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Lokasi dago bandung, LT/ LB 320/ 350 m2 Tanah down slope, bertingkat 3 lantai Butuh free lance arsitek yunior domisili bandung utk design developmen detail dan pelaksanaan lapangan Syarat, pria / wanita usia 26-30th, pengalaman 2-3 tahun design rumah tinggal, dan pegawasan aplikasi di lapangan
Digital Marketing untuk Iklan Jasa Pemrograman Kunci Mobil (Sistem Komisi) Tentang Kami: Kami adalah penyedia jasa pemrograman kunci immobilizer mobil dengan layanan home service di Gading Serpong, BSD, Alam Sutera, dan Jakarta. Kami menawarkan: Pemrograman Kunci Immobilizer untuk kunci konvensional dan keyless Layanan Home Service ke lokasi pelanggan Free Ongkos & Free Scan Mobil Garansi 1 Bulan Tujuan Proyek: Kami mencari freelancer digital marketing yang berpengalaman untuk mengelola kampanye iklan di Facebook dan Instagram dengan fokus untuk menarik pelanggan dan memperkenalkan jasa pemrograman kunci kami. Sistem Komisi: Komisi: 10% dari total penjualan yang dihasilkan melalui kampanye iklan. Biaya Iklan: Ditanggung oleh freelancer terlebih dahulu. Jika hasil kampa...
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Vector face making services can also be fullbody, the price listed per person if more than once then the price will be adjusted to the price per person. free titles. processing time 4-5 days. use your best photos for satisfactory results ( PNG format)
PT Kira Service Indonesia, membutuhkan Free Lance Staf Administrasi Software Accurate Manufacturing selama 3 Bulan dengan kriteria sebagai berikut : - Familiar dan Berpengalaman Menggunakan Accurate Manufacturing Software minimal 2 Tahun - Menguasai Pembukuan Akuntansi, Pembelian, Hasil Produksi, Barang Keluar Masuk Gudang dan Penjualan - Pendidikan Minimal SMK / sederajat - Wanita / Pria, Usia Maksimal 28 Tahun - Mempunyai Certified Accurate Professional (CAP) - Mampu bekerja dilingkungan serba cepat. Dengan Rincian Pekerjaan sebagai berikut : - Melakukan penginputan data (Buku Besar, Kas & Bank, Persediaan, Penjualan, Pembelian, Pergudangan) - Melakukan pelaporan pembukuan - Melakukan maintenance sofware Accurate
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Sy mencari tenaga freelance yang menguasai server linux dan aplikasi NMS untuk keperluan instalasi dan konfigurasi free NMS seperti Zabbix atau openNMS dan 28 NE. Lebih di sukai yang telah memiliki pengalaman atau pernah bekerja pada SI, ISP atau Telco.
saya membutuhkan jasa promosi /kerja sama di bidang promosi kursus bahasa inggris. tugasnya apa saja ? _ promosi ajaaa. (silahkan gunakan cara yg halal. ) karna saya sendiri.(jadi yg closing biar kami ) konten promosi nya gimana? sudah disiapkan dr mau buat konten sendiri .silahkan komisinya bagaimana ? ingat ini adalah bentuk kerja Lance dimana anda di bayar/mendapatkan komisi apabila. #bisa mereferensikan murid /org utk kursus ditempat kami . caranya gimana biar tau kalau dia referensi dr anda ? = kode etik. bisa dibuat dr anda ataupun dr kami. hub. 085713005313 (wa)
Kami PT Jola Mitra Utama, Perusahaan Jasa yang bergerak di bidang penyediaan tenaga kerja (HR Resourcing/Outsourcing, HR Consultant dan Head Hunter) saat ini bekerja sama perusahaan Multi Nasional membutuhkan tenaga kerja free lance.
Dibutuhkan Jasa Telemarketing untuk menawarkan produk software FREE tanpa di kenakan biaya, yang di install di tempat client, dengan konsep kerja sama dengan client melalui bagi hasil dari pemasangan iklan pada software ini. Pekerjaan ini TIDAK DIKENAKAN TARGET PENJUALAN, karena menawarkan produk software yang sifat nya FREE. Target market: 1. Rumah Sakit di area jabodetabek (total yang ada di database sejumlah 150 rmh sakit) 2. Shopping Mall di area jabodetabek Kriteria TELEMARKETER: 1. Pria atau lebih di sukai Wanita 2. Berpengalaman dalam telemarketing 3. < 30 tahun 4. Memiliki komunikasi yang baik (persuasif) dan ramah 5. Sabar, jujur, ulet, dan pekerja keras 6. Dapat berimprovisasi dan memiliki inisiatif tinggi 7. Fokus pada target 8. Memiliki hand...
Kami merupakan Perusahaan "Start Up" berbasis web dan aplikasi membutuhkan tenaga pemasar sebagai "Kanvasser" sebagai karyawan tetap ataupun "free lance" yang bertugas untuk mencari listing property yang dapat disewakan harian untuk area Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Listing Property Apa? Apartemen, Kost, Rumah, Guest House, Wisma, Hotel, Budget Hotel, Resort.... yang disewakan Persyaratan "Kanvasser" 1. Pria/ Wanita 2. Memiliki kendaraan sendiri dan SIM 3. Agen property dan mempunyai pengalaman di dunia property lebih diutamakan Deskripsi Pekerjaan: 1. Cari listing baik dari lapangan "On The Spot", Website, database. 2. Telpon dan datangi listing tersebut, dan membuat personal meeting dengan owner property tersebut...
Kami merupakan Perusahaan "Start Up" berbasis web dan aplikasi membutuhkan tenaga pemasar sebagai "Kanvasser" sebagai karyawan tetap ataupun "free lance" yang bertugas untuk mencari listing property yang dapat disewakan harian untuk area Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Listing Property Apa? Apartemen, Kost, Rumah, Guest House, Wisma, Hotel, Budget Hotel, Resort.... yang disewakan Persyaratan "Kanvasser" 1. Pria/ Wanita 2. Memiliki kendaraan sendiri dan SIM 3. Agen property dan mempunyai pengalaman di dunia property lebih diutamakan Deskripsi Pekerjaan: 1. Cari listing baik dari lapangan "On The Spot", Website, database. 2. Telpon dan datangi listing tersebut, dan membuat personal meeting dengan owner property tersebut...
saya membutuhkan programmer free lance untuk membuat rute gps di google map, bebas gunakan bahasa pemograman . database sql server. jika ada yang berminat, bisa info ke saya
saya membutuhkan programmer free lance untuk membuat rute gps di google map, bebas gunakan bahasa pemograman . database sql server. jika ada yang berminat, bisa info ke saya
...pemasangan/posting iklan di website direktori PD. Hanselindo dan Jakarta Safety & Security adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Alat Safety dan saat ini sedang massiv melakukan pemasaran produk secara online ke berbagai Lapak Online. Kami membutuhkan staff-staff yang enerjik, penuh kreativitas dan pekerja keras. Kami mengundang Anda para rekan muda untuk bergabung menjadi: Karyawan Part Time/Free Lance Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan : 1. Upload Edit foto (Lebih disukai) 2. Upload/posting produk ke lapak online (website, fb, dll) 3. Upload/posting produk ke lapak APP Mobile 4. Update status, nge-wall, nge-twit, nge-insta, dsb (detil pekerjaan akan dijelaskan saat kopdar/interview) Syarat Pengalaman : 1. Menguasai Web Market Seperti Tokopedia, OLX, Indotrading...
...mensupport kinerja CTO (Chief Technology Officer) Utama... Untuk pengembangan App berbasis Media Social + E-commerce... Ide masih fresh, Konsep sudah 90%, tinggal penyelesaian beberapa Bug... Untuk Pretest saat ini bisa dilihat di PLAYSTORE , gunakan keyword Melt atau Untuk Apps Store IOS sedang progress.. Syarat: Mampu HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, AJAX, SQL, PHP, JAVA, JSON, VBNET *Namun diutamakan JAVA dan PHP.. Mampu bekerjasama dengan baik di dalam Team (saat ini baru 9 orang).. Mampu bekerja sesuai Deadline 1 Mei 2016.. Untuk Fee tertera dalam penawaran ini... Kami juga menawarkan opsi untuk menjadi bagian dari Melt Team... Apabila ada yang ingin bekerjasama, bisa langsung datang ke kantor kecil kami di: Komplek Villa Kenali Permai Blok N2 No.1 RT.3...
terbiasa membuat gambar manual (Free style manual Draw)
...INI.... SAYA YAKIN ANDA BISA...!!! Pembayaran komisi Langsung saat itu juga.. jadi gak perlu nunggu sebulan.. 1 menit saja anda berhasil menjual ke orang maka saat itu juga komisi anda cair dari saya... ^_^ ini detail iklan produknya: APLIKASI PEMASARAN "GrupFacebook_Poster" Harga Rp 250.000,- BEBAS IKLAN KAPANPUN DAN DI MANAPUN SEPUASNYA KE GRUP2 FB SECARA MASSAL. Fasilitas: **Free Member Area **Bisa Posting Iklan ke Grup FB sebanyak mungkin (UNLIMITED) **Post Iklan cukup dari Software, tidak perlu mengunjungi Grup-FB satu persatu **Bisa lampirkan GAMBAR PRODUK di iklan kita **Bisa SUNDUL IKLAN (UNLIMITED), sehingga iklan tetap NO 1 di setiap grup **Bisa login LEBIH dari 1 akun FB (tidak terbatas) **Software dapat BERJALAN SENDIRI dibelakang ...
Bromberg & Associates Translation Agency is currently seeking native speakers of the languages listed below to test the...language (lived in the dialect region for at least 7 years between the ages of 5-15 OR have lived in the dialect region for at least 75% of their life) Must be able to work on-location in Warren, MI for the entire duration of the project Proficient in Microsoft Office 2010 Possess valid U.S. work authorization Project Duration and Compensation: The exact dates of the project are dependent on the language but it is set to last roughly one month. The tester will be needed for 8 hour shifts on business days during their designated time frame. This is a free-lance opportunity and the contractor will be paid hourly. Rates will be...
Cepat dan berkualitas(fast & good Quality) I will give free guaranted if I'm late. I can finish my job with good.
I'm looking for a professional to help me organize and delete duplicate pictures across my iPhone, iPad, Google Photos, and PC. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in using iOS devices, Google Photos, and Windows PC - Experienced in photo organization and duplicate detection - Understanding of data privacy and confidentiality Main Tasks: - Ide...and Windows PC - Experienced in photo organization and duplicate detection - Understanding of data privacy and confidentiality Main Tasks: - Identify and delete duplicate pictures on iPhone/iPad - Clean up duplicate photos in Google Photos - Organize and remove duplicate pictures and files on the PC The primary goal is to declutter and delete duplicates and merge all data to the same place to free up storage space and improve...
Add 11 pages of content in elementor, content will be provided, images have to be used from free images sites and formatted accordingly
Little Free Library Video - please complete as per wireframes
I'm looking to implement a subscription service on my Shopify store that offers unlimited free shipping for a monthly fee. The main goal of this service is to boost sales. Edit website to promote this using banners etc Free unlimited deliveries for £9.99 a month. Key Requirements: - The free shipping should apply to all products in the store. - Ideally, you would have experience with Shopify and subscription service implementation. - Knowledge of strategies to enhance customer value and boost sales is a plus. The project does not currently include additional subscriber benefits, but your expertise and suggestions could be invaluable in shaping this service.
...Startseite - as the primary source for product information, brand style, and imagery. 3.) Key Selling Points: - AI-powered fleet management Real-time analytics & route optimization Scalability for Amazon DSPs of all sizes Streamlined operations and cost reduction 4.) Creative Direction: Bold, modern, and professional design Include a clear call-to-action (e.g., “Start Your Free Trial” or “Optimize Your Fleet Now”) Incorporate visuals that convey efficiency, technology, and reliability Use branding elements consistent with Fleetour’s website Deliverables: One high-quality ad image (1920x1080 or similar ratio) ready for use in Google/Facebook campaigns Final file in .PNG or .JPG format and the editable source file (.PSD or .AI) A...
I have 6-10 PDF files that need proofreading. The main focus is on correcting spelling and grammar errors. Ideal skills for this project include: - Strong command of English language - Attention to detail - Experience with PDF editing tools - Proofreading skills Please, only apply if you can ensure high-quality, error-free text.
I need assistance troubleshooting my Webmin installation on a fresh Ubuntu 24.04 server. After following a guide to set up Webmin and install a free Let's Encrypt SSL certificate, I am unable to access my domain due to an SSL certificate error. I have confirmed that the SSL certificate is active and have double-checked the file paths in Webmin. What I need: - A freelancer to identify the issue and guide me on how to fix it. - A detailed document outlining what I did wrong, to assist if I need to start from scratch again. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency with Ubuntu 24.04 and Webmin - Experience troubleshooting SSL certificate issues - Ability to provide clear, understandable documentation
Silakan Daftar atau Login tuntuk melihat rincian.
- The task is simple: change the current buy-sell indicators from coloured lines to a green buy box and red sell box. The boxes should contain the text 'BUY' and 'SELL' respectively . --and ofcourse change some of the source code so i can own the indicator but not much so the idictor can still work perfectly as it is . - i want the name of the indicator to be grinding...simple: change the current buy-sell indicators from coloured lines to a green buy box and red sell box. The boxes should contain the text 'BUY' and 'SELL' respectively . --and ofcourse change some of the source code so i can own the indicator but not much so the idictor can still work perfectly as it is . - i want the name of the indicator to be grinding . the original name of the i...
...scanning. Key Features: - QR Code Scanning: Users should be able to scan a QR code to view their pet's profile. - Profile Management: The system needs to support adding and editing of pet information. - Photo Handling: Users should be able to upload and manage photos of their pets. Technology Stack: I don't have a specific technology stack in mind, so you're free to choose the one you're most comfortable with or think is best for this project. The MEAN/MERN and LAMP stacks are all acceptable options. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in full-stack development. - Experience in building mobile and web applications. - Prior work with QR code integration will be a plus. - Good understanding of a range of technology stacks. - Ability to create user-friendly int...
...etc) this is focused towards African American women An example to an email you would create for women who signed up for our free rest workbook (the goal is to get signups) By create the examples listed above not only will you show you can listen and follow direction, but also that you are dedicated for the jobs This link should give you a general idea We need someone who is an independent thinker, quick on their feet, adaptable, creative, and up to date on trends for instance if we give you your weekly task and you think there is something we missed or should add feel free to bring it up if you think it’s beneficial Communication and timeframe are so important if we give you task and they aren’t
I'm seeking a talented freelancer to design and develop a visually stunning and user-friendly digital self-improvement notebook. This interactive planner will empower users to achieve their goals through a unique blend of...functional prototype of the planner for testing and feedback. • Development and Integration: Full development and implementation of the digital planner. • Quality Assurance Testing: Thorough testing to ensure the planner is bug-free and functions as expected. Compensation: • [Your Budget] I am looking for a highly creative and motivated freelancer with a passion for design, technology, and personal development. If you have the skills and experience to bring this vision to life, please submit your portfolio and a brief proposal outlining your a...
Ready to move your WordPress website to a new home? Whether you’re switching hosts, domains, or just need a perfect copy of your site, we’ve got you covered!For ...or migrated flawlessly within 24-72 hours, preserving every detail of your data, design, and functionality. No downtime. No hassle. Just a seamless You’ll Get:✅ Stress-Free Migration: We’ll handle the heavy lifting, so you don’t have to.✅ 1-Week Basic Tech Support: Post-migration, we’re here to help ensure everything works like a ’s Not Included:? No design tweaks or content changes those can be added separately at additional cost if needed!Focus on what you do best while we ensure your WordPress site is exactly where it needs to be. Let’s make your migration smooth, fast, ...
...want to hear from you! Project Scope Website Setup Install WordPress and WooCommerce on your hosting server. Import and configure the provided templates and designs to match the desired layout and branding. Configure the WooCommerce plugin for product and order management. Make the output modular so that client can modify later for texts and images. Sidebar Menu Setup Home: Implement the provided design for the landing page. Pages: About, Team, Careers, Case Studies, Gallery, and FAQ pages as per the provided designs. Shop: Product listing, cart, checkout, and account pages based on templates. Blog: Implement the blog layout as per the design. Get in Touch: Add a functional contact page with a form, and business contact details. Database Integration Set up free MySQL...
I'm looking for someone w...act/dance based on the songs I give. You will get the payments for each video song you record. You can just use your phone camera to record the videos. Please take a look at the example videos:: ---------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- - Record in a clutter-free environment with a simple background to maintain focus on the performer. - Use natural lighting or a bright environment to ensure video clarity. - Ensure videos are recorded in at least 1080p HD resolution. NOTE: I will provide you with all the reference songs for each videos. Also, you must be in SAREE for more professional looks OR any modern dress is also okay.
...must be plagiarism-free and with own words.

 The PowerPoint should not contain too much text; instead, include visuals such as images, videos, tables, and statistics wherever available.

 For further Infos. you are free to use other references as well, but please ensure all references are cited properly for both the text and the images or data used. But the main part or better to say, whole of the presentation should be form the paper i provided.

 The important points to consider are all mentioned in the pictures I provided. You need to pay attention to each part, as they all contain valuable information. except them, it must include a CCQH Pattern as mentioned and also an equation with all elements and also direct and indirect citations.

 After sharing the pro...
... to be entitiled to payment. If you miss deadline that's a pitty. Payment will be NULL / ZERO / NOTHING. EXPLANATIONS: If 49 links will be indexed you are not entitiled to gather salary thus you did not meet project criteria. DELIVERY TIMELINE: 24h to submit all links and provide RAPORT TO US from time where you are Awarded not from time when you accept. 7 days to deliver INDEXED links list called FINAL RAPORT where there is confirmation in XLS that link was checked and it is indexed. A complete report containing all 50 backlinks must be delivered within 24 hours of the project being awarded. This report must include details as outlined in the Reporting Requirements section below. Raport must cleary state where link is published what is DR of a Domain. What is an...
I'm seeking a skilled graphic artist to create an engaging Instagram ad for my upcoming free training session, "Leads Waterfall". The goal of the ad is to generate sign-ups for this training, specifically targeted at insurance agents. The ad should be urgent and action-oriented to spur immediate responses. The Best Person: - Proficiency in Instagram ad creation - Ability to convey urgency in a professional yet approachable manner Headline of the Ad: "Free Training: Leads Waterfall" Sub-Headline: "How are top insurance agents navigating the new ad rules and still thriving?" Button: Watch Now You can use my photo, I've uploaded a few to choose from. The final design needs to be delivered as a Canva file that we can edit.
For specific polishing, you can refer to this file I send to u. We mainly need u polish and ...suggestions for this paper are totally welcome, especially if there are some deficiencies on the main text, such as experiments, data, models, graphs and methods ect. We will ask its author revises it and prepares the materials you need. From your professional perspective, if you believe the quality of this manuscript is too low to meet the journal’s requirements even after revisions, please feel free to communicate with us honestly. We can either switch to a different article. milestone1-20%: finished the writing paper,reduce AI and plagrism milestone2-30%:submit it, revise it according to the reviews of journal and make it enter into the status of underreview milestone3-50%: until...
Hi, I hope you're doing well! I’m currently working on developing an AI-powered app that can generate and edit both video and audio content. The goal is to create a platform that leverages advanced generative AI models to produce high-quality, customized video and audio based on user input (e.g., text, images, or voice). Below are the key details: Project Overview: Video & Audio Generation: The app should allow users to generate videos and audio content from text descriptions, images, and other inputs. This includes features like text-to-speech, voice generation, and video creation from prompts or existing media. Video & Audio Editing: The app should also provide basic video and audio editing capabilities (trimming, merging, adding effects, etc.) so users can cu...
... to be entitiled to payment. If you miss deadline that's a pitty. Payment will be NULL / ZERO / NOTHING. EXPLANATIONS: If 49 links will be indexed you are not entitiled to gather salary thus you did not meet project criteria. DELIVERY TIMELINE: 24h to submit all links and provide RAPORT TO US from time where you are Awarded not from time when you accept. 7 days to deliver INDEXED links list called FINAL RAPORT where there is confirmation in XLS that link was checked and it is indexed. A complete report containing all 50 backlinks must be delivered within 24 hours of the project being awarded. This report must include details as outlined in the Reporting Requirements section below. Raport must cleary state where link is published what is DR of a Domain. What is an...
...Scheme: Primary colors are orange and green. - Design Element: A cartoonish owl pushing a lawnmower. - Tagline: The phrase "The Wise Choice" must be included. - Font: Use a bold, aggressive font to express strength and confidence. Lawn Sign Design: - Dimensions: 18" x 24", landscape orientation. - Phrase: The sign should feature the call-to-action "2025 New Year's Goal: Save 10% on Landscaping and FREE PLOWING - Tell Your Strata". - Aesthetic: The design should be modern, minimalist, and visually appealing for outdoor visibility, with emphasis on the call-to-action phrase. Deliverables: - High-resolution logo files in vector, PNG, and JPG formats. - Print-ready lawn sign design in PDF and vector formats. - Include contact information on the la...
I'm looking for a professional with expertise in Power Automate preferably or another RPA software to help me extract data from an auction website. The final output should be an Excel spreadsheet. See attached example KEY TASK - Extract all columns in grey data from the Atlantic County auction website into an Excel spreadsheet. Also into a separate tab or separate spreadsheet do cape may county. See links below SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: - City, Status(Only take the most recent one), Judge Amount, Upset Amount and Priors(Just put the $ amount) will be seen after clicking the link for each property. - Columns with headings in purple I will manually fill in and columns with headings in green are automatically calculated. - When I rerun the program the grey columns will change, but I want...