Lotus notes project outsourcePekerjaan
Saya membutuhkan orang yang ahli dalam untuk kebutuhan membuat AR . Ini untuk kebutuhan website dan aplikasi, saya sangat membutuhkan yang paham dan mahir dibidang ini. Anda bisa lihat mindAR atau webARRock itu yang ingin kami buat tetapi tidak full kami hanya butuh support saja di nya. Notes : - All places ( diutamakan lokasi Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat ) - Budget bisa dibicarakan lagi (nego) - Silahkan kirimkan portfolio jika ada yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan saya
Kami membutuhkan video ad untuk instagram untuk bisnis undangan pernikahan kami. Kami mencari freelancer yang sudah mempunyai portfolio dan berpengalaman membuat video ads. Berikut adalah notes dari video iklan tersebut: - Ukuran video ditargetkan untuk handphone - Kami sudah mempunyai alur cerita yang ingin kita convey sebagai bantuan inspirasi untuk anda - Video mempunyai hook yang menarik di 3 detik pertama - Video memberikan tema yang elegan, cantik, dan premium - Video adalah campuran dari shot produk dan simple graphics (tidak hanya pure graphics) Kami mau membantu untuk memaksimalkan hasil dari iklan tersebut. Kami juga mempunyai kamera dan light equipment yang bisa dipakai untuk membantu video
Dibutuhkan Vue JS fulltime selama 2 bulan kegiatan projects pembuatan dashboard. Pekerjaan selama 2 bulan, tetapi akan dibagi kedalam 1 bulan (kontrak perbulan terpisah) - Pekerjaan overall selama jam kantor - Akan bekerja dengan team pada jam kantor, sehingga koordinasi akan sesuai dengan waktu kantor - Pengalaman dengan Vue JS dan memiliki pengalaman dalam project development - Dapat melakukan slicing atau figma convert - Mau melakukan uji coding dan logika untuk memastikan bahwa kandidat memang sesuai - Projects untuk personal karena akan direct koordinasi dengan PM (Projects Manager) dan juga Team Lainnya (QA, Technical Writer, Developer) Spesifikasi Projects: Pembuatan aplikasi dashboard yang mana aplikasi akan melakukan konsumsi API dari team backend - Pekerjaan berupa s...
Dicari Freelancer yang dapat membuat Video Product, Video Animasi, dan Tiktok. Atau Sebagai Content Creator Social Media. Description: Konten yang dibuat di peruntukan p...Freelancer yang dapat membuat Video Product, Video Animasi, dan Tiktok. Atau Sebagai Content Creator Social Media. Description: Konten yang dibuat di peruntukan produk makanan (cake), kami kekurangan tenaga untuk memproduksi konten Video product, Video Animasi, dan Tiktok. Description Jobs: - Membuat konten Video yang interaktif untuk menarik perhatian customer. - 2 konten untuk perminggunya Notes: *Jika memiliki kemampuan dengan kriteria diatas boleh hubungi lebih lanjut *Biaya bisa Negosiasi lebih lanjut Berikut dilampirkan Video konten yang biasa dibuat, nah kami inginnya yang lebih interaktif dari ini. T...
Dibutuhkan freelance desain website yang dapat bekerjasama dan berdiskusi langsung di area jakarta pusat. Melakukan design awal untuk launching website perusahaan outsource yang baru berdiri dengan tampilan yang modern dan professional. Waktu pengerjaan : 3-7 hari kalender
Sedikit perkenalan tentang kami, WGSHub adalah perusahaan Total IT Consulting & Solution Platform. Kami menyediakan konsultasi bisnis & IT untuk berbagai industri dan mempertemukan solusi teknologi untuk beragam keperluan bisnis. Proyek: Digital Banking Jenis Kerjasama: Agile Outsourcing (Onsite Bandung / Jakarta) Klien: Perusahaan IT Untuk proyek ini konsumen perlu talent dari Bandung & Jakarta yang bersedia onsite, yang sebelumnya akan melewati proses interview. Untuk pekerjaan ini Anda boleh mendaftar sebagai software house / perorangan / tim. - Sertakan kata [SH] untuk Software House (memiliki ijin usaha) - Sertakan kata [T] untuk team (belum memiliki ijin usaha) - Sertakan kata [FL] untuk Freelancer Disini kami mencari talent Junior & Senior untuk berperan sebagai:...
Requirement: - Bersedia untuk Client Visit - Consulting, Training dan Implementasi - Memahami VB.Net - Memahami SQL Server - Memahami Crystal Report - Perform Design, System Analysis, Testing and Documentation dari project yang dikerjakan - Perform User Acceptance Test with Clients (Agreement yang berisi requirement dari Business Requirement Document telah complete dan sudah di tanda tangani/di approve oleh client) - Memastikan keefektifan dari aplikasi pengembangan yang berkaitan dengan project yang dikerjakan.
Halo, saya ada project aplikasi mobile apps hybrid 30 halaman dan butuh seorang partner utk membantu di hal berikut. 1. Persiapan - membuat timeline / rencana kerja dgn saya - mengumpulkan tim programmer(outsource / inhouse boleh) 2. Pelaksanaan - memberi arahan pada tim programmer - Mengawasi pekerjaan programmer setiap harinya - Mengkomunikasikan hasil kerja ke developer dan saya Diutamakan yang berdomisili di Jabodetabek / Bandung, serta memiliki pengalaman di di proyek hybrid mobile apps. Terima kasih.
Saya mau memiliki website : kantor konsultan pajak meitagunawan - adwords - seo biaya berapa? wa : [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin] notes : budget dibawah 1jt untuk jasa website nya diluar langganan hosting
...you need before using this book. Dengan design yg menarik pengguna untuk memulai menulis. 2. Welcome page (1 halaman) Introduction pemilik journal, yang terdiri dari general identity seperti nama, alamat, socmed dll, serta juga terdapat motto hidup. 3. Index Keterangan halaman dari semua konten yang terdapat pada Arete productivity journal. Dan juga menyediakan keterangan halaman dari notes pemilik journal dengan mengisi sendiri. 4. How to use this book (2 halaman) Penjelasan dan memberikan contoh dari cara menggunakan Arete productivity journal dengan seefektif mungkin. 5. GTD workflow (1 halaman) Membuat ulang gambar dari GTD Workflow yang terlampir agar lebih sesuai dengan desain lainnya. 6. Bullet journal signifier (1 halaman) Tabel yang berisi penjel...
Saya mencari seorang konsultan yang ahli dan berpengalaman dalam quality control khususnya untuk produk makanan. Perusahaan yang kami jalankan sudah berjalan hampir 3 tahun. Produk yang kami hasilkan yaitu keripik pisang dengan 5 varian rasa, keripik yang kami gunakan adalah hasil outsource / subcon dari pihak ke 3, sehingga proses bisnis yang kami jalankan sangat sederhana dan ramping, hanya mencampur keripik yang sudah digoreng dengan bumbu yang kami buat sendiri. Namun kami merasa belum maksimal dalam hal quality control, kami memerlukan seseorang yang ahli dan berpengalaman untuk membuat sistem quality control. Kantor dan rumah produksi kami berlokasi di daerah buah batu, Bandung I'm looking for a consultant who is an expert and experienced in quality control , es...
Saya ingin mendevelop keripik kentang (mirip lays, chitato) yang nantinya akan dikemas dalam packaging. Saya dan teman telah bereksperimen beberapa kali namun kami mendapati keripik kentang yang ingin kami buat tidak memiliki tekstur serupa dengan yang kami ingin kan. Maka dari itu kami berpikir membutuhkan outsource agar produk kami dapat jadi.
...supervisor memantau 20 pekerja. 2. Integrasi dengan aplikasi Core lewatfile CSV/Excel atau API (perlu dibahas lebih lanjut) 3. Aplikasi dapat membantu pertukaran pekerja antar supervisor, (fleksibel) 4. Supervisor diberikan instruksi dari PPIC 5. Pembagian kerja per blok (bagian kapal) dan Pekerja bisa bekerja di blok berbeda 7. Supervisor input data pekerjanya, (field yang mereka minta, foto, notes mengenai pekerjaan anak buahnya) foto tidak perlu detail 9. Monitor hasil pekerjaan selesai atau tidak, ada keterangan di setiap pekerjaan yang di submit 10. Kalau pekerja di assign 7 jam di assign untuk blok A B C dan kemudian ternyata tidak selesai, harus ada pertanggung jawaban kenapa tidak selesai, perlu ada alasan. atau misalnya kerjaan bisa selesai lebih cepat harus ada laporann...
...supervisor memantau 20 pekerja. 2. Integrasi dengan aplikasi Core lewatfile CSV/Excel atau API (perlu dibahas lebih lanjut) 3. Aplikasi dapat membantu pertukaran pekerja antar supervisor, (fleksibel) 4. Supervisor diberikan instruksi dari PPIC 5. Pembagian kerja per blok (bagian kapal) dan Pekerja bisa bekerja di blok berbeda 7. Supervisor input data pekerjanya, (field yang mereka minta, foto, notes mengenai pekerjaan anak buahnya) foto tidak perlu detail 9. Monitor hasil pekerjaan selesai atau tidak, ada keterangan di setiap pekerjaan yang di submit 10. Kalau pekerja di assign 7 jam di assign untuk blok A B C dan kemudian ternyata tidak selesai, harus ada pertanggung jawaban kenapa tidak selesai, perlu ada alasan. atau misalnya kerjaan bisa selesai lebih cepat harus ada laporann...
...perlu diingat, aplikasi ini hanya bisa digunakan di perangkat Android dengan OS versi 4.0 atau Ice Cream Sandwich ke atas. Catch Notes Notepad Jika Anda membutuhkan aplikasi pencatat dengan tampilan yang simpel dan elegan, mungkin Catch Notes adalah aplikasi yang harus coba. Tak hanya mempunyai tampilan yang bagus, namun Catch Notes juga mempunyai dashboard yang fungsional untuk akses cepat ke dalam fitur-fiturnya. Serupa dengan aplikasi pesaingnya, Catch Notes juga membolehkan penggunanya untuk menyimpan sejumlah foto dan suara dalam satu catatan. AK Notepad Aplikasi ini dibuat oleh , pengembang yang juga membuat aplikasi Catch Notes. Salah satu perbedaan aplikasi ini dibanding aplikasi pencatat lainnya adalah pengguna bisa mengu...
Saya membutuhkan jasa untuk membuat Website Perusahaan Exportir Seafood. Seafood yang saya jual adalah jenis Fresh & Frozen. Yang Saya inginkan di Website ini adalah: 1. Menceritakan sedikit mengenai Barang & Jasa yang ditawarkan oleh kami. 2. Menampilkan beberapa Jenis seafood sesuai dengan Kategori-nya. 3. Supplier juga welcome. (Supplier bisa diinput dalam bahas Indonesia). Notes: 1. Saya sudah ada Domain (). 2. Pembuat Webiste harus mengajari saya untuk mengkoneksikan ke domain saya nanti kedepannya. Demikian singkatnya, untuk detilnya akan diceritakan kemudian. Terima kasih.
Membuat 10 Design Template e-Commerce dari beberapa referensi website yang sudah ada kemudian dikembangkan dengan UI dan Design berbeda serta menyesuaikan dengan konsep bisnis tersebut. Notes : - template tersebut dapat dikembangkan dan tidak di lakukan enkripsi - template e-commerce tersebut diambil alih dari hak cipta Anda.
Kami PT. Unimon Group Indonesia sedang mencari freelancer yang bersedia untuk membantu membuat daftar perusahaan di Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang Transla...yellowpages total sekitar 4421 data. Cara kerjanya mudah, 1. Buka website yellowpage; 2. Pilih dan click kategori Translators & Interpreters, Survey & Research, dan Consultants 3. Masukan data-data hasil pencarian perusahaan, sesuai tata cara pengisian yang kami berikan dalam exel kami ( nama perusahaan, email perusahaan, alamat kantor, nomor telpon/fax) notes; Jangan mengisi data perusahaan yang tidak mencantumkan data email perusahaan. Untuk nama perusahaan setiap kata diawali dengan hurus kapital. cotoh ; PT. Makmur Sekali 4. Satu data perusahaan dihitung sebagai Rp100
Kami PT. Unimon Group Indonesia sedang mencari freelancer yang bersedia untuk membantu membuat daftar perusahaan di Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang Transla...yellowpages total sekitar 4421 data. Cara kerjanya mudah, 1. Buka website yellowpage; 2. Pilih dan click kategori Translators & Interpreters, Survey & Research, dan Consultants 3. Masukan data-data hasil pencarian perusahaan, sesuai tata cara pengisian yang kami berikan dalam exel kami ( nama perusahaan, email perusahaan, alamat kantor, nomor telpon/fax) notes; Jangan mengisi data perusahaan yang tidak mencantumkan data email perusahaan. Untuk nama perusahaan setiap kata diawali dengan hurus kapital. cotoh ; PT. Makmur Sekali 4. Satu data perusahaan dihitung sebagai Rp100
Kami PT. Unimon Group Indonesia sedang mencari freelancer yang bersedia untuk membantu membuat daftar perusahaan di Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang Transla...yellowpages total sekitar 4421 data. Cara kerjanya mudah, 1. Buka website yellowpage; 2. Pilih dan click kategori Translators & Interpreters, Survey & Research, dan Consultants 3. Masukan data-data hasil pencarian perusahaan, sesuai tata cara pengisian yang kami berikan dalam exel kami ( nama perusahaan, email perusahaan, alamat kantor, nomor telpon/fax) notes; Jangan mengisi data perusahaan yang tidak mencantumkan data email perusahaan. Untuk nama perusahaan setiap kata diawali dengan hurus kapital. cotoh ; PT. Makmur Sekali 4. Satu data perusahaan dihitung sebagai Rp100
Kami PT. Unimon Group Indonesia sedang mencari freelancer yang bersedia untuk membantu membuat daftar perusahaan di Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang Transla...yellowpages total sekitar 4421 data. Cara kerjanya mudah, 1. Buka website yellowpage; 2. Pilih dan click kategori Translators & Interpreters, Survey & Research, dan Consultants 3. Masukan data-data hasil pencarian perusahaan, sesuai tata cara pengisian yang kami berikan dalam exel kami ( nama perusahaan, email perusahaan, alamat kantor, nomor telpon/fax) notes; Jangan mengisi data perusahaan yang tidak mencantumkan data email perusahaan. Untuk nama perusahaan setiap kata diawali dengan hurus kapital. cotoh ; PT. Makmur Sekali 4. Satu data perusahaan dihitung sebagai Rp100
Kami PT. Unimon Group Indonesia sedang mencari freelancer yang bersedia untuk membantu membuat daftar perusahaan di Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang Transla...yellowpages total sekitar 4421 data. Cara kerjanya mudah, 1. Buka website yellowpage; 2. Pilih dan click kategori Translators & Interpreters, Survey & Research, dan Consultants 3. Masukan data-data hasil pencarian perusahaan, sesuai tata cara pengisian yang kami berikan dalam exel kami ( nama perusahaan, email perusahaan, alamat kantor, nomor telpon/fax) notes; Jangan mengisi data perusahaan yang tidak mencantumkan data email perusahaan. Untuk nama perusahaan setiap kata diawali dengan hurus kapital. cotoh ; PT. Makmur Sekali 4. Satu data perusahaan dihitung sebagai Rp100
I am a talented and experienced Google Adwords Expert. I have good experience with Google Adwords and I have been working as a Google Adwords Expert for many years. I am a hard worker and enjoy working at all critical conditions. If hired by you I will be responsible to complete the task within the stipulated time frame and with utmost confidence. Outsource me for your project and I promise to bring in the best output
Hello all, This is a simple and straight forward AutoCAD project. I have 220 x 2D Technical Drawings to be manually converted to AutoCAD (DWG). Attached below is a sample file of what the drawing should look like. Below are some notes for you to take note: - All drawings are almost the same. - Only convert the FRONT VIEWS that is on the technical drawing, however, I will need ALL details that is in the front view. There may be more than 1 front view per technical drawing. I will provide a excel file "Reference" which you can refer the number of views for each technical drawing file. - Dimensions provided must be used and drawing has to be to scale (1:1) - Dimensions that are not provided is to be estimated to be as close to the JPG file as possible. - I wi...
...Responsibilities: - Recording and editing episodes: Ensuring high-quality audio and seamless transitions. - Guest coordination and scheduling: Finding relevant guests and managing their schedules. - Marketing and distribution: Promoting the podcast and handling its distribution. - Creating detailed show notes for each episode including timestamps and key points discussed. - Ensuring consistent sound quality across all episodes by performing regular audio checks. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in podcast production, particularly with educational content. Skills in audio editing, guest coordination, as well as marketing and distribution are crucial. Experience with co-hosted discussions is a plus. The series will have 4 episodes per w...
I'm looking for a freelancer to help me create a comprehensive set of precalculus subject notes in a text document. The notes will be based on various sources and will cover key concepts, formulas, and problem-solving techniques in precalculus. Course work will be provided. There are 9 Lessons in video format, from which you create notes that will include solving the questions in the videos. Your role will also involve solving a set of practice questions that I will provide, which are short answer questions. The practice questions will need step-by-step solutions, but only key steps will need to be detailed. The final answers can be omitted for brevity. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Strong understanding of precalculus concepts - Experience...
...and developing user interfaces for an upcoming Egrants project. • Evaluate applications for accessibility compliance (e.g., WCAG 2.1 AA), develop mitigation plans, and remediate identified issues. • Recommend and implement responsive designs, optimizing applications for mobile and tablet usage. • Collaborate with business and technical analysts to create prototypes and gather focus group feedback. • Prepare recommendations for modernizing legacy .NET webforms applications into MVC or other contemporary frameworks. • Assist the development team during product upgrades by: - Testing changes and documenting results using Microsoft Azure DevOps (ADO). - Preparing and publishing product release notes. - Deve...
...SEO-optimized components. • Familiarity with web performance optimization tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or Lighthouse. • Attention to detail and the ability to deliver clean, maintainable code. Deliverables: 1. Fully responsive Agency Box integrated into the website. 2. SEO and performance-optimized code. 3. Testing and bug fixing across different devices and browsers. Additional Notes: This is a small project as the design preview and codes are ready. The right developer will just need to refine and implement it. For mobile responsiveness, we want it to look like these webpages and their boxes on a mobile device: (1) (2) Budget: 1300 Fixed Looking forward to
...includes the Component, Modules, and Plugins. Key Project Details: The main task is to upgrade an existing Joomla 3 extension to ensure it works seamlessly with Joomla 5. The package includes the Component, Modules, and Plugins. No new features are required—only ensuring full compatibility and functionality with Joomla 5. Required Skills and Experience: Proven experience in creating and updating Joomla plugins and extensions. Ability to provide a portfolio or list of previous relevant work. Expertise in performing full integration testing after updates to ensure everything functions as expected. Documentation: Comprehensive documentation for the current Joomla 3 components, modules, and plugins is available for reference. Important Notes: The questions in this lis...
am looking for an IT solution to streamline our invoicing and delivery process while ensuring seamless integration with QuickBooks. QuickBooks does not fully meet our needs, particularly in generating delivery notes and customizing invoices. Below is an outline of what I require: Custom Invoice & Delivery Note System We will enter all order details into an Excel spreadsheet. The system should generate an invoice from our company (not through QuickBooks). At the same time, a delivery note should be automatically created based on the invoice details. The system should print two copies of the delivery note: One for the company, which the customer signs on collection. One for the customer to keep. QuickBooks Integration Once a week, I need to be able to upload all inv...
I'm looking for a skilled programmer, particularly in Decent Sampler, to assist with creating my sampler. The main tasks involved include: - Incorporating a background image that I will provide into the sampler - Modifying the seqMode and seqLength attributes to suit...assist with creating my sampler. The main tasks involved include: - Incorporating a background image that I will provide into the sampler - Modifying the seqMode and seqLength attributes to suit my needs - Mapping my pre-recorded percussion samples to the appropriate MIDI notes The samples I would need mapped are in WAV format. I am open to any operating system, as long as the programmer is proficient in using Decent Sampler on it. Experience with music production and Decent Sampler programming is essential fo...
I'm looking for a decent sampler programmer primarily for music production. Ideally, this sampler would be able to handle my pre-recorded sounds, specifically percussion. Key Requirements: - Add a background image to my sampler - Edit the seqMode and seqLength attributes - Map my samples to the appropriate MIDI notes The ideal candidate for this project would be someone who has experience programming in decent sampler.
...designated users. - Implement secure authentication for recipients retrieving messages or media. - Use expiring access links to prevent long-term unauthorized access. Additional Notes: - The project is already set up with Laravel 11, TALL stack, Filament, Laravel Cashier, and Stripe. - Code must follow Laravel best practices, be well-structured, and use proper encryption/security measures. - Ensure smooth integration with existing authentication and role-based access control systems. Please include: - Your experience with Laravel 11, TALL stack, and Filament. - Estimated timeline and cost for this project. - Any relevant portfolio examples....
Logo Design Needed for an "a cappella" Group in San Francisco (a cappella means voices only, no instruments!) ## Project Overview Looking for a talented designer to create a modern, dual-format logo for our San Francisco-based female a cappella group. We need 3 versions: 1. A primary logo featuring our full name "The Loose Interpretations" 2. A secondary, compact version with our nickname "The Loosies" 3. A third, even smaller version with just an “L” ## Style Requirements - Clean, contemporary design (no frilly or curly fonts) - Fun and playful while maintaining professionalism - Timeless appeal that won't quickly date - Should work well in both color and black/white - Must be legible at various sizes (social media to merchandise) - ...
I am in need of a professional translator to assist with translating medical documents from Ukrainian to English. The documents primarily involve patient records. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in both Ukrainian and English. - Previous experience in medical translation. - Understandin...Ukrainian and English. - Previous experience in medical translation. - Understanding of medical terminology. - Excellent attention to detail to ensure accuracy and confidentiality. - Certification in medical translation. The total number of patient records to be translated is less than 50. The translated documents should be delivered in PDF format. Some of the patient records contain handwritten notes or annotations. Please follow the standard medical document format for the translate...
PLEASE READ BEFORE PLACING A BID. -------------------------------------------------------------- I have a functional Zabbix 7.2 ...reusable templates for cPanel and DirectAdmin environments. Full testing to ensure alerts, dashboards, and metrics work seamlessly. Required Skills Expertise in Zabbix (preferably v7.2). In-depth knowledge of cPanel and DirectAdmin. Strong Linux server administration skills (CentOS, AlmaLinux, or similar). Experience creating and customizing Zabbix templates for specific use cases. Additional Notes If you have experience with similar setups or can suggest additional monitoring improvements, please include these details in your proposal. The focus is on delivering not just functionality but also well-designed and visually engaging dashboards for easy...
Project Overview: I am looking for a talented graphic designer to create a bold, energetic, and professional logo for my son's WWE-themed podcast, Ringside with Ryan. The logo should capture the excitement of professional wrestling, reflect Ryan’s personality as a young WWE superfan, and be visually appealing for digital branding across YouTube, social media, and podcast platforms. Scope of Work: 1. Logo Concept & Design Develop unique logo concept based on the podcast theme. The logo should be dynamic, fun, and WWE-inspired, incorporating elements such as: Ring ropes, spotlights, or a championship belt to evoke wrestling excitement. A bold, modern, and slightly edgy font to match WWE-style branding. A color palette inspired by WWE (reds, blacks, golds, or blues) but...
...brand identity of Aureliss. Create a visually engaging layout that highlights each product effectively. Include sections such as brand introduction, product lineup, fragrance notes, and pricing (if required). Make revisions based on feedback. Requirements: Proven experience in designing product catalogs or marketing materials. Strong skills in Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, or Canva. Understanding of luxury branding and high-end product presentation. Ability to work with provided product images and enhance visual appeal. Attention to detail and a keen eye for aesthetics. Ability to complete the project within a given deadline. Deliverables: A high-resolution digital PDF catalog ready for supplier distribution. A print-ready version (if required). Sourc...
...user should have a separate login and manage their assigned complaints. Second-tier users (Team Members): Each supervisor will have a team of 4 members who handle complaints under their supervision. Admin (Main User): Can view analytics, all complaints, their status, and overall system performance. ✅ Provide a user-friendly interface for efficient complaint tracking and resolution Additional Notes: - We already have a third-party WhatsApp chat support provider that offers API access. - The freelancer's task is not to develop a system from scratch but to integrate the existing WhatsApp API into FreeScout (or any other suitable open-source complaint management system). - If you have a better alternative than FreeScout that meets our needs, please suggest it. Ideal Skills a...
Our project, "Data Entry Fast and Smart," is focused on delivering efficient, accurate, and high-quality data management solutions. We specialize in entering, organizing, and managing large volumes of data with speed and precision. This project aims to support businesses in maintaining their databases, spreadsheets, and other data-related tasks to enhance decision-making and operational efficiency. Key features include: Fast and accurate data entry services Data cleansing and validation to ensure data integrity Conversion of data from various formats (PDF, images, handwritten notes) into digital formats Effective data management for easy accessibility and analysis We prioritize client satisfaction by maintaining clear communication, understanding speci...
...layers with the ability to reorder and access field formatting options. • Support for tooltips and conditional fields (where fields appear only after an anchor question is answered). • Player Interaction: • A flow where players or guardians fill in personal details, review or edit pre-filled documents, and proceed through a guided form with validation prompts, leading to review and payment. Project Requirements: 1. Previous Work & Examples: • Please provide examples or case studies of similar work (especially if you have developed document management features or digital signing/document sealing functionality). 2. Code Sharing & Ownership: • It is critical that any code delivered is original work or that you have the legal rights to share a...
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Project Title: UI/UX Design for a Web & Mobile Application Project Description: We are looking for an experienced UI/UX designer to create a modern, user-friendly interface for a web and mobile application. The project involves designing key user flows, ensuring intuitive navigation, and delivering high-fidelity prototypes. The ideal candidate should have expertise in responsive design, user experience principles, and a strong portfolio showcasing previous work in web and mobile app design. Key Deliverables: ✅ Wireframes for core screens ✅ High-fidelity UI designs (Figma or Adobe XD) ✅ Interactive prototype for user testing ✅ Design system with typography, colors, and components ✅ Mobile and web responsiveness considerations Requirements: ? Proven experience in ...
...to suggest you specific tips for your plan or even someone to casually share to to just check on yours (public sharing feature) Verify feature (at least three people) Additional features: features of VERIFYING WITH 3 PEOPLE and also UPDATING TO ALL ONCE YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE ADD AN ACTION! Action feature (act on every step) Questions you have feature (on any step of the process/action) Deep notes feature Mark for verification feature Private sharing feature Public sharing feature Those who can see your journey should be able to COMMENT ON IT/GIVE SUGGESTIONS if acceptable, and finally, they should be able to ENCOURAGE YOU TO KEEP PURSUING YOUR GOAL Ability to guide other person in the area suggestion to redirect plan feature From teachers/viewer/cohort members Right ra...
Job Description: We are seeking an experienced web developer/designer to create a modern, professional, and fully responsive web page for our auditing and accounting firm. The website should be visually appealing, user-...Section – Detailed descriptions of our auditing and accounting services. ✅ About Us – Company overview, team introduction, and credentials. ✅ Contact Page – Contact form, company address, Google Maps integration, and social links. ✅ SEO Optimization – Basic SEO implementation for better search engine ranking. ✅ Fast Loading & Secure – Optimize performance and ensure website security. Additional Notes: ? If you have experience working with financial or professional service websites, it’s a plus! ? Please share your portfolio ...
I'm seeking an experienced Flutter developer to update the REST API connections in our application. The focus is primarily on the feed API. The project also involves updating the application on our app store post-API update. Key Responsibilities: - Update the REST API connections in our Flutter application, specifically the feed API. - Ensure the application functions correctly post-update. - Deploy the updated application to our app store. Requirements: - Proficient with Flutter and REST API. - Prior experience with app store deployment. - Excellent troubleshooting skills to ensure a smooth app update. Notes: - The updated API documentation is readily available.
I have a Microsoft Word file that requires professional formatting. Some titles are incorrectly positioned at the bottom of pages and need to be moved to the next page for better layout. The current editing is loose and requires improvement. Additionally, I have a PowerPoint presentation, and I need its content integrated into the same Word file. Please insert the Notes view from each slide after the corresponding session in the document. Ensure the Table of Contents is updated accordingly. This task is urgent, and I need it completed within the next 2 hours. The work is straightforward and should take an expert about an hour to complete.
I need someone to help me type my handwritten notes. These notes are for personal use and range in content. The ideal freelancer for this job should have excellent typing skills, attention to detail, and the ability to decipher handwriting.
...a detailed table of contents for easy navigation. - Format citations and references according to a specific style guide (e.g., APA, MLA). - Include infographics to summarize and highlight key data points. - Design section divider pages to visually separate different parts of the document. - Use custom, professional fonts that enhance readability and aesthetics. - Add callout boxes for important notes or quotes to highlight significant information. - Apply a consistent color scheme that aligns with the document's tone and purpose. - Format the appendix to ensure clarity and ease of reference. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in document design and formatting. - Experience with creating engaging, professional-looking documents. - Ability to source and incorpor...
I'm looking to enhance our company logo for signage usage. The changes needed primarily involve size modifications and design alterations to ensure the logo fits largely and within the signage space and is ey...primarily involve size modifications and design alterations to ensure the logo fits largely and within the signage space and is eye-catching for advertising purposes. Ideal skills for the job include: - Graphic design expertise - Experience with logo design and modification - Understanding of advertising and billboard visibility factors - Proficiency in size and design alteration techniques Notes Size of signage is 2100mm wide x 1220mm high Signage to have black backing with logo on top, white text (like option 2 in PDF attached) Attached are sample images and exis...