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    2,000 postgresql dreamweaver pekerjaan ditemukan

    ...menginstal tema WordPress. Jubelio Store: Platform yang memungkinkan Anda membuat website secara gratis. Wix: Platform yang memungkinkan Anda membuat website secara gratis, termasuk untuk toko online. Google Sites: Aplikasi pembuat website. Adobe XD: Aplikasi pembuat website. WordPress: Aplikasi pembuat website. Bluefish: Aplikasi pembuat website. Kompozer: Aplikasi pembuat website. Adobe Dreamweaver: Aplikasi pembuat website. InVision Studio: Aplikasi pembuat website. Sebelum membuat website, Anda bisa mempertimbangkan beberapa hal, seperti: Menentukan tujuan pembuatan website Memilih nama domain Memilih hosting Mendesain website Membuat sistem manajemen konten Menerapkan SEO Memperhatikan user interface Memperbarui informasi di website secara berkala Tampilkan lainny...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    ...components) untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan konsistensi desain. - **Local Storage:** Menggunakan SQLite atau Hive untuk penyimpanan data lokal yang sementara (seperti cache transaksi sebelum sinkronisasi dengan server). 3. **Pengembangan Back-End:** - **Server Framework:** Menggunakan Node.js dengan atau Django (Python) sebagai framework server-side. - **Database:** Menggunakan PostgreSQL untuk penyimpanan data relasional (seperti pengguna, transaksi, dan anggaran) dan Redis untuk caching guna meningkatkan kinerja. - **API:** Membuat RESTful API atau GraphQL untuk komunikasi antara aplikasi mobile dan server. API ini akan digunakan untuk sinkronisasi data pengguna, autentikasi, dan penyediaan laporan. 4. **Keamanan:** - **Enkripsi Data:** Semua data pengguna ak...

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Rata-rata
    9 penawaran

    Project budget: $500/month for full time position Kami sedang mencari seorang Full Stack Engineer yang berpengalaman untuk bergabung dengan tim kami dalam mengembangkan aplikasi Chat Managing & Scraping System. Dengan bertanggung jawab untuk membangun dan memelihara sistem yang dapat mengelola dan mengolah data dari berbag...dokumentasi teknis yang jelas dan terperinci. - Melakukan debugging dan troubleshooting terhadap masalah yang muncul. Kualifikasi: - Pengalaman kerja sebagai Full Stack Engineer diutamakan - Menguasai NodeJS, RESTful APIs, dan teknologi scraping. - Berpengalaman dengan framework frontend (React.js, Angular, Vue.js) dan backend (Node.js, Django, Flask). - Terampil dalam manajemen basis data (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB). Project budget: $500/month for full...

    $523 Average bid
    $523 Rata-rata
    24 penawaran

    Project budget: $500/month for full time position Kami sedang mencari seorang Full Stack Engineer yang berpengalaman untuk bergabung dengan tim kami dalam mengembangkan aplikasi Chat Managing & Scraping System. Dengan bertanggung jawab untuk membangun dan memelihara sistem yang dapat mengelola dan mengolah data dari berbag...dokumentasi teknis yang jelas dan terperinci. - Melakukan debugging dan troubleshooting terhadap masalah yang muncul. Kualifikasi: - Pengalaman kerja sebagai Full Stack Engineer diutamakan - Menguasai NodeJS, RESTful APIs, dan teknologi scraping. - Berpengalaman dengan framework frontend (React.js, Angular, Vue.js) dan backend (Node.js, Django, Flask). - Terampil dalam manajemen basis data (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB). Project budget: $500/month for full...

    $520 Average bid
    $520 Rata-rata
    13 penawaran

    hai, saya membutuhkan free lancer untuk membangun website untuk registrasi warranty: -Merupakan PWA apps -Apps bisa login session -Menampilkan barang yang telah terdaftar dalam garansi pada user tersebut -Menggunakan database PostgreSQL -Functionalitas SMS Verification (optional tapi menjadi nilai +) -Menggunakan Django sebagai backend -Menggunakan best security practice dan scalable architecture -Front End tidak perlu menjadi hal utama -Bisa membuat product catalog -Menggunakan CMS yang memudahkan maintenance dan administrasi website

    $434 Average bid
    $434 Rata-rata
    15 penawaran

    Kami membuka Lowongan Pekerjaan sebagai Enterprise Support Engineer dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut: 1. Minimal S1 dari jurusan Ilmu Komputer/Teknologi Informasi, Teknik (Komputer/Telekom...sebagai berikut: 1. Minimal S1 dari jurusan Ilmu Komputer/Teknologi Informasi, Teknik (Komputer/Telekomunikasi), Sains & Teknologi atau setara. Fresh Graduate diperbolehkan. 2. Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang administrasi Sistem Operasi (Keterampilan Administrasi Linux / Unix adalah nilai plus). 3. Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang Relational Database Management System (terutama PostgreSQL). 4. Dapat bekerja sama secara individu maupun team 5. Bersedia untuk Work From Office (area Jabodetabek) Join team kami dengan mengikuti online test pada link berikut

    $750 Average bid
    $750 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Assalamualaikum Langsung saja untuk semuanya saya mohon bantuan untuk dibuatkan aplikasi pembelajaran Web, android dan Ios ( Akun Guru, Akun Siswa, Akun Orang Tua, Akun Guru Bimbel, Dan Admin PPDB, Pembayaran OVO / Dana) Aplikasi di Dev dengan Flutter / Reactnative, PHP , My Sql, PostgresQL Diperlukan yang serius dan tepat waktu dalam pengerjaan Pengelolaan Siswa ( Follow un Follow) Pengelolaan Materi dan Soal ( Koreksi sola dan Materi Ajar) Pencarian Guru Bimbel untuk fitur lain yang lebih ditail bisa di lanjut via wa bagi yang berminat dan serius silahkan BID dan sertakan no WA Terima kasih semoga ada yang bisa bekerjasama diutamakan yang fullstack

    $510 Average bid
    $510 Rata-rata
    19 penawaran

    Web aplikasi sudah jadi, hanya ada beberapa menu dan laporan yang harus di tambah Menambah menu -Menambah kode customer -Laporan export data customer per-orangan dan perusahaan dalam excel per 1- 3 bulan (kode 1 perorangan dan 2 perusahaan) -Laporan underlying...customer -Laporan export data customer per-orangan dan perusahaan dalam excel per 1- 3 bulan (kode 1 perorangan dan 2 perusahaan) -Laporan underlying net jual data transaksi (memisahkan transaksi peroranga- Bank - perusahaan) -Menu create cabang, transfer stok antar cabang -Revisi beberapa halaman yang kurang pas -Mengerti AWS Cloud, karena hosting di taruh di Amazon Web Service Cloud -React JS -Postgresql -Golang -Kita minta design / mock up dulu, setelah acc lalu pengerjaan di utamakan : -Yang memiliki portfolio -Foku...

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 penawaran

    kami sedang membutuhkan senior web programmer yang sudah terbiasa bekerja dengan PHP, Javascript, CSS, Codeigniter, MysQl, PostgreSQL Project akan dibahas secara face to face di Cikampek.

    $499 Average bid
    $499 Rata-rata
    20 penawaran
    odoo developer
    Berakhir left

    Dibutuhkan odoo developer untuk perusahaan agrowisata, skill yang dibutuhkan: 1. Paham odoo secara teknikal 2. Bisa custom odoo backend 3. Bisa database postgresql 4. Terbiasa dengan linux (Ubuntu)

    $120 Average bid
    $120 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    Jadi saya punya website service desk berbasiskan laravel + postgresql, saya ingin membuat tiket dari email yang masuk ke inbox servicedesk@ misalkan. Contohnya si A kirim email aduan ke servicedesk@ , nah langsung jadi tiket email itu di dalam sistem. Begitu pula misalkan A balas email balasan dari Agent, nah balasan itu masuk juga ke sistem

    $300 Average bid
    $300 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Aplikasi web yang ingin dibangun adalah aplikasi Learning Management System, dimana aplikasi ini bisa mengelola Kelas ( online / offline ), guru / pengajar, materi pelajaran, dan siswa. Aplkasi dibangun menggunakan Java SDK, Spring Framework, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, & AngularJS.

    $2396 Average bid
    $2396 Rata-rata
    35 penawaran

    saya adalah account executive dari PT. Equnix Business Solutions. Dimana perusahaan kami bergerak di bidang postgreSQL yang telah berkembang di negara negara bagian ASEAN. saya membutuhkan translator english to vietnam secepatnya

    $8 - $15 / hr
    $8 - $15 / hr
    0 penawaran

    Saya mempunyai pengalaman dalam membuat website dengan menggunakan dreamweaver dan databasenya My sql..saya sudah membuat 1 website toko online

    $787 Average bid
    $787 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    Website yang dibangunkan ini nampak seperti simple tetapi menceritakan tentang latar belakang anda sendiri , Menulis tentang diri sendiri mungkin akan membuat Anda malu, tetapi ada beberapa trik tertentu dalam hal gaya dan konten untuk menulis surat lamaran, esai personal, dan biodata diri sehingga tidak terlalu inni juga di buat dalam bentuk program Adobe Dreamweaver , untuk sebarang keterangan lebih lanjut comment sahaja tq. For any details just comment tq.

    $93 Average bid
    $93 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    website saya buat menggunakan bantuan aplikasi DREAMWEAVER, database XAMPP. jika mau upload file maka database di export lalu diimportkan kedatabase sesuai databse yg digunakan hosting tersebut, sedangkan filenya bisa diupload menggunaka bantuan file FTP yakni FileZilla yang mudah dan aman.

    $1670 Average bid
    $1670 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    Membuat Modul P...membuat modul persediaan pada aplikasi saya. Fitur yang dibutuhkan: 1. Master Produk (ini sudah ada tetapibutuh modifikasi) 2. Produk gudang Sub menu/link > input stok awal > Harga per customer group > History HPP > History harga jual 3. Transfer item antar gudang 4. Stok Opname 5. Produk hilang 6. Produk cacat Scripting: PHP base code OpenCart database: postgreSql untuk query sudah saya buatkan framework query dari opencart ke postgre desain database dari saya, setiap perubahan struktur database harus dikonsultasikan terlebih dahulu (Penambahan kolom/tabel baru) Silakan kirimkan penawaran Anda (biaya dan lama pengerjaan), hanya untuk yang minimal sudah menguasai opencart 1.5.6 ya. Untuk detail silakan P...

    $55 Average bid
    $55 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    Dibutuhkan DBA untuk standby selama 3 bulan untuk project. Dapat mengoperasikan Linux, Membuat Shell Script, Sudah mengenal Oracle, Postgresql, Mysql. Lokasi di sekitar Jakarta

    $399 Average bid
    $399 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran
    Design project -- 2
    Berakhir left

    Saya memerlukan sejumlah desain grafis Ahli design menguasai dreamweaver, html, php, photoshop & coreldraw

    $31 Average bid
    $31 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    Aplikasi berbasi web menggunakan framework ci atau yii dengan database mysql atau postgresql

    $782 Average bid
    $782 Rata-rata
    11 penawaran

    LOWONGAN KERJA DIBIDANG ADVERTISING AGENCY Kami Perusahaan Advertising Agency yang berdomisili di cengkareng Jakarta barat membutuhkan beberapa CREATIVE DESIGNER Syarat: • Pria dan wanita • pendidikan minimal SMK jurusan desain grafis /D3/ S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual • Fresh graduates dipersilakan melamar • Menguasai Adobe cs : Photoshop, Flash, Ilustrator, DreamWeaver, 3D animasi (3DMax/Maya), After Effect ,Indesign, Premier Bagi yang berminat, segera kirimkan : Surat Lamaran, CV dan PasPhoto ke Alamat Email/ whatsapp 085711145665/umma

    $334 Average bid
    $334 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran
    Design a Banner
    Berakhir left

    untuk project berupa Web Design, memadukan software seperti fireworks, dreamweaver dan photosop.

    $395 Average bid
    $395 Rata-rata
    8 penawaran
    Design a Banner
    Berakhir left

    untuk project berupa Web Design, memadukan software seperti fireworks, dreamweaver dan photosop.

    $443 Average bid
    $443 Rata-rata
    10 penawaran

    Saya disini sedang Membutuhkan master software yang untuk program toko yang di lengkapi dengan akuntansi dengan database postgresql Jika ada yang bisa mengerjakan bisa message ke saya terima kasih

    $118 Average bid
    $118 Rata-rata
    9 penawaran

    ...JSON or CSV). Ensuring the system is robust, scalable, and compliant with scraping best practices. Tools and Technologies: While we are open to your preferred tools, familiarity with the following is a plus: Web Scraping: BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, Apify, or similar. Automation: Python, Selenium, or Puppeteer for handling dynamic content. Data Structuring: JSON, CSV, or databases like MongoDB or PostgreSQL. Amazon Data: Experience with Amazon's structure or product data scraping is a bonus. Broader Overview: This project is part of a larger workflow that will include: Using AI tools (e.g., Stable Diffusion, Runway ML) to create original visuals of the product. Generating engaging video scripts using OpenAI's APIs. Producing voiceovers with Eleven Labs. Automating video as...

    $26 / hr Average bid
    $26 / hr Rata-rata
    88 penawaran

    ...branding. Sécurité et confidentialité : Assurer une haute sécurité des données, avec des options de sauvegarde et de récupération. Scalabilité et maintenance : Le logiciel doit être facilement scalable et nécessiter une maintenance minime. Compétences requises : Expérience avérée en développement de logiciels, notamment avec des frameworks tels que React, Node.js, et des bases de données comme PostgreSQL ou MongoDB. Bonne compréhension des principes de la gestion de projet et des outils de collaboration en équipe. Capacité à travailler de manière autonome et en étroite collaboration avec notre équipe pour compre...

    $1122 Average bid
    $1122 Rata-rata
    23 penawaran

    I'm in need of a seasoned Full Stack Developer with expertise in TypeScript, , React.js, and PostgreSQL. The project involves upgrading a single-tenant app to support multi-tenancy, as well as customizing the front-office dashboard to align with my brand. Key Requirements: - Update backend logic to enable multi-tenancy support. - Implement a comprehensive Multi-tenancy API key management system, with advanced monitoring and reporting of API key usage. - Tailor the front-office dashboard to include brand-specific themes and colors, custom widgets and metrics, and user management and permissions. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in building multi-tenancy systems. - Proficient in utilizing GitHub for version control and project management. - Strong understanding of front-end an...

    $130 Average bid
    $130 Rata-rata
    138 penawaran

    ...dashboards, custom watchlists, and saved charts. Responsive Design: Compatible with desktop, mobile, and tablet devices. Educational Resources: Tutorials, articles, and videos for novice and advanced users. Tiered Pricing System: Free, Basic, and Premium subscriptions with varying access levels. Technical Requirements Tech Stack: Frontend: React.js/Angular.js. Backend: Node.js/Django/Flask. Database: PostgreSQL/MySQL. Cloud Hosting: AWS/GCP/Azure. Real-Time Data Integration: APIs for real-time stock data (e.g., Alpha Vantage, Yahoo Finance, IEX Cloud). Security: Data encryption and secure payment gateways. User authentication (OAuth, two-factor authentication). Scalability: Architecture to handle a growing user base and large datasets efficiently. Proposal Requirements Please...

    $661 Average bid
    $661 Rata-rata
    32 penawaran courses, towns, or geographic areas. Price Range: Allow users to set price ranges for properties they want to explore. Golf Course Features: Filter by course difficulty, number of holes, amenities (e.g., practice facilities, clubhouse). Technologies: Frontend: React or Angular (for filter components) Backend: Node.js or Python (for search logic and database queries) Database: MongoDB or PostgreSQL (for storing property and golf course data) 7. User-Friendly Property and Golf Course Map Objective: Offer an interactive map showing properties on or near golf courses. Details: Map View: A map that marks golf courses and associated properties with pins. Clicking on a pin will show details about the property and golf course. Searchable Layers: Users can turn on and off different ...

    $4193 Average bid
    $4193 Rata-rata
    121 penawaran

    ...Science, Information Technology, or a related field (or equivalent practical experience). Proven experience as a Full Stack Developer or similar role. Strong proficiency in React.js and its core principles. Experience with popular React.js workflows (such as Flux or Redux). Familiarity with server-side languages like [Node.js, Python, Ruby, etc.]. Experience with databases such as [MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, etc.]. Understanding of RESTful APIs and experience designing and building them. Experience with version control systems like Git. Familiarity with front-end build pipelines and tools (e.g., Webpack, Babel, NPM). Knowledge of modern authorization mechanisms, such as JSON Web Token. Excellent communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively in a team environment. ...

    $47 Average bid
    $47 Rata-rata
    67 penawaran

    ...Ruby on Rails, or Spring. Mobile Development: Expertise in developing native or cross-platform mobile applications using Swift, Kotlin, React Native, Flutter, or similar frameworks. UX/UI Design: Strong emphasis on creating exceptional user experiences. Ability to translate design concepts into functional applications. Database Management: Experience with SQL and NoSQL databases, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or Firebase. API Development and Integration: Skilled in creating and integrating RESTful APIs and third-party services. Version Control: Proficiency with Git and collaborative development workflows. DevOps: Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines, cloud services (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), and containerization tools like Docker. Problem-Solving: Excellent analytical skills a...

    $2356 Average bid
    $2356 Rata-rata
    155 penawaran

    I need someone to deploy my fully developed project built in Node.js, React.js, Vite, TypeScript, and GoLang using a Postgres database. The project is currently sitting on a Windows server but was o...PM2 for the server - Connect my registered domain to the backend - Provide instructions for future self-deployment My frontend is hosted on a different domain, so the backend needs to be connected to my registered domain. Post-deployment, I would need clear instructions on how to deploy the server myself in the future. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Node.js, React.js, GoLang, and PostgreSQL - Proficiency in setting up and configuring Nginx and PM2 - Familiarity with domain connection procedures - Experience with teaching and providing clear instructions for non-technical i...

    $158 Average bid
    $158 Rata-rata
    136 penawaran

    ...Key Responsibilities: - Develop RESTful APIs for authentication, leave management, and notifications. Both JWT and Google OAuth will be used. - Design a PostgreSQL database schema encompassing Users, Organizations, Teams, Leaves, and CalendarSync. - Implement real-time syncing with Google Calendar and Microsoft Graph APIs for approved personal and team leaves. Outcomes: - A fully operational backend with well-structured APIs. - A comprehensive database schema with relationships and sample data. - Seamless calendar integration allowing for event creation, updates, and deletion. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Node.js, , PostgreSQL. - Demonstrated experience with Google/Microsoft Calendar APIs and OAuth2. I'm working with a budget of ₹50,000 and a timeline of 4-6 week...

    $659 Average bid
    $659 Rata-rata
    19 penawaran

    ...encryption for sensitive data storage and communication. #### Basic Architecture 1. **Frontend**: - **Framework**: React, Angular, or Vue.js for a responsive UI. - **Components**: User dashboard, group management page, contribution tracker, and notification system. 2. **Backend**: - **Framework**: Node.js with Express or Django for handling API requests. - **Database**: MongoDB or PostgreSQL to store user information, group details, contributions, and financial records. 3. **Hosting**: - Use cloud services like AWS, Heroku, or DigitalOcean for hosting the application. 4. **Payment Integration (if needed)**: - Integrate payment gateways like Stripe or PayPal for handling contributions. #### Implementation Steps 1. **Define Requirements**: - Gather speci...

    $532 Average bid
    $532 Rata-rata
    301 penawaran

    I need a seasoned Database Architect to design a relational database, specifically using MySQL or PostgreSQL. The primary use of the database will be for reporting and analytics pertaining to financial data. Database will be for software specialized on investment Key Responsibilities: - Design a robust, scalable relational database to handle extensive financial data. - Ensure the database is optimized for reporting and analytics. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in database architecture, particularly with relational databases. - Proficient in MySQL or PostgreSQL. - Strong background in handling financial data. - Experience with database design for reporting and analytics.

    $524 Average bid
    $524 Rata-rata
    122 penawaran marketing company's back office platform. This project involves not only backend development but also some frontend work using VUE, and database management with PostgreSQL. Key Features: - The commission engine must allow for flexible commission structures to cater to different client requirements. - The admin section of the platform should have the capability to modify commission percentages. - The frontend should present commission data to users through a dashboard filled with charts and graphs. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP and Laravel is a must. - Experience with VUE for frontend work. - Strong PostgreSQL skills for database management. - Previous experience in developing similar commission engines would be a plus. I am looking for a professiona...

    $2279 Average bid
    $2279 Rata-rata
    195 penawaran

    ...current logistics/ecommerce dashboard. The dashboard is written in Django, with the frontend utilizing Django templates and Bootstrap. Key Responsibilities: - Make enhancements to the existing version of the dashboard - Integrate new external services, like APIs for new postal services - Add other new features as needed - Handle all tasks independently, covering both backend (Python, Django, PostgreSQL) and frontend (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap/Tailwind, JavaScript) - Analyze requirements and modify the database to accommodate new features and improvements Ideal Candidate: - An expert in Python and Django - Able to work with complex business logic by reading and improving legacy code - Has a proven portfolio of projects including dashboards or web portals Please note, specific new fe...

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Rata-rata
    226 penawaran notifications, and performance metrics. Backend: A. Unified backend for app management, call transfers, and real-time status updates. B. Scalable architecture with third-party integrations (e.g., Agora, Twilio). Maintenance: 1. Proactive monitoring and issue resolution to minimize downtime. Technology Stack: : React Native or Flutter. : Node.js, Python, or Java with PostgreSQL/MongoDB. 3.Third-Party: Agora/Twilio for calls, Firebase for notifications. : AWS/Google Cloud, Docker, CI/CD pipelines. Deliverables: functional Customer and Streamer Apps with a unified backend. and training. support for 3 months post-launch....

    $472 Average bid
    $472 Rata-rata
    58 penawaran

    ...for what the MVP will deliver (e.g., “Functional NLP-powered property search engine” or “Initial deployment ready within 3–4 months”). Budget or Payment Terms (if appropriate): Indicate if the budget is flexible or milestone-based to align expectations. Technological Stack: Mention the anticipated tech stack or leave it open for recommendations (e.g., “The platform currently uses Python and PostgreSQL, but we’re open to suggestions for the most efficient tools for NLP.”). Cultural Fit and Working Style: Looking for a candidate who thrives in a collaborative, fast-paced environment and can adapt to evolving project requirements. Revised Project Description Example: I’m seeking a seasoned AI expert to lead the development and...

    $8177 Average bid
    $8177 Rata-rata
    61 penawaran

    I am looking for an experien...third-party services (e.g., vehicle history reports, inspection tools). Design and Branding: The platform should align with the Drivrr brand identity, incorporating the provided logo and color scheme. The design must be clean, modern, and intuitive. Technical Requirements: Preferred frameworks: React, Angular, or Vue.js for frontend; Node.js, Django, or Laravel for backend. Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB. Hosting: Scalable cloud hosting (e.g., AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure). Deployment: Git-based version control with CI/CD pipelines. Deliverables: Fully functional website with all listed features. User manual or documentation for platform maintenance and future updates. Source code with clear documentation. Assistance with deployment on hosting...

    $3000 - $5000
    $3000 - $5000
    144 penawaran

    I'm seeking a skilled Node.js and PostgreSQL developer to assist with backend tasks for my e-commerce website and mobile app. Key Responsibilities: - Integrate a 'Clickpay' payment gateway - Implement OTP sending service for both SMS and Email during login - Troubleshoot and fix issues in existing products and categories APIs - Create backend endpoints for a new module for offers and discounts screens are ready - Develop the dual language section in the dashboard for the points that need translation (product name, description and tags,etc.) - Resolve image errors in certain APIs

    $187 Average bid
    $187 Rata-rata
    134 penawaran

    ...(communication) provide comprehensive coverage of all operational requirements. Technical Requirements Server and Infrastructure: Operating System: Linux Ubuntu Domain: Already registered Technology Stack: Backend: PHP (Laravel) or Python (Django/Flask) for implementing business logic. Frontend: Modern JavaScript framework such as React.js or Vue.js for an interactive user interface. Database: MySQL or PostgreSQL for storing relational data. Payment Integration: Connecting payment methods to enable access to specific features. API: RESTful interfaces for communication with external systems. Database Structure: Tables for users, mandates, operations, vehicles, staff, protocols, and logs. Optimized relationships for fast queries and data integrity. Security measures, including ...

    $752 Average bid
    $752 Rata-rata
    107 penawaran

    ...ensure high standards of service. 4. Technology Stack 4.1. Backend: Laravel Laravel will be used for server-side development, providing a robust framework for building the application's logic and handling database operations. 4.2. Frontend: Vue.js be used for client-side development, ensuring a responsive and dynamic user interface. 4.3. Database: MySQL/PostgreSQL A relational database like MySQL or PostgreSQL will be used for storing user data, service requests, and transaction records. 4.4. Payment Gateway Integration Integration with secure payment gateways such as Stripe or PayPal to handle online transactions. 4.5. Shipping API Integration Integration with shipping company APIs (e.g., FedEx, UPS) for document delivery management. 5. Implementation Pl...

    $7440 Average bid
    $7440 Rata-rata
    161 penawaran
    AI Video Software Development
    4 Hari left

    ... #### **3.3 Usage Limits** - Real-time API usage tracking. - Automatic restriction of access when limits are exceeded unless upgraded. --- ### **4. Backend and Database Requirements** #### **4.1 Backend Framework** - Python-based backend (Flask/Django) for lightweight performance on Raspberry Pi. - Integration with the video avatar API for AI video chat. #### **4.2 Database** - SQLite or PostgreSQL for user data, subscriptions, and API usage logs. - Secure storage for payment transaction details (encrypted). #### **4.3 Cloud Integration** - Optional cloud-based database for backup and scalability (AWS RDS or Firebase). #### **4.4 APIs** - Video avatar API for video chat. - Payment gateway API for payments. - Email/SMS APIs for notifications. --- ### **5. Deployment** ###...

    $193 Average bid
    $193 Rata-rata
    92 penawaran

    ...models for conversational AI. • Use AI libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch for backend customization. • Integrate with CRM tools (HubSpot, Salesforce) for lead management. Technical Specifications Website Development • Frontend: • HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React.js/Vue.js for interactivity. • Backend: • Node.js or Python-based frameworks like Django/Flask. • Database: • MongoDB or PostgreSQL for storing chatbot conversations and user data. AI Chatbot Development • Platform: Use Dialogflow, Rasa, or custom Python frameworks. • Hosting: Cloud services like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure. • APIs: Integrate OpenAI API or similar for advanced chatbot capabilities. Security • SSL encryption for all pages. &bul...

    $503 Average bid
    $503 Rata-rata
    268 penawaran

    I'm looking for an experienced Node.js developer with a strong understanding of PostgreSQL and Sequelize ORM. The project involves building a Node.js application that integrates data visualization and API functionalities. Key Responsibilities: - Create a Node.js application with seamless API integrations. - Implement data visualization features within the application. - Utilize PostgreSQL as the primary database and Sequelize as the ORM tool. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Node.js, PostgreSQL, and Sequelize. - Experience with data visualization and API integration. - Strong understanding of ORM and database management. Please apply if you have the required skills and experience. Looking forward to your proposals.

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Rata-rata
    67 penawaran
    Fraud Detection
    4 Hari left

    ...Import/Export (Optional): Allow users to import transaction data and export reports. Technology Stack (Conceptual): • Frontend: o HTML, CSS, JavaScript o A lightweight JavaScript framework (React, Vue, or Svelte for optional interactivity) • Backend: o Python (with Flask or FastAPI for API), Node.js (with ) o Basic database for storing transaction data (e.g., SQLite for simple cases, PostgreSQL for more scalability) • Machine Learning: o Python and Scikit-learn (for basic ML, if included) Simplified Workflow: 1. User enters transaction details (or the app receives them through API). 2. The app applies rules and, if enabled, the ML model. 3. A risk score is calculated. 4. The transaction is categorized as low, medium, or high risk. 5. The risk score and risk level a...

    $83 Average bid
    $83 Rata-rata
    12 penawaran

    I need a professional to assist with a database migration project from PostgreSQL using Sequelize ORM. Key responsibilities: - Migrate data efficiently and accurately from PostgreSQL to a new application using Sequelize. - Ensure data integrity and consistency throughout the migration process. - Optimize the migration process for speed and efficiency. Ideal skills: - Extensive experience with PostgreSQL and Sequelize ORM. - Proven track record of successful database migrations. - Strong understanding of data integrity and consistency issues. - Excellent problem-solving skills. This project requires a freelancer who can work independently, is detail-oriented, and can deliver high-quality work within a set timeframe.

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Rata-rata
    25 penawaran

    ...specific client. Each alternate component will have a different price and the final product selection will have a price tag. Following are the details of the technical requirements: 1. Technology Stack Frontend: • Frameworks/Libraries: React • UI Design: Bootstrap • Responsive Design: Use CSS Flexbox/Grid and media queries. Backend: • Framework: Node.js (Express), or Java (Spring Boot) • Database: PostgreSQL, • ORM: Sequelize (Node.js), or Hibernate (Java) Hosting: • Frontend & Backend: AWS • Database Hosting: AWS RDS Version Control & Collaboration: • GitHub 2. Features Core Features: - Authentication: Secure login for sales representatives using OAuth2 or JWT. - Dynamic Chair Composition: * UI to select and toggle b...

    $1181 Average bid
    $1181 Rata-rata
    208 penawaran