Webserver wireless control switchPekerjaan
Pembuatan platform dasar pengembangan sistim kegiatan berbasis online yang akan dikembangkan menjadi berbagai-bagai aplikasi
Saya memiliki Aplikasi Project Webservice Java yang saya kembangkan menggunakan IDE Java EE Eclipse versi Luna. Spesifikasi Framework: Maven 3, Spring 4, Hibernate menggunakan Database Oracle . Saat ini berjalan untuk testing runnning application pada Apache To...Aplikasi Project Webservice Java yang saya kembangkan menggunakan IDE Java EE Eclipse versi Luna. Spesifikasi Framework: Maven 3, Spring 4, Hibernate menggunakan Database Oracle . Saat ini berjalan untuk testing runnning application pada Apache Tomcat 7. Saya membutuhkan programmer yang bisa menyesuaikan project milik saya ini agar bisa running pada webserver Weblogic versi 10.3.6. Sehingga selanjutnya Deploy Aplikasi bisa menggunakan Webserver Weblogic 10.3.6 Server Windows + Weblogic 10.3.6 + Database Oracl...
JOB 1 : halo, saya sedang membutuhkan admin yang bekerja secara online, bisa bekerja dimana saja.. Job desk : data entry customer service operation control (via internet) Content sharing LINE@ semua dilakukan secara online.. Requirements : Design Viral Content untuk LINE@ (mohon kirimkan desain2 Anda sebagai admin line@, target mahasiswa). Aktif online sekitar Jam 09.00-17.00 boleh dilakukan dalam team. JOB 2 : Sales & Marketing untuk partnership bisa bekerja kapan saja dan dimana saja pembayaran by %. briefing di daerah tangerang selatan atau jakarta. tanya2 add line@ : @copycino (pakai "@") atau id : teruegawa.
...Staff Laboratorium 6. Koordinator & Staff Radiologi 7. Koordinator & staff Fisioterapi 8. Head Nurse & Nurse (IGD/Paediatric/ICU/NICU/OT/HCU/Kebidanan/MCU) 9. Staff Okupasi Terapi 10. Staff Terapi Wicara 11. Staff Programmer Informasi 12. Refraksionis Optisien 13. Petugas Bank Darah 14. Apoteker & Asisten Apoteker 15. Head of CSSD 16. SPV & Staff of Infection Control NON MEDIS 1. Spesialis Geofisika 2. Spesialis Aplikasi & Database Operation 3. Spesialis Hukum 4. Spesialis Geografis 5. Spesialis Reklamasi dan Lingkungan 6. Spesialis Kesehatan , Keselamatan & Lingkungan 7. Engineer & Electrical 8. Spesialis Sumber Daya Manusia 9. Spesialis CSR SMP 10. Customer Service ...
...Gizi 5. Koordinator & Staff Laboratorium 6. Koordinator & Staff Radiologi 7. Koordinator & staff Fisioterapi 8. Head Nurse & Nurse ( IGD/Paediatric/ICU/NICU/OT/HCU/Kebidanan/MCU) 9. Staff Okupasi Terapi 10. Staff Terapi Wicara 11. Staff Programmer Informasi 12. Refraksionis Optisien 13. Petugas Bank Darah 14. Apoteker & Asisten Apoteker 15. Head of CSSD 16. SPV & Staff of Infection Control Non Medis 1. Spesialis Geofisika 2. Spesialis Aplikasi & Database Operation 3. Spesialis Hukum 4. Spesialis Geografis 5. Spesialis Reklamasi dan Lingkungan 6. Spesialis Kesehatan , Keselamatan & Lingkungan 7. Engineer & Electrical 8. Spesialis Sumber Daya Manusia 9. Spesialis CSR SMP 10. Customer Service Officer 11. Helper / Runner...
Dicari orang yang bisa Install Driver Wireless Kali Linux Broadcom Corporation BCM43142 802.11b/g/n (rev 01)
1. electrical panel control 2. hydrolic manifold 3. power sizing 4. hydrolic sizing 5. soft drawing 6. user manual 7. maintenance manual 8. flyir 9. 3d image photoshop
Pemasangan Jaringan Data, CCTV, Mesin Absensi, Projector, Server Active Directory, Wireless solution, Troubleshoot, dll.
membantu untuk input data, quality control/checking data, memasukkan kata atau angka tidak menjadi masalah. Sudah pernah menjadi data entry untuk suatu marketing research dan agency advertising. ( FGD data, supplier, pricing, etc ) baik dalam bahasa indonesia ataupun inggris,
Kami menerima jasa untuk Pembuatan website Model website : 1. MPV (model view control) 2. Prosedural 3. Framework 4. CMS Content : 1. Web sekolah 2. Toko Online 3. Blog 4. dll
saya mempunyai konsep bisnis yang ingin saya jadikan website beserta admin area dan control panel dan sekurity nya
Membuat aplikasi document control berbasiskan Ms Access
indieSubang merupakan sebuah project media sosial buat anak band/solo indie, dimana mereka bisa membuat: *profile band/solo *mengapload file lagu dan foto *posting, komentar dan share dalam posting lagu terdapat rate, like, share. website ini juga rencananya berfungsi sebagai posrtal biasa. Catatan: *design minimalis responsive. *control/tool admin *customis
Perusahaan kami adalah perusahaan kecil yang baru merintis yang bergerak di bidang Jasa Pest Control, kami membutuhkan seorang Accounting untuk dapat menyelesaikan pekerjaan Accounting di perusahaan kami.
Saya berpengalaman bekerja di, LAS (Jabatan Asst Site Engineer), PT. Alpa Austenite ( Admin & Control Site Project ) area Bali & NTB dan PT. Paramita Bangun Sarana ( SPV. Site Engineer & Purchasing ) area Kalimatan dan Jakarta, PT. Grahamitra Sukses Develovert ( Bangunan ), PT. Karya Bangun Total ( Site Project ) dan ( SPV Mekanikal Elektrikal ) kerja praktek PT. Handalan Rexsatek dan PT. TRIDAYA KREASI SELARAS
Saya ingin memprogram ulang lighting control system merk legrand di sebuat unit apartemen di jakarta. control meliputi lighting dan audio ceiling speaker. silahkan hubungi saya di 081295777996
...seperti: Konvensi Internasional GATT, WTO, AFTA, EFTA, dll. Banyak perusahaan yang memproduksi produk menggunakan standar produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen ke...
...seperti: Konvensi Internasional GATT, WTO, AFTA, EFTA, dll. Banyak perusahaan yang memproduksi produk menggunakan standar produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen ke...
...seperti: Konvensi Internasional GATT, WTO, AFTA, EFTA, dll. Banyak perusahaan yang memproduksi produk menggunakan standar produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen ke...
...seperti: Konvensi Internasional GATT, WTO, AFTA, EFTA, dll. Banyak perusahaan yang memproduksi produk menggunakan standar produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen ke...
...seperti: Konvensi Internasional GATT, WTO, AFTA, EFTA, dll. Banyak perusahaan yang memproduksi produk menggunakan standar produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen ke...
...seperti: Konvensi Internasional GATT, WTO, AFTA, EFTA, dll. Banyak perusahaan yang memproduksi produk menggunakan standar produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen ke...
...seperti: Konvensi Internasional GATT, WTO, AFTA, EFTA, dll. Banyak perusahaan yang memproduksi produk menggunakan standar produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen ke...
...seperti: Konvensi Internasional GATT, WTO, AFTA, EFTA, dll. Banyak perusahaan yang memproduksi produk menggunakan standar produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen ke...
...seperti: Konvensi Internasional GATT, WTO, AFTA, EFTA, dll. Banyak perusahaan yang memproduksi produk menggunakan standar produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen ke...
...seperti: Konvensi Internasional GATT, WTO, AFTA, EFTA, dll. Banyak perusahaan yang memproduksi produk menggunakan standar produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen ke...
...href="" class='fir'>Home</a></li> <!-- <li><a href="">Tentang Kami</a></li> --> <li><a href="">Solusi</a></li> <li><a href="">Kontak</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <?php $nil = $_GET["nil"]; switch ($nil){ case 'pab': include("content/"); break; case 'kon': ...
Dibutuhkan Java Developer. Requirements: • Menguasai Java, Sql (Oracle/Postgres), Javascript, HTML, XML • Punya pengalaman develop Openbravo, bukan sekedar konfigurasi • Berpengalaman mengembangkan Java • Menguasai konsep dan penerapan byte, heksadesimal, dan hubungan keduanya dengan bilangan integer • Menguasai konsep-konsep pemrograman Java, seperti OOP, Trading, Flow Control, Operators, Generic and Connection • Terbiasa dengan istilah bahasa inggris, googling • Terbiasa membaca buku manual serta dokumentasi • Problem solver, inisiatif dan mandiri • Kontrak kerja selama 8 bulan (base on project) • Diutamakan yang berdomisili Jakarta Lokasi Kerja : Jakarta (Cilandak) Untuk yang minat silahkan message dan lampir...
Syarat dan Ketentuan Project : 1. Nama Domain yang digunakan adalah dengan head line BuxRo...Project : 1. Nama Domain yang digunakan adalah dengan head line BuxRock Investment. 2. Tampilan halaman depan website harus sesuai dengan contoh layout diatas, namun untuk material gambar boleh berbeda namun harus sesuai dengan konsep dan tema domain website. 3. Payment Prosessor yang digunakan adalah TransferBank, FasaPay, Paypal, DixiPay dan OKpay. 4. Mempunyai haman admin control yang bisa mengatur semua kebutuhan investasi dan iklan dengan mudah. (contoh fasilitas web ). 5. Ukuran Website Lebar Tetap : 1024 pixels dan Panjang Flexible Minimal 1300 pixels. 6. Ukuran Banner yang digunakan adalah 150x150 pixels dan 468x60 pixels.
mas saya ingin membuat semacam keylogger, agar orang tua bisa memantau anaknya saat menggunanakan internet di PC mereka. pada keyword2 tertentu system memberikan alert melalui email dan sms ke orangtua. kalau bisa ditambah fitur2 lain yang bagus agar penggunaan akses intenet anak bisa terkontrol dengan baik. saya ingin nya pengembangan kedepan dapat juga memantau smartphone. mohon balasan nya terima kasih
Membuat laporan keuangan, single company dan laporan konsolidasi, internal control, sop perusahaan, auditing.
menyediakan dan menjual product electrical yang di butuhkan di pabrik untuk berbagai macam aplikasi. meliputi:automation,inverter,gear motor box,control panel,gas detector,welding robotin dll. kami juga menyediakan jasa untuk installasi product-product tersebut. membantu mengerjakan project sytem dari awal seperti:conveyor,reporting,safety,touch screen control panel. product-product langsung dari principal product nya. after sales service dan bergaransi.
I'm looking for a 500ml hydrogen water bottle made of plastic. The design should be a transparent bottle. Key Features: - Built-in digital display: The bottle should have a display that shows relevant information. - Temperature control: It should be able to keep the water at a desired temperature. - LED lights: The bottle should have LED lights, possibly for aesthetic purposes or to indicate certain functionalities. - Portable charger: The bottle should come with a portable charger to recharge the built-in battery. - Hydrogen concentration display: The display should show the concentration of hydrogen in the water. - Self-cleaning function: The bottle should have a self-cleaning feature using UV-C light. - Water quality test: The bottle should feature a sensor to test the qua...
I am looking for an experienced firmware developer who can work with the ESP32 platform. This project involves creating firmware for an IoT device. It is small project with mostly completed developments. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing sensor data reading and processing - Enabling wireless communication via BLE - Overseeing battery management and monitoring Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with ESP32 - Proficiency in ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) - Skilled in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication - Knowledgeable in Battery Management Systems (BMS) If you are a talented firmware developer with the necessary skills and experience, I would love to hear from you. please do not bid if you not from NCR or Delhi
I need assistance with connecting both a mobile phone and a radio to any type of camera (DSLR, mirrorless, or camcorder) for sound capture during live events. The connection can be either wired or wireless. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency with various camera types - Expertise in audio equipment and connections - Experience with both wired and wireless setups - Knowledge of how to ensure high sound quality for live events - Knowledge of efficient battery solutions for prolonged live event coverage. - Skills in setting up redundant systems to ensure uninterrupted sound capture. - Experience in managing latency issues to ensure synchronized audio-video during live events. - Expertise in using lightweight and portable sound and camera equipment fo...
I'm seeking an engineer to design a cartoning machine and feeding system specifically for handling food products. Key featur...automatic feeding system into the design - Skills in creating high-speed, multi-size compatible machines The machine should operate at a low-speed capacity. The machine will specifically handle dry goods. The machine should be constructed from stainless steel. The design must comply with CE marking standards. A PLC-based control system should be integrated into the design. The design should aim for a medium production output capacity. The design will require an advanced control system with detailed monitoring and customization. The design should aim for low maintenance requirements. The target production output capacity for the machine is 100...
...kick in. I can feel the mood, the thrills, my hands are cold. I know something going to bite the baits. --------------------- Total words count is around: 930-950 Simple terms: You deliver the tasks, I release milestone(s). Dont waste time if you cant deliver the entire project in 3 days. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior work in voice over for adult-targeted documentaries. - Excellent control over tone, pace and pitch, suitable for a fishing-themed narrative. - Professional audio recording equipment....
ElectriCAD is looking to expand its software development team. We are seeking two qualified developers with expertise in building complex applications using user input...should include drag-and-drop functionality. Basic knowledge of CSS and HTML is sufficient. High collaboration with other team members is expected. The project will be structured around specific features to be implemented, following a list of predefined functionalities and phases. Developers are expected to participate in daily stand-ups to ensure effective collaboration. We use Git for version control to manage the project efficiently. We prefer using Material-UI for design and component libraries. Unit testing will be required for all components. The project will follow a schedule with monthly milestones and del...
I'm seeking a seasoned electrical engineer with expertise in industrial control systems, particularly SCADA. Your role will involve designing and drawing electric schematics for power distribution and control systems within an industrial setting. Key Responsibilities: - Design and draw control systems using SCADA - Create electric schematics for power distribution Ideal Skills: - Proficient in control systems design - Extensive experience in industrial electrical projects - Expertise in SCADA systems - Competent in creating detailed electrical designs and drawings Please provide examples of relevant past projects in your proposal.
...get merged into payroll module for salary processing. The storage solution should be cloud-based. The system should be highly customizable and scalable to accommodate future updates and company growth. The system should include advanced user access control with multi-level permissions. The system should have moderate customization options for essential features. Include extended support and maintenance for upgrades, feature enhancements, and bug fixes for a longer period post-development. The system should include advanced user access control with multi-level permissions. The system should have full integration with existing HR, accounting, and other enterprise systems. Include real-time dashboards and reports detailing counters and dashboards for monthly attendance, leav...
...into the camera for sound, you may need an adapter such as: TRS to TRRS adapter (if using a phone as an input) 3.5mm audio interface (e.g., Rode SC6-L or iRig Pre) Wireless audio transmitter & receiver (e.g., Rode Wireless GO II) if you need a wireless connection 3.5mm AUX Cable – To connect the radio or phone to the camera Attenuator Cable (if needed) – If the input is too loud, this helps adjust the signal to avoid distortion 3. Remote Control for Camera Second Phone or Bluetooth Remote – Your second phone will act as a remote for the camera Camera’s Companion App – Ensure your camera or phone has an app that allows remote control (e.g., Sony Imaging Edge, Canon Camera Connect, or Open Camera for Android) 4. Other A...
...and providers. Users can register using email, social media, or with phone number verification. - Dual Focus: The app should equally concentrate on animal sale and purchase as well as animal-related item sale. - Post Limitations: Providers can post images and video files (30 seconds or more) of the animals or items for sale, with the first two posts being free and subsequent ones paid. - Admin Control: As an admin, I should be able to post ads in the app including paid advertisements and announcements for animal festivals or similar events. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in mobile app development, particularly for e-commerce or marketplace apps. - Strong understanding of user-friendly interface design. - Experience with implementing dual user registration syste...
I'm in need of professional guidance on the necessary equipment for an online job where I plug a radio or phone into a camera for sound. This project involves video recording sports events. Key Requirements: - Expertise in sports event recording - Knowledge of suitable equipment for various distances - Understanding of how to connect audio output from a phone to the camera - Knowledge of wireless audio solutions. - Expertise in managing power supply and battery life for prolonged shooting. - Experience with weather-resistant equipment suitable for outdoor sports events. - Understanding of live streaming setups and requirements. - Proficiency in syncing audio from multiple sources with video. - Knowledge of equipment with night mode and low-light capabilities. - Understanding ...
I'm looking for a Windows 10 compatible macro for an Online 2D Pixel Art game. The macro needs to control a player and manage various tasks, including mining, fighting spiders, and handling mine collapses. Key Features of the Macro: - Control a player near the screen center - Mine a rock wall with varied inputs - Move to the side and repeat mining - Return to the original position after a few cycles - Handle random events like spiders appearing or mines collapsing - If a spider appears, swap weapons and attack it - If a mine collapses, quickly head to the exit, re-enter and return to original position - Implement dynamic movement patterns to avoid detection from anti-cheat systems/game Admins lurking. Detection Methods: - Use pixel color detection to identify events A...
...camera's focus to ensure a clear image. - Test and adjust audio levels to ensure clear sound. - Test the remote control to ensure it properly operates the camera. - Prepare backup equipment in case of technical issues. - Verify there is enough storage space on the camera's memory card. - Adjust the frame composition to capture the event effectively. - Adjust the lighting to ensure the subject is well-lit. - Conduct a dry run before the event to troubleshoot potential issues. Skills Needed: - Familiarity with various types of cameras (DSLR, mirrorless, camcorder) - Proficiency in audio equipment and connections (3.5mm jack, XLR input, USB input) - Experience with both wired and wireless connections, including Bluetooth Ideal Candidate: - Able to work with any ty...
Requisites (Do not apply if not available): 1. Launchpad LAUNCHXL F28379D Rev. 2 development board in your possession 2. Instrumentation you would need to test the work you do (as a minimum, an small oscilloscope, maybe some FTDI serial cables, etc. to debug your software)? 3. A firm (again, emphasis on firm) estimate of ho...(GPIO) HIGH The linkIsDown ISR shall send the character “!” via SCIB TX The linkIsDown ISR shall set the RED LED ‘on’ The linkIsDown ISR shall set flagB LOW The linkIsDown shall exit The BLUE LED shall act as a heartbeat to indicate the program is running The BLUE LED shall blink at a slow pace to make it clear to the observer that the program is running The BLUE LED should NOT use timed-loops to control the blinking – it shall ...
I need a custom-built ZOHO application for efficient vendor m...reflecting in both the assets list and vendor profile. - Document upload capability per vendor profile. - A feature for sending project announcement emails to vendors based on their designated "positions". Positions to include: - Various technician and construction roles (e.g. I&R COAX Tech, Aerial Fiber Construction, etc.) Contract Management: - Automated reminders - Digital signatures - (Version control is not necessary) Document Uploads: - Contracts - Insurance Certificates - Licenses Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience with ZOHO development - Strong understanding of vendor management processes - Ability to create user-friendly applications - Excellent communication skills for understanding spe...
...collaborating on a project. - Participants: The group will consist of fewer than 10 members. - Include communication tools like emojis, reactions, and private messaging for focused collaboration. - Ensure the chat supports multiple file formats such as PDFs, Word documents, and images. - Allow members to customize their notification settings to avoid overload and maintain productivity. - Implement access control settings to define who can join, view, and participate in the chat. - Provide robust search functionality to easily find messages, files, and tasks within the chat. - Enable integration with other project management tools like Trello, Asana, or Jira. - Ensure that all changes and updates are reflected in real-time for seamless collaboration. - Include a feature for sched...
...**Miscellaneous Provisions:** - Amendments, assignment, and force majeure clauses. - Entire agreement clause to ensure this document supersedes any previous agreements. - Notices and communication methods between parties. 39. Force Majeure: Explanation of the situations where neither party will be held liable for failure to perform their obligations due to events beyond their reasonable control, such as natural disasters or other 'acts of God'. 40. Audit Rights: Provision allowing Corporate Nerd the right to audit the subscriber's use of the software to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions. 41. Data Backup: Provisions outlining the responsibilities of data backup, including frequency, storage mediums, and recovery protocols. 42. User Responsi...
¡Trabaja desde Casa como Analista de Presupuestos para Woof Airlines! ¿Eres organizado, detallista y deseas contribuir a brindar experiencias excepcionales a los amantes de las mascotas? ¡Esta es tu oportunidad de unirte a Woof Airlines y trabajar de manera remota como Analista de Presupuestos! Si estás buscando un rol que te permita equilibrar tu amor por los perros con tus habilidades analíticas, ¡queremos conocerte! Acerca de Nosotros: Woof Airlines es una empresa líder en viajes aéreos para perros y sus dueños. Nuestro objetivo es garantizar que las mascotas y sus compañeros humanos tengan un viaje cómodo y seguro, ofreciendo servicios personalizados y atención de calidad en cada vuelo. Descripci&oacut...