Duties and responsibilities of graphic designerPekerjaan
...promotional videos and integrate the innovative capabilities of Chat GPT to enrich the content. My goal is to enhance my business's promotional strategy through cutting-edge video content that effectively communicates our brand message and engages our target audience. - **Core Objectives:** - Develop and produce high-quality promotional videos. - Utilize Chat GPT to generate creative and engaging scripts or concepts. - Optimize content for various platforms (social media, website, YouTube, etc.) - **Key Responsibilities:** - Collaborate with me to understand the brand voice and marketing goals. - Translate these goals into video concepts that resonate with our audience. - Manage the end-to-end process from pre-pro...
Saya menawarkan layanan desain grafis sederhana yang mencakup pembuatan poster, leaflet, dan brosur yang menarik serta mudah dipahami. Desain yang saya buat akan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan promosi bisnis atau keperluan Anda, dengan tampilan yang profesional, informatif, dan menarik perhatian audiens. Selain itu, saya memiliki keterampilan komunikasi yang baik dalam menangani pelanggan, baik dalam hal merespons pertanyaan pelanggan, menyampaikan informasi produk dengan jelas, maupun memberikan konsultasi desain. Saya juga dapat berperan sebagai Virtual Assistant dengan kemampuan untuk: - Mengelola database dan melakukan input data secara akurat. - Menangani keluhan pelanggan dengan profesionalisme. - Memberikan solusi efektif guna meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan. Dengan layanan ini, s...
As the owner of a burgeoning cosmetic business, I am seeking a skilled freelancer to supercharge my operational systems. I require a comprehensive overhaul to streamline processes and enhance efficiency across the board. - Objective: To optimize the operational workflow and inventory management in my cosmetic business for improved efficiency and scalability. - Key Goals: - Develop a lean inventory management system to minimize waste and ensure product availability. - Implement process improvements for order fulfillment to speed up delivery times. - Utilize automation tools to reduce manual tasks and errors in operations. - Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor operational success and identify areas for ongoing impro...
membuat grafis design untuk poster, menu board, dan poster backdrop untuk keperluan coffee shop untuk contoh poster tertera pada file yang diberikan
...Description: We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced Marketing Expert to spearhead the digital marketing efforts for our online store, Cuba Compra. We specialize in providing a wide range of products to customers in Cuba, offering a convenient and reliable shopping experience with international shipping. Responsibilities: Social Media Management: Create and manage social media accounts on relevant platforms (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) Develop and implement a comprehensive social media strategy tailored to the Cuban market. Produce engaging content, including high-quality videos and reels, that resonate with the Cuban audience. Maintain a consistent and active social media presence with daily posts and interacti...
...marketing professional who can help me create and manage a brand awareness campaign on social media platforms. The primary goal is to enhance our brand visibility and recognition across the chosen platforms. Key Responsibilities: - Design a comprehensive social media marketing plan focusing on brand awareness. - Create engaging content tailored to our target audience. - Monitor campaign performance and adjust strategies as necessary. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing successful brand awareness campaigns, particularly on social media. - Excellent content creation and copywriting skills. - Strong analytical skills for monitoring and evaluating campaign performance. To find a marketing professional with the re...
Halo! Saya adalah seorang Desainer Grafis dan UI/UX dengan pengalaman lebih dari [X tahun] dalam menciptakan desain yang estetis, fungsional, dan berorientasi pada pengalaman pengguna. Saya memiliki keahlian dalam mengembangkan solusi kreatif untuk kebutuhan digital maupun cetak, dengan fokus utama pada desain yang tidak hanya terlihat menarik tetapi juga memberikan dampak positif bagi pengguna dan bisnis. Keahlian Utama UI/UX Design: Wireframing, prototyping, user research, dan usability testing. Desain Grafis: Logo, branding, ilustrasi, poster, dan materi pemasaran. Desain Aplikasi dan Website: Menciptakan antarmuka yang responsif dan ramah pengguna. Tools yang Dikuasai: Figma, Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, dan After Effects (untuk motion design). Pendekatan Kerja User-Cente...
Kami, PT MAFECO CIPTA GLOBAL, sedang mencari seorang Desainer Digital berbakat dan kreatif yang memiliki pengalaman dalam membuat konten visual dan promosi untuk platform e-commerce. Anda akan bertanggung jawab dalam merancang gambar produk yang menarik, profesional, dan mendukung strategi pemasaran kami di marketplace seperti Shopee, Tokopedia, Lazada, dan media sosial. Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab: Membuat desain gambar produk yang menarik dan profesional untuk kebutuhan promosi di platform online. Merancang banner, infografis, dan materi visual lainnya sesuai dengan standar e-commerce. Membuat deskripsi produk yang informatif, menarik, dan optimal untuk penjualan. Berkolaborasi dengan tim pemasaran untuk menyelaraskan desain visual dengan strategi promosi. Melakukan riset tren desain di m...
saya bisa membuat desain power point yang menarik dan bagus, pembaca atau audiovisual bisa melihat nya dan tertarik
Preparar una web para móviles aplicación Apps para clientes
I'm looking for a branding expert to help me create a fresh, appealing brand for my healthy food products, specifically targeting young adults. Key responsibilities include: - Developing a comprehensive and compelling brand identity that resonates with our target audience - Creating a brand strategy that is focused on increasing brand awareness - Providing creative solutions for packaging, labeling, and other brand materials Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in branding, particularly within the food industry - Understanding of young adult consumer behavior and preferences - Strong creative and strategic thinking skills - Ability to deliver high-quality, appealing brand elements
Perusahaan kami sedang mengembangkan bisnis Retail Beauty dan membutuhkan tambahan tenaga freelance di Design Graphic
Indonesia ver. Logo untuk kos-kosan di Jakarta denga...the main target market is professional female workers/employees, the name of the boarding house is A-Chio. A-Chio means long life/life. Logo in the form of a wordmark and/or icon (no animal/human characters) This logo must have a philosophy of combining the graphic element of the simple palm oil monogram / palm leaf / palm tree, with the text A-Chio, because the owner built the boarding house ffrom the revenue of the palm oil business. It still has to provide a sense of calm and comfort for prospective boarding house residents. The logo must be able to be applied in the simplest form (for example without color gradients). We dont need logo with complex and full ...
...digital entrepreneur and online business coach, pulling in 15K-25K monthly, working just 3-4 hours a day. I seek a professional with expertise in Marketing and Sales Strategies, with a primary focus on Social Media. Your role will be pivotal in driving my brand forward and maximizing my income potential. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement effective marketing and sales strategies tailored for various social media platforms. - Create and manage engaging content that resonates with my target audience. - Monitor, analyze and report on the effectiveness of strategies and content, using insights to optimize future efforts. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media marketing. - Strong understanding of...
? Lowongan Freelance Graphic Designer! ? Kami sedang mencari desainer grafis freelance berbakat untuk membantu kami di HOPE Perfume. Jika Kamu memiliki attention to detail, kreativitas yang luar biasa, dan passion dalam dunia desain grafis, ini adalah kesempatan yang tepat untuk Kamu! Apa yang Kami Cari: ✨ Kreativitas dan inovasi dalam desain ✨ Pengalaman dalam menggunakan perangkat lunak desain lainnya (apapun itu) ✨ Portofolio yang menunjukkan kemampuan dan proyek-proyek sebelumnya ✨ Kemampuan bekerja secara mandiri dan menyelesaikan proyek tepat waktu Yang Kami Tawarkan: ? Proyek-proyek menantang dan bervariasi ? Fleksibilitas bekerja dari mana saja ? Kompensasi yang kompetitif ? Kesempatan untuk memperluas portofolio Anda dengan proyek-proyek menarik Cara Melamar: Da...
1. Menerima proyek desain logo 2. Desain lainnya 3. Ilustrasi
...an enthusiastic and professional Customer Service Representative who is fluent in both Indonesian and English to manage client communications from home. This role requires a high level of politeness, responsiveness, and the ability to handle client inquiries efficiently. Key Responsibilities: - Promptly responding to client messages via chat or email. - Providing accurate information about our products or services. - Resolving customer issues with a positive and customer-centric approach. - Maintaining confidentiality of client information. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in Indonesian and English, both written and spoken. - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. - Prior experience in customer service or re...
? Lowongan Freelance Graphic Designer! ? Kami sedang mencari desainer grafis freelance berbakat untuk membantu kami di HOPE Perfume. Jika Kamu memiliki attention to detail, kreativitas yang luar biasa, dan passion dalam dunia desain grafis, ini adalah kesempatan yang tepat untuk Kamu! Apa yang Kami Cari: ✨ Kreativitas dan inovasi dalam desain ✨ Pengalaman dalam menggunakan perangkat lunak desain lainnya (apapun itu) ✨ Portofolio yang menunjukkan kemampuan dan proyek-proyek sebelumnya ✨ Kemampuan bekerja secara mandiri dan menyelesaikan proyek tepat waktu Yang Kami Tawarkan: ? Proyek-proyek menantang dan bervariasi ? Fleksibilitas bekerja dari mana saja ? Kompensasi yang kompetitif ? Kesempatan untuk memperluas portofolio Anda dengan proyek-proyek menarik Cara Melamar: Da...
1. Menerima proyek desain logo 2. Desain lainnya 3. Ilustrasi
...meningkatkan peringkat situs web Anda! Dengan pengalaman dalam berbagai niche dan teknik SEO terkini, saya siap membantu Anda mencapai target audiens dengan konten berkualitas tinggi. Key Responsibilities: > Artikel berkualitas, informatif dan menarik. > Riset yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. > Artikel anti-plagiat. > Artikel bebas dari AI. > Penulisan terstruktur sesuai aturan SEO. > Include gambar judul utama & sub-judul (Opsional). > Boleh mengajukan revisi. > Penerapan CTA yang efektif (Opsional). Skills dan Pengalaman: - Proven experience in writing website content with SEO in mind. - Strong understanding of keyword optimization. - Experience crafting meta descriptions. - Solid skills in content structuring for SEO. Kategori/Niche: >...
kami adalah organisasi yang bergerak menyalurkan filter air di komunitas di indonesia. Kami ingin mengumpulkan kegiatan kita dan memperkenalkan organisasi kami melalui website. Referensi yang saya ingin: references: minmalism: contents:
As my personal assistant, I need your help with scheduling appointments and interacting with personal contacts. Key Responsibilities: - Scheduling and managing appointments effectively - Emailing me updates and confirmations - Interacting with my personal contacts on my behalf Communication: - Primarily through email, ensuring clear and timely updates Ideal Skills: - Exceptional organizational and time management skills - Proficient in email communication - Ability to maintain professionalism and confidentiality in interactions with my personal contacts
Saya pemilik baru sebuah startup yang bergerak di bidang promosi, dan saya mencari freelancer berbakat untuk membantu saya mengembangkan dan melaksanakan strategi promosi yang efektif. Tujuan utama saya adalah untuk menciptakan penghasilan yang stabil melalui bisnis promosi ini. Responsibilities: - Menganalisis pasar target dan mengidentifikasi peluang promosi. - Membuat rencana strategi promosi yang komprehensif, termasuk penetapan anggaran. - Mengembangkan materi promosi yang menarik dan relevan untuk media online dan offline. - Mengelola dan melaksanakan kampanye-kampanye promosi. - Mengukur dan melaporkan efektivitas strategi yang dilaksanakan. Skills dan Experience yang Dibutuhkan: - Keahlian dalam marketing dan promosi. - Kreatif dalam merancang materi promosi. - Pengalaman...
? Lowongan Freelance Graphic Designer! ? Kami sedang mencari desainer grafis freelance berbakat untuk membantu kami di HOPE Perfume. Jika Kamu memiliki attention to detail, kreativitas yang luar biasa, dan passion dalam dunia desain grafis, ini adalah kesempatan yang tepat untuk Kamu! Apa yang Kami Cari: ✨ Kreativitas dan inovasi dalam desain ✨ Pengalaman dalam menggunakan perangkat lunak desain lainnya (apapun itu) ✨ Portofolio yang menunjukkan kemampuan dan proyek-proyek sebelumnya ✨ Kemampuan bekerja secara mandiri dan menyelesaikan proyek tepat waktu Yang Kami Tawarkan: ? Proyek-proyek menantang dan bervariasi ? Fleksibilitas bekerja dari mana saja ? Kompensasi yang kompetitif ? Kesempatan untuk memperluas portofolio Anda dengan proyek-proyek menarik Cara Melamar: Da...
? Lowongan Freelance Graphic Designer! ? Kami sedang mencari desainer grafis freelance berbakat untuk membantu kami di HOPE Perfume. Jika Kamu memiliki attention to detail, kreativitas yang luar biasa, dan passion dalam dunia desain grafis, ini adalah kesempatan yang tepat untuk Kamu! Apa yang Kami Cari: ✨ Kreativitas dan inovasi dalam desain ✨ Pengalaman dalam menggunakan perangkat lunak desain lainnya (apapun itu) ✨ Portofolio yang menunjukkan kemampuan dan proyek-proyek sebelumnya ✨ Kemampuan bekerja secara mandiri dan menyelesaikan proyek tepat waktu Yang Kami Tawarkan: ? Proyek-proyek menantang dan bervariasi ? Fleksibilitas bekerja dari mana saja ? Kompensasi yang kompetitif ? Kesempatan untuk memperluas portofolio Anda dengan proyek-proyek menarik Cara Melamar: Da...
ingin dibuatkan Point of sales Farmasi yang terintergrasi dengan Responsive Mobile Design Figma Telah Ada Pengerjaan meliputi PoS kasir Inventory & Stock Management Order management Dev menggunakan React.Js/Next Js Backend Nest & PostgreeSQL
...experience and expertise in web scraping, particularly from social media profiles, professional networking sites, and company websites. Key Responsibilities: - Collect email addresses from social media profiles, professional networking sites, and company websites. - Ensure the collection is accurate and up-to-date. - Provide the email addresses in a well-organized manner, making it easy to integrate into our marketing campaign. Target Industries: The primary focus for this collection is media, video production, photo production, TV production, film production, and music production. This means that your understanding of the sectors is crucial for the success of this project. Skills required: - Web scraping - Data collection - E...
Hello, I'd like to create a website design and I need assistance from a UI designer in the form of minimalist Figma designs with a sustainability concept. Here's a list of pages I'll need for design: 1. Homepage 2. Services page 3. Blogs page 4. Contact page 5. Portfolios 6. Global pages 7. Physical sustainability 8. Privacy policy 9. Invoices page (including PDF) 10. And several other pages (if needed) I have a reference website that I would like to emulate, so you can get an idea of the project later. The design will included with responsive design, also for the assets including the logo should also be included in this project (which should indeed be the case, as it's part of the UI/UX task). Thank you.
Desain grafis editing desain logo
Saya ingin mencari motion graphic designer untuk mengedit edukasi bisnis untuk channel social media saya. Saya ingin merekrut dengan gaji per bulan. Untuk frekuensi edit 1 video per hari dengan text dan audio yang saya berikan
Procuramos Designer Canva e Gestor de Redes para multiplos projetos. Necessitamos de 3 a 4 horas dia.
I urgently need a skilled WordPress developer who has had previous experience with the Rehub theme. I require adjustments to the layout structure of my already installed theme. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in CSS and HTML - Prior work experience with Rehub WordPress theme - Demonstrated ability to modify the structure of WordPress themes Key Responsibilities: - Modify the existing layout structure according to my preferences The project requires immediate attention, hence potential candidates should be ready to start working at the earliest.
I am in need of an experienced content developer who can write compelling text pieces as well as create eye-catching visuals. I am looking to commission informative and promotional materials designed to captivate the interest of the general public. Proficiency in both written and visual communication is a must. Key Responsibilities: - Create enticing written content - Develop visually attractive materials - Merge informational and promotional tones to appeal to non-specialist audiences Ideal Candidate: - Comprehensive understanding of how to write for and visually engage a general audience - Creativity and ability to develop impactful promotional content - Excellent communication skills across multiple media formats. - Arab...
Kami sedang mencari freelancer Graphic Design/Illustrator untuk kurikulum Super 5 dan SuperBook (bidang pendidikan). Mohon kirim pesan ke inbox untuk dapat kami follow up, terimakasih
Saya sedang mencari pengajar online part-time yang dapat membantu meramaikan platform belajar saya. Subyek yang akan diajarkan adalah Bahasa. Pekerjaan ini cocok untuk orang-orang yang berbakat dalam mengajar dan memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang struktur bahasa. Responsibilities: - Mengembangkan kurikulum dan rencana pelajaran yang efektif dan menarik. - Mengajar pada waktu yang telah diperjanjikan menggunakan metode online. - Memberikan umpan balik kepada siswa tentang perkembangan mereka. Keterampilan dan pengalaman ideal: - Pengalaman dalam mengajar atau belajar bahasa. - Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik dan jelas melalui metode online. - Dapat membuat materi pelajaran yang menarik dan efektif.
graphic designer indonesia yang bisa motion graphic juga, bekerja online
I'm seeking an experienced graphic designer to create a minimalistic label design for my candle line. The candle packaging is round, therefore the design must complement this shape. Ideal candidate should have past experience in product packaging and label design, particularly within the candle or personal care industry. Key Requirements: - Ability to design minimalistic labels. - Experience in designing for round packaging. - Understanding of color theory and typography. - A keen eye for detail. - Portfolio showcasing prior packaging design work. Your role will involve conceptualizing and designing a label that not only aligns with the product but also resonates with the target audience. If you have the necessary skills and can crea...
Halo Saya cari freelancer designer indonesia
Kami membutuhkan "fresh idea" untuk design brosur dan sosial media content. Kurang lebih sekitar 10 - 15 design dalam 1 bulan saja. Mungkin diperpanjang apabila cocok. Basic English required. Mohon lampirkan portfolio anda apabila tertarik. Budget bisa dirundingkan sesuai dengan skill dan pengalaman. Ketepatan waktu dan kreasi baru diutamakan. Terima kasih.
Membuat poster, infografis untuk kebutuhan sosial media. Dan membuat motion graphic(video promosi), Video editor cinematic dan wedding,bisa semua,untuk cinematic masih dalam proses pembelajaran
Membuat poster, infografis untuk kebutuhan sosial media. Dan membuat motion graphic(video promosi), Video editor cinematic dan wedding
Dibutuhkan Designer untuk membuat Icon Set, Element dan Graphic Illustration lain untuk keperluan Stock, Perusahaan kami sedang mengembangkan aplikasi untuk pengeditan, pembuatan dan pengkonversian E-Book.
Proyek Bisnis Skincare pria, membutuhkan jasa graphic desainer untuk membuatkan IG Feed, video tiktok, short video, reels instagram, dsb
Setiap bab perlu ada 2 ilustrasi, jadi total sekitar 25 ilustrasi
...using 2 letters only, 'h' and 'i', forming "Hi" or "hi", just like "Hello," or "Hey" (a greeting). 2. Logo will be used in a Mobile/Web app or as an icon/favicon. If you win, you have to submit well-organized .fig or .ai files with layered elements and high-res images. 3. Utilize AI tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney, Dall-E, etc. Color choice is open, green color is not a must (up to 3 colors or combinations allowed). 4. Concept should be simple, elegant, premium, and professional. Keywords: Technology, AI, Digital, Strategy, Growth, Hope. 5. Hijau Digital is IT company specializes in ERP solutions and future AI-based products. Our team: +10 programmers. 6. Industries focus: mining, energy, manufac...
Hi, I'm looking for a talented freelance graphic designer to help us create a range of t-shirt designs. We're looking for a creative, minimalist style that includes ideas and elements we have in mind. We'll be looking for at least 7 designs and will provide all the necessary details for you to work with. If you have experience with minimalist design and t-shirt printing, please get in touch and let us know how you can help us achieve our vision. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
...market research projects through desk research, translation, interviews, respondent recruitment, and document preparation. MRFs are expected to be able to communicate comfortably with Project Manager and Respondent (third party) during the market study and are capable to be updated with information from current trends around a particular topic efficiently. RESPONSIBILITIES Ensure high research quality results with good time management. Information research on a particular topic (Desk Research). Usage of casual and respectful Japanese language to our respondent. Be punctual, arrive to shifts, meetings, interviews, and so on, on time. REQUIREMENTS Must be fluent in Japanese Must be flexible, positive, and excited to interact with ...
...reliable, creative and have extensive experience in improving and enhancing a website's SEO. You will work remotely and focus on increasing our website's ranking in search engines, especially Google. We hope that through this partnership, we can increase our online visibility and optimize search results to drive more traffic to our website. Your Duties and Responsibilities: - Auditing our website and formulating an effective SEO strategy - Optimization of web pages and content - Relevant keyword research and implementation - Develop and implement link building strategies - Analyze SEO data and report the results - Analyze competitors and the latest SEO trends Qualifications we ...
Logo Design for Brand Identity Skills and Experience: - Strong graphic design skills - Experience in creating logos for brand identity - Ability to translate client's vision into a visually appealing design - Proficient in using design software such as Adobe Illustrator - Attention to detail and ability to deliver high-quality work within tight deadlines Project Description: We are looking for a talented and experienced graphic designer to recreate our logo in editable forms as we have only non-editable forms now when we want to do any ideas which require to the emblem of the logo with the project it looks unprofessional I am hoping to acquire Canva editable form of the logo to repliacte the Logo PSD version as well And...