Motivational Speakers da assumere in Kenya

  • Motivational Speaking
  • Kenya
  • Online Users


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1 risultati mostrati
  • Assumi     Veliky75
Assumi     Veliky75

    Veliky75 Veliky75

    Kenya 25 $ USD / ora
    Visionary creator and Innovator
    0 recensioni 0 recensioni $25 USD all'ora
    A well versed creator, focused on problem-solving and Innovation in multiple fronts of production. I specialize in visual, technological and research based projects to deliver a unique blend of creativity and functionality without compromising on quality. My skill set is well adapted to the changing dynamics of a...
    A well versed creator, focused on problem-solving and Innovation in multiple fronts of production. I specialize in visual, technological and research based projects to deliver a unique blend of creativity and functionality without compromising on quality. My skill set is well adapted to the changing dynamics of a modern day business environment, ensuring competitiveness for a reasonable price. Bearing in mind that my work ethic is nothing to scoff at. meno
  • Assumi Veliky75

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