo articolo, si cerca qualcuno disposto ad avviare una collaborazione per un progetto a lungo termine. Gli articoli previsti sono 12 ogni 3 mesi + 2 whitepaper per ciascun trimestre (costo per whitepaper €140/2000parole).
Un nostro cliente vuole realizzare parti di una sua applicazione WPF in outsourcing. Stiamo cercando dei collaboratori esterni a partire dalla prossima settimana. Il progetto è iniziato e abbiamo specifiche più dettagliate. Sono richieste: - partita iva italiana o europea per emettere fatture; - al momento impegno part time 20 ore settimana; - conoscenza ottima lingua italiana e inglese scritta per i commenti nel codice; - conoscenza base di SCRUM con disponilbiltà per riunioni in videoconferenza; - conoscenza C#, Entity Framework, WPF, e DevExpress (base)
Un nostro cliente vuole realizzare parti di una sua applicazione WPF in outsourcing. Stiamo cercando dei collaboratori esterni a partire dalla prossima settimana. Mi può dire: 1) disponibilità oraria settimanale 2) esperienza con dotnet (vista dal profilo) ma in particolare WPF? Grazie, Mario Giammarco
Startup innovativa costituita nel 2017 cerca sviluppatore che conosca .NET Core per terminare lo sviluppo di una web application già realizzata (in outsourcing ad una software house) e funzionante. Il budget inserito è solo a scopo di indicare l'entità del progetto, il candidato ideale entrerà a far parte della startup come cofondatore. La descrizione del progetto verrà fatta solo ai candidati idonei.
Ciao! siamo alla ricerca di un responsabile commerciale per il mercato italiano per la nostra agenzia! Il nostro punto di forza è la capacità di offire praticamente ogni servizio di design (branding, UX/UI) e sviluppo (web, mobile, gaming e hardware). Abbiamo un portfolio molto importante (500 progetti) con clienti, sia italiani (Es. Tim, Peroni, Rayban, Saclà, ecc) che internazionali. Oltre a lavorare con brand e agenzie, lavoriamo spesso con startup sia americane che europee. Cerchiamo una persona giovane, appassionata di marketing e tecnologia, che possiede ottime capacità relazionali. Il compenso sarà a provvigione + bonus, ma siamo aperti a discutere anche altre forme di collaborazione in futuro. --- For Italians only!!
Per realizzazione di progetti in outsourcing ricerchiamo un programmatore PHP con ottime capacità di scrittura del codice. Il candidato selezionato fornirà consulenza per la realizzazione di siti web. Profilo Cercato: I requisiti desiderabili sono: • Forte passione per la programmazione • Ottima conoscenza di PHP e MySQL • Ottima conoscenza di Javascript e social plugin • Conoscenza dei sistemi Linux • Familiarità con testing e design pattern • Conoscenza dei framework maggiormente utilizzati: Laravel, codeigniter … P.S. valutiamo solo freelance su Roma (ottimale Roma Sud)
Per realizzazione di progetti in outsourcing ricerchiamo un programmatore PHP con ottime capacità di scrittura del codice. Il candidato selezionato fornirà consulenza per la realizzazione di siti web. Profilo Cercato: I requisiti desiderabili sono: • Forte passione per la programmazione • Ottima conoscenza di PHP e MySQL • Ottima conoscenza di Javascript e social plugin • Conoscenza dei sistemi Linux • Familiarità con testing e design pattern • Conoscenza dei framework maggiormente utilizzati: Laravel, codeigniter … P.S. valutiamo solo freelance su Roma (ottimale Roma Sud)
... • Forte interesse nel mondo del web e dei servizi digitali • Eccellente connessione a internet • Esperienza pregressa nel settore è preferibile ma non obbligatoria Avrai l'opportunità di crescere all'interno di una start-up dinamica in piena crescita economica. -- Neuvoo, a fast-growing job aggregator active in more than 45 countries is hiring a marketing agent. Marketing agents are responsible for generating inbound links. This candidate will be responsible specifically for calling universities, government organizations, or other educational/job related institutions across Italy. A strong candidate will have excellent communication skills, an excellent work ethic, and a desire to be a part of a fast-paced company in th...
...organizzative • Forte interesse nel mondo del web e dei servizi digitali • Eccellente connessione a internet • Esperienza pregressa nel settore è preferibile ma non obbligatoria Avrai l'opportunità di crescere all'interno di una start-up dinamica in piena crescita economica. -- Neuvoo, a fast-growing job aggregator active in more than 45 countries is hiring a marketing agent. Marketing agents are responsible for generating inbound links. This candidate will be responsible specifically for calling universities, government organizations, or other educational/job related institutions across Italy. A strong candidate will have excellent communication skills, an excellent work ethic, and a desire to be a part of a fast-paced company ...
Cerchiamo ambosessi esperti SEO/SEM & social media marketing disposti a valutare un assunzione o contratto annuale rinnovabile, ma soprattutto ad operare direttamente nella nostra sede di Prato, no outsourcing. Il candidato ideale è attivo, dinamico, interessato alla crescita personale e predisposto a lavorare in team, inoltre dovrà aver già conseguito almeno un paio di esperienze considerevoli in qualità di SEO , di Copywriting e di Social Media Advertising.
We are looking for italian speaking telemarketing agents for a fast growing company, that provides a brand new WiFi solution to small business (mainly within the restaurant and hotel business). To penetrate the italian market we need to sales agents with solid telemarketing skills. We have a telemarketing-tool/dialer system and everything else needed to start up - all we need is agents. Check out our company on We are looking for a minimum working hours of 25, but more hours than that could easily be arranged. From Monday to Friday, 25 hours x 6 Euro = 150 Euro per week The hourly rate will change on the sales performance (up to 12 euro per hour). Please send us your cv with your skype id. In Italiano: Siamo alla ricerca di agenti telemarketi...
Collaboratore a cui dare in outsourcing alcuni siti web basici
Collaboratore a cui dare in outsourcing alcuni siti web basici
Urgenza massima causa app non funzionante in uscita sul mercato necessitiamo di programmatore esperto android e/o ios per 15 gg. in outsourcing.
Sto valutando se far realizzare in outsourcing un sito/negozio di stampa digitale con le funzionalità di questo sito: Mi piacerebbe visto che già lo uso, poter utilizzare prestashop partendo da un tema che verrebbe scelto con il cliente. Alla personalizzazione grafica penserei io, il problema è capire se con prestashop si possano avere combinazioni e varianti di prodotto anche di tipo "aperto" come questo in cui l'utente inserisce arbitrariamente dei valori. Altra questione riguarda l'invio del materiale da parte del cliente, via ftp o /o qualunque protocollo valido. Valuto anche strade alternative come Wordpress, o anche altri framework, purchè aperti, sviluppati in php e
I'm looking for a seasoned AI specialist to enhance the content management of my 30 multimedia-focused websites. The primary goal is to implement AI that can curate and organize content, improving the overall user experience and site efficiency. Key Responsibilities: - Integrate AI agents across all websites - Enable AI interaction through videos, content, and analytics - Optimize sites for search engines using AI Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience with AI integration in websites - Expertise in content curation and organization - Familiarity with AI for SEO and analytics - Strong background in working with multimedia content - Excellent understanding of improving content management through AI
Project Brief: Content Marketing Manager Needed for Comprehensive Overhaul We’re seeking a skilled Content Marketing Manager to revamp and optimize our messaging across all platforms. As an offshore outsourcing company providing remote staffing solutions, we need polished and professional content that aligns with our brand, engages our audience, and communicates the value of our services. Scope of Work: Website Content: Audit and rewrite key pages (Home, About, Services) for clarity, tone, and SEO optimization. Sales Decks & Presentations: Refine and enhance service presentations and sales decks to effectively communicate our offerings. Social Media Messaging: Develop consistent, engaging captions, taglines, and post content tailored for LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagra...
Project: Real Estate Sales & Marketing Landing Page Goal: To create a high-converting landing page that captures leads for real estate sales and marketing initiatives. Target Audience: [Specify target audience, e.g., potential homebuyers, investors, real estate agents] Key Features: Compelling headline and subheadline: Clearly communicate the value proposition and entice visitors. High-quality visuals: Include professional photos/videos of properties, lifestyle imagery, and graphics. Clear call-to-action (CTA): Encourage visitors to take the desired action (e.g., "Schedule a Viewing," "Download Brochure," "Contact Us"). Lead capture form: Collect essential information (name, email, phone number, etc.) for future marketing efforts. Social proof: Inc...
Project Title: New Website for IO Company Name: IO Industry: Accounting and HR References: and (for homepage survey) IO offers a wide range of services, including audit and assurance, consulting, financial advisory, legal, outsourcing, tax, and private client services. We are looking to create a modern, professional, and user-friendly website that showcases our expertise, drives lead generation through a targeted survey, and serves as a primary online channel for prospective and current clients. 2. Project Goals & Objectives 2.1 Establish a Professional Online Presence - Reflect IO’s credibility and expertise in accounting, HR, and related services. - Create a user-friendly experience that instils trust and confidence. 2.2 Generate Leads
I’m looking for a professional and eye-catching flyer design to promote my company offering aerial drone photography services. The service is primarily targeted at: 1. Real estate agents who want to showcase the properties they sell or rent with stunning aerial imagery. 2. Homeowners looking to sell or rent their properties and present them from a unique and captivating perspective. The flyer should convey professionalism, quality, and creativity, highlighting the benefits of aerial photography, such as: • Showcasing the entire property, including land and surroundings. • Highlighting details that are hard to capture from the ground. • Standing out in a competitive market with impactful visual content. Colors: I prefer a clean and modern design in black, ...
Hello, I wanted to create a Sales presentation (PPT) with 12-13 slides for outsourcing accounting services. I have the website and must use it to make the Sales Presentation and 4 email templates. Final Deliverables: ================ Sales Presentation (PPT ) 2 Cold email templates 1 first follow-up email template 1-second follow-up email template I have a tight deadline for this and a tight budget too. Website: DEADLINE: TOMORROW I welcome your bids.
I'm seeking a skilled fullstack developer to help me create an MVP web-based poker game. The game is designed specifically for AI agents, and your tasks will include developing both the game interface and an API that allows AI agents to connect and interact with the game environment. Key Requirements: - Expertise in game development - Proficiency in backend API creation - Solid understanding of AI integration - Experience with 3D graphics The game will be 3D and I have already prepared poker game and gonna integrate ElizaOS AI into current game. If you have experience in ElizaOS, please submit proposal with estimated cost and timeline.
I'm in need of email addresses and office addresses for all estate agents in London, UK. Within London, there are many different areas, towns, and postcodes and so you will need to take this into account when sourcing the data - we can provide a list of areas/postcodes etc. If you only search for 'London Estate Agents' this may not provide the complete list. Key Requirements: - Location: London - Type of Professionals: Estate Agents Specific Contact Details Needed: - Email Addresses - Office Addresses - phone number (although not essential)
I'm a DJ in need of a comprehensive press kit and media kit. This project involves: - Creating a presskit that includes my bio, photos, and social media links. - Crafting a media kit primarily aimed at securing bookings. The media kit should be meticulously designed to impress potential venues and booking agents. The final deliverable should be a well formatted PDF, ready for distribution. Ideal candidates should have a background in PR or experience working with musicians/DJs. Strong graphic design skills are a must, as is the ability to write compelling copy.
...condense extensive documents and websites. **Requirements:** - **Summarization:** Skillfully distill essential information from web pages and documents. - **Data Extraction:** Emphasis on identifying and extracting key phrases and statistical data. - **Multilingual Capability:** Ability to summarize documents across multiple languages. - **Customization:** Flexibility to adjust summarization parameters based on user needs. - **Real-Time Functionality:** Capability to provide instant summaries for dynamic web content. **Preferred Qualifications:** - Demonstrated expertise with RAG and AI-based summarization methods. - Strong proficiency in data analysis and extraction techniques. - Keen ability to comprehend and succinctly summarize content. - Focus on delivering h...
**Title:** Seeking Expert for End-to-End Crowdfunding Campaign **Description:** We are looking for a skilled freelancer, agent, or company with proven experience in crowdfunding campaigns to h...system. - Product developed with initial pricing. - Website live with a few initial sales. - Basic product photos. - Customer review videos and application videos. ### What we need: - A timeline and project proposal. - A clear outline of what support you’ll need from us. - Budget estimation and cost breakdown. - Assistance in defining the campaign budget. We are open to outsourcing this project entirely. If you have the expertise to help us achieve our crowdfunding goals, we’d love to hear from you. Apply now and let’s discuss how we can bring ...
...developer who can turn a Figma design into a production-ready HTML page using Tailwind. This page is similar to a "linktree" page, and is meant for mobile-friendly use by real estate agents. Key Tasks: - Implement the frontend HTML production based on the Figma file - There are two variations on the main template, so two pages - Ensure the designs are responsive for mobile while still looking appropriate on tablet/desktop screens - Work within an existing Laravel 11 codebase - Use Laravel's Blade template to add proper variables and conditionals to show and hide parts of the template with real data (real data is already hooked up) - Adhere to SEO and Accessibility best practices Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in HTML and Tailwind - Experience with La...
I'm looking for a skilled mobile app developer to create a client management-focused mobile app for real estate. The app should assist both real estate agents and clients (buyers/sellers) and include several key features. Initially we need an app to manage customer communications, invoices, complains, invoices in rental space Key Features: - Comprehensive Contact Information Storage: The app should have the ability to securely store and easily access client contact information. - Transaction History Tracking: The app needs to track all transaction histories for clients, providing a clear overview of their interactions and dealings. - Communication Log: A feature to log all communications with clients, allowing for better relationship management and service. Ideal Skills and ...
I have a small business focused on creating resources for residential real estate agents who represent buyers. I am looking for a versatile and proactive Virtual Assistant to support various aspects of my operations, particularly around course hosting software, webinars, marketing, and content creation. Key Responsibilities: Course Hosting & Marketing: -Navigate Kajabi for marketing and course management. -Manage and promote courses across social media platforms and email marketing campaigns. -Edit video content for upload to Kajabi (experience with CapCut or other video editing software preferred). -Provide technical support during webinars (troubleshooting, managing presentation tools, etc.). -Create slides and presentation materials for webinars. -Follow up with webinar att...
...artificial intelligence to generate text-based, image-based, and video-based social media posts and accompanying AI-generated images. The ability to understand and create how to build AI Agents is critical. Key Requirements: - Creation of engaging, professional-grade, social media posts. - Usage of AI to generate relevant and high-quality images to accompany the posts. -Automate the process using AI Agents networked together allowing each agent to run simple and individual tasks. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in AI tools for content generation and understanding of how to built AI Agents - Strong understanding of professional tone suitable for corporate social media. - Experience in social media content creation and management. Please provide ex...
Hello, we run a Swedish outsourcing company called “Fonir Consulting Handelsbolag”. We are two people who own and manage the company. Our company offers various IT solutions, which can include everything from web development, AI implementation, graphic design, and production of materials for campaigns/advertisement videos, among others. Our company will act as an intermediary, meaning that we contact potential customers where we see development potential within the digital aspect of their business, or they reach out to us. Upon a successful deal, we hire freelancers who create the "product" that we have sold. The freelancer(s) receive specific instructions and requirements on what needs to be done and what the work should contain. They then deliver the finished...
I'm looking for an experienced MLOps professional to assist with a case study on AWS. The primary focus of this project is on the Intelligent Deployment Pipeline, specifically developing a deployment manager AI agent. This agent will determine the optimal time and environment for deploying models. Key Elements of the Project: - Implement the deployment manager...developing a deployment manager AI agent. This agent will determine the optimal time and environment for deploying models. Key Elements of the Project: - Implement the deployment manager agent in a local test environment. - Use Kubernetes for this project, integrating it with the deployment manager agent. - Develop a deployment pipeline. Ideal Skills and Experience: MLOps and working with AI agents. Kubernetes and C...
Hello, we run a Swedish outsourcing company called “Fonir Consulting Handelsbolag”. We are two people who own and manage the company. Our company offers various IT solutions, which can include everything from web development, AI implementation, graphic design, and production of materials for campaigns/advertisement videos, among others. Our company will act as an intermediary, meaning that we contact potential customers where we see development potential within the digital aspect of their business, or they reach out to us. Upon a successful deal, we hire freelancers who create the "product" that we have sold. The freelancer(s) receive specific instructions and requirements on what needs to be done and what the work should contain. They then deliver the finishe...
We have Booqable account where we rent our equipment we already have website templete it is just need a custmization design . Summery PatronHire . Wordpress Expert . Graphcis Service . Pictures of Product to upload. data update like specification. . Pricing Factor . Contact Update. . Website Information to Optimize on Mobile and on Desktop . . Live Chat Option . . Live Ai Integration for auto Response. .SEO and Search Engine Optomization keyword on the website . Wats app Integration . Basic Content Writing . Update some of the Script on our other website such as Shopify etc other few website where we will make our account and Rent Our Equipment. . Integrate with our partners So they receive direct request by adding our comission . . Upload Product Detail and Video Ima...
I'm looking for ...a virtual agent, connecting with our backend data to provide insights on operational data when prompted. Key Requirements: - The virtual agent should primarily focus on operational data, providing insights to enhance efficiency and decision-making. - It should be capable of answering queries related to operational data. - It should also predict trends based on the operational data, helping us to stay ahead of potential issues or opportunities. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing AI applications, particularly virtual agents. - Strong understanding of data analysis and insights generation. - Experience with process automation and customer service automation would be a plus. - Previous work ...
I'm looking to enhance a real estate website I'm trying to purchase. The website lacks adequate Agent/Owner management features, and I need a freelancer to implement the following functionalities: - Profile creation and management for agents and owners - Property assignment and tracking - A communication interface with tenants Additionally, I need different levels of permissions or access for the agents and owners. The ideal freelancer for this project should have experience with Laravel and real estate portals, and be able to implement a robust access control system.
I'm looking for a talented freelancer to help develop and integrate an AI voice agent for customer service. This agent will need to handle inbound calls, make outbound calls, and provide inform...calls, make outbound calls, and provide information and answer FAQs. Key Responsibilities: - Development and integration of AI voice agent with Russian native systems - Building infrastructure from scratch, in collaboration with my team - Prioritizing integration with Sipnet, with potential for other VoIP tools Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience with AI development, particularly voice agents - Familiarity with customer service automation - Proficiency with VoIP tools, especially Sipnet and Cardtel - Russian language skills will be highly preferred - Able to build infrastructu...
I am in need of a comprehensive database containing contact information of certain professionals located in the Greater Toronto Area of Ontario. The professionals I am interested in are: - Real estate agents - Financial advisors - Lawyers - Accountants The specific information I need for each contact includes: - Their name - Company name - Email address - Telephone number Ideal candidates for this project would be those who have experience in data collection and are able to provide accurate and up-to-date information. Familiarity with the Greater Toronto Area and its professional landscape would be a significant advantage.
...This project requires a strong focus on aesthetics and functionality, ensuring the page effectively showcases our services across six key categories: 1. **Finance and Accounting Outsourcing** - Services include bookkeeping, payroll, and more. 2. **HR and Payroll Outsourcing** - Offering HR consultancy, support for startups, and professional employer services. 3. **Legal Compliance** - Includes corporate compliance, employment law services, and more. 4. **Business Automation** - Focused on funding strategies, process automation, and business management systems. 5. **Secretarial Services Outsourcing** - Services such as administrative support, documentation, and typing. 6. **Start-up Funding and Pitch Deck Presentation** - Support f...