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    2,000 www marktplaats pekerjaan ditemukan

    Kami membutuhkan segera desain Company Profile dari Pt talirejeki yg bergerak dibidang Trading atau Suplier specialist Material peredam suara dan insulation ( www. ) . kami ingin desain menonjolkan overview produk yg dijual, Service dan referensi pekerjaan/ galery. berikut saya lampirkan contoh kompro perusahaan dibidang yg sama dengan pt talirejeki. desain yg kita harapkan kurang lebih seperti itu. kami ingin tampilan grafis yg bagus , simple dan jelas, komunikatif . desainer yg kami harapkan bisa editing foto, desain grafis yg bagus. untuk keterangan lebih lanjut bisa hub Sari (Removed by admin)

    $102 Average bid
    $102 Rata-rata
    20 penawaran

    Saya membutuhkan jasa SEO untuk website kesehatan kami. Saya ingin meng-optimize kata kunci <<sunat>> <<USG>> <<klinik>> <<dokter>> <<apotek & apotik>> <<laboratorium>> dan ingin website saya untuk tampil di halaman pertama www. saat kata kunci tersebut dicari oleh klien

    $197 Average bid
    $197 Rata-rata
    38 penawaran
    Membangun Website
    Berakhir left

    Kami ingin membangun digital asset yaitu web site utk layanan kami dengan deskripsi di bawah ini. VOXNET merupakan layanan berbasis komputasi awan (cloud computing) berjenis PaaS (Platform as a Service) dari PT Lima Satu Tiga Global Tel-Access (atau dikenal juga dengan 513 ...keperluan bisnis yang membuat perusahaan bisa berkomunikasi secara efektif tanpa biaya. 3. Ada tempat di web page untuk customer mendaftarkan layanan UCaaS 4. Web akan menjadi digital asset utama yg akan menjadi tema sentral untuk engagement material yang lain di semua channel (slide, brochures, social media, etc) Referensi layanan sejenis di US: (partner dari perusahaan ini utk jasa poin d di atas)

    $1118 Average bid
    $1118 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran
    Membuat website
    Berakhir left

    saya ingin membangun situs: www, Cek situs tersebut dan beritahu bagaimana kamu akan membangun situs tersebut.

    $1556 Average bid
    $1556 Rata-rata
    11 penawaran

    ...job dari tempat lain. Jika Fulltime Anda akan menerima gaji tetap. Jika Freelance Anda akan menerima honor berdasarkan project. Tuliskan jenis pekerjaan yang Anda minati di keterangan lamaran Anda. Kirimkan CV dan portfolio design Anda ke hrd at pswebmedia dot com Deskripsi Pekerjaan Pro Solusi Webmedia adalah perusahaan jasa pembuatan website di Jakarta Utara. Penting: kunjungi website kami di www pswebmedia com/designer-grafis-untuk-website/ Kami sedang mencari beberapa kandidat karyawan designer grafis yang berkualitas, jujur dan bertanggung jawab untuk pekerjaan pembuatan website. Kelebihan pekerjaan ini: Dengan hasil kerja dan waktu deadline yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, Anda boleh kerja dari rumah. Tidak perlu macet. Tidak perlu habis waktu di jalan. Tidak perlu r...

    $757 Average bid
    $757 Rata-rata
    12 penawaran

    * VIDEO DESKRIPSI PROJECT DI BAWAH * hallo Gan, ini lagi cari programmer yang bisa bantu buatkan software, intinya: software yang memudahkan saya untuk copy paste artikel. jadi begini, saya admin dari web portal berita. misal saya nemu artikel bagus di www. konsultasisyariah .com, saya copy artikelnya dan saya paste di web saya, (lengkap dengan sumber berita). selama ini yang saya lakukan masih copy paste artikel semi otomatis, yaitu: saya copy paste judul, isi dan sumber artikelnya di NOTEPAD lalu saya jalankan software saya (sebut saja namanya OTOSAYA), software OTOSAYA inilah yang copy paste judul, isi dll dari notepad tsb ke website saya secara otomatis. MASALAH : meski sudah dibantu software OTOSAYA, ternyata capek juga klo harus manual misahkan isi, j...

    $152 Average bid
    $152 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran
    Mobile development
    Berakhir left

    Aplikasi Android Saya membutuhkannya dibuat dan didesain saya memiliki website, yaitu www. ojekuliner. com saya butuh untuk pengembangan serta pembuatan aplkasi android serta iPhone

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Saya ingin mengubah tampilan website saya () sebagai berikut. Catatan perubahan utama yang saya inginkan: 1. Halaman Welcome di betty beauty berisi tulisan seperti di halaman home dari 2. Font di semua bagian diubah yang lebih besar, jelas hitam dan mudah dibaca oleh calon pasien. Setidaknya seperti besar tulisan di www, 3. Halaman about bisa ada spasi antar baris 4. Ada widget untuk kategori post 5. Ada widget untuk recent updates (newest post) 6. Ada link ke toko online (theme toko online saya ada. Dari editor juga boleh) 7. Kotak atau tulisan akupunktur dan spa diubah 8. Untuk setiap tulisan ada link untuk share ke sosial media kami (facebook, twitter, instagram) 9. Ada pop up pendorong untuk langsung sms/WA dokter 10. Mobile friendly

    $122 Average bid
    $122 Rata-rata
    11 penawaran

    Mencari penulis artikel / konten untuk situs blog baru dengan tema tutorial, tips dan trik untuk penggunaan software, teknologi, berkebun dan memasak. Artikel akan di bayar dengan sistem zona mulai dari Rp. 35.000 untuk 300 kata, Rp. 45.000, untuk 450 kata, Rp. 55.000, untuk 600 kata, 65.000 untuk 750 kata dan Rp.75.000 untuk 900 kata. Anda dapat langsung mengirimkan artikel dengan mendaftar di situs www. , dan membuat post baru.

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Rata-rata
    24 penawaran

    Perusahaan kami bergerak dalam bidang Energi Baru Terbarukan (Renewable Energy), khususnya di bidang Surya dan Mini Hidro, dan saat ini sedang dalam tahap mendesain ulang/rejuvenate corporate identity untuk menjadi lebih seragam, mulai dari letterhead, envelope, brochures, business cards, etc. Informasi lebih jelas dapat di lihat di www. Terima kasih

    $99 Average bid
    $99 Rata-rata
    10 penawaran

    saya ada proyek membuat sebuah toko online, dimana setiap orang yang sudah terdaftar dalam toko online tersebut bisa menjual produknya serta bisa membeli produk yang di tawarkan oleh member yang lain, seperti dan namun dengan tema yang lebih bersahabat dan menarik. dalam ecommerce tersebut terdapat fitur : 1. bisa menjual dan... 5. sumber profit dari ecommerce dari fitur promosi dan lelang, dengan biaya yang di tentukan oleh admin. 6. bahasa yang digunakan adalah bahasa indonesia 7. domain yang digunakan .com atau , 8. domain di beri nama "Pasar Rakyat" syarat pekerja 1. entah darimana anda, namun bisa berbahasa indonesia 2. bisa menyelesaikan dalam durasi 30 hari proyek yang diharapkan seperti : www. ,com

    $161 Average bid
    $161 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    saya ada proyek membuat sebuah toko online, dimana setiap orang yang sudah terdaftar dalam toko online tersebut bisa menjual produknya serta bisa membeli produk yang di tawarkan oleh member yang lain, seperti dan namun dengan tema yang lebih bersahabat dan menarik. dalam ecommerce tersebut terdapat fitur : 1. bisa menjual dan... 5. sumber profit dari ecommerce dari fitur promosi dan lelang, dengan biaya yang di tentukan oleh admin. 6. bahasa yang digunakan adalah bahasa indonesia 7. domain yang digunakan .com atau , 8. domain di beri nama "Pasar Rakyat" syarat pekerja 1. entah darimana anda, namun bisa berbahasa indonesia 2. bisa menyelesaikan dalam durasi 30 hari proyek yang diharapkan seperti : www. ,com

    $173 Average bid
    $173 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    Hi Andre, Saya Vania di tangerang, mau mnta tolong kamu utk mengerjakan website. website nya domainnya www. saya lagi cari programmer yang cocok untuk kerja sama. saya punya perusahaan design () Kalau cocok nanti seterusnya akan minta tolong kamu :) Jadi yg utk axis ini, sudah ada templatenya. jadi kamu tinggal masuk-masukin data aja. teks dan gambar untuk slider banner. tidak ada gambar2 untuk portfolio. halaman yang diperlukan home, about us, service, dan contact saja. ini link templatenya kalau mau lihat dulu: Kira-kira berapa lama bisa dikerjakan setelah data siap semua? 3 hari cukup kan ya? saya lebih enak pakai fixed price ya, gimana

    $60 Average bid
    $60 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Butuh programmer untuk membuat popup viral share sosmed di website yang akan muncul ketika video selesai diputar. untuk pembayaran nanti nego saja dan ,bisa dpat proyek tmbhan

    $6 - $20
    $6 - $20
    0 penawaran

    ...wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction' in /var/www/clients/client1/web6/web/lib/Zend/Db/Statement/ Stack trace: #0 /var/www/clients/client1/web6/web/lib/Zend/Db/Statement/(228): PDOStatement->execute(Array) #1 /var/www/clients/client1/web6/web/lib/Varien/Db/Statement/Pdo/(110): Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo->_execute(Array) #2 /var/www/clients/client1/web6/web/lib/Zend/Db/(300): Varien_Db_Statement_Pdo_Mysql->_execute(Array) #3 /var/www/clients/client1/web6/web/lib/Zend/Db/Adapter/(479): Zend_Db_Statement->execute(Array) #4 /var/www/clients/client1/web6/web/lib/Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/(238): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('DELETE FROM `ca...', Array) #5 /var/www/clients/client1/web6/web/lib/Varien/Db/...

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Rata-rata
    11 penawaran

    hi there, i need you help me to collect much webpage from 4 page website to one file : if you bid please give on proposal to explain what methode you do thank you

    $6 - $6
    $6 - $6
    0 penawaran

    Ingin meredesign website saya , saat ini sudah dengan sistem replika www, bisa menjadi www, yang saya harapkan ,: tampilannya bisa lebih ringan , lebih informatif , gadget friendly - responsive theme ,saya sudah ada acuan juga untuk ini saat ini , artikel tidak bisa menempelkan user id artikel bisa juga di tempel dgn user id , jadi ketika admin membuat artikel , lalu member memanfaatkan artikel untuk di share , id user tersebut bisa menempel ( bisa menggunakan wordpress , atau cms lainnya ) ada beberapa website yang saya jadikan referensi , lebih lanjut bisa kontak saya

    $20 - $162
    $20 - $162
    0 penawaran

    Ingin meredesign website saya , saat ini sudah dengan sistem replika www, bisa menjadi www, yang saya harapkan ,: tampilannya bisa lebih ringan , lebih informatif , gadget friendly - responsive theme ,saya sudah ada acuan juga untuk ini saat ini , artikel tidak bisa menempelkan user id artikel bisa juga di tempel dgn user id , jadi ketika admin membuat artikel , lalu member memanfaatkan artikel untuk di share , id user tersebut bisa menempel ( bisa menggunakan wordpress , atau cms lainnya ) ada beberapa website yang saya jadikan referensi , lebih lanjut bisa kontak saya

    $345 Average bid
    $345 Rata-rata
    18 penawaran

    ...3. Server Setup • Configure a dedicated build server for MERN stack websites. • Ensure full functionality of all websites on both mobile and desktop browsers. • Set up scalable server configurations to support future growth. 4. Developer Access • Set up separate login credentials for frontend and backend access for each website. • Organize the file structure as follows: /var/www/domain/frontend /var/www/domain/backend • Use simple login credentials (no private key setup). • Provide an easy process for updating access credentials. 5. Documentation Deliver comprehensive documentation that includes: • Hostname, username, password, and port details. • Step-by-step instructions for updating login credentials. 6. T...

    $85 Average bid
    $85 Rata-rata
    13 penawaran Server Setup Set up a build server specifically for MERN stack websites. Ensure all websites are fully accessible on both mobile and desktop browsers. Configure scalable server settings to accommodate future client needs. Developer Access Set up separate login credentials for frontend and backend access for each website. Organize the file structure as follows: /var/www/domain/frontend /var/www/domain/backend Use simple login credentials for access (no private key setup). Ensure easy updating of developer access details. Documentation Deliver comprehensive documentation that includes: Hostname Username Password Port information Step-by-step instructions for updating login credentials for each website. Testing Verify that all websites are fully func...

    $108 Average bid
    $108 Rata-rata
    17 penawaran

    I'm looking to collect business email addresses specifically from car dealerships listed on Key Requirements: - Scraping should yield a CSV file containing only email addresses. - Emails should be sourced exclusively from car dealerships. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web scraping tools. - Experienced in data collection and CSV formatting. Please note, the level of data accuracy required is low, so unverified email addresses can be included.

    $110 Average bid
    $110 Rata-rata
    75 penawaran

    ...Hosting Configuration** - Host all websites on the new OVH instance. - Properly link each domain using GoDaddy or other domain registrars. - Enable free HTTPS for all websites to ensure secure access. #### **3. Developer Access** - Set up separate login credentials for frontend and backend access for each website. - Organize access directories as follows: - `/var/www/domain/frontend` - `/var/www/domain/backend` - Use simple login credentials instead of private key setups. - Ensure the configuration allows for easy updates to developer access details in the future. #### **4. Documentation** - Provide comprehensive documentation for each website, including: - Hostname - Username - Password - Port - Include clear instructions on...

    $103 Average bid
    $103 Rata-rata
    15 penawaran
    www url fix
    Berakhir left

    Website should be accessible through

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Hi I hope you are well I am looking to create a website for my start up business. Our current website is not that good I do not think. – I have listed the features below. I want to to be a website that outshines the rest and will last for many years to come. these are the full specs • All the features of the Nokri Theme - • Application through whatsapp, linkedin etc • Link my website to ATS so that any applications made on my website go on the Manatal ATS • If possible to create an app that I can use in the future that can replicate everything that the website has using a shared

    $1122 Average bid
    $1122 Rata-rata
    308 penawaran

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to build a WordPress website similar to The budget for this project is 3000 INR. Please specify your expected timeline and the tools you plan to use. Key Features: - Dark Theme: The website should have a sleek, dark-themed design. - Product Comparison: The site should enable comparison of different products. - Categories: The website should have various categories for easy navigation. - Modifiable Components: All icons, categories, and blogs should be easily changeable and modifiable by me. Content Types: - The website will feature product reviews, tech news, and buying guides. Additional Features: - User Reviews and Ratings: The site should allow users to leave reviews and ratings on products. - Email Subscriptions:...

    $77 Average bid
    $77 Rata-rata
    18 penawaran

    ...talentoso y creativo para que se una a nuestro equipo en crecimiento para un nuevo canal de YouTube dedicado a la geopolítica. Como editor de videos, desempeñarás un papel clave en la configuración de la identidad visual de nuestro canal y garantizarás que cada video sea atractivo, informativo y de la más alta calidad. La calidad de video requerida es lo más parecido posible al canal de youtube www. Necesitamos que la persona que se postule hable español tenga excelente manejo de after effects y motion graphics para algunas animaciones que requerimos en el video, la duración del mismo es de 15 a 20min. Nosotros solo proveemos el script (con sus respectivas referencias) y voice, el postulante debe encargarse de cons...

    $86 Average bid
    $86 Rata-rata
    33 penawaran

    ...(Result: exit-code) since Tue 2024-12-10 11:29:49 +08; 7min ago    Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)  Process: 17164 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE) Dec 10 11:29:48 systemd[1]: Starting LSB: start and stop MySQL... Dec 10 11:29:49 mysqld[17164]: Starting MySQL. ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file (/www/server/data/). Dec 10 11:29:49 systemd[1]: : control process exited, code=exited status=1 Dec 10 11:29:49 systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: start and stop MySQL. Dec 10 11:29:49 systemd[1]: Unit entered failed state. Dec 10 11:29:49 systemd[1]:

    $129 Average bid
    $129 Rata-rata
    61 penawaran

    ...which will play a pre-recorded message and prompt for a PIN - Validate PIN against a MySQL database or a text file - Process WWW authenticate challenges and SIP invites accordingly Ideal Skills: - Proficient in OpenSIP and RTP-Engine installation and configuration - Experience with Audiocodes SBC - Knowledge in MySQL and SIP protocol - Able to handle dynamic redirecting and processing tasks The RTP-Engine will need to play a pre-recorded message and prompt for a PIN. The PIN can be validated against either a text file or a MySQL database. Once the PIN is validated, the request will be sent back to the Audiocodes, which will then send it to the ITSP. The ITSP will send a WWW authenticate challenge to the Audiocodes, which will then pass it down to the OpenSIP. This needs ...

    $153 Average bid
    $153 Rata-rata
    23 penawaran It's a social media app where users can take videos and pictures through the app and post them on their profile page. They can also upload videos & pictures from their phone library. I want to redesign the process of how users take and upload their videos and pictures. Let me explain what I'm wanting. You can download the app or just go to the website. They both use the same process. sign in as user: veffect password: veffect After you sign in, click the middle icon on the bottom menu. (image is attached). This is where you go to upload videos/pictures. After you click it, there are 3 icons on the bottom of the screen that you can choose. Take a video, take a picture or upload media from your phone's library. (image attached). If you ch...

    $524 Average bid
    $524 Rata-rata
    61 penawaran

    I'm seeking a professional with experience in server management and web scraping to help me install Node.js version 22 and Puppeteer version 17.1.3 on my Linux server (ubuntu24.04 lts). This is to run the 'Ultimate Web Novel and Manga Scraper' plugin for my WordPress site. The installation of puppeteer should be done in the following directory: cd /var/www/ After installation, I need you to: - Test that everything is functioning correctly on the various scraper sites. - Specifically check the performance on Web Novel site A, Web Novel site B, and several Manga and other sites. You will have full root access to the server, so you can execute necessary commands without restriction. Please refer to this guide for installation:

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Rata-rata
    25 penawaran

    I'm seeking a professional with experience in server management and web scraping to help me install Node.js version 22 and Puppeteer version 17.1.3 on my Linux server (ubuntu24.04 lts). This is to run the 'Ultimate Web Novel and Manga Scraper' plugin for my WordPress site. The installation of puppeteer should be done in the following directory: cd /var/www/ After installation, I need you to: - Test that everything is functioning correctly on the various scraper sites. - Specifically check the performance on Web Novel site A, Web Novel site B, and several Manga and other sites. You will have full root access to the server, so you can execute necessary commands without restriction. Please refer to this guide for installation:

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Rata-rata
    9 penawaran

    Experiment 1.1: Wireshark Packet Capture Objectives: Familiarize with network monitoring principles and techniques. Learn how to use Wireshark on Windows and deepen understanding of the TCP/IP protocol. Enhance network security awareness. Content: Start Wireshark, set up a filter, and capture packets between the host and the mail server. Log in to the www server. Analyze the captured packets and retrieve unencrypted usernames, passwords, and email content. Steps: Start Wireshark and capture HTTP traffic between the host and the school’s system. Analyze the TCP three-way handshake and fill in the corresponding fields, including screenshots of the packets. Attempt to extract usernames and passwords from the email system and fill in the table. Summary: Reflect on issues encou...

    $31 Average bid
    $31 Rata-rata
    12 penawaran

    ... https://glintsms

    $175 Average bid
    $175 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran
    facebook ads
    Berakhir left

    Weekly facebook postings Paid Facebook ads for

    $32 / hr Average bid
    $32 / hr Rata-rata
    53 penawaran

    ...and fix this issue if the code previously developer done effecting the system or might related PHP or something related magento system, you must make it work. Catalog Rule Product index process error during indexation process: Call to a member function getId() on null Catalog Product Rule index process error during indexation process: Call to a member function getId() on null [root@testserver2 www]# /usr/local/bin/php bin/magento index:reindex Design Config Grid index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00 Customer Grid index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:05 Category Products index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:04 Product Categories index has been rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00 Catalog Rule Product index process error during indexation process: Call to ...

    $157 Average bid
    $157 Rata-rata
    26 penawaran

    I require assistance to create a simple server host enviroment. To be more precise, i need instructions and help with the configuration of the system. - Create a traefik container with a certificate resolver. The created rules need to redirect http -> https and www. -> no www. - Pterodactyl Panel with proper traefik configurations. - Pterodactyl Wings (Nodehost-Service) on the SAME server. Im having great difficulty getting this to work, as pterodactyl assumes a two server enviroment. Please have experience with having already configurated pterodactyl - Otherwise things will not work out. The actual system resources are there - I simply need line for line instructions, configurations, and help when problems arise to get things going.

    $167 Average bid
    $167 Rata-rata
    14 penawaran

    I'm looking for a freelancer who can build a modern, vibrant and user-friendly website and application for creating CVs. The design should be a creative and vibrant style, breaking away from the conventional dull CV builders. Key Features: - A variety of unique, eye-catching CV templates to choose from. - A user-friendly, intuitive media platforms, enabling easy sharing and networking. Ideal candidates should have experience in web and app development, with a portfolio demonstrating creative and vibrant design styles. Familiarity with implementing multi-language support and social media integration is a plus. A knack for creating intuitive, interactive platforms will be essential. THIS IS THE SAME WEBSITE https://www. If you read this, contact me with ...

    $547 Average bid
    $547 Rata-rata
    139 penawaran
    Trophy icon zyte scripts creation
    Berakhir left

    A) existing python-scrape fixe: at domain there should be only "" without any .com/abc or www. in front or after the domain. B) add google maps link as column C) add "source" as column and add the domain (not the url, domain only) where the lead is from D) final colums for each csv (old and new lists): The information I need from this URL using ZYTE/Scrapy-cloud: - 1companyname - 2street + housenumber - 3zip-code - 4city - 5country - 6phone (if available) - 7website (domain only) - 8email (if available) - 9about details (if available) - 10source (domain only) - 11google-maps-link Required for each scrape: 1,2,3,4,5,7,10, all others (6,8,9,11) are optional and not always on each source. so if available, use the data, if not add "n-a" E) new scrape h...

    $63 Average bid
    8 entri

    I need someone who can remotely access my PC right now. I have an SSH session to a server with a fresh install of Ubuntu 24.04. Your task will be to install and configure the MERN stack. Need to deploy and MERN application. Key Responsibilities: - Install and configure the MERN stack - Set up the front-end and back-end folders in /var/www/mern - Ensure each folder has its respective dependencies and is properly configured with the web server - Install necessary components for SSL configuratio -install and configure email server for two factor Technical Specifications: - The web server to be used is Nginx - The database solution is MongoDB -install and configure email server for two factor Please note that I have two folders: one called front-end and one called back-end. Ideal S...

    $72 Average bid
    $72 Rata-rata
    36 penawaran

    ..."shooting up" or "successful launch" of a site/product. - Satellites: Symbolise data tracking and monitoring. - Constellations: Depict networks of relationships or metrics. - Radars: Represent real-time data tracking and insights. I'm looking for a memorable design for the plugin banner and its associated website design. For inspiration, I admire the design and colour themes used on this site: https://www[dot]atera[dot]com/blog/category/it-departments/ IMPORTANT NOTE: We don't have control over the theme of websites who use this plugin, so the icon design should be suitable for both a light-theme and dark-theme without looking an eyesore. The colour palette should use a purple/pink as its accent colour, and the rest of the colours should be able to...

    $60 Average bid
    $60 Rata-rata
    66 penawaran

    I need a professional web developer to help me set up my company website. Key Responsibilities: - Help me set up the website with www at the beginning. Ideal Skills: - Web development and design expertise. - Experience with engineering and technical project portfolios. - SEO skills to optimize the site for visibility.

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Rata-rata
    42 penawaran

    ...Storage) RAM LINK BEST PRICE (most with Pay with Card) Source Honor Magic5 Lite 256GB 8GB www. S/. Oechsle Honor Magic5 Lite 256GB 8GB www. S/. ShopStar Honor Magic5 Lite 256GB 8GB www. S/. Ripley Motorola Edge 40 256GB 8GB www. S/. Oechsle Motorola Edge 40 256GB 8GB www. S/. ShopStar Motorola Edge 40 256GB 8GB www. S/. Ripley Samsung A34 5G 128GB 6GB www. S/. Oechsle Samsung A34 5G 128GB 6GB www. S/. ShopStar Samsung A34 5G 128GB 6GB www. S/. Ripley Motorola Edge 30 PRO 256GB 12GB www. S/. Oechsle Motorola Edge 30 PRO 256GB 12GB www. S/. ShopStar Motorola Edge 30 PRO 256GB 12GB www. S/. Ripley Honor Magic5 Lite 256GB 8GB www. S/. Oechsle Honor Magic5 Lite 256GB 8GB www. S/. ShopStar Honor ...

    $157 Average bid
    $157 Rata-rata
    55 penawaran

    I'm on the lookout for a skilled graphic designer who can develop high-quality, captivating designs in various styles, primarily animated, for a multitude of sports. The designs will cater to all genders and will be used for apparel, particularly t-shirts. Key Aspects: - ...approximately 100 graphics. - Designs should appeal to sports enthusiasts. - Experience with t-shirt design is essential. - Quick turnaround and meticulous attention to detail are crucial. If this opportunity resonates with you, please share: - Your portfolio with comparable work. - Your timeline for project completion. - Any inquiries regarding the project scope or design specifics. ^^^^^ Designs exactly like this company is what I’m looking for. Eager to connect with you! Best regards,

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Rata-rata
    86 penawaran

    ...increase to 4-8 seconds after clicking or longer, which is definitely too long. This needs to be fixed to store should start working smoothly. When I delete products form basket all works fine and smoothly I think similar problem is reported here: On pictures is site response time with basked loaded and with empty basket. On movie you can see how www works after add many things to basket The budget for the project is $44. Please report people who have experience with Prestashop and accept my budget. I have more tasks to do and I am looking for one person to whom I will be able to delegate them via this portal in the future. I will talk with ppl who will read this only to end and understand the project and have idea how to fix it. I don't

    $127 Average bid
    $127 Rata-rata
    39 penawaran

    I'm looking for someone available NOW who can remote desktop to my pc. On my pc I have an ssh session to a server that has a fresh install of ubuntu 24.04. I need you to install and configure MERN stack. I have two folders, one called front-end and one called back-end. We will need to set up in the var/www/mern directory the front end and back end folder and each folder has its respective dependencies and is configured properly with the web server. We will also need to install what ever we need for SSL for the server. This most likely will take less than one hour to complete.

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Rata-rata
    32 penawaran
    Trophy icon Chrome Extension for 1Tool CRM
    Berakhir left

    ************************************************************************************************************************* U can use the following test user demo@ / 1234 ************************************************************************************************************************* We aim to develop a Chrome extension for 1Tool CRM. All relevant information about 1Tool is available at , and the API documentation can be found at 1Tool API Documentation. Use Case The Chrome extension will improve contact management by integrating with LinkedIn and other websites that display contact information. The planned functionalities include: 1) Identify Existing Contacts on LinkedIn When opening a LinkedIn contact, the extension will check if the contact already exists in 1Tool

    $104 Average bid
    15 entri

    ...document covers the project’s objectives, functional requirements, technical specifications, data storage solutions, and other relevant details. 2. Project Objectives Crawl4AI aims to efficiently, stably, and structurally collect data from the following four major Chinese news websites: NetEase News () Tencent News () Sina News () Sohu News () 3. Target Websites 3.1 NetEase News URL: Sample Sections: Domestic, International, Sports, Entertainment, etc. 3.2 Tencent News URL: Sample Sections: Domestic, International, Sports, Entertainment, etc. 3.3 Sina News URL: Sample Sections: Domestic, International, Sports, Entertainment, etc. 3.4 Sohu

    $583 Average bid
    $583 Rata-rata
    41 penawaran

    Normally Prestashop loads in 0.5s. After loading many products to the cart (e.g. 20 items of 10-20 products)...increase to 4-8 seconds after clicking or longer, which is definitely too long. This needs to be fixed to store should start working smoothly. When i delete products form basket all works fine and smoothly I think similar problem is reported here: On pictures is site response time with basked loaded and with empty basket. On movie you can see how www works after add many things to basket The budget for the project is $40. Please report people who have experience with Prestashop and accept my budget. I have more tasks to do and I am looking for one person to whom I will be able to delegate them via this portal in the future.

    $138 Average bid
    $138 Rata-rata
    60 penawaran