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Cordana is a Microsoft cloud platform designed to power enterprise-level artificial intelligence and computer-assisted natural language processing solutions. It provides developers with the tools to develop complex applications with machine learning capabilities. This enables companies to create intelligent services that help them bridge the gap between legacy technologies and newer, more advanced systems.
An experienced Cordana developer can assist with integration of the platform into an existing architecture, as well as developing applications powered by Cordana, from simple bots and apps to more complex AI solutions. They can also customize solutions and connectors for a variety of external systems, making sure that data is properly connected from source to destination.
When looking for an experienced Cordana developer, it's important to assess their technical skillset and experience with the platform, their communication skills and sense of responsibility. Furthermore it's important to understand the pricing structure. Developers can charge anywhere from $25 to $150 an hour depending on the amount of experience they have with the platform.
Hire a reliable, talented Cordana Developer today on to ensure your project is completed successfully, on time and within budget. Benefit from a global pool of specialized software professionals at competitive rates, while having access to great customer service and extensive project management guidelines.