Example metatrader mql languagePekerjaan


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2,000 example metatrader mql language pekerjaan ditemukan

corel draw , photoshop, webplus x6 & flash print design & web design language hindi, web & print designer

$93 Average bid
$93 Rata-rata
3 penawaran

-Translation ( terjemahan) adalah kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan proses pengalihan bahasa; bahasa sumber (source language) ke bahasa sasaran (target language). - academic writing kegiatan atau aktivitas untuk keperluan (menyelesaikan) suatu tugas belajar /study di lembaga pendidikan dimana si penulisnya sedang menempuh pendidikannya.

$812 Average bid
$812 Rata-rata
1 penawaran

Hello i want one plugin for content article with close button, same or better to that example In home page you look to the example one article in right side with close button and open again. I want one plugin or module i dont know how is work that but to worked the same to the example. I want to use in joomla 3 project full responsive web site and you can wact my project to that link To own web site hes play full screen background slide show and that i say because to dont have any conflict to that two plugins. I want the same for the first example but to left side or right side the article (with the joomla administrator you can change that) and of course worked 100% responsive to all screens. After to finish the plugin or

$224 Average bid
$224 Rata-rata
3 penawaran
korean language
Berakhir left

Private tutor in korean language.

$61 Average bid
$61 Rata-rata
2 penawaran

1000 German Slang recordings. Use German Slang #1, German Slang #2 etc.

$400 - $400
$400 - $400
0 penawaran

...selama ini tidak overlap datanya. Download dan lihat softwarenya di atau download di attachment di freelancer Run , masukan nama dan pass nya, admin dan admin Ini software simpel untuk membuat work order dan faktur cuma sekarang software ini sangat banyak memiliki kekurangan. 1. Dibuat di delphi/visual basic, mungkin kalau jaman sekarang ada programming language yang lebih baik bisa rekomendasikan saya. 2. Ini software untuk membuat +- 300-500 tranksasi per bulan, per hari sekitar belasan. 3. Inti cara kerja software ini adalah a. Masukan nama klien dan harga untuk klien tsb. b. Masukan data work order (WO) untuk jenis finishing tertentu. c. Lalu WO di print dan diberikan pada bagian produksi. d. Begitu bagian produksi kelar, diprint surat jalan

$229 Average bid
$229 Rata-rata
6 penawaran
Translate Something
Berakhir left

translate some language in to your language what do you want.

$3611 Average bid
$3611 Rata-rata
1 penawaran

Dicari Penulis Artikel untuk membuat artikel sepanjang 700 kata yang sesuai dengan list keyword yang telah kami tentukan sebelumnya. 7k/Artikel [Butuh 15 Artikel] info keyword harap hubungi kami [Bahasa Indonesia/Indonesian Language]

$6 - $20
$6 - $20
0 penawaran

Dicari Penulis Artikel untuk membuat artikel sepanjang 700 kata yang sesuai dengan list keyword yang telah kami tentukan sebelumnya. 7k/Artikel [Butuh 15 Artikel] info keyword harap hubungi kami [Bahasa Indonesia/Indonesian Language]

$16 Average bid
$16 Rata-rata
42 penawaran

Dicari Penulis Artikel untuk membuat artikel sepanjang 700 kata yang sesuai dengan list keyword yang telah kami tentukan sebelumnya. 10k/Artikel [Butuh 10 Artikel] info keyword harap hubungi kami di 082133300050 [Bahasa Indonesia/Indonesian Language]

$9 Average bid
$9 Rata-rata
1 penawaran

Hello i want one plugin for content article with close button, same or better to that example In home page you look to the example one article in right side with close button and open again. I want one plugin or module i dont know how is work that but to worked the same to the example. I want to use in joomla 3 project full responsive web site and you can wact my project to that link To own web site hes play full screen background slide show and that i say because to dont have any conflict to that two plugins. I want the same for the first example but to left side or right side the article (with the joomla administrator you can change that) and of course worked 100% responsive to all screens. After to finish the plugin or

$155 Average bid
$155 Rata-rata
1 penawaran

Hello i want one plugin for content article with close button, same or better to that example In home page you look to the example one article in right side with close button and open again. I want one plugin or module i dont know how is work that but to worked the same to the example. I want to use in joomla 3 project full responsive web site and you can wact my project to that link To own web site hes play full screen background slide show and that i say because to dont have any conflict to that two plugins. I want the same for the first example but to left side or right side the article (with the joomla administrator you can change that) and of course worked 100% responsive to all screens. After to finish the plugin or

$240 Average bid
$240 Rata-rata
3 penawaran

Hello i want one plugin for content article with close button, same or better to that example In home page you look to the example one article in right side with close button and open again. I want one plugin or module i dont know how is work that but to worked the same to the example. I want to use in joomla 3 project full responsive web site and you can wact my project to that link To own web site hes play full screen background slide show and that i say because to dont have any conflict to that two plugins. I want the same for the first example but to left side or right side the article (with the joomla administrator you can change that) and of course worked 100% responsive to all screens. After to finish the plugin or

$250 Average bid
$250 Rata-rata
1 penawaran

contoh perkerjaan saya bikin pamflet seminar kepenulisan,bikin banner,spanduk,mmt dll,r dan ekstensi sehingga semua tersedia pada setiap komputer setelah masuk ke akun Anda. Hal ini dapat menguntungkan Anda untuk dengan mudah mengakses add-ons dan preferensinya. Fitur lain yang penting dari Chrome adalah penjelajahan privasi, Browser menwarkan mode penyamaran yang tidak melacak browsing Anda saat menavigasi halaman web. Ketika browser dalam mode penyamaran ditutup akan secara otomatis menghapus cookie dan password dari sesi tersebut. Anda juga dapat menggunakan browser dalam mode normal maupun mode penyamaran secara bersamaan. Google Chrome dirancang untuk menjaga Anda lebih aman diweb dengan built-in malware dan perlindungan phishing. update otomatis untuk memastikan bahwa Anda memiliki...

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 penawaran

contoh perkerjaan saya bikin pamflet seminar kepenulisan,bikin banner,spanduk,mmt dll,r dan ekstensi sehingga semua tersedia pada setiap komputer setelah masuk ke akun Anda. Hal ini dapat menguntungkan Anda untuk dengan mudah mengakses add-ons dan preferensinya. Fitur lain yang penting dari Chrome adalah penjelajahan privasi, Browser menwarkan mode penyamaran yang tidak melacak browsing Anda saat menavigasi halaman web. Ketika browser dalam mode penyamaran ditutup akan secara otomatis menghapus cookie dan password dari sesi tersebut. Anda juga dapat menggunakan browser dalam mode normal maupun mode penyamaran secara bersamaan. Google Chrome dirancang untuk menjaga Anda lebih aman diweb dengan built-in malware dan perlindungan phishing. update otomatis untuk memastikan bahwa Anda memiliki...

$150 - $150
$150 - $150
0 penawaran

Mendesain web dengan bahasa pemrograman html,design web with html program language

$18 Average bid
$18 Rata-rata
5 penawaran

...and tech world while also allowing one to use their native language skills. Languages Needed (in alphabetical order): - Bulgarian - Danish - Finnish - Japanese - Norwegian - Slovak - Slovene - Thai Our ideal candidate has superb writing and speaking ability in their native language and is also highly proficient or fluent in English. They should also be tech-savvy and work well with modern computers and software systems. It is ideal if the tester lives in the Metro Detroit area, but we are accepting out-of-state applicants. Job functions include but are not limited to: Proof-reading technical documentation to ensure linguistic accuracy in the dialect Making any necessary changes to target language text to make it culturally a...

$25 / hr Average bid
$25 / hr Rata-rata
12 penawaran

1. You get FTP. 2. You need install WORDPRESS (with Hebrew language support) 3. Produce a pattern like that in the picture (the picture is not reversed, the display should be left to right) 4. Simple CSS we can after that change colors and backgrounds. 5. Clicking on any title in the menu shows the same view, clicking on an article introducing the article

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 penawaran

i need a voice talent like this video link Please try to read the first paragraph with your voice and send it to me.. "Setiap hari semakin banyak orang menggunakan google dan sosial media untuk mencari konten dan bersosialisasi di web. Dalam rangka untuk bisnis mensukseskan bisnis Anda, Anda perlu untuk mendorong orang-orang ini ke situs web Anda. Tapi bagaimana? Copycino Marketing dapat membantu Anda melakukan hal ini. Copycino adalah proses menciptakan, penerbitan, dan mempromosikan produk atau brand anda untuk tujuan pemasaran secara teratur. Thank you..

$26 Average bid
$26 Rata-rata
7 penawaran

...selama ini tidak overlap datanya. Download dan lihat softwarenya di atau download di attachment di freelancer Run , masukan nama dan pass nya, admin dan admin Ini software simpel untuk membuat work order dan faktur cuma sekarang software ini sangat banyak memiliki kekurangan. 1. Dibuat di delphi/visual basic, mungkin kalau jaman sekarang ada programming language yang lebih baik bisa rekomendasikan saya. 2. Ini software untuk membuat +- 300-500 tranksasi per bulan, per hari sekitar belasan. 3. Inti cara kerja software ini adalah a. Masukan nama klien dan harga untuk klien tsb. b. Masukan data work order (WO) untuk jenis finishing tertentu. c. Lalu WO di print dan diberikan pada bagian produksi. d. Begitu bagian produksi kelar, diprint surat jalan

$20 Average bid
$20 Rata-rata
4 penawaran
Berakhir left

mengetahui grafik meta trader dan mengambil posisi yang tepat agar bisa mendapatkan keuntungan yang besar.

$97 Average bid
$97 Rata-rata
1 penawaran

...selama ini tidak overlap datanya. Download dan lihat softwarenya di atau download di attachment di freelancer Run , masukan nama dan pass nya, admin dan admin Ini software simpel untuk membuat work order dan faktur cuma sekarang software ini sangat banyak memiliki kekurangan. 1. Dibuat di delphi/visual basic, mungkin kalau jaman sekarang ada programming language yang lebih baik bisa rekomendasikan saya. 2. Ini software untuk membuat +- 300-500 tranksasi per bulan, per hari sekitar belasan. 3. Inti cara kerja software ini adalah a. Masukan nama klien dan harga untuk klien tsb. b. Masukan data work order (WO) untuk jenis finishing tertentu. c. Lalu WO di print dan diberikan pada bagian produksi. d. Begitu bagian produksi kelar, diprint surat jalan

$270 Average bid
$270 Rata-rata
6 penawaran

...selama ini tidak overlap datanya. Download dan lihat softwarenya di atau download di attachment di freelancer Run , masukan nama dan pass nya, admin dan admin Ini software simpel untuk membuat work order dan faktur cuma sekarang software ini sangat banyak memiliki kekurangan. 1. Dibuat di delphi/visual basic, mungkin kalau jaman sekarang ada programming language yang lebih baik bisa rekomendasikan saya. 2. Ini software untuk membuat +- 300-500 tranksasi per bulan, per hari sekitar belasan. 3. Inti cara kerja software ini adalah a. Masukan nama klien dan harga untuk klien tsb. b. Masukan data work order (WO) untuk jenis finishing tertentu. c. Lalu WO di print dan diberikan pada bagian produksi. d. Begitu bagian produksi kelar, diprint surat jalan

$310 Average bid
$310 Rata-rata
3 penawaran

...selama ini tidak overlap datanya. Download dan lihat softwarenya di atau download di attachment di freelancer Run , masukan nama dan pass nya, admin dan admin Ini software simpel untuk membuat work order dan faktur cuma sekarang software ini sangat banyak memiliki kekurangan. 1. Dibuat di delphi/visual basic, mungkin kalau jaman sekarang ada programming language yang lebih baik bisa rekomendasikan saya. 2. Ini software untuk membuat +- 300-500 tranksasi per bulan, per hari sekitar belasan. 3. Inti cara kerja software ini adalah a. Masukan nama klien dan harga untuk klien tsb. b. Masukan data work order (WO) untuk jenis finishing tertentu. c. Lalu WO di print dan diberikan pada bagian produksi. d. Begitu bagian produksi kelar, diprint surat jalan

$203 Average bid
$203 Rata-rata
6 penawaran

...selama ini tidak overlap datanya. Download dan lihat softwarenya di atau download di attachment di freelancer Run , masukan nama dan pass nya, admin dan admin Ini software simpel untuk membuat work order dan faktur cuma sekarang software ini sangat banyak memiliki kekurangan. 1. Dibuat di delphi/visual basic, mungkin kalau jaman sekarang ada programming language yang lebih baik bisa rekomendasikan saya. 2. Ini software untuk membuat +- 300-500 tranksasi per bulan, per hari sekitar belasan. 3. Inti cara kerja software ini adalah a. Masukan nama klien dan harga untuk klien tsb. b. Masukan data work order (WO) untuk jenis finishing tertentu. c. Lalu WO di print dan diberikan pada bagian produksi. d. Begitu bagian produksi kelar, diprint surat jalan

$1195 Average bid
$1195 Rata-rata
6 penawaran

...selama ini tidak overlap datanya. Download dan lihat softwarenya di atau download di attachment di freelancer Run , masukan nama dan pass nya, admin dan admin Ini software simpel untuk membuat work order dan faktur cuma sekarang software ini sangat banyak memiliki kekurangan. 1. Dibuat di delphi/visual basic, mungkin kalau jaman sekarang ada programming language yang lebih baik bisa rekomendasikan saya. 2. Ini software untuk membuat +- 300-500 tranksasi per bulan, per hari sekitar belasan. 3. Inti cara kerja software ini adalah a. Masukan nama klien dan harga untuk klien tsb. b. Masukan data work order (WO) untuk jenis finishing tertentu. c. Lalu WO di print dan diberikan pada bagian produksi. d. Begitu bagian produksi kelar, diprint surat jalan

$290 Average bid
$290 Rata-rata
5 penawaran
website company
Berakhir left

Standard Contents Description Home About Us Service / Product Contact Us News Description Flash Ajax technology RSS Field Member login Banner management Pooling Forum Carrier Shopping chart PHP Live chat Article Comment, Email, Print Multi Language Systems & Maintenance Domain - .com, .net - .biz Hosting Web maintenance Service Service Included Description Design web + graphic Design database (dynamic) Java Script + CSS support Email account FTP account Training Google Analytics Halaman utama website Penjelasan tentang perusahaan Profile service jika perusahaan jasa, dan product jika dagang / manufactur Content untuk contact ke perusahaan melaui E-Mail, telepon, surat, dsb Berita – berita terbaru mengenai kegiatan perusahaan Gallery Foto Album foto – foto kegiatan pe...

$3000 Average bid
$3000 Rata-rata
1 penawaran

Cara Upgrade OS BlackBerry: * Sebelum mengupgrade OS, sebaiknya anda cek lebih dulu update terbaru OS BlackBerry anda. * Selanjutnya, anda harus download dan install software BlackBerry Desktop...aplikasi akan backup semua aplikasi yang terdapat pada BlackBerry anda. * upgrade os blackberry * Kemudian buka BlackBerry device software untuk backup data yang ada di ponsel. * Setelah anda mem-backup data dan aplikasi anda, selanjutnya adalah pada aplikasi BBSak klik pada tombol Wipe Device. Maka akan terdapat pesan error. Biarkan saja pesan error tersebut, METATRADER saya seorang trader pemula sekitar 1 th saya berkecimpung didunia trading forex,dan allhamdullah profit sudah konsisten dan saya trading di salah satu broker terbaik yai...

$144 Average bid
$144 Rata-rata
1 penawaran

Membuat baru / memodifikasi modul / add-on aplikasi OpenERP versi 6.0.3, suatu aplikasi ERP open-source (). Pada umumnya modul yang dibuat sekitar 150-800 baris python language (remarks tidak dihitung). Kecuali untuk modul besar yang terdiri dari beberapa modul (tapi jarang sekali). Ruang lingkup bisa hanya modul tanpa report, bisa juga dengan report. Kehadiran tidak terlalu diutamakan kecuali untuk pekerjaan yang durasinya lebih dari 3 minggu. Penawar harap mencantumkan pengalaman kustomisasi pada fungsi bisnis tertentu (Sales, Purchase, Logistik / Stock, Warehouse, Produksi, Keuangan, HRM) dan 1-2 deskripsi modul yang pernah dibuat pada masing2 fungsi bisnis. Tipe proyek bisa Borongan atau Per Jam / Hari

$5 - $10 / hr
$5 - $10 / hr
0 penawaran
Kustomisasi OpenERP
Berakhir left

Membuat baru / memodifikasi modul / add-on aplikasi OpenERP versi 6.0.3, suatu aplikasi ERP open-source (). Pada umumnya modul yang dibuat sekitar 150-800 baris python language (remarks tidak dihitung). Kecuali untuk modul besar yang terdiri dari beberapa modul (tapi jarang sekali). Ruang lingkup bisa hanya modul tanpa report, bisa juga dengan report. Kehadiran tidak terlalu diutamakan kecuali untuk pekerjaan yang durasinya lebih dari 3 minggu. Penawar harap mencantumkan pengalaman kustomisasi pada fungsi bisnis tertentu (Sales, Purchase, Logistik / Stock, Warehouse, Produksi, Keuangan, HRM) dan 1-2 deskripsi modul yang pernah dibuat pada masing2 fungsi bisnis. Tipe proyek bisa Borongan atau Per Jam / Hari

$5 - $10 / hr
$5 - $10 / hr
0 penawaran

Open Project Translate Language, make Bahasa Indonesia - English, English - Bahasa Indonesia, Japan - Indonesia.

$170 Average bid
$170 Rata-rata
12 penawaran

I'm seeking a seasoned WordPress professional to replicate multiple WooCommerce websites. Your ability to troubleshoot and repair any potential bugs is crucial. Quality and speed of work are highly valued. If you speak French, it's a definite plus. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive WordPress and WooCommerce experience - Proficiency in identifying and fixing b...professional to replicate multiple WooCommerce websites. Your ability to troubleshoot and repair any potential bugs is crucial. Quality and speed of work are highly valued. If you speak French, it's a definite plus. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive WordPress and WooCommerce experience - Proficiency in identifying and fixing bugs - Ability to deliver high-quality work promptly - French language...

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 penawaran

I'm in need of a talented copywriter to craft professional and engaging content for my website's home page. The goal is to capture the attention of visitors and effectively communicate the site's purpose and value proposition. Ideal skills for the job include: - Exceptional command of the English language - Experience in SEO copywriting - Ability to write in a clear, compelling and professional tone - Understanding of web usability and user experience principles - Knowledge of copywriting for digital platforms Please provide samples of previous website copy you have written, particularly for home pages.

$16 / hr Average bid
$16 / hr Rata-rata
12 penawaran
Brazil Portuguese Recording Project
6 Hari left

Portuguese Recording Project Recruitment ( Portuguese) Recording Project Portuguese Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 565 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Portuguese speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Portuguese speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 7$ for 565 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Revie...

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Rata-rata
4 penawaran

Platform: WordPress with WooCommerce - Primary Language: English (Content will be provided in English). - Objective: Develop a professional website for TechCraftersHub, showcasing its custom website design, creation, and maintenance services tailored for young entrepreneurs and small businesses. The site should emphasize the company’s unique approach, which blends personalized attention with advanced technology (AI and robotics) for technical tasks. - Timeline: 3 - 4 weeks with weekly follow-up meetings. Sections & Features 1. Home Page (Landing Page): - Welcome & Value Proposition: - A welcome section explaining TechCraftersHub’s unique value, highlighting "Technologically Handcrafted Websites" and the use of AI for technical design. ...

$248 Average bid
$248 Rata-rata
37 penawaran

I'm seeking a professional French translator, specializing in legal documents, to translate contracts from English into French. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in legal terminology and translation - Strong understanding of contract language - Native or near-native proficiency in French - Excellent command of English - Attention to detail and accuracy

$482 Average bid
$482 Rata-rata
14 penawaran

I'm looking for a skilled Magento 2.4.6-p9 expert to install several essential extensions on my e-commerce site. The extensions to be installed are: - Language pack - Theme - Layered navigation - Reindex - SMTP - Shipping Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with Magento 2.4.6-p9 - A strong understanding of e-commerce requirements - Proficiency in installing and configuring Magento extensions - Ability to ensure seamless integration of all extensions Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed successfully in your bid.

$22 Average bid
$22 Rata-rata
35 penawaran

I am seeking an experienced Arabic translator with a strong background in medical technical documents. The primary task will involve translating clinical reports from English into Arabic. The ideal freelancer for this project should possess: - Proficient Arabic and English language skills, with a focus on medical terminology. - Extensive experience in translating technical documents, particularly within the medical field. - High attention to detail to ensure accurate and precise translations of clinical reports. - Ability to meet deadlines and maintain confidentiality of sensitive information.

$473 Average bid
$473 Rata-rata
19 penawaran
Russian Recording Project -- 1741
6 Hari left

Russian Recording Project Recruitment (Russian) Recording Project Russian Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 770 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Russian speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Russian speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 12$ for 770 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their c...

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr Rata-rata
6 penawaran
Portuguese Recording Project -- 7
6 Hari left

Portuguese Recording Project Recruitment ( Portuguese) Recording Project Portuguese Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 565 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Portuguese speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Portuguese speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 7$ for 565 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Revie...

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Rata-rata
3 penawaran

I'm in need of a user-friendly GUI tool that utilizes the TripIt API to extract all my historical flight data from 2010 to present. The data should be exported in Excel format and should include comprehensive detai...information - Flight numbers - Times - Airport codes - Aircraft type - Class of service - Airline - Seat assignments While there are GitHub scripts available that seem to perform a similar function, I require a simple, intuitive tool that I can operate without technical expertise. The ideal freelancer would have: - Experience with API integration - Proficiency in Python (or similar programming language) - Ability to create user-friendly GUIs - Expertise in data export to Excel - Familiarity with GitHub scripts and TripIt API API docs here:

$142 Average bid
$142 Rata-rata
33 penawaran

I'm looking for an experienced Wikipedia writer and publisher to create a page for a noteworthy individual in the technology sector. Key Requirements: - Proven experience with writing and publishing Wikipedia pages. - Deep understanding of Wikipedia's content guidelines and notability standards. - Excellent research skills to highlight the individual's industry recognition. - Ability to ...Wikipedia's content guidelines and notability standards. - Excellent research skills to highlight the individual's industry recognition. - Ability to write in a neutral, encyclopedic tone. The subject is a person with significant contributions to the technology industry and recognized within it. The goal is to ensure the page reflects their industry significance without crossin...

$445 Average bid
$445 Rata-rata
41 penawaran

Project Overview: We need to develop a Python-based solution to automatically classify skills from German vocational training programs. The solution should process multiple Excel files containing training curricula and assign skill labels to each task/skill entry (see screenshot: "Task / Skill" are the variables that need a label, "label_BGT" would be an example for a hand-labelling solution). Input Data: - Multiple Excel files containing vocational training curricula - Key column: "Task / Skill" containing German text descriptions - Additional column: "Zeithorizont / skill weight" (weight=99 indicates basic skills) - Hand-labeled training data available for model development Required Classification Categories: - Cognitive - Social - Digit...

$174 Average bid
$174 Rata-rata
61 penawaran

...contain all designed elements like buttons select-box - all inputs , all fileds - checkbox , radio box , template of viewing lists , ..... etc and i will create later pages filling it with these elemnts - In pictures you will see full project just rename all menu and sub menue items with names like Menu1 Menu2 , item,1 item2 , no need for same pictures words - Template should can be RTL (For arabic language ) or LTR with one option that i control it when i start programming website . - Template must be accept and rescale for large screens - small screens so pages must fit well in these type of screen - Templete automatically can be fitted in Mobile Browser , , so in your magic do that not problem as i don't have picture what should do in mobile aspect Ideal Skills and Exp...

$333 Average bid
$333 Rata-rata
92 penawaran

I'm seeking a modern-style logo for my fengshui consultancy. The logo should be in three primary colours: green, blue, and gold/brown. Various tones and shades are a...primary colours: green, blue, and gold/brown. Various tones and shades are acceptable. Key elements to include: - Chinese characters: Understanding and appropriately integrating these is crucial. - Nature elements: The logo should incorporate elements such as mountains or water. A background in design for Chinese firms would be a significant advantage, as would an understanding of the Chinese language. This project requires not just design skills, but also cultural sensitivity and understanding. Please provide examples of previous work that demonstrate your ability to blend modern design with traditional Ch...

$61 Average bid
$61 Rata-rata
139 penawaran

I'm in need of a skilled writer to assist in drafting engaging stories. Your role will primarily involve creating new narratives, with potential for refinement and editing tasks down the line. Ideal skills: - Exceptional storytelling ability - Strong command of the English language - Creative thinking and idea generation Experience: - Prior work in content creation, particularly story writing - Experience in writing for diverse audiences and genres Please provide samples of your previous story writing work.

$66666 Average bid
$66666 Rata-rata
3 penawaran
Spain Spanish Recording Project -- 3
6 Hari left

Spain Spanish Recording Project Recruitment (Spanish) Recording Project Spanish Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 320 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Spanish speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Spain Spanish speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 6$ for 320 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review af...

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr Rata-rata
20 penawaran

I'm in need of a skilled writer to assist in drafting engaging stories. Your role will primarily involve creating new narratives, with potential for refinement and editing tasks down the line. Ideal skills: - Exceptional storytelling ability - Strong command of the English language - Creative thinking and idea generation Experience: - Prior work in content creation, particularly story writing - Experience in writing for diverse audiences and genres Please provide samples of your previous story writing work.

$28862 Average bid
$28862 Rata-rata
1 penawaran

Portugal Portuguese Recording Project Recruitment ( Portuguese) Recording Project Portugal Portuguese Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 1000 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Portuguese speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Portugal Portuguese speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 20$ for 1000 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freel...

$7 / hr Average bid
$7 / hr Rata-rata
4 penawaran