Web.config file is used forPekerjaan
Memasukan ongkir ke excel pekerjaan sudah dilakukan kurang lebih 50%, yang sudah diberi warna hijau kodeposnya artinya sudah di cek ongkirnya kolom 1-1937 dan kolom 4890 - 5576. yang diberi tanda ok sudah kami cross cek, yang belum diberi tanda ok walaupun sudah diberi hijau mohon di crosscek saja secara random
Halo Erfan, Kebetulan nemu profil kamu, saya ada project menarik. Aku butuh web scraper utk ngambil data dari situs olx.co.id. Intinya saya pengen jadi org yg pertama tau kalau ada barang yg dijual dgn harga lebih murah dari pasar. Kira-kira begini aplikasinya. 1. Saya bisa nge-config nama produk, kategori, dan wilayah dari data mau kucari di web itu. (hardcode jg gpp, tapi prefer bisa config di web langsung). Ex: galaxy s5 di kategori handphone utk wilayah bandung. ini harus bisa banyak produk yah. 2. Setiap X menit, scraper ngambil seluruh data produk dgn config tersebut, tapi khusus postingan 30 hari terakhir. 3. Data disimpan di DB, biar bisa tau harga rata2 di pasar sekarang berapa. 4. Kalau ada yg posting harga barang yg lebih murah d...
Memasukan ongkir berdasarkan berat dan jenis kiriman (pos kilat,biasa dan express )dari halaman dengan menggunakan kodepos 10350 ke kodepos seluruh indonesia yang disediakan didalam file excel kami.
Memindahkan data statistik dari format PDF ke File excel yang telah disediakan.
Menkonversi desain dari Corel ke Wordpress Template. Themes menggunakan Enfold Theme dari Themeforest. Jumlah sebanyak 13 halaman. Saya lampirkan beberapa contoh desainnya.
terdapat backend dan frontend, memakai localhost(offline), ada upload gambar dan menampilkan gambar, frontend menampilkan sesuai login user
1. ada dua ea (arbitrage), master dan slave 2. yang lakukan OP adalah ea slave 3. tetapi ea ini di protect dengan file dll (nama, akun, tgl expired) yang saya inginkan 1. decompile ea tersebut 2. crack protect file dll, supaya tidak terkunci nama, akun dan tgl expired
Aplikasi untuk mengamankan file, berupa File Dokumen (Docx, doc, PDF) Project(PSD) berbasis Web Server
Menyalin dokumen tersebut kedalam microsoft office dengan lebih menarik.
adaskdkasdkask dkas kdask dks akdkas dk askd ksa kdsakdsa
konversi file excel dalam format tertentu menjadi file csv yang dapat diimpor ke aplikasi e faktur pajak. Result diharapkan dalam bentuk aplikasi atau macro excel yang dapat digunakan berkali-kali.
mempromosikan sesuatu dengan metode mebuat keyakinan dengan bukti dan fakta fakta
must be native Indonesian and should be willing to meet face to face
proyek ini adalah menampilkan film2 anak muda di indonesia melewati acara2 yang menarik anak muda jaman sekarang. di dalam acara ini terdapat band2 , DJ's , dan stand2 yang menjual barang2 anak muda. Tapi dengan ini kita dapat membuat anak muda indonesia lebih peduli dengan perfilman indonesia dan lebih kreatif lagi. dengan menyangkut pautkan berbagai komunitas muda kita bisa membuat proyek ini lebih menarik banyak anak muda. karena anak muda adalah salah satu konsumen utama dalam proyek ini , menguntungkan dan membantu anak muda indonesia lebih kreatif dan maju lagi
proyek ini adalah menampilkan film2 anak muda di indonesia melewati acara2 yang menarik anak muda jaman sekarang. di dalam acara ini terdapat band2 , DJ's , dan stand2 yang menjual barang2 anak muda. Tapi dengan ini kita dapat membuat anak muda indonesia lebih peduli dengan perfilman indonesia dan lebih kreatif lagi. dengan menyangkut pautkan berbagai komunitas muda kita bisa membuat proyek ini lebih menarik banyak anak muda. karena anak muda adalah salah satu konsumen utama dalam proyek ini , menguntungkan dan membantu anak muda indonesia lebih kreatif dan maju lagi
saya membutuhkan pekerjaan yang bisa saya kerjakan dimanapun, saya bisa input pajak PPN, PPh 21, dll termasuk impor csv PPh21 & PPN.
Di dalam website ada table yang ingin saya konversi secara otomatis ke dalam "" file. Hal ini bisa dilakukan secara otomatis untuk semua tanggal yang dispesifikasikan oleh saya sendiri, misal 2014/08/13/ ataupun 2014/08/12/, dst. Output dari satu halaman ini adalah file .csv.
Saya butuh freelancer yang bisa menterjemahkan beberapa file saya dari bahasa inggris ke bahasa indonesia. Di utamakan freelancer indonesia. Detil file-file nya akan saya sampaikan setelah terpilih. Ini harus selesai cepat.
jfjfrdmfmafms ndmsdnmf dsf nx ndsj njsnfjxf hbsbdf nj jmsdfxm zxnc n edakn ajsdh ad agdb<s adhnzd sd dh asdh dasd
hi there, i need you help me to collect much webpage from 4 page website to one file : if you bid please give on proposal to explain what methode you do thank you
Project Description: Saya mampu menulis artikel apa saja sesuai keinginan pemesan. Apa saja kebutuhan pemesan bisa saya selesaikan.
Saya ingin membuat aplikasi scanner 10 sidik jari (mirip dengan finger unlock) tapi hasil scan 10 jari tadi bisa disimpan ke file gambar misal: JPG, PNG dll. cara scannya satu-satu sampai 10 jari ter-scan semua. optional: kalau bisa hasil scan file 10 jari langsung bisa ter-zi
Kita memiliki sebuah photoshop file untuk applikasi mobile dan perlu untuk menciptakan versi HTML5 dari design ini. HTML5 ini adalah untuk mobile application. Tampilan layarnya perlu untuk responsive, bisa merubah ukuran layar sesuai dengan resollusi mobile phone. Tidak perlu memprogram codenya, hanya HTML5 and CSS saja.
Handphone Android semakin populer di dunia dan menjadi saingan serius bagi para vendor handphone yang sudah ada sebelumnya seperti Nokia, Blackberrydan iPhone. Tapi bila anda menanyakan ke orang Indonesia kebanyakan “Apa itu Android ?” Kebanyakan orang tidak akan tahu apa itu Android, dan meskipun ada yang tahu pasti hanya untuk orang tertentu yang geek / update dalam teknologi. Ini disebabkan karena masyarakat Indonesia hanya mengenal 3 merek handphone yaitu Blackberry, Nokia, dan merek lainnya :) , Apa itu Android Android adalah sistem operasi yang digunakan di smartphone dan juga tablet PC. Fungsinya sama seperti sistem operasi Symbian di Nokia, iOS di Apple dan BlackBerry OS. Android tidak terikat ke satu merek Handphone saja, beberapa vendor terkenal yang su...
Saya membutuhkan class di PHP yang bisa membaca file word xml dengan baik menggunakan DOM PHP dan beri penjelasannya, contoh terlampir. Dapat membaca urutan nomor 1 kemudian a, b, c dst.
I'm in need of a C# console application that can download files from a provided list in a text file. The application also needs to be able to solve reCAPTCHA v2 when prompted. Key Requirements: - The console application must be compatible with Windows. - It needs to be able to read a text file containing the list of files to be downloaded. - The application must be able to handle reCAPTCHA v2, which may involve implementing a service or library that can solve these challenges. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in C# with experience in developing console applications. - Familiarity with file handling in C#. - Previous experience dealing with reCAPTCHA challenges. - Understanding of Windows platform development.
I need an experienced CAD professional to modify an AutoCAD (.dwg) file. The task involves altering existing structures, adding new components, and adjusting dimensions. Additionally, I require round gutters to be inserted into the design. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in AutoCAD - Previous experience modifying CAD files - Capable of adding new components and adjusting dimensions - Familiarity with incorporating gutter designs into CAD projects
LOGO DESIGN in vectorized file (LAYERED)
I'm looking for a PHP developer to create a script for me. The script should allow me to upload various file types (Images, Music, Video, and all Excel extensions) to a folder on my hosting server. Subsequently, I should be able to download these files from a designated page. the project must be done in PHP and Html Key Requirements: - The script must support all types of files, specifically Images, Music, Video, and all Excel extensions. - I do not require a user-friendly graphical interface. Command-line interfacing is sufficient. - There should be no restrictions on file size. I want the ability to upload and download files of any size without limitations. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP - Experience in creating file upload and downloa...
I require an expert to assist in uploading and installing a theme (purchased from CodeCanyon) on my Prohoster VPS. Post installation, the SMTP settings need to be configured for seamless email communication. Some standard customizations will also be necessary to ensure the website runs smoothly. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficient knowledge of and VPS hosting - Experience with CodeCanyon themes - SMTP configuration skills - Ability to perform standard website customizations - Understanding of seamless website operation requirements
I need a graphic designer to help me with a quick edit on an AI file. Specific Requirements: - Increase the spacing between certain logo letters - Thicken the letter 'S' Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Adobe Illustrator - Have keen attention to detail - Previous experience with logo editing This is a small and simple task for a skilled designer. Prompt completion is appreciated.
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I need an easy script in php to export data froma a mysql table into a file xml
I'm currently working on a Blazor App linked to a solution project in C++. Using Visual Studio 2022, I've added new functionalities to my project. I need assistance on how to properly update my project DLL file without breaking any of the existing functionalities. Ideal skills and experience for this job includes: - In-depth knowledge of C++ and C#. - Extensive experience with Visual Studio 2022. - Familiarity with Blazor App development. - Proven track record of DLL management and updates.
Hi i have a one page doc that I need the banner and images on the page swapped out for slightly different images. The images are not ours so I want to new ones to no run into copyright issues.
Data-collecting Excel file.Data-collecting Excel file.
I am in need of a .step file for a chair, made from a 2D technical drawing and constructed from 12 mm round steel wire. The project specifications are as follows: - Dimensions: All necessary dimensions are clearly specified on the 2D technical drawing. - Preferred Software: The .step file should be created using AutoCAD. - Level of Detail: The model should represent a detailed structure, inclusive of joint details. Ideal candidates for this project should be proficient in using AutoCAD and have experience in creating .step files from 2D technical drawings. A keen understanding of detailed structural modeling is essential, as is the ability to accurately represent joint details within the model.
...you to bid for this job that needs immediate resolution to allow access to the server. We would like to keep the same guru for a related phase if there is mutual interest/agreement. Deliverables: Given remote access to AWS you will: Resolve the "pending validation status" on the following certificate( ac760290-d3d2-4044-b31b-3d76581e9c95) in AWS Certificate manager Consider AWS instructions found here for a potential solution to (1 above): Add custom subdomains managed by Amazon Route 53. Ensure each subdomain resolves to a start-up website in the OdooServer Review the backend and overall platform structure. Recommend changes needed to establish a true multi-company subscription platform for the current
...CAREFULLY BEFORD BIDDING------------------- We Urgently need to convert 5 modules pages from our old codeigniter web app to our new laravel web app management module, each tab has his own config page to convert too, Key Requirements: 1. Immediate start: This is an urgent task. 2. Daily updates: I will need numerous updates each day, including a link to the work, a screenshot of the issue, and a screenshot of the fixed issue. 3. Adherence to corrections: You must follow exactly the corrections I send you and fix them the same day. 4. Design and Responsivity: Ensure you do not deviate from our website design and responsiveness. Budget and Timeline: 1. Fixed price: The budget for this task is $60. Any bid higher than this will be declined. 2. Fix...
Hello, I have a PDF with hand-written math formulas, I'm looking for someone to just copy them a write them inside a text file. You can look the 2 attached files. I already started the work. YOU DON'T NEED TO COPY ALL FORMULAS, ONLY THOSE WITH A TITLE INSIDE THE TEXT FILE.
Hi I have a server at OVH, which runs under vmware, yesterday OVH intervened on the servers and since then my server is blocked on this page (see image): I reboot many time, I clicked shift+on still the same message
I'm in need of an expert who can resize and modify my STL 3D file for a prototype/model. The freelancer will need to add or remove features as necessary. Key Requirements: - Proficient in handling STL files - Experience in 3D design and modification - Ability to understand and implement design changes for a prototype - Attention to detail to ensure the file is ready for printing
I'm in need of a proficient CAD/DWG specialist to modify my DWG file. Key Tasks: - Add new drawing components and dimensions to the file. - Remove specific existing elements, including annotations, dimensions, and certain drawing components. Ideal Candidates: - Extensive experience in modifying DWG files. - Proficient in CAD software. - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy in both adding and deleting elements.
I'm facing issues with a SCORM 1.2 test file where multimedia (audio/video/quiz) content is not displaying correctly on my Learning Management System (LMS). I am seeking an experienced professional who can fix this file. If the file can be fixed, I will subsequently need four full programs developed in SCORM 1.2. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with SCORM 1.2 file creation and troubleshooting - Proficient in multimedia content integration - Familiar with various Learning Management Systems (LMS) - Experienced in instructional design and e-learning content development - Ability to deliver high-quality, interactive SCORM-compliant content
Professional English speaking female needed for short video to be used to create an AI avatar. Must have clear, feminine speaking voice with no accent. Must be able to dress professionally. Must have camera and quality mic that records clearly. Must be able to record 45-60 seconds in MP4 format. Must be available for edits and re-filming if needed.
Data gathered to an Excel file. Data gather to excel file
I need modifications made to an STL file for 3D printing. The top section of the file needs a thicker and knurled texture applied. Ideal skills include: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Experience with STL file modification - Understanding of 3D printing requirements - Ability to create detailed textures. Please note, the modifications need to be suitable for high-detail 3D printing.
I need a skilled CAD professional to modify a DWG file by updating existing elements. The modifications primarily involve text annotations and dimensions. Specifically, the project requires updating the wording of certain text annotations. Please ensure you have experience with DWG files and CAD software, as well as a keen eye for detail to catch any potential discrepancies.
...with an Archicad .pln file that needs to be split into five documents. Each document should zoom into the master plan and include a key like the master document. Requirements: - Splitting the provided Archicad file into 5 documents, each focusing on a zoomed area of the master plan - Each document needs to be A4 size output in PDF, with the orientation (landscape or portrait) determined based on what works best - Tidying and aligning street names, building names, landmarks, keys and symbols within each document to make them cleaner - Including a border for each zoomed area - Retaining existing scales - Each document should include a key and should be as close up as possible - Each file should be close up with a key that is in the corner T...