Save Time and Money with Automated Accounting
Enjoy the convenience of computerized accounting by automating key processes
...tutorial memakai odoo untuk modul HR dan Payroll sesuai ketentuan hukum di Indonesia. Tutorial yang diminta nanti berbentuk file boleh pdf, atau docx. Setelah file tersebut jadi, maka kita nanti akan mengadakan gmeet session untuk anda mengajarkan saya dari apa yang telah anda buat tadi. Use Case nya seperti ini: 1. Perusahaan penyedia jasa pegawai outsourcing 2. User dari perusahaan tidak bisa menginstal app sendiri dari aplikasi odoo, tapi sudah kita set aplikasi apa saja yang tersedia yang bisa diakses. 3. Departemen-departemen terdiri dari Direksi, HR, Finance, Operasional 4. Setiap departemen memiliki manager dan staffnya masing-masing 5. Jenis pegawai ada Staff, OB, Teller, Driver, Security 6. Kontrak ada permanent dan PKWT 7. Konfigurasi Payroll lengkap ...
Saya ingin mendesain ulang website saya supaya bisa jauh lebih banyak menarik calon pembeli. Di dalamnya termasuk perbaikan Copy Writing, Icon/Images, dan layout/tata letak. Tools : Wordpress. Waktu penyelesaian : Paling lama 5 hari kerja Info produk dan referensi bisa dilihat di website:
...kebersihan pribadi kelas dunia untuk perawatan kewanitaan, perawatan bayi & kebersihan orang dewasa. Ada rencana untuk meluncurkan produk kecantikan & kesehatan pada tahun 2023. Kami sedang mencari Asisten Akuntansi & Pajak freeplace untuk bergabung dengan tim kami Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab • Bertanggung jawab atas pembukuan perusahaan • Menguasai software akuntansi (Accurate, MYOB dll) • Menyiapkan payroll karyawan termasuk tabulasi & pelaporan untuk PPH, BPJS Kesehatan & BPJS Ketenagakerjaan setiap bulan • Menyiapkan laporan keuangan yang diperlukan setiap bulan untuk ditinjau oleh manajemen & BOD • Menyiapkan dokumen pemotongan pajak karyawan (Formulir 1721) untuk pengajuan pajak karyawan • Menyiapkan semua dokumentasi ya...
Menggabungkan dan Memodifikasi 4 web aplikasi berbeda (semua laravel) - 1 Aplikasi Accounting - 1 Aplikasi HRD A : ada beberapa modul dihilangkan juga - 1 Aplikasi HRD B : diambil modul payrollnya saja, menggantikan modul payroll HRD A - 1 Mobile Aplikasi utk Mobile Attendance Semuanya digabungkan dalam 1 database, jadi seperti mini ERP Web Apps akan dishare terpisah Trimakasih
Analisa Database yang ada di Microsoft SQL Server (berisi ribuan table), kemudian menganalisa dan mengambil related table yang ada didalam database untuk menyiapkan sebuah Data Warehouse untuk di koneksikan dengan Business Intelligence (Tableau).
Require a HR & Payroll Consultant who is very familiar with Indonesian Statutory Laws. Home Based work and will only require calls with clients. -- Membutuhkan Konsultan HR & Payroll yang sangat familiar dengan Hukum Perundang-undangan Indonesia. Pekerjaan Berbasis Rumah dan hanya akan membutuhkan panggilan dengan klien.
google sheets untuk payroll / gaji ( beserta pivot ) lengkap google sheets utk monthly budget beserta pivot lengkap
Project: Ganti Admin Template/Theme Laravel Aplikasi awal : Template baru : (catatan: sidebar kiri dimodif jadi putih) Ketentuan: 1. Aplikasi lama dan Theme baru akan disediakan 2. Fungsi di Theme baru, sama dgn di Aplikasi lama 3. Layout di Theme baru bisa disesuaikan 4. Aplikasi di Theme baru diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia (Mohon dikirimkan excel/word, saya bantu peneterjemahannya) 5. Logo dan Nama Aplikasi baru menyusul saat mulai dikerjakan 6. Modul Payroll/Penggajian ada penambahan script (optional, script sudah ada) Target : 1. Fungsi berjalan sempurna di Theme baru 2. Sidebar diganti putih 3. Upload/Install di website
Membuat aplikasi database karyawan dan sistem payroll untuk perusahaan outsourcing
Hi, so here I want to animate the character "" that I will prepare according to what is in "", deadline before December 9, 2019. Surely it is made and runs on Autodesk Maya 2019 with a duration of 30 seconds.
...dengan margin fleksibel. -setiap anggota bisa mengakses data simpan pinjam . akun masing2. -bisa cetak buku tabungan pake printer passbook. -pembukuan , jurnal dan laporan sesuai akuntansi dan ditampilkan tabel dan gafik -penarikan simpanan, kas bon dan penagihan angsuran secara. Payroll potong gaji. -menu penghitungan pajak pph 25 Secara otomatis. -menu toko offline dan online. -bisa pakai kartu berbarcode prabayar (top up saldo) atau pasca bayar (tagihan payroll) dan klo bisa pembayaran pake ovo atau gopay/ kartu debit/kredit. - bisa terhubung dengan penyedia ppob yang lengkap yang bisa dibayar dg prabyar atau pascabayar. - stoktaking - menu jual beli online dengan ada opsi iklan dari anggota/pihak luar berbayar atau gratis. -perhitungan sisa hasil usaha yang
hallo pak. Jika bapak lagi butuh bantuan untuk menyelesaikan project tentang excell. mungkin bapak berkenan hire saya. saya bekerja di salah satu perusahaan, dan saya pernah buat training formula excell dan pernah membuat payroll calculation dengan vba excel. terima kasih
Aplikasi Android Saya membutuhkannya dibuat dan didesain Nama saya muhamad jihadul ahsan, saya memiliki usaha toko retail bergerak dalam bidang obat-obat offline maupun online dengan layanan antar. Dengan kegiatan ...kontribusinya yang dilakukan. Tujuannya adalah agar pemilik toko, bisa secara cepat melakukan keputusan agar karyawan layak dipertahankan atau tidak dengan melihat raport kinerjanya yang juga bisa dilihat oleh karyawan tersebut di aplikasi karyawan di hapenya. Pada menu kinerja raport karyawan. Fitur aplikasi diantaranya, support : 1. Pengelolaan Tugas delliveri 2. Fitur chat 3. Absensi & payroll 4. Dan fitur lainnya yang bisa menerapkan tugas karyawan berupa ceklist, isi form, upload file tugas dll 5. Laporan detail atas setiap fitur yang ada yang bisa ditelusu...
proyek penggajian pada karyawan swalayan, yang berisi data pada karyawan, seperti nik, nama, jabatan, jumlah hari masuk, hari kerja, masa kerja, gaji pokok, tunjangan jabatan, tunjangan masa kerja, tunjangan makan, bonus, lembur, kas bon, potongan, denda dan lain-lain. serta sistem program absensi menggunakn sidik jari dan scan barcode (barcode tidak boleh di ketik manual di sistem) master user mencakup semua laporan karyawan aplikasi dapat d custom sesuai kebutuhan 1. Master Data Kepegawaian : A. Data Profil. B. Data Pendidikan C. Data Pengalaman Kerja D. Data Lokasi Kerja : E. Data Cuti F. Catatan Kesehatan G. Catatan Surat Peringatan H. Catatan Surat Ijin I. Data Penghasilan Pokok , THR, Bonus, Pesangon J. Data Tunjangan Penghasilan ...
Windows SQL Desarrollador vfp 9, para programa Payroll, en plataformas Oracle y SQL.
Melakukan sejumlah pekerjaan Excel Entry data Payroll Surat menyurat
...tercancel.. nah utk calendar ini saya ingin menghubungkannya k google calendar api.. Untuk bagian back officenya saya ingin seperti cms open cart / shopify atau yang lainnya.. jadi ada pembukuannya, ada untuk stok, untuk pemesanan sekarang ini saya memakai quickbook untuk pembukuannya.. jd saya mw seperti quickbook untuk softwarw akuntansinya.. Saya jg ada ingin fitur HRIS jd utk payroll, dan jg utk perkembangan karyawan. Contohnya seperti dan karena nanti saya ingin ada report misalnya invoice A, yang mengerjakan siapa dan sebagainy. Saya juga ingin ada sistem delivery. Jd utk sistem tersebut, nanti si customer bisa pin poin utk lokasi rmhnyaa. Untuk Aplikasi hp, untuk awal bikin untuk android saja dlu dan itu juga hanya launcher saja. Untuk budget
Pembuatan Erp dengan basis Odoo / OpenErp Bahasa Indonesia dengan modul manufaktur total proses, akuntansi berikut pajak, inventory dan Hrm dengan payroll dan mendukung bpjs
Hi I need 5 descriptions of online stores in Indonesia in Indonesian language. Each text must have minimum 3000 characters (without spaces). Let me know if you can prepare them in HTML. Text must contain: 1. Description of the shop in general 2. Information about promotions and voucher coupons which offers shop 3. Description of the products, brands, servicies, categories/types of products that people can buy in the shop 4. Description of the shopping process and posibilities (delivery, payment methods, …) I you are interested write me, please: - your price expectations for whole project (20 descriptions), - the time you will need, - if you can make it in HTML.
software payroll terutama pada perhitungan pajak karyawan dengan kombinasi penggajian NET dan GROSS sesuai dengan PER 31 2012 dan PER32 2015. software HRD(employee self service) untuk permintaan cuti(government leave) dan surat permintaan lembur dari employee ke atasan via system online.
Hi I need 20 descriptions of online stores in Indonesia in Indonesian language. Each text must have minimum 3000 characters (without spaces). Let me know if you can prepare them in HTML. Text must contain: 1. Description of the shop in general 2. Information about promotions and voucher coupons which offers shop 3. Description of the products, brands, servicies, categories/types of products that people can buy in the shop 4. Description of the shopping process and posibilities (delivery, payment methods, …) I you are interested write me, please: - your price expectations for whole project (20 descriptions), - the time you will need, - if you can make it in HTML.
Saya ingin membuat database untuk program payroll di perusahaan. Program payroll ini sangat customize, karena perhitungan gaji memiliki bermacam macam system. Program ini akan mengambil data absensi jam masuk dan keluar dari database MS Access, sedangkan untuk input data lainnya seperti hasil kerja, perhitungan incentive dan lainnya di input bisa melalui PHP web based, atau bisa juga MS ACCESS.
• Kemampuan Komputer (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Outlook). • Kemampuan Akuntansi (Accounting) dan Administrasi. Journal printing & Calculation, Ledger, Salary Calculation, Project Data Updating, Teller, Petty Cash Payroll & Calculation, Inventory Controls) • Kemampuan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris. Hormat saya, ( Karina Safira )
Prepare Tax Report Monthly and Yearly (PPH 21/26,4 (2),23,24,25,29,VAT),Prepare Financial Report (Balance Sheet,Income Statement,Journal Entry,Bank Book,Cash Book)
You will receive an initial concept design of brochures within 5-7 working days. Full color brochure brochure (CMYK) Brochures are ready to ride offset printing You can use your own picture (if any images or special request) or a stock image of our 1 (one) brochure and a revised draft of up to 1 (one) time. Create graphs, diagrams, flowcharts or m...receive an initial concept design of brochures within 5-7 working days. Full color brochure brochure (CMYK) Brochures are ready to ride offset printing You can use your own picture (if any images or special request) or a stock image of our 1 (one) brochure and a revised draft of up to 1 (one) time. Create graphs, diagrams, flowcharts or maps will be charged separately. Body copy you have to prepare yourself in the form of Micr...
Membantu membuat Laporan Keuangan, Menyusun Laporan Perpajakan dan Payroll.
Saya ingin membuat database untuk program payroll di perusahaan. Program payroll ini sangat customize, karena perhitungan gaji memiliki bermacam macam system. Program ini akan mengambil data absensi jam masuk dan keluar dari database MS Access, sedangkan untuk input data lainnya seperti hasil kerja, perhitungan incentive dan lainnya di input bisa melalui PHP web based, atau bisa juga MS ACCESS.
Hris / Payroll Calendrical (pph21, Overtime, E-spt) Calendrial adalah sistem manajemen sumber daya manusia yang dibuat agar dapat mendukung operasional sehari-hari sampai dengan proses pengambilan keputusan di top manajemen. Sistem ini mengintegrasikan seluruh fungsi operasional yang terjadi pada HR Department yang melibatkan seluruh karyawan perusahaan dari mulai awal masuk / new employee sampai dengan karyawan tersebut resign. Berikut adalah fitur umum yang ada pada Calendrial - Web based System (All Platform) Dapat diakses melalui platform lain, cth: Mobile Devices dll yang memiliki browser - Open Source Environtment (Low TCO) Tidak diperlukan biaya license pihak ketiga sehingga membuat cost untuk implementasi menjadi kecil - System Dashboard - Reporting (Excel, Wo...
Kami adalah Konsultan di bidang Perpajakan, Akuntansi, Payroll Service, Management Solution
Hris / Payroll Calendrical (pph21, Overtime, E-spt) Calendrial adalah sistem manajemen sumber daya manusia yang dibuat agar dapat mendukung operasional sehari-hari sampai dengan proses pengambilan keputusan di top manajemen. Sistem ini mengintegrasikan seluruh fungsi operasional yang terjadi pada HR Department yang melibatkan seluruh karyawan perusahaan dari mulai awal masuk / new employee sampai dengan karyawan tersebut resign. Berikut adalah fitur umum yang ada pada Calendrial - Web based System (All Platform) Dapat diakses melalui platform lain, cth: Mobile Devices dll yang memiliki browser - Open Source Environtment (Low TCO) Tidak diperlukan biaya license pihak ketiga sehingga membuat cost untuk implementasi menjadi kecil - System Dashboard - Reporting (Excel, Wo...
Kami adalah Konsultan di bidang Perpajakan, Akuntansi, Payroll Service, Management Solution
Hris / Payroll Calendrical (pph21, Overtime, E-spt) Calendrial adalah sistem manajemen sumber daya manusia yang dibuat agar dapat mendukung operasional sehari-hari sampai dengan proses pengambilan keputusan di top manajemen. Sistem ini mengintegrasikan seluruh fungsi operasional yang terjadi pada HR Department yang melibatkan seluruh karyawan perusahaan dari mulai awal masuk / new employee sampai dengan karyawan tersebut resign. Berikut adalah fitur umum yang ada pada Calendrial - Web based System (All Platform) Dapat diakses melalui platform lain, cth: Mobile Devices dll yang memiliki browser - Open Source Environtment (Low TCO) Tidak diperlukan biaya license pihak ketiga sehingga membuat cost untuk implementasi menjadi kecil - System Dashboard - Reporting (Excel, Wo...
Beberapa contoh laporan yang di inginkan pihak konsultan... tabel - tabel yang dinginkan pihak konsultan tampilan destop yang di inginkan pihak konsultan
Beberapa contoh laporan yang di inginkan pihak konsultan... tabel - tabel yang dinginkan pihak konsultan tampilan destop yang di inginkan pihak konsultan
...serta bisa di akses dijaringan ataupun dari luar kota via Internet. Software ini kami rancang khusus dengan desain yang mudah untuk digunakan oleh siapapun dan untuk perusahaan manapun. Adapun modul yang kami buat terdiri dari : Sales/Penjualan : Rp 5.000.000 Ticketing : Rp 5.000.000 Purchasing : Rp 5.000.000 Inventory : Rp 5.000.000 Payroll : Rp 5.000.000 Finance : Rp 5.000.000 Accounting : Rp 5.000.000 Yang berminat bisa menghubungi Dodi Segrove ( 087774546911 ) .....
...freelancer to work on our social media initiative. Accepting those native with Bahasa Indonesia ONLY! $20 a week. Please bid for the amount of dollar per week. Responsibilities - Manage social media campaign (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Kaskus etc) and post updates through these channels. - A plus if you're good at writing and you can use social media tools to measure campaign's success. - Prepare daily communication log and monthly reports on key metrics. - Additional responsibility if interested: connect with bloggers and communities. General Requirements - Major in Marketing/Communication/Design/Multimedia or equivalent - Experience in using various social media platforms and tools (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.) - Proficient in...
Penawaran Jasa membuat Laporan Keuangan, Jasa bikin Laporan SPT Tahunan dan Masa, Partime data entry. Payroll
I'm seeking a professional with deep understanding of Indian payroll compliance to help streamline our manual payroll processes. Key Responsibilities: - Ensuring compliance with Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) management. - Overseeing Provident Fund (PF) contributions. - Managing Employee State Insurance (ESI) compliance. Ideal Candidate's Skills: - Extensive knowledge of Indian payroll regulations. - Experience with TDS, PF, and ESI. - Ability to transform manual processes into compliant, efficient payroll system.
I'm seeking a seasoned Python developer with strong expertise in Machine Learning. The project revolves around a full server-side application, requiring substantial focus on various machine learning tasks, including data preprocessing, model training, and model deployment. Key Responsibilities: - Data Preprocessing: Clean and prepare data for training. - Model Training: Develop and train predictive models based on the prepared data. - Model Deployment: Successfully integrate trained models into the server-side application. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Python with a strong background in backend development. - Extensive experience in machine learning, particularly in data preprocessing, model training, and model deployment. - Familiarity with server-side applica...
...strategies related to research culture and EDI, with examples from likeminded research programmes and universities, and propose a suitable format for the Agile Initiative • Facilitate an internal consultative process with Agile’s EDI Officer on the core elements and focus of the institutional influencing strategies; and, • Prepare and draft the Agile institutional influencing strategy to identify key opportunities and targets for improving an inclusive research culture. • Prepare a brief monitoring and evaluation plan for the strategy linked to Agile’s Theory of Change and monitoring, evaluation, and learning framework. • The budget for this work is £8,000 including VAT 2) Approximately six hours of training about behavioural change ...
I am looking for an experienced developer with knowledge of Saudi HR regulations to transform my outdated Access Database into a modern HR system. The features I need include: - Application Tracking System (ATS) - Adding Candidates Form - Adding Employees Form - User Management for the database - Payroll System - Vacation Tracking System - Job Posting Feature - Automated Replies via Email and Text Message - End of Service Calculator Form - Reports and Statistics - AI Resume Reader The goal is to integrate AI functionalities and automate processes wherever possible to improve efficiency.
...standard and qualification. Secondarily, get training bookings for clients looking for UK certified training for their electric vehicle operations. I want to identify opportunities, create plans and strategies to reach new customers, develop a network of contacts to reach new clients and build relationships with these clients, work with the team to negotiate bookings for training courses and prepare marketing and research reports. The website is live, but the new company has yet to be launched, you can find out more about the company and the sister organisations (Salvage Wire and Salvage Insight) through the websites and and I look forward to hearing back from you and your team about what you can do for me....
I am looking for a seasoned Access Database Developer who can create a fully functional HR Database tailored for supporting the full spectrum of HR operations. This includes the Hiring and Onboarding, Performance Management, Payroll, and operational cycles. Key Features: - Application Tracking: The database should allow for seamless tracking of applications from submission through to hiring. - Interview Scheduling: I need a feature that can help schedule interviews without conflicts. - Onboarding Checklist: A comprehensive checklist to ensure no step in the onboarding process is overlooked. The ideal freelancer for this project should have substantial experience in HR database development and a deep understanding of HR cycles. Proficiency in Access Database is a must. Creativity a...
...conference. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: • Content Research: Identify the most popular and influential speakers in the HR and labor law sectors. Analyze the topics these speakers address, highlighting current trends and emerging issues. • Data Compilation & Analysis: Gather and compile data from various sources (e.g., industry publications, social media, conference archives). Prepare clear, concise reports summarizing findings and providing actionable insights for conference planning. • Collaboration: Work closely with our event organization team to align research findings with conference themes and objectives. Provide recommendations for potential speakers and session topics based on your analysis. We are team of HR Week Europe organisers...
I'm looking for a creative designer to prepare a sales poster targeted at tourists in Dubai. The poster needs to effectively communicate discount offers. The design should be in English, as it's the sole language for this project. Key requirements: - Experience in designing promotional materials - Understanding of targeting tourists - Proficiency in English - Creative mindset to effectively convey discount offers
We are searching for a few hours per day or full-time a very good no-nonsense project manager to keep teams on the right tasks. You will prepare tasks, apply AI tools to automate project management, and give clear insights into how each team member is performing and how time is being used within budget. You must also define worthwhile tasks, advise top management on overall performance (including managers and HR), and set up weekly Scrum tasks in Jira. We need someone who can write clear project scopes in Atlassian Confluence after discussing details with the product owner. We need a down-to-earth, results-focused approach. We have an office in India and know local salary ranges, so please give your proposal accordingly. We are not using our internal HR to hire this position becaus...
...need professional assistance to ensure everything is set up correctly and legally. Key Responsibilities: - Assist with LLC formation and S-Corp election in my home state. - Set up and manage payroll for my team in the Philippines. - Provide tax consulting and handle filing. I currently do not have an EIN (Employer Identification Number) for my business. Therefore, part of this project will involve obtaining one. Ideally, I would like to have taxes deducted automatically. Skills and Experience Required: - Proven experience with LLC formation and S-Corp election. - Expertise in payroll setup and management. - Extensive knowledge in tax consulting and filing. - Familiarity with international business operations. - Ability to obtain an EIN on my behalf. Pl...
I'm looking for a creative designer to prepare a sales poster targeted at tourists in Dubai. The poster needs to effectively communicate discount offers. The design should be in English, as it's the sole language for this project. Key requirements: - Experience in designing promotional materials - Understanding of targeting tourists - Proficiency in English - Creative mindset to effectively convey discount offers
... so the ability to work well with others is essential. - Attention to Detail and Ability to Follow Directions: Given the nature of this role, being detail-oriented and able to follow instructions precisely will be key to your success. Experience with and understanding of the following areas of documentation and compliance are particularly important: - Customs Documentation: You will need to prepare and manage all necessary customs documentation for our shipments. - Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring that we comply with all relevant regulations will be a key part of this role. - Export/Import Licensing: You will need to manage and keep track of all necessary export/import licenses. If you have experience in these areas and can demonstrate the necessary skills, I would love to hear...
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a web-based logistics management system aimed at enhancing our operational efficiency. Main Goals: - Improve delivery efficiency: The system should streamline our delivery process. - Optimize inventory management: We need a robust tool for tracking and managing our inven...the system for overall monitoring and decision making. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in web application development. - Previous work on logistics or inventory management systems is a plus. - Strong understanding of tracking and reporting features. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed. Technology requirement- .Net/Angular/MSSQL/Authentication JWT NOTE - I will prepare a document/video of required pages and functionalities For b...
Enjoy the convenience of computerized accounting by automating key processes