Quantum connectPekerjaan
...konsisten. - Fitur aksesibilitas (misalnya, kompatibilitas pembaca layar, opsi kontras tinggi). ** - Situs web ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan platform pinjaman yang efisien, aman, dan ramah pengguna yang menguntungkan peminjam dan pemberi pinjaman, mempromosikan praktik peminjaman dan investasi yang bertanggung jawab. *6. Lain-lain* Dibikin dengan PHP MySQL Disiapkan auatu saat akan connect dengan Android User yang terlibat: 1. *Kelas Admin*: - Izin: Akses penuh ke semua fungsi, termasuk manajemen pengguna, manajemen pinjaman, dan pelaporan keuangan. 2. *Kelas Agen Peminjam*: - Izin: Dapat mengajukan permintaan pinjaman atas nama nasabah, melihat status pinjaman, dan mengakses informasi nasabah. Agen dapat input data nasabah baru, sama input proposal pinjaman baru. 3. ...
...konsisten. - Fitur aksesibilitas (misalnya, kompatibilitas pembaca layar, opsi kontras tinggi). ** - Situs web ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan platform pinjaman yang efisien, aman, dan ramah pengguna yang menguntungkan peminjam dan pemberi pinjaman, mempromosikan praktik peminjaman dan investasi yang bertanggung jawab. *6. Lain-lain* Dibikin dengan PHP MySQL Disiapkan auatu saat akan connect dengan Android User yang terlibat: 1. *Kelas Admin*: - Izin: Akses penuh ke semua fungsi, termasuk manajemen pengguna, manajemen pinjaman, dan pelaporan keuangan. 2. *Kelas Agen Peminjam*: - Izin: Dapat mengajukan permintaan pinjaman atas nama nasabah, melihat status pinjaman, dan mengakses informasi nasabah. Agen dapat input data nasabah baru, sama input proposal pinjaman baru. 3. ...
I'm seeking a versatile marketer, looking for an individual not an agency. Who can help to get sales in the ecom sites and also for cleints who wants to sale courses who can automate everything from setting up the pixel on website to make conversions. Specifically, your focus will lie within Facebook and Instagram. Your goals will be to: - Drive...engagement and conversion rates are consistently improving is paramount. Furthermore, an understanding and ability to tap into a range of age demographics, implementing effective strategies to capture and exceed our audience's expectations, will significantly boost your success. As a result, a background in market research would greatly enhance your application. Dig deep, get creative and help us connect with potential customers...
Kami mencari IT Developer yang pernah mengerjakan koneksi API untuk booking hotel dan tiket pesawat. Kami berencana membangun website untuk pemesanan voucher hotel seluruh dunia dan tiket pesawat. Jadi nanti buat page untuk booking sampai pembayaran menggunakan Espay. Sudah ada dokumentasi API yg bisa dipelajari.
Silakan Daftar atau Login tuntuk melihat rincian.
saya mau buat Smart Helm, jadi konsepnya helm ini memiliki barcode yg bisa discan dan hasilnya bisa mendeteksi lokasi dr helm ini di lokasi proyek, jd bisa dihitung jumlah pekerja dlm 1 bangunan, dan saya mau menambahkan komponen seperti apple watch yg bisa mendeteksi ketika pengguna mengalami jatuh atau accident, apakah bisa? kemungkinan deteksi GPS nya saya mau connect dengan BIM model gedung, jd lokasinya bisa saya liat di lantai brp dan unit apa… nanti BIM 3D modelnya saya ksh file dr saya
saya ingin buat game multi player dengan pemain tokoh wayang seperti Bima ,Arjuna, dll yang bisa connect dengan token crypto saya sendiri
Jasa pembuatan API Payment Gateway untuk Radius Server existing, agar dapat di connect ke fasilitas pembayaran spt banking dsb.
...penjualan yg transaksi konsumen nya di lakukan di oficial online store (di beberapa Market place : Bli2, Toped & Shopee) setelah terjadi transkasi team penjualan harus mereport : NO order (transaksi yg terjadi di toko online ) ke dalama web / applikasi ( yg akan di buat) - sementara team HO akan menvalidasi sesuai data di Official online store Jika memungkin kan Auto dengan IP official Store Connect dengan Kode salesman yg terdaftar (lebih baik - agar tidak perlu lapor manual) Untuk team salesman 1. Daftar mandiri 2. Report sales harian 3. check Hasil validate report & komisi 4. check informasi project / promo Team pusat 1. Dashboard Pencapaian sales harian total / by salesman/ area 2. Input Hasil Validasi sales / salesman 2. list Komisi salesman total / orang _ unt...
Want List APP side Android, Ios - V2ray Windows mac - v2ray, ikev2 1. Always On button( windows start up auto start) 2. Customer Info. page , Noticement, FAQ, Q&A 3. Payment page 4. Check New version Upgrade and new version coming popup. 5. After App starts, Shown 5 secon...Payment page 4. Check New version Upgrade and new version coming popup. 5. After App starts, Shown 5 seconds full page Advertisement. 6. Different user level(Free, Normal, VIP) , It decides what servers can be connected. Admin pannel 1. Payment management 2. Customer has pay monthly, pay for using time. 3. Customers and Servers have levels(Free, Normal, Premium, VIPs) Free Customer can only connect free level servers and time, speed control 4. Management Servers and Customers(what customer now use wh...
Menguasai laravel dan vue js untuk membuat page login dan page register saja. Kemudian connect ke url apinya yang telah saya buat
Perusahaan kami PT. Tolinco Megah Mekatrindo bergerak dibidang penjualan barang teknik khususnya alat ukur/instrumentasi. Kami membutuhkan suatu website dengan SEO bagus sehingga mudah dicari dan design yang menarik. Kami sudah memiliki website hosting yang masih setengah jadi () dan butuh jasa untuk menyelesaikan design dan fitur2 dari website tersebut (connect tokopedia & shopee, referensi project, list of products, dll)
Saya memiliki beberapa server hosting, ketika di hosting a ingin habis masa berlakunya, saya mendownload script saya. ketika saya pindahkan di hosting yang lain maka keterangannya adalah "Failed to connect to MySQL: Access denied for user 'useradmin'@'localhost' (using password: YES)". tetapi kalau kita ke sub domain maka situs itu bisa kita akses. tolong bantu untuk yang mengerti.
Disini saya ingin dibuatkan sebuah plugin untuk wordpress dimana fungsi plugin ini adalah untuk mengsinkronasikan sisa stok produk dari woocomerce ke marketplace ataupun sebaliknya secara otomatis berdasarkan sku product. Adapun spesifik marketplace yang saya wajibkan untuk bisa connect yakni ada 4: shopee lazada bukalapak tokopedia Lebih detail mengenai cara kerja dari plugin ini jadi nantinya setelah saya instal plugin ini di wordpress saya,maka secara otomatis nantinya sisa stok produk di website woocomerce dan di marketplace saya akan ter sync atau sama dan terupdate secara otomatis saat ada penjualan misalkan saya ada stok untuk produk "a" sebanyak 5 lalu saya ada penjualan di shopee sebanyak 1 maka secara otomatis stok produk "a" saya di bukalapak,lazad...
Halo, saya butuh support untuk website di wordpress yang sudah online, terutama untuk: Customize plugin Learnpress untuk: Layout redesign halaman My Profile Tutor dan Student (desain halaman berbeda jika user role student vs tutor) Layout redesign halaman Courses Layout redesign halaman Specific course Connect easy appointment ke: Payment confirmation Woocommerce Profile student di Learnpress Kalender di profile Tutor dan Student Show availability di halaman Specific cource Troubleshoot Midtrans via Woocommerce (sudah terinstall dan in place, hanya tidak bisa terima notifikasi HTTP setelah payment)Modifikasi script Tokbox supaya input room ID dan Password Implementasi Homepage dari Adobe XD ke page (straight forward, gak ada neko-neko Desain sudah ada di Adobe XD. Silahkan mas...
Jadinya app 1 screen aja. Waktu app nya di launch, app nya otomatis connect ke DJI Mobile API & Drone DJI nya, lalu kalau user tap button, app nya akan manggil perintah untuk menyalakan feature2 tertentu di drone yg terhubung. Sudah. Saya cuma butuh source code nya aja, ga perlu UI design & artwork, ga perlu icon app, ga perlu submission ke play store, ga perlu artwork play store.
Saya mencari orang yang bisa setting mikrotik di LAN kantor saya. Saya mempunyai 2 koneksi ISP yang berbeda mau disetting Fail Over, selain itu mau dibagi pembagian koneksinya, yaitu: 1. Farm Server secara default connect via ISP A tapi kalau ISP A down switch otomatis ke ISP B 2. Koneksi user-user dikantor secara default konek ke ISB B, jika down makan otomatis switch ke ISP A. Cukup simple bukan? Tapi saya butuh yang sudah pengalaman setting mikrotik bukan belajar-belajar.
Saya sedang membantu teman untuk menyelesaikan tugas akhirnya. Tugasnya membuat game interaktif soal cerita Matematika SMP kelas 1 tentang "persamaan linear 1 variabel". Game ini rencananya dibuat menggunakan HTML5 yang connect to database serta, soal-soalnya bisa bervariatif dan berganti-ganti tiap anak yang mengaksesnya. Game ini dapat diakses melalui website (optional bisa diakses melalui android).
Saya mempunyai forum berbasis vbulletin 5 connect, dan membutuhkan halaman dengan custom design, fitur yang diinginkan adalah - login terintegrasi dengan vbulletin (termasuk facebook / twitter login) - Featured topic (dari list di vbulletinnya) - Latest topic - Slider banner Waktu pengerjaan maksimal 7 hari
jasa setting untuk keperluan kami yaitu: Billing System / Budgeting per ID / User Recording All Call IVR / Auto Attendance Call Fax to Mail & Mail to Fax Bisa Cabang IP PBX Yealink BLF [Busy Lamp Field] Sip Messenger connect Android APPS VOIP saat ini kami memakai program elastix dengan hardware openvox a814hj0582xk dengan chip 8fxo
Saya akan membeli sebuah aplikasi ecommerce dari USA yang sudah 80% siap pakai. Saat ini yang saya butuhkan adalah: 1. Koneksi ke payment gateway lokal, FINPAY. Mereka sudah connect ke 20 payment gateway di seluruh dunia, tetapi belum pernah connect ke payment gateway local Indonesia seperti FINPAY, VERYTRANS, dll. Mereka saat ini tidak bias menerima pekerjaan customization untuk connect ke payment gateway Indonesia. Tanpa koneksi ke payment gateway local, maka situs tidak bisa berjalan diluncurkan. Mereka develop aplikasi mereka sendiri (proprietary software). 2. Mengembangkan versi ANDROID/IOS dari aplikasi ini. Mereka sudah menyediakan SDK untuk ANDROID/IOS secara gratis.
Membuat prototype mobile apps dengan konten berikut : 1. pop up (notif) jadwal belajar siswa sebagai reminder (reminder berulang misalnya 3x, bisa disetting jam2 yang diinginkan) 2. fitur booking hari les (jadwal belajar) di luar jadwal tetapny...yang diinginkan) 2. fitur booking hari les (jadwal belajar) di luar jadwal tetapnya (mampu booking dengan batas waktu tertentu misalnya 1 jam sebelum belajar, bisa disetting) 3. fitur chat siswa ke admin (live chat / realtime bisa langsung direspon) : info jadwal ulangan dan lain2 - Database sudah ada (SQL server), software desktop based, dibuat dengan C# . - Mobile apps diharapkan bisa connect ke menu penjadwalan yang ada di software desktop. NB : Semua tampilan interface sederhana saja, yang penting bisa run dan konten utama te...
saya mau membuat hardware yang tersinkron dengan bluetooth dan smartphone dan membutuhkan programmer untuk mengembangkan applikasi yang tersinkron dari hardware dan smartphone fitur applikasi: tracking sistem dengan gps untuk hardware, notifikasi jika bluetooth disconnect dengan smartphone, notifikasi jika bluetooth connect dengan hp, push bunyi dari smartphone ke bluetooth dengan speaker di bluetooth, note: untuk bluetooth modul dan gps nanti di sediakan
Membuat aplikasi reminder tiap 2 jam dan mengkalkulasi jumlah halaman bacaan al quran dan membuat grafiknya. Bisa dijual di playstore
Halo para freelancers Indonesia, Saya sedang mencari seorang worker Sistem Informasi Geografis (GIS) Untuk Pemetaan Wilayah Banjir Manado. Pembuatan sistem informasi geografis menggunakan Quantum GIS. Waktu pengerjaan adalah 6 hari kalender, (Deadline Tanggal 15 Oktober 2015) JIka waktu tersebut kurang, Anda dapat menanyakannya kepada saya dahulu sebelum memulai proyek. Untuk detail saya akan berikan dokumen pemetaan banjir memalaui email worker. Terima kasih.
...admin terlebih dahulu, setelah itu baru barang dikirim oleh penjual ke pembeli, kemudian admin transfer pembayaran ke penjual fiturnya kurang lebih sebagai berikut: 1. Live Chat (Unlimited Operator) 2. CURL 3. Log in+Register page (Validasi email/sms) 4. e-Cart 5. Tambahan logo untuk website (Characters+Text) 6. Custom Template 7. Notification order by sms and email 8. Shipping connect JNE, Wahana, TIKI, ESL Express,POS Indonesia 9. Fitur pembayaran: BBM Money, t-Cash, banking, Indosat dompetku 10. Broadcast email to user customer 11. Pop Up 12. Notification number tracking/shipping to user customer (By SMS) 13. Image slider halaman depan 14. Pre launch/Under construction 15. Subscribe by email 16. Automatic watermark image 17. Terms of service ...
butuh aplikasi yang bisa m-commerce. connect database, tampilkan foto, detail barang, dll. masuk aplikasi harus login. kalau yang login karyawan. bisa input (add produk, kategori, foto <-gallery dan kamera hp, dll) kalau yang login user hanya bisa berbelanja. kalau yang login admin hanya keluar menu admin. diharuskan loading ga lambat mau gambar maupun text.
...Please bid for the amount of dollar per week. Responsibilities - Manage social media campaign (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Kaskus etc) and post updates through these channels. - A plus if you're good at writing and you can use social media tools to measure campaign's success. - Prepare daily communication log and monthly reports on key metrics. - Additional responsibility if interested: connect with bloggers and communities. General Requirements - Major in Marketing/Communication/Design/Multimedia or equivalent - Experience in using various social media platforms and tools (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.) - Proficient in using mobile devices and computer - Experience in social media advertising is a plus Soft Skills - Ability to r...
...required). • Ensure smooth checkout experiences for customers. 5. SEO Optimization: • Conduct keyword research to optimize the Shopify store and marketplace listings. • Optimize website content, meta descriptions, titles, and product pages for search engines. • Implement on-page and off-page SEO strategies. • Set up and submit a sitemap to Google Search Console. 6. Additional Requirements: • Connect my existing domain to the Shopify store. • Provide guidance on best practices for maintaining the website and marketplaces. • Offer suggestions to enhance the overall customer experience and website performance. Deliverables: • Fully functional Shopify website connected to my domain. • Integrated and operational Amazon and...
Hiring Channel Partners for Tech Cloud ERP Introduction to Tech Cloud ERP Tech Cloud ERP is actively seeking dynamic and driven Channel Partners to expand our presence in the ERP software market. As a leader in providing cloud-based ERP solutions, we are on a mission to help businesses streamline their operations and achieve scalable...with proven results. Strong backend support for sales, implementation, and customer service. High earning potential with recurring revenue opportunities through subscriptions and renewals. Exclusive partnership opportunities tailored to your region and market. If you are interested in becoming a Channel Partner with Tech Cloud ERP and exploring this exciting business opportunity, we would love to connect and discuss how we can collaborate for mu...
I'm looking for a dedicated Sales Representative in Vietnam to help promote and sell our company's salt products. The focus will primarily be on wholesale buyers, though the ability to connect with retail stores or end consumers could be beneficial. Key Responsibilities: - Promoting our salt products to wholesale buyers - Distributing marketing materials and product information - Personally visiting and calling potential buyers - Setting up product displays in retail stores (as necessary) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven sales experience, particularly with wholesale buyers - Strong communication skills - Ability to work independently and proactively - Experience in the retail sector a plus - Knowledge of the salt industry an advantage Remuneration Remuneration will...
Ineed an experienced Minecraft server administrator to configure a Velocity Proxy and integrate it with my Fabric Modpack Server (Prominence 2 RPG). Additionally, setup and configure LuckPerms for permissions management. Tasks: 1. Configure Velocity Proxy: • Properly setup with player-info-forwarding and secret handling. • Ensure smooth communication ... • Install and configure FabricProxy-Lite for UUID and player data forwarding. • Adjust for compatibility with Velocity. 3. Configure LuckPerms: • Install LuckPerms on the backend server. • Setup basic permission groups and ensure compatibility with Velocity. 4. Debugging and Testing: • Resolve errors like handshake failure or incompatible client. • Ensure players can connect via V...
I'm seeking a talented and creative designer to develop a new, clean and minimal logo for "Pangosmion". The logo should incorporate a touch of abstract design in the icon, and connect to the themes of corporate events and team building activities. Key Requirements: - Design a minimalist logo that maintains a connection to our brand and potentially incorporates elements from our current logo. - Use of the color #0fbaff. - Potential inclusion of a globe in the design. - A clean and minimal style with a hint of abstract. - Understanding of the corporate events and team building activities sector. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in logo design, particularly for corporate brands. - Strong understanding of minimal and abstract design principles. - Excell...
Ready to Create Magic with EzyBrew? Do you love capturing stories that inspire and connect? Ever dreamed of your work being seen by thousands, while getting the credit you deserve? At EzyBrew, Hyderabad’s innovative instant liquid tea decoction brand, we’re looking for a student photographer to create a fun, engaging video reels that brings our tea magic to life. What’s in it for you? -Get credited on all our social media posts. -A chance to showcase your talent to a growing audience. -Unleash your creativity to craft the reel -Get the decent compensation
...eCommerce store. The project includes everything needed to set up and run a professional online store and seamlessly connect it to various sales channels and payment gateways. What I Have: A domain name. A Shopify premium account. A patented logo. A detailed list of products with charges, weights, and descriptions (photos will be provided later). What I Need: Shopify Store Setup: -Design a custom, visually appealing online store using Shopify. -Include features such as a header with a logo, business name, and tagline. -Ensure the store is mobile-friendly and responsive. -Add products, categories, and descriptions provided by me. Integration with Sales Channels: -Connect the Shopify store to Amazon, Flipkart, Instagram, and other relevant platforms for seamless product ...
I'm looking for a seasoned, slightly mature, online actor to star in a series of Instagram videos aimed at engaging viewers on an emotional level. - Primary Theme: The central message of these videos revolves around 'work...revolves around 'work'. This could encompass various aspects such as dedication, teamwork, perseverance, and the multifaceted nature of work. - Emotional Connection: The actor should ideally be able to convey empathy and understanding, resonating with the viewers' own experiences and struggles in the workplace. - Setting: The videos will be shot in an online format, making the actor's ability to connect with the audience through the screen crucial. Ideal candidates should have: - A strong American accent - Experience in acting - Ab...
...showcase the lifestyle our furniture brings. Trend Integration: Incorporate trending sounds, effects, and formats on Instagram/TikTok to ensure high engagement. Sales Focus: Use a call-to-action or persuasive techniques to encourage purchases or inquiries. Requirements: Proven experience in creating engaging video content or reels (portfolio required). Strong storytelling skills with the ability to connect emotionally with an audience. Understanding of social media trends and algorithms. Basic knowledge of video editing tools/apps. Ability to adhere to brand guidelines and tone. Style and Tone: Modern, sophisticated, and aspirational. Focus on showcasing product details, comfort, and quality. Clean visuals, smooth transitions, and vibrant energy. Deliverables: Weekly or bi-wee...
I'm looking for a professional who can connect my on-premise SAP HANA database to SAP Emarsys. The primary goal of this integration is to facilitate synchronization of product data between the two platforms. The DB communication needs to be configured securly using with SSL certifcate. The infra details are below. SAP Host Machine OS: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5 HDB version: Branch: fa/hana2sp05 SSL Certificate: DigiCart certified wild card certificate available. SAP Emarsys: Account already exsist, details will share later. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in SAP HANA and SAP Emarsys - Strong background in HANA DB configurations - Previous experience with product data integration - Knowledge in setting up connection between Emarsys and HANA DB. I...
I'm seeking an expert to connect webhooks for AI API models, enabling automated calls to book appointments on my Google Calendar and send emails via Gmail. Key components of this project include: - Setting up webhooks that connect AI API models to my Google Calendar and Gmail. - Automating the process of making calls, scheduling appointments, and sending emails. - Ensuring the system is efficient and reliable. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency with webhook integration. - Experience with Google Calendar and Gmail. - Familiarity with AI API models (specific model not yet determined). - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
I'm looking for an experienced developer to create a video chat application primarily designed for social interactions. This app needs to be accessible via a web browser and a mobile app, but not a desktop app. I want to create an Omegle-style platform where people can connect with others worldwide. The main premise is to facilitate language learning. It will incorporate a Duolingo-like daily streak system, where users must participate in video chats to maintain their streaks. Key Features: - Text chat integration: Users should have the ability to send messages during video chats. - Screen sharing: This feature is a must. Users should be able to share their screens seamlessly during a video chat. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web and mobile app development. - Prior...
I have developed an AI Caller designed to book appointments on the GoHighLevel platform. I need a scenario created to connect the VAPI (Voice API) to GoHighLevel (GHL). Specific Requirements: - Automated Call Initiation: The scenario should handle the initiation of calls automatically, facilitating seamless communication between the AI Caller and potential appointment slots. - User Input Prompts: The automated calls should include prompts for user inputs. This will be primarily for confirming appointments. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in and its integration capabilities. - Understanding of VAPI and GHL. - Experience with developing scenarios that involve automated call systems. - Knowledge in setting up user input prompts within automated calls.
I'm looking for a talented and creative UI/UX Designer to join our project. The ideal candidate will bring fresh ideas, strong design skills, and a passion for delivering outstanding results for a mobile social networking application. Key Responsibilities: - Design intuitive and engaging user interfaces for a mobile social networking app - Create wireframes, prototypes, and high-f...applications - Strong portfolio showcasing previous design projects, particularly in the social networking space - Proficiency in design software such as Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma, etc. I'm looking for someone who is not just a designer, but a problem solver who can understand and translate user needs into compelling design solutions. If you're passionate about creating outstanding user experienc...
...our team for technical and sales support. Benefits of Partnering with Us: Access to a well-established and feature-rich ERP software. Strong backend support for sales, implementation, and customer service. High earning potential with recurring revenue opportunities. Exclusive partnership opportunities in your region. If you're interested in becoming a Channel Partner with Tech Cloud ERP, let’s connect to explore this exciting collaboration!...
As a Commissioned Sales Agent, your primary role will be selling our cutting-edge IT Services. We are seeking in...of, or interest in, technology and IT Services. - Self-starters who thrive in a fast-paced environment. - Strong communication and interpersonal skills. - A proven ability to meet and exceed sales targets (experience is a plus but not required!). What We Offer: • High commission potential – the more you sell, the more you earn! • Flexible work schedules. Your Role: As a Sales Agent, you’ll connect with potential clients, promote our products/services, and close deals. You’ll have the freedom to manage your schedule and the opportunity to grow your career with us! Join our team, harness your sales skills and passion for technology, and un...
### **Core Features** 1. **User Authentication**: - Quick and secure sign-in using Google accounts. 2. **Partner and Team Connections**: - Connect with one or more individuals as partners or teams. - Create or join groups for collaborative motivation and shared progress. 3. **Morning Visualization Reminders**: - Daily notifications prompt users to: - Visualize their day as if all goals are already achieved. - Discuss their completed goals with their team or partner. 4. **Daily Check-in Discussions**: - Dedicated spaces for real-time or asynchronous check-ins. - Voice and video features for live discussions about daily plans and accomplishments. 5. **Reflective Journaling**: - A personal space for users to document their daily visualizations and ref...
...traditional methods. Detailed Inquiry Form: A lead capture form on property pages to gather detailed information about buyer needs (e.g., budget, location preferences, property type). WhatsApp Plugin: Integration for real-time chat support via WhatsApp. User Accounts: Separate profiles for buyers, sellers, and agents, with dashboards for managing listings or purchases. Realtor Support: A feature to connect buyers abroad with a select team of local realtors for guided investment decisions. Admin Monitoring: A robust backend for managing listings, monitoring transactions, and ensuring quality control. Mobile Optimization: Fully responsive design for desktop and mobile devices. Trulia-Inspired Aesthetic: Clean, modern design similar to , with branding, graphic design, and logo provi...
...personalized questions about income, deductions, and other tax-related data. • Smart Categorization: It automatically categorizes expenses, income, and deductions based on your bank transactions, invoices, and receipts. You simply connect your bank accounts or input data manually, and it takes care of the rest. • Tax Optimizer: AI identifies opportunities for tax deductions, credits, and savings based on your income, expenses, and life changes (e.g., new home, kids, or education expenses). 2. Auto-Import from Financial Accounts • Bank & Credit Card Integration: Connect your bank accounts, credit cards, and other financial tools directly to TaxBuddy. It will pull in your transactions, categorize them (e.g., business expenses, charitable donati...
I'm seeking a seasoned app developer to create a cutting-edge platform for product verification. The app should empower users to confirm product authenticity, connect with reliable sellers, and access expert-led educational resources. Key Features: - Integration with Barcode/QR code scanners and Merchant databases for product verification and marketplace functionalities. - A diverse range of expert-led content, including articles, blogs, and live webinars. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in developing mobile applications for both iOS and Android. - High proficiency in integrating third-party APIs. - Strong expertise in app security, ensuring user privacy and data protection. - Previous work with subscription-based models and in-app purchases. - Exceptional ability to design...
I'm looking for a professional to set up a LinkedIn profile for my business. The main goal is to increase brand awareness. Key Responsibilities: - Create and optimize a LinkedIn profile for my business - Develop relevant content on a weekly basis, including company updates, industry news, and customer testimonials to drive customer engagement - Connect with potential clients, starting with my current connections Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in LinkedIn profile creation and management - Excellent content creation skills - Strong understanding of brand awareness strategies - Excellent networking skills - Familiarity with industry news relevant to my business
... compensation will include both a partial upfront payment and royalties. ? Why Work With Me? As someone who has always lived near and on the water, and as a scuba diver who’s experienced the magic of the ocean firsthand, I’m passionate about creating stories that reflect the beauty and importance of our seas. This project is not just a book—it’s an opportunity to inspire kids and families to connect with the ocean and discover the joy of protecting it for generations to come. ? Payment Details: • Partial upfront payment: $200, split into two installments—$100 at the start and $100 upon completion. • Royalties: 3% of net book sales (revenue after publishing fees). • Ownership: As the book’s creator, I will retain the rights t...