Current sense pic microcontrollerlavori


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    2,000 current sense pic microcontroller lavori trovati

    ...defined with the development team Project Objective Our company manages a CRM SaaS for a training institution. We already have a native mobile app (iOS in Swift, Android in Kotlin), but we need a major enhancement to improve UX/UI, optimize performance, and implement new features such as task management, real-time chat, and document sharing. We are looking for an experienced team to analyze our current codebase, refactor where needed, and implement these new features with high scalability and performance. Scope of Work 1. Codebase Audit & Optimization ✅ Analyze the existing Swift (iOS) and Kotlin (Android) code. ✅ Refactor inefficient code to improve maintainability. ✅ Optimize app performance and reduce loading times. ✅ Ensure full compatibility with the latest OS vers...

    €2488 Average bid
    €2488 Offerta media
    37 offerte
    Terminato left

    Abbiamo bisogno di esperti sulla piattaforma opn sense per assistenza presso i nostri clienti , il numero sta aumentando e non riusciamo a far fronte a tutte le richieste , per cui ci serve gente che conosca opn sense per assitenza di primo livello , creazione e configurazione vpn , apertura porte , creazioni regole , eventuali estrazioni report e log per adesso cerchiamo gente che lavori a progetto o a chiamata possibilità di stabilire un monte ore annuo previo periodo di rodaggio

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Offerta media
    8 offerte

    ...and type. 3. Cost Management and Profitability Simulation: Allow users to input a hypothesized project sales price and calculate: - Consultant costs (both fixed and variable) - Total project costs - Project profitability (contribution margin) Include summaries of the total revenues, costs, and estimated profitability in a clear, easy-to-read format. Client-Specific Requirements: Current Challenges: The current manual approach, mostly based on Excel, is time-consuming and lacks structure. The new app should automate many of these manual tasks, such as calculating costs and assigning consultants, to save time and ensure greater accuracy in the estimation process. The company needs help in defining the most appropriate consultant profiles for each project. The app should...

    €181 Average bid
    €181 Offerta media
    6 offerte

    Hi, I need to link various data between sections in my current Perfex CRM installation. I'll provide you a staging version of the CRM where you can try the customization and then replicate it into the main version. I've attached an explanatory excel where you can see what data is to be shown in other sections of the CRM. (CRM ) Below you can see what data need to be sync in the Perfex CRM. 1. When creating a Lead-related Task, copy the data [Address] [City] [Description] 2. When creating a Proposal related to the Lead, copy the data [Network] In CRM I created a custom Network field (multiselect) for Leads and Customers and the same field within Proposals as well. When creating a proposal associated with a lead or customer the Network data should appear automatically ...

    €247 Average bid
    €247 Offerta media
    9 offerte

    ...create it. The main feature is that it needs to be optimized for mobile since it will be promoted on social networks. In the first section (everything the customer sees without scrolling), I need to: Insert the 2 offers with a cart (e.g., Buy 1 Get 1 Free). Place a large product image in the center. Highlight the "cash on delivery" payment method. Emphasize free shipping. Include reviews. Create a sense of urgency. Implement floating cart buttons. (All sections start with an image) 2): Bullet points In-depth information about the product's features What the customer receives at home Technical specifications Offer summary (JPEG with the offer) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Reviews Footer with GDPR Between each section, we will reintroduce: Urgency, of...

    €186 Average bid
    €186 Offerta media
    49 offerte post-production for video games, anime e music. The HQ is in Italy, but we work with international clients only (TV/web broadcaster and software houses). The team is young, but in these 5 years managed to bring home some very important titles, the mood is fresh and catchy, but it has to deliver solidity, high quality and great experience, especially with the non-Italian customers. The current logo is a comic balloon (voiceover) TV screen shaped with a video game controller inside. From the old logo we'd like to keep the Molok studios name under the logo and the controller icon. We prefer to keep the same font, but we're open to interesting suggestions. As an additional hint, the controller could be modified or zoomed in, but also some new elements could b...

    €143 Average bid
    Garantito Sigillata Concorso top
    240 proposte
    CSS for CRM
    Terminato left

    I'm currently working on building a client management system (CRM) that will replace my old system on FileMaker. I need the help of a freelancer to create a lean and clean graphic for the new system, improving on the current CSS. My old system on FileMaker had very well laid out and sharp graphics, and I wish my new system had a similar look. I've already drawn up some detailed guidelines that describe exactly how I want the graphics to be structured and organized. Your task will be to adjust the CSS in order to create the desired graphic. The work required includes the creation of clean, easy-to-use graphics that are intuitive and appealing to the user. In particular, you will be responsible for maintaining tables for customer data and ensuring graphics are consistent t...

    €283 Average bid
    €283 Offerta media
    14 offerte

    ...VPN L2TP and AD DNS configured 2 Mikrotik SXT LTE6 With Firmware 7.1.2 VPN L2TP IPSec configured Currently I can access from windows server to the 2 mikrotik via their address assigned by the vpn. I need to access from windows server to the devices in the mikrotik 1,mikrotik 2 network and access from the mikrotik 1 network to the mikrotik 2 network and vice versa. Attached is a diagram of the current network with the relevant addresses. Ho un server vps con windows server 2016con VPN L2TP e AD DNS configurato 2 Mikrotik SXT LTE6 Con Firmware 7.1.2 VPN L2TP IPSec configurato Attualmente riesco ad accedere da windows server alle 2 mikrotik tramite il loro indirizzo assegnato dalla vpn. Ho la necessita di accedere da windows server ali dispositivi della rete mikrotik 1,mikrotik 2...

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    Buongiorno, sono un libero professionista e sto cercando un aiuto per creare una dashboard con Qlik Sense, i dati sono presenti su un db esterno che deve essere collegato con delle API rest gia' in mio possesso.

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr Offerta media
    6 offerte

    Ciao Michele, per questioni di velocità avvio app (no piu' boot time) dovrei passare dalla piattaforma raspberry pi ad un microcontroller piu' veloce nelle fasi di avvio App. Dovrei far eseguire il miei script già in Python 3.7 in micropython . In Python 3.7 uso la semplice e ottima libreria minimalmodbus (semplice lettura e scrittura di registri). Se possibile vorrei eseguirlo in micropython su ESP32. Se ci sei ci possiamo sentire su skype, ti spiego meglio. grazie intanto. R

    €239 Average bid
    €239 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    english:Hi,i need someone that can make to me a scraper for about 10 sites that send a notification (like the attached pic) when an item is must be very fast,that check for the item's availability each second and that send instantly the notification,24 h/24,need also if possible a Add to cart could be required for this job. Italian:L'obiettivo è creare script che possa controllare lo stato del prodotto sul sito web( sono circa una decina di siti) e inviare notifiche live su script deve essere eseguito 24 ore su 24, 7 / 7 senza errori e deve essere in grado di controllare l'URL e la parola chiave in tempo reale inviando una notifica in caso di rifornimento sul prodotto esaurito o nuovo aggiungere quel metch con la parola chiave. potrebbe essere necessario

    €149 Average bid
    €149 Offerta media
    5 offerte
    Sviluppatore shopify
    Terminato left

    Siamo un marketplace di lusso dedicato all'export. Stiamo da qualche mese su Shopify con contratto Advanced al momento con circa 2500 referenze. Abbiamo bisogno di uno sviluppatore che conosca Liquid di Shopify ed eventualmente anche Java script per; - pulire codice al fine di migliorare la performance del sito (velocita' navigazione) impattata negativamente dall'uso di diverse ...about 2500 references. We need a developer who knows Shopify's Liquid and possibly also Java script for; - clean code in order to improve the performance of the site (navigation speed) negatively impacted by the use of different apps from the store; - support us in the code development for our site for customization, problem resolution, integration with other external applications, optimizat...

    €1113 Average bid
    €1113 Offerta media
    13 offerte


    €156 Average bid
    €156 Offerta media
    3 offerte

    Per un importante progetto che stiamo seguendo nella regione Marche stiamo ricercando: Consulenti Sviluppatori Qlik Sense Caratteristiche: -esperienza di almeno 2 anni nella progettazione, analisi, sviluppo, test e gestione di applicazioni Qlik Sense - capacità di comprendere e modellare i processi di business e trasformarli in applicazioni che forniscano informazioni chiare ed efficaci. E' richiesta un' ottima conoscenza della lingua italiana e disponibilità a trasferte su tutto il territorio. Disponibilità 5 giorni su 5 di cui 3 su 5 on site. Durata progetto: 6 mesi con possibilità di proroghe. Per maggiori informazioni potete scrivere a: [Removed by Admin] I candidati ambosessi (D.lgs. n. 198/2006) sono invitati a le...

    €23 / hr Average bid
    €23 / hr Offerta media
    3 offerte

    Per un importante progetto che stiamo seguendo nella regione Marche stiamo ricercando: Consulenti Sviluppatori Qlik Sense Caratteristiche: -esperienza di almeno 2 anni nella progettazione, analisi, sviluppo, test e gestione di applicazioni Qlik Sense - capacità di comprendere e modellare i processi di business e trasformarli in applicazioni che forniscano informazioni chiare ed efficaci. Durata progetto: 6 mesi con possibilità di proroghe. Per maggiori informazioni potete scrivere a: I candidati ambosessi (D.lgs. n. 198/2006) sono invitati a leggere sul sito l'informativa privacy (Regolamento UE 679/2016)

    €462 Average bid
    €462 Offerta media
    8 offerte

    Design in an optimized way a structure to be mounted on a road transport trolley (already available), capable of transporting at least 6 lasers (sailboats) with the respective equipment (shafts, boom, rudder bags and dinghies, sails, hauling carts) . The structure must also provide for the accommodation of bikes and must be able to alternatively carry a minimum of 6 optimists. T...rudder bags and dinghies, sails, hauling carts) . The structure must also provide for the accommodation of bikes and must be able to alternatively carry a minimum of 6 optimists. The goal is to optimize existing structures by managing spaces well, making loading and unloading operations quick and easy and creating the right accommodation for each part to be transported. Attached two images of the current s...

    €241 Average bid
    €241 Offerta media
    4 offerte
    Terminato left


    €246 Average bid
    €246 Offerta media
    6 offerte

    ...bozza. Cerco un ghost writer per un progetto temporaneo ed eventuali collaborazioni future. Il progetto prevede la riscrittura di dialoghi e la correzione della bozza di un mini romanzo di lunghezza media (18000 parole, circa 60 cartelle). Al fine di poter valutare il vostro stile di scrittura vi chiedo di scrivere una piccola descrizione del personaggio in foto ed un breve dialogo, una telefonata dall’India tramite la quale egli comunica alla sua compagna che ha deciso di restare lì. Malgrado l’amore per lei, il suo breve viaggio d’affari si è trasformato in qualcosa di molto più importante, l’India gli ha donato una vocazione e adesso non può fare a meno di seguire la sua voce interiore, anche se ciò

    €181 Average bid
    €181 Offerta media
    10 offerte

    Siamo titolari di un CRM realizzato da personale interno aziendale, lo utilizziamo per la gestione delle relazioni lavorative intese in senso di incarichi assegnati ai collaboratori aziendali, ticket interni, distribuzione delle infor...relazioni lavorative intese in senso di incarichi assegnati ai collaboratori aziendali, ticket interni, distribuzione delle informazioni su gruppi di collaboratori, gestione degli accessi, ecc ecc come nel PDF in allegato ________________________________________________________________________________ We are holders of a CRM made by internal company staff, we use it to manage work relations in the sense of tasks assigned to company employees, internal tickets, distribution of information on groups of employees, access management, etc. etc. as in PD...

    €2012 Average bid
    €2012 Offerta media
    24 offerte
    Trophy icon Realizzare logo per centro estetico
    Terminato left

    I could use a logo for a new beauty salon an spa that will open in 2019. You will have to call: MEG'S ESTETICA We are open to any idea whether minimal, retro, current or colorful. You can insert leaves, nature, skin but also hearts:-) I trust in your ingenio to find something unique Devo creare un logo per un nuovo centro estetico che aprira tra poco e si chiamerå: MEG'S ESTETICA Consulente di bellezza

    €56 Average bid
    42 proposte

    The activities / checks that I s...conceived in this way. I will then enter for each new Post a different photo from the one used in the original post and a title / description created by me, I think this can put me in peace, correct? But I would like to enable the post side (on my site) comments, is it possible? 12. Available for advice, new implementations / revisions. I would like to use a professional who can analyze the current project and direct me with his ideas 13. Creation of a new page dedicated to the Discord project where we will organize meetings registered between homebrewers. On this last page, I would insert the title of the event, the date and the time most speaker. Later, if necessary, I would insert the registration link to give users the opportunity to list...

    €319 Average bid
    €319 Offerta media
    16 offerte
    firmware per PIC18
    Terminato left

    Cerco freelance che conoscano bene i PIC serie 18 per lo sviluppo di alcune sezioni di firmware, ognuna delle quali riguarda un sottosistema specifico tipo modulo inerziale, modulo GPRS, modulo di gestione SDcard, modulo comunicazione cloud (Azure o Amazon), modulo GPS. E' richiesto lo sviluppo con MikroBasic, oppure MikroC o, in ultimo, MPLAB X.

    €541 Average bid
    €541 Offerta media
    5 offerte
    Argo Aerospace
    Terminato left

    Abbiamo la necessità di compilare come servizio (demone) il software su freebsd 12 current installa su di un controller arm a 64 bit (raspberry) su cui è stato installato uno shield. Il controller deve essere installato su di un drone e deve permettere il volo stabile del drone senza crash. We need to compile as a service (daemon) the software on freebsd 12 current installs on a 64-bit (raspberry) arm controller on which a shield has been installed. The controller must be installed on a drone and must allow stable drone flight without crash

    €456 Average bid
    €456 Offerta media
    3 offerte

    Ho bisogno di mettere a posto l'header del nostro sito per terminare i lavori di ristrutturazione. E' necessario che tutte le scritte siano ben allineate in modo che sia facilmente navigabile sia via browser che via mobile. Non ci sono modifiche da fare nei contenuti, solo lavorare sul codice per sistemarli graficamente. E' necessario che il cambi...written are properly aligned so that it is easily accessed both Browser and are no changes to make on content, only work on code to fix design. Translation button is to be managed by our application Weglot and currency exchange remains operational. We do not need the space "Search" The header must be responsive and very easy to use on mobile, but at the same time must have all the current content to the ex...

    €126 Average bid
    €126 Offerta media
    39 offerte
    Project for Asad257
    Terminato left

    Ciao Asad257, prima di tutto ho messo un importo solo indicativo, anche se non ho un grosso budget. Senza perdere tempo ti dico subito di cosa ho bisogno; qualche mese fa ho fatto fare un PCB, sono passati molti mesi dall'arrivo di questo pcb per mie motivi, trasloco ecc ecc ho dovuto fermare il tutto, chi me lo aveva fatto è sparito quindi mi trovo con un pcb con microcontroller e non riesco a programmare. il PCB funziona con ST Nucleo STM32F446, racchiude vari sensori tra cui: nr 8 uscite relè nr 5 uscite sensori di prossimità nr 3 sonde temperature ntc nr 1 sonda temperatura sonda k nr 3 led nr 3 motori DC nr 1 lettura analogica consumo di un motore nr 1 letture di flusso acqua (legge gli impulsi di una turbina) nr 1 modulo per load cell nr 1 modulo cal...

    €8 Average bid
    €8 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    ...per aprire a settembre, cerchiamo un bravo esperto SEO e SEM che ci importi il marketing per essere visibili ai ragazzi della zona di Cerea Verona per attirare e invogliare i ragazzi ad iscriversi e provare la nostra scuola di musica. il sito web e gia attivo su nostro host il dominio e' stato fatto in wordpress e abbiamo aperto solo la pagina facebook. vorremmo implementassi anche ad sense , che ci sistemi alexa e sem rush e posizionamento su google attualemente senza seo siamo in seconda pagina con il nostro nome Vi preghiamo di offrirci un prezzo vantaggioso perche ci siamo prosciugati con le spese della scuola percui il nostro budget e basso. cerchiamo un lavoro comunque ben fatto e seriamente che dia il risultato che ci serve ossia, vogliamo arrivar...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Offerta media
    13 offerte

    ...sta per aprire a settembre, cerchiamo un bravo esperto SEO e SEM che ci importi il marketing per essere visibili ai ragazzi della zona di Cerea Verona per attirare e invogliare i ragazzi ad iscriversi e provare la nostra scuola di musica. il sito web e gia attivo su nostro host il dominio e' stato fatto in wordpress e abbiamo aperto solo la pagina facebook. vorremmo implementassi anche ad sense , che ci sistemi alexa e sem rush e posizionamento su google attualemente senza seo siamo in seconda pagina con il nostro nome Vi preghiamo di offrirci un prezzo vantaggioso perche ci siamo prosciugati con le spese della scuola percui il nostro budget e basso. cerchiamo un lavoro comunque ben fatto e seriamente che dia il risultato che ci serve ossia, vogliamo arrivare a...

    €64 Average bid
    €64 Offerta media
    26 offerte

    Buongiorno, ho necessita di creare dei BANNER su un blog JOOMLA per mettere la pubblicità di ADSENSE

    €15 Average bid
    €15 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    mavduran io ho un sito web w w w che ha un buon traffico. Io ho bisogno di qualcuno che mi realizzi una pagina ottimizzata adsense che mi garantisca tra 5% ed il 8% di CTR. ... that has a good traffic . I need someone who realizes an optimized page adsense I guarantee between min 5 % and max 8 % of CTR . I seek a professional Adsense I guarantee the result . The page must be : - Fully responsive - HTML5 - CSS3 - Hight Adsense CTR ( Min 5 % - 8 % ) - Code clean and very fast page - Retina Ready On this page are the texts and pictures of my current site and also the Adsense code . To simplify the work are available to buy at my expense a template here like this Regards

    €9 - €37
    €9 - €37
    0 offerte

    Buonasera io ho un sito web w w w che ha un buon traffico. Io ho bisogno di qualcuno che mi realizzi una pagina ottimizzata adsense che mi garantisca tra 5% ed il 8% di CTR. ... that has a good traffic . I need someone who realizes an optimized page adsense I guarantee between min 5 % and max 8 % of CTR . I seek a professional Adsense I guarantee the result . The page must be : - Fully responsive - HTML5 - CSS3 - Hight Adsense CTR ( Min 5 % - 8 % ) - Code clean and very fast page - Retina Ready On this page are the texts and pictures of my current site and also the Adsense code . To simplify the work are available to buy at my expense a template here like this Regards

    €35 Average bid
    €35 Offerta media
    3 offerte

    Buonasera io ho un sito web w w w che ha un buon traffico. Io ho bisogno di qualcuno che mi realizzi una pagina ottimizzata adsense che mi garantisca tra 5% ed il 8% di CTR. ... that has a good traffic . I need someone who realizes an optimized page adsense I guarantee between min 5 % and max 8 % of CTR . I seek a professional Adsense I guarantee the result . The page must be : - Fully responsive - HTML5 - CSS3 - Hight Adsense CTR ( Min 5 % - 8 % ) - Code clean and very fast page - Retina Ready On this page are the texts and pictures of my current site and also the Adsense code . To simplify the work are available to buy at my expense a template here like this Regards

    €61 Average bid
    €61 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    Buonasera io ho un sito web w w w che ha un buon traffico. Io ho bisogno di qualcuno che mi realizzi una pagina ottimizzata adsense che mi garantisca tra 8% ed il 10% di CTR. Io cerco un professionista Adsense che mi www that has a good traffic . I need someone who realizes an optimized page adsense I guarantee between 8 % and 10 % of CTR . I seek a professional Adsense I guarantee the result . The page must be : - Fully responsive - HTML5 - CSS3 - Hight Adsense CTR ( 8 % - 10 % ) - Code clean and very fast page - Retina Ready On this page are the texts and pictures of my current site and also the Adsense code . To simplify the work are available to buy at my expense a template here Regards

    €9 - €14
    €9 - €14
    0 offerte

    Mi serve un bravo programmatore firmware in zona Milano per alcuni progetti

    €1003 Average bid
    €1003 Offerta media
    4 offerte
    €139 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    ...(T-shirt. ricami, adesivi): quindi non troppo elaborato sia dal punto di vista grafico che dei colori. - Realizzazione in formato vettoriale riproducibile in qualunque dimensione ------- The project consists in creating a new logo for the "Association Ski Club Canavesani". The "Association Ski Club Canavesani" organizes since 1954 a championship of Alpine Skiing - Giant Slalom. The current logo is visible in the Annex 1. The new logo should maintain a certain continuity with the previous one (see draft) and must be made ​​according to the following guidelines: - Rectangular shape (see attached draft) - Written "SKI POOL Canavesani" (see attached draft) - Reference to the Italian flag and a recall of blue - The writing "Cana...

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Offerta media
    15 offerte

    Vorrei accendere un led sentendo una soglia dalla porta analogica

    €159 Average bid
    €159 Offerta media
    3 offerte

    Using VHDL to design a microcontroller peripheral in Quartus software, (Altera).

    €667 Average bid
    €667 Offerta media
    12 offerte

    sviluppo software per controllo display lcd touch screen, controllo sensori I2C, controllo scheda SD. Per programmare il PIC uso il pickit 3

    €281 Average bid
    €281 Offerta media
    3 offerte

    ...Mental Coach in Business ( companies ) and in the sport of high level. I need a new eye-catching logo to transmit immediately the positive energy and change and then the kit business cards in front / rear , letterhead in word and pages, layout Keyonte ( mac powerpoint ) for presentations. Everything must be in " web " or press. The logo must reflect the current website , and compatible with I attach the current logo . New Logo : I want to make an immediate impact graphically and indisputably BEAUTIFUL it hits . What do you perceive is behind energy value , a plus that you can also have you read that . Colors can not stand : Those " haggard " and gloomy that convey sadness. Colors I like: bright yellow, black gloss contrast , and perhaps all the c...

    €184 Average bid
    €184 Offerta media
    3 offerte

    I'm seeking a talented web designer to completely overhaul my current website, which I'm not satisfied with. The primary issue lies within the design and layout. Key requirements: - Transform the existing website into a multi-page layout - Improve the overall layout structure, enhancing user navigation and experience The ideal freelancer should have: - Extensive experience in web design, particularly with multi-page layouts - A strong portfolio showcasing previous website redesigns - Excellent skills in layout structuring and improving design aesthetics

    €122 Average bid
    €122 Offerta media
    36 offerte

    I've completed a sign language translation project utilizing a Transformer model. Unfortunately, it doesn't accurately predict both the expected gloss and text hypothesis during inference on the...testing sets. Your task is to update the project without altering the defined model architecture, to ensure accurate predictions. Key Tasks: - Fix the prediction issues for both gloss and text hypotheses. - Optimize the project to improve translation evaluation metrics on the validation and testing datasets. I've already attempted a variety of techniques, but have not been successful. The model's current predictions for both gloss and text hypotheses are incorrect. Hence, I need a specialist who can troubleshoot and enhance this model, with a focus on improving the t...

    €6 - €16
    €6 - €16
    0 offerte
    Trophy icon Minimalist Monochrome Logo Design
    7 giorni left

    READ FIRST BEFORE POSTING YOUR LOGO I'm seeking a graphic designer to create a professional and corporate-l...designer to create a professional and corporate-looking logo for my brand. I would like for it to have stallion performance within the logo and also adding training so they know what I do. Maybe make it like a badge style. It’s a must that you use the horse that I provided down below. If you do not use the horse head that I provided your image will be rejected. Key Requirements: - Convey a sense of trustworthiness through the design Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven graphic design experience - Ability to integrate brand values into design My company’s name is stallion performance (its a personal training business) No dumbbells or weights. Use m...

    €46 Average bid
    20 proposte

    My portfolio site is designed to showcase my skills and attract freelance clients, primarily in graphic design. However, it could use some professional touch to better appeal to its intended audience and effectively highlight my work. Key Areas for Improvement: - Revamp the Design: The current site may not optimally display my work or attract attention. A fresh, professional design could significantly enhance its appeal. - Add New Sections or Content: Depending on your expertise, there may be new sections or content we could add to better showcase my skills and experience. - Improve Website Performance: Ensuring the site loads quickly and operates smoothly is crucial for retaining potential clients. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web design, particularly for p...

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Offerta media
    4 offerte

    I have a logo that needs a complete redesign to match a modern minimalist aesthetic. Key Requirements: - A total overhaul of the current design, including color scheme, typography, and layout. - A new design that embodies a modern and minimalist style. - The use of white as the primary color, with potential for other complementary colors. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in graphic design, particularly logo design. - Strong understanding of modern minimalist design principles. - Excellent skills in typography, color theory, and layout design. I look forward to seeing your creative proposals.

    €159 Average bid
    €159 Offerta media
    95 offerte

    I'm looking for a professional to help me migrate my Shopify website, built with Gatsby, to Netlify. The primary goal of this migration is to simplify the deployment process, and allow for a non technical designer to make content changes. Key aspects of the project include: - Migrating custom themes and scripts: My current Shopify site has several custom themes and scripts that need to be transferred to the new platform. - Updating the site: The website is a few years old and requires some updates to keep it relevant and functional. - Content updates: The site needs a comprehensive content update. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with Shopify, Gatsby, and Netlify - Proficiency in migrating custom themes and scripts - Skills in website cont...

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Offerta media
    73 offerte

    We're seeking an experienced WordPress expert to manage and update our landing page built on a fresh WordPress installation. Key responsibilities include adding, removing, and editing posts, updating content across all areas, troubleshooting, and handling integrations like APIs. This role is critical as it will help stabilize our site after recent issues (e.g., current domain showing unrelated content). While this is initially an hourly engagement with flexible weekly hours based on your experience and skill level, there's strong potential for full-time engagement once we're confident in the fit and results. Please note: Our budget is limited pre-launch, so we’re looking for someone who offers competitive hourly rates—while being fair for quality work. We...

    €29 - €59 / hr
    €29 - €59 / hr
    0 offerte
    Trophy icon DiscreteMindCare Logo Design Contest
    2 giorni left

    ...directly to individuals in their homes. Our focus is on providing depot injections (antipsychotic medications) and Mental State Evaluations (MSEs) to clients in the community, eliminating the need for frequent trips to the doctor. Our services are delivered with privacy, efficiency, and a confidential approach. What We’re Looking For: A logo that communicates professionalism while maintaining a sense of discreetness and confidentiality. The logo should represent mental health care in a community setting, highlighting the mobile nature of the service (nurse visiting the home), while keeping a low-key and undercover feel. The design should have a modern, clean, and professional aesthetic, ensuring it can be used in various marketing materials and digital platform...

    €6 Average bid
    44 proposte

    I'm in need of a Python/AI professional who can take over my project (current code). I am using code in Anaconda environment to run any stock report. I have a website too for this. Website is not the work though. I need many changes in a stock report. Month after month. It uses OpenAI api/tokens and HTML to PDF converter to generate stock rerports. What I am looking for: - Someone senior developer who can think of running a business with low cost to me to do changes - Someone who can take over code and make his own by genrating a report as is first. - Someone who can show me s/he understood the code by talking to me .. go over code review I was VP, Software so I know coding. - Someone who is passionate for stock/financial markets and can think like a stock investor. -- ...

    €142 Average bid
    €142 Offerta media
    28 offerte