Khan academy essay 2Pekerjaan
Saya membuat konten guees player yang berbeda seperti menebak sebuah player sepakbola dengan beberapa clue yang menuju ke jawaban tetapi dengan gambar yang dibuat seakan-akan jawabannya sudah pasti yang mereka contoh Clue: di epl memenangkan fa cup bersama messi Lalu kita menaruh sebuah foto waktu pemain ini masih berada di tim pertamanya atau waktu masih bermain di academy,kenapa? karena penonton menyukai pertanyaan yang menjebak dan membuat seakan akan yang menjawab itu tak tahu hal seperti sudah wajar tapi saya akan selalu memberikan ide konten yang menarik untuk anda, terimakasih sudah membaca deskripsi ini semoga kalian tertarik, see ya
I'm looking for an experienced educator or content creator who can help me generate light essay assignments suitable for students. The ideal freelancer for this project should be able to: - Create engaging and age-appropriate essay topics. - Ensure the assignments are of a light difficulty level, suitable for students. - Provide clear instructions and grading criteria for each essay. Experience in educational content creation is a plus.
Saya suka menulis khususnya yang sifatnya ilmiah seperti jurnal, artikel, essay, skripsi, tesis, disertasi, dan karya tulis ilmiah lainnya. Saya sering menjadi speaker yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan mental atau gangguan mental karena ilmu saya yaitu ilmu psikologi. Saya juga sering jadi pemateri dan tutor terkait kesehatan mental
The adoption of a new Telecoms and Information Technology Act in Saudi Arabia has revised the country's telecommunications regulatory framework. This essay examines the additional elements added by this legislation and how its larger emphasis on innovation and cutting-edge technologies may benefit the Kingdom's plan for digital transformation.
Saya membuka jasa penulisan artikel ilmiah apa saja dan essay. 600-1000 kata. Bila tertarik dapat di diskusikan lebih lanjut mengenai tema atau topiknya. Terimakasih
Desain kaos urgent untuk hari ini, isinya "Farmasi Innovative Academy 2021 Batch 1" Desain gaboleh norak, desain harus yang ga keliatan kaya kaos event jadi bisa dipake after event
Saya membutuhkan jasa analisis butir soal essay menggunakan program QUEST. Jika ada yang bisa membantu, hubungi saya segera. Terimakasih
Saya sedang progress konstruksi gedung 8 lantai di kawasan Karet Semanggi. Saat ini lay out gedung terus bergerak mengikuti perubahan-perubahan setelah gambar Konstruksi. Untuk mengakomodir perubahan2 yang berdampak pada fasad dan lay out gedung, saya membutuhkan drafter 3D Sketchup to following our up date those design and lay out. For Jakarta (Indonesia) domicile's only.
Minimal 4000 kata. Deadline 20 Des 2019 Saya kasih materi 1 artikel utama sebagai bahan dasar + 5 supporting articles sebagai penunjang argumen. Dari 6 artikel Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi B. Inggris kemudian disintesis/direview menjadi 1 essay 4000 kata menggunakan bahasa indonesia. Butuh yang paham Ekonomi
...and Sharon Residence. Grand Sharon Residence merupakan Hunian Siap Huni Eksklusif dan Strategis yang terletak di Bandung Timur. Lebih lengkap bisa di cek websitenya di Buatkan copy iklan promo FLASH SALE GSR di tanggal 13 September 2019. OUTPUT: Iklan Responsive Display Ads (1) Bahasa: Indonesia 2. EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION Task ini diperlukan untuk keperluan salah satu acara tahunan ERMA (Enterprise Risk Management Academy) yaitu Risk Beyond 2019. Tentang Risk Beyond 2019 Risk beyond merupakan konferensi internasional yang diikuti oleh ratusan profesional manajemen risiko dari berbagai negara, tahun ini bertajuk utama Tata Kelola, Manajemen Risiko, dan Kepatuhan Perusahaan di Industri 4.0. Difa...
Essay dalam penulisan terkait kondisi yang akan di detail semenarik mungkin untuk mengembangkan ide yang ada dalam lingkungan berita atau lainnya
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Proses pengerjaan capat proses pengerjaan paling lama 1 bulan - Artikel - Essay - Paper/makalah - Laporan kkn, dll - skripsi/tesis (tergantung jurusan/judul) -Terima juga proses edit agar telihat rapi (harga kondisional) -ketik ulang (ini) List harga diatas hitungan standar tugas, ada pun kesulitan lain harga disesuaikan. Adapun tugas lain (naskah/pidato dll) tinggal chat saja.. Note : Aman dari aplikasi ANTI PLAGIAT!
Proses pengerjaan capat proses pengerjaan paling lama 1 bulan - Artikel - Essay - Paper/makalah - Laporan kkn, dll - skripsi/tesis (tergantung jurusan/judul) -Terima juga proses edit agar telihat rapi (harga kondisional) -ketik ulang (ini) List harga diatas hitungan standar tugas, ada pun kesulitan lain harga disesuaikan. Adapun tugas lain (naskah/pidato dll) tinggal chat saja.. Note : Aman dari aplikasi ANTI PLAGIAT!
Proses pengerjaan capat proses pengerjaan paling lama 1 bulan - Artikel - Essay - Paper/makalah - Laporan kkn, dll - skripsi/tesis (tergantung jurusan/judul) -Terima juga proses edit agar telihat rapi (harga kondisional) -ketik ulang (ini) List harga diatas hitungan standar tugas, ada pun kesulitan lain harga disesuaikan. Adapun tugas lain (naskah/pidato dll) tinggal chat saja.. Note : Aman dari aplikasi ANTI PLAGIAT!
Proses pengerjaan capat proses pengerjaan paling lama 1 bulan - Artikel - Essay - Paper/makalah - Laporan kkn, dll - skripsi/tesis (tergantung jurusan/judul) -Terima juga proses edit agar telihat rapi (harga kondisional) -ketik ulang (ini) List harga diatas hitungan standar tugas, ada pun kesulitan lain harga disesuaikan. Adapun tugas lain (naskah/pidato dll) tinggal chat saja.. Note : Aman dari aplikasi ANTI PLAGIAT!
saya butuh 1 menit video animasi pendek buat company profile saya JCTA (Jakarta Community Tennis Academy). Tema video adalah tennis. web:
Menulis Laporan Membuat essay / resume dari artikel yg tersedia.
Proses pengerjaan capat proses pengerjaan paling lama 1 bulan - Artikel - Essay - Paper/makalah - Laporan kkn, dll - skripsi/tesis (tergantung jurusan/judul) -Terima juga proses edit agar telihat rapi (harga kondisional) -ketik ulang List harga diatas hitungan standar tugas, ada pun kesulitan lain harga disesuaikan. Adapun tugas lain (naskah/pidato dll) tinggal chat saja.. Note : Aman dari aplikasi ANTI PLAGIAT!
...Psikologi, Bisnis, Komunikasi, Sumber Daya Manusia, serta Sekretaris Academy. Berikut posisi yang kami butuhkan : Posisi : 1. Admin Accounting (Adm Acc) 2. Admin Engineering (Admeng) 3. Admin Logistic (Adm Log) 4. Auditor Bidang Tanaman (Aud Bt) Posisi : 1. Asisten Administrasi (Adm) 2. Asisten Agronomis (Ag) 3. Asisten Audit (Aa) 4. Asisten Civil Engineering (Ace) 5. Asisten Estate Manager (Aem) 6. Asisten Kepala (Akp) 7. Asisten Kebun (Akb) 8. Asisten Pabrik (Apr) 9. Asisten Pembibitan (Apn) 10. Asisten Pengukuran (Apk) 11. Asisten Proses Pabrik (Apb) 12. Asisten Maintenance (Am) 13. Asisten Tanaman (Astan) 14. Asisten Teknik (Astek) 15. Asisten lapangan (Alp) 16. Asisten Laboratorium (Aslab) Posisi : 1. Kepala Mekanik (Km) 2. Kepala Perencanaan (Kp) 3. Ke...
Penulisan konten Saya, Misti adalah mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia. Saya b...Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia. Saya berusia 18 tahun dan sedang membutuhkan biaya tambahan untuk perkuliahan saya. Untuk itu, saya mencari lowongan kerja freelance agar dapat menyesuaikan jadwal kuliah saya. Saya bercita-cita sebagai penulis, editor sastra, dan animator. Saya penyuka sastra, jurnalistik, informasi teknologi, dan musik. Saya menggeluti hobi menulis cerita pendek, cerita bersambung, essay dan menulis puisi serta telah menerbitkan beberapa antologi cerpen bersama yang diterbitkan oleh Benny Institute. Saya harap, saya bisa menulis beberapa konten yang sesuai dengan minat saya sehingga saya bisa lebih optimal dalam mengasah kemampuan saya dan memberikan konten yan...
Saya membuka usaha penjualan burger hitam dan hotdog hitam, di area perumahan dan sekolah Tolong dibuatkan spanduk yang menarik (warna menarik, kata) tapi tidak meninggalkan khan Burger Hitam nya
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Fotografi Essay dan penjelasan dengan tulisan pemaparan
write some article or essay in academic writing about law.
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kindly disucssssssssssss..................................................
...Easten Motors Showroom, Karachi rnrnrnRESINDENTIAL PROJECTS:rnrno Habibullah, DHA Karachi.rno Raza, President of National Bank, rnDHA Karachirno Mr. Sohail Madiha Tai, DHA Karachi rno Mr. Rasheed Barkat, DHA Karachi.rno DHA, Karachi.rno Mr. Sattar Karar DHA, Karachi.rno Gen. Ahsan Hayat, DHA Karachi rno Syed Iqbal Shah, DHA Karachi.rno Mr. Athar Khan, DHA Karachirno Mr. Shahinshah, KDA Karachirno Mian Aslam, Islamabad.rno Mr. Agha Dilawer, DHA Karachi.rno Mr. Arshad Owner of Pakistan Cables, Clifton Karachi, rnrnProjects With Architect Tauseef Ahmad & Associates,rnCOMMERCIAL PROJECTSrno Water Tower (30m high) , Nowshera KPKrnrn rnRESINDENTIAL PROJECTS:rnrno Mr & Mrs Rahat, Navel anchorage Islamabad rn...
...Easten Motors Showroom, Karachi rnrnrnRESINDENTIAL PROJECTS:rnrno Habibullah, DHA Karachi.rno Raza, President of National Bank, rnDHA Karachirno Mr. Sohail Madiha Tai, DHA Karachi rno Mr. Rasheed Barkat, DHA Karachi.rno DHA, Karachi.rno Mr. Sattar Karar DHA, Karachi.rno Gen. Ahsan Hayat, DHA Karachi rno Syed Iqbal Shah, DHA Karachi.rno Mr. Athar Khan, DHA Karachirno Mr. Shahinshah, KDA Karachirno Mian Aslam, Islamabad.rno Mr. Agha Dilawer, DHA Karachi.rno Mr. Arshad Owner of Pakistan Cables, Clifton Karachi, rnrnProjects With Architect Tauseef Ahmad & Associates,rnCOMMERCIAL PROJECTSrno Water Tower (30m high) , Nowshera KPKrnrn rnRESINDENTIAL PROJECTS:rnrno Mr & Mrs Rahat, Navel anchorage Islamabad rn...
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Saya lulusan jurusan Bahasa Inggris. Keahlian saya terletak di penulisan baik essay writing seperti artikel, jurnal dan academic writing, dan creative writing seperti cerpen. Oleh karenanya, bila ada yang membutuhkan jasa saya, dipersilahkan kontak saya.
I'm seeking a skilled academic content writer for paraphrasing an essay in the Humanities. - The essay is under 1,000 words. - The ideal freelancer has experience with academic writing and paraphrasing, particularly in the Humanities. - A strong command of the English language and ability to maintain the original meaning while altering the wording is essential.
I need a Spanish-speaking expert to write an informative essay about the recent fire outbreaks in the USA, focusing on the causes, the impact on local businesses, and the government response and measures. The primary audience for this essay is government officials, so the writing needs to be clear, concise and objective. It's essential to highlight the relevant details without unnecessary embellishments. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Spanish, with excellent writing skills - Understanding of the USA's recent fire outbreaks - Ability to convey information in a clear and concise manner - Experience writing for a government audience
I'm seeking a skilled writer with a knack for research and a deep understanding of essay composition to help me write a brief yet comprehensive essay about a recent fire incident that broke out in the USA. The focus of the essay will primarily be on the causes of the fire. I want the essay to be informative, engaging, and suitable for a school project. It should provide a detailed explanation of the causes of the fire, incorporating various perspectives and information from different sources. Ideal skills and qualifications for this job include: - Excellent writing skills with a proven track record of academic writing. - Strong research skills with the ability to find and synthesize information from various sources. - Ability to present information in a c...
I need a skilled writer to craft an insightful essay about the importance of honesty in life. The essay is intended for educational purposes, specifically targeting professionals in a certain field. Key Requirements: - Profound understanding of the concept of honesty and its relevance in life and professional ethics - Exceptional writing skills to present the content in a clear, engaging and educational manner - Ability to tailor the content to appeal to, and be beneficial for, professionals in a specific field. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in writing educational content - Background or knowledge in professional ethics - Experience writing for a professional audience. Please only apply if you can demonstrate relevant samples of your work.
I'm seeking a skilled professional to help elevate my Graduate School Statement of Purpose. I need assistance particularly in improving the structure and content of the essay. There is a specific page limit that needs to be adhered to. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing and editing skills - Experience with graduate school admissions papers - Ability to enhance content and structure - Understanding of page limit constraints by delivering high-quality, focused training courses. We aim to cultivate a dynamic learning environment that promotes student success and growth, aspiring to be recognized as a leading training academy. I need a Content Writer for training material - must have experience with Australian VET System. 1. Curriculum Development Expertise: o Proven experience in creating training materials, including learner guides, session plans, PowerPoint presentations, and assessments (knowledge and project baese) o Familiarity with Australian competency-based training and assessment practices. 2. Strong Research Skills: o Ability to review and interpret unit requirements from o Capable of aligning content with performance criteria and evidence requirements fo...
I'm looking for an academic and formal 2500-word essay that delves into the regulatory requirements and professional standards in aesthetic practice. The focus should specifically be on health and safety guidelines and ethical considerations. Ideally, the writer should have: - A strong background in health and safety regulations within aesthetic practice - A deep understanding of ethical considerations in the field - Exceptional academic writing skills The essay should be purely theoretical with no real-world examples or case studies.
I am seeking a talented and creative freelance graphic designer to assist with various small design tasks on an ongoing basis. If you are a detail-oriented designer with a knack for producing high-quality visuals, I would love to hear from you! The graphics will be Facebook post images, business car... It could also be small job like changing the fonts on a business card, to create a marketing brochure! - Create engaging and visually appealing graphics for social media, websites, and marketing materials. - Promotional materials as needed. - Edit and refine existing designs to meet brand standards. - Deliver projects on time and within agreed budgets. The company is a dedicated training academy with a mission to elevate real estate education by offering high-quality, specialize...
...seeking a professional writer with a deep understanding of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. The task includes developing an essay addressing whether blockchain and cryptocurrencies are the same, along with creating a glossary of at least 10 cryptocurrency terms. The definitions must be paraphrased and not quoted. - Essay: There is no word minimum or limit for the essay. It should be well-structured, coherent, and formatted according to APA standards. - Sources: You are free to use any credible sources. A strong emphasis on the use of recent and relevant sources would be appreciated. - Glossary: The glossary should be placed as a separate section at the end of the essay. Ideal candidates should have: - Excellent writing skills with a command of APA formatti...
...Assignment This assignment will be an essay written in APA format (see below). The essay should be no less than 500 words on the topic (s) noted below. The title page and bibliography do not count towards the word count. Complete the assignment in a Word document using APA formatting with your last name as part of the file name. Omit the abstract and outline. A Word APA template and APA sample paper are provided for reference. After completing the essay, save and upload the document in the Assignments section of the e-classroom. Each essay will be checked by Turnitin automatically upon submission. You will have access to the originality reports. Topic: After conducting independent research using at least three sources not used in the class write an essay...
I need assistance with my college application essay, which I've already written. I want to highlight my personality, especially my compassion and empathy. I am looking for feedback on: - Grammar and spelling - Structure and flow - Content and ideas - Checking for AI Ideal skills for this project include: - Strong command of English grammar and spelling - Experience in essay structure and flow analysis - Ability to provide constructive content feedback - Familiarity with AI detection methods.
I need assistance with formatting my essay according to specific guidelines. The task involves ensuring the essay meets the following specifications: - Font: Times New Roman - Font Size: 12 - Line Spacing: Single Line Spacing - Font Color: As displayed Please note that the essay does not have a specific word count or page length, but it does require adherence to the New Roman formatting style.
I'm seeking a skilled professional to write an essay for me that focuses on inferential statistics, specifically analyzing the statistical meanings for both paired and independent samples t-tests. The essay should primarily compare the two types of t-tests. The data is provided. The application os JASP will need to be utilized. The ideal freelancer for this project should have the following skills and experience: - Strong understanding of inferential statistics and t-tests - Excellent essay writing skills - Ability to explain complex statistical concepts in a clear and concise manner