Xamarin mostly using paradigmPekerjaan
mengedit foto agar menjadi lebih jernih mengedit vidio agar lebih HD
mempermudah akses ke file folder, menidentifikasi file2 yg tidak diperlukan. File and folder size about 2 TB, Preferred : Knowledge about setting up NAS, Hard drive, long term storage Edit Answer in your application if you upload screenshot on google photos for example how do you keep it according to time and date ?
Saya ada data charge capacity 7 batere Li-ion, 5 data set digunakan untuk training model, 2 set digakan untuk testing untuk melihat akurasi model yang di buat sebelumnya
Halo saya butuh admin untuk jadi virtual assistant Mostly balasin chat customer less than 5 minutes Bisa kerja virtual Syarat : punya laptop & hp yang bs online minimum 8 jam per hari
Halo saya butuh admin untuk jadi virtual assistant Mostly balasin chat customer less than 5 minutes Bisa kerja virtual Syarat : punya laptop & hp yang bs online minimum 8 jam per hari
Halo saya butuh admin untuk jadi virtual assistant Mostly balasin chat customer less than 5 minutes Bisa kerja virtual Syarat : punya laptop & hp yang bs online minimum 8 jam per hari
Saya memerlukan seorang programmer yang sudah terbiasa dengan Python untuk menyelesaikan mini proyek. Konsep sudah ada dan kode juga sudah hampir selesai. Proyek ini menggunakan algoritma genetika untuk seleksi fitur. Pekerjaan intinya adalah implementasi konsep ke dalam kode Python.
Saya membutuhkan program untuk klasifikasi citra penyakit daun tomat. Program harus berjalan di Google Colab. Algoritma yang digunakan adalah CNN dan harus di optimasi menggunakan PSO. Berikan detail setiap langkahnya supaya saya bisa mengerti. Harus ada Fold, Akurasi, Presisi, Recall, F-Measure, F1-Score dan Confusion Matrix. Dataset :
SFTP ( SSH ) using private key ( pem, ppk, etc )
Aplikasi Apotik, terdapat input obat, daftar transaksi, harga obat
Aplicacion compleja mobil con Mapas usando XAMARIn .NET para plataformas Android y OS.
Hallo, saya Michelle. Saya sedang membutuhkan seorang Guru Pendamping untuk Mahasiswa Sistem Informasi dengan kriteria sebagai berikut: 1. Menguasai dan bisa menjelaskan bahasa dan coding C#. 2. Mengerti penggunaan IDE (Integrated Development Environment) Microsoft Visual Studio + Xamarin untuk aplikasi mobile yang dapat dipakai di Android dan iOS. 3. Domisili di Jabodetabek. 4. Kegiatan belajar bisa melalui online maupun offline. Please notify me SELAMBAT-LAMBATNYA tgl 10 Maret 2021. Terimakasih.
Deskripsi Pekerjaan : 1, Membuat mobile aplikasi (IOS dan Android) 2. Maintenance aplikasi Persyaratan 1. Jenjang pendidikan maupun latar belakang jurusan/program studinya t...pengalamannya. 2. Mampu bekerja mandiri (sendiri) maupun bekerja dalam tim. 3. Jujur, mau bekerja keras, serta memiliki motivasi sangat tinggi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pengalamannya 4. Usia tidak dibatasi 5. Dapat mengoperasikan Software Android Studio 6. Memahami Node.js 7. Menguasai bahasa pemrograman Angular atau React 8. Familiar dengan Framework Mobile Hybrid seperti Phonegap, Ionic, Xamarin, Titanium, dll. 9. Menguasai HTML 5, SCSS dan Type Script 10. Memiliki kemampuan mendesain UI dan UX 11. Nilai plus jika memahami konsep Progressive Web App (PWA) 12. Dapat bekerja dari mana saja (bisa seca...
Halo, salam para bidder.. Disini saya sedang membutuhkan seseorang yang bisa membantu saya untuk compile aplikasi menggunalan xamarin. Berikut jobsnya : 1. Android timeline messenggers perbaikan loading yang lemot perbaikan bug, dimana jika terdapat bug translate ke bhasa indo Kedua aplikasi tersebut sudah ada panduannya .. Jika ada yang bersedia silahkan ajukan penawaran yang murah meriah saja..?? Terima kasih
Necesito un consultor experto para ayudarme a desarrollar una aplicación de inventario móvil en Xamarin para IOS y Android.
Membuat Al-Quran Indonesia seperti Alquran Indonesia dan Kalender Hijriyah berbasis android menggunakan xamarin android (C#)
Saya ingin membuat aplikasi learning internal perusahaan untuk jalan di ios dan android,kalau bisa dengan xamarin based on Jakarta Indonesia
membuat aplikasi Cloud untuk menampung data dari file dengan format data XML untuk dimasukkan ke SQL database.
Halo selamat datang di job saya ! Sebelum mengirimkan bid pastikan Anda telah melihat semua informasi yang saya butuhkan, agar saya tidak bolak balik menjelaskan apa yang saya butuhkan. Ajukan bid sewajarnya saja. Dalam job ini saya membutuhkan bantuan untuk : Compile aplikasi android menggunakan XAMARIN. dalam projects ini ada dua aplikasi yang akan saya compile : dari kedua aplikasi ini nantinya adalah Menyisipkan iklan admob merubah warna setting api compile android. dalam compile android mohon untuk tidak menyisipkan nama (exs : ) kenapa saya cari yang murah tapi gak murahan : didalam programnya nanti Sudah ada documentasinya, jadi hanya tinggal mengikutinya saja. saya harap anda memakluminya, walau pun saya cuman orang bodoh, orang awam hargailah orang
Xamarin project won’t compile
programmer desktop, web, android.. platform java, php, dotnet, delphi, asp, android studio, xamarin.. apa saja.. yang penting mature
Hi selamat siang kenalkan saya Faishal dari Glints, IT Management Consultant, klient saya sedang membangun team untuk backend dengan mengunakan Java, Untuk lokasi kerja di Batam. Lokasi kerja di Batam tapatnya di Nongsa Digital Park. untuk range sallary Rp. 10.000.000,00
Hi, Saya ada project modifikasi site, membutuhkan skill Wordpress, Woocommerce. Mostly modifikasi backend. Front end sudah ada, hanya menambah field, menampilkan form saja yg diperlukan. Saya lokasi di Bandung, project wordpress yang saya tawarkan dari Amerika. Job post: Dicari freelance wordpress-woocommerce developer. Skill: Wordpress, Woocommerce, PHP, jQuery, MySQL, Git Deskripsi: bikin program sesuai task (mayoritas backend) yg diberikan dgn platform wordpress. Tanggung jawab: menyelesaikan tepat waktu sesuai deadline dan target, minim bug dan error. Fee: Rp. 25.000 / jam (Hitungan sesuai log time tracker) Hari kerja: Senin-Jumat Jam kerja: fleksibel (1 hari max 8 jam). Posisi kerja: remote Hari libur: mengikuti tanggalan nasional. Benefit: - free belajar wordpress d...
saya butuh fungsi CI dimana fungsi tersebut dapat mengintegrasikan devices ACR120u, Mingtech-MRF35, HID-Omnikey ke browser agar dapat membaca smartcard id. jika anda tertarik , harap mencantumkan bagaimana anda menyelesaikan permasalahan ini, dan bagaimana caranya testingnya .
project ini mostly bug fixing , dan developing fitur baru . Need to be on site (Binus Kemanggisan Jakarta). Detailnya akan di briefingin face to face
Sy memerlukankan seorg yg faham dan pandai menggunakan labview untuk communicate antara pc dan picoammeter dgn menggunakan labview dan cable rs232 sebagai perantara.
salah satu client saya sedang membangun sebuah proyek mobile apps ,dan untuk membangun apps nya mereka memerlukan training Xamarin mobile development.
Logo berupa teks: kantorpos Kantor Pos in coming years will formulate projects and works in which international cooperation and exchange are central. The focus is on Asia and in particular in Indonesia. For the name Kantor Pos is included because of its associations with international contacts, with 'send' and 'receive'. These concepts save both the activit...formulate projects and works in which international cooperation and exchange are central. The focus is on Asia and in particular in Indonesia. For the name Kantor Pos is included because of its associations with international contacts, with 'send' and 'receive'. These concepts save both the activities within an international post as an international theater. Checkout some works at Mo...
Dibutuhkan programmer dengan kemampuan : 1. PHP 5.0 or above 2. MySQL 5.0 or above 3. Familiar dengan framework codeigniter. 4. JQuery & framwork Kondisi Existing: 1. HTML, CSS, Bootstrap sudah ada. 2. Akan bekerja sama dengan seorang webdesigner 3. Sistem Backoffice sudah ada, mostly data produk disimpan pada sistem backoffice dan tinggal query saja. 4. Menggunakan Git Repo Responsibility: 1. Write, Test, Implement 2. Unit Testing 3. Every 2/3 Days Progress Report Deadline: End of this month (3 Weeks)
Hai gan, ane liat profile agan di sini, n mau nawarin project, kalo berminat silahkan di response asap ya,....
saya akan menyelesaikan proyek anda dalam waktu 3 hari,dengan biaya yang murah saya mampu memberikan pelayanan penuh terhadap anda terimakasih,
Proyek ini sebenarnya ditujukan untuk anak-anak, kenapa begitu? Agar mereka tau, bahwa indonesia itu mempunya ciri khasnya. Dan gara kita bisa menunjukan "inilah Indonesia".
Saya membutuhkan class di PHP yang bisa membaca file word xml dengan baik menggunakan DOM PHP dan beri penjelasannya, contoh terlampir. Dapat membaca urutan nomor 1 kemudian a, b, c dst.
Idle-time adalah waktu-jeda yang terhitung pada saat petugas data-entry (petugas input data yang menggunakan program excel): (a) tidak menyentuh mouse atau keyboard sama sekali dalam periode waktu tertentu; atau (b) tetap menyentuh mouse atau keyboard, namun screen/layar yang dihadapi petugas data-entry bukan program excel (misalnya, program internet browser, game, e-mail, dll.) rnrnProgram Idle-Time tersebut melekat/embed pada program excel.rnrnProgram Idle-Time teraktiviasi (activated) pada saat petugas mengisi cell pertama (first cell), dan menjadi non-aktif dalam durasi 90 menit kemudian (setelah mengisi cell pertama). rnrnPada menit ke-90, program tersebut memunculkan text/tulisan (prompt) yang menyatakan, "Waktu Anda Sudah Habis!!!"rnrnJika hasil perhitungan...
I'm looking for a secure and reliable online voting system that leverages biometric technology and facial recognition. The system should be web-based and fully accessible, ensuring compliance with all accessibility standards. Key Requirements: - Voter registration with personal and facial data - Secure storage in a database - Live image capture for user authentication during elections - Utilization of facial recognition algorithms to prevent fraud - Anonymous vote recording to maintain privacy - Scalable and user-friendly interface - Full compliance with accessibility standards The ideal candidate would be proficient in Python with Django/Flask, and have experience in developing secure web applications. Prior work involving biometric technology and facial recognition systems would ...
I'm in need of a video editor who specializes in fast-paced edits with cuts. The editor should be able to incorporate various elements into the videos, such as text overlays, sound effects, and transitions, all while adhering to a bright and vibrant visual theme. I will provide the raw video with audio. The video is educational and mostly will not be more than 1 minute. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro or after effects or capcut). - Experience with editing short-form content for platforms like Instagram and TikTok - Ability to create engaging, fast-paced edits - Understanding of how to incorporate text overlays, sound effects, and transitions seamlessly - Strong visual sense, particularly with bright and vibrant color schemes. -...
I'm seeking a SQL expert to analyze my sales data. The main focus of the project will be to identify sales trends over time. Key Requirements: - Proficient in SQL with a strong background in data analysis. - Experience in analyzing sales data. - Ability to create insightful reports on sales trends. Skills & Experience: - SQL programming - Data analysis - Report generation - Sales data analysis
...but the developer disappeared and it was never completed. I have since decided that Laravel is just too complicated for me to want to continue with it. I would prefer to convert this to a custom WordPress plugin first and then continue development past that point. The general gist of the app is sport results, with integration of photos galleries for each result. This part of the project is mostly complete but still requires refining and bug fixes -- we were at that stage when the developer disappeared. I shelved the project for a bit after that and I can't remember exactly which bugs existed. It will take a bit of use for my to jog my memory and get back up to speed. I have the full Laravel code plus mySQL database code. Key Requirements: - Conversion of custom forms...
Training Course Announcement: Statistical Analysis of Secondary Data Using Stata Do you want to enhance your skills in statistical analysis of secondary data and efficiently use Stata software? Join us for a comprehensive training course that takes you from the basics to advanced specializations! Course Details: Title: Statistical Analysis of Secondary Data Using Stata Dates: January 25, 2025, to February 25, 2025 Location: Online (Zoom link will be sent upon registration) Instructor: Mr. Alaa Amarna, PhD candidate, Expert in Statistical Analysis and Stata Software What You Will Learn: Understanding the basics and practical applications of secondary data Using Stata software for data analysis Conducting common statistical analyses (such as regression, hypothe...
I need an expert who can make Filemaker Go take a picture of an invoice and use Google Cloud AI (API) and machine learning to read the document and extract various data points. This extracted information should then be input into my Filemaker server. I need to extract the following data points from the invoices: - Invoice number - Date - Total amount - Details from the different items - Different item names Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with Filemaker Go - Proficiency in Google Cloud AI and machine learning - Skills in data extraction and server input - Capability to ensure the process is seamless and efficient
Developing a 2D or 3D mobile game using Unity or Godot is a great choice for creating immersive experiences. Here's how you can approach it step by step: --- Step 1: Choose a Game Engine 1. Unity Strong 2D/3D support. Large asset store and community. C# scripting. 2. Godot Lightweight and beginner-friendly. Open-source with great 2D support. GDScript (Python-like scripting) or C#. --- Step 2: Define the Game Concept 1. Game Genre: Platformer, puzzle, endless runner, RPG, shooter, etc. 2. Mechanics: Key features like jumping, shooting, solving puzzles, or collecting items. 3. Story or Theme: Add a story or aesthetic that stands out. Example Ideas: 2D Game: A platformer where the player avoids traps and solves puzzles to escape a dungeon. 3D Game: A r...
I'm looking for a data analyst with strong skills in MS Excel, Java, and HTML. The primary focus of this project is to analyze and report on sales data. Experience in data visualization and reporting is crucial, as the results will need to be presented in a clear and coherent manner.
I'm looking for a Supabase expert to help me prototype some applications. The specifics of the applications will be discussed but prior experience with Supabase and app prototyping is crucial. Must use AI powered tools, ideally gpt engineer or similar Instructions - Share your best live app in DM - confirm your bid is the price we will accept, do not try to renegotiate - as a condition of bidding you agree all IP and rights in the work you perform for us are the property of our company
I'm looking for an expert in Power Automate who can help me with automating data update within SharePoint / Microsoft list I need a simple Power Automate flow designed to update a SharePoint list. This flow should specifically handle updating existing items.. Details: 2 lists. List A: Title and Stock List B: Title (lookup from A), Type (choice with values Add/Remove), Quantity First step will be user adds list of items in list A with stocks (no flow so far) Logic: when a user adds a record in list B, flow will check if type is Add, modify the Stock value for the respective title Example, Item 1 has 1000 stock in list A, add a new item in list B, type Add, Quantity is 100, in this case modify the stock to be 1100 Now, add a new item in list B, type as Remove, Quantity is 300, in...
...that bench was avoided by most of the townsfolk. It wasn’t because it was broken or uncomfortable. It was because of a quiet, unspoken rule that people in the town rarely talked about but always obeyed: "That bench isn’t for everyone ."The town, though outwardly harmonious, had long been divided by an invisible line. On one side of the line lived families who had been in the town for generations—mostly white. On the other side lived families who had moved inmore recently, many of them Black or Latino, seeking better opportunities. One summer, a boy named Marcus moved into the town with his family. He was twelve years old, full of curiosity, and excited to explore the new world around him. His favorite thing was drawing. He carried a sketchbook everywhe...
Im looking for an experienced data scientist or machine learning specialist to work on a product matching project.(University task) The objective is to identify matching products between two datasets (e.g., Google Products and Amazon Products) using blocking techniques, similarity measures, and supervised learning.
I'm looking for a skilled engineer with experience in Altera FPGA and electronics to develop a smart automatic door lock system. The system should use an electronic strike solenoid lock and operate based on a 4x3 keypad input. Key project requirements: - The lock should open when a correct passcode is entered. There will be three different passcodes programmed into the system. - If the user fails to enter the correct password after three tries, the system should implement a 20-second cooldown period before allowing attempts to restart. - A display screen should provide feedback when the correct passcode is entered. You will also need to provide guidance on how to connect the GPIO pins of the Altera DE0 Nanobot to a servo motor to simulate the door opening. The ideal candidate for th...
...expansions. Ensure the system interface is user-friendly for non-technical users. Include an activity log to track and document any modifications made to the data. Additional Notes: The system is intended for managing the inventory of a retail store's warehouse and focuses on simplifying the stock management process. The system does not need to rely on a specific programming language or platform; using Excel files as a working platform is acceptable as long as the system achieves the required efficiency and flexibility. The primary objective is to ensure accurate inventory management, improve operational efficiency, and provide a comprehensive database to support strategic decision-making. I am excited to hear your thoughts and recommendations regarding this project. Kindly ...