Ip proxy swedenPekerjaan
...dengan request code: T00 diikuti alamat IP perangkat Android. Misalnya jika perangkat Android memiliki IP: maka request code yang dikirim ke server melalui UDP port 50000 adalah: T Server akan memberikan jawaban melalui port UDP 51000 berupa nama-nama tombol yang akan ditampilkan di aplikasi android dengan pemisah (delimiter) tanda titik dua (:), contohnya :Tombol1:TombolIni:NamaTombol3: Dari contoh balasan server di atas, maka Android menampilkan 3 buah tombol, masing-masing dengan nama: Tombol 1 Tombol Ini Tombol 3 Jumlah tombol bisa jadi banyak antara 1 s.d 99, berdasarkan balasan dari Server. Apabila tombol disentuh, maka akan mengirimkan ke Server dengan format: P0 diikuti urutan tombolnya diiuti alamat IP. Dari ketiga contoh tombol...
membuat sebuah browser mini, dengan kemampuan bisa browsing supercepat dan hemat data seperti UC browser dan bisa terkoneksi dengan proxy di menu barnya,
jasa setting untuk keperluan kami yaitu: Billing System / Budgeting per ID / User Recording All Call IVR / Auto Attendance Call Fax to Mail & Mail to Fax Bisa Cabang IP PBX Yealink BLF [Busy Lamp Field] Sip Messenger connect Android APPS VOIP saat ini kami memakai program elastix dengan hardware openvox a814hj0582xk dengan chip 8fxo
Mengset reservasi untuk berbasis API untuk PULL...dijadikan sebagai ID member di website. 3. DOKU API Integration, ini menggunakan DOKU sebagai penyedia pembayaran Credit Card, kalau mau sementara juga bisa menggunakan SKRILL agar cepat tidak masalah 4. Language Switcher, pakai plugin simpel bawahan wordpress its okay. sementara yang mau ENG dan INA. kalau didetect IP non Indo maka otomatis Indonesia,, kalau IP Indonesia maka didetect bahasa Indonesia 5. Currency Switcher, kalau IP non Indo maka menggunakan USDollar kalau IP indonesia menggunakan IDR. 6. Sebelum Checkout ada offer beberapa package yang akan dimasukkan juga sebelum checkout kamar, seperti Voucher SPA, Champagne, Voucher Renang dkk. yang bisa diset di WP Admin
...(1) Oman (1) Pakistan (16) Palestinia (2) Panama (4) Paraguay (1) Peru (3) Philippines (2) Poland (4) Portugal (2) Puerto Rico (2) Qatar (3) Romania (5) Russian fed (28) Rwanda (1) San Marino (1) Saudi Arabia (7) Senegal (1) Serbia (3) Seychelles (1) Shopping (14) Slovakia (3) Slovenia (9) Somalia (3) South Africa (3) Spain (31) Sports (3) Sri Lanka (6) Suriname (1) Sweden (5) Switzerland (5) Syria (10) Taiwan (6) Thailand (18) Trinidad&Tob (5) Turkey (54) Uganda (2) Ukraine (14) Un. Arab Em (6) Un. Kingdom (11) Uruguay (2) USA (62) USA (AL-CA) (21) USA (CO-HI) (30) USA (ID-MA) (22) USA (MI-NY) (18) USA (NC-TN) (18) USA (TX-WY) (17) Vatican City (3) Venezuela (9) Vietnam (8) Yemen (2) CARA PEMESANAN: silahkan anda kir...
Saya membutuhkan jasa pembuatan aplikasi Addons PPOB Software Pulsa yang memiliki fitur dapat mengkoneksikan produk-produk pembayaran online seperti PLN, BPJS, Telkom, Speedy, Voucher Game, Tiket Pesawat Terbang, TV Berlangganan, Multifinance (FIF, Adira, WOM Finance, dll), Asuransi, PDAM (Seluruh ...dll), Asuransi, PDAM (Seluruh Wilayah Indonesia), Tagihan Pulsa Pascabayar, dsb. Adapun API dari produk-produk telah tersedia, sehingga pembuat sistem hanya perlu melakukan interkoneksi melalui API dan mengelola pemotongan saldo deposit Software Pulsa yang kami miliki agar bisa berjalan dengan lancar dan baik. Interkoneksi antar software pulsa kami dengan aplikasi addons nantinya dapat melalui IP / YM / Jabber. Jadi aplikasi addons harus memiliki 3 interkoneksi tersebut agar bisa ...
Saya butuh sekitar 2,000 - 3,000 private anonymous proxy yang berlokasi di Indonesia.. untuk keperluan social media. VirginProxy Proxy akan di sewa min 3 bulan atau lebih jika memuaskan
Saya butuh sekitar 2,000 - 3,000 private anonymous proxy yang berlokasi di Indonesia.. untuk keperluan social media. VirginProxy Proxy akan di sewa min 3 bulan atau lebih jika memuaskan
Saya ingin Menampilkan HANYA satu IP Address secara acak (random) dari IP Address Range menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP Range dari IP address tersebut berasal dari CIDR yang kemudian range tersebut diexpand menjadi IP Awal (FirstIP) dan IP Terakhir (LastIP) skrip untuk mengexpand IP address dari CIDR tersebut yang saya gunakan saat ini adalah sebagai berikut contohnya : <?php function cidrToRange($cidr) { $range = array(); $cidr = explode('/', $cidr); $range[0] = long2ip((ip2long($cidr[0])) & ((-1 << (32 - (int)$cidr[1])))); $range[1] = long2ip((ip2long($cidr[0])) + pow(2, (32 - (int)$cidr[1])) - 1); return $range; } $cidr=""; $range = cidrToRange($cidr); $first_ip = ip2l...
sistem pengambilan sks yang harus diambil dari ip sebelumnya
Perusahaan kami memerlukan Freelance yang dapat memberikan jasa pengisian kuesioner online untuk penelitian ilmiah tentang sepatu olahraga branded. Kami akan menyediakan link menuju kuesioner yang hanya dapat di akses dengan 1 IP address saja. Terdapat total 200 kuesioner yang harus diselesaikan dan dapat di akses melalui 600 link. Link akan di "termiated" bila terdapat "recorded IP address" yang telah mengakses link lainnya. Oleh sebab itu kami menyediakan 600 link untuk 200 kuota kuesioner untuk mengantisipasi link yang "terminated" Persyaratan: - Mampu bekerja secara profesional - Pernah melakukan atau terlibat penelitian ilmiah - Tepat waktu Dikarenakan waktu yang mendesak kami mencari freelance yang dapat menyelesaikan penelitian...
1. membuat semacam ip static. jadi meskipun modem di diskonek, pada saat konek lagi akan tetap memiliki ip seperti semula 2. dapat meremote desktop dengan menggunakan IP tersebut
membuat website dengan desain sederhana, memiliki manajemen user yang dapat diakses oleh admin. pemrograman dengan menggunakan standar bahasa (PHP, CSS, MySQL). fungsi utama website : - dapat melakukan remote access ke Virtual Private Server. - model remote access ke VPS dengan memasukkan IP+Username+Password - website dapat menampilkan graphic yang telah tersedia oleh service yang telah di sediakan.
Ini merupakan proyek lanjutan dari proyek pertama IIXSoft Tools - Tools Untuk Developer pada http://iixsoft.com. Proyek pertama mengenai "teknologi yang mendasari internet" - hardware seperti perkembangan komputer, pc, laptop, tablet dll, -operating system & netw opsys seperti windows, linux, unix, android, ios, bb, dll. -networking seperti tcp/ip dan layanannya -internet (termasuk intranet dan ekstranet) -cloud. Tools yang ditawarkan untuk proyek tersebut al html5, css3, php, mysql, javascript dan beberapa software di-attach dalam paket yi appserv (apache,php,mysql,phpmyadmin), java sdk & java se. Proyek lanjutan yang ini akan membahas tentang perkembangan -hardware mobile seperti laptop, cellular menjadi smartphone dan tablet -operating system seperti androi...
minta bantuan untuk transfer file dari account reseller ke dedicated server. dan tata ip.
Hi, Saya memilih designmu untuk logo Tshirt Swedia yang stockholm-sweden. Tapi saya minta sedikit penyesuaian untuk gambarnya bisa? Masalahnya untuk sablon, mereka mau designnya format A4, berarti ga bisa penuh dari kiri ke kanan.. bisa tolong diutak atik lagi sedikit? :) Thank you! /Elizabeth
Design for T-shirt with theme SWEDEN, bisa juga dengan text english atau swedish. T shirt ini untuk dijual sebagai souvenir dari sweden kepada para turis yang berkunjung ke swedia / penduduk swedia sendiri.
1. pergi ke UFX Markets CPL April 2014 2. DAFTAR dari email dengan judul kemudian diisi dengan data yang valid 3. Login konfirmasi email bukti: 1. Alamat url setelah Anda login ke account Anda 2. IP adress
1. pergi ke UFX Markets CPL April 2014 2. DAFTAR dari email dengan judul kemudian diisi dengan data yang valid 3. Login konfirmasi email bukti: 1. Alamat url setelah Anda login ke account Anda 2. IP adress
Printer Canon IP 2770 adalah printer ekonomis yang kinerjanya tak kalah bagus dengan printer merk lain. Tak sedikit yang menggunakan printer ini untuk keperluan pribadi hingga perkantoran yang hanya cetak dokumen biasa seperti surat dinas, surat lamaran, laporan keuangan, dan lain sebagainya. Namun dibalik itu semua, seringkali printer ini membuat kita kebingungan saat Printer Canon IP 2770 ini tidak bisa digunakan. Ketika mencetak muncul error dengan kode 5B00 pada layar monitor dan lampu orange – hijau menyala bergantian (sebut saja: blinking). Cara Mengatasi Error 5B00 Printer Canon IP 2770Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, printer harus di reset menggunakan software resetter. Resetternya bisa di download disini. Berikut langkah-langkah untuk mereset (Flash ...
Printer Canon IP 2770 adalah printer ekonomis yang kinerjanya tak kalah bagus dengan printer merk lain. Tak sedikit yang menggunakan printer ini untuk keperluan pribadi hingga perkantoran yang hanya cetak dokumen biasa seperti surat dinas, surat lamaran, laporan keuangan, dan lain sebagainya. Namun dibalik itu semua, seringkali printer ini membuat kita kebingungan saat Printer Canon IP 2770 ini tidak bisa digunakan. Ketika mencetak muncul error dengan kode 5B00 pada layar monitor dan lampu orange – hijau menyala bergantian (sebut saja: blinking). Cara Mengatasi Error 5B00 Printer Canon IP 2770Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, printer harus di reset menggunakan software resetter. Resetternya bisa di download disini. Berikut langkah-langkah untuk mereset (Flash ...
...rnrnChinarnDalian, Ningbo, Qingdao, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Macou, Jiangsu, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Shantou, Haikou, Macou , Beijing, Xingang, Beijing, Dongguan, Foshan, Huangpu.rnrnEurope.rnAustria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, El Salvador, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Yugoslavia.rnrnAmerica ( U.S.A) .rnLos Angeles, Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Buffalo, Charleston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Dayton, Houston, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Memphis, Miami, Minneapolis, New Jersey, New Orleans, New York, Oakland, Oklahoma City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburg, Portland, San A...
...rnrnChinarnDalian, Ningbo, Qingdao, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Macou, Jiangsu, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Shantou, Haikou, Macou , Beijing, Xingang, Beijing, Dongguan, Foshan, Huangpu.rnrnEurope.rnAustria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, El Salvador, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Yugoslavia.rnrnAmerica ( U.S.A) .rnLos Angeles, Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Buffalo, Charleston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Dayton, Houston, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Memphis, Miami, Minneapolis, New Jersey, New Orleans, New York, Oakland, Oklahoma City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburg, Portland, San A...
I need assistance in migrating my websites from my current dedicated server to a new one. Here's the Work Checklist: 1. Install CPanel on new server 2. Move all my sites from the old server to the new server (both servers have CPanel/WHM) 3. Make sure one of my websites has it's own 2TB hard drive dedicated to it 4. Assign dedicated ip address to each website (super simple thru WHM) 5. Make sure mx records pass every test, if not, please make it so it passes every test. 6. Make sure there are no errors on the websites (I'll help in checking this), if there is errors, let's fix it (maybe we have to update php, etc.) That's all! I have all the login info for both servers and domain register. We are using Centos 8 by the way.
I'm looking for a freelancer who can create a dashboard web page that integrates with a medical monitor using the VitalDB library. This dashboard should retrieve data via IP rather than a serial port. Key Features: - Real-time display of all relevant data from the medical monitor, including heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation. - Historical data access, allowing for a comprehensive view of the patient's vital signs over time. - Data export options, enabling easy sharing and analysis of the collected information. - An API to integrate this dashboard with our Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system. Ideal Skills: - Prior experience with developing interactive web dashboards. - Proficiency in using the VitalDB library. - Strong understanding of medical monitorin...
I'm looking for a seasoned professional with extensive experience in working with the ESP32 and cellular network connections. The goal is to set up a web server on the LILYGO T-SIM7000G ESP32 that can be accessed via a public static IP address. This project involves configuring the server to serve static files (HTML, CSS, JS) and handling real-time data updates. Key Responsibilities: - Configure the ESP32 to serve static web content and handle real-time updates. - Enable the ESP32 to process query/response data to a serial device. Skills and Experience Required: - Deep understanding of ESP32 and LILYGO T-SIM7000G. - Proficiency in Arduino IDE. - Previous experience in setting up web servers on ESP32. - Familiarity with AT commands and the manual of the T-SIM7000G. - Ability t...
i want to resell my bandwidth to a small isp and he wants to use his own asn and ip pools. But my primary isp is saying that multiple bgp session is not possible on the single circuit which i have taken from them
...for both desktop and mobile devices. Content Translation: Translate all existing content (including product descriptions, navigation, checkout process, etc.) from Norwegian to Swedish. Ensure the translations are accurate, natural, and aligned with the brand tone. SEO Optimization: Optimize the Swedish version of the Shopify store for Swedish-language SEO to improve search engine visibility in Sweden. Meta Tags & Descriptions: Translate and optimize all meta titles, meta descriptions, and keywords for Swedish search engines. Hreflang Tags: Implement hreflang tags on all pages to signal to Google that the content is specific to Swedish-speaking audiences. Example implementation: html Copy code <link rel="alternate" hreflang="sv-SE" href="" /&...
I need a talented developer to migrate my current website from PHP and Laravel to a more modern tech stack, speci...enhance the site's performance and scalability. Key Responsibilities: - Ensure all current website functionalities are retained post-migration, including: - User authentication - Data analytics - Content management - Implement minor UI/UX improvements during the migration process. - create a new and modern dashboard for super admin - Implement multilingual support based on the client's country IP - Redesign the automatic email sending system Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP, Laravel, , Node.js, and MongoDB - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles - Experience in website migration projects - Good communication skills to discuss and implement design ...
...system. This includes data about installed software, peripheral devices, and various network identifiers such as hostname, IP address, and MAC address. The application must then save this data to a MySQL Database on the local network. Key Requirements: - Collect and manage data about: - Installed software - Peripheral devices - Hostname - IP Address - MAC Address - RAM - CPU Name - CPU Speed - installed printers - Store all collected data in a MySQL database on the local network =========================================================== Collect windows information hardware and software and save it to MySQL database on network Hostname Logged in user name Ip address Mac address Ram GPU CPU Ram Operating system Version Build Printer installed Softw...
Estoy desarrollando un proyecto en flutter flow, algo asi como vigilancia con una cámara ip externa a la APP. Necesito un custom widget o custom action en flutter flow que capte la camara ip y muestre el video en la app. La idea es que esté mostrando el video y que guarde al menos los ultimos 5 minutos y los sobre escriba. En cualquier momento si quiero, se debe poder retroceder, adelantar, avance rápido de los ultimos 5 minutos. La idea es que ese widget lo pueda integrar donde yo quiera en mi App
I'm looking for a professional who can configure Fail2Ban for Exim on my CentOS server. The main purpose of this setup is to block suspicious IP addresses. Key Requirements: - Configuration of Fail2Ban to monitor the number of failed login attempts and behavioral patterns to identify potential threats. - Ensuring detailed logs are generated for every blocked IP address. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with CentOS, Exim, and Fail2Ban. - Strong understanding of network security, particularly in identifying and blocking suspicious IPs. - Proficient in server management and log analysis.
Silakan Daftar atau Login tuntuk melihat rincian.
...availability of our systems and integrating with AWS services, Kubernetes, and other cloud technologies. Key Responsibilities: * Server and Pod Cluster Management: * Change and manage server and pod cluster passwords, ensuring minimal disruption. * Restart servers and clusters as necessary, ensuring proper security and connectivity. * Ensure that after a password change, the updated IP addresses are reflected in AWS Route 53 to avoid service disruptions for streaming services. * Kubernetes and Stream Server Management: * Update Kubernetes to the latest stable version while ensuring no interruptions to the stream servers. * Collaborate with the team to plan and execute rolling updates to Kubernetes clusters. * SSL Management & Automation: * Update a...
...experiencing partial connectivity issues with my HAProxy configuration on two EC2 Ubuntu boxes. The HAProxy fails to terminate SSL for some domains while it successfully does for others. I'll provide you a login details with admin rights to the EC2 box with simple HAProxy configuration, which fails to terminate SSL proxy. (Example: calling http://localhost:1234, will proxy to https server on the internet. This works for some domains, for other it doesn't). I'll also provide simple analogue proxy config to local stunnel, which works for the same domain which haproxy doesn't. I need an expert in HAProxy and SSL termination who can: - Diagnose the current HAProxy configuration and pinpoint the issue causing the partial connectivity. - Provide a...
...an experienced developer to create a script/UI that can handle USDT Flash TRC20 transactions. This tool should have a variety of features and capabilities, including: - Generating USDT Flash TRC20 transactions. - Setting a time limit for how long a transaction can stay in a wallet. - Adjusting for blockchain network charges for quicker confirmations. - Incorporating VPN and TOR options with a proxy. - Indicating whether a transaction is fully confirmed or has zero confirmations. - Supporting all types of wallets, including Segwit and legacy addresses. - Ensuring 100% confirmed transactions. - Allowing the spending of bitcoins on any address (Segwit, legacy, Segwit/bch32). - Being able to transfer wallet-to-wallet more than two times at minimum. Ideal candidates for this project...
...looking for a developer to assist with the following tasks: 1. Apache Configuration • Configure Apache to block connections made directly through the server’s IP address (including when IP:port is entered in the browser). • Ensure that all traffic and connections pass exclusively through the domain name and cannot be accessed via the IP address. 2. SMTP Setup • Update the SMTP settings to use a different IP address for email functionality. 3. Fix IP Exposure • Identify and resolve the issue where the server’s IP is exposed, making it vulnerable. • Investigate the code (written in Node.js/Express.js) to locate and address any IP leakage. Looking for a skilled JavaScript developer with experience in No...
Hi shyamvijaywargiy, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat. prefere messages because my spoken english is not so good. we need discuss about : 1- Intellectual Property (IP) Rights 2- Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Development and dead-line. see you soon
Overview: I have d...without needing DHCP servers in their datacenter. I need an expert in Ubuntu Server who can create a custom setup wizard for configuring a static IP on an Ethernet interface. The project will involve setting up specific DNS settings as well. Requirements: - When the VM starts for the first time, it should prompt the user to enter network configuration details (IP address, default gateway, DNS) through a setup wizard. - The VM should automatically use these settings for its network configuration, without requiring the user to have access to the VM after deployment. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Ubuntu Server - Experience with IP Address configuration - Skills in creating setup wizards - Knowledge of DNS settings - Network interface...
**Job Title: GoLogin Expert Needed for Quora Account Management** **Job Description:** We are looking for a freelancer with expertise in using **GoLogin** to manage and post on Quora accounts. The ideal candidate should be familiar with the following tools and concepts in relation to GoLogin: - **Proxies** - **IP Addresses** - **Browser Types & Versions** - **Operating Systems** - **Geolocation** **Responsibilities:** - **Create 10 Quora accounts** using GoLogin. - Each day, post **2 answers per account** (a total of 20 answers per day). - You will **NOT need to create content** — we will provide the answers and one image per answer. - Your task is simply to **copy and paste the provided answers and images** into the appropriate Quora accounts. **Project Duration:** ...
**Job Title: GoLogin Expert Needed for Quora Account Management** **Job Description:** We are looking for a freelancer with expertise in using **GoLogin** to manage and post on Quora accounts. The ideal candidate should be familiar with the following tools and concepts in relation to GoLogin: - **Proxies** - **IP Addresses** - **Browser Types & Versions** - **Operating Systems** - **Geolocation** **Responsibilities:** - **Create 10 Quora accounts** using GoLogin. - Each day, post **2 answers per account** (a total of 20 answers per day). - You will **NOT need to create content** — we will provide the answers and one image per answer. - Your task is simply to **copy and paste the provided answers and images** into the appropriate Quora accounts. **Project Duration:** ...
...tattered membranes and a pronounced skeletal structure. A robust base that complements the model's aggressive stance, featuring cracked terrain, skulls, or burning embers. Armor and Details: Jagged and spiked armor adorned with Khorne runes, chains, and battle damage. Chaotic embellishments such as skulls, bones, and exposed organic details like tendons or mutated limbs. Weapons: One massive axe (proxy) in one hand, featuring serrated edges and intricate details reminiscent of Khorne's brutality. Clawed or mutated offhand to emphasize the model's feral and demonic nature. Pose: Dynamic and imposing, such as mid-strike with the axe or raising a clawed hand in fury. Head Design: Horned and snarling face with demonic features. Option to include alternate head styl...
I'm looking for a Supabase expert to help me prototype some applications. The specifics of the applications will be discussed but prior experience with Supabase and app prototyping is crucial. Must use AI powered tools, ideally gpt engineer or similar Instructions - Share your best live app in DM - confirm your bid is the...a Supabase expert to help me prototype some applications. The specifics of the applications will be discussed but prior experience with Supabase and app prototyping is crucial. Must use AI powered tools, ideally gpt engineer or similar Instructions - Share your best live app in DM - confirm your bid is the price we will accept, do not try to renegotiate - as a condition of bidding you agree all IP and rights in the work you perform for us are the property...
I'm experiencing issues with my Angular (Frontend) and Strapi (Backend) application hosted on a Windows Server using IIS as a reverse proxy. The application sometimes returns a 502 Bad Gateway error instead of the expected 206 Partial Content response. I need a professional with experience in diagnosing and fixing IIS configurations for Node.js applications specifically. The flow of events is as follows: 1. A file request is made by the browser (Frontend app). 2. The request is forwarded to the Backend (Strapi) by IIS. 3. A 206 Partial Content response is returned by the Backend. 4. Instead of receiving this response, IIS sends a 502 Bad Gateway error to the client. 5. The browser is forced to retry the same file request. The issue arises from the fact that IIS, which is p...
...Compile and organize the scraped data into an Excel file. Requirements: Experience with web scraping and the use of tools like Selenium, BeautifulSoup, or Scrapy. Experience using Google Custom Search API or SerpApi to extract structured results from Google searches. Proficiency with Excel (to organize and output the data in a structured format). Ability to work with proxy services and Captcha solving if needed, to avoid IP blocking while scraping a large number of searches. Provide regular updates on progress and any challenges encountered during the scraping process. Project Breakdown: Task: Scrape data for 7,500 towns listed in the provided Excel sheet. For each town, perform a Google search for "auto parts stores in [town name]". Extract the store name, c...