Professional website design proofreadPekerjaan
Saya memiliki kemampuan mengedit di Canva untuk berbagai keperluan pekerjaan, mulai dari desain presentasi, materi pemasaran, hingga konten media sosial. Dengan pengalaman dalam menggunakan fitur Canva secara maksimal, saya dapat menghasilkan desain yang profesional dan menarik sesuai kebutuhan. Saya bisa mengedit berbagai jenis desain, seperti: Presentasi & Laporan → Saya dapat membuat slide presentasi yang menarik dan mudah dipahami, baik untuk rapat internal, presentasi klien, maupun seminar. Saya juga bisa mengedit laporan dengan tampilan yang lebih visual dan informatif. Konten Media Sosial → Saya mampu mengedit postingan media sosial yang sesuai dengan branding, mulai dari feed Instagram, poster digital, story, hingga thumbnail YouTube. Saya juga bisa menyesuaikan wa...
Saya memiliki kemampuan mengedit di Canva untuk berbagai keperluan pekerjaan, mulai dari desain presentasi, materi pemasaran, hingga konten media sosial. Dengan pengalaman dalam menggunakan fitur Canva secara maksimal, saya dapat menghasilkan desain yang profesional dan menarik sesuai kebutuhan. Saya bisa mengedit berbagai jenis desain, seperti: Presentasi & Laporan → Saya dapat membuat slide presentasi yang menarik dan mudah dipahami, baik untuk rapat internal, presentasi klien, maupun seminar. Saya juga bisa mengedit laporan dengan tampilan yang lebih visual dan informatif. Konten Media Sosial → Saya mampu mengedit postingan media sosial yang sesuai dengan branding, mulai dari feed Instagram, poster digital, story, hingga thumbnail YouTube. Saya juga bisa menyesuaikan wa...
As a seasoned language expert with years of experience in professional translation, I offer high-quality, precise, and culturally relevant translation services from English (US) to Spanish. My services are designed to meet the needs of businesses, individuals, and organizations that require top-tier translation results with a focus on accuracy and context. What I Offer: High-Quality Translations: Translated texts will be tailored to the tone and style suitable for your target audience. Accuracy and Consistency: Ensuring the correct use of terminology for technical, business, or creative documents. Cultural Sensitivity: Making sure that the translation is contextually relevant to the intended Spanish-speaking audience. Core Expertise: Business Documents: Reports, correspondenc...
Baiklah, saya siap membantu membuat brief yang sempurna. Berikut adalah struktur dan contoh isi brief: Informasi Proyek 1. Judul Proyek: [Nama Proyek] 2. Tujuan: [Deskripsikan tujuan proyek] 3. Sasaran: [Target audiens, industri, atau pasar] 4. Batas Waktu: [Tanggal mulai dan akhir] 5. Anggaran: [Jumlah anggaran] Deskripsi Proyek 1. Latar Belakang: [Konteks dan alasan proyek] 2. Kebutuhan: [Masalah yang dihadapi] 3. Hasil Yang Diharapkan: [Kriteria keberhasilan] 4. Kriteria Penilaian: [Kualitas, waktu, biaya] Kebutuhan Teknis 1. Platform: [Web, mobile, desktop] 2. Bahasa Pemrograman: [Java, Python, dll.] 3. Basis Data: [MySQL, MongoDB, dll.] 4. Integrasi: [API, plugin] 5. Keamanan: [Protokol keamanan] Konten dan Desain 1. Jenis Konten: [Teks, gambar, video] 2. Desain: [Gaya, warna, fon...
I am a creative writer specializing in novel writing, offering my services to bring your story ideas to life. With a passion for storytelling and a flair for crafting compelling narratives, I am the ideal candidate to help you write your novel. My service includes: - Development of plot and characters based on your vision - Writing original content that captivates readers - Revising drafts to refine the story and language - Ensuring the novel's tone and style are consistent throughout I have a keen eye for detail, excellent command of language, and the creative intuition needed to develop unique and memorable stories. Whether you need a ghostwriter to translate your ideas into a full-fledged novel or a collaborative partner to help you flesh out your existing work, I am here to assi...
Saya sedang mencari beberapa orang untuk mengerjakan project SEO & Google Ads untuk website judol. Job Desc nya sebagai berikut : - Membantu hunting Aged Domain untuk kita naikan dengan hard keyword di sekitar niche judol. - Membantu mengerjakan dan maintain Google Ads dengan keyword seputar judol. Apabila ada yang merasa mampu dan sanggup mengerjakan silahkan submit ketertarikan anda dan kita bisa bicarakan mengenai besarnya fee dan kesepakatan kerja kita..
Halo, saya sedang mencari orang yang bisa melakukan proofread untuk terjemahan Bahasa Jepang. Teks asli berasal dari bahasa Inggris. Lebih disukai: orang Indonesia yang memiliki sertifikat JLPT N1/N2, atau Orang Jepang yang bisa berbahasa Inggris untuk keperluan bisnis. Hello! I am looking for person who is available to do the proofread tasks in Japanese. the original text is English. Preferable persons: Indonesian who holds N2/N1 Certificate, or Native Japanese who understands English in business level. Please tell me your rate. thank you.
Membatu Anda dalam penyusunan laporan Pajak baik Badan (Perusahaan) maupun Orang Pribadi sesuai dengan ketentuan dan peraturan pajak Indonesia. Meliputi : Masa SPT PPh21, PPh23, PPh4(2), PPh15, SPT Tahunan Badan / Orang Pribadi, PB1 untuk Restoran dan masalah pajak lainnya..
Saya membutuhkan penulis konten profesional untuk konten blog: 1. Mampu membuat artikel bahasa Indonesia dengan baik 2. Pernah/berpengalaman membuat artikel untuk blog 3. Topik/tema artikel general, pendidikan, sejarah, travel, tekno dst 4. Siap membuat artikel sesuai requirement dr saya 5. Jumlah kata sekitar 1500-3000 kata untuk 1 artikel. Yang berminat dan memiliki skill silahkan kirim cv lengkap, sertakan karya yg pernah dibuat.
Hallo, Saya sedang membutuhkan seorang penulis Indonesia yang berpengalaman dan profesional di bidang khusus kesehatan ibu dan anak. Terutama kesehatan buat ibu yang hamil dan perkembangan bayi sejak lahir dan anak dibawah 5 tahun. Penulis yang berpengalaman menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia yang tepat dan benar dalam penggunaan tata struktur bahasa Indonesia yang benar. Dan juga mampu menulis minimum 30 artikel dalam sebulan. Tidak boleh copy paste dari internet atau majalah lainnya. (plagiat free 100%) Kalau bisa mendapatkan informasi buat menulis dari seorang dokter atau bidan atau orang yang berprofessi dibidangnya dan jika bisa dicantumkan namanya. Jika anda seorang penulis yang berpengalaman dan serius ingin bekerja dengan saya, saya akan memberikan gaji per bulan tergantung dari pen...
artilel untuk submit di jurnal internasional, bidang ilmu sosial (bisnis), dalam bahasa inggris
Membuat video mengenai company profile perusahaan Zimmer Rattan, mulai dari proses shooting video hingga editing. Durasi 90 detik.
Membuat video mengenai company profile perusahaan Zimmer Rattan, mulai dari proses shooting video hingga editing. Durasi 90 detik.
Menuliskan sebuah ebook untuk Anda atau perusahaan anda
Saya ingin membuat sebuah editing video tentang parade tari daerah yang ada di seluruh indonesia dan mejadikan sebuah video tersebut gabungan antara dari berbagai budaya dan ciri khas masing-masing daerah.
Membuat video mengenai company profile perusahaan Zimmer Rattan, mulai dari proses shooting video hingga editing. Durasi 90 detik.
[INDONESIA RESIDENTS ONLY!] Halo, Saya membutuhkan lebih banyak freelancer [Penulis Review yang Berpengalaman] untuk sebuah website perbandingan harga di Indonesia. You will be providing attractive product description of the topics given. Saat kamu melakukan penawaran, dimohon untuk menjelaskan pengalaman menulis deksripsi/review Anda dan diawali dengan, "Saya telah membaca petunjuk dan deskripsi project yang berlaku." Lalu saya akan menunggu untuk sample ++Description++ Menulis review untuk gadget/elektronik/otomotif di Indonesian. - Quantity - 100 / 200 / 400 products - Length - More than 100-400 words per review - Style - Membantu customer untuk mengetahui detail produk dengan gaya review yang tidak membosankan - Format - Heading(s) and paragraphs ++...
Halo, Saya membutuhkan lebih banyak freelancer [Penulis Review yang Berpengalaman] untuk sebuah website perbandingan harga di Indonesia. You will be providing attractive product description of the topics given. Saat kamu melakukan penawaran, dimohon untuk menjelaskan pengalaman menulis deksripsi/review Anda dan diawali dengan, "Saya telah membaca petunjuk dan deskripsi project yang berlaku." Lalu saya akan menunggu untuk sample ++Description++ Menulis review untuk gadget/elektronik/otomotif di Indonesian. - Quantity - 100 / 200 / 400 products - Length - More than 100-400 words per review - Style - Membantu customer untuk mengetahui detail produk dengan gaya review yang tidak membosankan - Format - Heading(s) and paragraphs ++Persyaratan++ - Native Indones...
Meng-proofreading buku teks perguruan tinggi, novel, edit naskah
Translate english into bahasa indonesia Translate bahasa indonesia into english Translate mandarin into english Translate english into mandarin Translate mandarin into bahasa indonesia Translate bahasa indonesia into mandarin
membuat desain/ logo yang semenarik mungkin untuk seorang dj seperti :logo2 diskjockey terkenal semakin kreatif logonya bayarannya semakin tinggi, kembangkan tulisan ini: "S4LVOLSKY" anda bisa melihat logo2 disk jockey terbaik di google silahkan cari
penjualan website dengan spesifikasi space 20GB bandwith 200GB harga tergantung pembeli komisi dan rincian harga bisa anda lihat di attachment
saya ingin mengembangkan proyek saya
Are you looking to make a lasting impression with your presentations? Our Professional PowerPoint Creation service offers the perfect solution. Whether you're a business professional, educator, or student, we'll transform your ideas into visually stunning slides that captivate your audience and effectively convey your message. What We Offer: Custom Design: Our team of experienced designers will craft custom PowerPoint presentations tailored to your specific needs and preferences. From sleek corporate presentations to dynamic educational slideshows, we'll ensure your presentation stands out. Visual Appeal: We understand the importance of visual appeal in capturing and retaining audience attention. Our designers will incorporate high-quality graphics, anim...
I'm looking for a talented web developer to create a professional and traditional-style website for my law office. The main purpose of this website is to showcase our services to potential clients, so it needs to be well-organized and easy to navigate. I already have a domain adress. Key features of the website: - About Us: A section that provides information about our law office, our mission, and our team. - Services: A detailed list of the legal services we offer. - Contact Us: A user-friendly contact form and our office's contact information. - Team: A page introducing our team of legal professionals. - Online Consulting Reservation: A system that allows clients to book online consultations with our attorneys. - Providing Legal Information: A secti...
I'm looking for a talented designer to edit my brochure to make it look more professional for my fence and gate business. The brochure needs to align with the colours of our logo and should feature a balanced mix of text and images, using the information and photos already provided. Key Requirements: - Modern, professional design that reflects our brand identity - Ability to create a balanced mix of text and images - Prior experience in designing informational and promotional materials Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Adobe Illustrator - Understanding of brand alignment in design - Excellent visual communication skills
Hi World Wide Solutions, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you actually i want to make a resume for me i already have some resumes but i am getting difficulty in finding job so i just to make a nice resume for me.
I need a professional to create and set up my business Facebook page. The main goal of this page will be to enhance brand awareness. Branding Elements I already have several branding elements in place including: - A logo and tagline - Brand colors and fonts - A comprehensive brand guidelines document Content Initially, the primary type of content I plan to post will be product promotions. Therefore, the freelancer should have experience in e-commerce and product marketing on social media. Ideal Skills and Experience - Proficient in setting up and managing Facebook business pages - Strong understanding of brand promotion and awareness strategies - Experience in e-commerce and product marketing on social media - Able to create engaging product promotion content - Familiar with Fac...
I have ongoing work related to our previous project 'Professional logo design'
I'm seeking a modern, sleek, and professional logo for my financial advisory firm, Frontier Wealth Advisors. Please read company vision below to understand the vision. ( PLEASE ... NO AI GENERATED LOGOS... I have received tons of submissions that are not unique or thoughtful. Also, no clipart, generic vector images, etc. I am looking for a professional who will take time to research the professional industry I am in, see what the industry competitors are doing, and create something better. - I need a professional to elevate the design and give it that 'WOW' factor. - Inspiration: I am thinking that possibly using a compass in the logo might be interesting (no clip art or cartoonish logos) The design should incorporate modern d...
I'm seeking a seasoned proofreader with expertise in academic writing, particularly in the field of Management and Total Quality Management (TQM). Your main responsibilities will include: - Ensuring consistency in terminology and formatting throughout th...responsibilities will include: - Ensuring consistency in terminology and formatting throughout the article - Adhering strictly to APA style guidelines - Maintaining consistency in citations The ideal candidate will have a strong command of academic English and a good grasp of research writing conventions. Experience in the field of Management and TQM is a plus. Your deliverable should be a thoroughly proofread and revised document, tracked for changes. Suggestions for improved phrasing and overall readability will be great...
I'm in need of a skilled photo editor to enhance my clients' portraits for my professional photography business. The edits primarily involve color correction, lighting correction/enhancements, and sometimes some small retouching. The final output should embody a natural look, without overly stylized or artificial enhancements. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in color and lighting correction - Experience editing portraits for professional use - Ability to maintain a natural aesthetic in edits - Familiarity with portrait editing techniques & trends
I'm seeking a seasoned accountant who can assist with general bookkeeping and business tax returns, specifically using Odoo Manage Financial Operations within Odoo: Utilize Odoo's accounting modules (e.g., general ledger, accounts payable/receivable, financial reporting) effectively. Ensure accurate data entry and reconciliation within Odoo. Generate timely and accurate financial reports from Odoo. Troubleshoot and resolve accounting-related issues within Odoo. Configure and optimize Odoo accounting settings to align with our business needs. Implement and Manage Coating Inventory Procedures in Odoo: Provide Financial Analysis and Reporting: Analyze inventory cost variances and identify areas for improvement. Prepare and present financial reports related to inventory performance...
I need an expert in DevOps who can help me recreate my resume in a professional way. Key Areas to Highlight: - Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) - Infrastructure as Code (IaC) - Monitoring and Logging Focus: The revamped resume should primarily showcase my technical skills. Project Detailing: I have specific projects I want to include, but I need assistance in detailing them. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive knowledge and understanding of DevOps - Experience in technical resume writing - Ability to articulate and detail project experience - Familiarity with CI/CD, IaC and Monitoring and Logging - Exceptional writing and communication skills
I'm looking for a web developer to create a resume builder website specifically designed for professionals. This platform will have a few key features: - Pre-written content suggestions: The site should be able to provide users with suggestions for content to include in their resumes, helping them to highlight their skills and experiences effectively. - Skills and experience analyzer: This feature will assess the user's input and suggest relevant skills and experiences to include in their resume. - Auto-fill feature: Users will share their information, and the site should automatically populate it into the templates we provide. Users of this site will need to input: - Personal details and contact information - Work history and achievements - Educational background...
I'm in need of a designer who can enhance my portfolio to give it a professional and clean aesthetic. The job involves: - Designing images of my previous projects - Creating a banner Ideal candidates for this project should have: - A strong portfolio showcasing their design skills - Experience in creating professional looking portfolios - Understanding of visual consistency and branding
I'm looking for a highly skilled and experienced course material developer to create a professional training course specifically designed for facility management companies. This course should include a variety of suggested topics, which may encompass areas such as maintenance management, emergency preparedness, and health and safety protocols. Management topic: Legal and Regulatory Compliance  Understanding Regulations and Standards  Building Codes and Permits  Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Regulations  Environmental Regulations  Fire and Life Safety Codes  Accessibility and Inclusion Regulations  Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Mandates  Compliance Audits The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Deep knowledge and experience in facility man...
I'm in need of a professional Canva presentation designed for an upcoming event. The primary purpose of this presentation is to pitch to potential clients. Hence, it needs to be compelling, engaging and perfectly tailored to capture their interest. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Canva - Experience in creating business event presentations - Understanding of client-focused content creation - Ability to design visually appealing and professional presentations - Excellent understanding of tone and style appropriate for a professional setting **Key Responsibilities:** - Create an event presentation on Canva - Ensure the presentation maintains a professional tone - Design the presentation to engage potential clients - Deliver a visu...
I'm seeking a skilled Webflow developer to create a professional/corporate portfolio website for me. Key Requirements: - Craft a comprehensive 'Services' section that effectively showcases my offerings. - Design must be clean, corporate, and professional in tone. - Portfolio should be interactive and user-friendly. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Webflow - Strong understanding of corporate web design principles - Proven track record of developing engaging portfolio websites Please provide examples of your previous work that align with this project. I have a webflow account set up so if they could access via my login and create simply 3 pages that are incredibly simple: Home page, Projects, Contact. as well as ...
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a new promotional brochure for my company, based on an existing brochure and our website. Key Requirements: - The brochure needs to have a professional tone, reflecting the nature of our business. - It should include relevant images/photos and text. - The designer should have an eye for aesthetics and be able to select appropriate visuals and layout. Ideal Skills: - Prior experience in creating promotional materials is essential. - Proficiency in graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, InDesign). - Excellent understanding of visual communication principles. - Ability to adhere to brand guidelines and maintain brand consistency.
I'm looking to create a professional video testimonial for my company with the main purpose of promoting our services to potential customers. - The video should be designed to appeal to prospective clients, showcasing the strengths and benefits of our company in a compelling way. - The tone of the video needs to be consistently professional. Ideal freelancers for this job should have prior experience in video production, particularly in creating promotional content. A portfolio demonstrating your ability to produce high-quality, engaging videos will be highly regarded.
I'm seeking a talented professional to create an engaging, informative explainer video for my holistic health company. The video will primarily focus on promoting our specific services, namely Biophoton Therapy and Zyto Scanning. The tone should be decidedly professional and informative, catering to an audience keen on understanding these unique offerings. Key Responsibilities: - Effectively portray Biophoton Therapy and Zyto Scanning to accurately represent our services - Producing high-quality visuals that enhance viewer understanding Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating explainer videos, particularly within the health sector - Ability to produce high-quality visuals - Understanding of holistic health principles is a plus. See attached .doc f...
I'm seeking a cartoonish-style mascot for my logo. This character should primarily convey a professional demeanor while still being friendly and approachable. The main goal of this logo with the mascot is to boost brand recognition. Ideal skills for this job include: - Strong graphic design and illustration abilities - Experience in creating cartoonish, yet professional characters - Understanding of brand identity and recognition strategies Please provide a portfolio that showcases similar work you've done in the past. Looking forward to your bids!
Professional Logo Design 1 concept with different color variations
Looking for a sales representative with an authent...leads. • Present our services and qualify client needs • Pitch our free trial option • Report call outcomes • Part-time/flexible hours (targeting UK business hours) It will be good if you are available to call pre-qualified leads as soon as they request a call (within 5-15 mins). Otherwise, we ll call later at the end of the day. Requirements: • Native British/UK accent (non-negotiable) • Professional phone manner • Access to quiet workspace Common Questions: • Location: Can be based anywhere (remote work) • Hours: Flexible within UK business hours • Training: Full product training will be provided Please Include: • Short voice recording • Previous calling experience...
I'm looking to have a simple yet professional Android mobile app developed. The app should feature multiple categories on the main dashboard, specifically 'Technology', 'Health', and 'Travel'. Each category will contain articles organized by date. Key Features: - Multiple categories on the main dashboard - Articles in each category organized by date - Google Analytics integration for user activity tracking - Google AdSense for monetization - A "Contact Us" form in each article for service requests The "Contact Us" form should collect the following details: - Name - Mobile Number - Email - Service Title - Description Once users submit the form, the data should be stored in a database for further analysis. freelancer will hel...
Are you looking for a unique , modern and eye catching logo for your business ?You are on the right track .I am here to create modern logo for your business .Why you will choose me for create your business logo ?Cause I am very experience with this sector . I am confident That I will fulfil all requirement very sincerely . I believe that I will give you a perfect logo for your business .I believe in deeds not 's Start !!!To get started, the seller needs:Give some information like asLogo titleBusiness slogan (optional)Color preferences Favorite logo exampleWhat's included: Multiple color schemes 3D mockup Favicon High resolution Source files Number of logos: 1