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    2,000 drupal views recent pekerjaan ditemukan

    Una plataforma web para manejar con CMS DRUPAL

    $50 / hr Average bid
    $50 / hr Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    Disini saya membutuhkan software penambah view untuk live stream facebook. Adjustable : - Jumlah Views - Kapan harus memulai kapan harus berhenti - bisa menggunakan proxy

    $130 Average bid
    $130 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    Saya bingung dengan alurnya. Server side menggunakan PHP, dan client side menggunakan Java. Saya butuh panduan untuk memahami alurnya dan menuliskan kodenya di kedua sisi

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Rata-rata
    8 penawaran

    APK yang berjalan di android dan ios untuk aplikasi exambrowser dimana saat aplikasi berjalan maka fungsi berikut : scheenshoot mati home, back dan recent mati dual layar mati

    $308 Average bid
    $308 Rata-rata
    10 penawaran

    ...membuat video seperti On The Spot, Jalan Tikus, Youtube Crash, Calon Sarjana atau sejenisnya. Misal: 7 Film Horor Arab yang Harus Kamu Tonton, Bikin Ngeri dan Gak Bisa Tidur! Untuk channel Youtube kami yang sudah cukup terkenal dengan 90K+ subscribers dan total views 8M+ yang semuanya itu selalu bertambah setiap harinya Channel youtube kami adalah : CORATCORETUDIO REBORN atau bisa klik link ini Untuk bagian Upload, Share, Intro, dan outro kami yang memberikan arahannya Tapi untuk bagian Tema, judul, isi, voice over (dubbing), backsound kalian yang mengerjakannya (Tentu saja dengan arahan dari kami)

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    saya memiliki ER Diagram untuk project Bus Management System, yg hrs dilakukan : 1. Koreksi ER diagram yang ada menjadi perfect ERD 2. Buatlah Enhanced ER/EER Diagram...perhitungan perkiraan frekusensi transaksi, dan analisis penggunaan data), pembuatan indeks primer (primary indexes/clustering index), pembuatan indeks sekunder (secondary indexes) c) Perhitungan estimasi kebutuhan ruang penyimpan awal dari keseluruhan basis data yang disertai dengan rincian kebutuhan untuk setiap tabel dan juga kebutuhan untuk setiap indeks yang diperlukan d) Desain user views yang meluputi semua user views yang harus disesiakan disertai dengan definisi SQL create table atau SQL create view unutk setiap view yang harus disediakan. Buat dalam format doc dan ppt, fee pengerjaan sangat kompetit...

    $146 Average bid
    $146 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    saya memiliki ER Diagram untuk project Bus Management System, yg hrs dilakukan : 1. Koreksi ER diagram yang ada menjadi perfect ERD 2. Buatlah Enhanced ER/EER Diagram...perhitungan perkiraan frekusensi transaksi, dan analisis penggunaan data), pembuatan indeks primer (primary indexes/clustering index), pembuatan indeks sekunder (secondary indexes) c) Perhitungan estimasi kebutuhan ruang penyimpan awal dari keseluruhan basis data yang disertai dengan rincian kebutuhan untuk setiap tabel dan juga kebutuhan untuk setiap indeks yang diperlukan d) Desain user views yang meluputi semua user views yang harus disesiakan disertai dengan definisi SQL create table atau SQL create view unutk setiap view yang harus disediakan. Buat dalam format doc dan ppt, fee pengerjaan sangat kompetit...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 penawaran

    Mencari seorang coders handal untuk mencari celah keamanan salah satu platgorm live stream agar bisa boosting views. Budget untuk riset disediakan, namun terbatas.

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 penawaran

    ...dashboard, leaderboards, and certificates. An interactive and real-time experience live video conferencing. 4) Tracking & reports Track learner progress and transform your data into vibrant, comprehensible visuals of reporting. Live Reporting for grading, test examination, and quiz results. Capable to analyze the data to improve learner experience or ensure employees are compliant with the most recent rules and regulations. Also, analytics for future feature artificial intelligence. 5) Training Plans Organize the courses into training plans that include prerequisites to help employees/learners follow the correct learning path. This ensures that learners have completed and understood the necessary training before moving on. 6) Certifications & Compliance Easily adapt an...

    $710 Average bid
    $710 Rata-rata
    9 penawaran

    Saya perlu dibuatkan aplikasi mobile apps berupa job portal dengan fitur yang sederhana, seperti metode pembayaran hanya menggunakan apple pay atau google pay. Teknologi mobile apps menggunakan Flutter. Teknologi backend API dapat menggunakan PHP Laravel. Teknologi CMS bebas menggunakan apapun. Teknologi Databa...menggunakan MySQL. Beberapa fitur yang kemungkinan besar ada di aplikasi nantinya adalah : 1. Registration (both job poster & job seeker) 2. Category filter 3. Subscription & One time Checkout 4. Favorites of job seeker 5. Maps radius to search locations 6. Chat between job poster and job seeker 7. Job lists that other users can share… 8. Notification for every chat coming in 9. Show recent views of job poster (last 7 days) Wireframe sudah ...

    $832 Average bid
    $832 Rata-rata
    10 penawaran

    bagi yang menguasai Drupal, bisa apply , ada kebutuhan untuk : 1. upgrade versi drupal ke 7.58 atau 8.5.1 2. install virtualmin utk kebutuhan statistik report 3. cek API ke website luar kenapa tidak jalan

    $655 Average bid
    $655 Rata-rata
    10 penawaran
    Writer for Articles
    Berakhir left

    [INFO] Penulis artikel online Kamu akan mendapatkan Rp50.000,- untuk setiap artikel yang terbit dan mencapai 100 Views (dalam 7 hari setelah diterbitkan). Langsung Saja ke websitenya >>

    $60 Average bid
    $60 Rata-rata
    9 penawaran

    Kami membutuhkan anak muda kreatif yang berani mencoba membuat template website baik untuk blog, website portfolio, e-commerce untuk dibantu dipasarkan. Pastikan template web yang anda buat tidak mengandung hak cipta dari orang lain (no plagiat). Template bisa untuk CMS Wordpress dan Drupal (versi 7 dan 8). Hasil akhir harus layak digunakan, stabil dan aman. *Nilai lebih bagi yang bisa membuat panduan instalasi & menyertakan dump files.

    $13 Average bid
    $13 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    Tugas Utama hanya Memindahkan Konten dalam website lama (wordpress system) ke website baru dengan platform Drupal. Konten yang dipindahkan melingkupi artikel (tahun 2015-2016, sekitar 20 artikel), feature (Deskripsi) dan foto slider. website lama : website baru :

    $181 Average bid
    $181 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    ...berikut. Catatan perubahan utama yang saya inginkan: 1. Halaman Welcome di betty beauty berisi tulisan seperti di halaman home dari 2. Font di semua bagian diubah yang lebih besar, jelas hitam dan mudah dibaca oleh calon pasien. Setidaknya seperti besar tulisan di www, 3. Halaman about bisa ada spasi antar baris 4. Ada widget untuk kategori post 5. Ada widget untuk recent updates (newest post) 6. Ada link ke toko online (theme toko online saya ada. Dari editor juga boleh) 7. Kotak atau tulisan akupunktur dan spa diubah 8. Untuk setiap tulisan ada link untuk share ke sosial media kami (facebook, twitter, instagram) 9. Ada pop up pendorong untuk langsung sms/WA dokter 10. Mobile friendly 11. SEO friendly 12. Mudah untuk comment Bila ada perubahan lain yang

    $122 Average bid
    $122 Rata-rata
    11 penawaran
    Write some Articles
    Berakhir left

    writing some articles the news articles info recent and everything recent and update

    $310 Average bid
    $310 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    halo hence, terima bikin ecommerce? dengan drupal commerce? atau opencart? ada portfolio? thanks

    $1000 Average bid
    $1000 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran
    Do some Excel Work
    Berakhir left

    Recent Data Entry Projects all data

    $264 Average bid
    $264 Rata-rata
    10 penawaran
    approve foto
    Berakhir left

    Saya ingin membuat tampilan pada halaman drupal saya dan yang di tampilkan yaitu content yang tersimpan dengan status '0' dan content itu berisi ada : - title - description - image pada setiap content di bawahnya terdapat tombol approve, yang diaman ketika di klik maka, kita dapat mengambil nid dari content tersebut lalu melakukan edit status pada content dari 0 menjadi 1, akan tetapi ada batas maksimalnya satu user contentnya hanya bisa di approve 3 kali saja, kurang lebih gambarannya seperti itu

    $1 - $5 / hr
    $1 - $5 / hr
    0 penawaran

    Ingin membuat sebuah Website online seperti tapi ada konsep seperti rakuten Yang di perlukan: - Drupal 7 Dengan Custom Module tetapi tetap bisa berjalan walaupun upgrade dari Core Drupal 7 - Payment gateway API Custom Module Drupal 7 - Shipping (JNE, RPX atau TIKI) berdasarkan Kubiksasi atau Berat berdasarkan jenis barang. API Custom Module Drupal 7 - Promo Custom Module Drupal 7 - HTML 5 dengan AJAX dan Javascript (Hanya coding untuk template tetep dari saya) - Template Administration B2B dan B2C yang berbeda untuk - Saran untuk memisahkan Database server dengan web app server Dan diperlukan Documentation yang lengkap untuk setiap custom module untuk hook variabel

    $617 Average bid
    $617 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    Siap melayani jabe

    $351 Average bid
    $351 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    Langsung, ga basa-basi: >> Di cari programmer Drupal / PHP expert, mengerti PHP OOP, HTML, CSS, JQuery standard deh gan. >> Kalau bisa Drupal 7 / Drupal Commerce lebih bagus lagi gan, >> Sistem kerja flexible mau full time / freelance, tapi kalau freelance kaga bisa model nyambi kantoran (moonlight), tetep ada dateng nyetor muka sama meeting di kantor. - Salary OK gan, project menantang banget! (ecommerce) - Pengalaman udah pasti nambah, portfolio udah pasti mantap! Call: 0822 3183 7637 ASAP!!!! klonenang nya :

    $883 Average bid
    $883 Rata-rata
    14 penawaran

    Langsung, ga basa-basi: >> Di cari programmer Drupal / PHP expert, mengerti PHP OOP, HTML, CSS, JQuery standard deh gan. >> Kalau bisa Drupal 7 / Drupal Commerce lebih bagus lagi gan, >> Sistem kerja flexible mau full time / freelance, tapi kalau freelance kaga bisa model nyambi kantoran (moonlight), tetep ada dateng nyetor muka sama meeting di kantor. - Salary OK gan, project menantang banget! (ecommerce) - Pengalaman udah pasti nambah, portfolio udah pasti mantap! Call: 0822 3183 7637 ASAP!!!! klonenang nya :

    $361 Average bid
    $361 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    Ingin membuat sebuah Website online seperti tapi ada konsep seperti rakuten Yang di perlukan: - Drupal 7 Dengan Custom Module tetapi tetap bisa berjalan walaupun upgrade dari Core Drupal 7 - Payment gateway API Custom Module Drupal 7 - Shipping (JNE, RPX atau TIKI) berdasarkan Kubiksasi atau Berat berdasarkan jenis barang. API Custom Module Drupal 7 - Promo Custom Module Drupal 7 - HTML 5 dengan AJAX dan Javascript (Hanya coding untuk template tetep dari saya) - Template Administration B2B dan B2C yang berbeda untuk - Saran untuk memisahkan Database server dengan web app server Dan diperlukan Documentation yang lengkap untuk setiap custom module untuk hook variabel

    $938 Average bid
    $938 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    Membuat website komunitas hobby dengan kapabilitas : online forum, kolaborasi user, database, geo tagging alamat user by google map, dan searching data

    $1299 Average bid
    $1299 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    super portal adalah sebuah aplikasi web berbasis drupal yang mengintegrasikan layanan - layanan logistic perusahaan kami menggunakan webservice durasi project 2 bulan freelancer harus bersedia bekera onsite di kantor kami

    $665 Average bid
    $665 Rata-rata
    8 penawaran

    ...forward AutoCAD project. I have 220 x 2D Technical Drawings to be manually converted to AutoCAD (DWG). Attached below is a sample file of what the drawing should look like. Below are some notes for you to take note: - All drawings are almost the same. - Only convert the FRONT VIEWS that is on the technical drawing, however, I will need ALL details that is in the front view. There may be more than 1 front view per technical drawing. I will provide a excel file "Reference" which you can refer the number of views for each technical drawing file. - Dimensions provided must be used and drawing has to be to scale (1:1) - Dimensions that are not provided is to be estimated to be as close to the JPG file as possible. - I will be sending you a "Sample" of...

    $435 Average bid
    $435 Rata-rata
    16 penawaran

    We’re searching for talented and enthusiastic students or recent graduates who can help us create professional, high-quality video presentations. This includes not just voiceovers, but also being on camera to present the content in an engaging and dynamic way. Are you currently studying Media, Communications, Journalism, or Creative Business, or have you recently graduated in one of these fields? Do you have a passion for creating polished, professional video content? Then we’d love to hear from you! What we’re looking for: • Confident and clear on-camera presence • Strong communication skills and attention to detail • Ability to deliver a professional final product This is a great opportunity to build your portfolio and gain practical experien...

    $70 Average bid
    $70 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    I have 90 photos from a recent photo shoot for my clothing brand that need a professional editor. Key Requirements: - The editing style should be high fashion/glamour. This includes a keen eye for detail and an understanding of the high-end fashion aesthetic. - Skin smoothing is necessary on the models. I would like the final images to reflect the flawless quality typical of high fashion photography. I am open to suggestions for other potential edits, but please do not include background adjustments as I have not identified a need for these. Ideal Candidates: - Previous experience in editing fashion photography is a plus. - A portfolio demonstrating high fashion editing style is highly desirable. - Excellent skills in retouching, particularly skin smoothing. Please provide ex...

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    ...aesthetically aligned with the region. ? Deliverables: ✅ High-quality 3D renders of a desert or beachfront festival featuring large-scale sand sculptures ✅ Detailed landscape design incorporating: Pathways for visitors Palm trees, desert vegetation, and water features for a Middle Eastern ambiance Lighting design (spotlights for nighttime ambiance) ✅ Multiple angles & perspectives (day & night views) ✅ 1 Master Plan View + 3-5 Key Perspective Renders ✅ High-resolution files for presentations & marketing ? Inspiration & Reference ? Base reference: ? The new design should adapt this festival concept to the Middle East's aesthetic and environment. ? Key Adaptations for Middle Eastern Market ? Landscape & Vegetation:

    $149 Average bid
    $149 Rata-rata
    30 penawaran

    We are running Magento 2.4.3 in a production environment with a multi-store setup consisting of 5 stores and a total of 8 store views. Currently, we are using the Ultimo theme across all stores. However, as Ultimo is no longer suitable for future Magento upgrades, we need to transition to a new theme. We are looking for an experienced Magento developer to install and configure the Argento theme on one specific store/store view while ensuring the other stores remain fully functional with the Ultimo theme. Our goal is to gradually transition all stores to Argento over time while maintaining seamless operations. Project Requirements What We Want: - Install and configure the Argento theme in the Chic-Luma style (Demo) on one store/store view. - Enable the Argento WYSIWYG editor in t...

    $164 Average bid
    $164 Rata-rata
    42 penawaran

    I am in need of a high experienced Drupal developer who can maintain website for me. The project will also involve the development of a REST API for potential future integrations and current development work on drupa rest endpoints Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Drupal - Proficient in REST API development - Strong understanding of corporate website requirements with php standards - Ability to foresee and implement potential future integrations Please note, specific features for the website have not yet been defined. However, the design should be flexible enough to accommodate a blog section, contact form, and employee directory among others. The REST API should be developed with potential integrations with a payment gateway, cms system, and a custom mobile app ...

    $455 Average bid
    $455 Rata-rata
    49 penawaran
    Android Build Issue Troubleshooting
    6 Hari left

    I am facing a build issue in my Android project and need an experienced professional to help troubleshoot this problem. Details: - The error occurs when trying to build the project. - I have not made any recent changes to the project setup or configuration. - This issue does not seem to be related to any recent modifications on my end.

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Rata-rata
    9 penawaran meet deadlines. So my budget is $5/video (5-20min long), $5/5 short 2 min videos,, we will need more than 500 such a video work, so I hope you can be working for a long-term with us. The explainer video should be 2-20 minutes long.. Budget is not negotiable, until we get enough customers to our website and/or monetized our YouTube channel by that mean I will need at least 1M subs and/or 1M views in our Chanels of the video ---- Please check in this google sheet, send me draft version of video 24 edited video according to the step in tab 'Standard Guideline', if you can do it accordingly, then I will send award to you for the rest of the other videos : ; https://prnt

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Rata-rata
    3 penawaran
    Boogie Winks
    9 Hari left

    Create a James Dean based look for one of Boogie's model views, and make an animation where he blinks at a girl in front of him. For this, create eyelids for the wink, a grin, rolled down eyeglasses position, and two silhouette frames of the reflected girl.

    $770 Average bid
    $770 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    ...any updates. - App Developer Communication: I'm not getting any responses or updates from my app developer, so I need someone who can also ask them what's going on. - Analyze existing contracts with the app developer to identify any breaches or obligations. - Prepare a detailed report of the current legal standing of the app. - Suggest updates to terms of service or privacy policy in light of recent app developments. - Provide a risk assessment for potential legal actions or disputes. - Ensure the app is compliant with relevant laws and regulations. - Draft necessary legal documents to formalize your position or demands. - Provide strategies and guidance for resolving any ongoing disputes peacefully and legally. - Send regular updates on the legal standing and the pro...

    $109 Average bid
    $109 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    ...asking for: The main task is to fully implement the latest changes from the Figma design. Additionally, if possible, you'd like to combine mobile versions with desktop versions, making the design responsive. For pages that don't have a mobile version, they should be made responsive, as there are no specific Figma designs for them. You already have a frontend built with Vanilla JS, but due to recent changes in the design and some issues with the frontend, you need to update it to match the Figma layout. There was a separate version for mobile, but not all pages had a mobile version. So the goal is to merge existing mobile versions with the desktop versions and make everything responsive. Pages without a mobile version should be adapted to be responsive since there'...

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Rata-rata
    45 penawaran

    Storecheckers are a Market Research and Mystery Shopping company. We undertake worldwide mystery shopping visits. These visits are ONLINE test center assignments. The fee is $50. For this o...test-taking system. Via a series of actions and challenges, you will be assessing the security standards of the Proctor system and the vigilance of the proctor who will be monitoring the online test. In order to proceed with the online test you will need to have: • A desktop/laptop with Windows 8 or above • Google chrome installed as a browser • One form of ID bearing your name, signature and a recent photo The test will take up to one hour, and you will need to complete a report about your experiences afterwards. There is the potential to do more of these online visits in th...

    $64 Average bid
    $64 Rata-rata
    21 penawaran

    ...high-energy, eye-catching football videos optimized for TikTok engagement. Keep up with the latest football trends, viral moments, and memes. Independently create unique video concepts (not just repurposing existing clips). Ensure smooth transitions, dynamic effects, captions, and engaging storytelling. What I’m Looking For ✅ Passionate football fan – You must know all major leagues, players, and recent trends. ✅ Proven experience in short-form video editing (preferably for TikTok or Reels). ✅ Ability to source, compile, and edit football footage creatively. ✅ Proficiency in Adobe Premiere Pro, CapCut, DaVinci Resolve, or similar. ✅ Knowledge of viral trends, transitions, and storytelling techniques. ✅ Able to deliver 3 high-quality TikTok videos per day. ✅ Reliable ...

    $103 Average bid
    $103 Rata-rata
    57 penawaran

    I'm seeking a literature review for my paper on Adult Attention-Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The focus of the review should be on the diagnostic criteria and assessments of Adult ADHD. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive review of diagnostic criteria and assessments - Inclusion of both recent and historic studies - Sole use of peer-reviewed journals as sources Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong understanding of Adult ADHD - Experience conducting literature reviews - Familiarity with peer-reviewed journals - Ability to synthesize complex information succinctly

    $30 / hr Average bid
    $30 / hr Rata-rata
    54 penawaran

    My website is currently down due to some recent changes I made to my DNS settings. I have modified various DNS records, including A, CNAME, and MX. I am in need of an experienced professional who can: - Identify the root cause of the website issues - Repair the DNS and name server settings - Ensure that the website is up and running smoothly - Provide insights to prevent similar issues in the future Ideal skills for this job would include a deep understanding of DNS settings and name server configurations, as well as experience in troubleshooting website issues.

    $24 / hr Average bid
    $24 / hr Rata-rata
    33 penawaran

    I have captured quite a bit of footage on my recent travels, and I'm looking for a skilled video editor to help me turn it into a cinematic-style travel reel. Key requirements: - Able to edit footage to fit with a pre-provided soundtrack - Experience with cinematic-style editing - Able to highlight specific scenes, including landmarks and nature Ideal skills: - Proficient in video editing software - Creative with a good sense of pacing and visual storytelling - Able to source and include sound effects when appropriate

    $7 Average bid
    $7 Rata-rata
    22 penawaran

    ...(1000 words) blog articles centered around the motocross and dirt biking industry. The focus of these articles should be aimed at beginner riders as well as on professional ones. Key content areas: - Specific dirt bike models, cons and pros, upgrade possibilities etc. - Riding tips and techniques: Simple, easy-to-follow advice that helps learn and improve. - Industry news and updates: Relevant, recent news that would interests all riders. - Coverage of tracks, traveling tips, accessories, and events: This could include overviews of popular tracks, advice on gear and accessories, and information on motocross events. - Safety gear guides: Detailed information on essential safety gear and how to choose the right equipment. - FAQs for new riders: Common questions and answers that be...

    $360 Average bid
    $360 Rata-rata
    101 penawaran

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a Chrome extension that integrates with our EdTech ERP system. The primary function of this extension will be to send notifications via WhatsApp using a web-based WhatsApp login. Key Features: - Integration with EdTech ERP: The extension should seamlessly connect with our existing ERP system t...event reminders, fee collection notices, and fee reminders. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in Chrome extension development. - Experience with EdTech ERP systems. - Familiarity with WhatsApp's web-based interface. - Ability to understand and implement a project from a comprehensive, detail-oriented perspective. - Excellent communication skills for updates and discussions. Come inbox with your recent and relevant work and add 'Wha...

    $269 Average bid
    $269 Rata-rata
    16 penawaran
    Dynamic Vlog Video Editing Specialist
    5 Hari left

    ...working on diverse video projects and staying current with industry trends. Collaborative Environment: Join a team (or work with clients) who value creativity, open communication, and passion for quality content. Flexible Schedule: Depending on the project scope, enjoy the benefit of working remotely or setting your own workflow. How to Apply / Next Steps Submit your portfolio or links to your recent vlog edits and thumbnail designs. Include a brief description of your editing approach and any unique techniques you love using. We’ll review applications and reach out to those who best fit our style, vision, and quality requirements....

    $74 Average bid
    $74 Rata-rata
    12 penawaran

    I'm seeking an expert in Drupal and server management to assist with a complete migration of 3 Drupal websites to a new reseller hosting. The entire site setup needs to be preserved meticulously during the migration process. Key requirements: - Full preservation of User accounts and roles - Complete transfer of Custom themes and modules - Maintenance of all SEO configurations and settings Please note, this is a straight forward migration task with no updates or changes required to the site during the process. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience with Drupal, server migrations, and ideally with reseller hosting. Expectations: - Successful and seamless migration of the website - Minimal downtime during the transition - Post mig...

    $45 Average bid
    $45 Rata-rata
    17 penawaran

    I have 3 Drupal sites, some older than others! I need someoen to carefully move them from cpanel to DirectAdmin Hosting ensuring no errors due to DB variation/ Php version etc

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    ...ensuring seamless API integration, data aggregation, and an intuitive front-end experience. Responsibilities: Develop a working prototype , a social media aggregator application . Implement API integrations using official APIs (YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, Facebook) for data retrieval and display. Utilize oEmbed & IFrame APIs for embedding social media content while ensuring engagement and views are credited to respective platforms. Develop a WebView-based approach for platforms that restrict API usage (Instagram, Facebook). Implement smart redirection for interactions (likes, comments, shares) to respective platforms. Develop a responsive, mobile-friendly UI/UX. Implement OAuth authentication for secure user login and account connections. Optimize app perfor...

    $2308 Average bid
    $2308 Rata-rata
    49 penawaran

    I'm looking for a highly detailed, top-down view of a golf hole for a web-based app. The visual needs to be intricate enough to include textures and elevations, accommodating for all the elements you might find on a golf course. Key Requirements: - The view should be highly detailed, capturing textures and elevations. - It should include sa...Requirements: - The view should be highly detailed, capturing textures and elevations. - It should include sand traps, water hazards, different grass types and rough areas, as well as elevation changes and slopes. - Any additional elements typically found on a golf course are welcome. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design and app development. - Experience with creating detailed top-down views. - Understanding of golf course layou...

    $73 Average bid
    $73 Rata-rata
    39 penawaran

    We are a small Charity who, from a recent sale, has some surplus cash. We are looking for an expert who can assist in managing our surplus cash with the goal of investing in mixed-use real estate properties, predominantly social housing for veterans. Your understanding of the real estate market across from Lands End to John O'Groats, coupled with investment strategies will be key. Key Responsibilities: - Strategic planning for surplus cash allocation - Defining rent behaviour and payment sustainability - Linking sustainable service charges to repairs and maintenance - Identifying potential mixed-use real estate properties - Advising on investment timing and amounts - Monitoring investment performance Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social hous...

    $57 / hr Average bid
    $57 / hr Rata-rata
    7 penawaran