Flash printvista clonePekerjaan
corel draw , photoshop, webplus x6 & flash print design & web design language hindi, web & print designer
Saya lagi butuh orang yang bisa membuat auto clone wordpress dari frontpage, sistem nya mirip banget kayak untuk autoclone dari admin udah bisa.
Media Interaktif sembilan kota pelayaran laksamana Cheng Ho kerja sama dengan Kementerian pariwisata dengan menggunakan Adobe Flash
Saya membutuhkan 100 Animasi Flash Sederhana selesai dengan cepat. Pengerjaan diutamakan selesai tanggal 4 Juni 2015. - Contoh flash yang akan dikerjakan di attach. Berupa animasi karakter sederhana, dengan berbagai ekspresi - semua file blank background (sehingga nanti tim kami bisa mengintegrasi dengan background lain) - File yang kami terima adalah .swf dan .gif
Saya membutuhkan 100 Animasi Flash Sederhana selesai dengan cepat. Pengerjaan diutamakan selesai tanggal 4 Juni 2015. - Contoh flash yang akan dikerjakan di attach. Berupa animasi karakter sederhana, dengan berbagai ekspresi - semua file blank background (sehingga nanti tim kami bisa mengintegrasi dengan background lain) - File yang kami terima adalah .swf dan .gif
Saya membutuhkan 100 Animasi Flash Sederhana selesai dengan cepat. Pengerjaan diutamakan selesai tanggal 4 Juni 2015. - Contoh flash yang akan dikerjakan di attach. Berupa animasi karakter sederhana, dengan berbagai ekspresi - semua file blank background (sehingga nanti tim kami bisa mengintegrasi dengan background lain) - File yang kami terima adalah .swf dan .gif -
Dibutuhkan freelancer untuk membuat sebuah website responsive dengan Wordpress. Design PSD disediakan. Syarat : - tidak memakai animasi flash - memakai HTML5 dan CSS3 - compatible di multibrowser -- Chrome, Firefox, IE (min. IE9) - framework memakai bootstrap
Dibutuhkan freelancer untuk membuat sebuah website yang responsive (design template sudah disediakan). Syarat: - Tanpa animasi flash - Menggunakan teknologi terbaru (HTML5 dan CSS3) - Framework pakai bootstrap - Convert PSD into HTML with CMS worpdress - Compatible di Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE (9-11)
saya suka membuat design website menggunakan adobe flash, karena menurut saya lebih mudah
modenacam .asc & fms files i have source script for latest Modena 4.7. i hope to get mobile edition to work with it ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
Mau buat flash game tapi yang bisa dikerjakan secara online dan tidak berat untuk membukanya. Contoh game seperti tetris, candy crush, dll.
animasi iklan, animasi pembelajaran, dan animasi film (short movie)
Overview: Memvisualkan konsep-konsep IPA/sains ke dalam bentuk animasi flash. Freelancer akan dibayar per animasi (satu konsep/tema satu animasi) dengan nominal sesuai negoisasi. Freelancer dapat bekerja secara individual maupun tim. Project dapat dikerjakan di rumah tapi kami meyediakan tempat(ruang kantor) apabila freelancer bersedia bekerja di area kantor kami. Call: [The administrator removed this message for containing contact details which breaches our Terms and Conditions - Section 13:Communication With Other Users.]
Dapat membantu anda dalam mendesign dengan hasil animasi Flash yang elegan dan simple Contoh : 1. Company Profile Perusahaan 2. Pembelajaran / CD Interaktif 3. E-learning pembelajaran 4. Presentasi 5. Game education
Untuk telepon seluler yang ditetapkan, melakukan penelitian spesifikasi secara online dan mengisi tabel spesifikasi yang diberikan (Excel). Tidak ada kesalahan yang diperbolehkan, ketat mengikuti format masukan. Beberapa produk merek lokal Indonesia, seh...General - Tanggal dirilis, Jaringan 2G, 3G Network, Jaringan 4G, OS, Jenis SIM, Sistem memori, Built-in penyimpanan, penyimpanan eksternal, Processor (CPU core), Processor (Kecepatan), Keyboard - Tubuh - Dimensi, Berat, Material - Layar - Touchscreen, Ukuran layar, Resolusi, Teknologi - Konektivitas - Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Infrared transmisi, Mobile Hotspot Tethering, USB - Kamera - Kapasitas, Flash, perekam video, kamera sekunder - Baterai - Baterai (mAh), Waktu bicara, Waktu siaga - Fitur lain - Waterproof, GPS Ter...
Pekerjaan ini akan menghasilkan 2 template: (1) template flash interaktif (2) template flash non-interaktif. Masing-masing template dibuat dengan 1 storyboard dan menampilkan paling tidak 3 tampilan mockup. Materi gambar yang digunakan harus bebas lisensi File FLA harus disertakan -------------------------- This job will produce 2 templates: (1) interactive flash mockup (2) non-interactive flash mockup Each template will be design using 1 storyboard and has at least 3 mockup design. All pictures used must be royalty-free (no license needed) Final FLA File must be submitted.
proyek ini di desain dengan i-clone. gambar ini bisa menggelinding dan berputar
Desain ulang logo perusahaan yg saya miliki dengan tema konstruksi (*.psd dan jpeg), juga sertakan gambar flash dri logo yg telah anda buat dengan file terpisah.
Saya hobi bermain game dan melihat anime/animasi, sehingga saya ingin menyalurkan ide-ide kreatif saya dalam sebuah game flash 2D.
...saat Printer Canon IP 2770 ini tidak bisa digunakan. Ketika mencetak muncul error dengan kode 5B00 pada layar monitor dan lampu orange – hijau menyala bergantian (sebut saja: blinking). Cara Mengatasi Error 5B00 Printer Canon IP 2770Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, printer harus di reset menggunakan software resetter. Resetternya bisa di download disini. Berikut langkah-langkah untuk mereset (Flash Bios) Printer Canon IP 2770. Printer dalam keadaan mati dan listrik terpasang Tekan tombol RESUME dan tahan beberapa detik, kemudian tekan tombol power Sambil menekan tombol POWER, tekan tombol RESUME 5 kali. Led akan menyala bergantian orange hijau dengan nyala terakhir orange. (jangan sampai keliru 4x karena printer akan mati total). Lepaskan kedua tomb...
...saat Printer Canon IP 2770 ini tidak bisa digunakan. Ketika mencetak muncul error dengan kode 5B00 pada layar monitor dan lampu orange – hijau menyala bergantian (sebut saja: blinking). Cara Mengatasi Error 5B00 Printer Canon IP 2770Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, printer harus di reset menggunakan software resetter. Resetternya bisa di download disini. Berikut langkah-langkah untuk mereset (Flash Bios) Printer Canon IP 2770. Printer dalam keadaan mati dan listrik terpasang Tekan tombol RESUME dan tahan beberapa detik, kemudian tekan tombol power Sambil menekan tombol POWER, tekan tombol RESUME 5 kali. Led akan menyala bergantian orange hijau dengan nyala terakhir orange. (jangan sampai keliru 4x karena printer akan mati total). Lepaskan kedua tomb...
nama saya rentra ramadita saya tinggal di jl. kayu agung 2, buah batu. Bandung penawaran saya di proyek ini adalah menjual jasa untuk Mendesign spanduk / x banner / brochure / logo / poster yang sekarang lagi...batu. Bandung penawaran saya di proyek ini adalah menjual jasa untuk Mendesign spanduk / x banner / brochure / logo / poster yang sekarang lagi banyak diminati, design design yang saya tawarkan biasanya spanduk cafe, x banner even kampus, design logo produk, backdrop seminar atau pensi, poster seminar, poster salon, poster pensi, dan membuat animasi flash. dan juga jasa servis komputer.. murah! juga bisa nego. bisa dilihat contoh flash atau situs nya di catatan: mencari clien yang serius dan dapat diajak kerja sama Telp: 085726753390 terimakasih :D
Singapore & Yahoo Singapore, for chose...Links must be permanent, static html links. - One way links only, no reciprocal links. - No blocking. No links from rel="nofollow" or "noindex" tag for pages themselves and for anchor text. - No use of automated software or bots. - No links from under construction pages. - No java links, jump scripts, framed pages, redirects, cloaking, CSS redirects, 301 redirects, dynamic links, flash sites/pages, hidden links, no string parameters, etc. - No link farms, link exchange programs, and web rings. - No paid traffic sites. No methods or techniques that will get the site banned, de-indexed or sandbox -- Expert understanding of Google & Panda Updates and how to work with them - No banned sites, porn, gambling, ...
Singapore & Yahoo Singapore, for chose...Links must be permanent, static html links. - One way links only, no reciprocal links. - No blocking. No links from rel="nofollow" or "noindex" tag for pages themselves and for anchor text. - No use of automated software or bots. - No links from under construction pages. - No java links, jump scripts, framed pages, redirects, cloaking, CSS redirects, 301 redirects, dynamic links, flash sites/pages, hidden links, no string parameters, etc. - No link farms, link exchange programs, and web rings. - No paid traffic sites. No methods or techniques that will get the site banned, de-indexed or sandbox -- Expert understanding of Google & Panda Updates and how to work with them - No banned sites, porn, gambling, ...
Web yang akan dikembangkan menjadi lebih dinamis, di padukan dengan gambar-gambar yang sudah di edit dengan photoshop agar halaman web menjadi lebih menarik dan menambahkan banner dengan file flash yang akan saya buat.
...1) Versi Android awal yang mulai dipakai oleh banyak smartphone, fitur utama Eclair yaitu perubahan total struktur dan tampilan user interface dan merupakan versi Android yang pertama kali mendukung format HTML5. Handphone Android Eclair 2.1 Froyo (2.2) Android 2.2 dirilis dengan 20 fitur baru, antara lain peningkatan kecepatan, fitur Wi-Fi hotspot tethering dan dukungan terhadap Adobe Flash. Gingerbread (2.3) Perubahan utama di versi 2.3 ini termasuk update UI, peningkatan fitur soft keyboard & copy/paste, power management, dan support Near Field Communication. Ice Cream Sandwich (2.4 atau 4.0) Diumumkan secara resmi pada 10 Mei 2011 di ajang Google I/O Developer Conference (San Francisco), pihak Google mengklaim “Android Ice Cream Sandwich” akan ...
Standard Contents Description Home About Us Service / Product Contact Us News Description Flash Ajax technology RSS Field Member login Banner management Pooling Forum Carrier Shopping chart PHP Live chat Article Comment, Email, Print Multi Language Systems & Maintenance Domain - .com, .net - .biz Hosting Web maintenance Service Service Included Description Design web + graphic Design database (dynamic) Java Script + CSS support Email account FTP account Training Google Analytics Halaman utama website Penjelasan tentang perusahaan Profile service jika perusahaan jasa, dan product jika dagang / manufactur Content untuk contact ke perusahaan melaui E-Mail, telepon, surat, dsb Berita – berita terbaru mengenai kegiatan perusahaan Gallery Foto Album foto – foto kegiatan pe...
Saya membutuhkan desain logo untuk sebuah perusahaan percetakan dengan desain dapat mewakilkan karya sebuah logo perusahaan percetak yang handal dan terpercaya
Mencoba mengerjakannya dengan cepat dan baik. membuat logo. membuat media pembelajaran berbasis flash action script 2.0
Mencoba mengerjakannya dengan cepat dan baik. membuat logo. membuat media pembelajaran berbasis flash action script 2.0
saya dapat mengerjakan proyek dengan kemampuan yang saya milki, dengan mempertaruhkan waktu, demi keberhasilan dan kesempurnaan proyek yang di berikan kepada saya, daya akan berusaha mencoba mengerjakan proyek dengan sangat sungguh, sungguh, jujur, dan dapat menerima kritikan. Keahlian saya dapat mengoperasikan : Coreldraw, ADobe Pohotshop, 3dmax, flash, MS, Office,
Dicari developer Aplikasi android, kita berencana ingin membuat aplikasi penunjang dari yang bisa jalan di android, dimana aplikasi itu mirip seperti pinterest, path Jadi fitur penunjang hampir sama seperti yang di , dan database memakai mysql langsung terkoneksi ke , sehingga setiap isi data, otomatis akan muncul juga di , jadi strukturenya mengikuti yang sudah ada di web. fiturnya sebagai berikut :PRODUCTS - LIST LATEST PRODUCTS - ADD PRODUCTS, GET FROM CAMERA OR MEDIA - LIST PRODUCTS FAVORITE - LIST PRODUCTS THAT BELONG TO FOLLOWER VENDORS - PENAMPILAN SEPERTI INSTAGRAM/PATH/FLIPBOARD/PININTEREST - SETIAP DETIL PRODUCTS TAMPILKAN PEMILIKNYA DAN BISA FOLLOW - PRODUCT BISA DI FORWARD/RESELL KE KATALOG SENDIRI DENGAN PILIHAN, TAMPILKAN HARGA ORIGINAL DAN SUMBER ATAU TIDA...
Web yang akan dikembangkan menjadi lebih dinamis, di padukan dengan gambar-gambar yang sudah di edit dengan photoshop agar halaman web menjadi lebih menarik dan menambahkan banner dengan file flash yang akan saya buat.
...Control**: Prevent unauthorized software from running on your system, including files from emails or removable drives. 2. **Patch Applications**: Regularly update third-party software to fix security problems. 3. **Configure Microsoft Office Macro Settings**: Block all macros unless approved, to stop harmful code in Office documents. 4. **User Application Hardening**: Limit or block risky software like Flash or Java. 5. **Restrict Administrative Privileges**: Limit admin access based on job roles and review permissions regularly. 6. **Patch Operating Systems**: Keep operating systems up to date with security patches within 48 hours of a vulnerability being discovered. 7. **Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)**: Require more than one form of identification for sensitive tasks, espec...
I'm looking for an experienced developer to create an Android-only wallet app, similar to Phantom. This project involves creating a comprehensive cryptocurrency wallet with a variety of crucial features. Key Features Include: - Cryptocurrency storage: The app should securely store a variety of cryptocurrencies. - Transaction history: Users should be able to view their transaction history in a clear and organized manner. - QR code scanning for payments: The app should have an integrated QR code scanner for easy transactions. - Live coin prices: The app should provide real-time updates on coin prices. - Crypto swap functionality: Users should be able to swap different cryptocurrencies within the app. - Sign up with Google: The app should provide an easy sign up process through Google...
I'm in need of an experienced ETAP user to assist with the analysis and reporting of some arc flash studies. The ideal freelancer should have extensive knowledge and experience with ETAP and arc flash studies. I am using ETAP 21. I am modeling commercial systems like large hotel complexes. I have the one lines done. I would like to find someone to generate all the required arc flash labels for the projects.
I'm working on a TI TMS320F28377D project in Code Composer Studio, and I need some help with configuring the microcontroller to copy code from flash to RAM and execute it from there. Key tasks: - Assist with setting up the linker file for RAM execution - Optimize performance of the code executed from RAM The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience with the TI TMS320F28377D, Code Composer Studio using DriverLib, and embedded systems in general. Knowledge of linker file configuration and performance optimization techniques is crucial. I look forward to your bids.
...most attractive pricing options based on ongoing offers and discounts. Key Requirements: Shopify App Development: Proven experience in developing custom Shopify apps with a deep understanding of the Shopify API. Price Calculation Logic: Ability to create logic that calculates the lowest price of a product after applying available discounts, coupon codes, or special offers (e.g., bundle offers, flash sales, etc.). User Interface: Design a clean and intuitive user interface to display the discounted price clearly for customers. Offer Management Integration: The app should integrate with existing offer and discount systems within the store to fetch the best deals. Real-time Updates: Ensure that the pricing updates in real-time as users apply different offers or make adjustments to...
...perform flash of the usdt, as well as the flashed usdt should be transferable from/to unlimited wallets with blockchain confirmations is appreciated. Since it is flash btc it must be visible in BTC wallet address for at least 90 days. There will be no transaction fee while sending from "flash s/w" to "btc wallet" as it will be no confirmations. There will be no limitation for daily transfer for usdt It can’t be tracked as fake transaction. Should take normal time to send btc one wallet to another wallet in normal internet connection. 2) These usdt will disappear after 90 days. (Negotiable) Note:- There should be some option to select diff timing starting from 10 days upto 250 days based on user input 3) There should be an option to sel...
I'm looking for an expert in cryptocurrency trading to assist me with sending Flash USDT to a specific wallet on Binance. The primary goal of these transfers is to facilitate instant transactions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience in crypto trading - Proficiency in using Binance - Understanding of USDT and Flash USDT - Ability to strategize for instant transfers Your expertise will be crucial in ensuring these transfers are executed smoothly and efficiently.
I'm looking for a professional GIF de...of my current email footer (attached for reference). - It should contain the text "Let’s Talk at AHR – Click Here to Book a Meeting with Me!". - The button, which should include the text "Click Here to Book a Meeting with Me!", needs to be below the footer, not too big, approximately the same size as the footer. - The GIF should have some moving or flashing parts - specifically, the text should flash while the button remains static. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in GIF design and animation. - Strong understanding of color matching and visual coherence. - Experience in creating engaging and interactive digital content. Please note, the button should not be too big and should blend well with the footer. The ...
...be copied from some other ecommerce portal • Admin panel management on - customer communication, uploading pictures based on category, gifts uploading/deletion/hide on gift page portal, coupons creation/deletion/hide, category creation/deletion/uploading/hide, price change option for individual purchase page and combo pages which will be independent of each pages, enable and disable combo pages, flash messages for every occasion in PNG/jpg format, orders tracking and printing, google analytics, Reports, pushing orders from admin panel to shipping delivery partners, stock maintenance, billing details(which can be sent to customer on phone and email) & few other features if any as per the tracker • Combo pages with conditions as explained high level in walk-through an...
...working on a project involving a vehicle speed detection system. This system should be integrated with an Arduino microcontroller and use induction loop technology. The target vehicles will be toy-sized cars. The main tasks for this project include: - Detecting and calculating the speed of the toy cars passing over the induction loop. - Outputting the speed data and triggering a single LED to flash when a predefined speed threshold is exceeded. - The speed threshold will be a fixed value defined in the code. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in electronics, specifically with Arduino and induction loop technology. Experience with speed detection systems will be a plus. I am looking for someone who can deliver a reliable and accurate speed dete...
...The system should validate whether the provided token matches the expected token for that specific channel. This validation must be logic-based and should not rely on a database. The token should not expire, but it must be unique and tied to the specific channel to prevent unauthorized access. The platform should accept streams from various encoders such as FFmpeg, RTMPDump, XSplit, and Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder. 2. Edge Server Authentication System: The origin server must only stream to the designated edge servers, preventing unauthorized users from embedding the origin stream directly in a player. On the edge servers, implement a secure token system for HLS streaming: Every time a user attempts to view an HLS stream, they must provide a valid token. The token shoul...
40-second, basic 2D flash animation of the rock band AC/DC in a silly style, reminiscent of 1970s Saturday morning cartoons like The Archies. The animation should depict the band playing music and dancing. Key Elements: - The setting for the animation is the bare approximation of a concert stage - The animation style should be similar to repetitious musical sequences from 1970s cartoons (e.g. single 20" segment repeated with end flourish as per below). - The band members should be animated in a humorous, entertaining manner. - Lead guitarist "Angus Young" should be depicted happily duckwalking around the stage as he strums his guitar. - At the conclusion of the segment, the "Brian Johnson" character should blow a prominent Harpo Marx-style squeeze horn to...
Project overview Develop a ChatGPT-like AI capable of web browsing, image creation, handling snapshots, and managing document uploads on a private hosting server. Requirements - AI development to mimic ChatGPT functionalities. - Enable web browsing capabilities. - Feature for creating and manipulating images. - Ability to copy/paste and capture snapshots and pictures for search inquiries
I'm looking for a front-end developer to create a website that sells products, modeled after Bluelots. The design should be modern and minimalistic, and the product pages need to include product filtering and sorting features. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in front-end development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) - Experience in creating e-commerce websites - Ability to design in a modern and minimalistic style - Understanding of product filtering and sorting systems