Website can pictures different hair desingsPekerjaan
I'm in need of a professional with a significant experience in sourcing raw hair from donors, particularly from Asia. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in sourcing hair is a must. - Ability to find honest donors who are willing to sell their hair. - Great communication skills for smooth coordination. - Capable of managing shipping logistics. Your expertise will ensure that I receive high quality, ethically sourced raw hair. Please include relevant experiences in your application.
Take compny name board pic if present Otherwise take building name and number board pic Building pic Street sign name board pic Street view pic Pianeta Sud Est Jl Pantai Berawa, Gang 22 Canggu, Indonesia
Syarat worker 1. skill video editing (premier pro, after effect dan mocha) Tentang project 1. mengganti rambut yg ada di video ini (swab rambut) menjadi seperti ini yg ada di attachment 2. mengganti body sesuai yg ada di video (swab body), untuk body yg swab sedang dicari link sama diatas Syarat hasil jadi desain 1. file mp4 2. ukuran video widescreen 3. kualitas video bagus
Saya membutuhkan jasa RND fromulator untuk membuat produk shampoo, conditioner, hair mask dll dng benchmarking dr produk lain.
I need a simple video editing tutorial that is clear and easy to understand. I will attach an example video. Ignore the pictures in the video, because I will change the pictures myself.
Australian GTA 5 RP Fivem Server
Saat ini saya sedang mencari orang yang bisa mengajarkan saya pembuatan hair di blender dengan menggunakan tehnik hair particle nantinya proses pembelajaran dapat dilakukan melalui daring seperti melalui zoom atau google drive. jika ada yang berminat dapat segera memberikan bid didalam project ini terima kasih
Saya membutuhkan seseorang untuk menjualkan herbal penumbuh rambut Gingseng hair tonic. target 100 pcs
Saya membutuhkan Website untuk Penjualan Banyak Produsen dan Banyak Produk Setiap produk dijual lewat banyak sales, bukan produsen langgsung. Setiap Sales bisa menjual banyak produk * Halaman pembeli (tanpa login): 1. pilihan produk, (add chart & view detail), pencarian, katgory, filter 2. Halam check out - Pengelompokan item dibeli berdasar pemilik barang -> menjadi 1 kelompok tetapi 1 halaman - Pilihan penjual (sales) pada setiap produk yang dibeli - pilihan pembayaran dengan nominal unik, - satu pembelian bs banyak produk, bisa banyak produsen, bisa banyak sales, tetapi hanya 1 nominal dan 1 cara bayar 3. konfirmasi terima, - halaman komplain *Halaman sales 1. memilih produk, ajukan ke produsen 2. halaman produk terjual 3. halaman komplain *halaman p...
Berdiri sejak tanggal 28 April 2001, Inter Model Management Jakarta adalah suatu badan usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang entertainment yang di dalamnya terdapat berbagai macam divisi seperti : - Event Organizer - Wedding Organizer - Artis Management - Fashion Designer - Make Up Artis & Hair Do - School Talent Dengan adanya berbagai macam-macam divisi di Inter Model Management Jakarta, Kami sangat siap bersaing di dunia entertainment dan memiliki komitmen juga kemampuan yang di dukung oleh kinerja yang baik serta maksimal. Dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pelayanan dan meningkatkan kemampuan,keahlian sebagai mitra bisnis yang baik dalam dunia entertainment. Kami Sedang Membutuhkan Instruktur School Talent Untuk Cabang Pekanbaru Untuk Masing - Masing Kelas : 1. Vocal 2. MC 3. Dan... / food stalls with pictures reaching 200 restaurants / stalls around you, make sure the restaurant / stall has not been registered to the system and PHOTOS CAN NOT TAKE FROM INTERNET (Prevent Plagiarism / Copyright). Each restaurant only needs 3 photos of the restaurant (from the front of the restaurant with crystal clear images + 2 other additional photos [may take photos of the food ato another angle of the restaurant]). Do not forget to ask permission from the owner of the place for where to eat photographed (if necessary help market my application, the potential for bonuses). In addition, restaurant data must be complete in accordance with the input data needed to the android application. If anyone wants a lower bid, you can, payment can...
pythondeveloper Dicari Pengembang pemrosesan Python Image berdasarkan Kontrak .... Untuk pemrosesan gambar lantai produksi dari jeruji besi berlubang. Lingkup meliputi identifikasi objek, identifikasi pola, identifikasi lubang dan pengukuran dari tepi dan antara lubang yang berbeda Silakan bagikan pengalaman Anda dalam proyek serupa dan Keterampilan ditetapkan di @ untuk diskusi lebih lanjut. Juga berikan detail kontak Anda
Selamat Malam. Disini saya membutuhkan website dimana jasa yang ditawarkan adalah jasa pengiriman surat. Website dibuat dari 0. Didalam website itu sendiri saya membutuhkan 5 halaman utama. 1. Homepage (company description) 2. akan ada section (envelope dan letter) untuk dibagian letter itu sendiri, saya ingin customer dapat input text yang nantinya akan muncul preview setelah input text selesai. Dan pada section letter akan ada tambahan dimana di letter tersebut customer dapat upload foto. (contoh website/website acuan akan saya berikan nanti) 3. Sign up and log in page. Jika memungkinkan sign up menggunakan email, twitter dan instagram. 4. Payment check out page. 5. My page. (diisini nantinya customer dapat melihat detail pengiriman service letter...
Open opportunity for freelancer, permanent worker or anyone who ha...pekerja harian lepas, pekerja tetap atau siapapun yang memiliki waktu luang di hari kerja ataupun akhir pekan) Domicile (Tempat tinggal saat ini): All regency/district in Indonesia (semua kabupaten di Indonesia) Up coming project (projek yang akan datang): Bengkulu Job Responsibilities: - Conducting field screening and visiting to verify specific information/data as requested - Taking pictures for evidence purposes - Providing detailed report and send to related team Tanggung Jawab: - Mengumpulkan informasi di lapangan dan melakukan kunjungan untuk menverifikasi informasi/data - Melakukan dokumentasi berupa foto sebagai bukti verifikasi - Menulis laporan dengan detail dan mengirimkan laporan ke tim...
Pekerjaan ini akan menghasilkan 2 template: (1) template flash interaktif (2) template flash non-interaktif. Masing-masing template dibuat dengan 1 storyboard dan menampilkan paling tidak 3 tampilan mockup. Materi gambar yang digunakan harus bebas lisensi File FLA harus disertakan ----------------...Masing-masing template dibuat dengan 1 storyboard dan menampilkan paling tidak 3 tampilan mockup. Materi gambar yang digunakan harus bebas lisensi File FLA harus disertakan -------------------------- This job will produce 2 templates: (1) interactive flash mockup (2) non-interactive flash mockup Each template will be design using 1 storyboard and has at least 3 mockup design. All pictures used must be royalty-free (no license needed) Final FLA File must be ...
Saya akan menjelaskan Hair Care Routine seperti product-product yang saya gunakan untuk rambut menjelaskan kegunaan product-product tersebut lebih mendetail
I want to design from which you offer
saya akan menuliskan beberapa artikel untuk blog/website saya akan membantu anda untuk artikel blog anda/review blog anda
nama produk HAIR LOSS PAKET , terdiri dari serum dan shampoo isi dari vt sendiri adalah before after produk history infomercial problem 3D
menulisasdaadadad aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
menulisasdaadadad aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Saya punya sebuah produk penghilang bulu (hair removal) dalam bentuk powder, Puff-IT. Khasiat Puff-IT setara dengan metode laser hair removal, hanya untuk mencapai hasil maksimal membutuhkan waktu dan ketekunan. Target pasar saya adalah pasar luar negeri seperti Australia, Irlandia, Kanada, Amerika Serikat, Inggris. Website:
Pekerjaan ini akan menghasilkan 2 template: (1) template flash interaktif (2) template flash non-interaktif. Masing-masing template dibuat dengan 1 storyboard dan menampilkan paling tidak 3 tampilan mockup. Materi gambar yang digunakan harus bebas lisensi File FLA harus disertakan ----------------...Masing-masing template dibuat dengan 1 storyboard dan menampilkan paling tidak 3 tampilan mockup. Materi gambar yang digunakan harus bebas lisensi File FLA harus disertakan -------------------------- This job will produce 2 templates: (1) interactive flash mockup (2) non-interactive flash mockup Each template will be design using 1 storyboard and has at least 3 mockup design. All pictures used must be royalty-free (no license needed) Final FLA File must be ...
Saya memiliki pekerjaan berkelanjutan yang terkait dengan proyek kita sebelumnya 'Fix Jquery Json Submit To Get Result Different page'
I am looking for hard working staff who can work in 8 hours a shift from home daily, must have own computer and provide training .basic salary will be 150$ ,later will increase after checking hard working and learning experience required. If the amount seems low to you then do not apply ,i will not negotiate it.
I need a basic DVD cover designed. I only need the front cover designed, not the full insert. I have attached a sample of what I want the final design to look, as well as several very low resolution stills from the event (these are the only assets available). Designer will need to be able to make low resolution images look good. Main thing I am looking for: Attractive and Exciting Design - eye-catching Design that can be used as a template for future DVDs in this series Strong branding with Logo (see sample image) Great Font for the Name of the Event (see sample image) Cool-looking background to tie al images together (see sample image) Make use of sample pictures provided I need the final product delivered in an editable Photoshop PSD file with all fon...
I need to have a simple wordpress website created, for basketball camps, registration for athletes, payment for camp, and few simple pages for pictures and schedules, past camps and players involved. We also need to be able to sell books and college coaches information, which we have in an excel format, and will be converting to a disk and a book. We would like a site similar to this: . We have already purchased this theme:, color and everything is as it shows. We need to have this done, ASAP!! We have a very small budget for this, but we do have multiple projects we will be doing and want to build a relationship with a web worker, to complete those projects as well, with bigger budgets. This is VERY limited
I'm looking for a skilled graphic designer to create a product brochure for my line of modern furniture. The brochure should be visually appealing and only include high-quality pictures of the furniture pieces. Key Requirements: - Exceptional graphic design skills - Experience in creating product brochures - Ability to present product images in an engaging way Please submit your portfolio showcasing similar work.
I'm looking for a designer to create an extravagant and luxurious salon space. This salon will specialize in hair extensions and needs to have a modern, sleek aesthetic in a striking black and bright lighting scheme. Key Aspects of the Project: - The overall ambiance should be glamorous and opulent, showcasing high-end design elements. - The salon will exclusively offer hair extensions, so the design should cater to this specific service. - Design elements should include luxurious seating and furniture, as well as high-quality salon stations. - board meeting room - extended mini warehouse for inventory and warehouse workers - extra salon suite Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in high-end interior design, particularly in salon space...
I'm in need of a seasoned content creator who can design a comprehensive and visually appealing professional course specifically for facility management companies. The course should consist of 300 slides that are not only informative but also engaging. Key Responsibilities: - Create 300 professionally designed slides for the course. - Use of high-quality pictures, graphs, infographics, and charts to aid understanding. - Ensure content is clear, concise, and logically structured. - Provide proper references for all sourced material including academic papers, industry standards, and case studies. Management topics: Finance Management Budgeting and Forecasting Cost Control and Containment Measures Financial Analysis and Reporting Investment Analysis CAPEX and O...
I am looking for a seasoned content creator to design a comprehensive professional course aimed at facility management companies. Key Requirements: - Creation of 300 slides per course, all professionally designed and visually appealing. - Inclusion of high-quality visual elements to facilitate understanding, such as pictures, graphs, infographics, and charts. - Advanced and in-depth content with a logical flow. - Proper referencing of all sourced material, ideally from a mix of academic papers, industry standards, and case studies. A- Management Topics 1- Business Management Strategic Planning and Organization’s Goals Alignment Risk Management Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity Organizational Behavior and Leadership Balanced Score Card Approach Idea... screen in front of it, and shoot the camera at the mobile phone Explain the example: Summarize the first 20 seconds in your own words, what problem does this video solve Part 2: Content explanation There are three situations to deal with 1. If the original video has explanations, I will send you the explanations, and you can repeat the explanations according to the pictures For example, this video: 2. The original video has explanations, but there is no dialogue file. You need to understand the content of the video and record the explanations again 2. The original video has no explanations, there is no other work to do for this video For example, this video: https://www
...who can build an online platform and accompanying app exclusively for a certain type of content (which I can reveal if we take it further. I have had a quote to build the proof of concept, however, I am looking for a developer partner who can come in. The incoming partner’s side of the business will be: • PHP Web Development • Software • Server Build • Server Running Costs • Project management Ideally the design side of the site and app can be covered by a partner who comes in. At this stage, it is just a proof of concept so large investment can be sought (this part is in hand) to take this worldwide and become part of everyday life for billions. The platform will initially start with a simple format in Phase On...
I need an experienced AutoCAD drafter for creating 3-4 professional drawing templates specifically for electrical design...consistency and a professional look across all documents. The final delivery should encompass: - Fully editable AutoCAD (.DWG) files - Correctly set layers, text styles, and line weights - All necessary drawing templates (DWT) The work will primarily involve copying from existing drawing templates and pictures that are provided, into their own files. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with AutoCAD - Ability to create custom title blocks based on provided pictures All text styles within the templates will be standard AutoCAD text styles, so no custom text styles are required. Although company logo will be provided f...
I'm looking for an experienced 3D designer who can create a medium-detail 3D model for a product from pictures and provided PDF plans. The final model should be delivered in the OBJ format. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D modeling software - Experienced in product design - Able to work from pictures and PDF plans - Capable of delivering in OBJ format
I need someone with skills in picture manipulation to replace faces on more than 10 pictures. The purpose of this task is purely for fun and novelty. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in photo editing software such as Photoshop or GIMP - Experience in face replacement - Creativity and ability to deliver a fun result
...a sculpt that can animate well - Ability to take constructive feedback and make necessary revisions - Excellent communication skills for project updates and discussions. Please include relevant samples of your work with your proposal. Looking forward to seeing your creative interpretations! The most important reference image is 'vtuber_demonkid' because that is the character to be created. The other image serves as a reference for the level of realism that needs to be achieved (or more because that is just an IA imagen). In summary, the goal is to transform the 'cartoon-style' version of 'vtuber_demonkid' into a realistic version while preserving its fundamental features. 'Vtuber_demonkid' is half cat, half demon. He DOES NOT have horns...
Scope of Work: Fix Website Issues Without Elementor Pro Subscription Project Overview: We are experiencing issues with the display of the three Testimonials and pictures as well as the Our Blogs sections at the bottom of the website, After the integration of an AI bot and the update to Elementor Pro, these sections no longer appear as intended. The hosting company has suggested updating Elementor Pro to resolve the issue, but we do not wish to subscribe to Elementor Pro. The goal is to find a solution that does not require the renewal of the Elementor Pro subscription, restoring the Testimonials and Blog sections on the website. Objectives: Restore Testimonials Section: The Testimonials section is currently not visible on the front end of...
I'm looking to develop a cross-platform (Android and iOS) app that allows users to monitor calories by uploading images of their food or taking pictures with their device. It needs to be very similar to Cal AI ( calorie tracker) The first version of the app will be in English, with future updates needing a Portuguese version. The app should be a replica of the one found at: Please don't come with absurd prices, we are in the age of AI! Software like Bolt and others make this task super easy. Key Features: - Calorie counting from food images - Database integration with nutrition information - User profile with dietary tracking In terms of user interaction, the app will require social media login for user authentication
I need a freelancer proficient in Photoshop to help with background removal from a few images. This task involves: - Removing the existing background from 1-5 pictures - Replacing it with a transparent background - REMOVING the fence ONLY! Ideal candidates should have a solid understanding of Photoshop and experience with background removal.
...idea: include a qr code to scan that link to the website or contact form I want to write in as highly/sales focused as possible. I want to make it as personal/ trustworthy as possible feel free to use my google reviews as reference: jitware or to use things related to google my business page [NOT SURE IF BLACK IS ADVISED FOR PRINTING] Preferred color scheme: dark/ black theme white letters And currently using gold/yellow accent marble with gold/white ( don’t make the yellow stand out to make, try to make it subtle In attachment you have - some screenshots of statistics - pictures of me to make it more personal - mock ups of websites I’ve made ( not sure of this is related, but can increase quality of the design) my info: -website @...
I'm looking for a logo for my business, "Dayana Do My Hair". It needs to be minimalistic, featuring clean lines and geometric shapes, specifically squares and rectangles. The logo should also incorporate the initials DDMH. Ideal skills and experience include: - Expertise in logo design and brand development - Strong understanding of minimalistic and geometric design - Proficient in using design software - Able to deliver high-quality, clean designs in a monochrome palette - Experience with incorporating typography into logo design
I'm looking for a skilled professional to create a high-quality FOOH/CGI video for my hair care brand. The primary goal of this video is to boost brand awareness on social media platforms. Key Requirements: - The video must be of a realistic style. - Prior experience in creating CGI/FOOH videos is highly desirable. - A strong understanding of social media trends and brand promotion strategies is essential. The ideal freelancer for this project will be able to deliver a visually stunning and engaging video that will capture the attention of potential customers and enhance the visibility of my brand.
I'm looking for a talented designer to create a display box for 6 chocolate dipped waffles. Key Requirements: - The display box should be made out of cardboard. - It should incorporate our brand logo, pictures of the waffles, and existing art/text that we will provide. - The overall design style should be rustic and artisanal. Ideal Skills: - Experience with packaging design, specifically for food products. - Strong graphic design skills, with a portfolio showcasing rustic and artisanal designs. - Ability to incorporate brand elements into a cohesive design. - Proficiency in working with cardboard as a material.
I am in need of a logo for my hair salon, 'So Pretty Stylez'. The logo should embody an elegant and classic style, reflecting the upscale nature of the salon. Key Requirements: - Design an elegant and classic logo, incorporating the salon name - Use a color palette of pink and rose gold - Include elements such as scissors and comb, and a salon chair Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in minimalist and classic design - Experience in creating logos for salon or beauty industry - Strong understanding of color theory and minimalist design principles
I'm looking for a talented artist who can create a realistic drawing of a 15-year-old Padawan. The padawan should be depicted standing with a lightsaber, set against the backdrop of a Jedi temple. His hair must be split into two section. The section starting from the middle above must be pulled back and tied in a bun and the lower section falling onto his shoulders, I attached a picture for a better idea but it must be blonde. I attached pictures with the face, body, hairstyle and stance. The lightsaber should be blue. Thank you This project requires an artist who is adept at realism, with a strong understanding of human anatomy and the ability to depict dynamic poses. Experience in drawing detailed backgrounds is a plus, as this will be set in the intricate and ...
we need a freelancer to carry out a simple task. It is about verifying that a shipment matches against a packing list. The Freelancer must go to the factory or warehouse where the shipment is located, count the products and take photos according to a manual that we will send; stay in the factory or warehouse until the containers are filled out and take pictures of the loading process according to the manual we would provide
I'm in need of a professional who can create captivating 3D renderings and 2D floor plans for a 300 square meter apartment. Key Requirements: - Focus on interior design exclusively. - Create detailed renderings for the entire apartment, including the living room, bedrooms, and kitchen. - Implement a sleek, modern design style throughout. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D rendering software. - Strong background in interior design. - Able to conceptualize and create minimalist and modern design elements. - Experience with creating 2D floor plans and furniture arrangements. Attached pictures are examples
I'm seeking a Photographer that can do simple photos preferably with Cell phone. Does not need to be professional. This is for a Property located in Boaz, KY. We need at least 30 photos total. For this particular property more of the land then the structure. Exterior pictures of the house, and some on the inside if you can.
As a leading fishing tackle brand, we require a skilled Photoshop professional who can modify color on our product images. This will involve both blade background color alterations and pad printing adaptations. Example: - Change silver color to copper - Change yellow color to black - Change black dots and title to red color Key Requirements: - Change colors on product pictures. - Blade background color alterations. - Pad printing color adaptations. Volume of Work: - More than 51 product images will need editing. File Specifications: - All product images are currently in JPEG and PNG Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Photoshop - Experience in product image editing - Attention to detail