Chicago web designers for small businessesPekerjaan
... - Interpretasi hasil penelitian - Diskusi mengenai temuan - Perbandingan dengan penelitian sebelumnya - Implikasi penelitian 10. Kesimpulan dan Saran - Kesimpulan utama dari penelitian - Saran untuk penelitian lebih lanjut atau aplikasi praktis 11. Daftar Pustaka - Daftar referensi yang digunakan dalam penelitian, disusun sesuai format sitasi yang ditetapkan (APA, MLA, Chicago, dll.) 12. Lampiran - Dokumen tambahan yang mendukung penelitian, seperti kuesioner, tabel tambahan, atau hasil analisis statistik. *Langkah-Langkah Pembuatan:* 1. Pilih Topik Penelitian:Tentukan topik yang spesifik dan relevan dengan bidang studi. 2. Kumpulkan Literatur:Cari dan baca literatur yang relevan untuk membangun landasan teori. 3. Rancang Metodologi:Tentukan metode y...
Kami mencari freelancer yang terampil dengan keahlian di bidang media sosial, email, pemasaran konten, serta reach out leads yang berfokus pada small-medium businesses. Kandidat yang dibutuhkan: - Sukses dalam membangun strategi pemasaran - Kemahiran dalam memanfaatkan saluran media sosial, pemasaran email, dan teknik pemasaran konten - Pemahaman yang baik dalam menyasar small-medium businesses - Kemampuan dalam melakukan outreach pada target leads Primary goals dari pekerjaan ini adalah: - Efisien & efektif dalam men-generate leads - Mendorong & meningkatkan sales Apabila berminat silahkan submit proposal Anda. Terima kasih.
We're making a basic website and needed to get rid of a dropdown that we implemented earlier because it's messing with the UX of the mobile site. I need the tab links back without the dropdown (Kami lagi bikin basic website dan mempunyai masalah kecil dengan dropdown webflow.. Tadi nya mau implement tapi sekarang ga jadi.)
弊社は日本国内で複数事業の支援をしております。様々な業種の開発ニーズがあり、支援いただけるようなフリーランスを求めています。We support the launch of multiple businesses in Japan. There are development needs for restaurant apps, event development apps, e-commerce site apps, business acquisition apps, and more. I would like to request multiple small projects in a mendukung peluncuran beberapa bisnis di Jepang. Ada kebutuhan pengembangan untuk aplikasi restoran, aplikasi pengembangan acara, aplikasi situs e-niaga, aplikasi akuisisi bisnis, dan banyak lagi. Saya ingin meminta beberapa proyek kecil berturut-turut.
Optimize website for organic search, Please take 5 minutes to read the requirement 3 times and understand the project, if you are interested contact me by chat from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm Central Mexico time My name is Roberto Alanis, I am from Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, the site is The product is an administrative ERP (point of sale, electronic invoicing and inventory control) focused mainly on businesses such as restaurants, hardware stores and parts stores. If possible I want to work based on objectives with unlimited keywords, but focused on the target market that are 3 types of businesses: restaurants, hardware stores and spare parts in Nuevo León, Mexico I'm looking for more traffic and visits, but not from all over the world, on...
Dibutuhkan Full Stack Developer Untuk Mengerjakan Aplikasi Web Base dengan MySQL + Laravel dan VueJs Framework.
Kami perlu mendapatkan nama usaha/bisnis, alamat, nomor telefon, longitude, latitude di daerah Kabupaten dan Kota Sukabumi, Jawa Barat. We need to generate leads for businesses (including production plants, factories, etc) in Sukabumi area (Both City and Districts). It is located in West Java Province in Indonesia, the table would be: Name of Business | Address| District (Kecamatan) | Phone Number | Longitude | Latitude This search is approximately 10-15 km away from where we will send you the longlat once the project is confirmed. C
Membuat laporan pajak perusahaan bulanan/tahunan (small-medium businesses)
Hai Logo Designers, saya melihat profil Anda dan ingin menawarkan Anda proyek saya. Kita bisa diskusikan setiap detailnya di kotak obrolan.
saya ingin membuat logo bertema develop android
Membuat design interior rumah versi 2d dan 3d untuk rumah kecil dengan ukuran 7m (w) x 15m dan samping kiri (tampak depan rumah) sisa 1 meter ada taman jadi total luas rumah 8m x 15m
Saya berencana membangun sebuah rumah satu lantai di atas tanah persegi denga ukuran 17,6 x 11,2 m2. Bangunan akan menghadap ke Utara. Lebar depan rumah adalah sisi dengan panjang 11,2 m. Rumah tersebut akan terdiri dari: 2 kamar tidur dengan masing-masing kamar mandi 1 dapur basah 1 dapur kering ruang makan ruang tamu 1 toilet untuk tamu Di dalam rumah akan ada void untuk menangkap cahaya dan sirkulasi udara. Kurang lebih setengah tanah tersebut akan diperuntukkan sebagai carport yang memuat 6 mobil dan taman terbuka. Saya membutuhkan designer rumah dengan ouput denah ruangan dan tampak depan sampai dengan gambar kerja.
Saya berencana membangun sebuah rumah satu lantai di atas tanah persegi denga ukuran 17,6 x 11,2 m2. Bangunan akan menghadap ke Utara. Lebar depan rumah adalah sisi dengan panjang 11,2 m. Rumah tersebut akan terdiri dari: 2 kamar tidur dengan masing-masing kamar mandi 1 dapur basah 1 dapur kering ruang makan ruang tamu 1 toilet untuk tamu Di dalam rumah akan ada void untuk menangkap cahaya dan sirkulasi udara. Kurang lebih setengah tanah tersebut akan diperuntukkan sebagai carport yang memuat 6 mobil dan taman terbuka. Saya membutuhkan designer rumah dengan ouput denah ruangan dan tampak depan sampai dengan gambar kerja.
Saya berencana membangun sebuah rumah satu lantai di atas tanah persegi denga ukuran 17,6 x 11,2 m2. Bangunan akan menghadap ke Utara. Lebar depan rumah adalah sisi dengan panjang 11,2 m. Rumah tersebut akan terdiri dari: 2 kamar tidur dengan masing-masing kamar mandi 1 dapur basah 1 dapur kering ruang makan ruang tamu 1 toilet untuk tamu Di dalam rumah akan ada void untuk menangkap cahaya dan sirkulasi udara. Kurang lebih setengah tanah tersebut akan diperuntukkan sebagai carport yang memuat 6 mobil dan taman terbuka. Saya membutuhkan designer rumah dengan ouput denah ruangan dan tampak depan sampai dengan gambar kerja.
Saya berencana membangun sebuah rumah satu lantai di atas tanah persegi denga ukuran 17,6 x 11,2 m2. Bangunan akan menghadap ke Utara. Lebar depan rumah adalah sisi dengan panjang 11,2 m. Rumah tersebut akan terdiri dari: 2 kamar tidur dengan masing-masing kamar mandi 1 dapur basah 1 dapur kering ruang makan ruang tamu 1 toilet untuk tamu Di dalam rumah akan ada void untuk menangkap cahaya dan sirkulasi udara. Kurang lebih setengah tanah tersebut akan diperuntukkan sebagai carport yang memuat 6 mobil dan taman terbuka. Saya membutuhkan designer rumah dengan ouput denah ruangan dan tampak depan sampai dengan gambar kerja.
Saya berencana membangun sebuah rumah satu lantai di atas tanah persegi denga ukuran 17,6 x 11,2 m2. Bangunan akan menghadap ke Utara. Lebar depan rumah adalah sisi dengan panjang 11,2 m. Rumah tersebut akan terdiri dari: 2 kamar tidur dengan masing-masing kamar mandi 1 dapur basah 1 dapur kering ruang makan ruang tamu 1 toilet untuk tamu Di dalam rumah akan ada void untuk menangkap cahaya dan sirkulasi udara. Kurang lebih setengah tanah tersebut akan diperuntukkan sebagai carport yang memuat 6 mobil dan taman terbuka. Saya membutuhkan designer rumah dengan ouput denah ruangan dan tampak depan sampai dengan gambar kerja.
Saya berencana membangun sebuah rumah satu lantai di atas tanah persegi denga ukuran 17,6 x 11,2 m2. Bangunan akan menghadap ke Utara. Lebar depan rumah adalah sisi dengan panjang 11,2 m. Rumah tersebut akan terdiri dari: 2 kamar tidur dengan masing-masing kamar mandi 1 dapur basah 1 dapur kering ruang makan ruang tamu 1 toilet untuk tamu Di dalam rumah akan ada void untuk menangkap cahaya dan sirkulasi udara. Kurang lebih setengah tanah tersebut akan diperuntukkan sebagai carport yang memuat 6 mobil dan taman terbuka. Saya membutuhkan designer rumah dengan ouput denah ruangan dan tampak depan sampai dengan gambar kerja.
Membuat Animasi commercial untuk product Kami.
Hello there, I am looking out for an expert who can help me in developing my idea. I am planning to develop small-but-useful Chrome Extensions. Proposed Chrome Extensions 1. Website Pinger 2. Broadband Speed Tester 3. Screenshots 4. File Format Converter 5. Weather Alert 6. URL Shortner Functionality 1. Each Of These Extensions Will Contain Maximum Of Five Functions 2. This Is My Initial Such Project While If You Turned Out To Be Good, Then I Will Hire For More Projects. 3. The Data For Each Of These Extensions Will Be Taken From Free APIs 4. Design And Development On You While You Have To Help In Submission 5. Each Of These Extensions Will Have Monetization Function Questions 1. Please Showcase Your Experience. 2. Please Shar...
Hello there, I am looking out for an expert who can help me in developing my idea. I am planning to develop small-but-useful Chrome Extensions. Proposed Chrome Extensions 1. Website Pinger 2. Broadband Speed Tester 3. Screenshots 4. File Format Converter 5. Weather Alert 6. URL Shortner Functionality 1. Each Of These Extensions Will Contain Maximum Of Five Functions 2. This Is My Initial Such Project While If You Turned Out To Be Good, Then I Will Hire For More Projects. 3. The Data For Each Of These Extensions Will Be Taken From Free APIs 4. Design And Development On You While You Have To Help In Submission 5. Each Of These Extensions Will Have Monetization Function Questions 1. Please Showcase Your Experience. 2. Please Shar...
Hello there, I am looking out for an expert who can help me in developing my idea. I am planning to develop small-but-useful Chrome Extensions. Proposed Chrome Extensions 1. Website Pinger 2. Broadband Speed Tester 3. Screenshots 4. File Format Converter 5. Weather Alert 6. URL Shortner Functionality 1. Each Of These Extensions Will Contain Maximum Of Five Functions 2. This Is My Initial Such Project While If You Turned Out To Be Good, Then I Will Hire For More Projects. 3. The Data For Each Of These Extensions Will Be Taken From Free APIs 4. Design And Development On You While You Have To Help In Submission 5. Each Of These Extensions Will Have Monetization Function Questions 1. Please Showcase Your Experience. 2. Please Shar...
Hello there, I am looking out for an expert who can help me in developing my idea. I am planning to develop small-but-useful Chrome Extensions. Proposed Chrome Extensions 1. Website Pinger 2. Broadband Speed Tester 3. Screenshots 4. File Format Converter 5. Weather Alert 6. URL Shortner Functionality 1. Each Of These Extensions Will Contain Maximum Of Five Functions 2. This Is My Initial Such Project While If You Turned Out To Be Good, Then I Will Hire For More Projects. 3. The Data For Each Of These Extensions Will Be Taken From Free APIs 4. Design And Development On You While You Have To Help In Submission 5. Each Of These Extensions Will Have Monetization Function Questions 1. Please Showcase Your Experience. 2. Please Shar...
Hello there, I am looking out for an expert who can help me in developing my idea. I am planning to develop small-but-useful Chrome Extensions. Proposed Chrome Extensions 1. Website Pinger 2. Broadband Speed Tester 3. Screenshots 4. File Format Converter 5. Weather Alert 6. URL Shortner Functionality 1. Each Of These Extensions Will Contain Maximum Of Five Functions 2. This Is My Initial Such Project While If You Turned Out To Be Good, Then I Will Hire For More Projects. 3. The Data For Each Of These Extensions Will Be Taken From Free APIs 4. Design And Development On You While You Have To Help In Submission 5. Each Of These Extensions Will Have Monetization Function Questions 1. Please Showcase Your Experience. 2. Please Shar...
Kami sedang membuat sebuah produk ERP. Yang kami provide : 1. ERD (relasi database) 2. FSD (diagram desain, fungsional) 3. Template existing Yang kami butuhkan : 1. Programmer PHP Laravel 2. Mebuat coding sesuai dengan FSD dan ERD 3. Wajib meeting / ketemu 1 minggu sekali di kantor kami. untuk koordinasi. Bisa weekend atau after jam kantor. Lokasi : joglo jakbar.
I have an exciting sleepwear their own fields to join me in this venture. I am looking for fashion school graduates/business school graduates/clothes manufacturers/e-commerce experts/branding consultants/social media consultants/web designers/graphics designers/online marketers. Saya memiliki konsep baju tidur menarik yang ingin saya luncurkan ke pasaran retail dimulai dari Indonesia. Saya membutuhkan satu tim hebat yang dapat merubah visi ini menjadi realita! Saya berharap dapat menemukan beberapa orang penuh inspirasi yang bertalenta dan pekerja keras dalam bidangnya masing-masing untuk bergabung dengan saya dalam usaha ini. Saya mencari lulusan sekolah fashion/lulusan sekolah bisnis/pabrikan baju/konsultan branding/konsultan social media/desainer ...
Kami sedang membuat sebuah produk ERP. Yang kami provide : 1. ERD (relasi database) 2. FSD (diagram desain, fungsional) 3. Template existing Yang kami butuhkan : 1. Programmer PHP, familiar dengan Codeigniter 2. Mebuat coding sesuai dengan FSD dan ERD Untuk menu lebih jelas dapat dilihat di lampiran.
...delapan kali lebih mungkin untuk menderita stroke jika mereka mengalami insomnia bila dibandingkan dengan mereka yang memperoleh kualitas tidur yang baik “Kami memperhatikan dengan sangat terhadap tekanan darah tinggi, obesitas, dan permasalahan terkait kolestrol. Kesemuanya itu merupakan faktor risiko,” ujar Dr Demetrius Lopes, direktur Interventional Cerebrovascular Center di Rush University, Chicago. “Namun demikian, saya berpendapat bahwa seseorang yang tidak mendapatkan tidur yang baik secara rutin dapat membahayakan jiwanya, terutama pada usia muda.” Penelitian baru ini membandingkan secara acak catatan kesehatan lebih dari 21.000 orang dengan insomnia dan 64.000 orang tanpa insomnia di Taiwan. Semuanya tidak ada yang memiliki diagnosis stroke ...
Rajanya Desain Unik dengan beberapa desain cantik, bagus, unik serta terpopuler untuk desain saya yang saya banggakan
I need to have the attached excel spreadsheet completed in the #15 India. These must be completed in this order. They must be in english. I have completed 2 examples on #7 Singapore for you to review as to how i want this completed, any question please ask. I am only looking for major companies and businesses, I am not interested in small companies. For example a wine retail shop company must have 20 or more shops, I am not interested in companies with 3, for example. The spreadsheet is clear to the country and category that you need to fill in. If you cannot find the information please type NA - meaning Not Available - however i will not accept too much of this information as I need as much information as possible for my res...
saya menyediakan jasa PENULIS ARTIKEL LEPAS saya mampu menulis beberapa artikel untuk : 1. Website atau Blog 2. Majalah 3. Koran 4. Buku 5. Konten-Konten 6. Pengarang Sponsor 7. Usaha/Perusahaan Jika anda berminat, langsung hubungi 0823...PENULIS ARTIKEL LEPAS saya mampu menulis beberapa artikel untuk : 1. Website atau Blog 2. Majalah 3. Koran 4. Buku 5. Konten-Konten 6. Pengarang Sponsor 7. Usaha/Perusahaan Jika anda berminat, langsung hubungi 082336950179 (tanpa sms) I provide my services freelance article writer able to write some articles for: 1. Website or Blog 2. magazine 3. newspaper 4. book 5. Content-Content 6. author Sponsor 7. Businesses / Companies If you are interested, just contact 0823...
...rnrnEurope.rnAustria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, El Salvador, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Yugoslavia.rnrnAmerica ( U.S.A) .rnLos Angeles, Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Buffalo, Charleston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Dayton, Houston, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Memphis, Miami, Minneapolis, New Jersey, New Orleans, New York, Oakland, Oklahoma City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburg, Portland, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, Washington, Wilmington.rnrno Direct Import Borongan ( Door to Door) Via Udara/ Laut ( LCL/ FCL) ) rno Import Singapore to Jakarta, Import Shan...
...rnrnEurope.rnAustria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, El Salvador, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Yugoslavia.rnrnAmerica ( U.S.A) .rnLos Angeles, Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Buffalo, Charleston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Dayton, Houston, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Memphis, Miami, Minneapolis, New Jersey, New Orleans, New York, Oakland, Oklahoma City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburg, Portland, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, Washington, Wilmington.rnrno Direct Import Borongan ( Door to Door) Via Udara/ Laut ( LCL/ FCL) ) rno Import Singapore to Jakarta, Import Shan...
...will seperate members and groups in a Wordpress Multisite install. You will write a small plugin that will have the following features and capabilities: - Buddypress members will get a new tab "Sites" in which they will be able to check or uncheck sites in the network of which they would like to be a member - Members are added to each site by default by buddypress, this plugin will add one extra field in each site's buddypress user table: "visibility" - If member does not belong to a certain site the value will be "0", if they do the value is "1" - When loading the buddypress members list on the frontend, only the members with visibility 1 will be shown - Visibility must be set to 0 by default for all sites except the on...
...will seperate members and groups in a Wordpress Multisite install. You will write a small plugin that will have the following features and capabilities: - Buddypress members will get a new tab "Sites" in which they will be able to check or uncheck sites in the network of which they would like to be a member - Members are added to each site by default by buddypress, this plugin will add one extra field in each site's buddypress user table: "visibility" - If member does not belong to a certain site the value will be "0", if they do the value is "1" - When loading the buddypress members list on the frontend, only the members with visibility 1 will be shown - Visibility must be set to 0 by default for all sites except the on...
We are seeking a reliable individual to conduct pre-employment verification tasks on behalf of our client. This role involves visiting various businesses, organizations, or institutions to gather and verify information regarding potential employees. The ideal candidate should have strong communication skills and be detail-oriented. Responsibilities include confirming employment history, qualifications, and conducting reference checks. If you are trustworthy and possess the ability to maintain confidentiality, we would love to hear from you! **Relevant Skills:** - Excellent communication skills - Attention to detail - Ability to conduct interviews - Organizational skills - Experience in verification tasks
We are seeking a reliable individual to conduct pre-employment verification tasks on behalf of our client. This role involves visiting various businesses, organizations, or institutions to gather and verify information regarding potential employees. The ideal candidate should have strong communication skills and be detail-oriented. Responsibilities include confirming employment history, qualifications, and conducting reference checks. If you are trustworthy and possess the ability to maintain confidentiality, we would love to hear from you! **Relevant Skills:** - Excellent communication skills - Attention to detail - Ability to conduct interviews - Organizational skills - Experience in verification tasks
We are seeking a reliable individual to conduct pre-employment verification tasks on behalf of our client. This role involves visiting various businesses, organizations, or institutions to gather and verify information regarding potential employees. The ideal candidate should have strong communication skills and be detail-oriented. Responsibilities include confirming employment history, qualifications, and conducting reference checks. If you are trustworthy and possess the ability to maintain confidentiality, we would love to hear from you! **Relevant Skills:** - Excellent communication skills - Attention to detail - Ability to conduct interviews - Organizational skills - Experience in verification tasks
As the owner of a BPO company, I specialize in customer service, inbound sales, chat support, and various outsourcing solutions. My goal is to connect with international clients to provide exceptional...overseas clients. This includes: - **Inbound Sales:** Converting potential leads into loyal customers. - **Chat Support:** Offering real-time, effective communication with customers. I believe this project is suitable for freelancers who have a solid network of international businesses and can help me reach them. Ideal candidates would have previous experience in BPO client acquisition, understanding of customer service industry standards, and excellent communication skills. The ultimate aim is to build long-term partnerships with these international clients, driving growth ...
We are seeking a reliable individual to conduct pre-employment verification tasks on behalf of our client. This role involves visiting various businesses, organizations, or institutions to gather and verify information regarding potential employees. The ideal candidate should have strong communication skills and be detail-oriented. Responsibilities include confirming employment history, qualifications, and conducting reference checks. If you are trustworthy and possess the ability to maintain confidentiality, we would love to hear from you! **Relevant Skills:** - Excellent communication skills - Attention to detail - Ability to conduct interviews - Organizational skills - Experience in verification tasks
We are seeking a reliable individual to conduct pre-employment verification tasks on behalf of our client. This role involves visiting various businesses, organizations, or institutions to gather and verify information regarding potential employees. The ideal candidate should have strong communication skills and be detail-oriented. Responsibilities include confirming employment history, qualifications, and conducting reference checks. If you are trustworthy and possess the ability to maintain confidentiality, we would love to hear from you! **Relevant Skills:** - Excellent communication skills - Attention to detail - Ability to conduct interviews - Organizational skills - Experience in verification tasks
...Company: Equinox Edge Location: Remote Position Type: Part-Time About Us: Equinox Edge provides cutting-edge investment research and market research solutions, helping businesses make informed decisions. We are looking for a dynamic and motivated individual to join our team and engage with leads who have shown prior interest in our services through marketing campaigns, newsletters, and emails. Key Responsibilities Reach out to prospects in the company database who have engaged with previous campaigns. Conduct short, meaningful discussions to inform prospects about Equinox Edge’s services. Gauge current or future demand for services and capture insights effectively. Provide feedback and updates on each interaction to the team. Work 2–3 hours per day, 4&...
I'm in need of 19 custom-designed, vector icons for my Agile Project Management PowerPoint presentation. The icons should be: - Visually appealing and relevant to Agile methodologies, particularly Scrum - Consistent in style and fitting with a corporate color scheme that matches my presentation - Flat design Ideal candidates will be creative graphic designers with a strong portfolio in icon design and experience with PowerPoint presentations. Understanding of Agile methodologies, especially Scrum, is a plus.
...projects: General Project Requirements: Clear Project Scope: Define and document detailed requirements for deliverables specific to each project module. Timeline and Milestones: Establish clear deadlines and milestones for each phase of the project across all applications. Budget Allocation: Ensure cost estimations for testing tools and resource requirements are aligned with the project budget. Collaboration: Maintain regular communication with developers, designers, and stakeholders for effective project progress. Resource Planning: Utilize tools and frameworks to test web and mobile applications effectively, including device management for mobile testing. For Testing Your Projects: 1. Swarajya Web Application: UI/UX Valid...
I'm seeking a professional to help me enhance my Google My Business (GMB) visibility above my competitors. My primary goal is to significantly increase my visibility in local searches. I'm currently posting regular updates, responding to reviews, and adding photos and videos, Google My Business (GMB) visibility above my competitors. My primary goal is to significantly increase my visibility in local searches. I'm currently posting regular updates, responding to reviews, and adding photos and videos, but I need a specialist who can help me take it to the next level. The ideal freelancer for this job should have proven experience in GMB optimization and local SEO, excellent review management strategies, and a track record of helping businesses improv...
I'm seeking an experienced Instagram handler to boost my service-oriented business on this platform. Your primary tasks ...and driving engagement. Key Responsibilities: - Crafting innovative and appealing promotional posts. - Increasing our follower base and boosting engagement. - Strategizing on optimal posting times and content to reach our target audience. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in handling Instagram accounts, particularly for service-based businesses. - Strong creativity and understanding of what makes a post engaging. - Good grasp of Instagram's algorithms and best practices for increasing followers and engagement. Your role will be pivotal in promoting our services, and your success will be directly reflected in our improved visibility and...
Job Opportunity: Digital Marketer for Boat Detailing Business Based Out of South Florida Are you a savvy digital marketer with a passion for helping businesses thrive? We’re seeking a dedicated individual to promote our boat detailing services primarily through local marketing on Google Maps, as well as Google Ads and Facebook. About Us: We specialize in providing top-notch boat detailing services to boat owners in our community. Our mission is to ensure every boat shines and is well-maintained, enhancing our clients' boating experience. Your Role: - Develop and implement local marketing strategies on Google Maps and other platforms. - Create and manage Google Ads campaigns to increase visibility and drive traffic. - Utilize Facebook to engage with local ...
Company Name: GAW Construction Industry: Construction – specializing in high-quality construction services for both residential and commercial projects. Target Audience: Homeowners, businesses, architects, and developers looking for reliable, professional construction services. Brand Personality: GAW Construction aims to embody trust, professionalism, and innovation. The logo should convey a sense of strength, dependability, and modernity while being versatile enough to suit various applications, from business cards to construction site signage. Logo Style: We are looking for a modern and clean design. Avoid overly intricate designs that might not scale well. The logo should strike a balance between timelessness and innovation. It can incorporate subtl...
Professional Freelancer | Delivering Excellence with Creativity and Precision Hi, I'm Amith sharma, a dedicated and versatile freelancer with a passion for creating value through innovative solutions. With expertise in ux, poster, video designing, communication and much computer knowledge, I help businesses and individuals bring their ideas to life while meeting their goals effectively. What I Offer: ["Custom video editing and uiux designing tailored to your brand identity."] ["High-quality content writing that captivates your audience."] [ "Responsive and user-friendly websites to enhance your online presence."] Why Choose Me? Attention to Detail: I ensure every project is polished and meets the highest standards. Timely Delivery: ...
I'm looking for 2 attractive, professional banners to promote our company to nonprofits and to businesses. Banners should incorporate our logo and convey the message of: 1. Residual fundraising from savings and rebates from supporters' everyday shopping. 2. Retailers can partner withthe community to get new, Loyal Customers With Zero upfront cost. look through our website... and The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Graphic design experience, particularly with banner design - An understanding of nonprofit messaging - Ability to create a balance between a professional and welcoming tone - Match our branding Banners will primarily be used on our website, social media, newsletters and local events. The successful freelancer