Mapping and photogrammetryPekerjaan


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    2,000 mapping and photogrammetry pekerjaan ditemukan

    I need immediate help with ArcMap 10.8.1 for data visualization. The task involves converting a CSV file to a shapefile, and converting an ArcGIS portal item to a shapefile too. The theme of the map will depict crash data. The project requires: - Knowledge of data visualization in ArcMap 10.8.1 - Experience working with CSV and shapefile transformation - A refined ability to translate ArcGIS portal items to shapefile - Previous experience on mapping data related to crashes or similar themes Generally, you should possess a strong understanding of Geographical Information Systems, and more specifically, ArcMap software. If you are comfortable working with crash data, it would be highly regarded. Having relevant samples of previous GIS work to show would be a pl...

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    saya memiliki ER Diagram untuk project Bus Management System, yg hrs dilakukan : 1. Koreksi ER diagram yang ada menjadi perfect ERD 2. Buatlah Enhanced ER/EER Diagram dari ERD No 1. 3. Buatlah relational mapping dari EER no 2. 4. Buatlah Logical database desain dengan menggunakan normalisasi data (1NF,2NF,3NF,BCNF,4NF,5NF) 5. Buatlah desain database physical dengan memperhatikan : a) Pemetaan model data logikal pada target DBMS yang digunakan sebagai lingkungan implementasi desain fisik, meliputi: desain tabel utama (base tables), representasi desain data tambahan (derived data), dan desain batasan umum (general constraints) b) Desain indeks yang meliputi analisis transaksi (pemetaan semua lintasan transaksi menjadi tabel, perhitungan perkiraan frekusensi transaksi, dan analisis pe...

    $146 Average bid
    $146 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    saya memiliki ER Diagram untuk project Bus Management System, yg hrs dilakukan : 1. Koreksi ER diagram yang ada menjadi perfect ERD 2. Buatlah Enhanced ER/EER Diagram dari ERD No 1. 3. Buatlah relational mapping dari EER no 2. 4. Buatlah Logical database desain dengan menggunakan normalisasi data (1NF,2NF,3NF,BCNF,4NF,5NF) 5. Buatlah desain database physical dengan memperhatikan : a) Pemetaan model data logikal pada target DBMS yang digunakan sebagai lingkungan implementasi desain fisik, meliputi: desain tabel utama (base tables), representasi desain data tambahan (derived data), dan desain batasan umum (general constraints) b) Desain indeks yang meliputi analisis transaksi (pemetaan semua lintasan transaksi menjadi tabel, perhitungan perkiraan frekusensi transaksi, dan analisis pe...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 penawaran
    Video Mapping
    Berakhir left

    Membuat video mapping maksimal 3 menit

    $140 Average bid
    $140 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    Saya memiliki perumahan di beberapa area sekitar 100 unit perumahan. membutuhkan freelancer yang dapat melakukan mapping data user potential

    $260 Average bid
    $260 Rata-rata
    13 penawaran

    Laporan Hasil Kajian Potensi Destinasi Pariwisata di Indonesia 1. Melakukan riset online, pengumpulan dan pengorganisasian data (Informasi berupa teks dan gambar/ foto), riset informasi di sosial media 2. Penyusunan, penyuntingan serta desain format laporan...sosial media 2. Penyusunan, penyuntingan serta desain format laporan hasil kajian potensi destinasi pariwisata dalam Bahasa Indonesia, sebanyak maks. 100 halaman dalam bentuk MS Word dan PDF (cover, daftar isi, chapters, dan daftar referensi) 3. Laporan dalam bentuk professional reporting style standar format internasional untuk laporan / hasil studi, memuat dengan gambar, grafik, dan peta / mapping yang relevan. 4. Order dapat diselesaikan dalam waktu maksimal 10 hari kerja sejak menerima ke sanggupan melaksanakan pe...

    $165 Average bid
    $165 Rata-rata
    37 penawaran

    Kami adalah peniai lingkungan sebuah proyek yang dimana di dalam laporan kami terdapat penyajian data land use dan soil salinity mapping menggunakan landasat. lokasi yang dimapping hanya radius 2km saja.

    $154 Average bid
    $154 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    tolong mapping kategori produk, per 500 produk 5000 rupiah. pekerjaan sangat simple. butuh banyak mapping. pekerjaan menggunakan teamviewer dan kami pantau. silakan pm untuk info lebih lanjut

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Rata-rata
    42 penawaran

    Coding python gis via remote team viewer Utk fungsi maxvalue Saya butuh max value dari 2 table no 01/02 lalu di gantikan max value table tersebut sesuai pemenang 01 / 02 trima kasi hanya 1 fungsi code

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    1. Perancangan Desain Iklan Layanan Masyarakat tentang Pengolahan Lahan Gambut, Gambut adalah ekosistem yang kaya akan sumber daya alam, tetapi sangat rentan terhadap perubahan atau kerusakan . dan beberapa time line media desain untuk mencegah terjadinya ekosistem dan sumber daya alam yan...Graphic Design Universitas Indo Global Mandiri untuk mengetahui beberapa pesan tanda dan makna yang ada di ruang lingkup Univeritas Indo Global Mandiri , yang dimana pemberitahuan tempat mana saja yang di larang dan memberikan akses dalam bentuk Sign System , Pictogram , Wayfinding, dari segi Mapping Gedung, ilustrasi dan media lain nya , untuk mempermudah calon masiswa khusus nya dan tamu dari institusi lain yang bersingga di UIGM ini. - Bentuk Sign System - Ilustrasi poster dan perancangan...

    $527 Average bid
    $527 Rata-rata
    12 penawaran

    Web atau Portal Perusahaan yang berisi 1. Database Perpajakan dan Afiliasi (Untuk semua Jenis Pajak) 2. Data Korespondensi Perpajakan dengan berbagai Instansi dan Stakeholder 3. Daftar Penerimaan Negara 4. Daftar Penerimaan Pajak Daerah (Mapping PBB) 5. Knowledge Base terkait Perpajakan 6. Informasi dan Update Peraturan Perpajakan 7. Fasilitas E-Bukti potong untuk rekanan 8. Fasilitas E-Filing (Sarana Pelaporan Pajak Online) 9. Kurs Pajak real time 10. E-Bukti Potong Pekerja 11. Sarana Pelaporan Pajak Pegawai secara online 12. Kalkulator Pajak

    $25157 Average bid
    $25157 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    pembuatan database jaringan irigasi kabupaten badung

    $453 Average bid
    $453 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran
    Create a Video
    Berakhir left

    1. Proyek Video Mapping Lustrum UKM di Sabuga ITB 2. Proyek Video Mapping Semasa di IFI Bandung, kerja sama dengan Seeds Motion dan MOE 3. Proyek Video Mapping Casa by Bravaca di Pacific Place Jakarta, kerja sama dengan Seeds Motion dan MOE 4. Proyek Video Mapping pameran Konspirasa ITB di gedung Indonesia Mengungat Bandung 5. Proyek Video Mapping gate di Gedung Indonesia Mengungat Bandung 6. Proyek Video Mapping Mulat sarira nagri parahyangan di Nnuartsculpturepark Bandung, kerja sama dengan Seeds Motion 7. Proyek Video Mapping gedung Lawangsewu "ALSA chapter" Semaranag, kerja sama dengan Interakta 8. Proyek Video Mapping "Bhuyakha" Instalasi Danau Sentani 9. Proyek Company Profile Indonesia Power kerja sa...

    $534 Average bid
    $534 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    untuk kebutuhan mapping penataan ruang dalam gudang, contoh layout : - zona A - dalam zona A ada 24 rak - dalam 1 rak bisa berisi beberapa tumpukan PHP, Codeignitier

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran
    warehouse mapping
    Berakhir left

    untuk kebutuhan mapping penataan ruang dalam gudang, contoh layout : - zona A - dalam zona A ada 24 rak - dalam 1 rak bisa berisi beberapa tumpukan PHP, Codeignitier

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Membantu memasarkan Jasa Kami yaitu Rental Alat multimedia. Seperti : Screen dan Projector,TV Plasma,TV Touchscreen, LED Screen indoor dan Outdoor,MultiCamera,Orion MLCD,seamless,Dataton,Video Mapping,dll.

    $129 Average bid
    $129 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    Project Manajemen dan Rekomendasi Air Tanah Online Mapping Base berbasiskan web, python, django, html5, javacript, css, ajax.

    $654 Average bid
    $654 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    Project Manajemen dan Rekomendasi Air Tanah Online Mapping Base berbasiskan web, python, django, html5, javacript, css, ajax.

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    saya membutuhkan pemodelan 3D untuk membuat boneka pesawat imut.. saya juga membutuhkan transformasi 2D (uv mapping) untuk potongan kainnya.. panjang boneka sekitar 30cm.

    $32 Average bid
    $32 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran
    boneka pesawat imut
    Berakhir left

    saya memerlukan freelancer yang bisa membantu membuatkan disain 3d boneka pesawat imut + transformasi 2d untuk potongan kain (uv mapping). Sebagai referensi bisa membuat model dari file yang saya lampirkan.. sebagaimana boneka pesawat tidak butuh terlalu detail, yang penting mewakili gambar dan potongan kain yang mudah untuk diassembly (dijahit)

    $6 - $20
    $6 - $20
    0 penawaran

    Dear Sir, Thank you for your response. Yes, I am confident that I can deliver the required flow chart for your multi-step form within the scope of my bid. My experience with mapping logical processes and creating clear, user-friendly visualizations ensures that I can meet your expectations. I will provide a detailed, accurate flow chart, including all branching paths, question types, and presented in a clear and comprehensible format. I am committed to delivering the project within the agreed timeline and budget. I want an opportunity to prove m y expertise and my responsibilities. Please give me an opportunity to start my freelancing career. Let me know if you would like to discuss any further details before proceeding. Best regards, J.H. Nahid

    $6 Average bid
    $6 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    ...Application with and Python Development Tasks: Create a web-based audio application using and p5.sound. Implement playback controls (low-pass filter, waveshaper distortion, compressor, reverb, master volume). Include recording functionality (save as WAV file). Display spectrum for original and processed audio. Enhancements: Add filter type selector (low-pass, high-pass, band-pass). Allow live microphone input or pre-recorded file as the audio source. Integrate delay effect into the audio chain. Documentation: Write a ~500-word report explaining implemented effects and enhancements. Analyze how the low-pass filter and master volume impact the spectrum, with screenshots. Exercise 2: Audio CAPTCHA and Visualization Development Tasks: Create...

    $104 Average bid
    $104 Rata-rata
    12 penawaran

    We're seeking a professional with expertise in 3D scanning or photogrammetry to create high-quality 3D models of our tile collection. One example of the product that we will be scanning is in the below link: Key Aspects: - The primary purpose of these models will be for E-commerce display. - We are open to suggestions on the most suitable 3D modeling method. - The most critical detail to capture will be surface textures, including glossiness and reflections. These models will need to accurately represent the intricate details of our tiles, such as precise edge profiles and overall product accuracy. The ultimate goal is to enable our tiles to be showcased in realistic environments

    $8782 Average bid
    $8782 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    Nearby Hospital Locator Implement a feature that tracks and displays nearby hospitals on an interactive map. The system should fetch hospital data based on the user’s current location and provide details such as the hospital’s name, address, and contact information. API Integration: Utilize mapping and location APIs (e.g., Google Maps API) and healthcare provider databases. User Login and Health Data Storage Enable users to create accounts, log in, and securely store their health details collected from various healthcare centers. The system should allow users to update and manage their health information over time. API Integration: Use existing authentication APIs (e.g., OAuth, Firebase) and health data manag...

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Rata-rata
    19 penawaran

    connect to mqtt broker, get some info from the general topic (iotlesson_eventbus/grafeio113/out/#) take all the info. then from the iotlesson_eventbus/grafeio113/out/ZWave_8_Metered_Wall_Plug_Switch_on_desk_Sensor_power/state take the value and show it in a plot as watts on y axis and secs in y axis. show the status (on/off) based from the topics iotlesson_eventbus/grafeio113/out/ZWave_8_Metered_Wall_Plug_Switch_on_desk_LED_ring_colour_when_device_is_on/state 1 iotlesson_eventbus/grafeio113/out/ZWave_8_Metered_Wall_Plug_Switch_on_desk_LED_ring_colour_when_device_is_off/state 0 also create 2 buttons on/off to send the respective values. i have started the code but it does not work. ``` import as mqtt import ssl import os import sys import as plt import

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Rata-rata
    25 penawaran
    Existing MERN System Enhancement
    5 Hari left

    ...Implement a secure and flexible role-based access control system to manage different user roles. ● Roles: ○ Teacher Login: Access to subject mapping, evaluations, and student performance. ○ Student Login: View performance, submitted assignments, and evaluation feedback. ○ Admin Login: Manage users, classes, subjects, and system configurations. ● Features: ○ Customizable permissions for each role. 2. Organization Level – Multiple Teachers Enable multi-user support at the organizational level for collaborative management. ● Assign multiple teachers to a single class or subject. ● Introduce subject-level permissions for teachers, ensuring they only access relevant data. ● Shared access to evaluations for co-teachers, with version control for changes...

    $98 Average bid
    $98 Rata-rata
    27 penawaran
    Excel Data Scraping - API
    5 Hari left

    I need a freelancer skilled in data scraping to help me gather contact details from various websites. The focus will be on collecting email addresses, phone numbers, and postal addresses. The data is located here: The ideal candidate should: - Knowledge of Excel API data mapping. - Have extensive experience in web scraping - Be proficient in Excel and data management - Understand how to extract and organize data efficiently Please see the attached file. The section in yellow is what needs to be filled out. The source data is available at NPI Database.

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Rata-rata
    144 penawaran

    Description Job i have ready installed Houzez theme wordpress on my hosting, i need a freelancer to customize my website,, i need a freelancer to customize my website, change color adapt the user experience as requested configure WPML plugin to translate the web to French Arabic Data Import (Users, Listings, and Phone Numbers) You will transfer your current database to the new website, including users, property listings, and contact numbers. This includes ensuring proper mapping of fields and verifying that everything functions without issues. Interactive Map Integration (Google Maps & Mapbox) I already installed Google Maps API and Mapbox check to see if it working well to ensure smooth functionality and usability. I...

    $1095 Average bid
    $1095 Rata-rata
    134 penawaran

    I need a professional who can assist me in importing product data from CSV files into Odoo. This project involves a specific task of importig my CSV files to the corresponding Odoo ivoicing module. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Odoo platform. - Experience with data importation from CSV files. - Ability to conncect CSV files into some kind of invoice crea...product data from CSV files into Odoo. This project involves a specific task of importig my CSV files to the corresponding Odoo ivoicing module. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Odoo platform. - Experience with data importation from CSV files. - Ability to conncect CSV files into some kind of invoice creation method. Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked on, and how you approach data mapping...

    $501 Average bid
    $501 Rata-rata
    101 penawaran

    Voice Recording Participants Needed!(UK, US, Ireland) Job Description We are looking for participants for voice recordings task. This is a flexible opportunity that you can complete using our iOS app. What You'll Do • Record name pronunciations in three different environments: o Clean Environment  Quiet indoor spaces  No background noise  Examples: home office, quiet room o Moderate Noise Environment  Some natural background sounds  Examples: TV present, hum from refrigerator, water running, traffic from outside, birds chirping o Very Noisy Environment  High-activity areas  Examples: high foot traffic areas, near construction sites with heavy machinery, recording next to loud appliances, in bustling markets, cafés, or restaurants Key Requirements • iOS devi...

    $156 Average bid
    $156 Rata-rata
    30 penawaran

    Hello I need an experienced WordPress developer who can assist me with importing custom attribute variations into my WP site using the WP All Import plugin. I have a standardized Excel file ready, but I am struggling with mapping the data to the appropriate WP All Import fields. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with WordPress and WP All Import plugin - Proficiency in mapping Excel data to WP All Import fields - Ability to work under tight deadlines I would like to have this issue resolved as soon as possible, preferably today or tomorrow. Your quick response and expertise will be highly appreciated. I have later more Projects similiar to that. Thank You

    $119 Average bid
    $119 Rata-rata
    148 penawaran

    ...have a 3D-obj model that needs professional cleaning before it can be used for an artistic display. This model has been created via photogrammetry and requires a high level of detail in the clean-up process. Key Cleaning Tasks: - Removing Noise and Artifacts: The model contains unnecessary data that needs to be filtered out for a smooth final product. - Smoothing Surfaces: Some areas of the model may be rough or uneven and need to be smoothed out for aesthetic purposes. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software, with experience in cleaning photogrammetry-generated models. - Attention to detail, with a keen eye for smoothing surfaces and enhancing the model's visual appeal. - Experience in preparing models f...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Rata-rata
    36 penawaran

    ...overseeing the Machine and Equipment Mapping Project for the Sociobiodiversity in the Legal Amazon. We are in the process of developing a comprehensive catalog of machines and equipment available in the market and are seeking a specialized web scraping company to broaden our database. Key Responsibilities: - Scrape relevant government databases for: - Equipment specifications - Company information - Market prices - Deliver the data on an annual basis Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven expertise in web scraping, particularly from government databases - Ability to extract and compile diverse types of data - Strong understanding of equipment specifications and market analysis Please send your commercial proposal by January 10...

    $7532 Average bid
    $7532 Rata-rata
    40 penawaran

    I'm looking for a seasoned PHP developer wit...developer with extensive experience in Bitrix24. The task is to develop a module that facilitates the exchange of data between Bitrix24 and ERP Optima. This synchronization and data exchange will be conducted via CSV files. Key Responsibilities: - Implement hourly synchronization of customer information, order details, and inventory levels. - Incorporate simple data transformations and mapping during the synchronization process. The Bitrix24 is hosted on-premise. A detailed Terms of Reference can be found at the provided Google Docs link. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in PHP and Bitrix24 - Previous experience with ERP Optima - Familiarity with CSV files and data synch...

    $485 Average bid
    $485 Rata-rata
    142 penawaran

    I need an abstract 3D animation of my DJ logo. This will be used during my live shows, specifically designed for projection mapping. Key elements: - The animation should be tailored for projection mapping, so it needs to be designed with that in mind. - I want the animation to include some visual effects, like light trails and glows. - It would be great if the animation could also incorporate some symbolic elements, like musical notes or turntables. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in creating 3D animations, particularly for live shows. - A strong understanding of abstract animation. - Familiarity with projection mapping. - Ability to incorporate visual and symbolic elements into the animation.

    $31 Average bid
    $31 Rata-rata
    55 penawaran
    Restcomm-Connect Installation
    4 Hari left

    Restcomm-connect installation on our own server Activating SMPP server Activating SS7 server Mapping SMPP and SS7

    $133 Average bid
    $133 Rata-rata
    63 penawaran

    ...Simulation and process mapping. The goal is to enhance our operations in inventory management, logistics and transportation, and production scheduling. Key Areas of Focus: - Improving our inventory management system - Streamlining logistics and transportation processes - Optimizing production scheduling Current Tools: - We primarily use Arena simulation and Power BI for our supply chain management. Arena Simulation Assistance: - I need help with model building, data analysis, and process optimization in Arena Simulation. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in supply chain management - Proficiency in Arena Simulation - Skilled in model building, data analysis, and process optimization - Familiarity with Power BI This project ...

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    ...invoices, which is causing issues for my customers and compliance. - Privacy & Terms Issues: The content for my privacy policy and terms and conditions is not displaying correctly, which is a major concern. - Image Support: The site is not supporting images from other sources, limiting the content I can display. - Product Mapping: I need assistance with mapping products with GST and HSN while uploading through a multi-vendor channel. - Getting a error - A non-numeric value encountered in /home/u670664898/domains/ on line 1012Warning: Ideal candidates for this job should have extensive experience with OpenCart, have a good understanding of GST and HSN mapping, and be able to troubleshoot content display issues

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Rata-rata
    49 penawaran
    DS4 Setup on Windows PC
    2 Hari left

    I'm looking for someone skilled in configuring DS4 for a Windows PC. The focus of this project is custom key mapping for the controller to enhance gameplay and general usage. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with DS4 and Windows PC - Proficient in custom key mapping - Knowledge in optimizing DS4 for gameplay

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    I'm looking for a skilled professional to carry out photogrammetric documentation of 6 temple ...project. The primary aim here is historical preservation. Key Requirements: - Architectural Drawings: These should include comprehensive plans, all elevations, and reflected ceiling plans (RCP). - Photogrammetric Images: I need high-resolution images and raw data (jpg images) for post-processing, allowing for detailed analysis. Specific Focus: - The architectural drawings should particularly highlight the structural integrity of the temples. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in photogrammetry and architectural drawing is crucial. - Prior experience with historical preservation projects would be an advantage. - Ability to capture and pro...

    $67 Average bid
    $67 Rata-rata
    11 penawaran

    ...ways - Cash Sales and POS Sales. The dashboard should feature bar graphs for visual representation. Key functionalities should include: - A comprehensive tracking and tracing system for customers, machines, and SIM cards. - Customer records should include mobile numbers and Google locations, with an option to upload photos from various locations. - A complete mapping system pinpointing all my customers. - An alert system for POS machine errors. - Detailed assigned of customers to agents, including their respective SIM and machine details. - A search bar to track SIMs and machines associated with each customer. - Separation of sales data by customer and agent. - A feature to set sales targets for agents. - An import function for sa...

    $591 Average bid
    $591 Rata-rata
    80 penawaran
    Custom Sales Tracking Web Panel
    1 hari left

    ...ways - Cash Sales and POS Sales. The dashboard should feature bar graphs for visual representation. Key functionalities should include: - A comprehensive tracking and tracing system for customers, machines, and SIM cards. - Customer records should include mobile numbers and Google locations, with an option to upload photos from various locations. - A complete mapping system pinpointing all my customers. - An alert system for POS machine errors. - Detailed assigned of customers to agents, including their respective SIM and machine details. - A search bar to track SIMs and machines associated with each customer. - Separation of sales data by customer and agent. - A feature to set sales targets for agents. - An import function for sa...

    $556 Average bid
    $556 Rata-rata
    84 penawaran

    ...The project involves mapping out a series of regions and sub-regions in a modern and clean style, using a warm color scheme. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - PowerPoint - Mapping and Geographical Visualisation - Understanding of Educational Design Key Project Phases: - Phase 1: Create a map with 4 primary regions (South, West, North, East) and 4 elements distributed across these regions. - Phase 2: Divide each primary region into 4 first-degree sub-regions and then into 16 second-degree sub-regions. - Phase 3: Add a third graphic element to each second-degree sub-region to define third-degree sub-regions. - Phase 4: Repeat the mapping scheme for the remaining three primary regions. The graphics should be modern and clean,...

    $100 Average bid
    $100 Rata-rata
    85 penawaran

    Objective To develop custom software that streamlines the photography process in a snow park by automatically transferring photos from a Nikon camera to a PC and organizing them into customer-specific folders based on QR code wristband scans. This system ensures seamless organization of photos, enabling customers to quickly view and select their pictures for purchase. Scope The software will: 1. Transfer photos wirelessly from a Nikon camera to a PC once clicks are completed. 2. Enable QR code scanning to link customer wristbands to specific folders. 3. Automatically sort and organize photos into the respective folder upon QR code scanning. 4. Support multiple photos for a single customer while handling multiple ...

    $4808 Average bid
    $4808 Rata-rata
    24 penawaran

    Objective To develop custom software that streamlines the photography process in a snow park by automatically transferring photos from a Nikon camera to a PC and organizing them into customer-specific folders based on QR code wristband scans. This system ensures seamless organization of photos, enabling customers to quickly view and select their pictures for purchase. Scope The software will: 1. Transfer photos wirelessly from a Nikon camera to a PC once clicks are completed. 2. Enable QR code scanning to link customer wristbands to specific folders. 3. Automatically sort and organize photos into the respective folder upon QR code scanning. 4. Support multiple photos for a single customer while handling multiple ...

    $19992 Average bid
    $19992 Rata-rata
    30 penawaran

    ...activity history, and location-based notifications - Optimize GPS tracking to minimize battery consumption - Integrate with mapping services like Google Maps or Mapbox - Implement geofencing to trigger events when users enter or exit a defined area Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with React Native - Proven track record in GPS integration - Strong problem-solving skills - Excellent understanding of real-time data processing - Ability to create location-based features Please use Google Maps for mapping in the application. The project should be completed within one week. Please email regular updates. Requirements: Platform Expertise: React Native with integration of native modules for Android and iOS. Functionality Needed: Real-time tracking: Send latitu...

    $138 Average bid
    $138 Rata-rata
    122 penawaran

    ...2 wide banners and 3 small banners for my website. The goal is to showcase the robotic window cleaner in an attractive and professional way. Please note that the text on the banners will be written in Arabic, and here are the details for each banner: --- Wide Banner 1: Main Banner Title: "The First Robotic Mop for Effortless Window Cleaning" Design Details: Main Image: A high-quality image of the robotic cleaner working on a glass surface, showing a clear distinction between the clean, shiny area and the dirty one. (Text example in Arabic: "الممسحة الروبوتية تنظف الزجاج بسهولة وكفاءة") Descriptive Text: "The perfect solution for sparkling clean glass with zero effort." Design Style: Clean and minimalist with legibl...

    $111 Average bid
    $111 Rata-rata
    89 penawaran

    I'm seeking a developer ...facilitate actions like utilizing shells, boosts, bananas, etc. - CPU-Controlled Players: There should be an option to convert players 1, 2, and 3 into CPU-controlled participants. - Intermediate Control Level: The control over the custom keyboard inputs should be at an intermediate level, which includes item usage like shells and boosts. - No Specific Tools Required: There's no particular requirement for specific tools or libraries for this automation; flexibility is appreciated. - Programming Language: The choice of programming language is dependent on the implementation of the cheats. If you have substantial experience in game automation, custom input mapping, or working with the Yuzu emulator, I would be keen to discuss the fea...

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    I'm looking for a 3D designer with experience in ...Style: The mug should be of a classic style - Exactly like this one: 2. UV Map: The mug may have a child cylinder with a UV Mapping that allows a 2670x1110 image to wrap the cylinder part of the mug, keeping the handle and the rest of the mug with a different color. The purpose of this mug is for me to use it in my iOS application where I will set its materials and images programmatically. I've been able to create mugs myself, but my mug doesn't look too realistic and my UV mapping skills are even worse. Therefore, your expertise in 3D design is crucial. Please only apply if you have a strong portfolio in Blender and can deliver a high-quality design. Thank you!

    $100 Average bid
    $100 Rata-rata
    25 penawaran

    ...address, customer type) * Secure login and password recovery options * Schedule Waste Collection: * Select desired collection date and time * Choose specific waste types for collection (e.g., general waste, recycling, hazardous waste) * View real-time availability and pricing information * Use a calendar interface to visualize scheduled collections * Payment Options: * Secure payment processing via PayPal, Visa, and PayNow Zimbabwe * Ability to save payment information for future transactions * Track Collection Status: * Real-time updates on the status of scheduled collections (e.g., pending, in progress, completed) * Notifications for any changes or delays in the collection schedule * Customer Support: * In-app messaging ...

    $808 Average bid
    $808 Rata-rata
    170 penawaran