Foxycart reviewPekerjaan
...kelancaran lalulintas jika ada kemacetan yang disebabkankecelakaan atau tidak adanya pengatur lalulintas. Dimana multimedia yangakan dibuat berupa poster dan video tata cara pengaturan lalulintas besertarambu-rambunya. Daftar Pelaksanaan : Pelaksanaan proyek ini berlangsung hanya 1 minggu,agar waktu yang dibutuhkan lebih efisien. Untuk pelaksanaan di lapangan, butuh sekitar 2-3 hari, sedangkan untuk review dan evaluasi, diperlukan palinglambat 1 minggu untuk mendapatkan data yang valid dari hasil proyek yangdikerjakan. Data Yang Relevan : Dalam perolehan data proyek ini tim tidak asalmengambil data. Data diperoleh dari beberapa analisa yang telah dilakukansebelumnya, diantara data yang dijadikan acuan dalam proyek ini adalah:1. Analisis kebutuhan : - Keadaan psikologis d...
... Berikut detail fitur-fitur yang saya butuhkan. Passenger App: - Register: registrasi seperti biasa. tidak membutuhkan persetujuan - Pickup location: penumpang bisa mengatur lokasi dengan menetapkan tujuan melalui google places/google map. - Live Tracking: penumpang bisa melacak pengemudi yang sedang mengirim barang/mengantar penumpang/membeli barang penumpang. - Review and Rating: penumpang bisa memberikan review dan rating kepada pengemudi yang telah dimengantarkan. - Booking History: penumpang bisa melihat sejarah pesanan beserta detail dan status. - Notice : penumpang akan mendapat notice jika pengemudi suda berada di dekat daerah penumpang (dilakukan manual oleh pengemudi). dan juga jika pengemudi sudah selesai mengirim barang/mengantar penumpang. Driver ...
saya membutuhkan konsultan strategi pemasaran offline/online untuk membantu meningkatkan jumlah pendaftaran mahasiswa baru. untuk review silahkan klik kompetensi konsultan yang dibutuhkan antara lain : - berpengalaman dibidang marketing baik offline maupun online - kreatif dan berjiwa muda - memiliki strategi yang simple, konkrit dan terbukti - berorientasi pada hasil konversi terhadap sales - berpengalaman dibidang sales dan marketing pendidikan (opsional)
...kelancaran lalulintas jika ada kemacetan yang disebabkankecelakaan atau tidak adanya pengatur lalulintas. Dimana multimedia yangakan dibuat berupa poster dan video tata cara pengaturan lalulintas besertarambu-rambunya. Daftar Pelaksanaan : Pelaksanaan proyek ini berlangsung hanya 1 minggu,agar waktu yang dibutuhkan lebih efisien. Untuk pelaksanaan di lapangan, butuh sekitar 2-3 hari, sedangkan untuk review dan evaluasi, diperlukan palinglambat 1 minggu untuk mendapatkan data yang valid dari hasil proyek yangdikerjakan. Data Yang Relevan : Dalam perolehan data proyek ini tim tidak asalmengambil data. Data diperoleh dari beberapa analisa yang telah dilakukansebelumnya, diantara data yang dijadikan acuan dalam proyek ini adalah:1. Analisis kebutuhan : - Keadaan psikologis d...
Di cari penulis konten untuk beberapa website client kami. - konten lolos copyscape, tanpa spinner atau google translate - konten harus menarik di baca oleh pembaca - konten min 800 kata - paham tentang SEO dan Wordpress - bisa memposting langsung ke website client yang di tujukan
Di cari penulis konten untuk beberapa website client kami. - konten lolos copyscape, tidak pakai spinner - konten harus menarik di baca oleh pembaca - konten min 800 kata - paham tentang SEO dan Wordpress - bisa memposting langsung ke website client yang di tujukan
...kelancaran lalulintas jika ada kemacetan yang disebabkankecelakaan atau tidak adanya pengatur lalulintas. Dimana multimedia yangakan dibuat berupa poster dan video tata cara pengaturan lalulintas besertarambu-rambunya. Daftar Pelaksanaan : Pelaksanaan proyek ini berlangsung hanya 1 minggu,agar waktu yang dibutuhkan lebih efisien. Untuk pelaksanaan di lapangan, butuh sekitar 2-3 hari, sedangkan untuk review dan evaluasi, diperlukan palinglambat 1 minggu untuk mendapatkan data yang valid dari hasil proyek yangdikerjakan. Data Yang Relevan : Dalam perolehan data proyek ini tim tidak asalmengambil data. Data diperoleh dari beberapa analisa yang telah dilakukansebelumnya, diantara data yang dijadikan acuan dalam proyek ini adalah:1. Analisis kebutuhan : - Keadaan psikologis d...
...paling tidak memiliki waktu luang sehingga bisa mengejar deadline penulisan artikel sejumlah 10-15 artikel per minggu dengan total 60 artikel per bulan. Diutamakan seorang penulis yang memiliki hobi menonton sepakbola dan mengikuti perkembangan dunia sepakbola baik itu eropa maupun indonesia. Adapun artikel yang akan ditulis adalah artikel tentang sepakbola, diantaranya prediksi pertandingan, review hasil pertandingan, maupun analisa klasemen sementara liga-liga ternama eropa seperti Inggris, Spanyol, dan Italia. Artikel ditulis dengan bahasa casual dan semi formal yang enak dibaca dengan panjang artikel 700-900 kata per artikel. SYARAT: - No copy paste. Boleh baca referensi website lain/sumber lain tapi harus diolah dengan kata-kata sendiri, sehingga hasilnya teta...
...penawaran juga pada project ini Dan employer tsb mengundang Saya untuk melakukan projectnya, karena saat ini saya berdomisili di jawa tengah dan teman saya dijakarta tidak bisa membantu maka saya menawarkan pada Anda project ini. klien tsb sudah mengizinkan saya men sub kan project ini dengan nilai yang sama, saya akan memberikan review positif jika Bapak bersedia. Yang harus Anda lakukan adalah mengunjungi alamat berikut : 1. Jl. Boulevard no 6 Jakarta 2. GF, Suite 1-01 and Mezzanine, Suite 2-01 & 2-02 Jl. Letjen TB Simatupang 22-26 Jakarta selatan 3. Utama, Komplek Puri, Mutiara Blok A93-95 Sunter - Jakarta utara Alamat tsb adalah alamat HSBC bank, yang harus Anda lakukan adalah menanyakan prosedur...
Klien saya memerlukan sesuatu untuk dilakukan di jakarta, karena saat ini saya berdomisili di jawa tengah dan teman saya dijakarta tidak bisa membantu saya menawarkan pada Anda project ini. Nilainya tidak besar karena memang tugasnya saya rasa tidak begitu sulit, saya akan memberikan review positif jika anda bersedia. Yang harus Anda lakukan adalah mengunjungi alamat berikut : 1. Jl. Boulevard no 6 Jakarta 2. GF, Suite 1-01 and Mezzanine, Suite 2-01 & 2-02 Jl. Letjen TB Simatupang 22-26 Jakarta selatan 3. Utama, Komplek Puri, Mutiara Blok A93-95 Sunter - Jakarta utara Alamat tsb adalah alamat HSBC bank, yang harus Anda lakukan adalah menanyakan prosedur pembukaan rekening baru atau prosedur aplikasi pinjaman, namun yang terpenting adalah mendapatkan kartu nama/business card/...
...buat: 1. Anda langsung posting konten tersebut di website saya. Akan saya buatkan akun. 2. Konten boleh ambil dari berbagai sumber, tapi harus ditulis ulang 100% (tidak sekedar lolos copyscape), jadi benar-benar unik. 3. Saya tidak membatasi jumlah kata. Boleh sedikit, boleh banyak, yang penting kekuatan viralnya ada. 4. Konten bergambar di setiap poin atau sub-bab. 5. Saya akan review apakah konten Anda bagus atau tidak, kalau tidak, maka tidak akan saya hitung (tidak saya bayar) dan konten tidak akan pernah saya pasang di website. Tapi Anda bisa revisi, atau saya memberikan arahan untuk revisi. 6. Anda akan saya bayar setiap selesai membuat 10 konten atau kelipatannya (jika Anda terus memproduksi konten untuk website saya). HARGA Saya membuat harga flat ...
saya seorang blogger yang sering me-review barang/produk suatu perusahaan
Saya mencari blog berbahasa Indonesia dengan page rank minimal 1 untuk blog post atau guest post. Berikut k...yang saya butuhkan : 1. PR minimal 1 2. Alexa bebas 3. Bahasa konten menggunakan bahasa Indonesia 4. Bukan Blog AGC (Auto Generate Content) 5. Niche bebas, bisa personal (blog pribadi), travel, hotel, wisata. Apa yang anda dapatkan ? 1. Artikel unik tulisan premium 2. Panjang 500 kata 3. Plus Gambar 4. Artikel Lolos copyscape 5. Artikel tidak mempromosikan produk tertentu, atau review produk tertentu, murni tulisan tentang kota/destinasi/tempat/ di Indonesia. 6. Artikel sangat membantu user sehingga akan menambah visit dan link bait. Berikut harga berdasarkan Pagerank : PR 1 : Rp. 60.000 PR 2 : Rp. 70.000 PR 3 : Rp. 100.000 PR 4 : Rp. 200.000 P...
...the next 2-3 weeks maximum. The information I need is related to Alcohol - table wine. There are 15 countries across Asia that I need completed. The excel tabs are numbered in order of priority starting with #1 Thailand, then #2 China Shanghai all the way down to #15 India. These must be completed in this order. They must be in english. I have completed 2 examples on #7 Singapore for you to review as to how i want this completed, any question please ask. I am only looking for major companies and businesses, I am not interested in small companies. For example a wine retail shop company must have 20 or more shops, I am not interested in companies with 3, for example. The spreadsheet is clear to the country and category that you need to fill in. If you cannot find the in...
Saya membutuhkan kartu kredit virtual (VCC) yg bisa digunakan utk transaksi online di berbagai shopping carts dan berbagai situs ecommerce. VCC juga harus bisa diisi ulang dgn mudah (reloadable prepaid VCC). Silakan ajukan penawaran anda, freelancer yg belum punya review disini silakan ini kesempatan utk anda mendapatkan job dan review pertama anda! :) Salam, Rap
saya bisa mengerjakan penulisan artikel apa saja yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan, blogging, review dan hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan menulis
Jual Jasa Menulis Artikel Bertema Sepak Bola, Ulasan Pertandingan, Gosip Pemain, Gadget Review, Berita Nasional, Otomotif, Travelling Lolos copyscape dan smallseotools 100 unik Pengerjaan bisa borongan atau rutin harian Minimal 10 Artikel Setiap Pemesanan Harga 150 word count - Rp 2.500/artikel Harga 200 word count - Rp 3.000/artikel Harga 300 word count - Rp 5.000/artikel Harga 400 word count - Rp 8.000/artikel Harga 500 word count - Rp 10.000/artikel I also receive write an english content Price 150 words - $2/article Price 200 words - $4/article Price 300 words - $6/article Price 400 words - $8/article Price 500 words - $9/article
Jual Jasa Menulis Artikel Bertema Sepak Bola, Ulasan Pertandingan, Gosip Pemain, Gadget Review, Berita Nasional, Otomotif, Travelling Lolos copyscape dan smallseotools 100 unik Pengerjaan bisa borongan atau rutin harian Minimal 10 Artikel Setiap Pemesanan Harga 150 word count - Rp 2.500/artikel Harga 200 word count - Rp 3.000/artikel Harga 300 word count - Rp 5.000/artikel Harga 400 word count - Rp 8.000/artikel Harga 500 word count - Rp 10.000/artikel I also receive write an english content Price 150 words - $2/article Price 200 words - $4/article Price 300 words - $6/article Price 400 words - $8/article Price 500 words - $9/article
Jual Jasa Menulis Artikel Bertema Sepak Bola, Ulasan Pertandingan, Gosip Pemain, Gadget Review, Berita Nasional, Otomotif, Travelling Lolos copyscape dan smallseotools 100 unik Pengerjaan bisa borongan atau rutin harian Minimal 10 Artikel Setiap Pemesanan Harga 150 word count - Rp 2.500/artikel Harga 200 word count - Rp 3.000/artikel Harga 300 word count - Rp 5.000/artikel Harga 400 word count - Rp 8.000/artikel Harga 500 word count - Rp 10.000/artikel
Wah, mba, di bali juga? Saya diana, skrg tgl di bali jg :) saya butuh orang utk nulis review PC software (jgn takut dl, softwarenya umum kok, atau kalopun ga tau, bs lgs dicoba2 aja, tulis 300 kata and that's it). List software dari kami, per artikel minimal 300 kata bahasa indonesia, 2 screenshots original dari penulis, dan per artikel akan dibayar USD 5 via paypal (wajib punya). Sebulan setiap penulis bisa ambil minimal 5 artikel sampai sebanyaknya yang dia mampu. Kalo tertarik, bisa email saya ke [at]gmail[dot]com ya.. Thanks :)
Halo, saya butuh orang utk nulis review PC software. List software dari kami, per artikel minimal 300 kata bahasa indonesia, 2 screenshots original dari penulis, dan per artikel akan dibayar USD 5 via paypal (wajib punya). Sebulan setiap penulis bisa ambil minimal 5 artikel sampai sebanyaknya yang dia mampu. Kalo tertarik, bisa email saya ke [at]gmail[dot]com ya.. Thanks :)
Halo, saya butuh orang utk nulis review PC software. List software dari kami, per artikel minimal 300 kata bahasa indonesia, 2 screenshots original dari penulis, dan per artikel akan dibayar USD 5 via paypal (wajib punya). Sebulan setiap penulis bisa ambil minimal 5 artikel sampai sebanyaknya yang dia mampu. Kalo tertarik, bisa email saya ke [at]gmail[dot]com ya.. Thanks :)
Halo, saya butuh orang utk nulis review PC software. List software dari kami, per artikel minimal 300 kata bahasa indonesia, 2 screenshots original dari penulis, dan per artikel akan dibayar USD 5 via paypal (wajib punya). Sebulan setiap penulis bisa ambil minimal 5 artikel sampai sebanyaknya yang dia mampu. Kalo tertarik, bisa email saya ke [at]gmail[dot]com ya.. Thanks :)
Halo, saya butuh orang utk nulis review PC software. List software dari kami, per artikel minimal 300 kata bahasa indonesia, 2 screenshots original dari penulis, dan per artikel akan dibayar USD 5 via paypal (wajib punya). Sebulan setiap penulis bisa ambil minimal 5 artikel sampai sebanyaknya yang dia mampu. Kalo tertarik, bisa email saya ke [at]gmail[dot]com ya.. Thanks :)
Halo, saya butuh orang utk nulis review PC software. List software dari kami, per artikel minimal 300 kata bahasa indonesia, 2 screenshots original dari penulis, dan per artikel akan dibayar USD 5 via paypal (wajib punya). Sebulan setiap penulis bisa ambil minimal 5 artikel sampai sebanyaknya yang dia mampu. Kalo tertarik, bisa email saya ke [at]gmail[dot]com ya.. Thanks :)
Saya Ingin review Produck anda di ,baik secara gratis dan premium,ini bertujuan agas situs anda tertarget penjualannya
saya ingin membantu membuat kontrak bagi perusahaan, badan hukum, dan individu yang ingin membuat kontrak atau perjanjian kerjasama. di samping itu saya juga ingin membantu pencarian hukum terhadap suatu permaslahan hukum sehingga dapat menjadi sebuah solusi bagi permasalahan hukum tersebut
...Dialpad & Zapier:** Our company uses **Dialpad**, which provides call recordings, transcriptions, and API access. The system should integrate with Dialpad (via API or Zapier) to automatically process calls. **Ideal Solution:** - A custom AI model (or integration with an existing AI tool) that can evaluate conversations and assign scores. - A dashboard or automated reports where managers can review agent performance. - The ability to adjust scoring criteria as needed. **Deliverables:** - Fully functional AI-based call grading system. - Integration with **Dialpad & Zapier** for automation. - Scorecard template or dashboard for agent evaluations. - Documentation on how the system works and how to adjust grading criteria. **Who Should Apply:** - Dev...
Design Brief for E-Book Series Project Overview I require a talented graphic designer to create a series of e-book covers that are visually captivating, professionally designed, and reflective of the respective categories. The design focus is on bold, attention-grabbing titles with a minimal yet relevant background. These covers will establish a cohesive brand identity while differ...Execution 6. Become Limitless Additional Notes • Ensure all designs align with a cohesive brand identity while allowing each category to stand out visually. • Incorporate subtle branding elements where appropriate (e.g., logo placement, brand font, or watermarks). • Keep designs clean and uncluttered to appeal to professional and entrepreneurial audiences. Please provide initial concept...
This project involves completing functionalities for an ongoing bac...within the backend endpoints. 3. Implement proper loading states, error handling, and session persistence. 4. Finalize reports and exportation features with necessary filters. 5. Conduct thorough testing for all implemented functionalities. 6. Ensure consistency in code quality and maintain appropriate documentation. 7. Complete any remaining frontend-backend integration identified during review. Ideal Candidate: - Familiar with React.js for frontend development. - Experienced in Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, or similar backend stacks. - Able to handle tight deadlines efficiently while maintaining quality standards. Deliverables include fully functional modules ready for production environment usage ...
...highlighting design attributes of the location along the waterfront - A keen understanding and representation of a contemporary architectural style is crucial The ideal candidate for this project should have experience in creating professional-grade architectural concept drawings and a strong portfolio of modern design works. Familiarity with producing designs for preliminary approval is preferred. Review picture 'Proposed Development Site', see red highlighted area. Deliverables, at least 5 pictures: A Exterior concept drawing that highlights the building on the water view from across the river, see pic of example "Water2" (with the new 14 story project). B Exterior concept drawing from a birds eye view featuring the building in the foreground with t...
...Requirement: Hardware Development for Smart Glasses (Based on Monocle Architecture) We are looking for an experienced embedded hardware engineer to assist in designing, modifying, and optimizing a smart glasses electronics system based on the Monocle architecture. The system includes an FPGA, Bluetooth MCU, camera, microphone, OLED display, RAM, and power management circuits. Scope of Work: 1. Review and Modify Existing Schematics • Analyze the provided Monocle MK12 v2 schematics (PDF will be provided). • Make modifications as needed to fit the custom smart glasses requirements. • Ensure component optimization for power efficiency, size, and availability. 2. Component Selection & Integration • Maintain key components, including: • FPGA (GoWin... will utilize technical indicators for trading signals and should encompass various essential features. Key Features: - Automated Trading: The bot should execute trades based on signals derived from technical indicators. - Risk Management: Incorporate robust risk management features to protect investments. - Trade History Logging: Maintain a comprehensive log of all trades for analysis and review. - Automatic Compound: The bot should automatically reinvest profits for compound growth. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in API integration with Quotex and Pocket Option. - Extensive knowledge of binary options trading and technical indicators. - Experience in developing risk management features within trading bots. - Ability to create a reliable trade history logging sy...
I need a Casetalk information model for a fictional online store. The primary purpose of the model is to simplify data management. Key Components: - IG (Information Gatherer) - IGD (Information Gathered Data) - Case Descriptions focused on User Interactions - Bitmap Image The model should particularly focus on: - Detailed representations of User Interactions, specifically 'Leaving a Review' Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Casetalk - Experience in business process analysis - Strong understanding of data management principles.
...Amazon and many other e-commerce platforms are customer centered. That means you must reply to questions as soon as possible. Your VA can take care of this, quick enough in answering customer questions accurately, eagerly, and professionally. Replying on Amazon Reviews Reviews are essential in business, whether they are positive or negative. You can’t simply ignore them, so when you receive any review, you need to reply. It is a responsibility that your VA can help you with, providing honest and professional comments on reviews. Dealing with Customer Feedback Whatever your customer’s feedback is, you can’t ignore it. It is also an area that you can hand over to a virtual assistant. If you receive positive feedback, their task is to reply to every one of them. ...
I'm looking for a professional with experience in XML/ATS integration between the Integration App. - Create a new automation that triggers on a new applicant in Indeed and adds this contact to the GoHighLevel pipeline. - Configure the automation to map Indeed's applicant fields to GoHighLevel's contact fields. 3rd Phase: - Set up a daily automation in GoHighLevel which fetches new applicants from Indeed, adds them to a designated pipeline stage, and assigns a task to review the applicant. All my accounts are set up and ready to go. The ideal candidate for this job should be proficient in GoHighLevel and familiar with XML/ATS integration on indeed, and able to map all available applicant data from Indeed to GoHighLevel. I will only respond to people who tell ...
My eCommerce website, focused on selling rugs, carpets, and Persian rugs, is in need of a seasoned conversion rate optimization expert. The primary goal is to increase sales. Key Areas for Improvement: - Product Pages: I...optimized to showcase the products in the best light and entice buyers. - Customer Reviews: These need to be strategically placed and highlighted to build trust and encourage sales. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in eCommerce conversion rate optimization. - Expertise in content marketing, particularly for rugs and carpets. - Experience with managing and optimizing eCommerce review sites. - Strong understanding of user engagement strategies. Your bid should reflect your relevant experience and strategies you would employ to increase sales on...
...smoother and more intuitive user experience. Enhance mobile responsiveness. Improve menu structure and internal linking for better navigation. 3. Speed & Performance Optimization: Minimize loading times by optimizing images, scripts, and caching. Improve database efficiency and remove unnecessary plugins. Implement best practices for fast and reliable website performance. Scope of Work: Review and refine contract pages for better clarity and structure. Conduct a UX audit to identify and resolve usability issues. Optimize website speed using caching, CDN integration, and performance tuning. Ensure all updates maintain SEO best practices. Expected Outcome: A faster, more user-friendly WordPress website. Improved accessibility and navigation for contract pages. En...
Russian Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Russian speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 20 sentences. Every sentences is 2 word, you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a qui...word, you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $1.5 dollar for 20 sentences record. Every sentences is 2 word If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of th...
Portugal Portuguese Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Portugal speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 1000 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet plac...quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $20 dollar for 1000 sentences record. After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50%. after your checking done and then we will pay u remaining 50%. it will take time to check 5-7 days. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the pro...
I need an expert in Shopify to set up a digital art store for me. The store will primarily sell prints of my digital art. Key Requirements: - Implement a Print on Demand service. - Use a provided specific design for the store. - Ensure the store has customer reviews section, newsletter signup, and social media integration. Ideal Sk...prints of my digital art. Key Requirements: - Implement a Print on Demand service. - Use a provided specific design for the store. - Ensure the store has customer reviews section, newsletter signup, and social media integration. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Shopify. - Knowledge of implementing Print on Demand services. - Proficiency in integrating social media and setting up customer review sections. - Ability to work with pre-designed ...
I have design floorplans and a site plan already. I need a licensed in Pennsylvania architect to review and stamp them (a firm out of the UK did them). Looking to have completed today.
...structure to the water edge without an engineer's seal. This project requires 4' from water to structure. In this case it's a covered porch. MUST SUBMIT DESIGN ON COMPANY LETTERHEAD OR PLAN BLOCK BEARING FULL AND COMPLETE ENGINEER NAME, NAME OF FIRM, TELEPHONE, EMAIL ADDRESS. MUST HAVE A VALID NON FRAUDULENT TEXAS PE STAMP THAT WILL BE VERIFIED BEFORE FINAL MILESTONE PAYMENT Key Requirements: - Review and approval of existing structural designs - Application of professional stamp and seal - Comprehensive understanding of Texas building codes and regulations - Timely delivery to meet construction schedule Ideal Skills: - Licensed Texas Professional Engineer - Expertise in residential building construction - Strong background in structural design - Excellent c...
...corresponding app, focused on delivering educational courses. This project will involve using React and Firebase for the website, and Flutter for the app development. Key Features: - The platform should support two primary user roles: Students and Teachers. - Core functionalities will encompass student assessments and quizzes, as well as discussion forums. - Incorporation of AI for assignment review and a built-in chatbot to facilitate interaction and assistance. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React and Firebase for web development. - Extensive experience with Flutter for cross-platform app development. - Ability to integrate AI functionalities into the platform. - Prior experience in building LMS or educational platforms will be a significant advantage. I look forward to your...
I need a professional web developer to build a robust e-commerce website for selling physical products. The site should have a user-friendly interface and seamless navigation for enhanced customer experience. Key Requirements: - The website needs to incorporate a customer review section for products. - The site should support multiple payment methods, primarily Credit/Debit cards and PayPal. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in e-commerce site development - Experience with implementing customer review systems - Knowledgeable in secure online payment integrations Please provide a portfolio of your previous e-commerce projects.
I am seeking a freelancer who can sift through my most recent YouTube videos and extract the best moments to create 30-60 second viral shorts. Key Responsibilities: - Review my recent YouTube videos for humorous, engaging, or intense content - Edit these into engaging 30-60 second clips Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in video editing software - Understanding of YouTube's content and viral trends - Ability to identify and extract funny moments
...correctly implemented. All the API endpoints are returning the correct data, in the correct format. Implement the Remaining Functionalities: Your team should start working on completing the remaining features on the frontend, using the endpoints already implemented in the backend. Testing: Thoroughly test all the components and their interactions with the backend to ensure correct behavior. Code Review: Perform code reviews to maintain code quality and follow best practices. Documentation: Document all components and their purpose....
I'm seeking a forensic auditor to review the financial activities of our Homeowners Association over the past five years. The audit should specifically focus on: - Identifying any potential misappropriation of funds - Scrutinizing unusual transactions - Detecting any accounting discrepancies The ideal freelancer for this project would have extensive experience in forensic auditing, particularly within the context of homeowners associations. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in your application.
I'm seeking a skilled statistician or data analyst who can conduct a meta-analysis for me. The primary task is to compare results from various studies. Key Responsibilities: - Review and compare results from multiple quantitative studies - Use the fixed-effect model for the meta-analysis Ideal Skills: - Proficient in statistical analysis, particularly with the fixed-effect model - Experience with meta-analysis and data interpretation - Strong understanding of quantitative research methods