Spring boot tcp socket server examplePekerjaan


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    2,000 spring boot tcp socket server example pekerjaan ditemukan

    Instalasi/setting server (Microsoft Windows Server 2012, Microsoft Exchange, RedHat Enterprise dll) dan network (Cisco router, Checkpoint firewall dl)

    $397 Average bid
    $397 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran


    $12 Average bid
    $12 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    Saya butuh sekitar 2,000 - 3,000 private anonymous proxy yang berlokasi di Indonesia.. untuk keperluan social media. VirginProxy Proxy akan di sewa min 3 bulan atau lebih jika memuaskan

    $1516 Average bid
    $1516 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Saya butuh sekitar 2,000 - 3,000 private anonymous proxy yang berlokasi di Indonesia.. untuk keperluan social media. VirginProxy Proxy akan di sewa min 3 bulan atau lebih jika memuaskan

    $462 Average bid
    $462 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    hanya untuk orang INDONESIA saya membutuhkan orang yang dapat membuat server gps tracking, dapat memakai open source gps gate atau apapun juga.,fitur : multi user, geofences, menu untuk detail kendaraan, reports, pesan, distances, routing

    $527 Average bid
    $527 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    Program database . Mulai Sederhana , Perhitungan Laba , client server . Design Metro +^

    $20 - $162
    $20 - $162
    0 penawaran

    Saya dapat membuat aplikasi perkantoran berbasis Desktop, client-server, Web, Mobile seperti aplikasi keuangan, penggajian, HRD, Sistem Pakar, Apotek, Rekam Medis, Restoran, Pembayaran dll.

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 penawaran

    Ini merupakan proyek lanjutan dari proyek pertama IIXSoft Tools - Tools Untuk Developer pada http://iixsoft.com. Proyek pertama mengenai "teknologi yang mendasari internet" - hardware seperti perkembangan komputer, pc, laptop, tablet dll, -operating system & netw opsys seperti windows, linux, unix, android, ios, bb, dll. -networking seperti tcp/ip dan layanannya -internet (termasuk intranet dan ekstranet) -cloud. Tools yang ditawarkan untuk proyek tersebut al html5, css3, php, mysql, javascript dan beberapa software di-attach dalam paket yi appserv (apache,php,mysql,phpmyadmin), java sdk & java se. Proyek lanjutan yang ini akan membahas tentang perkembangan -hardware mobile seperti laptop, cellular menjadi smartphone dan tablet -operating system seperti androi...

    $3 Average bid
    $3 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    Saya butuh bantuan untuk membuat sebuah server penyimpanan data, dimana data ini nanti akan diakses melalui dua cara : 1. online secara tertutup (butuh password untuk mengakses situs) apps,yg sedang saya kembangkan terpisah. Data berbentuk excel yg harus dikonversi oleh operator ke format CSV sebelum di upload. Setelah di upload,data disusun kembali dalam bentuk tabel untuk dibaca oleh pengguna melalui situs tertutup spt yg disebutkan sebelumnya. Selain itu server juga harus ada XML-tag agar datanya dapat diambil dan ditampilkan di mobile apps. Data diakses user secara SATU ARAH saja, user tidak dimungkinkan mengedit atau mengunggah data apapun, user hanya dapat melakukan pencarian dan pembandingan. Waktu kerja max 6 minggu

    $312 Average bid
    $312 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran
    Cleaning server
    Berakhir left

    Cleaning serverCleaning serverCleaning serverCleaning server

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    putty ssh server cccam newcamd abonmmont server cccam newcamd 1 ans 20 dolar iris 9600 hd 4806410046138359 = 14031010059000000000 4806410046164959 = 14031010431000969600 4806410046202965 = 14031010964000000000 4806410046260369 = 14031010801000000000 4806410046279542 = 14031010077000000000 4806410046350319 = 15061010958000525400 4806410046398961 = 14031010604000789100 4806410046430251 = 14031010910000000000 4806410046453287 = 14031010476000000000 4806410046472741=14031010630000000000 4806410046520135 = 14031010849000000000 4806410046526850 = 14031010999000907000 4806410046540018 = 14031010097000000000 4806410046549464 = 14031010029000000000 4806410046579008 = 14031010032000000000 4806410046587050 = 14061010934000400200 4806...

    $217 Average bid
    $217 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran
    server tweaks
    Berakhir left

    setup serversetup serversetup serversetup serversetup serversetup serversetup serversetup serversetup serversetup serversetup serversetup serversetup server

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Amazone Route 53 setup on WHM server

    $34 / hr Average bid
    $34 / hr Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    contoh perkerjaan saya bikin pamflet seminar kepenulisan,bikin banner,spanduk,mmt dll,r dan ekstensi sehingga semua tersedia pada setiap komputer setelah masuk ke akun Anda. Hal ini dapat menguntungkan Anda untuk dengan mudah mengakses add-ons dan preferensinya. Fitur lain yang penting dari Chrome adalah penjelajahan privasi, Browser menwarkan mode penyamaran yang tidak melacak browsing Anda saat menavigasi halaman web. Ketika browser dalam mode penyamaran ditutup akan secara otomatis menghapus cookie dan password dari sesi tersebut. Anda juga dapat menggunakan browser dalam mode normal maupun mode penyamaran secara bersamaan. Google Chrome dirancang untuk menjaga Anda lebih aman diweb dengan built-in malware dan perlindungan phishing. update otomatis untuk memastikan bahwa Anda memiliki...

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 penawaran

    contoh perkerjaan saya bikin pamflet seminar kepenulisan,bikin banner,spanduk,mmt dll,r dan ekstensi sehingga semua tersedia pada setiap komputer setelah masuk ke akun Anda. Hal ini dapat menguntungkan Anda untuk dengan mudah mengakses add-ons dan preferensinya. Fitur lain yang penting dari Chrome adalah penjelajahan privasi, Browser menwarkan mode penyamaran yang tidak melacak browsing Anda saat menavigasi halaman web. Ketika browser dalam mode penyamaran ditutup akan secara otomatis menghapus cookie dan password dari sesi tersebut. Anda juga dapat menggunakan browser dalam mode normal maupun mode penyamaran secara bersamaan. Google Chrome dirancang untuk menjaga Anda lebih aman diweb dengan built-in malware dan perlindungan phishing. update otomatis untuk memastikan bahwa Anda memiliki...

    $150 - $150
    $150 - $150
    0 penawaran

    Saya ingin membuat program group chatting di android seperti pada naverline tapi dalam versi lebih sederhananya.. Program ini menggunakan localhost XAMPP dan JSON untuk menghubungkan android dengan server.. Saya lagi ada kendala dalam pengaturan multi threading dan penggunaan socket untuk chatting ini.. Dan juga pengiriman invitation dan notification seperti pada naverline..

    $101 Average bid
    $101 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    saya mau buat private server dragon nest, karena itu saya butuh orang yang bisa setting server sampe bisa open beta. waktu pengerjaan proyek selama 6 bulan. untuk anggaran saya bisa fleksibel selama semua bisa senang. mohon bantuan dan kerjasamanya.

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 penawaran
    Aplikasi Billing
    Berakhir left

    Proyek aplikasi billing ini diharapkan berbasis :rn- Java (Spring framework diutamakan)rn- database MySQLrn- Application server berbasis JBOSSrn- Multi tenant ( satu aplikasi untuk beberapa user dengan berbagai tingkatan/level)rn- web basedrnrnModul yang akan dibangun antara lain :rnrn1. Modul data management (upload data, edit/modify data, delete data)rn2. Modul e-invoice creation (manage invoice, invoice setting, create invoice)rn3. Modul e-invoice delivery (invoice delivery setting, Send invoice, Manage Invoice Delivery)rn4. Modul e-invoice presentment (menampilkan data invoice aktif, history invoice, dll, sehingga bisa dilihat oleh usernya)rnrnMock up dan flow process sudah di design. Tinggal adjustment and coding.rnAkan bekerja di dalam ti...

    $1286 Average bid
    $1286 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran
    Aplikasi Billing
    Berakhir left

    Proyek aplikasi billing ini diharapkan berbasis :rn- Java (Spring framework diutamakan)rn- database MySQLrn- Application server berbasis JBOSSrn- Multi tenant ( satu aplikasi untuk beberapa user dengan berbagai tingkatan/level)rn- web basedrnrnModul yang akan dibangun antara lain :rnrn1. Modul data management (upload data, edit/modify data, delete data)rn2. Modul e-invoice creation (manage invoice, invoice setting, create invoice)rn3. Modul e-invoice delivery (invoice delivery setting, Send invoice, Manage Invoice Delivery)rn4. Modul e-invoice presentment (menampilkan data invoice aktif, history invoice, dll, sehingga bisa dilihat oleh usernya)rnrnMock up dan flow process sudah di design. Tinggal adjustment and coding.rnAkan bekerja di dalam ti...

    $782 Average bid
    $782 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    minta bantuan untuk transfer file dari account reseller ke dedicated server. dan tata ip.

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Saya ingin minta tolong soal setting server di whm. Saya punya dua dedicated server, yaitu satu di jakarta dan satu nya di usa. Saya ingin mas mengcopy settingan seperti yang ada di webhosting di jakarta. Server yang di USA settingan nya di samakan dengan yang di jakarta. Sama persis. Kalau misalnya mas ada yang bingung atau ragu2, tanyakan saja ke saya, nanti kita diskusikan lebih lanjut soal apa2 settingan di dalam nya. Di server USA itu akan saya install website2 baru seperti yang di jakarta. Terus terang saya masih kurang faham tentang perintah / command di linux, oleh karena itu saya minta bantuannya. Soal bayaran, akan saya buat di freelancer.com . saya akan bayar via paypal/CC. Jadi, pekerjaan nya adalah, setting server di USA, di samakan dengan ...

    $97 Average bid
    $97 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    saya mampu mengerjakan segala kebutuhan dunia internet. dan saya bisa mengerjakan segala troubelsooting server internet dan bisa membuat website untuk toko online

    $15 - $25 / hr
    $15 - $25 / hr
    0 penawaran

    saya mampu mengerjakan segala kebutuhan dunia internet. dan saya bisa mengerjakan segala troubelsooting server internet dan bisa membuat website untuk toko online

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Kami menyediakan jasa installasi jaringan kecil , menengah hingga besar dan juga menyediakan jasa setup server serta PABX.

    $520 Average bid
    $520 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    putty ssh server cccam newcamd abonmmont server cccam newcamd 1 ans 20 dolar iris 9600 hd 4806410046138359 = 14031010059000000000 4806410046164959 = 14031010431000969600 4806410046202965 = 14031010964000000000 4806410046260369 = 14031010801000000000 4806410046279542 = 14031010077000000000 4806410046350319 = 15061010958000525400 4806410046398961 = 14031010604000789100 4806410046430251 = 14031010910000000000 4806410046453287 = 14031010476000000000 4806410046472741=14031010630000000000 4806410046520135 = 14031010849000000000 4806410046526850 = 14031010999000907000 4806410046540018 = 14031010097000000000 4806410046549464 = 14031010029000000000 4806410046579008 = 14031010032000000000 4806410046587050 = 14061010934000400200 4806410046795026 = 1404101087200000000...

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    pembuatan program, berbasis web, stok manufakturer, web desaign, aplikasi futsal, penjualan toko dll

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Membuat dashboard website yang menampilkan data dalam bentuk grafik dan tabel. Data tersebut dikirimkan dari server SMS gateway. Jadi, proyek ini membangun server SMS gateway yang bisa mengirimkan data ke hosting, kemudian data tersebut diolah dan ditampilkan ke dalam tabel dan grafik di dashboard web.

    $362 Average bid
    $362 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran
    Server 1118
    Berakhir left

    Server 1118 setup

    $185 Average bid
    $185 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    i ordered a powerful sever from dell and i need to host websites on it i want WHM / CPANEL installed and i need to transfer a site i have on a dedicated server to the new one with all settings including cpanel settings also make sure my router is configured well so i can access with my domains "setting up the server "(i can install required operating system) "setting up Router" "Installing whm / cpanel" "transferring entire system sites... from old dedicated server" "secure system from hacking" will be getting my server in 10-15 days

    $79 Average bid
    $79 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    I need a skilled professional to install XUI Panel on my Ubuntu Linux server and integrate it with Plex. The installation will need to accommodate custom user permissions, so expertise in setting user permissions within XUI Panel is crucial. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Ubuntu Linux system - Experienced in installing XUI Panel and Plex server - Able to configure custom user permissions in XUI Panel - Knowledgeable in Linux security best practices Please provide evidence of similar projects you've completed. Thank you.

    $151 Average bid
    $151 Rata-rata
    15 penawaran

    I'm looking for an experienced SQL Server professional to set up log shipping for disaster recovery purposes. This will primarily involve transactional data, and log backups need to be taken and shipped every 5 minutes. Ideal skills and experience: - Extensive knowledge of SQL Server - Proven experience with log shipping - Strong understanding of disaster recovery strategies - Familiarity with handling transactional data - Ability to set up frequent log backups (every 5 minutes)

    $137 Average bid
    $137 Rata-rata
    15 penawaran

    I am looking for an experienced IT professional or team to implement an employee tracking tool on our Windows server. The tool will be used to monitor employee activity, with specific focus on screenshot recording, application time summary and URL time summary. - **Main Features**: The tool should be able to capture screenshots, track time spent on various applications, and summarize the time spent on different URLs. - **No Real-Time Alerts Needed**: We do not require real-time alerts for any employee activities. - **No Integration Required**: The tool does not need to integrate with any other software or tools. The tool we are considering for this project is available at this link: We are open to other open-source employee monitoring software as

    $12 Average bid
    $12 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    I need help configuring New Relic on my Linux server. The New Relic PHP agent is already installed, but I need help with monitoring MySQL and Apache. Key monitoring tasks: - MySQL: Performance metrics, Query analysis, Error tracking - Apache: General health and performance - Php performance data, average response time, max execution time in peaks, peaks of memory usage and how much memory is used then. - response data from third party applications monitored. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with New Relic, Linux servers, PHP, MySQL, and Apache. The ability to analyze and interpret performance data is essential.

    $141 Average bid
    $141 Rata-rata
    82 penawaran
    HTTP Proxy Server for Anonymity
    6 Hari left

    I have a project regarding a proxy server. Everything is available to me. The server is dedicated and has 32/ipv6. I want to create a proxy that works on social media tools. Now I will attach clips. A clip showing the proxy that I have now and another clip. I want the proxy that I have to perform like it. For those interested, the project will be worth $30 if the proxy is done correctly and as I want, there will be other projects of mine and I will pay him whatever he wants I have now : Linux 24 and IPV6/32 range I just need some one do the proxy like in the video Please anyone he don’t no don’t send massages this things need someone expert

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Rata-rata
    22 penawaran

    ...migrare il dominio e l'hosting della nostra azienda su un nuovo host ad alte prestazioni. L'obiettivo è migliorare le prestazioni del nostro sito Web senza dover affrontare tempi di inattività o ostacoli burocratici dal nostro attuale host. Attività principali: - Migrare selettivamente alcuni dei nostri account di posta elettronica al nuovo host. - Trasferire tutti i nostri database al nuovo server. Competenze ed esperienza ideali per il lavoro: - Esperienza comprovata nella migrazione di domini e hosting. - Solida comprensione dell'ottimizzazione delle prestazioni di rete. - Competenza nella gestione e migrazione di database. - Eccellenti capacità di risoluzione dei problemi per garantire una transizione fluida senza tempi di inattiv...

    $467 Average bid
    $467 Rata-rata
    45 penawaran

    ...functional Windows application. This application should support the RTSP media streaming protocol and utilize the FFmpeg media processing library. Key Skills Required: - Proficiency in Python - Experience with RTSP media streaming protocol - Extensive knowledge of FFmpeg - Familiarity with Windows application development frameworks (like WinForms or WPF) - Competence in network programming and socket development Deliverables: 1. A fully functional Windows application that meets the outlined requirements. 2. Well-documented source code with proper comments. 3. An installation package for easy deployment. 4. A user manual tailored for non-technical users. The ideal candidate for this project will not only have the technical skills required, but also be able to deliver a user-fri...

    $97 Average bid
    $97 Rata-rata
    11 penawaran

    I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me set up an email server on Hestiacp using Roundcube. Key Requirements: I have already created panel of hestiacp on VPS hosting. and created email accounts. But now My emails are not delivering in gmail or any account. I need support to setup SMTP. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Hestiacp and Roundcube is a must. - Strong understanding of email server configuration for business use. - Expertise in implementing standard security with encryption on email accounts. - Prior experience in setting up custom domain support on email servers.

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Rata-rata
    16 penawaran

    I'm in need of a Tally Prime code specifically designed to assist with managing product descriptions. Key features: - The code should facilitate the handling of product descriptions efficiently, allowing for easy navigation and updates as needed. Ideally, the freelancer should: - Have exte...features: - The code should facilitate the handling of product descriptions efficiently, allowing for easy navigation and updates as needed. Ideally, the freelancer should: - Have extensive experience with Tally Prime and coding for it. - Understand inventory management and product description systems. - Be able to provide a trial TCP for testing the code before final delivery. Please note that I will need to be able to check the functionality of the code using a trial TCP be...

    $49 Average bid
    $49 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    ...created a custom Modpack on CurseForge and have a large map ready for it. I need an expert to set up a server using a paid hosting service. Key Requirements: - Set up of the server with the custom Modpack. - Loading of the downloaded map onto the server. - Implementation of daily automated backups. - Configuration of access levels for players (Limited access). - Allow all cheats in Minecraft server for players such as /gamerule - Allow players to customise the configs of mods used in the Modpack Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Minecraft server setup. - Familiarity with CurseForge Modpacks. - Knowledge of paid hosting services. - Competence in implementing automated server backups. - Ability to manage player access levels. Minec...

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Rata-rata
    16 penawaran

    I'm looking for a skilled developer who can help me connect my Node.js server to a MySQL database in a Kubernetes environment. The connection should utilize a connection pool. - Connection Type: The connection between the Node.js server and MySQL should be established using a connection pool. This means that multiple connections can be reused, improving the efficiency of data handling. - MySQL Operations: The majority of operations will be writing data to the database. Therefore, experience in optimizing write operations in MySQL will be beneficial. - Kubernetes Service: The Node.js server will be exposed using the ClusterIP service. Familiarity with this service and its configuration is crucial. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience...

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Rata-rata
    83 penawaran
    looking server sexpert
    5 Hari left

    More details: Is this project for business or personal use? This question was skipped by the user What information should successful freelancers include in their application? This question was skipped by the user How soon do you need your project completed? This question was skipped by the user

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Rata-rata
    39 penawaran

    I'm looking to set up a GTA RP server on FiveM tailored for India. The server will focus on delivering a realistic role-play experience, with several key features integrated for immersive gameplay. Key Features to Implement: - A comprehensive Economy System - A detailed Law Enforcement System - A range of Custom Jobs Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in FiveM server scripting and management - Experience with creating immersive, realistic role-play environments - Knowledge in implementing intricate game systems such as economies and law enforcement If you have a passion for gaming and possess the required technical skills, let's collaborate to create an engaging and fun server for the GTA RP community in India.

    $621 Average bid
    $621 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    I'm looking for a skilled seamstress to create a marine windshield enclosure for my motorboat. The project involves sewing together pre-cut and taped pieces of Sunbrella fabric and Strata glass. This will take place in the spring. Key Requirements: - Sewing a curved windshield enclosure - Working with marine-grade materials - Attention to detail for a secure and weather-tight fit I will supply the thread, so you don't need to worry about color-matching or contrasting. Just bring your sewing skills and experience with marine projects!

    $314 Average bid
    $314 Rata-rata
    66 penawaran

    I need a Laravel web application installed on my server. This is a fresh installation. The project involves: - Full configuration of the server environment to support the Laravel application - Domain pointing to the application Please note, the server is a shared hosting. Ideal skills for this job include: - Expertise in Laravel - Server configuration skills - Experience with shared hosting Looking forward to your bids.

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Rata-rata
    60 penawaran

    ...organic garden Caring for animals Supporting kitchen operations Working as a waitress Performing as a guitarist or singer Babysitting Acting as a tour guide Our Unique Location La Maremmana is located in the heart of the Maremma – one of the most beautiful regions of Italy: 15 minutes from Scansano, home of the famous Morellino di Scansano. 25 minutes from Saturnia, the most famous Etruscan thermal spring in Europe. 30–40 minutes from the Etruscan cultural sites of Sorano, Pitigliano, and Sovana. 45–60 minutes to the dreamy beaches of Albarese or Monte Argentario with Porto Santo Stefano. Airports: Pisa (75 minutes), Florence (90 minutes), Rome (100 minutes). My Vision My goal is to successfully complete the crowdfunding by April 30, 2025, and to celebrate an...

    $164 Average bid
    $164 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    I'm seeking an experienced DevOps professional to set up a GPU server on Google Cloud. The server will primarily be used for running machine learning models, specifically in the field of Computer Vision. The preferred framework for these models is TensorFlow. Key Responsibilities: - Set up and configure the GPU server on Google Cloud. - Ensure the server is optimally tuned for TensorFlow and Computer Vision tasks. - Provide documentation and support for server usage. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Google Cloud and vast.ai. - Strong background in DevOps, particularly in setting up GPU servers. - Proficiency in TensorFlow and Computer Vision. Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.

    $276 Average bid
    $276 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    I need an expert with installing Vicibox11 on a freshly setup cloud server. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Vicibox11 installation - Experience with cloud server - Knowledgeable in server configuration Please note, the server is currently empty, hence, the freelancer will need to install the OS and configure the server from scratch.

    $47 Average bid
    $47 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    I've installed Seafile on my Apache server running Ubuntu 22.04. While I have access to the application, I'm unable to upload or download anything. I need a backend developer who can troubleshoot and rectify this issue. Logs indicate there's a problem, but they aren't clear. I made minor modifications to the default Seafile configuration, but it's mostly untouched. You can fully re install seafile. Please include your relevant experience in your application.

    $458 Average bid
    $458 Rata-rata
    109 penawaran

    Implement an application that functions as an HTTP packet sniffer. The application should allow real-time visualization of requests and support applying filters on the packet traffic (e.g., requests coming from a specif... for a specific request, the user should be able to retrieve details about it, such as headers, request mode, payload, etc. A graphical user interface (GUl) is not required; the data can be displayed in the console. However, the representation of this data should be clear and easily understandable (indicating what each piece of information represents). The traffic should be captured using the socket library, and packet decoding should be performed using struct/ctypes. The project has to respect the PEP documentation: strings

    $31 Average bid
    $31 Rata-rata
    15 penawaran