Oracle financials treePekerjaan
...AI atau EPS English ver The logo for a boarding house in Jakarta with the main target market is professional female workers/employees, the name of the boarding house is A-Chio. A-Chio means long life/life. Logo in the form of a wordmark and/or icon (no animal/human characters) This logo must have a philosophy of combining the graphic element of the simple palm oil monogram / palm leaf / palm tree, with the text A-Chio, because the owner built the boarding house ffrom the revenue of the palm oil business. It still has to provide a sense of calm and comfort for prospective boarding house residents. The logo must be able to be applied in the simplest form (for example without color gradients). We dont need logo with complex and full of icon along the text. The logo must be in...
Mengerjakan Tugas SQL Oracle Studio 5 nomor, running setiap proses di screenshot dan di simpan di word format .DOC
Merubah Code Java yang saya dapat dari github menjadi Python untuk keperluan tugas akhir saya. ini github java nya
Saya sudah membuat website online store dan saya butuh seseorang untuk menambahkan algoritma decision tree dan implementasinya. Website ini nantinya hanya akan digunakan untuk keperluan tugas akhir skripsi.
- Dataset yang digunakan dari saya (format CSV), data berupa angka dan saya cantumkan file CSV nya. - Phyton Algoritma FP-Growth: Conditional Pattern Base, Conditional FP-tree, Frequent Itemset - Association Rules dengan support dan confidence - Grafik scatter plot dan line graph - Untuk pengerjaan Phyton (Jupyter Notebook), Anaconda3
Untuk mengerjakan proyek multifinance dengan teknologi Java, Springboot, ZK, database Oracle 12c, Maven, dan git skema DB akan kami sediakan terpisah
Kompresi Audio format WAV secara lossless menggunakan berbagai varian algoritma Huffman untuk di arsipkan 1. Data yang di proses format audio WAV (PCM), bisa berfungsi untuk spesfikasi a. Channel mono dan stereo b. Sample rate 8 KHz, 11 KHz, 1...untuk di arsipkan 1. Data yang di proses format audio WAV (PCM), bisa berfungsi untuk spesfikasi a. Channel mono dan stereo b. Sample rate 8 KHz, 11 KHz, 16 KHz, 22 KHz, 24 KHz, 44 KHz, 88 KHz c. Bit per sample 8 dan 16 2. Varian Huffmam (untuk proses kompresi dan dekompresi) yang akan di komparasi a. static (original Huffman) b. dinamis c. adaptif d. Binary Tree Huffman e. Quaternary tree Huffman f. Octanary tree Huffman g. Hexanary tree Huffman 3. Mengarsipkan file audio dikompresi secara lossless dan bisa di dekompr...
Dibutuhkan pengajar Oracle RAC dan pengajar SQL Tuning Tempat sudah disediakan di Jakarta
Membuat aplikasi family tree keluarga besar bisa edit(tambah), dan cari (paman, bibi, keponakan) menggunakan struktur data multi link list
Mobile application untuk Marga Fitur aplikasi : > Berjalan di atas platform Androids. > Berjalan di atas platform Web, untuk management data. > Sign up membership. > Family Tree. > Menampilkan Calender & Lunar Calender. > Menambah, mengubah, notifikasi Event. > Menampilkan berita & iklan. > Lokalisasi database sesuai area. Time Frame Pekerjaan selesai dalam waktu 90 hari.
Dibutuhkan Web Programmer Required Skill(s): • Pendidikan minimal S1 jurusan IT • Fresh graduate/ berpengalaman maksimal 2 tahun di posisi yang sama • Menguasai Pemrog...Required Skill(s): • Pendidikan minimal S1 jurusan IT • Fresh graduate/ berpengalaman maksimal 2 tahun di posisi yang sama • Menguasai Pemrograman PHP, SQL • Menguasai Javascript, HTML, CSS dan AJAX • Mengerti Framework PHP (CodeIgniter) • Menguasai Javascript, Jquery, Angular, API • Menguasai Dasar Database MySQL, Oracle • Minimal pernah membuat 2 aplikasi dengan PHP .• Menguasai Pemograman Android & ios Point Plus: • Menguasai Framework CSS: Bootstrap • Menguasai P/L Oracle • Menguasai Pemrograman Java, C++, Mobile Development...
Sebagai salah satu partner resmi Oracle University di Indonesia, kami membutuhkan beberapa orang Oracle DBA trainer yang bertanggung jawab dalam menyampaikan materi training
Windows SQL Desarrollador vfp 9, para programa Payroll, en plataformas Oracle y SQL.
saya ingin membuat software web base yang bisa dijadikan web ataupun bisa digunakan secara onlie. konsepnya ialah membuat data base keluarga, sejenis family tree. Setiap anggota yang terdaftar dapat menambahkan anggota keluarga yang berkerabat dekat dengan dia. aplikasi ini bisa menampilkan family tree yang dapat disesuaikan dengan suku/marga tertentu.
Membuat infografis family tree keluarga besar kakek dan nenek dengan 13 anak dan puluhan cucu cicit
Dibutuhkan DBA untuk standby selama 3 bulan untuk project. Dapat mengoperasikan Linux, Membuat Shell Script, Sudah mengenal Oracle, Postgresql, Mysql. Lokasi di sekitar Jakarta
Saya ingin membuat website pribadi yang mencantumkan data keluarga saya dari kakek sampai keturunan cucu
Web Develop Proyek yang telah saya buat sebagai berikut : 1. Coorporate Income Tax (CIT) di telkomsel dengan menggunakan framework Symfony 2.6 dan Oracle 11g sebgai databasenya,, Management System (TMS) ditelkomsel dengan menggunakan framework Symfony1.4 dan MySql sebagai databasenya Managemen Bongkar Muat (SIMBM) dipelabuhan andikha dengan menggunakan framework Easy UI dan php native ,mysql sebagai database nya. 4. Aplikasi Management Toyib Travel, menggunakan Codeigniter dan Mysql sebagai databasenya 5. Aplikasi Medical Check Up dan Rawat Jalan menggunakan Codeigniter dan SQL Server 2008
Membuat Aplikasi berkaitan dengan HR untuk membuat Aplikasi untuk mencari calon yang cocok untuk menduduki satu diambil dari aplikasi HRIS saat ini dan menggunakan database Oracle
Saya memiliki Aplikasi Project Webservice Java yang saya kembangkan menggunakan IDE Java EE Eclipse versi Luna. Spesifikasi Framework: Maven 3, Spring 4, Hibernate menggunakan Database Oracle . Saat ini berjalan untuk testing runnning application pada Apache Tomcat 7. Saya membutuhkan programmer yang bisa menyesuaikan project milik saya ini agar bisa running pada webserver Weblogic versi 10.3.6. Sehingga selanjutnya Deploy Aplikasi bisa menggunakan Webserver Weblogic 10.3.6 Server Windows + Weblogic 10.3.6 + Database Oracle telah tersedia.
bisa membuat laporan perpajakan bulanan spt PPH 21, 22, 23, 25, 26 dan PPN, familiar dgn E-SPT, rekonsiliasi pajak dengan ledger, membuat laporan uang masuk, mmbuat laporan gaji di rekonsiliasi dengan PPH 21, familiar with SAP and Oracle
bisa membuat laporan perpajakan bulanan spt PPH 21, 22, 23, 25, 26 dan PPN, familiar dgn E-SPT, rekonsiliasi pajak dengan ledger, membuat laporan uang masuk, mmbuat laporan gaji di rekonsiliasi dengan PPH 21, familiar with SAP and Oracle
Membuat ERP menggunakan oracle PL/SQL, oracle developer atau java developer
...Network Specialist (Network Designer, Network Administrator) Web Specialist (Web Designer, Web Programmer, Web Administrator) Scientist (Lecturer / Trainer, Researcher) IT Consultant Management (Chief Information Officer) Peminatan di IT BiNus sendiri ada 7, yaitu : Software Engineering Networking Applied Networking (CISCO) Database Applied Database (Oracle) Intelligence System Interactive Multimedia Sekilas Tentang Software Engineering :Pada peminatan ini mahasiswa akan mendalami berbagai metodologi dan alat bantu pengembangan piranti lunak. Setelah menyelesaikan peminatan ini diharapkan mahasiswa mempunyai kemampuan dalam merekayasa perangkat lunak bersakala besar dengan metodologi yang baik dan lengkap. Karena m...
Membantu Saya Dalam Membuat Aplikasi Cafe Client Server Dengan Menggunakan Database Oracle Dan juga menggunakan Barcode Scanner yang di Manipulasi Dari Php Yang Memanfaatkan Input Pesanan Menggunakan Smartphone Dengan Interface PHP. Applikasi menggunakan Java Programming. Database Menggunakan Oracle 11g.
Halo saya butuh seseorang yang ahli (Sangat Ahli) untuk mengamankan database oracle web saya dari anonym. Jika itu anda, silahkan PM saya untuk detailnya. saya akan membayar 5jt untuk itu. Trims
Halo saya butuh seseorang yang ahli (Sangat Ahli) untuk mengamankan database oracle web saya dari anonym. Jika itu anda, silahkan PM saya untuk detailnya. saya akan membayar 5jt untuk itu. Trims
Membuat Aplikasi untuk perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang keuangan terutama pembiayan sepeda motor. yang saat ini sedang mengerjakan project untuk client JAYA MOTOR, pernah juga di bekerja di perusahaan leasing terkemuka FIF dengan posisi sebagai oracle programmer.
Dibutuhkan Java Developer. Requirements: • Menguasai Java, Sql (Oracle/Postgres), Javascript, HTML, XML • Punya pengalaman develop Openbravo, bukan sekedar konfigurasi • Berpengalaman mengembangkan Java • Menguasai konsep dan penerapan byte, heksadesimal, dan hubungan keduanya dengan bilangan integer • Menguasai konsep-konsep pemrograman Java, seperti OOP, Trading, Flow Control, Operators, Generic and Connection • Terbiasa dengan istilah bahasa inggris, googling • Terbiasa membaca buku manual serta dokumentasi • Problem solver, inisiatif dan mandiri • Kontrak kerja selama 8 bulan (base on project) • Diutamakan yang berdomisili Jakarta Lokasi Kerja : Jakarta (Cilandak) Untuk yang minat silahkan message dan lampir...
I am in need of a professional to create a 3D model of a large, existing live oak tree from 2D images. The primary purpose of this model is for architectural visualization. Key Requirements: - Level of Detail: The model should be of medium detail with basic textures. This will suffice for the purposes of architectural visualization, without needing to be overly intricate. - Output Format: The final 3D model needs to be compatible with SketchUp. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D modeling software, with a strong portfolio of similar work. - Prior experience with architectural visualization. - Able to deliver a model of medium detail with basic textures. - Familiarity with SketchUp for model output. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed, ...
Hi there, I'm seeking assistance in locating information concerning the descendants of a person born in the 1920s in Vietnam. I have some verbal information and names of known relatives, but need help piecing together the family tree, as well as tracking down contact details and current locations of descendants. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in genealogical research - Ability to track down contact information - Experience in piecing together family trees - Fluency in Vietnamese is preferred - Excellent communication skills to interpret and relay verbal information Tôi cần giúp đỡ để tìm kiếm thông tin về con cháu của một người sinh năm 192x tại Việt Nam, sau này có thể đã chuyển đến sinh sống tại Pháp.
...provide the original video to get a better resolution or moment if needed. The second picture is a 3d printed version of my immediate family photo. I have multiple takes with the full background. I would like to put the facial expressions out of two of the takes and combine them into one perfect picture. I would like us to be moved in closer together as well. The picture was taken in front of a tree so there is a large gap when the background is removed. My aim is to have us together so I can 3d print our family picture (which will be in color the next time I print it) Ideal candidates should have a strong background in photo editing and be able to deliver high-quality, seamless results. Experience with adding people to photos is a plus. Please include samples of your previo...
...provide the original video to get a better resolution or moment if needed. The second picture is a 3d printed version of my immediate family photo. I have multiple takes with the full background. I would like to put the facial expressions out of two of the takes and combine them into one perfect picture. I would like us to be moved in closer together as well. The picture was taken in front of a tree so there is a large gap when the background is removed. My aim is to have us together so I can 3d print our family picture (which will be in color the next time I print it) Ideal candidates should have a strong background in photo editing and be able to deliver high-quality, seamless results. Experience with adding people to photos is a plus. Please include samples of your previo...
...first?”). Multiple possible outcomes, each with a “Yes” or “No” betting option. A small fee (e.g., 1 cent) is added to each bet and collected by the admin. On-Chain Logic (Plutus/Haskell) The MarketDatum stores outcomes, an end time, and market status (OPEN, CANCELED, SETTLED). Redeemer actions include PlaceBet, Settle, CancelMarket, and ClaimWinnings. Once the market is settled by the admin or an oracle, winners claim their funds via ClaimWinnings. Off-Chain Architecture & Database A backend (Node.js/TypeScript) tracks on-chain events (e.g., via Blockfrost or a Cardano node) and updates a local SQL database: markets (basic info: question, status, start/end times), market_outcomes (all possible answers, each with “Yes/No”), bets (tr...
I'm seeking a seasoned Java developer with extensive experience in Kafka and EMP, to facilitate a migration from our fully operational and stable EMP setup to Kafka. This proj...isn't just about the migration; I'm interested in building new features with Java and Springboot during the process. Key Responsibilities: - Migrate our current EMP to Kafka with a focus on improving performance, enhancing security and scalability. - Develop new features alongside the migration using Java and Springboot. - Optimize our Oracle Database as needed. Ideal skills for the job include: - Proficiency with Java, Springboot, Spring-JPA, and Oracle Database. - Deep understanding and experience with both EMP and Kafka. - Proven track record in enhancing performance, security, an...
I'm in need of a proficient Oracle Database Administrator primarily, with concurrent responsibilities for a PeopleSoft Administrator. This project involves extensive interaction with an AWS Expert, so understanding of AWS environment will be a plus. Key Responsibilities: - Oracle Database Management: Overseeing, maintaining and optimizing the Oracle DB. - PeopleSoft Administration: Managing and configuring PeopleSoft environments. - User Support: Providing troubleshooting assistance. - Upgrades and Patches: Deploying necessary upgrades and patches. Ideal Skills: - Oracle Database Management: Extensive experience required. - PeopleSoft Administration: Proven track record essential. - AWS Understanding: Familiarity with AWS tools highly beneficial. - User S...
I'm looking for a photo editor who can remove trees and poles from my building photos. The trees are obstructing views of the windows and I need these areas to be cleaned up with moderate detail. Key Requirements: - Remove trees from building photos - Focus specifically on areas obstructing windows - Clean up with moderate detail - Preserve architectural details of the windows Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software - Attention to detail - Experience with architectural photography editing
I'm looking for a logo that embodies a craftsman or mission style, featuring an evergreen tree. The color scheme should be a blend of green and brown, capturing the essence of nature. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in modern design software - Strong understanding of craftsman/mission design elements - Excellent color theory knowledge - Experience in designing nature-themed logos
...from a wood-fired oven. ### **Design Guidelines:** 1. **Style:** The logo should blend traditional, rustic elements with a modern, minimalist approach. We want it to be timeless and appealing to a broad audience. 2. **Symbolism:** - A simple, stylized symbol of pizza, such as a pizza slice or a wood-fired oven. - Possible integration of traditional Italian elements like a Vespa symbol, olive tree, grapevines, or even Mount Vesuvius as a subtle reference to Naples. - Optionally, a classic Italian-style script. 3. **Colors:** - **Primary Colors:** Red (for pizza and passion), green and white (to reflect the Italian flag). - **Secondary Colors:** Warm earthy tones like brown (for the wood oven) or grey/stone colors that reflect the rustic aspect of Neapolitan traditi...
Create a mobile browser extension that places a control on Readers' Comments page on a mobile newspaper website to activate, upon user’s request (and without requiring a new login), the following sequence of steps: Step 1. Delete the (pre-configurable) text, highlighted in blue on Picture 3 and everything above it Step 2. Expand the comments tree by clicking one or more times on the controls, like those highlighted in green on Pictures 1 and 2 (their labels should be pre-configurable), until those controls don't appear anymore. Step 3. Delete the text pieces matching the pre--configurable patterns, like those highlighted in red on Pictures 1, 2 and 3. Step 4. Read the resulting text aloud (US English) by piping to a 3rd-party extension (selectable by user). Pre-con...
I'm seeking a Chief Financial Officer with a strong background in financial planning and anal...planning and analysis, specifically to assist with initial fundraising efforts. This role will primarily focus on: - Fundraising: Developing strategies to secure necessary funds. - Financial Planning and Analysis: Assessing financial forecasts and crafting plans accordingly. The ideal candidate should be well-versed with various financial systems and tools. A deep familiarity with SAP, Oracle Financials, and Microsoft Dynamics is crucial. This is a pivotal role in our company's journey, and your expertise could make a significant difference. We are looking for person whom giving their efforts to to stand company n making investment from investors without any hassle its...
...warm colors: shades of red, orange, and yellow flood the screen, evoking either a sunrise or sunset. At the center, a majestic and ancient baobab tree stands tall in a valley or plain. Its glowing roots extend underground like a luminous network, pulsating with life and connection, symbolizing the interconnectedness of humanity, nature, and history. Animation Flow: 1. Opening on Vastness: The camera starts with a wide shot, revealing the horizon where the sky seems to embrace the earth. A soft breeze carries golden glowing particles, swirling and guiding the viewer toward the baobab tree. 2. Focus on the Baobab: The camera slowly approaches the tree, which appears to breathe with life. Its bark is richly textured and detailed, engraved with symbols representing A...
...candidates that fit our working culture. Note 2: Some of the people are misunderstanding that we are asking for free service. We are not asking for free services. Budget for this project is 2-3 Million USD Build an application with MERN, Graphql, Typescrpt, aws lambda, aws appsync: Existing code base frontend Existing code base backend (the aws credentials on github are fake) I have deployed the frontend and backend code on our aws for you to you can see. Here you have the link to test it. This is proof that we know how to deploy our code and we are seeking your help to deploy the code. To filter out the those that re not serious and do
I'm in need of a dedicated professional to handle my business bookkeeping. This will primarily involve managing invoicing and billing as well as tracking all business-related expenses. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in bookkeeping and accounting - Proficiency in software like QuickBooks, Xero or similar - Strong organizational skills - Excellent attention to detail - Good communication ...dedicated professional to handle my business bookkeeping. This will primarily involve managing invoicing and billing as well as tracking all business-related expenses. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in bookkeeping and accounting - Proficiency in software like QuickBooks, Xero or similar - Strong organizational skills - Excellent attention to detail - Good communication skills - Understanding of business ...
I'm seeking a digital artist who can create a realistic depiction of my three dogs in a holiday-themed scene for a card. The image should be set in a cozy, festive backdrop that includes: - A Christmas tree - Decorative lights Your artistry should encapsulate the joy and warmth of the holiday season, making the card a delightful surprise for my family and friends. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in creating realistic digital images - Previous experience with holiday-themed artwork - Ability to capture the personality of my dogs in the image - Strong understanding of composition, color, and detail in a festive context. Please provide examples of similar work in your proposal. One of my dogs requires a halo and angel wings - she should be on to...
I'm looking for a professional car...a professional cartographer and designer who can create a family heritage map for me. Key Requirements: - The map needs to be suitable for both digital and printed formats. -Must be high resolution and able to be blown up - It should include various family locations with brief descriptions of their significance. - The design style should be Vintage/Retro. Made to look 1800's or western style -Tree must be included Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating interactive digital maps and printable maps. - Exceptional cartography and design skills, with a strong portfolio in Vintage/Retro design. -Familiarity with the area is a plus - Strong attention to detail and ability to handle sensitive family information with ...
...board members to remove treasurer. when I (ex treasurer ) )came to know the president is mismanaging HOA funds, I raised this issue to the other board members , we had special board members meeting in July 2024 , all board members told president to come transparent and provide all financials details to the board , , we told him that if he doesn't come transparent to financials , we will call a special unit meeting to inform all units owners , we gave president one month, president didn't disclose any details financials, so we all board members decided to call a special unit meeting to inform all unit owners on 29th august , as soon as president came to know that we called a meeting , president called a meeting on 23rd august to remove me ( ex treasurer) ...
...board members to remove treasurer. when I (ex treasurer ) )came to know the president is mismanaging HOA funds, I raised this issue to the other board members , we had special board members meeting in July 2024 , all board members told president to come transparent and provide all financials details to the board , , we told him that if he doesn't come transparent to financials , we will call a special unit meeting to inform all units owners , we gave president one month, president didn't disclose any details financials, so we all board members decided to call a special unit meeting to inform all unit owners on 29th august , as soon as president came to know that we called a meeting , president called a meeting on 23rd august to remove me ( ex treasurer) ...
Hi I'm using Oracle 19c database. I created a new user/schema called MM_UAT and given the required grants. I want the MM_UAT user only to see the DB_OBJECTS of other schemas or specific schema. My required DB_OBJECTS like tables, views, functions and procedures seems OK. but there's a problem. If I right click and open a package like PRODN.PKG_REPORTS and i click "view spec & body", i cannot see the body i see only the specs. I have given extra permissions as well to check if they work: GRANT EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE TO MM_UAT; GRANT DEBUG CONNECT SESSION TO MM_UAT; GRANT SELECT ANY DICTIONARY TO MM_UAT; GRANT SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE TO MM_UAT; GRANT SELECT ON DBA_SOURCE TO MM_UAT; GRANT EXECUTE ON PRODN.PKG_REPORTS TO MM_UAT; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW SYS.PRODN_P...
I need a seasoned React Native developer to fix an RTL issue in my app. The issue is that when switching from English to Arabic, both the text and layout directions are not changing as they should. Key Requirements: - Expertise in React Native - Strong understanding of RTL (Right-to...when switching from English to Arabic, both the text and layout directions are not changing as they should. Key Requirements: - Expertise in React Native - Strong understanding of RTL (Right-to-Left) layouts - Previous experience troubleshooting similar issues - Ability to work with both iOS and Android platforms The app's source code can be found here: Please check the code first and test your solution, if you can solve it.