Washnah water treatmentPekerjaan
Moisturizer, produk pertama yang diperkenalkan Skintific, yang diklaim dapat memperbaiki skin barrier Serum, seperti Skintific 10% Niacinamide Serum, Skintific 5X Ceramide Serum Sunscreen, Skintific 10% Niacinamide Brightening Serum, dan Skintific 2% Salicylic Acid Anti Acne Serum Gel, seperti Skintific BHA Salicylic Acid Acne Spot Treatment Gel, yang diklaim dapat mengatasi berbagai jenis jerawat dalam waktu 12 jam Masker, seperti SKINTIFIC Mugwort Masker Jerawat Tanah Liat Stik, yang diklaim dapat mengobati jerawat, membersihkan pori-pori, dan menenangkan kulit
...of Terror Synopsis: From the first day, Alina becomes the target of bullying by Alexa and her gang. They start with taunts and insults, gradually escalating to physical intimidation. Content: First Day Taunts: Alexa and her gang begin mocking Alina's economic background in front of the class. Escalating Bullying: Verbal taunts turn into physical actions like pushing and hitting, throwing dirty water, and burning her hand, leaving scars. Alina's Reaction: Alina feels pressured and starts to struggle with the burden she must bear. Chapter 3: Loneliness and Despair Synopsis: Alina begins to feel isolated. She has no friends at school and feels that no one cares about her suffering. Every attempt to report to the school authorities is ignored. Content: Loneliness at Sc...
Halo Saya sedang mencari tenaga ahli yang berpengalaman dalam pembangunan Water intake, Reservoir, dan Pengolahan Air. Adapun output yang saya butuhkan adalah: 1. Kajian Teknis 2. Hitungan RAB 3. Desain Domisili di Jabodetabek, siap untuk kunjungan ke lokasi. Jika ada yang memiliki pengalaman diatas, bisa menghubungi saya Terima kasih
Kami ingin membuat desain dan rencana anggaran biaya (RAB) untuk sebuah rumah kabin berbahan baja dan aluminium. Proyek ini bertujuan untuk penggunaan pribadi, dan kami akan menggunakan bahan aluminium untuk proyek tersebut. Kami tidak memerlukan bantuan instalasi dan konfigurasi, namun kami akan mengatur dan mengestimasi kebutuhan. Kami akan menggunakan d...dan ada 2 tempat tidur, atasnya ada panel surya, ada gudang penyimpanan barang di atas bangunan atau di bawah bangunan, bahan bangunan mudah didapatkan dengan rangka utama baja atau alumnium. ada peredam di dinding dalamnya. untuk luarnya memakai plat aluminium dan dalamnya ada board atau triplek tebal. ada kipas sirkulasi. Bagian depannya langsung kamar dengan full kaca dan frame aluminium. Ada water heater dan ada Bathtub di k...
Kami perusahaan rintisan dalam bidang teknologi air membutuhkan beberapa orang yang bertugas mencari customer baru. Tugasnya adalah menjadwalkan google meeting dengan pimpinan untuk menjelaskan satu produk. Ada beragam produk / sistem teknologi air yang bisa dijual. Bisnis teknologi air (water treatment, waste water treatment, hydro-tech) ini sangat luas penggunaanya dari kebutuhan individu, keluarga, komersial sampai industrial untuk itu sangat cocok bagi mereka yang ingin menambah penghasilan. produk-produk sedang kami siapkan dan kami butuh setidaknya 5 orang pertama untuk menjalankan kesempatan yang sangat baik ini.
Ada: -2 sensor ultrasonic -2 water pump -1 motor -1 servo -1 buzzer -push button FUNGSI PUSH BUTTON -menhidupkan servo,pump1& motor FUNGSI ULTRASONIC 1 -untuk matikan pump1 &hidupkan pump2 FUNGSI ULTRASONIC 2 -untuk matikan pump2 - MOTOR DELAY OFF APABILA PUMP 2 MATI SELAMA 5 MINIT APABILA MOTOR MATI BUZZER BERBUNYI 15 SECOND
Membuat jadwal secara random yang harus memenuhi hard constraint & menghitung fitness soft constraint nya, selanjutnya mengoptimasi menggunakan algoritma WWO
Tolong buatkan program dam break shallow water menggunakan matlab seperti pada jurnal yang saya lampirkan,
Hi, I'm looking for someone that likes to draw, painting with water base would be preferable. It would be for 50 pages/illustrations. Please shoot me your portfolio and the price for that package.
Size A5, file submission in ai. The brochure is intended to attr...attract new customers to come and buy. Mandatory in the brochure: - the brand logo - main message (below) - price @ Rp. 6000 - water elements to portrait from natural source (mountain? spring water source?) - color themed background --> gradation / combination of blue and green as per the brand logo Main message Untuk air galon isi ulang, kenapa beli di HYDRO MART? 1. Dari sumber AIR PEGUNUNGAN (bukan Air Tanah di tempat) 2. Diproses LANGSUNG dan DEKAT tempat Anda 3. Diproses secara HIGIENIS dengan teknologi MODERN dan HALAL 4. MAINTENANCE peralatan dan kualitas air secara rutin 5. Didukung oleh PT. Hydro Water Indonesia, pengalaman >20tahun dalam water processing, dengan puluha...
saya ada buat water quality project monitoring using iot, tapi menggunakan pycom sebagai micro-controller. dan sensor yang digunakan isalah analog ph sensor, ec sensor, dissolve oxygen sensor,temperature sensor water level sensor and turbidity sensor. Saya ada masalah dengan dissolve oxygen sensor sebab available resources dalam arduino tapi saya perlukannya dalam python language.
Dia ada tiga part. First untuk lose weight, second untuk gain weight and combat disease. Untuk lose weight, user kena pilih makanan seimbang yang dicadangkan dan jenis exercise yang perlu user buat untuk turunkan berat badan. Then, based on user's choice tu, a timetable will be generate. Sama jugak untuk part...timetable will be generate. Sama jugak untuk part gain weight. Untuk combat disease tu, contoh kalau dia ada sakit diabetes, dalam timetable tu dia akan suggest makanan yang sesuai and masa untuk pengambilan ubat. Dalam timetable tu jugak, ada display jumlah calorie untuk makanan dan jumlah calorie yang akan terbakar untuk exercise yang user buat. Features lain bmi calculator, calorie counter, water tracker, monthly report, and boleh share health tips to social media c...
I need some help with finding an accountant. Saya butuh dibantu untuk laporan keuangan bidang organisasi nirlaba. Diutamakan memahami treatment perpajakan. Dibutuhkan segera. Jika berminat silahkan kasih penawaran kepada saya.
Menghadirkan berbagai macam paket body treatment yang berkualitas serta di kerjakan oleh terapis pria yang terampil n berpengalaman, Untuk informasi lengkap call / WA : 085890406180 / 081286139252
hello,, saya ingin membuat website yang seperti dengan sample sama , dan dapat menambahkan logo / water mark jika ada yang bisa , tolong chat saya
Halo semua! Aku butuh pekerjaan ringan buat nge desain packaging untuk jus aku dan buah potong! kalo LOGO mau diubah juga bisa. ini brandnya baru jadi kalo kamu semakin kreatif bangus banget! Ini Buat Jus dan ini yang buat packaging infuse water, dan buah potong gitu yah! Pengen ada warna merah, kuning dan juga hitam dan nama brand nya RANCAK BUAH Rancak buah adalah Catering Juice dan Buah potong delivery. Kami ingin menjadi solusi bagi customer yang ingin memakan buah secara teratur, mudah, higienis, dan efficient. Sehingga mereka tidak harus lagi repot-repot untuk pergi kepasar, kehujanan, atau berat membawa buah tersebut dan harus mengupasnya terlebih dahulu. Rancak buah telah berdiri satu bulan yang lalu dan saat ini mempunyai kios di depan Kampus Maranatha, ...
...yang sudah dan belum selesai di web : Penambahan Forum Tanya Jawab, Seperti --- (belum selesai) Contact us Page Contact form di switch penataannya dgn contact detail, sehingga contact form ada di atas --- (belum selesai) Tambah menu "news". Guna untuk artikel --- (Ketika di klik menu "news" tidak terjadi apa-apa) Menu treatment di ganti jadi "our services" --- (Done) Di dropdown jadi : treatment, product, package (3 menu page dijadikan 1) --- (Done) Layout menu product di ubah menjadi semacam katalog, seperti productnya SK-II --- (belum selesai) Bagian bawah, recomendednya juga dipakai --- (belum selesai) Bagian home Bagian news, product, appointment, dibuah layout menjadi : Sisi kiri untuk news saja. Bawah tetap a...
Sebuah project yang ditujukan untuk membangun sebuah sistem yang bertujuan untuk memonitoring beberapa perubahan dinamis di water treatment salah satu perusahaan terkemua di indonesia.
jenis" "dessert" seperti waffle, cupcake, kue dll. di media" seperti kardus, koran, kertas A4 dengan warna dengan memakai water colour, paint, pensil warna dll. ? Saya ada proyek skolahan tapi saya gaada waktu untuk membikinnya
Proyek pengadaan air bersih untuk perumahan,apartemen maupun industri dari desain,pengadaan barang maupun konstruksi
saya memproduksi air minum kesehatan yang bernama kangen water tetapi yang saya produksi tidak hanya air kesehatan tapi juga ada prodak kecantikan dan kesehatan yang berbahan dasar dari air
Membuat video moiton graphic dengan durasi 4-6 menit. Konsep & treatment merupakan hasil kerjasama antara freelancer dan pemberi kerja
Klinik Geriatri SEHAT SEHAT = Senior Healthiness Treatment yaitu klinik khusus untuk pasien geriatri yaitu pasien dengan umur 60 tahun ke atas. klo bisa temanya green environment, jadi dengan klinik green building juga
...DHA, Karachi.rno Mr. Sattar Karar DHA, Karachi.rno Gen. Ahsan Hayat, DHA Karachi rno Syed Iqbal Shah, DHA Karachi.rno Mr. Athar Khan, DHA Karachirno Mr. Shahinshah, KDA Karachirno Mian Aslam, Islamabad.rno Mr. Agha Dilawer, DHA Karachi.rno Mr. Arshad Owner of Pakistan Cables, Clifton Karachi, rnrnProjects With Architect Tauseef Ahmad & Associates,rnCOMMERCIAL PROJECTSrno Water Tower (30m high) , Nowshera KPKrnrn rnRESINDENTIAL PROJECTS:rnrno Mr & Mrs Rahat, Navel anchorage Islamabad rno Dr. Jamil Sawar, Islamabadrno Mr. Abdul Hafeez, Islamabadrno Mr. Waleed, Islamabadrno Mr. Adil, Islamabadrno Mr. Roman Amjad, Islamabadrno Mr. Riaz, IslamabadrnrnProjects With MEINHARDT Pakistan Pvt LtdrnRESINDENTIAL PROJECTS:...
...DHA, Karachi.rno Mr. Sattar Karar DHA, Karachi.rno Gen. Ahsan Hayat, DHA Karachi rno Syed Iqbal Shah, DHA Karachi.rno Mr. Athar Khan, DHA Karachirno Mr. Shahinshah, KDA Karachirno Mian Aslam, Islamabad.rno Mr. Agha Dilawer, DHA Karachi.rno Mr. Arshad Owner of Pakistan Cables, Clifton Karachi, rnrnProjects With Architect Tauseef Ahmad & Associates,rnCOMMERCIAL PROJECTSrno Water Tower (30m high) , Nowshera KPKrnrn rnRESINDENTIAL PROJECTS:rnrno Mr & Mrs Rahat, Navel anchorage Islamabad rno Dr. Jamil Sawar, Islamabadrno Mr. Abdul Hafeez, Islamabadrno Mr. Waleed, Islamabadrno Mr. Adil, Islamabadrno Mr. Roman Amjad, Islamabadrno Mr. Riaz, IslamabadrnrnProjects With MEINHARDT Pakistan Pvt LtdrnRESINDENTIAL PROJECTS:...
Saya mencari seorang web designer untuk online shop dengan target pasar Jepang. Produk yang akan saya jual adalah beauty treatment product.
memesarkan atau mencari customer potensial untuk pengguna contruction steel pipe. cukup dengan menjadi penghubung tanpa terlibat negoisasi, dan dapatkan minimal 2% dari total proyek from customer.
Membuat / merancang / mendesign bangunan konstruksi dan machining secara detail. drawing mengunakan 2 dimensi serta 3 dimensi (berdasarkan kebutuhan) / yang di minta oleh sesuatu instansi / organisasi dengan menggunakan software Autocad 2013/ Solid Work. Semua pekerja dapat di selesaikan dengan cepat dan detail. Pekerjaan yang sering saya lakukan Design Konstruksi - Project of Water Treatment Plant. - Modification Wireline Tools Untuk Oil & Gas - Design untuk Pabrikasi & Konstruksi Pressure Vessel Tank Oil & Gas
I'm seeking a passionate female hair care enthusiast with expertise in organic social media growth for a medical hair loss treatment page. Project is an online medical consulting business to reverse hair loss holistically and strategically Key Responsibilities: - Creative content marketing strategies tailored for hair and healthcare consulting. - Producing passionately researched content to engage our audience. - Writing engaging content and editing/posting videos according to the latest SEO standards. - Building a community and generating leads on platforms including Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Technical guidance will be provided by a doctor as this is a medical niche. Ideal Skills: - Strong content marketing background. - Passionate about hair care. - Ex...
I'm in need of a modern style logo that utilizes a bold and vibrant color scheme. The logo should effectively incorporate both an icon and text, striking a balance between sophistication and creativity. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe Illustrator - Understanding of Modern...text, striking a balance between sophistication and creativity. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe Illustrator - Understanding of Modern Design Principles - Experience with Bold and Vibrant Color Schemes Interstate Blasting () is a company that performs dry ice blasting, laser cleaning and blasting, media blasting and high pressure water washing Use the existing logo as inspiration, modernize and keep existing colors.
I need a comprehensive design for an industrial building. The purpose of the building is general, so the design will need to be versatile and fit a range of potential uses. Key features required in the design include: - A partially underground insulated silo: This silo needs to be able to support large tanks of water. The design will need to account for the necessary structural integrity and insulation requirements to keep the tanks at a stable temperature. Ideal candidates for this project will be experienced in industrial design and have a strong understanding of the engineering requirements for supporting large structures. Knowledge of insulation techniques for industrial buildings will be a significant advantage. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed...
...III who steals all of the Eco-Spirits, and the player has to collect them and restore earth’s green vitality. Eco Spirits are friendly creatures who are based on eco-friendly elements of the earth, like water, wind, and earth. There are different Eco Spirits such as Enthusiastic Earthlings, Wind Wisps, and Water Guardians. Each Eco spirit can be found in locations similar to their name, like Water Guardians near bodies of water, and Enthusiastic Earthlings near construction sites. Once you get near an Eco spirit, you will be told a fact about something related to that, like catching a Water Guardian will tell you a fact about lakes or rivers. Catching an Eco spirit will also give you Green Points. Getting more Green Points will level you up, and ...
...movie festival at a regular movie theater. This event, titled "Drive-In Movie", aims to lure movie buffs a couple of hours away for a weekend getaway. The concept revolves around a retro-style Drive-in Movie sign, with a simple and clean design reminiscent of the 1960's Pop Art era. Key Requirements: - The logo should either incorporate a neon design, a sign, or simply feature a nice retro text treatment. - The overall feel of the logo should be fun and playful, appealing to families and friends looking for a unique weekend experience. Your design will help promote our event as a 'Drive-In' movie, a clever play on words aimed at encouraging people to drive to our city and enjoy a collection of connected films over a weekend. Ideal candidates for this pr...
I'm looking for a design for a custom pickleball paddle featuring the Heartland Payment Systems logo. 'Paddle ' is a starting point. I have attached two different variations of the Heartland logo. You can use one or both in your design. Anything goes. Be as creative as you want to be. The canvas is the face of the paddle. One thing I do ask is please include the PV logo similar to how it is on Paddle Example.png. I don't have the white only version of that logo but attached the version I do have in the case it is helpful - RedOutline-NavyFill PVPNG.png. Thank you and Good Luck! This is for a cold call pitch.
...minimalist logo for my company, AustinPromos.com. The design should incorporate at least one symbol from Austin, specifically, the flying bats (not baseball bat) or state capitol. We are a woman-owned biz so something Texan may also be good--with a female cowgirl flair. Color Scheme: The primary color should be blue, but the design may also include some green, red, or purple to represent the water, parks, and bats in Austin. Key Requirements: - Use of the flying bat symbol , Texas cowgirl or Texas capitol in the logo - Emphasis on a red & blue color scheme- but can have green and purple as well - Creation of both a one-color and full-color design - Provision of a hex and PMS color chart prior to handoff Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Brand...
I'm looking for a skilled video creator to produce a series of recreational water sports and lifestyle videos with a focus on surfing and foiling. The videos should embody an energetic and exciting tone, appealing to viewers' sense of adventure and thrill. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro) - Experience in creating sports or lifestyle videos - Ability to capture and convey high-energy moments - Understanding of the surfing and foiling sports - Creativity in visual storytelling and sound design Please include samples of your previous work, particularly any related to water sports.
... 3. Trip Type: Is this a couple’s trip or a family trip? 4. Purpose of the Trip: • Relaxation (beaches, scenic views, relaxation spots) • Adventure (amusement parks, water activities, etc.) • Arts & History (historical sites, museums, etc.) 5. Budget: What is your budget for the trip? AI-Powered Trip Planning Based on the answers provided, the AI will generate a detailed trip itinerary. The itinerary will include the following: 1. Purpose-Specific Recommendations: • If the purpose is relaxation: Beaches, scenic views, and relaxation spots will be recommended. • If the purpose is adventure: Amusement parks, water activities, and similar attractions will be suggested. • If the purpose is arts and history: Historical sites, ...
I'm seeking a skilled professional to design a medical device aimed at providing therapeutic treatment for individuals suffering from depression and anxiety. Key Responsibilities: - Conceptualize and design a medical device with therapeutic capabilities - Ensure the device is user-friendly and caters to the needs of individuals with mental health conditions Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in medical device design - Understanding of mental health conditions, particularly depression and anxiety - Ability to create user-centric designs - Strong problem-solving skills to address specific therapeutic needs
...to design a simple prototype and a cost-effective solution for an automatic watering pot. The pot should have: - Two compartments: the inner for soil and plants, and the outer housing all the components like a relay module. - A fully covered outer compartment made of Plastic (ABS), which is the chosen waterproof material. - Integrated moisture sensor located in the soil. - A DC water motor situated in the water compartment. The pot should be designed for: - A battery-operated power source, as this will aid in keeping the pot cost-effective. - Growing flowers, hence the pot should cater to the needs of these types of plants. Please also provide suggestions for: - A cost-effective design that would allow for future sales under Rs 249. ( $4 ) - A suitable waterproof mat...
I'm looking for a skilled M&E Clerk of Works for regular i...M&E Clerk of Works for regular inspections on a commercial construction project. Your primary responsibilities will include assessing the workmanship, quality, and safety of work, particularly focusing on: - Electrical systems - Plumbing and water systems - HVAC systems You will conduct these inspections on a weekly basis and report findings back to senior managers and clients. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in inspecting commercial construction sites - A strong understanding of electrical systems, plumbing and water systems, and HVAC systems - Excellent communication skills for reporting purposes - A keen eye for detail to ensure the highest standards of workmanshi...
We are looking for an independent designer and frontend developer (freelancer) who excels in both design and front-end development. The current focus is to develop a new version of an online portal for a water purification system. Additionally, we have two other projects that require online support. What We Are Looking For: - Frontend Skills: Proficient in HTML5, Bootstrap 5, and jQuery. - Git: Experience with version control using Git is required. - Basic PHP Knowledge: Helpful for understanding our modularly built click demos. - Design Expertise: You can create designs that meet UI/UX requirements and improve existing screens/views. - Familiarity with Ticket Systems: Experience working with systems like Trello or similar tools (e.g., SCRUM-based workflows). - Communication: Commu...
use ai like ideogram if you can better, PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION AND STYLE IMAGE I LIKE: I'm looking for a modern-styled logo that incorporates a palm tree and geometric shapes. The color scheme should be a luxurious gold and black. Palm logo No tittle...colors and style We would like to see a timeless symmetrical palm tree design, surrounded by a simple border, . The focus colour should be a brown to burnished gold that communicates stability and status. The palm tree logo should be able to be used with and without the accompanying business name font. NOTE: Symmetrical designs preferred. No centre palm frond. Single colour designs preferred. No water lines or sun as part of logo. If a border is used, we prefer a single line border. FONT: Not too scrolly or decorative. C...
I'm looking for an expert to help me design an electronic thermos flask. This flask should be able to heat or boil water at the press of a button. Key aspects of the project include: - Feasibility Research: I need a thorough analysis of the cost implications and electrical components required for this project. - Design: You'll need to prepare both an electrical and an aesthetic design for the thermos. The efficiency of heating is the most crucial factor for the design. - Material Selection: The choice of materials for the exterior of the thermos should be based on feasibility. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in product design and engineering, particularly with heating devices. Experience with induction heating and knowledge of cost-...
I'm looking for a talented mural artist to bring my garage to life with a vibrant, nature and landscapes-themed mural. This project will require the incorporation of water features and floral patterns into the design. It’s crucial that the use of colors is bright and engaging, as I prefer a vibrant and bright color palette. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in mural painting - Strong background in nature and landscape art - Skills in creating engaging water features and floral patterns - Ability to work with a vibrant and bright color palette - Excellent understanding of mural scale and perspective.
...communicated correctly. When it comes to healthcare paperwork, Chinese accents like Cantonese, Hokkien, and Shanghainese pose their own set of language problems. To translate medical knowledge into these accents, you need more than just language skills. You also need to be able to be precise and understand complex cultural differences. When it comes to private papers like patient histories, treatment plans, or drug directions, misunderstandings can have very bad results. To keep conversation clear in medical situations, it is necessary to have an expert who can understand these languages. The main duty of this job is to make sure that medical papers are correct, with a focus on healthcare interactions that use different Chinese accents. The person in this job will have to trans...
I'm in urgent need of a professional engineer skilled in FEA simulation. The project involves: - Creating simple model of the part. (Acrylic) - Conducting structural analysis using FEA within Inventor Please include in your application: - Your experience with Autodesk Inventor - Your FEA experience - Any past projects related to engineering water tanks Time is of the essence, and I need this project completed today. I have the software and experience to complete myself. I have done said simulations before. This project will take between 1 or 2 hrs together. If you complete this project well, I have other FEA projects available.
...in need of a detailed site plan for a new commercial metal building being constructed in a flood plain. The site plan needs to encompass a variety of important elements: - Utilities: The plan must include provisions for the following utilities: - Electrical service - Water supply - Gas line - Sewer - Storm Water - Sewer Plan: A comprehensive sewer plan is needed to ensure proper waste disposal and management. - Storm Water Plan: Given the building's location in a flood plain, a well-conceived storm water plan is paramount to mitigate potential flooding issues and to comply with local flood-specific regulations. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in site planning and a thorough understanding of flood-spec...
I am seeking a professional with experience in creating commercial electrical plans to assist with preparing my partial plans for power distribution. This is for a permit. The project is to power pool motors for (2) water features and (8) LEED lights. The power source is an existing panel on site. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in electrical design for commercial buildings - Familiarity with Florida's permitting process - Ability to work with and update existing plans.
I'm seeking a professional translator from French to Thai to translate medical reports for treatment planning purposes. The translator does not need to have expertise in medical terminologies, as general translation will suffice. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in both French and Thai - Experience in translating medical documents - Able to provide clear and accurate translations - Good understanding of treatment related terminology