Diy projects with raspberry piPekerjaan
Jasa kami adalah jasa Cor bangunan tepatnya cor dag menggunakan alat cor lift di lantai 2 - 4. Promosi yang ditawarkan adalah harga bersahabat, alat cor lengkap, gratis transportasi, dan 3-5 tenaga operator dari kami.. dengan harga mulai dari Rp.35.000 - 50.000.. bisa melayani SE area Jawa Tengah dan DIY. Penentuan harga dengan menggunakan ukuran per m² dengan ketebalan cor standar antara 12-15 cm.
Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu membangun Sistem informasi persewaan dan penjualan properti di DIY berbasis web, dan membuat aplikasi yang dapat menampilkan gambaran detail properti kepada calon pada penelitian ini adalahpersewaan danpenjualan properti di DIY. Rancang bangun sistem informasi persewaan dan penjualan properti ini dibangun dengan bahasa pemograman PHP dan database MySQL. Metode perancangan yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan diagram konteks, DAD Sistem, relasi antar tabel dan tampilan antar muka dengan sistem yang diusulkan. Tahap penyembangan aplikasi meliputi analisis, perancangan sistem, implementasi, dan pengujian. Pengujian sistem dilakukan dengan black box test dan alpha hasil dari penelitian, sistem dapat membantu penjual untuk memasarkan
Saya suka mempromosikan produk ke media sosial, selain itu saya juga bisa membuat design grafis
Membuat sistem website seperti projects co id, ada fitur project, service dan juga produk. Sistem pembayaran terhuhubung ke duitku(otomatis) Semua fitur mirip website projects co id. Fitur tambahan 1. Sistem langganan untuk freelancer dan penjual produk digital agar mendapat potongan fee 2. Pemberi job saat build job bisa menentukan apakah fee ditanggung pemberi job/freelancer atau sistem 50℅/50% ( Berlaku utk freelancer saat kenjual service ataupun produk ) 3. Fee hanya berlaku utk project 100.000 keatas ( jika satu hari freelancer mendapat lebih dari 1 project dg budget 100rb maka dibebankan fee seperti biasa ) 4. Terdapat sistem kyc utk menentukan besaran project yg bisa diambil a. Tanpa kyc hanya boleh ambil project dibawah 100rb b. Kyc ktp+no hp maksimal budget proj...
ada project netbeans judul laundry, tersisa pembuatan 4 laporan saja , pakai ireport , netbeans 8.2 harga 150.000
Configurar raspberry pi 4 con pi os y cam infrarroja para emitir en canal youtube
Dicari Agen/Broker/Makelar untuk menawarkan produk mobil baru Mitsubishi. Job Desk : Memberikan rekomendasi customer yg ingin membeli mobil baru mitsubishi. Produk yg ditawarkan : Xpander, Xpander Cross, Pajero Sport, L300, Truk Colt Diesel, Truk Fuso. Khusus untuk area : DIY (Jogja, Sleman, Bantul, Kulonprogo, Gunungkidul) dan KEDU (Purworejo, Magelang, Kebumen, Temanggung, Wonosobo).
mengetik naskah,foto random ,dan dsini saya jua mau belajar
Mengontrol lampu menggunakan perintah suara. (Removed by Admin)
saya ingin membuat sistem pemantauan para pendaki gunung, menggunakan sensor suhu, detak jantung, dan GPS. monitoring menggunakan platform website, dengan server raspberry pi.
Malam, apakah bisa mengerjakan project penelitian akhir? Proyek akhir nya menggunakan raspberry pi gitu trus di hubungkan ke sensor suhu, kelembapan, tekanan udara, sensor hujan, kualitas udara, lalu semia informasi tersebut akan di hubungkan ke monitor via kabel hdmi, semua hardware dari saya nya, mas nya tinggal rakit prototype atau rangkaian nya dan membuat program nya. Dan lokasi dimana mas?
Perkenalkan kami dari team ingin memberikan jasa berupa pembuatan mockup desain mobile/web, Poster & Banner Desain. Based in DIY, Yogyakarta. Harga bisa di tawar dan di komunikasikan sampai deal. Bisa bertemu untuk meeting project. (Removed by Freelancer)
Set up google AIY Voice Kit V1 menjadi google home dengan akun email pribadi saya
Mas saya butuh desainer pcb untuk raspberry pi, apakah bisa bantu? output desainnya inginnya dicetak di china
projek ngopi jadi barista andalan di bandung-bogor
proyek personal membutuhkan jasa 3D modelling per item
Memprogram Raspberry pi yang dihubungkan ke panic button yang ketika panic button tersebut ditekan, maka raspberry akan : 1. menyalakan buzzer 2. mengirimkan sms 3. mengirimkan signal output dalam bentuk Modbus Protocol / Digital Output
Saya memerlukan sejumlah desain grafis Sebuah community hub, yang membutuhkan desain logo, dan profile book. Lokasi di , DIY Yogyakarta [Removed by Admin]
buat powerpoint dalam bentuk inggris ►Konten yang bisa dibahas tentang: tentang : komputer, sejarah linux, windows vs linux, keunggulan linux, desktop enviroment linux ,distro linux ,ransomware ,malware ,raspberry pi, security, dan semua yang berhubungan computer ( dalam bentuk bahasa inggris ). untuk referensi pembuatan mungkin dari bisa pengalaman anda sendiri / ilmu pengetahuan anda sendiri atau bisa juga referensinya lewat google, tetapi kami lebih senang dari pengalaman anda sendiri. Contoh Seperti ini:
membangun smart home menggunakan raspberry Pi dan pengontrol smartphone Android
Saya mempunyai rancangan yang terdiri dari : - Board Raspberry Pi 2 - Board Arduino Uno - Input Sensor berupa sensor suhu type DS 18B20 dan Sensor Cahaya - Output berupa Relay Sensor terkoneksi via Arduino dan Web Server Apache terinstall di Raspberry. Untuk itu saya membutuhkan programing yang dapat melakukan: 1. Menyajikan hasil sensor ditampilkan di Apache Webserver 2. Mengontrol relay via web server dan terdapat fasilitas trigger & alert 3. Diperlukan komunikasi dari Arduino dengan Raspberry dan akses via Internet. Bila ada yang berminat bisa diskusi lebih lanjut.
...matang pisang ini berwarna kuning dan terdapat bintik-bintik gelap serta daging berwarna putih krim. Ppisang ini dapat dikonsumsi langsung serta dapat juga dimasak dengan berbagai resep. 4. Pisang Merah Pisang ini memiliki warna yang unik saat masak yaitu warna maroon bercampur ungu agak kehitaman. Warna dagingnya pun merah muda atau seperti warna daging salmon. Pisang ini memiliki sedikit rasa raspberry. Selain itu pisang ini mengandung beta karoten yang lebih banyak dan vitamin C dibandingkan dengan pisang kuning biasa. 5. Pisang Plantain Pisang ini tidak cocok dikonsumsi mentah karena perlu dimasak dengan benar. Pisang ini biasanya ditemukan di India dan tumbuh dilingkungan yang eksotis. Saat masak pisang ini memiliki warna hijau dan hampir hitam. Dagingnya lembut dan berw...
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salamo alaikom khoya bghit ngad script dial debrid 3andi amtila : ila kan f imkan sifet lia sms fhad nemra ou n3eyet lik 0651256655 bach ntfahmo 3la taman ou dakchi lakhor chokran
salamo alaikom khoya bghit ngad script dial debrid 3andi amtila : ila kan f imkan sifet lia sms fhad nemra ou n3eyet lik 0651256655 bach ntfahmo 3la taman ou dakchi lakhor chokran
Hi, accept this quote and create the milestone as agreed. Thank You
...system running on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ with RetroPie. ? The Goal: When a game starts, all buttons should lock automatically (except for Start + Select). If Start + Select are pressed together, they should exit the game (even while buttons are locked). A coin insert should unlock controls for one game session (until the player loses and the game restarts). After game over, controls should relock unless there are remaining coins. Coins should be stored across sessions. If I insert multiple coins before starting a game, they should carry over (e.g., if I insert 2 coins on the main menu, I should get 2 game sessions before buttons lock again). The script should always unlock controls on the main menu/game selection screen (no need for a coin here). ?️ System Details: ...
Wi-Fi Scheduling Algorithm Testbed Using OpenWRT and Raspberry Pi Project Overview This project aims to develop a Wi-Fi scheduling algorithm testbed using an OpenWRT-installed router and multiple Raspberry Pis (RPis). The testbed will evaluate different packet scheduling algorithms in real-time by analyzing key network parameters such as Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), Received Signal Strength (RSS), packet loss, retransmissions, and latency. The system is designed to support dynamic scheduling, automated packet transmission logging, and the ability to test both predefined and custom user-uploaded scheduling algorithms. Motivation & Problem Statement Modern wireless networks face challenges in optimizing data transmission due to variable network conditions and conges...
I regularly outsource CAD services, primarily architectural drafting and 3D visualization. I'm seeking skilled professionals or agencies specializing in these fields, particularly with expertise in Revit. Key Requirements: - Proficient in architectural drafting using Revit - Capable of both exterior and interior 3D visualizations - Experience in creating detailed and accurate CAD designs Please provide: - Your portfolio or catalog of past projects - Pricing structure and service offerings - Any other relevant details about your experience and capabilities Looking forward to connecting with talented experts in this field!
I'm seeking a professional who can build an AI assistant for managing various tools within my business. The primary goal is to streamline operations, with a particular focus on: - Tools Management: The AI should oversee our Inventory Management tools, CRM tools, and user identification processes. - Functionality: The AI's capabilities should include automating routine tasks, generating comprehensive reports, and providing real-time notifications. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in AI development, particularly with automation systems, and experience in designing solutions for inventory and CRM tools. Understanding of OCR and transformed models will be a plus. I am looking for someone who can deliver a highly functional, intuitive system that will si...
I'm seeking a talented video editor to assist me with short-form edits primarily for Instagram, Tik Tok and Youtube shorts. This is overflow projects from my current workload and will be ongoing work for the right person. Key Responsibilities: - Edit and create short-form videos - Occasionally work on promo videos Ideal Skills: - Strong portfolio in video editing (please share your portfolio) - Proficiency in editing software like DaVinci Resolve, CapCut, Adobe Premiere Pro, etc. - Able to produce engaging, high-quality edits - Strong attention to detail and creativity - Some graphic design skills are a plus - Reliable with a track record of meeting deadlines How to Apply: Please share a portfolio, mention the video editing tools you use, and list any relevant ...
...Showreel/Demo Reel: * This is a concise, dynamic compilation of your best work. Aim for 1-3 minutes of your most impactful clips. * Prioritize quality over quantity. Include your strongest and most relevant work. * Showcase a variety of editing styles and techniques. * Pay attention to pacing and rhythm. Your reel should be engaging and flow smoothly. * Variety of Work: * Include diverse projects to demonstrate your versatility. Examples: * Short films * Commercials * Music videos * Documentaries * Social media content * Corporate videos * Tailor your portfolio to the type of work you want to attract. * Clear and Concise Presentation: * Use a clean, professional website or platform to host your portfolio. * Ensure your video...
I'm seeking a seasoned PCB designer to create a custom PCB for a robotic gripper. The gripper will utilize two DC motors for movement, a linear actuator motor for ex...linear actuator motor for extension/retraction, and three current sensors for controlling the gripping force. Key Responsibilities: - Full schematic and PCB layout design. - Integration of motor drivers and current sensors. - Creation of manufacturable design files (Gerber files). - Ensuring compatibility with microcontroller control via I2C. Ideal Candidate: - In-depth understanding of current sensing for force feedback. - Familiarity with Raspberry Pi and Arduino. - Previous work with DRV8833 motor driver. Deliverables: - Complete PCB design files (schematics, Gerbers). - Simulati...
I'm seeking a Senior SAP BASIS Technical Consultant for a contract role in San Jose. Key Responsibilities: - Comprehensive SAP BASIS support for the enterprise with a focus on S/4 HANA - System configuration and performance tuning within SCM Ideal Candidate: - Minimum 12 years of hands-on SAP BASIS experience - Extensive experience with SAP applications such as EWM, S/4 HANA, SCM, FICO, MM, P2P, PI/PO - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Your expertise will be pivotal in optimally configuring and tuning our systems for peak performance. Looking forward to your proposals.
We are looking for a DevOps resource to join our team. You will have work on demand and its a part time role we need you aprox 30 min / day say abt 3-4 hrs / week. Role: 1. Setting up GIT with Master and Dev environment. 2. We use Bitbucket for GIT and Pipelines for Deployment and follow GITFLOW workflow 3. Set up branch level permissions 4. Assist, help and enforce developers to follow GITFLOW with CD 5. Merge pull request and check code quality You need to 1. Get back to us with a turn around of 24 hrs period 2. Be available to jump on calls instantaneously, all calls are video calls Share experience in devops and what type of work you have done. if your work is good then there will be a lot of work. Include the word 'Hoo Ha' in the starting of the bi...
We are a rapidly growing agency offering AI, mobile, web, and data services. We’re seeking a talented Technical Lead to help shape and guide the architecture for a diverse range of projects. You’ll be working directly with our project leads and acting as the technical advisor for all new and ongoing projects. Key Responsibilities: Oversee solution architecture and technical leadership for various projects across multiple domains (AI, data, web, mobile). Work alongside tech leads and developers to ensure seamless project delivery and address technical roadblocks. Lead technical discussions with clients, offering high-level solutions and actionable recommendations. Ensure high standards of code quality, scalability, and performance for all del...
I'm in need of a Material Submittal Specialist for our construction projects. We work primarily with curtains, but also handle all types of wallpaper, upholstery, roller blinds and more. Your primary responsibilities will include: - Document preparation: You will need to prepare all necessary documentation for material submittals. - Quality Checks: Ensuring all materials meet our quality standards before they are sent out to the construction sites. - Compliance Verification: Checking that all materials and documentation comply with industry standards and regulations. Ideal candidates for this position should have a strong background in the construction industry, with specific experience in handling material submittals. Attention to detail, excellent orga...
...system running on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ with RetroPie. ? The Goal: When a game starts, all buttons should lock automatically (except for Start + Select). If Start + Select are pressed together, they should exit the game (even while buttons are locked). A coin insert should unlock controls for one game session (until the player loses and the game restarts). After game over, controls should relock unless there are remaining coins. Coins should be stored across sessions. If I insert multiple coins before starting a game, they should carry over (e.g., if I insert 2 coins on the main menu, I should get 2 game sessions before buttons lock again). The script should always unlock controls on the main menu/game selection screen (no need for a coin here). ?️ System Details: ...
I'm seeking a skilled Shopify designer to assist my team, which consists of 3 members, on various upcoming projects. We work on Shopify daily, understand the time required for tasks, the necessary skill levels, and the corresponding costs. Please refrain from bidding if you have unrealistic expectations. The first task will be evaluating a 1-product page. This involves: - Reorganizing pictures or content on the page. - Adjusting shipping rates to accurately represent domestic and international costs. - Streamlining the shopping process. The site is live and functional, and we estimate this task can be completed in under 4 hours. We operate within strict budgets but offer consistent work. This initial project will serve as a test for your capabilities before potential full-t...
...designed to be mined using a Raspberry Pi 5, with the mining software running on Ubuntu. Logarithm equation for how the token will collect(mining) will provide to you Key Requirements: - Development of a complete smart contract for the token - Extensive knowledge of Raspberry Pi 5 and its capabilities for mining - Proficiency in setting up and optimizing Ubuntu for mining purposes - Creation of mining software with a graphical user interface (GUI) - Knowledge and experience in Solana blockchain and Ubuntu-based software - Ability to configure the system for maximum efficiency and output Ideal Skills: - Hardware mining setup (specifically ASIC, GPU, and FPGA) - Software development and troubleshooting - Cryptocurrency and blockchain knowled...
I'm looking for a creative freelancer who can help me create engaging DIY craft video reels targeted at children. The crafts should be based out of templates I will share you can print it, color it and glue it. Ideal Skills: - Video production and editing - Crafting experience - Understanding of child-friendly content - Creative thinking - Women only please (it just looks better on video - we are a women owned business we want to continue that branding). Requirements: 1 Short Videos (Reel style 15-20 sec) ✅ 1 Long Videos (3 min each) ✅ 5-6 Final Images with Each Video ✅ Bright, Colorful Backgrounds Suitable for Kids ✅ Side-Angle Shots for Better Engagement << here is the example of quality I am looking for.
...Showreel/Demo Reel: * This is a concise, dynamic compilation of your best work. Aim for 1-3 minutes of your most impactful clips. * Prioritize quality over quantity. Include your strongest and most relevant work. * Showcase a variety of editing styles and techniques. * Pay attention to pacing and rhythm. Your reel should be engaging and flow smoothly. * Variety of Work: * Include diverse projects to demonstrate your versatility. Examples: * Short films * Commercials * Music videos * Documentaries * Social media content * Corporate videos * Tailor your portfolio to the type of work you want to attract. * Clear and Concise Presentation: * Use a clean, professional website or platform to host your portfolio. * Ensure your video...
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Wanting a developer to setup a relay on our Raspberry PI so we can control the realp through our software using the Raspberry PI. We have this relay and a Raspberry Pi 5.
I'm a 17-year-old junior graphic designer with a year of experience, looking to expand my portfolio and skills. I've successfully completed over 15 projects for various businesses, focusing on branding, logo design, social media graphics, and marketing materials. - I'm particularly interested in designing brochures, as I find them to be an excellent medium for combining visual appeal with informative content. - I want my designs to convey creativity, particularly through business cards, as I believe they present a unique opportunity to showcase one's design skills. If you're seeking a passionate designer who is committed to delivering high-quality work that aligns with your vision, please feel free to reach out.
"This project aims to develop an innovative online platform that enables freelancers to quickly find suitable projects while providing tools to enhance their chances of success in securing clients. The platform will feature an advanced project filtering system, performance analysis tools, and direct communication with project owners."
I have creative project ideas and can get started on building them, but I often get stuck when it comes to finishing and deploying the projects. I'm not an experienced developer in the deployment area, and I need an expert to work with me on an hourly basis. The goal is to complete, refine, and deploy these projects while also guiding me through the process so I can learn along the way. Key Responsibilities: Project Finishing: Collaborate to finalize project components, troubleshoot issues, and perform code reviews to ensure everything is production-ready. Deployment Assistance: Set up and manage deployment processes including server configuration, CI/CD pipelines, containerization, and cloud platform deployments. Mentorship: Offer guidance and share best practi...
I'm seeking a professional who can assist in designing a 5x5 button keypad for a custom calculator project. The keypad should be compatible with a Raspberry Pi 2W. Key Requirements: - Tactile Functionality: The top priority of this project is to ensure that the keypad has a satisfying tactile feedback. I'm open to your expert recommendations on the best approach for this, whether it's using mechanical switches, membrane pads, or another method. - 3D Printing Ready: The final design should be ready for 3D printing, and delivered in an STL file format. - Button Size & Layout: The buttons should be similar in size and spacing to those in the provided image, arranged in a 5x5 grid. Additional Support: - Material Suggestions: I would appreciate recomme...
I need expert help troubleshooting my wired connection (USB/Serial) between my APM flight controller and Raspberry Pi, as I'm experiencing connection issues. I'm attempting to control my drone this way, but I'm running into problems. Ideal Skills: - Experience with APM flight controllers - Proficient in Raspberry Pi troubleshooting - Knowledge of USB/Serial connections - Drone programming and control experience I need someone that is local to Hyderabad, India. Its easier for me to brainstorm.
Seeking a seasoned project management consultant Key Responsibilities: - Streamlining project processes to improve overall efficiency - Implementing cost-saving strategies without compromising on quality - Ensuring adherence to safety regulations throughout all project stages The ideal consultant will possess: - Extensive experience in project management within the construction industry - A proven track record of improving project efficiency and cost control - Strong knowledge and understanding of safety regulations in construction Please provide evidence of your relevant experience and success in similar roles in your bid.