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Ginanjar G.
Python, GIS and Remote Sensing, Physical Ocean
$7 USD / jam
Indonesia (6:11 PM)
Bergabung Agustus 20, 2020
$7 USD / jam
Data Analyst with Python Expertise. An experienced Oceanographer and Earth Science Programming. Interested with Climate Change, Atmosphere and Ocean Interaction, Ocean Modelling, Physical Oceanography, and Analysist all data.
- Climate Change Analysist
- GIS Analysist
- Remote Sensing Analysist
- 2D Hydrology/Ocean Modelling
- Physical Oceanography Analysist and Programming
- Data Analysit in Earth Science
- Satellite Data Analyst
Responsible for analyze all of data (GIS, Modelling, Satellite, In-Situ, etc) using programming (Python).
Okt, 2022 - Menyajikan
2 tahun, 3 bulan
Chief Technology Officer
Sep, 2019 - Menyajikan
5 tahun, 4 bulan
Algomarine UNDIP
Sep, 2019 - Menyajikan
5 tahun, 4 bulan
Responsible to manage about technology strategy in organization
Sep, 2019 - Menyajikan
5 tahun, 4 bulan
Universitas Diponegoro
2018 - 2020
2 tahun
Sarjana Sains
2018 - 2020
2 tahun
Study of Oil Spill Pollution in Marine Waters
I can make a map of an oil spill in Marine Waters
Sentinel 2 Application for Mangrove Health Mapping
I can make a mangrove health map in an area using Sentinel 2.
Validation of Wave Forecasting with the Sverdrup, Munk, and Bretschneider (SMB) Method
2020 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote Sensing Technology (AGERS)
Wave information is crucial for maritime activities such as marine transportation, offshore exploration, fisheries, safety management system on ships, coastal development, and coastal disaster mitigation. The Sverdrup, Munk, Bretschneider. SMB is one of the most common methods used for wave forecasting. In the present study, we examine the validation of Easywave, an algorithm that automates wave forecasting with the SMB method.
An internet of things architecture for real-time tide and wave monitoring using Heltec LoRa 32
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy
The type of tide that occurs in the Timbulsloko area, Demak is a mixed tide prevailing diurnal. The mean wave height of the recorded residuals is 22.82 cm. This tide gauge system produces good quality data when compared to other studies that use standardized observation and instrumentation.
Coastal storm waves detection system design
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The results of field observation then validated using BMKG. This method could be applied in other location along the north coast of Java. The results of field observation showed an average wind speed 3.9848 m/s; significant wave height 0.4632 m; significant wave period 3.8641 s; wave energy 493.90 J/m2; wind energy 116.74 W/m2.
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