Pet sitting certificationPekerjaan
Pembuatan desain kemasan pet food beserat brand guideline dan template
Saya mencari seorang freelancer yang paham dan berpengalaman dalam mendesain logo. Logo ini akan dipakai untuk pet hotel saya dan saya menginginkan desain yang detail. Berikut adalah beberapa detail yang saya cari dalam desain logo: - Detail: Saya mencari desain logo yang sangat detil. Jangan takut untuk memasukkan banyak elemen visual ke dalam logo. - Warna Pastel: Saya menginginkan logo cenderung menggunakan warna pastel. Latar belakang harus netral, dengan unsur warna pastel yang menarik dan memesona. - Selera Klasik: Untuk gaya desain logo, saya ingin sesuatu yang klasik. Walaupun pet hotel saya adalah fasilitas modern, saya ingin logo tersebut mencerminkan nilai-nilai klasik dan tradisional. Saya berharap freelancer memiliki kemampuan dan pengalaman dalam mendesain ...
kami Sudan pakai () perlu seorang design untik landing page company profile dan design promotion, menjual bahan2 material berbahan plastic (pet)
Saya berprofesi dalam melakukan vektor bisa mengerjakan vektor pet
Kami mau membuat aplikasi untuk booking online grooming pet. untuk aplikasi menggunakan React Native dan diperlukan backend dengan Python atau java script. Mobile apps terbagi menjadi 2 apps 1. apps customer(untuk melakukan order) 2. apps Groomer( untuk menerima detail order) key feature mobile apps 1. live tracking 2. in ecosystem Messenger 3. Geo Tagging
...dibidang perkebunan / pabrik kelapa sawit. PT. Prana Agro merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang perkebunan / pabrik kelapa sawit. Email : karir@ website Wa : 0877 1248 7555 Posisi Lowongan Kerja Asisten Manager Organization Asisten Infrastruktur Asisten Pemitra Kebun Accounting Officer (GL) Asisten Boiler Kelapa Sawit (PKS) Assistant Sustainability & Certification Asisten Afdeling Asisten Agronomi Asisten Kebun Kelapa Sawit Asisten Pembelian TBS Asisten Manajer Kebun Kelapa Sawit Asisten Kepala (Askep) Asisten Listrik Pabrik Kelapa Sawit (PKS) Development Dokter Kebun (Site Doctor) FIELD ASSISTANT (ASISTEN KEBUN) EHS Staff (Papua Based) Estate Manager Guru SD - PGSD Group Estate Manager (GEM) KTU Pabrik Kelapa Sawit Kepala Administrasi Kepala Bengkel
Melakukan kunjunga ke pet shop - pet shop untuk mengecek produk seolah-olah kita sebagai pembeli yang sedang mencari produk tersebut, kontrak kerja 3 bulan, pendidikan minimal SMA, pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun dibidang sales/marketing, memeiliki motor (pekerjaan mobile)
Kami membutuhkan orang dengan sertifikasi Red Hat Linux untuk membantu administrasi proyek kami
freelancer untuk update online sosial media. update 2x sehari dalam sosmed facebook,tweeter,instagram membuat konten untuk update sosmed lebih diprioritaskan freelancer pecinta pet lovers dan photografer
...produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja) QS-9000 (Quality System Requirement 9000, standar yang berisikan persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi o...
...produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja) QS-9000 (Quality System Requirement 9000, standar yang berisikan persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi o...
...produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja) QS-9000 (Quality System Requirement 9000, standar yang berisikan persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi o...
...produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja) QS-9000 (Quality System Requirement 9000, standar yang berisikan persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi o...
...produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja) QS-9000 (Quality System Requirement 9000, standar yang berisikan persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi o...
...produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja) QS-9000 (Quality System Requirement 9000, standar yang berisikan persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi o...
...produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja) QS-9000 (Quality System Requirement 9000, standar yang berisikan persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi o...
...produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja) QS-9000 (Quality System Requirement 9000, standar yang berisikan persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi o...
...produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja) QS-9000 (Quality System Requirement 9000, standar yang berisikan persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi o...
...produk, seperti : JIS – Jepang (Japan Industrial Standards) CE Mark – Uni Eropa, CE adalah sertifikasi keamanan produk, untuk semua peralatan elektrik dan elektronik yang akan dijual atau dilayankan di wilayah EU (European Union). IEEE 802.11 – Standar komunikasi wireless LAN ICSA (Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award) SNI 01-3553-1996 - Standar Nasional Indonesia (product certification) untuk air minum dalam kemasan. Standar Sistem Mutu: SMM ISO 9001:2000 (sistem manajemen kualitas atau mutu (Quality Management System, QMS) SML ISO14001 (Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan) OHSAS 18001 (Sertifikasi manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja) QS-9000 (Quality System Requirement 9000, standar yang berisikan persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi o...
Kami adalah perusahaan yang sedang berkembang, bergerak di bidang pet shop yang berada di Bandung. Saat ini kami memerlukan tenaga kerja untuk menempati posisi design grafis/web design untuk memasukkan barang-barang di pet shop kami ke website (online shop). Untuk websitenya sendiri kami sudah ada, yang dibutuhkan hanya memfoto barang baru dan memasukkannya ke dalam website. Kualifikasi: - Pria/wanita tinggal di Bandung - Menguasai basic photoshop/corel untuk edit foto - Menguasai web design - Mau bekerja keras dan mau belajar - Tertarik dengan hewan merupakan sesuatu nilai tambah Untuk lamaran kerja dapat langsung dikirim ke: Rumah Guguk Lestari 23 (daerah setiabudi), Bandung
Kami adalah perusahaan yang sedang berkembang, bergerak di bidang pet shop yang berada di Bandung. Saat ini kami memerlukan tenaga kerja untuk menempati posisi design grafis/web design untuk memasukkan barang-barang di pet shop kami ke website (online shop). Untuk websitenya sendiri kami sudah ada, yang dibutuhkan hanya memfoto barang baru dan memasukkannya ke dalam website. Kualifikasi: - Pria/wanita tinggal di Bandung - Menguasai basic photoshop/corel untuk edit foto - Menguasai web design - Mau bekerja keras dan mau belajar - Tertarik dengan hewan merupakan sesuatu nilai tambah Untuk lamaran kerja dapat langsung dikirim ke: Rumah Guguk Lestari 23 (daerah setiabudi), Bandung
...account management system, allowing for personalized learning experiences. - An efficient payment processing system for seamless transactions. Course Delivery Formats: - The website should support multiple course delivery formats including video courses, text-based courses, and live streaming courses. Learning Features: - The site should incorporate various learning features such as exams and certification management, alongside the delivery of video and text-based courses. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in e-commerce and online learning platform development. - Proficiency in creating intricate course management systems. - Expertise in implementing secure and reliable payment processing systems. - Familiarity with various course delivery formats and learnin...
I need someone to deploy my fully developed project built in Node.js, React.js, Vite, TypeScript, and GoLang using a Postgres database. The project is currently sitting on a Windows server but was originally running on an Ubuntu 20 server. My preference is to deploy it on a Linux server, specifically Ubuntu. Key Requirements: - Deploy the project on a Linux server (Ubuntu preferred) - Configure Nginx and PM2 for the server - Connect my registered domain to the backend - Provide instructions for future self-deployment My frontend is hosted on a different domain, so the backend needs to be connected to my registered domain. Post-deployment, I would need clear instructions on how to deploy the server myself in the future. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Node.js, React.js, ...
...using tools like JungleScout. The ideal candidate should have expertise in identifying profitable niches, analyzing competition, and ensuring product viability in the Indian market. Below are the key responsibilities and guidelines for the project: Responsibilities: 1. Use JungleScout to identify high-demand, low-competition products across categories like Home & Kitchen, Office Products, and Pet Supplies. 2. Focus on products with a competition level of Medium or lower and a seasonality of Medium to target year-round sales. 3. Select products with monthly search volume above 1,000. 4. Niche scores above 4. 5. Average selling prices between ₹500 - ₹2,000. 6. Perform thorough trend analysis for 30-day and 90-day search patterns. 7. Ensure products meet the following ...
...Expertise: Proficiency in writing SEO-friendly blogs with effective keyword integration. Creativity & Engagement: Ability to craft compelling stories that capture readers and drive traffic. Industry Awareness: Knowledge of consumer preferences and market trends in the food and beverage sector. Responsibilities: Write high-quality blogs tailored to: Promote Alemajlis’s unique selling points: Halal certification, premium natural ingredients, sugar-free and flavor-free products, and UAE-made. Enhance brand visibility across 3rd-party publishing platforms and align with SEO strategies. Research industry trends and incorporate relevant keywords to improve search rankings. Adhere to deadlines and follow Alemajlis’s brand guidelines to ensure consistent messaging. Benefi...
...professional to create a comprehensive business plan and an engaging sales pitch for my startup e-commerce dropship pet supplies company. The objective is to secure $20,000 from either an angel investor or a bank. Key Components: - All sections of the business plan need to be meticulously crafted, with particular attention to the Executive Summary, Market Analysis, and Financial Projections. - The market analysis should cover all aspects, with a strong focus on competitor analysis. - As I currently do not have detailed data on competitors, I require assistance in conducting this analysis. Ideal Candidate: - Previous experience in creating business plans for e-commerce and/or pet supplies companies is highly desirable. - Strong skills in market research and competitor an...
I am seeking a professional well-versed in the EB3 Labor Certification (PERM) process. Your role will encompass a wide range of tasks, including: - Job recruitment and posting: You will help design and implement a comprehensive job recruitment strategy. - Filing and submitting ETA Form 9089: This will be a crucial part of your responsibilities, ensuring all paperwork is completed accurately and submitted on time. - Responding to audits and requests for information: Your expertise will be invaluable in navigating any inquiries from the relevant authorities. Additionally, I need assistance with the job recruitment and posting aspect of the process. Specifically, you will be responsible for: - Completing the registration with the DOL: This is a critical step in the process, and your...
TRIOX Security is a comprehensive cybersecurity solutions provider that protects small and large businesses' digital asse...Schedule initial security consultations with potential clients Document all prospect interactions and feedback in CRM What We Offer: Competitive base salary plus performance-based commission structure Comprehensive training on cybersecurity services and industry trends Remote work flexibility Opportunity to grow with a rapidly expanding cybersecurity firm Regular professional development and certification support Success Metrics: Quality of generated leads measured by conversion rates Consistent achievement of monthly lead targets Positive feedback from the sales team on lead quality Detailed documentation and reporting accuracy Contribution to company...
I need a simulation expert to help model various scenarios within the halal meat supply chain using Anylogic. The focus will be on the slaughtering and processing phases, specifically: - The Halal Certification Process: Understanding how this impacts the overall supply chain and identifying potential bottlenecks or areas for improvement. - Processing Time and Efficiency: Assessing current processing times and evaluating the efficiency of our systems. The goal is to gain insights into the supply chain's logistical challenges and to pinpoint opportunities for optimization. Proficiency in Anylogic is a must, as is a good understanding of food supply chains, particularly in relation to halal meat. Previous experience with supply chain simulations will be highly beneficial.
1. Design and finish the UI/UX for the pet services side 2. Review the UI/UX for both users and service providers. 3. Landing page We will split into 3 milestones (300€ + 300€ + 100€)
I'm in search of a certified psychologist who can conduct online counseling sessions. Key Requirements: - The professional should have a focus on mental health counseling. - Experience dealing with anxiety, depression, and stress management is crucial. - Certification and credentials to conduct psychological assessments and therapy are essential. - Availability for flexible online sessions. Ideal Skills: - Strong communication and empathy skills. - Proven track record in mental health counseling. - Ability to conduct engaging and effective online sessions. - Proficiency in psychological assessments.
I'm looking for a proficient Meta Ads expert to generate leads for my ISO certification company. The target audience for these ads are predominantly small businesses, as we offer services suitable for them. Key Responsibilities: - Design and execute effective ad campaigns on both Facebook and Instagram to increase lead generation. - Understand and target ads towards small businesses in particular. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in running successful ad campaigns on Meta platforms. - Expertise in targeting small businesses. - Excellent understanding of ISO certification industry.
I'm seeking a certified psychologist to provide online individual therapy sessions. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct individual therapy sessions online. - Address a range of issues including anxiety and stress, depression, and relationship problems. Ideal Skills: - Certification in psychology is a must. - Prior experience in conducting online therapy sessions. - Expertise in dealing with anxiety, depression, and relationship issues. - Excellent communication skills. Compensation: $30 per client covered. Please submit your bid if you meet these criteria and can provide the requested services.
Hey Guys I run a small pet supplies business in Australia and have recently transitioned from selling on eBay to building my own brand. I’m in the final stages of setting up my Shopify website, which still requires some minor adjustments, but now I’m ready to start selling my inventory. I’m looking to hire someone with with strong expertise in e-commerce growth and scaling. Specifically, I’m searching for someone who has: • Proven experience in running successful Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns (especially for e-commerce stores). • A track record of scaling brands within the pet supplies niche or similar product categories. • Familiarity with Shopify websites, including optimizing product pages, implementing upselling/cross-sel...
...have SEO expertise and a creative flair for writing engaging, compelling stories that can drive traffic and promote Alemajlis's unique selling points. Key Responsibilities: - Craft high-quality, professional and authoritative blogs aimed at highlighting the health benefits of Halal products and our premium natural ingredients. - Strategically promote Alemajlis's unique selling points: Halal certification, premium natural ingredients, sugar-free and flavor-free products, and UAE-made. - Enhance our brand visibility on 3rd-party publishing platforms, aligning with our SEO strategies. - Research industry trends, incorporating relevant keywords from a provided list to improve our search rankings. - Adhere to deadlines and consistently follow Alemajlis’s brand guidel...
I’m #hiring. Know anyone who might be interested? Short-Term Trainer Opportunity...Evaluate students’ progress through practical assignments and provide constructive feedback. Submit daily and weekly progress reports to the program coordinator. Qualifications: ? Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field. ? 1–2 years of experience in Advanced Data Analysis, Power BI, or Graphic Design. ? Proficiency in tools like Python, Tableau, Power BI, or Adobe Creative Suite. ? Microsoft Certification (preferred). ? Strong communication and mentoring skills, with a passion for teaching. Compensation: ₹50,000 upon successful completion of the program. Join us to make a meaningful difference in students' lives! #TeachingOpportunity #SkillTraining #EducationJobs #Empow...
...One afternoon, Marcus wandered into the park, sketchbook in hand. He saw the empty bench under the oak tree and thought it was the perfect spot to draw. As he sat down and began sketching, he noticed a group of kids playing nearby. They stopped their game and stared at him. Whispering among themselves, they started walking over. "Hey," one of the boys said, his tone sharp. "What are Syou doing sitting there? "Marcus looked up, confused. "I’m just drawing. Why? "The boy sneered. "That’s not your bench." "My bench?" Marcus asked, bewildered. "It’s just a bench. "The group laughed, but it wasn’t a kind laugh. "That bench isn’t for people like you," another kid said. "Go sit somew...
I want my Shopify website professionally redesigned to increase my sale conversion rate. I'm currently averaging about 100 website views a day but no sales yet, which is quite concerning. I mai...My current product descriptions are not sufficiently detailed or compelling. I need help creating more engaging and persuasive product descriptions to drive sales. As for the style, I'm looking for a visual design that fits my product - pet toys. It doesn't necessarily have to be bold or colorful, but it should appeal to pet owners and toy shoppers. Ideal skills for this job include: - Expertise in Shopify platform - Strong graphic design skills - Excellent copywriting skills - Understanding of e-commerce UX/UI principles Experience with designing pet produc...
..., and There are complete exact directions below for each website. Each website displays its taxi companies in an exact format for that website. You will extract the data from every taxi company the same way for each website. Also note that a few listings are not a taxi for a person, which you skip. Examples: (1) A Better Way Pet Sitting Service: Dog Walking, Cat Care, Pet Taxi. (2) Clippership Apartments on the Wharf. The 8 Massachusetts cities are Arlington, Belmont, Boston, Brighton, Brookline, Cambridge, Somerville and Watertown. The spreadsheet has 3 rows (taxi cab companies) already filled in, one from each website. There are 6 columns to fill in: A. TAXI#: sequential number for each company (row). B. PHONE NUMBER: The phone number
I'm seeking a talented web designer/developer to create a sleek, modern website for my pet treats manufacturing business. This will primarily be an informational site about our brand, but it will also include a products overview and a contact us page. Key components of the project include: - Designing a user-friendly and visually appealing home page that tells our story. - Creating a comprehensive 'Products Overview' page showcasing our range of pet treats. - Setting up a 'Contact Us' page for customer inquiries. The ideal candidate for this job should have: - A strong portfolio of modern and sleek web designs - Experience in brand-focused website development - Excellent communication skills in English and Chinese for understanding and implementing ...
I'm looking for an expert who can help visualize a tumor on an MRI, CT, and PET scan of a human brain. The visualization should incorporate various elements including the tumor's growth rate over time, its size and position, as well as surrounding brain structures. Key Requirements: - Proficient in using META SAM 2 for visualization - Experience in analyzing and visualizing MRI, CT, and PET scans - Ability to incorporate complex data into visualizations - Skills in creating clear, informative, and usable visual representations This project will require your expertise in neuroimaging and data visualization. If you have a keen eye for detail and can deliver high-quality work, I would love to hear from you.
I'm looking for a detail-oriented and resourceful individual to find high-quality products for our dropshipping store specializing in pet supplies (dog, cat, and small pets). The ideal candidate will search for trending, affordable, and reliable products on AliExpress, collect relevant product data, and organize it in an Excel spreadsheet for easy reference.
I am seeking qualified compliance officers with substantial AML/CFT experience and expertise. Please submit your resume if you meet any of the following criteria: Professional Experience: - Minimum of two years in AML/CFT compliance in a reporting role, with a bachelor's degree or relevant AML certification. - OR, at least four years of AML/CFT compliance experience in a reporting role without a degree. - Experience as a Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO) in other jurisdictions is acceptable. Certifications: - Recognized certifications in Curaçao, such as CAMS (Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist) or AMLFC (AML Foundation & Compliance Institute), will be an advantage. Ideal candidates should possess: - A strong background in AML/CFT compliance. - Exp...
I'm in urgent need of a professional private cook/chef for my family. The ideal candidate is a woman under 45 years old, experienced in cooking European dishes, and available 4-5 days a week from 7am to 7pm. Qualifications: - Must have a culinary school diploma, nutrition certification, and food safety certification - Any additional cooking study is a plus Responsibilities: - Meal planning - Grocery shopping - Kitchen cleaning Skills & Experience: - Expertise in European cuisine - Proven track record as a private chef - Strong meal planning and grocery shopping skills - Excellent kitchen cleaning and organizational abilities
I am looking for a skilled Blender animator to create a short animation featuring two characters (a male and a female) sitting on a chair or couch in a studio setting. The animation should include the following: Requirements: 1. Scene Setup: A cozy studio environment with a table placed between the two characters. Realistic or stylized design, depending on the animator’s expertise. Proper lighting and shadows to enhance the visual appeal. 2. Characters: A male and female character with distinct but simple features. Natural body movements and facial expressions during the animation. 3. Animation Details: Characters should be animated to sit and interact naturally (e.g., slight head movements, hand gestures, etc.). Lip sync functionality should be implemented to m...
I need a logo that features two characters sitting on a swing set in an outdoor setting. The design should be an illustration. It doesn't have to have a specific style but it should be able to be potentially adaptable to different styles if needed. illustration featuring two characters sitting on a swing set in an outdoor environment. Here’s a breakdown of its elements: Elements: Characters: A young boy dressed in a blue shirt and teal shorts is sitting on the left swing. He looks relaxed and engaged. A young girl wearing a light green top and green shorts is sitting on the right swing. She is smiling warmly, exuding a friendly and cheerful demeanor. Swing Set: The swing set is made of wooden supports with black ropes attached to the swings. The d...
...landscaping in front of and around the house. 2- Patio/Grill Area I need full landscaping of the area surrounding the patio. I need this to be redesigned as with a Syrian patio inspiration. Picture inspiration attached. The current fountain is not operational. Please cancel it and renovate the patio pathway accordingly. There has to be a ramp for kids carts and elderly/wheelchair access. The sitting and grill areas should be redesigned. we can extend the patio towards the south to have the grill area separately. 3- Entrance/Storage Room I want this to be a nice entrance of the house/ might use this as an air-conditioned smoking room during the hot weather. Will still be used for storage. 4- Main Living/dining room. Entrance This normally seats around 30 people every ...
I am seeking assistance in the preparation of practice exams for the CBAP IIBA certification. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a deep understanding of the CBAP IIBA exam structure and content, and be able to create mock exams that accurately mirror real CBAP exams. Key Requirements: - Expertise in CBAP IIBA exam content and structure - Experience in creating practice exams - Ability to deliver high-quality, realistic mock exams
I'm seeking a CPA with experience working with US-based S-Corp LLCs who can help me navigate my federal tax obligations, understand the intricacies of the tax system, and manage my payroll tax compliance. Key Responsibilities: - Help me understand my federal tax obligations - Manage my payroll tax compliance Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of the US federal tax system - CPA certification is a big plus - Experience working with S-Corp LLCs - Payroll management expertise - Excellent communication skills to explain complex tax concepts in an understandable way. Pay will be by the hour. We will have Teams call to discuss this.