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Lokasi dago bandung, LT/ LB 320/ 350 m2 Tanah down slope, bertingkat 3 lantai Butuh free lance arsitek yunior domisili bandung utk design developmen detail dan pelaksanaan lapangan Syarat, pria / wanita usia 26-30th, pengalaman 2-3 tahun design rumah tinggal, dan pegawasan aplikasi di lapangan
Digital Marketing untuk Iklan Jasa Pemrograman Kunci Mobil (Sistem Komisi) Tentang Kami: Kami adalah penyedia jasa pemrograman kunci immobilizer mobil dengan layanan home service di Gading Serpong, BSD, Alam Sutera, dan Jakarta. Kami menawarkan: Pemrograman Kunci Immobilizer untuk kunci konvensional dan keyless Layanan Home Service ke lokasi pelanggan Free Ongkos & Free Scan Mobil Garansi 1 Bulan Tujuan Proyek: Kami mencari freelancer digital marketing yang berpengalaman untuk mengelola kampanye iklan di Facebook dan Instagram dengan fokus untuk menarik pelanggan dan memperkenalkan jasa pemrograman kunci kami. Sistem Komisi: Komisi: 10% dari total penjualan yang dihasilkan melalui kampanye iklan. Biaya Iklan: Ditanggung oleh freelancer terlebih dahulu. Jika hasil kampa...
...efisien, seperti Provider atau Riverpod (untuk Flutter) atau Redux (untuk React Native) untuk manajemen status aplikasi. 2. **Pengembangan Front-End:** - **Framework:** Menggunakan Flutter atau React Native untuk pengembangan lintas platform, memungkinkan aplikasi berjalan di iOS dan Android dengan satu basis kode. - **Komponen UI:** Membuat komponen UI yang dapat digunakan kembali (reusable components) untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan konsistensi desain. - **Local Storage:** Menggunakan SQLite atau Hive untuk penyimpanan data lokal yang sementara (seperti cache transaksi sebelum sinkronisasi dengan server). 3. **Pengembangan Back-End:** - **Server Framework:** Menggunakan Node.js dengan atau Django (Python) sebagai framework server-side. - **Database:** Menggun...
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Vector face making services can also be fullbody, the price listed per person if more than once then the price will be adjusted to the price per person. free titles. processing time 4-5 days. use your best photos for satisfactory results ( PNG format)
Saya butuh seorang programmer yang mahir modif wordpress. Beberapa kriteria yang diinginkan: Paham menggunakan API Paham product Feed Bisa modif plugin orang lain (misalkan Yoast seo) Bisa membuat plugin baru jika dibutuhkan Paham tentang post meta, category meta, taxonomy meta Paham membuat fitur filter Paham membuat custom permalink dari gabungan beberapa kategori free support selama ditemukan bug atas kerjaan Anda
Saya ingi...kalkulator. Fungsi kalkulator dijalankan terutama dengan JavaScript, sedangkan simulasi dengan Three.js. Desain, spesifikasi, dan skema interaksi sudah saya siapkan. Keterangan produk tujuan: web statis-interaktif, non-database, non-CMS, 1 halaman, implementasi desain dengan JS + , framework pengerjaan bebas. =============== I'd like to implement a web-based learning media prototype, some components of which are interactive simulation and calculator. The calculator function will be handled with JavaScript, while the simulation will require Three.js. The design, specs, and interaction scheme are already available for reference. Summary of objective product: static-interactive web, non-database, non-CMS, single page, implementation of design concept with JS + Th...
Hai freelanc3web, saya melihat profil Anda dan ingin menawarkan Anda proyek saya. Kita bisa diskusikan setiap detailnya di kotak obrolan.
Saya butuh support untuk customize plugin dan theme wordpress Learning Management System. Theme: Edumodo Plugin to customize: Learnpress, Woocommerce, embed Tokbox 1. Customize Learnpress plugin di page courses supaya fit dengan Theme dan warna 2. Customize Learnpress plugin di page Student Dashboard untuk layout dan components 3. Customize Tokbox script 4. Customize Woocommerce plugin checkout page
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Sy mencari tenaga freelance yang menguasai server linux dan aplikasi NMS untuk keperluan instalasi dan konfigurasi free NMS seperti Zabbix atau openNMS dan 28 NE. Lebih di sukai yang telah memiliki pengalaman atau pernah bekerja pada SI, ISP atau Telco.
saya mempunyai 19 desain dan desain di antara nya kebnyakan yang...yang terpenting sesuai dengan design yang ada dan wajib responsive rapih free eror, kalo anda setuju dengan budget yang saya tentukan silahkan apply dan bertanggung jawab dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan ini secara tuntas dan tidak setengah2 silahkan di perhatikan terlebih dahulu design yang saya sediakan. design yang sudah kami buat sudah berlisensi dan berbadan hukum jika ada duplicate atau dll nya akan segera di proses kami berharap ketika sudah apply dan deal anda mengerjakan sesuai dengan kesepakatan yang ada, dan jika bagus ini akan berkelanjutan deadline pekerjaan ini akhir bulan dilarang menggunakan tools2 apapun saya ingin anda cukup menggunakan html css bootstrap agar sesuai dengan design yang ada responsive ...
Dibutuhkan Jasa Telemarketing untuk menawarkan produk software FREE tanpa di kenakan biaya, yang di install di tempat client, dengan konsep kerja sama dengan client melalui bagi hasil dari pemasangan iklan pada software ini. Pekerjaan ini TIDAK DIKENAKAN TARGET PENJUALAN, karena menawarkan produk software yang sifat nya FREE. Target market: 1. Rumah Sakit di area jabodetabek (total yang ada di database sejumlah 150 rmh sakit) 2. Shopping Mall di area jabodetabek Kriteria TELEMARKETER: 1. Pria atau lebih di sukai Wanita 2. Berpengalaman dalam telemarketing 3. < 30 tahun 4. Memiliki komunikasi yang baik (persuasif) dan ramah 5. Sabar, jujur, ulet, dan pekerja keras 6. Dapat berimprovisasi dan memiliki inisiatif tinggi 7. Fokus pada target 8. Memiliki hand...
Kami merupakan Perusahaan "Start Up" berbasis web dan aplikasi membutuhkan tenaga pemasar sebagai "Kanvasser" sebagai karyawan tetap ataupun "free lance" yang bertugas untuk mencari listing property yang dapat disewakan harian untuk area Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Listing Property Apa? Apartemen, Kost, Rumah, Guest House, Wisma, Hotel, Budget Hotel, Resort.... yang disewakan Persyaratan "Kanvasser" 1. Pria/ Wanita 2. Memiliki kendaraan sendiri dan SIM 3. Agen property dan mempunyai pengalaman di dunia property lebih diutamakan Deskripsi Pekerjaan: 1. Cari listing baik dari lapangan "On The Spot", Website, database. 2. Telpon dan datangi listing tersebut, dan membuat personal meeting dengan owner property tersebut. 3. M...
hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for e...
hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for e...
terbiasa membuat gambar manual (Free style manual Draw)
...INI.... SAYA YAKIN ANDA BISA...!!! Pembayaran komisi Langsung saat itu juga.. jadi gak perlu nunggu sebulan.. 1 menit saja anda berhasil menjual ke orang maka saat itu juga komisi anda cair dari saya... ^_^ ini detail iklan produknya: APLIKASI PEMASARAN "GrupFacebook_Poster" Harga Rp 250.000,- BEBAS IKLAN KAPANPUN DAN DI MANAPUN SEPUASNYA KE GRUP2 FB SECARA MASSAL. Fasilitas: **Free Member Area **Bisa Posting Iklan ke Grup FB sebanyak mungkin (UNLIMITED) **Post Iklan cukup dari Software, tidak perlu mengunjungi Grup-FB satu persatu **Bisa lampirkan GAMBAR PRODUK di iklan kita **Bisa SUNDUL IKLAN (UNLIMITED), sehingga iklan tetap NO 1 di setiap grup **Bisa login LEBIH dari 1 akun FB (tidak terbatas) **Software dapat BERJALAN SENDIRI dibelakang ...
Cepat dan berkualitas(fast & good Quality) I will give free guaranted if I'm late. I can finish my job with good.
I'm looking for a skilled data analyst to delve into Uber ride data with a clear focus on women's safety. This project has the following key components: - **Data Insights**: The primary objective is to identify trends and patterns around incidents reported by women riders. This includes analyzing the frequency of these incidents in comparison to general ride data. - **Safety Features Evaluation**: I want to assess the effectiveness of certain safety features. This includes the 'Share Ride Status' feature, the 'Driver Background Checks', and the 'Incident Reports' system. The goal is to understand whether these measures are sufficient or if there are gaps that need addressing. The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong backgr...
I need a skilled CAD designer to create a model for a functional part that can be 3D printed. Key Responsibilities: - Design a CAD file from scratch for a functional component intended for 3D printing. - ...a CAD file from scratch for a functional component intended for 3D printing. - The design should be ready for practical use, adhering to standard dimensions and specifications for functional parts. - Select appropriate materials for the 3D printed part, ensuring durability and functionality. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in CAD software. - Prior experience in designing mechanical components for 3D printing. - Ability to understand and implement engineering principles in design. The part should be designed for 3D printing in plastic. The part should be a mechani...
...that match their preferences. Details: Location Filters: Filter properties by proximity to specific golf courses, towns, or geographic areas. Price Range: Allow users to set price ranges for properties they want to explore. Golf Course Features: Filter by course difficulty, number of holes, amenities (e.g., practice facilities, clubhouse). Technologies: Frontend: React or Angular (for filter components) Backend: Node.js or Python (for search logic and database queries) Database: MongoDB or PostgreSQL (for storing property and golf course data) 7. User-Friendly Property and Golf Course Map Objective: Offer an interactive map showing properties on or near golf courses. Details: Map View: A map that marks golf courses and associated properties with pins. Clicking on a pin will show...
I need a seasoned CAD designer to create a 3D AutoCAD model of a machine (similar to a vending machine). The model should encapsulate both external features and internal components, serving purposes of product visualization, manufacturing, and marketing. Scope of Work: - Exterior Design: Design should include precise 3D modeling of the machine's outer structure, with accurate dimensions of features like the cleaning slot, user interface, and branding area. - Interior Components: This involves detailed modeling of the machine's internal mechanisms, which includes parts such as the cleaning chamber, fogging system, sterilizer, hot air dryer, scent dispenser, and control panels. - Wireframe View: A comprehensive wireframe representation is crucial to illustrate the...
I am looking for skilled AWS DevOps Engineer to set up my infrastructure using Terraform. Requirements: Set up AWS infrastructure, including: EC2 instances ECR (Elastic Container Registry) EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) Load Balancer VPC and Subnets Ideal Qualifications: Extensive experience with AWS services Proficiency in Terraform E...using Terraform. Requirements: Set up AWS infrastructure, including: EC2 instances ECR (Elastic Container Registry) EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) Load Balancer VPC and Subnets Ideal Qualifications: Extensive experience with AWS services Proficiency in Terraform Expertise in setting up CI/CD pipelines with GitHub Actions Prior experience with the listed AWS components and services Strong understanding of networking components and th...
I'm seeking a skilled professional to create a basic mock-up of my pants - into a physical tangible mockup. I have a tech pack ready and would appreciate someone who can collaborate with me to make sure the concept is as per my vision. The mock-up doesn't need to be made from specific high-quality materials as mentioned in the tech pack - any fabric will suffice to demonstrate how the various components of the garment fit and are assembled. Key Requirements: - Competence in creating taped seams - Proficiency with zippers, as two parts of the mock-up will be joined by a zipper - Ability to sign and adhere to a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) I look forward to working with someone who can help bring this concept to life. Thank you.
I need a skilled developer to create a web scraping robot for me. This robot will: - Log into a specific site. - Navigate through the site. -find dat according share folder and use login as folder name - Extract both text and images, primarily from the sidebar or widgets. The ideal freelancer for this ...folder name - Extract both text and images, primarily from the sidebar or widgets. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in web scraping and data extraction. They should be comfortable with creating automated robots that can interact with a website and perform tasks like logging in and navigating the site. A good understanding of data extraction from various site components is essential. Please provide proof of similar projects you've complet...
I'm preparing for a job interview in the Real Estate/Construction/Architect industry and I need a professional PowerPoint presentation that communicates a project proposal effectively. Key Components: - The presentation must include project timelines and milestones - A detailed budget and cost analysis - Innovative design concepts and plans Ideal Skills: - Expertise in PowerPoint - Background in Real Estate/Construction/Architecture - Strong project management and design understanding - Excellent communication skills to present complex information simply
I'm looking for a growing and willing to learn academic researcher to help conduct a comprehensive literature review in the sector of sustainability and business. Key components of the project: - The potential candidate will be assisting in this project - Extensive literature review across various types of sources, including academic journals, books, industry reports, articles, regulations, standards, and frameworks. - In-depth analysis and synthesis of the collected data to derive meaningful insights. Ideal candidate should have: - minimum 6 months of experience in Literature Review - Experience with diverse types of literature sources.
...which has a rubberized component. - Material: The replicated plug should be made out of plastic. - Original Plug: I have the actual plug that needs to be replicated and can ship it for review. - Sealing Method: The moisture prevention method should be a rubber gasket. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in automotive part design and replication, particularly with electrical components. Proficiency in working with plastic is crucial, and understanding of automotive industry standards for temperature endurance, oil resistance and moisture resistance is a plus. Success in this project is the production of a singular replicated plug with the drawing files and their ownership transferred to me....
Programmatic SEO web developer to creste a similar page -> Approach: Backend (Node.js + MongoDB): ...Approach: Backend (Node.js + MongoDB): Design dynamic routing, implement API integrations for salary data, and enable query parameter-based filtering. Build a structured database schema and set up scheduled tasks for data updates. Develop programmatic SEO features, XML sitemaps, and JSON-LD schema integration. Frontend (React + ): Create dynamic, SEO-optimized pages with reusable components for job titles, salary details, filters, and interactive charts. Ensure responsive UI/UX and optimize meta tags for search engines. Integrate data visualization tools for trends and salary insights. Please view the website link.
I have an Excel file containing 7000 client information, and I need assistance in restructuring this data into a more organized format. Key Tasks: - Splitting the complete address field into separate components: Street Address, City, State, and ZIP Code. - Extracting and restructuring additional data fields including Phone numbers, Email addresses, and Customer names. - Ensuring all data is organized and presented in a clear and concise manner within an Excel file. - Ensuring there is no duplicate data Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Excel with extensive experience in data manipulation. - Attention to detail to ensure data is accurately split and reorganized. - Strong understanding of data structuring and data management principles.
I am in need of a skilled AWS DevOps Engineer who can set u...with Github Actions. Key Responsibilities: - Set up AWS infrastructure including: - Compute: Lambda, ECR - Networking: Load Balancer, VPC and Subnets - Storage and Databases: S3, DocumentDB - Utilize essential AWS networking components: VPC and Subnets - Implement a robust CI/CD pipeline using Github Actions Ideal Qualifications: - Extensive experience with AWS services - Proficiency in Terraform - Skilled in setting up CI/CD with Github Actions - Previous experience with the listed AWS components and services - Strong understanding of networking components and their configuration Strictly NO AGENCIES. Task to be completed in 7 Days with regular meetings every day. Choose this task only if you can ...
I'm looking for a professional to create a comprehensive business plan and an engaging sales pitch for my startup e-commerce dropship pet supplies company. The objective is to secure $20,000 from either an angel investor or a bank. Key Components: - All sections of the business plan need to be meticulously crafted, with particular attention to the Executive Summary, Market Analysis, and Financial Projections. - The market analysis should cover all aspects, with a strong focus on competitor analysis. - As I currently do not have detailed data on competitors, I require assistance in conducting this analysis. Ideal Candidate: - Previous experience in creating business plans for e-commerce and/or pet supplies companies is highly desirable. - Strong skills in market research and ...
...engaging visual appeal. - Integration of responsive contact forms and feedback mechanisms to facilitate effective user relations. - Construct dynamic header, modals, dropdowns, navbar, menu, thinking in terms of Angular components interface and UX navigability. The ideal candidate for this task should have: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap is a MUST - Familiarity with creating responsive and cross-browser compatible designs. Angular experience is a Plus Phase 2: Build an Angular webapp using these mockups MANDATORY: - To build thinking in terms of reusable and modular components, to be used to build an Angular webapp. - To use text in modals and every component. In a nutshell, I am after an individual who can bring life into my web designs, mocking up and after...
...etc) this is focused towards African American women An example to an email you would create for women who signed up for our free rest workbook (the goal is to get signups) By create the examples listed above not only will you show you can listen and follow direction, but also that you are dedicated for the jobs This link should give you a general idea We need someone who is an independent thinker, quick on their feet, adaptable, creative, and up to date on trends for instance if we give you your weekly task and you think there is something we missed or should add feel free to bring it up if you think it’s beneficial Communication and timeframe are so important if we give you task and they aren’t
...cloud-based Crew Management System. This software should simplify the processes of creating, managing, and assigning personnel to various crews. The use of a cutting-edge JavaScript framework for the front end is crucial, particularly for implementing user-friendly drag-and-drop features. The back end, database, and APIs should be robust to ensure smooth integration with external applications. Key Components: - Integration with workforce management systems - Critical operations that involve creating, updating, and deactivating resources and crews Essential Tasks: - Design and implement a system to create new resources and crews - Develop an interface for updating existing resources and crews - Enable functionalities for deactivating resources and crews Ideal Candidate: - Profi...
...treasurer) special permissions to oversee the group, manage members, and handle finances. 9. **Security Features**: - Implement secure payment methods (if applicable), such as bank transfers or digital wallets. - Use encryption for sensitive data storage and communication. #### Basic Architecture 1. **Frontend**: - **Framework**: React, Angular, or Vue.js for a responsive UI. - **Components**: User dashboard, group management page, contribution tracker, and notification system. 2. **Backend**: - **Framework**: Node.js with Express or Django for handling API requests. - **Database**: MongoDB or PostgreSQL to store user information, group details, contributions, and financial records. 3. **Hosting**: - Use cloud services like AWS, Heroku, or DigitalOcean f...
Project Overview Seeking a Google Sheets expert to provide technical guidance for an NBA player/team analytics integration. The project involves building data pipelines, statistical analysis, and machine learning models to generate player prop recommendations. Current Status I've built the initial framework but need expert guidance to optimize and enhance specific components. This is a learning-focused project where I'm doing most development, seeking an expert consultant for targeted assistance when stuck. Technical Requirements - Advanced Google Sheets/Apps Script expertise - Experience with sports data APIs and statistical analysis - Machine learning implementation in Google Sheets environment - Data pipeline development and automation - Performance optimization for l...
I'm in the process of developing a blockchain-based web application using the Ethereum platform, and I need a high-level software architecture diagram to guide the development process. Key Requirements: - The diagram should include the primary components of the system, specifically focusing on the role and structure of messaging queues within the architecture. - A clear representation of how these components interact within a blockchain context is essential. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in software architecture, particularly within the blockchain domain. - Familiar with Ethereum and its unique architectural elements. - Experience in visualizing complex systems in a clear, understandable manner.
I'm seeking a talented freelancer to des...visually appealing and on-brand. Deliverables: • Detailed Design Mockups: High-fidelity wireframes and mockups of all key screens and features. • Interactive Prototype: A fully functional prototype of the planner for testing and feedback. • Development and Integration: Full development and implementation of the digital planner. • Quality Assurance Testing: Thorough testing to ensure the planner is bug-free and functions as expected. Compensation: • [Your Budget] I am looking for a highly creative and motivated freelancer with a passion for design, technology, and personal development. If you have the skills and experience to bring this vision to life, please submit your portfolio and a brief proposal outlining ...
As the owner of an indoor cricket facility, I'm to develop a website that serves multiple purposes. It should primarily aim to increase bookings for the facility, but also enhance user engagement by providing extensive details about the facility, and simplifying the payment process. The website should reflect a sporty and energetic theme, in line with the nature of the facility. Key components of the website: - A reservation system for booking time slots - A feature for booking time slots via WhatsApp - Integration of Stripe for online payments - Sections detailing hours of operation, a photo gallery of the facility, a help tab, and an 'About the Owners' section The homepage should prominently showcase: - Booking options - A photo gallery of the facility - Informati...
I need a comprehensive visual identity guide that focuses on the usage of my existing logo. Key Components: - Logo Usage Guidelines: This includes minimum size and spacing, background color variations, and incorrect usage examples. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Brand Development - Visual Communication Experience: - Proven experience in creating visual identity guides. - A strong portfolio of logo usage guidelines.
I'm seeking a designer to create an engaging 3D kiosk for an indoor mall. The primary function of this kiosk is to provid...this kiosk is to provide an interactive experience for customers. The ideal freelancer for this project should have experience in 3D design, particularly for retail environments. While the specific interactive features of the kiosk have yet to be determined, the designer should have a strong understanding of potential interactive elements, such as touchscreen interfaces or augmented reality components, and be able to incorporate these into the design. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in 3D design software - Previous experience designing for retail outlets - Understanding of interactive design elements - Ability to create engaging, customer-f...