Certified ethical hacker questions and answersPekerjaan
...dynamic form, where the user will input something, and the next question will be adjusted based on the answer to the first question. 2. I want to have control over the prepared questions, even after the freelance work is done (ability to edit, I am okay with editing at the coding level/without an interface). 3. I want to have the results of the quiz/form (preference: in the form of a Google spreadsheet). 4. If additional costs are needed for data storage and/or other matters, please discuss them upfront. If possible, it would be better if we use the following tools: a. Google Forms b. Google Spreadsheets (for data preparation, data collection, and quiz results) c. Google Apps Script (to make this form dynamic, see sample questions below) [I am...
...dynamic form, where the user will input something, and the next question will be adjusted based on the answer to the first question. 2. I want to have control over the prepared questions, even after the freelance work is done (ability to edit, I am okay with editing at the coding level/without an interface). 3. I want to have the results of the quiz/form (preference: in the form of a Google spreadsheet). 4. If additional costs are needed for data storage and/or other matters, please discuss them upfront. If possible, it would be better if we use the following tools: a. Google Forms b. Google Spreadsheets (for data preparation, data collection, and quiz results) c. Google Apps Script (to make this form dynamic, see sample questions below) [I am...
I'm in need of a Telegram Bot and corresponding Web application for the wellness industry. Key Features for the Telegram Bot: - **User Registration**: The ability for users to sign up and create their own accounts. - **Daily Health Tips**: A feature that provides users with helpful health tips on a daily basis. - **Fitness Tracking**: The bot should enable users to keep track of their fitness progress. Key Features for the Web Application: - **Wellness Resources**: A comprehensive library of wellness resources for users to access. - **Appointment Scheduling**: An integrated system for users to book wellness appointments. - **Community Forum**: A platform for users to share experiences, ask questions, and support one another. - **Fitness Challenge**: A se...
Saya membutuhkan jasa profesional untuk menurunkan spam score website saya. Website saya memiliki SPAM SCORE () saat ini sebesar 63% karena sebelumnya pernah ada hacker perjudian yang menghack website saya dan memberikan banyak backlink spam. Saya ingin menurunkan spam score website saya menjadi di bawah 3%. Saya membutuhkan jasa Anda untuk melakukan hal-hal berikut: 1. Melakukan audit backlink untuk mengidentifikasi backlink yang buruk. 2. Menghapus backlink yang buruk secara manual atau menggunakan fitur disavow di Google Search Console. 3. Memberikan laporan tentang hasil kerja Anda. Jika Anda tertarik untuk mengerjakan proyek ini, silakan hubungi saya Kriteria worker: 1. Memiliki pengalaman dalam menurunkan spam score website. 2. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang tools backlink sep...
Madiun - Muhammad Agung Hidayatullah dari Pemuda Madiun , juga dikenal sebagai MAH, didakwa meretas Bjorka. Dia berusia 21 dari Warga Desa Banjaransari Kulon, Kecamatan Dagangan, dan Kabupaten Madiun sering berjualan kaget karena ponsel tidak berfungsi sebagai item baggier. Ia sebelumnya melakukan transaksi penjualan pada Sabtu, 13 September sekitar pukul 02.00 WIB, di tengah gedung. Smartphone Xiomi Note 10 pro ini dijual ke orang yang mengaku sebagai Husen dengan harga Rp 5 juta "Transaksi di depan rumah kemarin ada dua orang. Itu sehari sebelum atau pukul 22.00 WIB. Namanya Husen dari pengakuan," ujar MAH di rumahnya Minggu (18/9/2022). Transaksi itu, kata MAH, dilakukan tanpa sepengetahuan orang tua. Saat itu, kedua orang tuanya sudah tidur. MAH mengaku, pembeli ponsel ...
Propertize adalah startup lelang properti pertama di indonesia (untuk lebih lengkapnya diberitahukan lebih lanjut). Untuk tim IT sudah kami siapkan sekitar 10 orang, jadi sebagai hacker di startup kami yaitu memimpin mereka untuk membangun platform lelang properti seperti: / hubzu.com. Untuk benefit yang didapat yaitu menjadi salah satu founder dalam startup kami, memiliki previlage / koneksi dengan 1000startup dan startup studio (karena salah satu founder kami memiliki saudara yang bekerja sebagai PLT Direktur yg memimpin 1000startup dan startup studio di kominfo), mengikuti program accelerator dari yg dimulai dari tanggal 15 oktober 2021 - maret 2022. Jika berminat dan merasa mampu untuk menjadi pemimpin tim IT kami dalam membangun platform propertize dan menjadi
PT Kira Service Indonesia, membutuhkan Free Lance Staf Administrasi Software Accurate Manufacturing ...membutuhkan Free Lance Staf Administrasi Software Accurate Manufacturing selama 3 Bulan dengan kriteria sebagai berikut : - Familiar dan Berpengalaman Menggunakan Accurate Manufacturing Software minimal 2 Tahun - Menguasai Pembukuan Akuntansi, Pembelian, Hasil Produksi, Barang Keluar Masuk Gudang dan Penjualan - Pendidikan Minimal SMK / sederajat - Wanita / Pria, Usia Maksimal 28 Tahun - Mempunyai Certified Accurate Professional (CAP) - Mampu bekerja dilingkungan serba cepat. Dengan Rincian Pekerjaan sebagai berikut : - Melakukan penginputan data (Buku Besar, Kas & Bank, Persediaan, Penjualan, Pembelian, Pergudangan) - Melakukan pelaporan pembukuan - Melakukan maintenance so...
Web-based Quotasi untuk solusi dan servis bagi rumah2 yg akan revonasi dan memerlukan home automation He will work with our in-house project management team to develop web-based configurator for our home automation system. People that browse the web site can key in certain answers to predefined questions and the configurator will propose solutions and pricing and of course call to action for the user
Salam teman-teman semua, saya membutuhkan Jasa Hacker untuk keperluan Pembelajaran, bila ada diantara kalian yang berminat silahkan hubungi Terima kasih Yang TRUSTED ya
Saat ini saya sedang menjalankan bisnis kargo dan logistics dalam bentuk aplikasi. Tarif pengiriman kami sangat murah dan bisa kirim ke seluruh indonesia. Mitra2 kami sudah tersebar di seluruh jabodetabek, sudah 1bln kami jalankan namun hasil kurang sesuai harapan. Jadi saya berharap bisa menemukan freelancer yg bisa membantu bisnis saya growth lebih cepat. Terima kasih
I have some problem with execute python file form laravel
Optimize website for organic search, Please take 5 minutes to read the requirement 3 times and understand the project, if you are interested contact me by chat from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm Central Mexico time My name is Roberto Alanis, I am from Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, the site is The product is an administrative ERP (point of sale, electronic invoicing and inventory control) focused mainly on businesses such as restaurants, hardware stores and parts stores. If possible I want to work based on objectives with unlimited keywords, but focused on the target market that are 3 types of businesses: restaurants, hardware stores and spare parts in Nuevo León, Mexico I'm looking for more traffic and visits, but not from all over the wo...
Hubungan intim atau seks di zaman modern ini bukan hal tabu lagi bukan? Bahkan, ada mitos atau fakta dari nenek moyang kita, yang menyebutkan jika menggunakan air mani atau sperma sebagai masker dapat mengatasi masalah kulit. Lantas, benarkah demikian? Dilansir dari The Life Hacker, Ahli wajah, Chelsee Lewis mengklaim, masker air mani ini merupakan cara terbaik untuk mendapatkan wajah awet muda hingga mengatasi masalah kulit. Ia mengatakan, jika sperma mampu meningkatkan suplai oksigen, sirkulasi darah di jaringan wajah, dan membuat wajah bersih bercahaya. "Bisa juga disebut, sperma dapat membuat kulit tetap sehat dan memperlambat efek penuaan pada kulit." tulisnya dalam artikel tersebut. *Mengenal Manfaat dan Kandungan Sperma* Perlu diketahui, sperma mengandung s...
saya mencari yang bisa check bug / kelemahan web agar web tidak dapat di serang hacker web php native , smm panel
I need some articles written for my should be professional and encouraging with some author's opinion so readers will respond and leave comments. The articles should be about interesting ideas and be original content. Please message me if you have any questions,
Saya membutuhkan website baru Membuat dan mendesainnya Toko online Saya sedang mencari orang yang mau mebuatkan web toko online dengan Fitur lengkap seperti Lazada dan Aman dari hacker
Saya membutuhkan Programer dan Hacker yang memiliki pengetahuan dan kemampuan tinggi untuk bergabung dengan kami menyelesaikan beberapa project besar dengan jangka panjang. Untuk informasi selanjutnya silahkan PM saya. Rahasia anda terjamin aman bersama saya dan tidak akan terbocor keluar. Terima kasih.
Hello there, I am looking out f...File Format Converter 5. Weather Alert 6. URL Shortner Functionality 1. Each Of These Extensions Will Contain Maximum Of Five Functions 2. This Is My Initial Such Project While If You Turned Out To Be Good, Then I Will Hire For More Projects. 3. The Data For Each Of These Extensions Will Be Taken From Free APIs 4. Design And Development On You While You Have To Help In Submission 5. Each Of These Extensions Will Have Monetization Function Questions 1. Please Showcase Your Experience. 2. Please Share Your Proposal In Detail On How You Can Accomplish This If I Hire You. Last Bullet Points 1. If You Are An Excellent Developer, Then It Will Not Take More Than 48 Hours To Develop All. 2. The Budget Is For Whole Project....
Hello there, I am looking out f...File Format Converter 5. Weather Alert 6. URL Shortner Functionality 1. Each Of These Extensions Will Contain Maximum Of Five Functions 2. This Is My Initial Such Project While If You Turned Out To Be Good, Then I Will Hire For More Projects. 3. The Data For Each Of These Extensions Will Be Taken From Free APIs 4. Design And Development On You While You Have To Help In Submission 5. Each Of These Extensions Will Have Monetization Function Questions 1. Please Showcase Your Experience. 2. Please Share Your Proposal In Detail On How You Can Accomplish This If I Hire You. Last Bullet Points 1. If You Are An Excellent Developer, Then It Will Not Take More Than 48 Hours To Develop All. 2. The Budget Is For Whole Project....
Hello there, I am looking out f...File Format Converter 5. Weather Alert 6. URL Shortner Functionality 1. Each Of These Extensions Will Contain Maximum Of Five Functions 2. This Is My Initial Such Project While If You Turned Out To Be Good, Then I Will Hire For More Projects. 3. The Data For Each Of These Extensions Will Be Taken From Free APIs 4. Design And Development On You While You Have To Help In Submission 5. Each Of These Extensions Will Have Monetization Function Questions 1. Please Showcase Your Experience. 2. Please Share Your Proposal In Detail On How You Can Accomplish This If I Hire You. Last Bullet Points 1. If You Are An Excellent Developer, Then It Will Not Take More Than 48 Hours To Develop All. 2. The Budget Is For Whole Project....
Hello there, I am looking out f...File Format Converter 5. Weather Alert 6. URL Shortner Functionality 1. Each Of These Extensions Will Contain Maximum Of Five Functions 2. This Is My Initial Such Project While If You Turned Out To Be Good, Then I Will Hire For More Projects. 3. The Data For Each Of These Extensions Will Be Taken From Free APIs 4. Design And Development On You While You Have To Help In Submission 5. Each Of These Extensions Will Have Monetization Function Questions 1. Please Showcase Your Experience. 2. Please Share Your Proposal In Detail On How You Can Accomplish This If I Hire You. Last Bullet Points 1. If You Are An Excellent Developer, Then It Will Not Take More Than 48 Hours To Develop All. 2. The Budget Is For Whole Project....
Hello there, I am looking out f...File Format Converter 5. Weather Alert 6. URL Shortner Functionality 1. Each Of These Extensions Will Contain Maximum Of Five Functions 2. This Is My Initial Such Project While If You Turned Out To Be Good, Then I Will Hire For More Projects. 3. The Data For Each Of These Extensions Will Be Taken From Free APIs 4. Design And Development On You While You Have To Help In Submission 5. Each Of These Extensions Will Have Monetization Function Questions 1. Please Showcase Your Experience. 2. Please Share Your Proposal In Detail On How You Can Accomplish This If I Hire You. Last Bullet Points 1. If You Are An Excellent Developer, Then It Will Not Take More Than 48 Hours To Develop All. 2. The Budget Is For Whole Project....
Sedang mencari Co-founder untuk startup yang sedang saya bangun. 1. Seorang Hacker (Teknis) menguasai bahasa pemrograman web dan bertugas sebagai Backend Development. 2. Seorang Hipster (Design) menguasai UI/UX dan bertugas medesain web Frontend. Website yang akan dibangun agak mirip contoh berikut ini: Fitur: List startup, list talent, list venue, event management, corporat csr, etc. Benefit: 1. Menjadi Co-founder Startup bergengsi di Indonesia & asia. 2. Honor Rp. 750.000,-/bulan. 3. Menjadi bagian pengembangan talent IT Indonesia.
...Database Server) Topik Skripsi : Perancangan Database Database Programming Aplikasi Datawarehouse Sistem Informasi Geografi Sekilas Tentang Applied Database (Oracle) : Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan untuk menjadi database administrator dan database application developer terutama untuk ORACLE. Mahasiswa dibekali kesiapan untuk mengikuti ujian sertifikasi OCA (ORACLE Certified Administrator) dan OCP (ORACLE Certified Professional). Prasyarat Peminatan : Peserta : SI, TI, KA. Mulai angkatan 2005 (Binusian 2009) TOEFL >= 500 IPK >= 3,25 (IPK semester 3) Jumlah mahasiswa per angkatan = 90 orang mahasiswa (3 kelas @ 30 mahasiswa) Jumlah peserta disesuaikan dengan kapasitas yang tersedia Prerequisite semua matakuliah di bawah ini lulus dengan Grade A...
..." target="_top">Click Here!</a> <a href=""A+"" target="_top">Click Here!</a> <a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a> <a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a> <a href="" target="_top">Click
I need someone to create an iOS app for my business. The app should be functional and professional. The app should also follow the branding of my business. Please message me if you have any questions.
I need some one to enter some data for me. The documents are provided separately. The final format of the entered data should be consistent and standardised. Please message me if you have any questions.
Solve the problems from 3.119 to 3.155 in Problem Set 3.3 in P.127 - 128 and 3.4 in P.139 - 141. Your assigned problems are the number 3.n ( n = odd number ) example 3.119, 3.121 ... . You don't have to make answers for the even numbered problems I attached for you the whole book (all chapters) and the chapter 3
Seeking an Arabic-speaking sales professional to answer customer queries online (instagram and what’s app) Key Responsibilities: - Answer any customer questions - Represent our brand and product line with professionalism and enthusiasm. -Instagram story reposting Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in Arabic, with excellent communication skills. - Experience in retail, particularly in jewelry, is an advantage. - Capable of addressing customer concerns - Ability to engage with customers and promote our products effectively.
...first collection, which will include bikinis and one-piece swimsuits. The designs should convey creativity, confidence, and boldness, while also being functional and flattering for a range of body types. * Number of Designs: We require 20 swimwear pieces, including: * Bikinis * One-piece swimsuits * Target Audience: Women aged 18-35 who value high-quality materials, luxury, and body positivity. They want sexy, flattering, and bold pieces that make them feel confident and beautiful. * Materials: We are looking for designs that incorporate high-quality, sustainable fabrics. * Design Style: Clean, modern, and luxurious with a focus on flattering silhouettes. We are open to creative ideas but are looking for designs that feel both mod...
...Design: * Objective: We need a logo that embodies the luxury and elegance of the brand. The logo should be simple, memorable, and versatile for use on various media, including labels, website, and packaging. * Style: Modern, sleek, and sophisticated. It should convey a sense of exclusivity and timeless style. We prefer a minimalistic design, but we’re open to creative interpretations. * Deliverables: The final logo should be delivered in multiple formats, including AI (vector), PNG, JPG, and SVG, with both a full-color version and a black-and-white version. 2. Packaging Design: * Objective: We need packaging that is as luxurious and high-quality as the swimwear itself. The packaging should reflect our brand’s va...
...here: and documentation is here: You will extract code to have multiple buttons in a winform as follows: Connection Login Button: Login via the Interactive Brokers TWS API Logout Button: Disconnect from the IB server : It stores a list of instruments. The default is empty. Search Winform Search Button: The user can search, e.g. equities/bonds Search Grid: It displays the search results (contracts and specifications). With a tick on the grid in the first column and select OK, it will be added to the and the main Winform data grid. Main Winform Data grid: It loads the Default.txt. There is a cross in the first column, and hitting the cross will remove the instrument
I am interested in getting a logo for one of our new company, an e-commerce site called "Kraytomic" We sell herbal supplements like "Kratom", "Ashwagandha" "Moringa" etc. However, our main products are all "kratom". Kratom is an herbal supplement comes from south east asia. It's often pronounced as "Kraytom", this is why our brand is called "Kraytomic" PLEASE NO AI GENERATED LOGO! Our...accomplish with this logo? - Logo should be bold enough for people to know it's kratom or herbal supplement replated - Logo should create a brand style - Let's create this nature inspired logo as kratom is a natural product We are ONLY looking for original artists who can use their best imagination to create this logo. Pl...
...Satellite image every 5 minutes across the days. 2. Actual value every 15 minutes across the days. Just bid on it, and then I will send you the paths. You will build a machine learning tool to map historical satellite cloud images to values, which will build the training model. You will then use the model you trained to predict the value for the next three hours. Please be aware that there is also a seasonal pattern plus the cloud pattern. For example, summer has a higher actual value than winter. You don’t have to forecast off-peak values. Benchmark: you need to predict for the next hour with at least below 10% error to get paid; otherwise, I am better off extrapolating the line and still beating your model. I will pay particular attention to 08:00 to 14:00. &...
...the C# code will trigger the trained model and produce the output. Everything is run on C# only. There is no analysis, just execution of the model. • Bidding Your bid is my budget. If you deliberately put in a low bid to attract me to speak to you, you either revise your bid, or I will ignore you. • Delivery We need the source code and will integrate your program into a much larger one. You will be paid once you finish all the work and it works on my machine. We will also attack your program, as it has to be secure and reliable without loopholes. It has to be bug-free. • Platform Your code has to work on Windows. • Workplace You will be working online remotely. • Experience Please show us your detailed related work ...
...extensively worked in this domain. This is for continuous work. If things are suitable we can keep you for monthly retainer. Location, age and education does not matter. Your ability to do this work is the only criteria. We need artwork in Adobe file formats to be created. Some work or all work is important and hence client privacy and confidentiality is of paramount importance. Avoid sharing the same anywhere. We may give a couple of questions or some tests to check how good you are. Your prior history over here can help in this regard Work? Various things to be done. 1. Artwork for advertisements. 2. Creative material for banner ads. 3. Text and Image and Graphics on one single file which can be used to print ads. Keep the file editing option...
I'm seeking a talented Photoshop expert for photo retouching and image manipulation. I need 5 photos fixed/created Pic 1 - Make a simple change to the handles on a door. Change them from the 2 small round dots into a small rectangle that takes up the same amount of space. Pic 2 - Stitch 2 pics side by side to make a wide picture Pic 3 - Stitch 2 photos together Top & Bottom orientation Pic 4 - Stitch 4 photos together into a 4-blocker Pic 5 - Darken an image All photos in the attachment are labeled by Pic # and by the specific instructions for each Pic. It is very well explained please do not ask stupid questions I will not hire you. I will provide a folder with all the images once I award this. I need this fast. Like today and will pay a good tip ...
...at raising funds through Indiegogo and BackerKit. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a comprehensive marketing strategy to engage the general public. - Optimize our campaign's visibility on Indiegogo and BackerKit. - Create compelling content to attract potential backers. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in crowdfunding campaigns, particularly on Indiegogo and BackerKit. - Strong marketing and content creation skills. - Ability to engage and attract a broad audience. Competitive Advantage, We are our only Competition! is the only website offering a seamless, curated experience that combines sex toys, cannabis accessories, lingerie, virtual dressing room, couples' vacations, and coming soon VR/AI full body su...
I'm looking for a virtual personal assistant to work 40 hours a week on research, social media management, email communications and occassionally writing documents for me. They must be able to get on a zoom or google meet with me once a week so I can discuss the weeks tasks and deliverables and give the personal assistant time to ask questions about anything. Must be a self starter and able to get tasks completed without me telling them every single day what to do. You must be proficient with Notion Notes. Design skills is a plus!
...extensively worked in this domain. This is for continuous work. If things are suitable we can keep you for monthly retainer. Location, age and education does not matter. Your ability to do this work is the only criteria. We need artwork in Adobe file formats to be created. Some work or all work is important and hence client privacy and confidentiality is of paramount importance. Avoid sharing the same anywhere. We may give a couple of questions or some tests to check how good you are. Your prior history over here can help in this regard Work? Various things to be done. 1. Artwork for advertisements. 2. Creative material for banner ads. 3. Text and Image and Graphics on one single file which can be used to print ads. Keep the file editing opt...
...can answer a variety of questions based on information extracted from PDF/Spreadsheet and webhooks documents I provide. This chatbot should not only handle general inquiries, but also be able to tackle data-specific questions and user-specific inquiries. Key Features: - The ability to derive answers from the content of PDF files - Respond to general questions and data-specific queries - Handle user-specific questions Furthermore, the chatbot should be capable of learning from user interactions. This includes: - Adapting based on feedback about its responses - Tracking user interactions over time to improve accuracy and relevance - Accepting new information inputted by users Ideal candidates for this project should have e...
...platform terms of service and relevant data protection regulations. Requirements: Proven experience in building tools that process publicly available online data using PHP or Node.js. Knowledge of optimizing connectivity and ensuring efficient data retrieval methods. Ability to integrate the tool with an existing server infrastructure. Deliverables: A fully functional and well-documented tool for processing public social media data. Clear instructions for installation, usage, and troubleshooting. Terms: Please provide a fixed price and time estimate for project completion. Include pricing details for potential future updates or modifications. Important Note: This project is intended exclusively for research purposes and will adhere strictly ...
...American, Canadian, and British accents. To ensure the success of this project, we require a quiet environment and a stable internet connection. ➡️Project Details:- The project involves recording 823 words and short phrases using our application. It is essential that the recordings are of high quality and meet the specified if any phrases are rejected then they will have to be redone as well ?Payment Terms:- Payment will be made only for qualified data that meets the project's requirements. Therefore, it is crucial that the recordings are done according to the instructions provided. ?Key Requirements:- - Quiet environment - Stable internet connection - Recordings should be done in only American, Canadian, and British accents - Recordings ...
I need an academic person of AI and sustainability to do paraphrasing , proofreading and formatting of ideas for my study literature and model. I also want to create interview and questionnaire questions related to the study. It should not be working by an artificial intelligence tool like ChatGPT.
...packaging. 2. Text Translation: • Translate all existing text on the packaging into Dutch, ensuring the message remains clear and child-friendly. 3. Color Scheme: • Incorporate vibrant and attractive colors that appeal to children, while maintaining a balanced and uncluttered appearance. • Research indicates that bright colors and playful characters enhance the appeal of children’s packaging. • Consider using a palette that includes primary colors like red, blue, and yellow, as these are particularly engaging for children. 4. Overall Layout: • Redesign the current layout to achieve a fresh and modern look, ensuring that key elements such as product images and features are prominently displayed. • ...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can assist in gathering emails from a website: The primary objective for collecting these emails is to build a user database of our existing clients who are listed on this website. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in web scraping tools - Attention to detail - Experience with data collection and database creation - Understanding of privacy and ethical considerations in email collection Please note, this is a one-time project.
...you identify keywords with search intent and incorporate them into your content. How to Apply: Include targeted keywords naturally in your content, titles, headings, and meta descriptions. 2. Optimize Page Titles and Meta Descriptions Free & Easy: Writing unique, keyword-rich titles and meta descriptions is completely free. How to Apply: Customize your title and meta description tags for each page to accurately reflect the content and encourage clicks. Ensure they align with user search intent. Tools: You can use browser-based HTML editors or CMS plugins (like Yoast SEO on WordPress) to optimize meta tags. 3. Create High-Quality, Relevant Content Free & Essential: Crafting valuable, informative content is a free s...
...automated outreach sales and communication system for my new sustainable, organic soft drink brand. The primary goal of this system is to seek out and connect with relevant businesses and to begin a conversation about stocking a selling our brand.. we will ultimately be looking to boost sales of our brand - through various channels, namely: - Email - Social media - SMS/Text messages Additionally, the system should be capable of creating and distributing diverse types of content, including: - Introductory emails and messages - Gather information on leads and business needs - Offer information on our product - make Promotional offers - Offer samples - Maintain contact - Develop the business opportunity - create Informative newsletters - Prod...
I'm looking for a data scientist with machine learning expertise to help predict movie success catego...involve: - Extensive exploratory data analysis (EDA) to uncover key factors influencing success - Preprocessing and feature engineering to prepare the dataset - Experimenting with different classification algorithms to identify the most effective model I have a dataset ready for use. It includes: - Numeric data (e.g., ratings, budgets) - Categorical data (e.g., genres, actors) - Text data (e.g., movie summaries, reviews) The ideal candidate should have experience working with movie datasets and is highly proficient in machine learning. Machine learning skills are essential for preprocessing, feature engineering, and model testing. Please feel free to reach o...
Hi We are extending our current warehouse and We require first the existing site plans and all sides elevations and floor drawn on A3 paper to scale of 1:100(mm) Then same for proposed site plan, all sides elevations and floor plan and then require overlay of existing and proposed to show the amount of extension from existing to proposed Any questions please contact me, thanks