Minecraft skin posePekerjaan
Moisturizer, produk pertama yang diperkenalkan Skintific, yang diklaim dapat memperbaiki skin barrier Serum, seperti Skintific 10% Niacinamide Serum, Skintific 5X Ceramide Serum Sunscreen, Skintific 10% Niacinamide Brightening Serum, dan Skintific 2% Salicylic Acid Anti Acne Serum Gel, seperti Skintific BHA Salicylic Acid Acne Spot Treatment Gel, yang diklaim dapat mengatasi berbagai jenis jerawat dalam waktu 12 jam Masker, seperti SKINTIFIC Mugwort Masker Jerawat Tanah Liat Stik, yang diklaim dapat mengobati jerawat, membersihkan pori-pori, dan menenangkan kulit
Procuro programador ou modelador 3d para desenvolver skin para GTA V RP
Logo project freelancer bernama DYVA dibagian 3d Model / Art permainan minecraft Website : Mau logo yg simple , masi ada kesan art dan minecraft (cube) usahakan berbentuk cube , segi 6 , atau lingkaran sudah saya lampirkan referensi dan color pallete yang saya pilih , hanya referensi jika ada masukan yang lebih baik akan saya pakai
hello, saya William Jonah, saya s...asetnya saja, tidak membuat satu per satu gambar. 2. membuat sketsa dan meneruskan ke dalam bentuk AI/PNG 3. untuk fase pertama project berlangsung selama 3 minggu dan tetap part time. 4. silahkan kan lampirkan portofolio anda, portofolio akan menentukan anda saya hubungi. 5. untuk harga silahkan budget keseluruhannya berapa mungkin hanya sebanyak 15-20 asset saja. yang dibuat seperti topi,baju,skin dan warna. untuk bacground tidak perlu karena natinya akan saya generate menggunakan coding. 5. untuk harga silahkan lampirkan. jika sesuai dan cocok dengan cara kerjanya akan long project. untuk detail dan lainnya akan didiskusikan nanti di chat. 6. untuk konsep sudah dari saya. silahkan lihat attachment untuk contohnya. Terima kasih. Jon...
membuat desain konten untuk insatagram skin care product
Membutuhkan model pria freelance untuk foto produk kaos dan pembuatan konten reels. Syarat : 1. Good looking 2. Menguasai pose dasar dan tidak canggung di depan kamera 3. Bersedia diminta membawa aksesoris tambahan bila ada. 4. Paham cara pembuatan reels Silahkan kirimkan CV wa : 085366944339 Isi CV cukup nama, alamat, tinggi dan berat badan, fortopolio/foto diri, serta nama acc sosmed (IG) Untuk salary dibicarakan langsung via chat.
Membutuhkan model pria dan wanita freelance untuk foto produk kaos dan pembuatan konten reels. Syarat : 1. Good looking 2. Menguasai pose dasar dan tidak canggung di depan kamera 3. Tidak memakai Hijab (untuk wanita) 4. Bisa make up sendiri (untuk wanita) 5. Bersedia diminta membawa aksesoris tambahan bila ada. Silahkan kirimkan CV ke : 085366944339 Isi CV cukup nama, alamat, tinggi dan berat badan, fortopolio/foto diri, serta nama acc sosmed (IG) Untuk salary dibicarakan langsung via chat.
Saya membutuhkan ilustrator untuk membuat modifikasi gambar maskot kartun menjadi 6 pose yang berbeda dan mengaplikasikannya ke dalam design untuk puzzle mainan anak-anak.
jadi, ini kan saya ada server minecraft, nah di rpgnya butuh stats di class rpgnya, classnya ada 5 seperti marksman, swordman, cleric, assasin, dan mage, nah saya ingin membuat stats tiap class tersebut dan diikuti dengan stats mob seperti Hp mob DLL, Tq
Design logo untuk produk skincare (masker) Nama brand saya The Skin Scenario
hi saya butuh seseortang yang bisa membuatkan saya server minecraft di panel pterodactyl
Butuh bantuan gambar karakter anak lelaki dan perempuan usia 5 - 6 tahun. Tiap karakter dilengkapi dengan ekspresi diam, senang, tertawa lebar, sedih, menangis, kesakitan, berpikir, terkejut, tidur. Tiap ekspresi butuh hadap depan dan hadap samping. Untuk ekspresi cukup gambar kepala sampai pundak. Selain ekspresi, butuh juga pose berdiri, berlari, duduk, jongkok, tidur, lompat. Attachment untuk memberikan gambaran gaya menggambar yang saya butuhkan. Format yang dibutuhkan adalah adobe illustrator dilengkapi dengan vector (file AI). Seluruh copyright akan menjadi milik saya.
Butuh bantuan gambar karakter anak lelaki dan perempuan usia 5 - 6 tahun. Tiap karakter dilengkapi dengan ekspresi diam, senang, tertawa lebar, sedih, menangis, kesakitan, berpikir, terkejut, tidur. Tiap ekspresi butuh hadap depan dan hadap samping. Untuk ekspresi cukup gambar kepala sampai pundak. Selain ekspresi, butuh juga pose berdiri, berlari, duduk, jongkok, tidur, lompat. Mohon style karakter disesuaikan dengan attachment. Format yang dibutuhkan adalah adobe illustrator. Seluruh copyright akan menjadi milik saya.
Necesito que diseñen un logo para un servidor minecraft
Memasarkan alat kesehatan Skin Care dengan komisi menarik dan system kerja yang tidak terikat, dengan jenjng karier menjadi pegawai tetap dengan benefit remunerasi, tunjangan kesehatan, transport, bonus dan komisi.
Saya butuh orang yang bisa membuat website untuk Penjualan Brand Saya dengan Nama Brand PakeSkin. Brand yang memproduksi skin untuk Gadget seperti smartphone Dan Vape
Saya membutuhkan desainer yang dapat membuat karakter perempuan seperti desain yang sudah saya attach namun dalam 2d. Silahkan tunjukkan karakter yang sudah pernah anda buat sebelum bid. Untuk contoh desain yang saya inginkan lebih lengkap lagi bisa download aplikasi stikernya di link di bawah desainer yang dapat membuat karakter perempuan seperti desain yang sudah saya attach namun dalam 2d. Silahkan tunjukkan karakter yang sudah pernah anda buat sebelum bid. Untuk contoh desain yang saya inginkan lebih lengkap lagi bisa download aplikasi stikernya di link di bawah saya butuh sekitar 60 pose terima kasih.
Lowongan kerja di Animasi dgn honor 6 juta-15 juta 1. Art Director-design khas film dlm hal keserasian warna/ lighting/ efek/ style film 2. Animator 2D-yg berpengalaman dgn Toonboom Harmony 3. Clean up animator 2D-yg miliki skill standarisasi pose/gerakan/expresi karakter 4. Layout 2D- yg jago design panggung adegan utk karakter/background/kamera 5. Inbetween 2D-pengalaman minim 2 tahun 6. Inbetween Checker 2D - pengalaman mengecek gerakan animasi 7. BG 2D- yg pengalaman melukis pemandangan animasi di photoshop 8. Painting 2D-(Prmpuan)- yg hobby mewarnain karakter 9. Kompositing - yg ngerti AE dan berikan gerakan/lighting/efek pd hasil film.
Saya perlu untuk photo product di toko saya, di kerjakan di lokasi (kelapa gading) kurang lebih 1000 item setiap item 3 pose barang
Saya memerlukan sejumlah desain grafis Kami bergerak di bidang skin care clinic di Semarang membutuhkan seeorang desainer (perempuan/laki-laki) grafis Berpengalaman atau fresh graduated untuk keperluan marketing online. [The Administrator removed this message for containing contacts details which breaches our Terms of Service]
Tokoarra menjual produk kosmetik & skin care secara online. Range harga produk kami adalah Rp. 62.500,- hingga Rp. 200.000,- /piece. Saat ini kami sedang fokus memasarkan produk sabun muka anti jerawat, baik itu eceran maupun paket bundling. Project ini adalah untuk memasarkan produk sabun muka anti jerawat di Facebook Ads. Produk kami sudah mendapat izin dari BPOM & produsen kami sudah mendapatkan sertifikasi Halal. Setiap calon pembeli yang akan membeli produk kami, selalu kami konsultasikan dengan dokter kulit yang bekerjasama dengan kami. Produk kami juga dijual di klinik-klinik kecantikan profesional. Kami membutuhkan bantuan jasa desainer untuk desain gambar iklan di Facebook Ads dengan besar image 1.200 x 628pixel untuk iklan sabun anti jerawat. Ide iklan yang kami...
Hedtutu membutuhkan PR untuk menjaga hubungan dengan Endorser dan Partner Kerja
Hedtutu Skin Solution adalah Brand Skin Care Local di Indonesia dengan sistem penjualan secara online dari social media Instagram, Facebook. Hedtutu membutuhkan orang untuk memegang Social Media Marketing dari Hedtutu Skin Solution ini.
Dibutuhkan jasa pemasangan Rig (tulang) dan pembentukan pose karakter singa Paddle Pop dengan menggunakan software 3D Maya. Model 3D sudah ada dalam bentuk T Pose. Nantinya hasil file tersebut yang sudah di pose akan di print menggunakan printer 3D dalam ukuran 5-10cm.
KAMI mencari freelancer untuk membuat HAIRLOSS product VT untuk produk kami dengan brand HUMPHREY SKIN CARE
KAMI mencari freelancer untuk membuat HAIRLOSS product VT untuk produk kami dengan brand HUMPHREY SKIN CARE
Website saya ditujukan untuk penjualan produk-produk Nu Skin dan pengembangan network marketing-nya. Namun dlm project ini saya sedang fokus ke produk pelangsingannya yaitu TR90 yg mempunyai banyak keunggulan seperti hasil yang permanen, mudah, tidak mengurangi massa otot, dll. Tulisan yang saya harapkan adalah tulisan yg menimbulkan minat untuk membeli produk tersebut, ditulis dengan kaidah hypno writing (baca buku Joe Vitale), SEO, lolos copyscape, gaya bahasa santai tapi sopan, setiap artikel terdiri dari minimal 800 kata sd 1000 kata. Judul yang saya minta: 1. Penyakit mematikan akibat kegemukan 2. khasiat TR90 3. Manfaat TR90 4. Cara mengkonsumsi TR90 yang benar 5. Solusi langsing sehat alami dengan TR90 6. Langsing setelah melahirkan ala artis ternama 7. Olahraga untuk...
Pembuatan dan pengembangan Sistem Informasi/Perangkat Lunak/Software Retail/Independent Proyek untuk unit bisnis menengah ke bawah, seperti Software Penjualan Toko/POS, Minimarket, Bengkel, Fashion Shop, Perpustakaan, Koperasi, Salon, SPA, Skin Care dan lain lain.
...workout, the app will also offer a detailed session analysis, including corrective exercises for the areas that need improvement. Key Features: Real-Time Video Analysis: Use MediaPipe or PoseNet to detect pose and movement in real-time during plyometric exercises. Immediate Feedback: Provide feedback based on detected imbalances, such as highlighting unstable joints or poor landing mechanics. Post-Session Analysis: Offer a detailed report with corrective exercises after the session. Mobile App: The app should be available for both Android and iOS. Technologies: Use MediaPipe or PoseNet for pose detection. FlutterFlow for the UI, with some custom code to integrate the MediaPipe functionality. Cloud storage (Firebase or AWS) saves and analyzes session data. User Flow: Ath...
I have a collection of event, portrait, and special photos that need a professional touch. The final purpose of these images is diverse, including print, social media, and our website. Key tasks will involve: - A focus on photo editing that ensures BIPOC skin tones are represented clearly and accurately - Color Correction: Ensuring that the colors in each photo are balanced and consistent. - Retouching: Removing any blemishes or distractions to make the images as appealing as possible. - Cropping and Resizing: Adjusting the size and framing of each photo to fit its final purpose. Ideal candidates will have previous experience in photo editing, particularly with event and portrait images. A keen eye for detail and a strong understanding of color theory will be key to delivering hi...
..."Junior Samurai". I am looking to acquire a JIU JITSU warrior logo for both a Little Samurai (5-7 year old kid class) Junior Samurai (8-13 year old kid class) I currently have an academy logo (attached) that it can be based off/or incorporated with colors. I would like this logo on the samurai warriors helmet. I am not looking for anything with blood or violence. However, an aggressive stance or pose is completely fine. I am looking for something that represents age appropriate look and values of our culture. I do not want words in these logos. I want simple representations of a JIU JITSU warrior for "Little Samurai" warrior AND for "Junior Samurai" warrior that is appropriate for their classes. The Samurai warriors do not need to Japanese or ...
I have a set of JPGs that require color adjustments, specifically to balance skin tones. Your task will involve: - Adjusting the color balance of the images to ensure skin tones are represented accurately and consistently using Affinity Photo 2 - Possibly automating this process as only tedious mouse clicks and copy paste is required (the actual color balancing is already setup for you) The color balancing is already done for you simply need to watch "Face Texture Cleanup " video in full and follow the instructions. Per 1 Face Diffuse Map file the process creates 4 images total. 24 Face Diffuse Maps should create 4 images a piece = 96 images total (Don't panic these are simple to generate and takes only a couple of hours to complete can take under 24hours to...
...Gift & Print-on-Demand (POD) Industry Concept & Design Breakdown: Typography & Letters: The word "LOVE" is presented with each letter uniquely styled: L – White background with red heart pattern. O – Replaced by a glittery red heart with a Cupid’s arrow. V – Leopard print pattern for a trendy, wild touch. E – Candy red & pink stripes for a sweet, fun feel. Main Character - The Unicorn: Dabbing Pose – A popular and playful dance move, appealing to younger audiences. Colorful Appearance – The unicorn features a vibrant rainbow mane and tail, a golden horn, and a small purple top hat for extra cuteness. Heart Motifs – Additional tiny heart elements enhance the romantic and joyful vibe. Color Palette & S...
I have two Blender files: 1) A rigged animal tail (bones, controls, and skin weights are set up). 2) A rigged 3D character (already skinned and weighted). Your main task is to attach the tail to the character so that it follows the character’s movements naturally. ** Requirements** 1) The tail must move smoothly when the character bends and tilts. 2) Adjust skin weights to ensure a smooth connection—no sharp seams in the mesh. 3) Match the tail’s texture to the character so the seam is not visible. ** Video Recording Requirement ** Please record your work using OBS Studio. No need for voice (but it’s a plus if you can explain). This will help me learn and repeat the process myself in the future. ** How to Apply ** Message me privately and I will se...
I'm looking to develop a Shopify store for my skin product line, focusing specifically on callus removers. The store should embody a clean and minimalistic design style. This project will also involve creating and implementing a marketing strategy, primarily focusing on social media advertising to reach potential customers. Ideal Skills: - Shopify Store Development - E-commerce Design - Social Media Marketing - SEO Knowledge (beneficial but not mandatory) Experience with skin product e-commerce is a plus. Please include your portfolio and relevant experience in your bid. Thank you!
I'm in need of a skilled freelancer to create a modified version of the BGMI India APK for both Android and iOS. This custom APK should include: - ESP - Skin hack ( x suit + car ) - Unlimited coins - No ads - All levels unlocked - A hack - An aimbot with an anti-ban feature Additionally, I would like custom skins for characters to be incorporated into the design. There are no multiplayer restrictions required, so the game can be played freely without limitations. The ideal candidate for this project should have experience in APK modification and game development. A week is the timeline for this project, and I would appreciate any suggestions for further modifications or enhancements that could improve the game experience. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
I need a talented photo editor to work on a batch of over 51 event photos. The primary editing tasks will be color correction and skin retouching. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom) - Experienced in editing event photos - Great eye for detail on skin retouching and color consistency
...talent folios, commercial photography, and editorial shoots. Perform skin retouching, colour correction, background cleanup, and general photo enhancements while maintaining a natural, polished look. Maintain a consistent editing style across all projects. Ensure fast turnaround times without compromising quality. Work collaboratively with our team to meet deadlines and quality standards. Resize and export images based on client specifications and platform requirements. Requirements: Proven experience in photo editing and retouching (portfolio required). Expertise in Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, and other relevant software. Ability to handle high-volume editing while maintaining quality and efficiency. Understanding of skin retouching, frequency separation, dodge & burn...
I'm seeking a talented photo editor to enhance a personal photo to make it more professional and attractive. The specific enhancements I would like to the photo include: - Facial Features: Skin smoothing and blemish removal, Eye enhancement, Face and neck slimming, Jawline enhancement. - Background: I would like the background to be changed to a different setting that is generic and gray or black. Ideal skills for this job include: - Advanced photo editing and retouching skills. - Proficiency in using photo editing software. - Ability to enhance facial features and modify backgrounds convincingly. Please use whichever photo is best, or a combination of them. This is for a brochure for a symphony orchestra.
I'm looking for an experienced web developer to add the finishing touches to my nearly complete website hosted on Square, and integrate a quiz functionality. This quiz will help my clients find the best facial for their skin by answering 11-15 specific questions. Key Requirements: - The primary goal of the quiz is to recommend specific facials based on the user's responses. - The quiz needs to be engaging and user-friendly to keep visitors on the site longer. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in web development, specifically with Square - Experience in creating interactive quizzes - Knowledge of user engagement strategies I am looking for a professional who can deliver quality work promptly.
...image enhanced and on a transparent background. The image named: Main Statue 2 is a transparent file for the same statue in a different angle, I want only the colours to be changed in this image...it has to match the colour shades of "Perfect Colours - Statue 1" and the Halo needs to be put behind the statue at an angle so that it looks like the same statue. The focus will be on improving the skin tones and clothing colors, with a vibrant and bold style. The final deliverables should be the enhanced image in HD quality on a transparent Background. Ideal skills for this project: - Proficiency in photo editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.) - Experience in color correction and enhancement - Ability to follow specific color enhancement instructions ...
I need a skilled photo retoucher to enhance my portraits for social media. The specific retouching tasks include skin smoothing and color correction, to ensure the images look polished and visually appealing. But not too much Also image need be in high quality Ideal skills for this project: - Expert in photo retouching and digital editing - Proficient in skin smoothing techniques - Excellent at color correction - Previous experience with portrait retouching - Understanding of social media aesthetics Please provide examples of your previous work with portrait retouching, specifically those intended for social media.
...Simple, clean Blender UI panel for full control. ✅ Optimized to handle large flipbooks (100+ pages). ✅ Saves user settings between sessions. ?️ Required Skills: ✔️ Advanced 3D modeling & sculpting (realistic hands). ✔️ Rigging & animation (fluid, natural motion with tremors/oscillations). ✔️ Blender Python API development (custom add-on creation). ✔️ Texturing, shading & lighting (realistic skin, paper, shadows). ✔️ Performance optimization and export automation. ? Deliverables: ? Complete Blender project file (.blend) with all assets. ? Fully functional Blender add-on (.py). ? Example video renders. ? Documentation for usage. ? Budget: 800€ (secured via Freelancer escrow). Payment Milestones: ? Timeline: To be defined, targeting 3-4 week...
...implement a 3D pose estimation system for testing on a mobile application. The primary goal of this project is to create fully functional pipeline for movement tracking on server that connects to mobile app via API. Key requirements and responsibilities: - Implement HRnet + TCPFormer based 3D pose estimation in Python. - Ensure the 3D pose estimation supports precise movement tracking. - The program should recieve .mp4 video and return json file with frame index and 3D position of all keypoints + confidence (if model provides) Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in Python with extensive experience in HRnet and TCPFormer. - Experience with 3D pose estimation technology. TCPFormer repo: HRNET repo:
...talent folios, commercial photography, and editorial shoots. Perform skin retouching, colour correction, background cleanup, and general photo enhancements while maintaining a natural, polished look. Maintain a consistent editing style across all projects. Ensure fast turnaround times without compromising quality. Work collaboratively with our team to meet deadlines and quality standards. Resize and export images based on client specifications and platform requirements. Requirements: Proven experience in photo editing and retouching (portfolio required). Expertise in Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, and other relevant software. Ability to handle high-volume editing while maintaining quality and efficiency. Understanding of skin retouching, frequency separation, dodge & burn...