iphone app like snapchat
sedang Berlangsung
Mar 12, 2016
Dibayar saat pengiriman
$750-1500 USD
Dibayar saat pengiriman
sedang Berlangsung
Dibayar saat pengiriman
ID Proyek: #9921469
Tentang proyek
4 proposal
Proyek online
Aktif Mar 14, 2016
4 freelancer rata-rata menawar $1615 untuk pekerjaan ini
Hi there! I have read what you exactly need, however I would like to ask you a few questions. I would call myself a master of what I do, I do work smart and do not rest until I get the job done. Please feel free to pin Lebih banyak
$1185 USD dalam 25 hari
(73 Ulasan)