Screen saver jellyfish macPekerjaan
Penyempurnaan Risk Reward Order scripts • Risk Reward Order di beri warna merah muda -5 sampai 50 dan hijau muda 50 sampai Target Garis biru seperti contoh diatas • screen shot disusun sesuai pair mata uang di folder shotnya missal Folder AUDUSD, EURUSD, dll • saat tutup posisi ( baik Manual, Kena Target profit atau kena stop loss) di buat screen shotnya • screen shot disusun sesuai pair mata uang menjadi satu bagian, seperti contoh Ada di file yang saya Attach
Melakukan perubahan minor untuk applikasi yang sudah ada.
saya memiliki usaha dalam bidang sablon manual / screen printing untuk kaos atau apa saja yg berbahan dasar kain.
saat ini kami ingin mengembang system overtime yang sudah ada, yang dibuat dengan PHP, mysql dan Jquery. Project saya adalah Overtime system, 3 hal yang saya minta di develope oleh freelance adalah: 1. Membuat master data untuk OT system (9 master data): ...tsb. sudah ada namun belum 100% jadi, tiga hal di atas belum sempat di buatkan karena programmer resign. existing program sudah 80% jadi. dan sudah bisa di pakai untuk monitoring attendance saja, dan belum di pakai untuk Overtime. saya mengharapkan freelance adalah seorang yang bisa PHP, mysql, Jquery. sehingga mengerti program yang ada dan bisa melanjutkan. saya sudah ada konsep setiap screen yang ingin di buatkan. sehingga memudahkan freelance untuk mendevelopnya. jika berminat silahkan hubungi saya. salam, Ki...
Membuat sebuah aplikasi rumit menjadi lebih simple
Applikasi checklist dengan Barcode & GPS. Cara kerja sbb: 1. Phisical Location --> Lokasi...Lokasi2 yang perlu dicek, dipasang Barcode (Mis: Lok1, Lok2, etc) 2. Barcode Check Board --> Papan seperti menu restoran, yang isinya detail2 yang akan dicek, dalam bentuk barcode. Misalnya : Kebersihan (Mis: B) --> Bersih (B1) Kotor (B0) 3. Applikasi berbasis android: a. Masuk ke lokasi 1, scan Check In (barcode point#1) --> Catat Kode Lokasi, Jam, GPS b. Setelah Scan, buka screen untuk Check Board --> Scan sesuai pengencekan c. Ketika selesai pengecekan di lokasi 1, scan check out --> Catat Kode Lokasi, Jam, GPS Data bisa diupload online ke server. Bilamana tidak ada signal, data ditampung dulu di HP, dan disincronisasi ketika ada signal....
Proyek memesan makanan menggunakan API (sudah selesai dibuat) dan meniru semua fitur yang terdapat dalam aplikasi android sejenis (sudah dibuat pula)
entry data, Entri Data, Pemrosesan Data, Excel, Mac OS, Visual Basic, Pengetikan Salinan, Entri Data, Pemrosesan Data, Excel, Excel, Pengambilan Data Web, Pencarian Web,Fill in a Spreadsheet with Data .
ada 8 fitur dengan 6 fitur minor dan 2 fitur mayor.
membuat jaringan penjualan yang dapat meningkatkan pendapatan keuangan saya
I would like to freelancer I may break the color to the film for screen printing t-shirts and design as well
...example In home page you look to the example one article in right side with close button and open again. I want one plugin or module i dont know how is work that but to worked the same to the example. I want to use in joomla 3 project full responsive web site and you can wact my project to that link To own web site hes play full screen background slide show and that i say because to dont have any conflict to that two plugins. I want the same for the first example but to left side or right side the article (with the joomla administrator you can change that) and of course worked 100% responsive to all screens. After to finish the plugin or module i want to customize to my web site and i want to know the configuration steps for
Saya sedang membutuhkan sekitar 400 partisipan untuk penelitian mandiri saya. Kriteria partisipan penelitian saya adalah pekerja yang SEDANG BEKERJA MINIMAL SELAMA SETAHUN dan memiliki akun Gmail. Partisipan mengisi kuesioner online di tautan Tenggat waktu untuk pengumpulan partisipan hingga tanggal 2 Juni 2015. Untuk validasi, Anda harus mengirim screen-shoot pengerjaan survei para partisipan (sebelum submit) dalam format .jpg dengan judul masing-masing gambar adalah email Gmail yang digunakan partisipan untuk mengikuti survei ini. Seluruh gambar digabung dalam satu file .zip. Untuk setiap 100 partisipan yang terkumpul, saya akan memberikan Rp 100.000
Membantu memasarkan Jasa Kami yaitu Rental Alat multimedia. Seperti : Screen dan Projector,TV Plasma,TV Touchscreen, LED Screen indoor dan Outdoor,MultiCamera,Orion MLCD,seamless,Dataton,Video Mapping,dll.
...example In home page you look to the example one article in right side with close button and open again. I want one plugin or module i dont know how is work that but to worked the same to the example. I want to use in joomla 3 project full responsive web site and you can wact my project to that link To own web site hes play full screen background slide show and that i say because to dont have any conflict to that two plugins. I want the same for the first example but to left side or right side the article (with the joomla administrator you can change that) and of course worked 100% responsive to all screens. After to finish the plugin or module i want to customize to my web site and i want to know the configuration steps for
...example In home page you look to the example one article in right side with close button and open again. I want one plugin or module i dont know how is work that but to worked the same to the example. I want to use in joomla 3 project full responsive web site and you can wact my project to that link To own web site hes play full screen background slide show and that i say because to dont have any conflict to that two plugins. I want the same for the first example but to left side or right side the article (with the joomla administrator you can change that) and of course worked 100% responsive to all screens. After to finish the plugin or module i want to customize to my web site and i want to know the configuration steps for
...example In home page you look to the example one article in right side with close button and open again. I want one plugin or module i dont know how is work that but to worked the same to the example. I want to use in joomla 3 project full responsive web site and you can wact my project to that link To own web site hes play full screen background slide show and that i say because to dont have any conflict to that two plugins. I want the same for the first example but to left side or right side the article (with the joomla administrator you can change that) and of course worked 100% responsive to all screens. After to finish the plugin or module i want to customize to my web site and i want to know the configuration steps for
design a T-shirt screen printing business to be marketed through friends in the organization
...phpmyadmin. Yang diperlukan adalah dashboard-nya. 1. Menampilkan peta lokasi tiang lampu 2. Menampilkan status/kondisi lampu di dalam peta tersebut (merah bila menyala, hitam bila mati) 3. Bila titik tiang di-klik, maka akan muncul halaman berikutnya yang menampilkan data-data lampu. 4. Di dalam data lampu tersebut juga ada button untuk mengirimkan informasi kondisi lampu ke database. 5. Home screen-nya selevel dashboard, jadi ada yang menampilkan data lampu dalam bentuk peta, ada yang data lampu dalam bentuk list atau tabel, dll 6. Aplikasi dibuat mobile ready, sehingga sangat diinginkan menggunakan framework javascript Framework7. 7. Komunikasi data dari javascript ke server menggunakan JSON 8. Tidak dipentingkan harus menggunakan apa di backend, hanya dianjurkan menggu...
Kami membutuhkan desain untuk aplikasi Mobile Banking klien kami. Desain yang kami butuhkan meliputi : Launcher Screen, Dashboard, Menu,
Aplikasi ini adalah tools bagi user, dimana user bisa memasukkan input tertentu ke dalam aplikasi mobile ini, lalu aplikasi akan menghubungi server, server akan melakukan grabbing ke website tertentu, mendapatkan data yang diperlukan, lalu mengirimkannya kembali ke mobile dalam bentuk image full screen. Pemenang project ini harus bisa membuat aplikasi mobile Android (dan/.atau Blackberry 7/10) dan membuat API sederhana di server yang menunjukkan aplikasi tersebut bisa grab data dari website tertentu lalu mengkonversinya menjadi image. Dia juga harus memiliki kemampuan untuk mengamankan data dan menyimpan data dimobile, misalnya ke dalam SQLLite. Jika sudah berhasil, akan ada proyek lanjutan dari hal tersebut diatas untuk dijadikan produk yang siap diedarkan di Play (atau BB World). ... systems. It is ideal if the tester lives in the Metro Detroit area, but we are accepting out-of-state applicants. Job functions include but are not limited to: Proof-reading technical documentation to ensure linguistic accuracy in the dialect Making any necessary changes to target language text to make it culturally accurate Work closely with Microsoft Excel 2010 Operate touch-screen interface Requirements: Candidate much be a native speaker in the target language (lived in the dialect region for at least 7 years between the ages of 5-15 OR have lived in the dialect region for at least 75% of their life) Must be able to work on-location in Warren, MI for the entire duration of the project Proficient in Microsoft Office 2010 Possess valid U.S. work author...
Create Form Laporan pada iPad (Go Green). Data Otomatis Masuk Ke server dengan Cepat. Monitoring Data Secara Realtime.
Pengembangan ERP yang mencakup : Purchase Order - Purchase Receipt - Purchase Invoice - Purchase Payment, Stock Adjusment, Sales Order - Sales Invoice - Sales Receipt Sebenarnya untuk basic standar programnya sudah jadi, tetapi ingin dikembangkan lebih lanjut beserta fitur-fitur tambahan, misalnya: pembuatan revisi PO, master tambahan yang perlu dibuat dan di tambahkan di screen dan proses lain, multicurrency, dll Untuk pengembangannya perlu rekonstruksi ulang database dan aplikasi, tetapi jika bisa menggunakan yang sudah ada dan tidak dari awal juga boleh. Apabila lebih mudah untuk construct ulang dari awal, itu terserah pada metode yang mengerjakan.
Kami butuh segera web developer untuk membuat website company profile dengan design parallax, responsive design, HTML5 (untuk video) dengan beberapa animasi sudah ada, yang dibutuhkan adalah membuat design tersebut menjadi website. Referensi untuk website: Jadi ketika klik suatu link, muncul page berikutny...animasi sudah ada, yang dibutuhkan adalah membuat design tersebut menjadi website. Referensi untuk website: Jadi ketika klik suatu link, muncul page berikutnya di sebelah kanan/kiri. Referensi untuk page portfolio (terdiri dari beberapa video): Ketika 1 video di klik, video tersebut akan pop out dan bisa full screen. Waktu penyelesaian : 30 hari
Di Jual Paket Sosial Networking Dengan Harga Rp. 2.000.000,00 Liat Screen Shot nya... Fiturnya Hampir sama Melebihi Fitur Facebook.. Pembayaran Melalui Rekening Via BCA... No Rek : 2420870097 A/N : ZAFRUDDIN Silahkan Liat Screen Shoot Nya...
Idle-time adalah waktu-jeda yang terhitung pada saat petugas data-entry (petugas input data yang menggunakan program excel): (a) tidak menyentuh mouse atau keyboard sama sekali dalam periode waktu tertentu; atau (b) tetap menyentuh mouse atau keyboard, namun screen/layar yang dihadapi petugas data-entry bukan program excel (misalnya, program internet browser, game, e-mail, dll.) rnrnProgram Idle-Time tersebut melekat/embed pada program excel.rnrnProgram Idle-Time teraktiviasi (activated) pada saat petugas mengisi cell pertama (first cell), dan menjadi non-aktif dalam durasi 90 menit kemudian (setelah mengisi cell pertama). rnrnPada menit ke-90, program tersebut memunculkan text/tulisan (prompt) yang menyatakan, "Waktu Anda Sudah Habis!!!"rnrnJika hasil perh...
hi saya lemlihat dari historical bahwa anda pengalaman dengan flight search engine untuk pesawat domestic apakah bisa di informasikan kira2 website yang sudah anda berhasil buat apa saja untuk domestic flight search engine ini . dengan menggunakan screen scrape methods kalau tidak salah. contoh seperti traveloka , , terima kasih
menyediakan dan menjual product electrical yang di butuhkan di pabrik untuk berbagai macam aplikasi. meliputi:automation,inverter,gear motor box,control panel,gas detector,welding robotin dll. kami juga menyediakan jasa untuk installasi product-product tersebut. membantu mengerjakan project sytem dari awal seperti:conveyor,reporting,safety,touch screen control panel. product-product langsung dari principal product nya. after sales service dan bergaransi.
I'm looking for a freelancer who can assist with manual data entry from video screen recordings. The data is mixed, comprising both text and numeric information. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data entry - Attention to detail - Ability to transcribe from video accurately - Experience with handling mixed data (text and numbers) - Familiarity with basic data handling software Data Handling: - The data you will be entering is not exclusively text or numbers; it is a combination of both. Therefore, comfort and competence in working with mixed data is essential. - The data is currently stored in video screen recordings, which will require your ability to transcribe accurately and efficiently from visual and auditory sources. Please apply only if you are confident in your...
...currently has some bugs and usability issues that need to be fixed to make it a fully functional and user-friendly application. I am looking for an experienced Flutter developer who can debug, optimize, and enhance the app to ensure a smooth user experience. Project Scope: Bug Fixes: Identify and fix any crashes or unexp ected behaviors. Resolve UI/UX inconsistencies across different devices and screen sizes. Fix issues related to navigation, responsiveness, and animations. Debug and correct any incorrect calculations or logic errors in the app. Performance Optimization: Improve app load time and responsiveness. Optimize API calls to reduce lag and ensure smooth data fetching. Enhance the app’s battery and memory efficiency. Feature Enhancements: Improve the existing UI...
I'm in need of a UI/UX designer with a strong background in data visualization to create a welcome screen/dashboard for my application. Key Responsibilities: - Design a welcome screen/dashboard that primarily serves the purpose of data visualization. - Incorporate charts and graphs as well as tables into the design. We have the live platform setup with the data we need, but would like fresh eyes to create a new layout and design elements that we can deploy throughout the application. Tiles, buttons, other elements are needed. Current desktop and mobile view is attached, we’d like the main sections to display as charts, but then open/drill down in page with the list view details. We have a full in house development team in house building this, but I’d li...
? Looking for a Freelancer to Fix My WordPress Website! ? I need a skilled freelancer from Freelancer or Fiverr to help me fix some issues on my WordPress website. I have all the login details, but for security reasons, you will need to work remotely from my PC via screen sharing. ✅ Must have experience with WordPress ✅ Able to troubleshoot and fix issues efficiently ✅ Work via screen sharing (I can't share login details) If you're interested, drop a comment or DM me with your experience and rates! ? #WordPress #Freelancer #Fiverr #WebDevelopment #RemoteWork More details: Is this project for business or personal use? For an existing business What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Experience How soon do you need your projec...
...managed by the admin. Features include sub-banners, filtering and sorting options, recently viewed and recommended products, breadcrumb navigation, product tiles (name, price, description), image gallery, detailed descriptions, actual and offer prices, average rating display, "Buy Now" (redirect to checkout), "Add to Cart," "Add to Compare," and "Similar Products" recommendations. Product Detail Screen: Detailed product information including breadcrumb navigation, product name and price, images/videos/animations with zoom functionality, product information, price, quantity and size selection, "Buy Now," "Add to Cart," subscription options, product add-ons, shipping, COD and other payment options, and recently viewed it...
I need mobile app outfit clothes not online store no need screen registration or data base the app help people to match they clothes
I'm seeking a talented illustrator to adjust and create a cartoonish character with a cynical personality for a dark humor satire project. Ideally i'd like to work toether with you, screen sharing so that we can experiment with ideas together. Key Responsibilities: - Design a unique, cartoonish character with a cynical persona - Illustrate in a style suitable for dark humor and satire - Provide designs suitable to turn into 3d animation - Ability to understand and convey a cynical perspective through visual storytelling
...key features of our platform. The videos should cover: - Admin Dashboard: Showcasing navigation, controls, and functionalities. - Instant Quotation System: Demonstrating how users can generate quick and accurate quotes. - Part Status Tracking: Displaying real-time updates on part progress. The ideal freelancer should be able to create engaging, professional, and easy-to-follow demo videos using screen recordings, smooth transitions, and animations. A clean and brand-aligned visual style is necessary, and the videos should be high-quality and web-optimized. For inspiration, you can check the following reference links: - How Zetwerk Works: - Example videos: - - - - youtu
Help with mac app store entitlements, automation & accessibility permissions & I managed to get most things running with sandbox on and temporary automation exception. The app is now in app store. It prompts for accessibility permissions but not for Automation System Events as I had to remove the temporary exception for app store submission. 1. Entitlement <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key&...
...other, making it easy to transport. but it is now made of wood, so is quite heavy, I'm looking for new make it less heavy, more transportable, while remaining its features: 1. the flat red green surface is aryclic, we can stick stickers of our clients branding on it 2. able to fit 13" screen on top cube (around 150cm) 3. able to fit HiTi P525L printer in middle cube 4. A photo print catcher in middle cube 5. Another screen in the back (can be seperated with a screen mount) 6. top cube around the screen has built in lights for optimal picture taking quality The design should involve: - A minimalistic design that embodies simplicity and elegance. - Transportable and lightweight. - A modular approach, allowing for flexibility and adaptability in the ...
I need a Microsoft ASP.NET Developer with experience in graphic and layout optimization...Ensure the chart fits within a single page. -Click Event on Each Job Category Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in ASP.NET and Microsoft .NET Framework. - Expertise in graphical layouts and responsive designs, including jQuery. - Experience with SQL database integration for handling chart data. - Ability to deliver a quick and efficient solution. Most Important: - The chart should be responsive to any screen . If you have the relevant expertise and can assist, please get in touch. The final chart should be downloadable as a PDF. or set it be print on A4 for review and approval, If the categories are more then it an divide in Parent and child for better spacing, Chart sample in PDF attached for ...
...of Work: Review Existing Mobile App Design : - Analyze the current design structure, features, and user flow. - Understand the design system, color palette, typography, and branding guidelines. Web Design Adaptation: - Translate the mobile app layout into a user-friendly and visually appealing web design. - Create wireframes and high-fidelity mockups for desktop, tablet, and other relevant screen sizes. - Ensure the web design remains responsive and consistent across various resolutions. User Experience Optimization: - Adapt navigation and interaction patterns to suit web-based user behavior. - Incorporate web-specific usability principles (e.g., hover states, scalable grids). Design Delivery: Provide organized Figma files, including all assets, components, and design syste... others it’s restaurants/stores 1. Change restaurant/s to store/s 2. Change food/s to product/s 3. Change non veg and veg to 4. Change Cuisines to Categories 5. Customer app text change: 1. Book A table page • Change Dine-In reservations for a Smoke-In reservations New sub text below the above: Book a table at your favourite Vape lounge • Change My Dine In – My bookings 2. Login screen new text: Welcome back: login to have your vape delivered to your doorstep 3. Change home icon. Use the standard app home icon Customer website 1. Delivery support FAQ (Questions attached) 2. Footer. Add extra column and Visa and Mastercard logos (refer to the current of ) Merchant app 1. Change products and home icons Merchant Portal 1. Change My restaura...
1. Fixed Header 1.1 Make the header fixed during page scroll 1.2 Ensure responsiveness and visibility across different screen sizes 2. Dynamic Title in the Report 2.1 Identify the predominant dimension or combination of two dimensions in the DISC profile 2.2 Display the predominant profile in the title, including the letters 2.3 Show a dynamic description of the user's profile with their name 3. Detailed Description 3.1 Create a text for a detailed explanation of the results 3.2 Add "Read More" and "Read Less" buttons to expand and compress the extended description 4. Create "Schedule Advanced Assessment" Button 4.1 Include a link to a new website *Make the repository private* 4. Make sure the current loaded model runs across the stream. 5. Make sure GPU is used. (Not CPU) 6. LOAD / SAVE models function. 7. SHOW GPS coordinate contained in the model. Previous programmer did only 50% of work and dissappeared, you are the next star in our software advancement. I need a simple MVP with the above. I hav e customers waiting to see the MVP working with a screen record. Any and all work is to be loaded to our PC and sent to Git/Bit Bucket DAILY. We have a team who will check the work and progress. Original Project Outline ------- I am looking for a highly skilled and experienced coder in using YOLO or YOLO-NAS to help detect smoke in a video stream. Key Responsibilities: - Implement smoke detection in my video with high pr...
...considering aligners for their teenagers - Orthodontists looking to outsource their aligners Style & Approach: - Modern, clean, and professional animation style - Smooth motion graphics with 2D animation (3D elements can be used if necessary) - A light, friendly, and informative tone - Engaging background music Deliverables: - Full HD (1920x1080) animated video - Background music & sound effects - On screen Text - Source files & final rendered video in MP4 format Timeline & Milestones: - Storyboard & Style Frames: 3-4 days - First Draft Animation: 7-10 days - Revisions & Final Delivery: 3-4 days - Total Duration: 2-3 weeks...
Write an application with Delphi 12 (or compatible) that uses an open source vision model such as SmolVLM locally. By locally, I mean the application does not use any server or any remote API, instead the vision model exists only within the same ...use any server or any remote API, instead the vision model exists only within the same folder in the user's computer as the application itself. The application allows user to select an image e.g. via TOpenDialog and a prompt entry field, e.g. TEdit and a button TButton. When the button is clicked, the vision model is prompted with the user provided prompt and the result text is printed to the screen to a TMemo. For example, this application could be asked to describe what is in the given picture, and the vision model responses what...
I'm looking for a skilled designer to create - a splash screen (Purpose: This will serve as the open splash screen for a kiosk stand located at hotels and airports, allowing users to easily walk up and call a taxi.) and - a feature graphic for my Taxi Kiosk app. The splash screen should have dimensions of 2800 pixels by 1867 pixels, and the feature graphic should be 1024 pixels by 500 pixels. Both images should be in 32-bit PNG format with alpha transparency. Key Requirements: - The design should be bright and vibrant, aligning with my envisioned color scheme. - All design elements should be incorporated and prioritized: taxi imagery, a map like background, and the app name/logo. - I have a specific vision I would like to bring to life and will provide links ...
...exploring additional options. Key Features: * Search and Filters: - Filters based on financial goals (e.g. build credit history, own a car), product type (e.g. credit card, mortgage), and eligibility (e.g. no credit history, 3 months bills payment). - Free-text search functionality. * Product Display: - Results are presented as visually appealing cards. - A single dynamic details screen displays the data for each product (no static individual pages for products). * Design: - Responsive design optimized for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices. - Visual style aligned with our brand (specifications, such as colours, fonts and assets like logos and images, will be provided). - Layout and functionality inspired by user-friendly examples such as the Canada Bu...
I'm seeking a tech expert to help boost my older MacBook Pro (2012 mid) by installing an unsupported version of macOS. This upgrade is primarily aimed at enhancing system performanc...- be it Big Sur, Monterey, or Ventura. - The upgrade should lead to noticeable improvements in system speed, responsiveness, and overall performance. - Assistance with installing Microsoft OneDrive post-upgrade. Ideal skills for this job include: - Extensive knowledge of macOS and Apple hardware. - Proven experience with upgrading older Mac systems. - Proficiency in system performance optimization. - Familiarity with Microsoft OneDrive installation on Mac. Please note, a significant part of this role involves providing professional advice on which unsupported macOS version would be best ...