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    2,000 proxy vb6 winsock pekerjaan ditemukan

    Saat ini saya sedang mengembangkan project VB6 yang memerlukan integrasi dengan chipset MTK dan Spreadtrum. Tujuan utama dari project ini adalah untuk memungkinkan penulisan IMEI ke perangkat HP, baik smartphone maupun feature phone, menggunakan koneksi USB. Ideal Skills: - Pengalaman dalam pemrograman VB6 - Pengetahuan tentang MTK dan Spreadtrum - Keahlian dalam interfacing perangkat melalui USB - Pengalaman dalam penulisan IMEI menggunakan META Mode - Pemahaman tentang smartphone dan feature phone Diperlukan seorang freelancer yang mampu menyelesaikan project ini dengan baik dan tepat waktu.

    $195 Average bid
    $195 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    Butuh Yang Bisa Buat Konfigurasi Proxy Untuk HLS / M3U8 Untuk Mengatasi Rate Limit Dari Server Origin 1. Mengatasi Rate Limit 2. Implementasi Caching Untuk Penghematan Bandwith 3. Implementasi Referer Untuk Melindungi HLS

    $42 Average bid
    $42 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    saya ingin mengubah script php pada tiap api di ubah menggunakan bahasa nodejs lalu dengan penerimaan sql id contoh {id},script saya juga menggunakan proxy,dan saya juga butuh mengambil tiap request pada api dan juga berikan comment setiap fungsi agar saya bisa mengerti untuk update di masa yang akan datang

    $52 Average bid
    $52 Rata-rata
    19 penawaran

    Saya memerlukan seorang pengembang VB6 yang berpengalaman untuk membantu saya melakukan modifikasi pada data di template Codesoft dan kemudian menyelesaikan proses cetak. Ini adalah project personal yang berfokus pada penggunaan Codesoft untuk mencetak template. Berikut detil proyek ini: * Tujuan utama adalah pembaruan data yang ada di template Codesoft. Penting untuk dapat mencapai hal ini tanpa merusak struktur data yang ada. * Setelah data diperbarui, peran pengembang VB6 adalah melanjutkan proses cetak. Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan: * Pengalaman dalam pengembangan VB6 * Memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang Codesoft dan proses cetak * Mampu bekerja dengan data dan melakukan perubahan tanpa merusak integrasi Untuk mencapai hasil yang diharapkan dalam proyek ini, ke...

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    Disini saya membutuhkan software penambah view untuk live stream facebook. Adjustable : - Jumlah Views - Kapan harus memulai kapan harus berhenti - bisa menggunakan proxy

    $130 Average bid
    $130 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran
    migrasi progarm
    Berakhir left

    memindahkan database sqlserver2000 ke sqlserver2018 dengan program vb6

    $434 Average bid
    $434 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran
    Link Domain IP
    Berakhir left

    Ingin membuat link ip, domain ip, link proxy, link apache, saya bisa membuatkan atau mengjarkan anda, untuk lebih jelas wa 0 delpan 5 sembilan 5 sembilan 8 sembilan 0 delapan 8 sembilan

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 penawaran

    Saya membutuhkan plugin AGC untuk wordpressengan kriteria : 1. Salin manga dari banyak web manga berbahasa indonesia (AGC, Update / Cron job juga untuk cek manga sehari sekali) 2. Data simpan di bloger (gambar / database) 3. mendukung mode Otomatis (semua manga) dan Manual (manga tunggal) 4. Pengaturan proxy untuk melewati anti-crawler Itu saja, atau lebih simpelnya buatkan plugin agc seperti pluginya Mangaboot untuk theme madara ( )

    $85 Average bid
    $85 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    Buatkan saya source code VB6 kirim dan terima pesan Whatsapp dengan xml tanpa selenium

    $350 Average bid
    $350 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Busco DLL para emissão de NF-e e NFC-e nas liguagens VB6 e VB.Net

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 penawaran

    Dibutuhkan jasa klik link sebanyak 5.000 klik pada link https://bit#ly/36q6KPE (ubah tanda #dengan titik.) ketentuan. no robot, harus real manusia proxy unik di persilahkan bid

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Rata-rata
    19 penawaran

    Dibutuhkan trainer dan partner diskusi utk membantu setting software Auto Traffic yg aman dr aturan algoritma google. Termasuk bgmn menggunakan proxy server utk pengoptimalan software tsb bs bekerja yg terkait dgn Google Analytic. Software tsb sy gunakan utk kepentingan sendiri, bukan utk membuka jasa klik organik dsb. Diutamakan pertemuan scr tatap muka di daerah jaksel-jaktim-depok.

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    Saya memerlukan aplikasi php/ci pembuat akun Instagram massal, sepenuhnya otomatis membuat akun instagram hingga 1.000 akun + update gambar profile update bio dan beberapa foto postingan dan file image di ambil dari folder yang sudah kita upload dan support spintext untuk caption jika bisa akun langsung t...agar akun tidak di chalenge sebab jika dalam 24 jam tidak verifikasi akun akan langsung di arahkan ke link dan tidak bisa di akses lagi 1. Dapat membuat akun instagram dengan benar dan menyimpannya dalam file .txt dan sql 2. bisa di install di xampp atau di vps sehingga bisa di jalankan otomatis jalan 24 jam creat akun dengan cronjob 3. Harus memiliki dukungan proxy! Jika Anda yakin dapat membuat skrip seperti ini, silakan hubungi saya di freelancer!

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran


    $285 Average bid
    $285 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    saya memiliki aplikasi berbasis VB6, saya ingin menulis ulang dalam php framework larafel.

    $2784 Average bid
    $2784 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran
    buat sebuah browser
    Berakhir left

    membuat sebuah browser mini, dengan kemampuan bisa browsing supercepat dan hemat data seperti UC browser dan bisa terkoneksi dengan proxy di menu barnya,

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran
    pemograman vb6
    Berakhir left

    ingin membangun sebuah proyek yang layak digunakan di perusahaan, dan mudah di pahami para staff. bahasanya mudah dipahami dalam sistem kerja proyek

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    Saya butuh sekitar 2,000 - 3,000 private anonymous proxy yang berlokasi di Indonesia.. untuk keperluan social media. VirginProxy Proxy akan di sewa min 3 bulan atau lebih jika memuaskan

    $1516 Average bid
    $1516 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Saya butuh sekitar 2,000 - 3,000 private anonymous proxy yang berlokasi di Indonesia.. untuk keperluan social media. VirginProxy Proxy akan di sewa min 3 bulan atau lebih jika memuaskan

    $462 Average bid
    $462 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran
    Toko Buku Darmawan
    Berakhir left

    sebuah aplikasi yang dapat digunakan disebuah perusahaan kecil untuk dapat mempermudah pekerjaan. program tersebut yaitu gabungan antara vb6 dan MS access, dapat menyimpan data pembeli dan menghitung jumlah barang yang dibeli secara otomatis.

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    dibutuhkan sebuah simple project vb6 facebook chat, feature: -login -logout -menerima pesan chat -mengirim pesan chat

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    Membuat suatu aplikasi administrasi perkara untuk peradilan2 di Indonesia, mulai dr registrasi perkara sampai PK Bahasa pemrograman yg digunakan VB6, DB MS SQL Server 2000, Crystal Report 8.

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 penawaran

    Membuat suatu aplikasi administrasi kepegawaian unutk peradilan2 di Indonesia. Bahasa pemrograman yg digunakan VB6, DB MS SQL Server 2000, Crystal Report 8.

    $310 Average bid
    $310 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran
    pemograman vb6
    Berakhir left

    ingin membangun sebuah proyek yang layak digunakan di perusahaan, dan mudah di pahami para staff. bahasanya mudah dipahami dalam sistem kerja proyek

    $42 / hr Average bid
    $42 / hr Rata-rata
    6 penawaran
    pemograman vb6
    Berakhir left

    ingin membangun sebuah proyek yang layak digunakan di perusahaan, dan mudah di pahami para staff. bahasanya mudah dipahami dalam sistem kerja proyek

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Rata-rata
    4 penawaran
    Proxy Page Setup
    Berakhir left

    ESRI Proxy Page setup

    $110 Average bid
    $110 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Riscrittura totale di un software da vb6 a

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Rata-rata
    24 penawaran

    I'm looking for someone located in Colombia to assist with a simple task. The task involves using a Colombian IP, either via Wi-Fi or mobile internet(not vpn or proxy), to carry out searches on Google. The specific requirements are as follows: - Search for the term "casino online" "or casino en linea" - Click on the ad !!! - Take screenshots of the full page, including the URL bar Please ensure that all tasks are completed from a Colombian IP.

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Rata-rata
    15 penawaran
    Online Classifieds Advertiser Needed
    6 Hari left

    I'm looking for someone to assist in posting adverts on internet classifieds. ... need spanish Ip's . Need to post everyday 5-10 adverts. Job for long time . Requirements: - The person must have knowledge of using proxy or VPN. - Preferably located in Spain. Skills and Experience: - Experience in posting on online classifieds. - Good understanding of using proxy or VPN. - Ideally, someone from Spain. - If you have experience in this field and meet the requirements, please reach out.

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Rata-rata
    24 penawaran

    I am looking for a skilled C++ developer to enhance my project by adding new features. The main task involves integrating a Winsock API console function to display live logs in a text format. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in C++ - Experienced in API integrations, specifically Winsock - Capable of adding new features to existing code - Able to format logs into text for console display - Strong problem-solving skills for code enhancement and optimization

    $160 Average bid
    $160 Rata-rata
    27 penawaran
    Docker-Based WordPress Website Setup
    5 Hari left

    Project Requirements: Docker Setup: Install and configure Docker and Docker Compose on the server. Create a file to manage all containers. MySQL Database: Set up a MySQL container with a persistent volume. Configure a secure root password and a dedicated WordPress database. Optimize database performance settings. Nginx Web Server: Set up an Nginx container as a reverse proxy for WordPress. Configure SSL (Let’s Encrypt or provided SSL certificate). Optimize Nginx settings for security and performance. WordPress Installation: Deploy a WordPress container with a persistent volume for data storage. Connect WordPress to the MySQL database. Ensure proper permissions and security measures. Provide basic setup (admin user, database connection, etc.). Security & P...

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Rata-rata
    17 penawaran
    Fix VB6 Secure Channel Support Error
    5 Hari left

    I'm encountering an issue in my Visual Basic 6 (VB6) application where I'm receiving an error related to secure channel support when attempting to send a POST request. Here's the code snippet I'm using: ``` strUrl = "" PostData = "data[StockID]=111111&data[Action]=DELETE" Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("") "POST", strUrl, False "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" "Content-Length", Len(PostData) (PostData) ``` - Environment: This application is running on Windows 10. - Machine Specific: I'm not sure if this problem is specific to one machine or affecting multiple machines. - Other Methods: I haven't tried any other

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Rata-rata
    10 penawaran

    More details: What platform should the PayPal money...prefer before final approval? Manual testing by you Incorporate anti-detection features to prevent the application from being flagged by fraud detection systems. The application should be developed using JavaScript. The application should have a basic user interface design. The application should have a basic user interface design with essential features for functionality. Incorporate support for proxy or VPN to mask user activity. The application should have a simple and minimalist user interface. Incorporate standard security measures for safe functionality. Ensure encryption of all generated data and transactions for user safety. The budget for this project is between 500 - 1000 EUR. The project should be completed within 1...

    $1256 Average bid
    $1256 Rata-rata
    59 penawaran

    I am looking for a professional who can create an automated voting script for Xtreme Toplist. The script should be capable of bypassing reCAPTCHA, and supporting proxy use. Requirements: - The script must be able to facilitate automated voting on the Toplist Website. - To Use Proxy & reCAPTCHA for each vote - To Use Windows - To work on the following sites xtremetop100 topg top100arena

    $128 Average bid
    $128 Rata-rata
    25 penawaran
    IPTV Streaming Development
    4 Hari left

    ...clients, look and setups and change things if needed by support Cloud-Based CMS Installer (vps server wille be used as cloud server) CMSID Creation with Admin & Password DNS Record Linking to CMS Cloud Server Installer for First-Time Server Configuration Support for 4 Migration Panel Options Database Import & Replacement for Migration Fresh Installation with Server Details (IP & DNS, Proxy Setup yes/no(reverse proxy)) Main Server & Load Balancer Connection Automatic Folder & File Creation on Load Balancers (also include streaming php, vod/series checker playarapi php and api php) Nginx Integration for Load Balancing + encryption between servers Server load based, GeoIP based, ISP based Remote, Automated Installation of Encrypted Files License Validat...

    $1165 Average bid
    $1165 Rata-rata
    87 penawaran

    I urgently need help today to configure a reverse proxy (HAPROXY) and Letsencrypt (ACME) on Pfsense. The goal is to route inbound SSL traffic to different web servers based on both subdomains and path-based URLs. Key Requirements: - Inbound SSL traffic needs to be routed based on domain, subdomains (e.g., , ) and path-based URLs (e.g., ). - Traffic will be routed to more than 5 web servers. - I need advice on SSL configuration as I am not sure if some servers require special SSL configurations. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience with HAPROXY and Letsencrypt (ACME). - Strong background in managing and configuring Pfsense. - Expertise in routing traffic based on URLs. - Ability to provide clear advice on SSL configurations

    $51 Average bid
    $51 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    I'm looking for a skilled developer who can create a Zennodroid script for automating actions on Grindr on an android emulator. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a Zennodroid script to create Grindr accounts -Steps include - fill in random data- recognize recaptcha, get sms from sms api- rotate proxy

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Rata-rata
    17 penawaran
    n8n proxy config
    6 Hari left

    project config

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran
    Update Proxy Settings for n8n Docker
    3 Hari left

    I'm seeking a professional with expertise in Docker and n8n to update the proxy settings of my n8n Docker installation. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Docker management - Experienced with n8n applications - Knowledgeable in network configuration and proxy settings - Ability to troubleshoot and resolve Docker-related issues Please bid only if you can start immediately.

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    ...want to automatically redirect their traffic through a proxy or a similar solution that changes their IP to one from whitelisted regions like South Africa, Colombia, Finland, or others. Basically, we need a way to make sure all traffic from blacklisted countries goes through trusted IPs. We’re open to your suggestions on how to best handle this. I'm looking for a professional who can assist me in setting up a proxy solution to redirect traffic. The main purpose of this project is to bypass certain restrictions. We previously hired a developer who built the proxy functionality using the GuzzleHttp module in Laravel/PHP. This implementation acts as a virtual environment for a web browser, allowing URLs to be passed through the proxy to retrieve r...

    $785 Average bid
    $785 Rata-rata
    33 penawaran

    I'm seeking a skilled...the wallet (up to 365 days) - Setting the fees for quick blockchain confirmations - VPN, TOR, and Proxy options for enhanced security - Pre-transaction verification of blockchain addresses - Sending up to 100 BTC in a single transaction, 100 BTC daily - Ensuring Bitcoin is spendable and transferable to 100 wallets - Guaranteeing full confirmation of transactions - Supporting all wallets, including Segwit and legacy addresses - Live transaction tracking on the bitcoin network explorer using TX ID, Block, Hash, or BTC address Ideal candidates should have extensive experience with Bitcoin's blockchain network and software development. Knowledge of security protocols and tools like VPN, TOR, and Proxy is crucial. Please, include relevant past pr...

    $473 Average bid
    $473 Rata-rata
    31 penawaran
    CORS Policy Issue in React Native
    2 Hari left

    I'm currently encountering a CORS policy error while trying to interact with an API in my React Native application. Unfortunately, I don't have access to the server to mak...policy error while trying to interact with an API in my React Native application. Unfortunately, I don't have access to the server to make adjustments. I've attempted to resolve this issue by using a proxy server, but I still need assistance. Details: - The API request I'm making is a POST request. - The data being sent in the POST request is in JSON format. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in React Native and JavaScript. - Strong understanding of CORS policy and its bypass methods. - Experience in handling API requests and troubleshooting related issues. - Familiarity with us...

    $44 Average bid
    $44 Rata-rata
    30 penawaran solutions for network monitoring, web proxy configuration, and network architecture analysis. The ideal candidate will not only provide technical implementation but also offer consultation and guidance to align the configurations with ISO 27001 standards. Project Requirements: 1. Network Monitoring Tool Configuration • Configure an open-source network monitoring tool to detect suspicious or unauthorized activities. • Provide different options for implementation: e.g. Zabbix + ELK or Wash • Preferred open-source platforms. • Ensure compliance with ISO 27001 standards for monitoring and logging. 2. Web Proxy Configuration • Implement and configure an open-source web proxy solution for web traffic filtering. • Suggeste...

    $1361 Average bid
    $1361 Rata-rata
    40 penawaran

    We are looking for an experienced freelancer to assist with the following tasks: VPS Setup Configure a Virtual Private Server (VPS) for hosting our application. Ensure the server is secure, optimized, and scalable. Node.js and React Project Setup Deploy our Node.js backend and React frontend applications on the VPS. Set up required services like Nginx or Apache for reverse proxy and SSL certificates. Staging and Production Environments Create a proper setup for Staging and Production environments. Enable easy deployment workflows for both environments using CI/CD tools (e.g., GitHub Actions, Jenkins, etc.). Shared Hosting Integration The current website is hosted on shared hosting; ensure seamless integration or migration where necessary. Requirements: Proven experience with V...

    $46 Average bid
    $46 Rata-rata
    29 penawaran
    Proxy Project
    4 Hari left

    Accept thhis

    $100 Average bid
    $100 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran navigation behavior for each device. 4. Security Framework Bypass: • Analyze and restrict access to security frameworks (e.g., Samsung Knox) by using tampered firmware. • Remove tamper flags on rooted devices to bypass basic security protections. 5. Cryptographic Environment Emulation: • Preload generic cryptographic responses for Secure Enclave validation to avoid app crashes. • Use proxy servers to intercept app calls for security checks and provide acceptable responses. Good to have: •Proven experience in hardware and software emulation, including the use of hardware description languages (HDLs) such as VHDL and Verilog. • Strong proficiency in low-level systems programming languages, including C, C++, and Assembly. • Deep under...

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Rata-rata
    19 penawaran
    Email Validation Checker for Kucoin
    11 jam left

    I'm looking for a Python-based email validation checker that can efficiently check millions of email addresses against the Kucoin sign-up page. This tool needs to: - Utilize proxies: It should be able to run with proxies and handle the load of millions of...needs to: - Utilize proxies: It should be able to run with proxies and handle the load of millions of checks with a budget of $200 worth of proxies. - Store results: The checker should store the results of the email validation in a file. The output format for the results file should be TXT. Ideal candidates for this project would be those with extensive experience in Python, web scraping, and proxy handling. A deep understanding of email validation and experience working with cryptocurrency exchange websites would be a si...

    $581 Average bid
    $581 Rata-rata
    56 penawaran

    I'm looking for an experienced GCP professional to help with deploying an application with the following specifications: - An internet-facing application load balancer to ensure smooth user experience by directing traffic to various pods. - An authentication component using oauth2-proxy or an equivalent, with Google as the preferred provider. - A Streamlit app deployed on GKE, equipped with a langgraph agent. - An auto-scaling GKE cluster to accommodate fluctuating user loads. - A Cloud Datastore to collect user logins, feedback, and session logs. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience with Google Cloud Platform, Kubernetes, and Streamlit. A deep understanding of setting up load balancers and auto-scaling clusters is essential. Please include examples of similar pr...

    $532 Average bid
    $532 Rata-rata
    50 penawaran some option to select diff timing starting from 10 days upto 365 days based on user input 3) There should be an option to select which crypto currency end-user want to flash. (USDT, BTC and TRX) Compatible with all USDT networks (TRC20 , ERC20 , BEP20 , BEP2 , SOLANA , POLYGON) 4) I want the sending screen to be easy and to show the message easily. 5) VPN and TOR options included with the proxy Blockchain server option 100% confirmed transaction The transaction fee is max, priority for quick confirmation Cannot cancel a transaction with the bitcoin server It works with all wallets Anyone able to do this job send me your best quote + BIG bonus in any form wanted (WU, Amazon gift cards, ect) after delivery and proof of trial! I am open for discussions and We can discuss a...

    $695 Average bid
    $695 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    I'm seeking a seasoned DevOps professional with proven Google Cloud Platform (GCP) experience. The project involves: - Setting up a robust CI/CD pipeline using Github. - Implementing an applications deployment platform tailored for microservices on GCP. - Utilizing key GCP services such as Google Kubern...Build, Cloud Run, and Artifact Registry. The ideal candidate should possess: - Extensive experience with GCP and its services. - In-depth understanding of DevOps principles, particularly in a microservices context. - Proficiency in configuring and using Github for CI/CD. - Previous experience with setting up deployment platforms on GCP. - Experience with API Gateways, Load Balancers, Reverse proxy setup is expected. Please, only apply if you have substantial expertise in D...

    $373 Average bid
    $373 Rata-rata
    24 penawaran