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PT. CATUR SENTOSA ANUGERAH / CSA . Distributor Nasional Cabang Semarang membutuhkan : . SALES TAKING ORDER (TO) AREA SEMARANG - Wanita, Usia Maksimal 35 tahun - Pendidikan SMU/SMK/MA/Paket C - JUJUR, Rajin dan Pantang Menyerah - Punya Kendaraan Pribadi dan SIM C aktif - Pengalaman Sales Minimal 1 Tahun - Pengalaman Megang GT Atau Retail - Menguasai Area Semarang . DATANG LANGSUNG / KIRIM LAMARAN LENGKAP KE ALAMAT : PT Catur Sentosa Anugerah CSA Cabang Semarang Kawasan Industri Candi Jl. Gatot Subroto D/19 Krapyak Semarang (Gerbang Warna Hijau, Sebelah Marimas) . Atau Bisa Kirim Ke WA : WA : 081 225 505 589 (wa bukan forum tanya jawab) . BUDAYAKAN MEMBACA LOWONGAN SEBELUM MELAMAR
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...outdoor - Memiliki kamera DSLR sendiri - Mampu memberikan ide untuk tema foto & video Mohon untuk mencantumkan : - Fee yang diinginkan - Portofolio yang berisi hasil foto / video, hasil design dll Terima kasih ________ We from Masada Village Resort & Organic Farm are looking for freelance photographers for 1 working day. Shooting a villa located in Puncak, Cisarua. The example of the photo we want is more or less like the picture attached. Job Role : - Take photos of all units in Masada Village (5 Villas and 8 Glamping Camp) - Organize photo concepts according to the desired theme of the creative team using several properties such as tumblr lamp, dream catcher, etc. - Do photo editing Requirement : - Have high creativity t...
Masukstanid merupakan portal Tryout Online PKN STAN dan sedang mengadakan Tryout Online Akbar PKN STAN 2019. Kami membutuhkan freelance marketer yang mampu menjual tiket/voucher ke siswa/i SMA/SMK/MA di daerah masing-masing. Benefit : - Fee tinggi yang dibayar setiap voucher yang dijual - Akan dibimbing bagaimana cara untuk menjual dan menawarkan Tidak terbatas usia, siapapun boleh mendaftar dan dari daerah manapun. Mahasiswa/fresh graduated are very welcome.
Halo, saya dari Kolative mengundang Anda untuk berkolaborasi dalam membuat event launching produk Cheap & Go yang akan diadakan di 4 kota di Indonesia. Event akan dijalankan start kick off bulan Januari 2019 di Medan. Bagi Anda yang berminat silahkan hubungi kami. Terimakasih.
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Nama : Muhammad Subhi Pekerjaan: Wiraswasta Pendidikan terakhir: MA SA ALHIKAM WONOSOBO
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Saat ini saya menawarkan untuk bekerja dalam bidang Pemasaran dan Penjualan di Internet kepada anda dalam harga yang murah dan hasil kerja yang memuaskan. Dalam ukuran proyek skala kecil dan harga yang sangat murah. Dari harga $30-250 U...bekerja dalam bidang Pemasaran dan Penjualan di Internet kepada anda dalam harga yang murah dan hasil kerja yang memuaskan. Dalam ukuran proyek skala kecil dan harga yang sangat murah. Dari harga $30-250 USD. Silahkan melakukan penawaran kerja bagi saya dan saya siap untuk bekerja untuk anda. Currently I offer to work in the field of Internet Marketing and Sales to you in cheap price and satisfactory work. In the small-scale project the size and the price is very cheap. From $ 30-250 USD. Please make an offer of work ...
Saat ini saya menawarkan untuk bekerja dalam bidang pemasaran da penjualan kepada anda dalam harga yang murah dan hasil kerja yang memuaskan. Dalam ukuran proyek skala kecil dan harga yang sangat murah. Dari harga $30-250 USD. Silahkan me...saya menawarkan untuk bekerja dalam bidang pemasaran da penjualan kepada anda dalam harga yang murah dan hasil kerja yang memuaskan. Dalam ukuran proyek skala kecil dan harga yang sangat murah. Dari harga $30-250 USD. Silahkan melakukan penawaran kerja bagi saya dan saya siap untuk bekerja untuk anda. Currently I offer to work in the field of marketing to you in da sale cheap price and satisfactory work. In the small-scale project the size and the price is very cheap. From $ 30-250 USD. Please make an offer of work ...
Saat ini saya menawarkan untuk bekerja dalam bidang Pemasaran dan Penjualan di Internet kepada anda dalam harga yang murah dan hasil kerja yang memuaskan. Dalam ukuran proyek skala kecil dan harga yang sangat murah. Dari harga $30-250 U...bekerja dalam bidang Pemasaran dan Penjualan di Internet kepada anda dalam harga yang murah dan hasil kerja yang memuaskan. Dalam ukuran proyek skala kecil dan harga yang sangat murah. Dari harga $30-250 USD. Silahkan melakukan penawaran kerja bagi saya dan saya siap untuk bekerja untuk anda. Currently I offer to work in the field of Internet Marketing and Sales to you in cheap price and satisfactory work. In the small-scale project the size and the price is very cheap. From $ 30-250 USD. Please make an offer of work ...
AAN DESIGN adalah lembaga jasa yang bergerak dalam bidang gambar teknik peralatan industri makanan, minuman, obat obatan (foot, beverage, pharmaceutical) termasuk beberapa peralatan yang bertekanan pendukung seperti 3DS Max, Sketch Up with V – Ray rendering, Photoshop , Corel Draw dan lain lain. Kami memiliki drafter yang berpengalaman untuk bidang keahlian tersebut dengan pengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun di bidangnya. Hal tersebut terbukti dari beberapa perusaan yang telah menjadi client kami, antara lain : • PT. PUTRA JAYA • PT. GELURAN ADIKARYA • PT. MACCO BIENT ENGINEERING • CHEAP N CLEAN – SORONG PLANT • PT. OMYA INDONESIA – SIDOARJO PLANT • CV. BESMARCO STEEL • CV. AGUNG JAYA ABADI • PT. SURABA...
AAN DESIGN adalah lembaga jasa yang bergerak dalam bidang gambar teknik peralatan industri makanan, minuman, obat obatan (foot, beverage, pharmaceutical) termasuk beberapa peralatan yang bertekanan pendukung seperti 3DS Max, Sketch Up with V – Ray rendering, Photoshop , Corel Draw dan lain lain. Kami memiliki drafter yang berpengalaman untuk bidang keahlian tersebut dengan pengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun di bidangnya. Hal tersebut terbukti dari beberapa perusaan yang telah menjadi client kami, antara lain : • PT. PUTRA JAYA • PT. GELURAN ADIKARYA • PT. MACCO BIENT ENGINEERING • CHEAP N CLEAN – SORONG PLANT • PT. OMYA INDONESIA – SIDOARJO PLANT • CV. BESMARCO STEEL • CV. AGUNG JAYA ABADI • PT. SURABA...
AAN DESIGN adalah lembaga jasa yang bergerak dalam bidang gambar teknik peralatan industri makanan, minuman, obat obatan (foot, beverage, pharmaceutical) termasuk beberapa peralatan yang bertekanan pendukung seperti 3DS Max, Sketch Up with V – Ray rendering, Photoshop , Corel Draw dan lain lain. Kami memiliki drafter yang berpengalaman untuk bidang keahlian tersebut dengan pengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun di bidangnya. Hal tersebut terbukti dari beberapa perusaan yang telah menjadi client kami, antara lain : • PT. PUTRA JAYA • PT. GELURAN ADIKARYA • PT. MACCO BIENT ENGINEERING • CHEAP N CLEAN – SORONG PLANT • PT. OMYA INDONESIA – SIDOARJO PLANT • CV. BESMARCO STEEL • CV. AGUNG JAYA ABADI • PT. SURABA...
AAN DESIGN adalah lembaga jasa yang bergerak dalam bidang gambar teknik peralatan industri makanan, minuman, obat obatan (foot, beverage, pharmaceutical) termasuk beberapa peralatan yang bertekanan misalnya Rea...- software pendukung seperti 3DS Max, Sketch Up with V – Ray rendering, Photoshop , Corel Draw dan lain lain. Kami memiliki drafter yang berpengalaman untuk bidang keahlian tersebut dengan pengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun di bidangnya. Hal tersebut terbukti dari beberapa perusaan yang telah menjadi client kami, antara lain : • PT. PUTRA JAYA • PT. GELURAN ADIKARYA • PT. MACCO BIENT ENGINEERING • CHEAP N CLEAN – SORONG PLANT • PT. OMYA INDONESIA – SIDOARJO PLANT • CV. BESMARCO STEEL • CV. AGUNG JAYA ABADI • PT. SURAB...
AAN DESIGN adalah lembaga jasa yang bergerak dalam bidang gambar teknik peralatan industri makanan, minuman, obat obatan (foot, beverage, pharmaceutical) termasuk beberapa peralatan yang bertekanan misalnya Rea...- software pendukung seperti 3DS Max, Sketch Up with V – Ray rendering, Photoshop , Corel Draw dan lain lain. Kami memiliki drafter yang berpengalaman untuk bidang keahlian tersebut dengan pengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun di bidangnya. Hal tersebut terbukti dari beberapa perusaan yang telah menjadi client kami, antara lain : • PT. PUTRA JAYA • PT. GELURAN ADIKARYA • PT. MACCO BIENT ENGINEERING • CHEAP N CLEAN – SORONG PLANT • PT. OMYA INDONESIA – SIDOARJO PLANT • CV. BESMARCO STEEL • CV. AGUNG JAYA ABADI • PT. SURAB...
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Salam Kenal, Saya Agni, marketing Indovision area JABODETABEK, Ane mau minta bantuan sodara2 semua buat ngejualin INDOVISION, maklum Bro/Sis, Ane dikejar target dari kantor.. Komisi maaf yee, Ane cuma bisa ngasih Rp.100.000/closingan. Untuk ngobrol2 lebih lanjut bisa hubungi ane di no. 08993811990 (AlwaysOn Pokoknya) Selain itu juga bisa Bro/Sis bisa juga ngebantu jualin ...JABODETABEK, Ane mau minta bantuan sodara2 semua buat ngejualin INDOVISION, maklum Bro/Sis, Ane dikejar target dari kantor.. Komisi maaf yee, Ane cuma bisa ngasih Rp.100.000/closingan. Untuk ngobrol2 lebih lanjut bisa hubungi ane di no. 08993811990 (AlwaysOn Pokoknya) Selain itu juga bisa Bro/Sis bisa juga ngebantu jualin dekodernya INDOVISION. KOMISI nya PM Aja deh.. soalnya ane kerjasama ma ora...
...NEED EXPERTS IN MARKETING, SEO, SEM OR AI. WE DO NOT INVEST IN ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS OR SOCIAL MEDIA. We only invest in real people, we need salespeople. PLEASE ONLY RESPOND IF YOU CAN GENERATE APPOINTMENTS NOT JUST LEADS. We are a european business center, offering virtual offices to freelancers, teleworkers and small and medium-sized enterprises owners (SMEs) from the USA who need a business address in Europe to sell their services or products to the european market. A highly consumerist market of 448.4 million customers. A market with more than 33 million companies. We do b2b business. Trump will encourage domestic production in the US. It is time for american SMEs and freelancers to export products and services to Europe. Open a branch in ...
...Photo Editor/Retoucher to collaborate with us on a long-term basis for editing wedding and event photography. The ideal candidate will work on behalf of professional photographers who demand high-quality results and attention to detail. If you have a passion for photography and the expertise to bring out the best in every image, we’d love to hear from you. Job Requirements: Professional Expertise: Advanced skills in Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop for photo editing and retouching. Adaptability: Ability to adapt to various editing styles based on the preferences of each photographer. Attention to Detail: Proficiency in correcting lighting, contrast, color balance, and other fine adjustments. Creativity and Consistency: Ensure a cohesive look for...
I am a real estate agency from Switzerland seeking a skilled vid...footage of 2 hours that needs to be cut and edited for LinkedIn and Instagram. The final product should be between 1 to 3 minutes long and maintain a formal tone throughout. Key points: - The video is in Swiss German, so understanding this language would be a plus, but not necessary (I already wrote down, which parts you need to crop) - The editing style should be professional, avoiding cuts that look too cheap or too dynamic - Experience with real estate content would be advantageous (or banking, insurance etc.) - A keen eye for maintaining a stable, formal appearance is essential. Your expertise in video editing and cutting will be crucial to ensuring the final product meets our standards and alig...
I'm in need of a professional who can help review my drafted plans and then stamp them for a residential basement foundation in Massachusetts. Ideal skills and experience include: - Knowledge of local building codes and regulations - Experience in designing residential foundation plans - Ability to create detailed, technical blueprints - Understanding of basement-specific design considerations - Proficiency in structural engineering principles
I'm seeking a freelancer to conduct comprehensive research on four photographers related to the themes of borders and boundaries in my work. The photographers in question are Henri Cartier-Bresson, Vivian Maier, Martin Parr, and Rineke Dijkstra. Key aspects of the project include: - Investigating both geographical and social boundaries as depicted in their work. - Exploring biographical details, photographic styles, and major works of these photographers. - Presenting findings in a written report. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in photography and research, with excellent writing skills. Experience in presenting complex information in a clear and engaging manner is essential.
buongiorno, ho una richiesta riguardo all'app Chek in by wix, io ho 3 siti web che organizzano visite guidate, l'app check in by wix è in mano alla guide turistiche, queste guide come si può vedere nelle foto allegate hanno ognuna un account, in questo account vedono i tour assegnati a loro, possono entrare nei tour e vedere i nomi, se hanno pagato o no e la tipologia di biglietto, poi possono segnare direttamente i presenti e così anche io vedo i presenti in tempo reale. quello che non riesco a far comparire sono i numeri di telefono dei clienti sull'app, per me sarebbe fondamentale perchè li devo sempre mandare separatamente alla guida, mentre vorrei che si vedessero nell'app. sono tutti dati che ho gi&a...
...displaying incorrectly—it appears divided rather than showing a complete map of the country. The task at hand is to add the MA region to the Google Maps API key in the WordPress theme. Key Requirements: - Add the MA region to the Google Maps API key to correct the Google Map display. - Implement the update in the WordPress child theme to safeguard against future updates. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress and its child themes - Experienced in working with the Google Maps API - Ability to troubleshoot and resolve display issues The Google Maps API is already in use on my site and the integration is done through the template, not a specific plugin. Currently, only the MA region needs to be displayed on the map....
...freelancer to assist in creating basic .stl file for a toy project. This project is intended for a toy that will be made of cheap plastic via blow molding, and is to be 15 inches in size. Key Requirements: - Design should be suitable for blow molding - Design is NOT finished project. - Previous experience with toy design preferred - Proficiency in CAD software and .stl file creation necessary The design should not be a finished product, but rather a basic .stl file that can be used as a starting point for the creation of a toy. The design is needed to get a quote from a Bootleg toy Factory, and will not be a direct copy of their work. This will be the 3rd time job has been one has been able to complete this basic 20 minute 3d sculpt. You MUST ha...
We're seeking multiple freelance iPhone photographers to collaborate on an exciting project involving product photoshoots right at the grocery store. These images will play a pivotal role in enhancing our food ordering app's visual representation of restaurant offerings. If you own an iPhone 11 or newer, possess an eye for capturing appealing product images, and are ready for a dynamic experience, we're excited to connect with you! items to capture: 250 per person You will be required to order a lightbox immediately upon approval, but you will be re-imbursed upon receipt. Location 1: 3615 Mount Diablo Blvd, Lafayette, CA 94549 Date: Tuesday 28th Janurary 10AM-3PM, (more dates possible) Pay: $250 USD per day with all items completed. Equipment: Y...
We're seeking multiple freelance iPhone photographers to collaborate on an exciting project involving product photoshoots right at the grocery store. These images will play a pivotal role in enhancing our food ordering app's visual representation of restaurant offerings. If you own an iPhone 11 or newer, possess an eye for capturing appealing product images, and are ready for a dynamic experience, we're excited to connect with you! items to capture: 250 You will be required to order a lightbox, but you will be re-imbursed upon receipt. Location 1: Montreal, Quebec, Canada Date: Monday 27th - Thursday 30th, 10AM-3PM You will be required to be present at least 2 days. Pay: $200 USD per day with all items completed. Equipment: Your iPhone 10 or n...
...NEED EXPERTS IN MARKETING, SEO, SEM OR AI. WE DO NOT INVEST IN ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS OR SOCIAL MEDIA. We only invest in real people, we need salespeople. PLEASE ONLY RESPOND IF YOU CAN GENERATE APPOINTMENTS NOT JUST LEADS. We are a european business center, offering virtual offices to freelancers, teleworkers and small and medium-sized enterprises owners (SMEs) from the USA who need a business address in Europe to sell their services or products to the european market. A highly consumerist market of 448.4 million customers. A market with more than 33 million companies. We do b2b business. Trump will encourage domestic production in the US. It is time for american SMEs and freelancers to export products and services to Europe. Open a branch in ...
I ...comments. Admin features for photographers, including: Secure login for staff. Upload and manage photos/videos for each event. Generate unique, secure customer access URLs. Log actions taken by staff for transparency. Manage customer details, events, and permissions. Integration with a QNAP server for data storage. Data organization with folders for original photos, selected photos, and videos, categorized by event. Key Features: Highly secure system to protect customer content. Responsive design for desktop and mobile. Retain user session data if logged out. User-friendly interfaces for both photographer and customers. Budget: ₹30,000 (fixed) Timeline: 3–4 weeks Future Scope: This is a long-term project. I am willing to pay more for dedicated support and enhancements ...
...understand pine script. That's why I need help. I would like the source code though. The end result has to work. No missing functions. Here's the script : //@version=5 indicator("Pi Cycle Top & Bottom Indicator [InvestorUnknown]", "Pi Cycle Top & Bottom Indicator", overlay=false) // - - - - - INPUTS - - - - - //{ simple int short_len = (111, "Short Length MA") simple int long_len = (350, "Long Length MA") simple string ma_type = ("SMA", "Moving Average Type", options = ["SMA", "EMA"]) simple string mode = ("LOG(X)", "Oscillator Mode", options = ["RAW", "LOG(X)"]) //} // - - - - - CALCULATIONS - ...
Bonjour, Je suis directrice d'une agence immobilière. J'ai 2 locaux commerciaux. Le premier où je recois ma clientèle et le second en annexe. Je souhaite mettre une vitrophanie sur une des vitrines. Les dimensions sont 150cm de largeur x 273cm de hauteur. Je vous joins plusieurs éléments : - le logo de l'agence avec le code couleurs - le second local est composé de 2 vitrines. Celle de gauche est déjà prévue ( voir le visuel avec la photo de l'équipe ). - nous devons travailler sur la vitrine de droite - photo de la vitrophanie du local où je reçois mes clients pour vous donner une idée et faire un ensemble harmonieux Objectifs : - respecter le code couleur du logo et des ...
...into an unforgettable experience. Everloped specializes in intimate, personalized micro-weddings and elopements, focusing on creating stress-free, beautifully crafted celebrations. We are seeking a creative and strategic Social Media Manager to elevate our brand presence, engage with our audience, and drive growth across various platforms. Responsibilities • Content Strategy & Creation: • Develop and execute social media strategies aligned with brand goals for both Everlux Experiences and Everloped. • Create engaging, high-quality content (captions, images, reels, stories) that aligns with each brand’s voice and aesthetic. • Plan and manage content calendars for Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn. • Work with photographers/v... douane canadienne. Exemple, si j'importe 1000$ la douane va me demander de leur payer 50$ de TPS (5%). Je n'arrive pas à déclarer cela correctement dans Quickbooks. J'ai créé une taxe TPS de 100% mais pour certaines raisons quand j'applique la taxe aux lignes de TPS concernées, il ne s'applique que 50% de cette taxe. Exemple, quand je dis dans Quickbooks que j'ai payé 50$ de TPS, j'applique ma taxe de 100 % TPS dessus mais Quickbooks ne comptabilise que 25 $. J'ai besoin de régler ce problème pour pouvoir réaliser mes déclarations de taxe rapidement. 2) Quand je termine mes déclarations de taxe, l'ARC m'envoie un remboursement de taxe. Quand je co...
...We're a real estate photography agency based in New York. The job will start with a 3-week trial period at 48 hrs/week. If we find during that period that you are a good fit for the role, this could become a long-term position. Our budget for the job is $2/hr USD. Requirements -- Available Mon - Sat, 9am - 7pm NYC time -- Great visual eye -- Attention to detail -- Fluent in English -- Great communication (verbal and written) -- Patience -- Experience with Google Docs, Google Calendar, & Microsoft Excel preferred -- Content writing experience is a plus. -- Newsletter management is a plus. Roles & Responsibilities -- Quality check photos and provide feedback to photo editor. -- Schedule photography appointments with clients and photographers. -- Res...
Requirement: Hyperlocal Marketplace for Photography Services We are looking to develop a hyperlocal marketplace for photography-related services where nearby photographers can offer their services to customers. The solution will include: User Channels: Photographers (Vendors): Mobile App Customers (End Users): Mobile App Admin (Marketplace Management): Web Panel Services Required: Design (UI/UX) Website Development Mobile App Development Issue Maintenance Functional Workflow Overview: Vendors (Photographers): Sign up and set up profiles via the app or web. List services under admin-defined categories. Create custom packages combining services with add-ons. Set pricing for services and packages. Upload work portfolios. Specify availability slots for services. Custo...
We are seeking an experienced developer or development team to create a cross-platform mobile application using Flutter, a responsive and engaging landing page, and a robust backend system. The platform will empower content creators—such as photographers, videographers, and document specialists—to seamlessly upload, share, and monetize their digital work. This project focuses on high performance, security, and scalability, with an emphasis on user experience. UI/UX design will be provided by us. please start your bid with "20012025" to get considered. Scope of Work Mobile Application Features: User Account Management: -User registration and login functionality (email/password, OAuth integration). -Profile management with analytics and earnings ...
I'm looking for a skilled Android develo...dont have anything that I could remember exactly like this, I am attaching a pdf file or bulet file explaininy everything about the app. Please only serious developers msg me with full plan. I need it fast and cheap. Key Features: - The app should prioritize productivity, incorporating task management, calendar integration, and note-taking features. - The online store should be designed with gamification at its core, making the shopping experience interactive and fun. - The store will sell a range of products, so the app should accommodate diverse inventory. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Android app development. - Previous experience with e-commerce and gamification is highly desirable. - Strong understanding of productivity ap...
I'm seeking a creative and skilled animator to produce engaging animated TikTok teasers for my new music. The animations can be 2D or 3D, or even just flat animated graphics. The key is to deliver a visually stunning pr...teasers for my new music. The animations can be 2D or 3D, or even just flat animated graphics. The key is to deliver a visually stunning product that conveys a beautiful, unexpected tone. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 2D and/or 3D animation - Experience with creating content for TikTok - Ability to convey a specific tone or mood through animation - Strong creative vision - Attention to detail Please attach specific examples in your quote and kindly let me know you checked out the attached song and I will review your reply. Excited to s...
I need an expert to edit my house plans. The main focus will be on making structural adjustments, specifically to the roof. I want to reinforce the existing roof structure and...specifically to the roof. I want to reinforce the existing roof structure and possibly make some changes to the roof type. Ideal freelancers for this project should have experience in architectural design and structural engineering. They should be able to understand and modify existing house plans, making necessary structural adjustments to ensure the durability and safety of the house. The freelancer should have a strong understanding of different roof types and be able to suggest the best options for reinforcement. Also have an understanding of Massachusetts building codes. I need insulation specs to mee...