Current measurement microcontrollerPekerjaan, causing panic among the principal and school owners. The case is hushed up and not investigated. Chapter 10: Alina's Change Synopsis: With Hana's note and her own experiences, Alina is determined to take revenge on the school and Alexa's gang. She vows to become the top graduate and exact revenge on them all. Content: Alina's Grief: Alina is devastated by her friend's death and her current experiences. She feels powerless due to the strong influence of their parents, which could have fatal consequences for her own parents if she fights back now. Determination: With Hana's note and the school's and police's cover-up, Alina starts planning her revenge by first becoming the top graduate of the school. Ongoing Bullying: Alexa and ...
Pengambilan video (Record layar dalam area yang di tentukan), kemudian save. Kemudian mencocokan hasil video yang di save sebelumnya dengan hasil video yang di save saat ini. Jikalau ada hasil pemutaran video yang sama, maka notifikasi akan muncul di layar komputer ataupun notifikasi di whatapp/telegram. Note: Durasi video ...(INDONESIA) Take video (Record the screen in the specified area), then save. Then match the previously saved video results with the currently saved video results. If there are the same video playback results, a notification will appear on the computer screen or a notification on WhatsApp/Telegram. Note: Video duration -+3 seconds, there can be 150-350 videos in a day. The maximum time to match the current video with the previous video is 30 seconds. ...
Update tampilan/UI Website Top Up jadi lebih baru, sudah ada contoh hanya copy ke website yang sekarang. Image 1: Current website state Image 2: Tujuan UI Websitenya
... dataset urban ini mempunyai input label (motor, pejalan kaki, dan mobil), object_id, bounding box, odometry/IMU, dan tindakan atomic (walking, standing, dsb). Konteks: Saya telah mengembangkan suatu sistem yang mengambil input berupa sequences: label (motor, pejalan kaki, dan mobil), object_id, bounding box Tugas Anda: 1) Integrasi Data Odometri/IMU: Menggabungkan data IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) kedalam sistem yang telah saya buat. 2) Menghitung Kecepatan/Velocity: Menghitung dan menyertakan kecepatan atau velocity dari masing-masing agent dalam setiap frame. 3) Menghitung Jarak: Menghitung jarak antara ego-car dan setiap agent dalam setiap frame. 4) Integrasi Tindakan atomic Sumber Referensi: Saya telah memiliki contoh kode untuk preprocessing data ini. Nam...
...for our part-time staff, Market Research Freelancer (MRF). A MRF at Mikata works to assist in market research projects through desk research, translation, interviews, respondent recruitment, and document preparation. MRFs are expected to be able to communicate comfortably with Project Manager and Respondent (third party) during the market study and are capable to be updated with information from current trends around a particular topic efficiently. RESPONSIBILITIES Ensure high research quality results with good time management. Information research on a particular topic (Desk Research). Usage of casual and respectful Japanese language to our respondent. Be punctual, arrive to shifts, meetings, interviews, and so on, on time. REQUIREMENTS Must be fluent in Japanese Must be flex...
...Begini ceritanya: -saya beli source code digital invitation -saya perlukan developer untuk bina theme baharu Penjelasan: - ini adalah websitenya: - ini adalah pages registration di mana user perlu isi infonya (capture input: nama/maklumat..) : - ini adalah contoh hasil menggunakan current theme : - kamu boleh lihat source code current themenya .. dan lihat bagaimana PHP echo display input user : Kerjaanya: 1. tambah/buang/perbaiki input yang diperlukan di page-page nya 2. bina theme baru seperti ini : Maklumat theme tersebut: grafik backgroundnya hanya menggunakan image sahaja
Saya membutuhkan sebuah API yang akan menerima input berupa list geoposition (latitude, longitude). Berdasarkan input itu, saya menginginkan result / output berupa list route optimization berdasarkan current location.
Kami membutuhkan freelancer yang bisa membuat hardware dan software menggunakan microcontroller arduino. Fungsi perangkat ini: 1. Dapat membaca suhu dan kelembaban menggunakan sensor AM2302(Versi kabel dari Sensor DHT22). Tampilan display 7 segment 1.2 Inch CA. Suhu 3 digit, 1 angka di belakang koma. Kelembaban 2 digit 2. Dapat membaca tekanan menggunakan sensor MPX2010. Tampilan display 7 segment 1.2 Inch CA 3 digit 3. Dapat menampilkan jam saat ini menggunakan tampilan display 7 Segment 2.3 Inch CA 4 digit 4. Counter Down menggunakan tampilan 7 segment 1.0 Inch CA 6 digit Semua komponen kami sediakan a web based and the page must be responsive, both desktop and mobile. There are 2 pages that need to be revised: 1. The filling form page 2. Result page For the filling form page, I want the form to appear simpler, such as SurveyMonkey etc. For the results page, I want the first thing to look at is the thank you / opening words and the amount of rupiah saved. Below that, a comparison of current costs with PLN appears compared to using PV below there is info on the pv capacity they install. underneath there is information about the benefits obtained by using pv last seller info at the bottom is a button to do a recalculation and contact us. The url can be checked at --- Dibutuhkan desainer UI/ux untuk merevisi tampilan landing page untuk web based application.
Meningkatkan SEO website Vendorin Indonesia. Sebuah perusahaan garmen dari bandung yang bertujuan memenuhi kebutuhan garmen dari brand, komunitas dan perusahaan. Dengan tujuan agar website menjadi pencarian paling atas dengan beberapa keyword yang berhubungan dengan vendor, bandung, bikin kaos, dsb. Current Website:
Saya membutuhkan copywriter untuk membantu kami membuat copy yang persuasif, kreatif, dan bisa melekatkan loyalitas brand pada pengguna. Mampu membuat copy marketing secara fluent dalam bahasa inggris dan indonesia. Channel yang digunakan adalah push notification, email, konten website, dan channel2 marketing lainnya. Job description: Develop the perfect, strategic well as team-work with partners Excellent English writing & speaking skill Having interest (and good taste) in art is a nice addition Consistently challenges oneself for breakthrough thinking Constantly strives to do things differently Strives to deliver superior work within time-frame Uses the systems and networks within the organization to leverage the existing knowledge base Is updated on current trends an...
Tahap-tahap proses ada 4: data dari twitter 2. Preprocessing 3. LDA (latent dirichlet allocation) proses pengelompokan 4. TSIM(proses penghitungan untuk menentukan user yang paling berpengaruh) NB: - User sudah ditentukan 15 user portal berita indonesia, dan proses yang belum dilakukan hanya proses ke 3 dan 4 - saya berikan file jurnal acuan saya -sebenarnya ini skripsi saya, saya hanya minta proses 3-4 saja
Pengalaman membuat vending machine (advance di micro controller dan pemrograman android). Dibutuhkan yang berlokasi di JABODETABEK.
Saya hendak satu measurement chart untuk T-Shirt oversize and overlength
Sy memerlukankan seorg yg faham dan pandai menggunakan labview untuk communicate antara pc dan picoammeter dgn menggunakan labview dan cable rs232 sebagai perantara.
Membuat perangkat microcontroller (Arduino) yang dapat terhubung ke Android. Aplikasi Android dapat mendapatkan informasi dari microcontroller dan dapat mengontrol microcontroller tersebut via aplikasi.
Kami membutuhkan designer untuk membuat sticker digital seperti sticker di LINE & PATH. Adapun...sticker in LINE and PATH. The sticker is a sticker with the face of her celebrity / actor / actrees. Terms: 1. Design must be accompanied COPY WRITE is also a very, very attractive to its target audience and also in accordance with the character of a celebrity / actor / actress who would find (example: his character flirtatious, lebay, etc). 2. Design must be different from the current sticker design celebrity existing Judah Free on Line. That now exists, his celebrity was limited to the chest, which now wants a different design than that (eg, celebritynya nail bicycles, etc, but still with the proportion of a big head and small body. There will be 40 STICKERS in total
Ingin menambah sedikit fitur di plugin yang sudah ada, atau buat baru nama pluginnya plugin itu awalnya berfungsi untuk mendapatkan post sesuai category (current post) tapi secara random. nah saya ingin sedikit menambah fitur plugin tersebut saya ingin getting post by URL / Permalinks Jadi setiap URL yang dibuka, maka post yang muncul sesuai dengan current category dan link lijnk tersebut berisi profil jadi setiap link memiliki URL khusus masing masing
Saya membutuhkan artikel tberbahasa inggris yang enak dibaca, memiliki karakter dalam penulisan, dan juga sesuai dengan tata bahasa Inggris. Tema mengenai review mendalam mengenai game konsol terbaru. (PC, PS4, XBOX, Nintendo 3DS, Dll). atau esports game seperti Dota2 , League of Legends, Overwatch, dll ( Sudut pengambilan cerita bisa dari events atau current news). Konten harus benar-benar asli bukan plagiat dan lolos software plagiarsm checker. Dalam Proposal / Aplikasi sebutkan juga game favorit/ esports favorit kamu.
Terate plastik merupakan perusahaan yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 1970 an. Berdiri di Bandung, Terate Plastik spesialisasi di penjualan botol-botol plastik dengan variasi yang cukup banyak dengan target market menengah bawah (home industry). Selama ini marketing bisnis kami traditional, menunggu customer datang ke toko u...termasuk diluar Bandung, oleh sebab itu kami membutuhkan tenaga ahli untuk membuat Brand Identity (logo, branding), Website & Social Media (foto product, keterangan, web designer, socmed seperti Instagram, Facebook, dsb). Produk yang dijual cukup bervariasi, mulai dari Botol Plastik, Pot, Gelas Ukur, Botol Aqua, dll. Terdapat kurang lebih 100 produk yang akan dipajang di website. Untuk melihat current website (unfinished) :
Needed services of making mobile applications ( Android & iOS ) With the layout we have provided. UI Component uses Framework7 for Android and iOS . Need to build web mobile application with change to HTML5 + Framework7 + RequireJS + BackboneJS. Please refer to the following website open with mobile emulation. I will change the current layout and need to implement in that apps. Time frame - 20 days (this includes testing) ------------------------ Dibutuhkan jasa pembuatan aplikasi mobile (Android & iOS) dengan Apache Cordova. Dengan layout telah kami sediakan. UI Component menggunakan Framework7 untuk Android dan iOS.
...Engineering Software Project Management Advanced Topic in S/W Engineering Current Popular IT 1 (.NET Technology) Topik Skripsi : Aplikasi web Aplikasi mobile Sekilas Tentang Database : Pada peminatan ini mahasiswa akan mendalami berbagai teknologi dan aplikasi basis data. Setelah menyelesaikan peminatan ini diharapkan mahasiswa mempunyai kemampuan dalam merancang, mengimplementasi dan mengelola suatu database secara baik dan benar yang diperlukan oleh suatu organisasi. Prasyarat Peminatan: Tidak ada syarat nilai untuk masuk dalam peminatan ini, kecuali jika peminat melebihi kapasitas, nilai akhir matakuliah Sistem Basis Data akan dirangking. Mata Kuliah : Perancangan Database Web Database Datawarehouse Current Popular IT 2 (DB2 Database Server) ...
resize/crop 20 241x190 pixel images & insert text quick color and add item on current logo in 728x90, 185x157, 970x80, 234x60, and 180x180 pixels sizes crop 3 images to 185x157 pixels create 2 728x90 banners with text create 5 970x80 banners with text create 2 234x60 banners with text create 7 445x225 banners & insert text on lower right side
I'm looking for a captivating 3D animated video to promote my Clash of Clans game and Discord server. The video should feature classic Clash of Clans characters and reflect the spirit of the game. The main goals of this project are to attract new players and engage existing members. Key Requirements: - Expert in 3D Animation - Familiarity with Clash of Clans character...engage existing members. Key Requirements: - Expert in 3D Animation - Familiarity with Clash of Clans characters - Creative storytelling in animation - Ability to deliver engaging content The ideal freelancer for this project should have a portfolio showcasing similar work, with the ability to create high-quality, engaging animations that can capture the attention of potential players and keep current membe...
I need a logo that is based on my current design with minimal tweaking involved. The purpose of this logo is mainly for brand recognition. Key Requirements: - The design needs to be modernized - The shape and structure of my current design must be retained - The color scheme and font can be adjusted as necessary Ideal Skills: - Graphic design - Logo design - Brand development Experience: - Prior work in modernizing logos - Strong portfolio of brand recognition designs While the above generalities are correct, I am looking to view different fonts using the existing setup that is designated in the sketch, well also orienting the sketch in a level and upward Direction, probably with a 15° tilt would be my guess.
...with headers and resources updated appropriately. Since it has been a long time since the source code of the plug-ins have been built, the freelancer will need to fix any bugs and errors that may appear during the new build process. Finally, for the project to be considered complete, I will need to be able to test the build process at my end and see the successful build of the plug-ins using my current Xcode (version 13.2.1). NOTE: I may update Xcode if recommended by the freelancer so long as the build produces plug-ins that are compatible on older macOS versions from Monterey or higher. As for code-signing, this is unnecessary. If you want to code-sign them that is fine, but please do not put any restrictions, such as time-limits or which version of macOS or FileMaker Pro I c...
I am in need of an experienced Zen Cart developer to upgrade two Zen Cart stores running 1.5.5a. to the latest version 2.1.0. Current Store - Running 1.5.5a - PHP 5.6.40 (Zend: 2.6.0) Plugins - Sage Pay ZC Form - Ceon URI Mapping (SEO) - Zen Lightbox Settings - Google Merchant Center Feeder - Magic Zoom - Cross Sell Key Requirements: - Expertise in Zen Cart upgrades - Experience with 1.5.5a version - Proficiency in handling plugins during upgrades - Knowledge in payment processing plugins - Familiarity with SEO enhancement plugins The upgrade should ensure all existing functionalities from the plugins are preserved. The ideal candidate should have a deep understanding of Zen Cart's architecture, and should be able to troubleshoot any potential issues during the upgrade proce...
I'm looking for an experienced web developer to creat..., and Key Requirements: - The site must be built on WordPress. - The new design should showcase the brand effectively. - It should be responsive, looking good on both desktop and mobile devices. - The site will incorporate a service listing, gallery displaying previous work and a contact form. - We aim to migrate as much content as possible from our current website (). Your Experience: - Proven track record in developing professional and responsive WordPress sites. - A strong portfolio showcasing your previous work. - Ability to migrate content effectively. - Excellent communication skills and a keen eye for design. - Experience with service showcasing sites is a plus.
Hi there, As we agreed for upgrading your current 3D model based on the floor plans and reference photos and provide front side view until Monday afternoon, Thanks Mohsen
I need a WordPress expert who can help me with a simple project. My site currently has an Enfold theme with an embedded Layerslider component, which has now split off and wants to charge extra fees. I want the Layerslider removed from my theme and replaced with a good free alternative, with any functions now using Layerslider transferred to the new one. - Current LayerSlider Content: The LayerSlider currently handles only images. - New Slider: I am open to suggestions for a specific free slider plugin as a replacement. - Animations: The new slider should only need to replicate basic transition effects. There are no custom animations or effects that need to be retained. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in WordPress, particularly with the Enfold theme. - Experienc...
I have an xlsx file containing 460 products that need to be added to my current WordPress website. The products already have categories and URLs, so no categorization is necessary. However, the URLs don't require any modifications and only basic product information need to be included - no specific attributes such as size, color, or brand. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress - Familiar with handling product uploads - Able to work with Excel files - Attention to detail for product categorization - Basic understanding of eCommerce sites
...double page A4 landscape, to be formatted, printed, and bound as a hardcover coffee table book in A4 landscape. Deadline is 30 copies: 25 delivered to Canada and 5 to me by end January. (I am in Sydney Australia) The issue here will be taking my PowerPoint file and resetting to match a required standard format for existing print and cover sizes or do a custom size paper and cover to match my current layout with almost no modifications. You need to be more than someone who can format but have the right format confident in knowing the printer service requirements and outcome. In short you will need a relationship with printing service or familiar with how to get "self-publishing" done at an online or quick print service. I basically want to send you my PowerP...
I'm in need of professional guidance focusing on job search strategies within the technology sector. Key areas of focus: - Comprehensive job search strategies tailored for the tech industry - Mock interview sessions to prepare for real-life scenarios Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in tech industry job placement - Expertise in need of professional guidance focusing on job search strategies within the technology sector. Key areas of focus: - Comprehensive job search strategies tailored for the tech industry - Mock interview sessions to prepare for real-life scenarios Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in tech industry job placement - Expertise in conducting mock interviews - Strong understanding of current tech industry tren...
...landscape of selling cigarettes through an online food delivery app from my shop in Tamil Nadu. Key Areas of Concern: - Licensing for online sales: I need clarity on what licenses are necessary to sell cigarettes online, and how to obtain them if I don't have them already. - Compliance: Understanding the legal requirements to ensure that my business is compliant with state and national laws. Current Licensing: - I currently possess a Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products (COTP) license, as well as a trade license and GST registration. Ideal Candidate: - A legal professional with experience in e-commerce and tobacco sales in India. - Understanding of health regulations and age verification requirements for online tobacco sales. - Skills in simplifying complex legal jargon ...
I am looking for a professional with expertise in footwear design, and proofreading and editing services, to assist me in my project. Key Responsibilities: - Design innovative and stylish footwear that aligns with current fashion trends. - Proofread and edit all design-related content to ensure clarity, precision, and professionalism. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in footwear design. - Strong background in proofreading and editing. - A keen understanding of current fashion trends. - Excellent communication and creative skills.
I have an outdated user bot that requires updating to work with Telegram's current environment. This bot's primary function is automated messaging. Key Responsibilities: - Review and update old code to ensure full compatibility with Telegram and its current API. - Ensure all existing features are functioning correctly after the update. - Run tests to confirm the bot works as desired. Skills Required: - Proficient in Python with a focus on user bot development. - Extensive experience using Pyrogram. - Previous experience working with Telegram bots is crucial. - Strong problem-solving skills to troubleshoot and fix issues in the old code.
I'm looking to establish a TikTok shop focused on dropshipping trending items. I need an expert who can help identify and source these items, as well as manage the shop. Key Responsibilities: - Identify trending items suitable for dropshipping - Set up and manage the TikTok shop - Source suppliers and handle logistics - Monit...handle logistics - Monitor shop performance and adjust strategy as necessary Ideal Skills: - Experience with dropshipping and e-commerce - Familiarity with TikTok and its trends - Excellent market research skills - Strong logistics and supplier management experience I am open to selling anything that is currently trending. The ideal freelancer for this project will have a strong understanding of current market trends and be able to provide suggestions...
I'm looking for a designer who can help me to improve my current business logo. I'm open to suggestions and would love to see what you can come up with. NAME: JUMPSTART KETO ****Sorry, for those asking what we do, we produce a keto-friendly drink mix. Energy, fuel, workout drink that works with the keto diet. ****Please make sure final files are compatible with Photoshop as Layers. ****Current design uses "ITC Zipper" font but it is not required for entries. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe - Creativity - Good communication skills
I have 49 slides template ppt and I need to redesign according to Branding guide There is no content; this is just a PowerPoint template with slide masters. I want a new design similar to what I attached jpg images the two examples but it needs to have the same color scheme as the current brand. Please use Segoe UI for all fonts. Here are our brand guidelines for reference. I want primarily white pages, with some all-blue pages. Write "Master" in your bid
Looking to redo our current website with a cleaner and more professional look. More details: Is this project for business or personal use? For an existing business What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Past work How soon do you need your project completed? ASAP
I'm looking for a modern take on my current logo. This project entails not only revamping the logo itself but also creating animations and graphics to fortify my visual brand. Requirements: - A modern redesign of my current logo. - Incorporation of text and an icon/symbol into the revamped logo. - Development of banner animations and a logo animation specifically tailored for my Discord community banner. Ideal Skills: - Strong graphic design background, with a modern aesthetic. - Proficient in animation software. - Experience in creating visuals for Discord or other online community platforms. Link to our Discord server: (If this is not clickable you can copy and paste the link into Discord's 'add server' option)
I'm seeking a professional editor and translator to assist with a biography project. The English portion is approximately 250 pages, already written, and requires comprehensive editing and content restructuring. The ideal candidate will: - Enhance grammar, style and tone to ensure a polished and professional final product. - Restructure content for... Skills required for this job include: - Native-level proficiency in both English and Russian - Extensive experience in editing and content restructuring - Professional translation skills - Strong understanding of narrative and storytelling writing styles - Ability to comprehend and incorporate historical and cultural references Please note, the English text will need to be improved from its current state to ensure a high-quality...
I'm seeking a web designer/developer with a keen eye for classic, elegant aesthetics and modern e-commerce functionality. My current e-commerce site needs a new theme to reflect a more sophisticated, minimalist style without compromising user-friendliness. Key Aspects of the Project: - **Theme Change**: A shift from the current design to a classic and elegant style. - **Prominent Elements**: The new design must prominently feature product showcases, customer reviews, and sales/promotions. - **Color Scheme**: The overall look and feel of the site should utilize cool tones, with blues and greens being the primary colors. Your proposal should demonstrate: - Your ability to create a modern, minimalist design with a classic and elegant twist. - Your experience with e-co...
I'm seeking assistance to unify the appearance of product specifications for products on my Shopify website. Most...seeking assistance to unify the appearance of product specifications for products on my Shopify website. Most of the specifications are already fine; however, some minor adjustments are needed. There are 12 products in total. The spec is three short lines and all need a bullet point - Copying: The task primarily involves duplicating existing specifications. - Visual Style: The aim is to mirror the current, acceptable specifications. - Minor Adjustments: Some specifications require minor tweaks for consistency. ( correct format attached) Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proficiency with Shopify - Attention to detail - Basic understanding of visu... insights and updating inventory on Shopify. The app is built using PHP/Laravel and MySQL, and it has already been approved by Shopify. The core functionalities are in place, including importing all orders and a seamless installation process. While some data features are functional, the app is not yet complete and needs further development to be launch-ready. Responsibilities: • Review the current app structure and codebase. • Complete the development of data analytics and inventory management features. • Ensure accurate synchronization of inventory updates with Shopify. • Test and debug the app to ensure a seamless user experience. • Optimize performance and ensure scalability. Requirements: • Strong experience with PHP and Laravel framework....
I'm seeking an experienced accountant to create a comprehensive balance sheet and profit & loss statement for a small business. Must have an understanding of USA tax code and a creative mind to explain entries and provide valid scenarios in the current post covid business environment. The deliverables should be provided in an Excel spreadsheet. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in accounting and preparing balance sheets and profit & loss statements - Proficiency in Excel - Experience working with small businesses - Attention to detail and ability to deliver accurate financial documents Please note that I currently do not use any accounting software. Therefore, the balance sheet and profit & loss statement will need to be prepared manually.
I'm seeking an expert in architectural design and structural engineering. I want to modernize my front elevation and need some help adjusting my existing design. Key Requirements: - Altering structural elements of the current design - Updating the design style to a modern aesthetic - Adjusting the design to fit the new one I have The ideal freelancer for this project will have: - Extensive experience in designing modern structures - A strong understanding of structural engineering - Ability to work with existing designs and make necessary adjustments
I'm in need of a proficient SQL database specialist who can help with optimizing and scaling my current SQL database. Key Tasks: - Improve query performance - Data indexing - Storage management Goals: - Enhance data retrieval speed - Expand data capacity - Ensure the database scales effectively Ideal candidates should have extensive experience with SQL databases, particularly in query optimization, data indexing and storage management. Skills in improving database retrieval speed, increasing data capacity and effective scaling are crucial.