Black fridayPekerjaan
...Terpercaya, Berpengalaman — Buat website industri manufaktur yang profesional dan efektif untuk bisnis Anda. Bersponsor Bluehost® Create Your Own Website Build Your Website Now — Bluehost® Website Builder Lets You Build WordPress® Websites Fast And Easy. Get Started. Website Builder Online Store Start A Blog WordPress Hosting Black Friday Sale Shared Web Hosting Managed Cloud Hosting Migrate to Bluehost Cloud Black Friday · 80% off Select Hosting Plans Ends Dec 3 Orang lain juga bertanya Langkah kerja pembuatan website? Apakah website dapat menghasilkan uang? Apa syarat membuat website? Langkah membuat website dengan HTML? Masukan Orang lain juga menelusuri Contoh website Cara membuat situs web Cara membuat website bisnis Cara...
Maggot Black Soldier Fly (BSF) dinilai mampu menjadi solusi dalam mengurai sisa sampah organik, terutama sisa makanan rumah tangga. Sisa sampah makanan yang dikonsumsi maggot tak hilang begitu saja. Pasalnya, kotoran maggot bisa dimanfaatkan untuk pupuk kompos sebagai media tanam yang baik.
Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu membangun Sistem informasi persewaan dan penjualan properti di DIY berbasis web, dan membuat aplikasi yang dapat menampilkan gambaran detail p...informasi persewaan dan penjualan properti ini dibangun dengan bahasa pemograman PHP dan database MySQL. Metode perancangan yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan diagram konteks, DAD Sistem, relasi antar tabel dan tampilan antar muka dengan sistem yang diusulkan. Tahap penyembangan aplikasi meliputi analisis, perancangan sistem, implementasi, dan pengujian. Pengujian sistem dilakukan dengan black box test dan alpha hasil dari penelitian, sistem dapat membantu penjual untuk memasarkan propertinya secara lebih luas dan memudahkan calon pembeli untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai properti yang diinginkan.
Halo pak apakah bs menjalankan ads fb, ads google, unt proyek ads black tepatnya online gambling, apakah bs? Tq
Halo pak apakah bs menjalankan ads fb, ads google, unt proyek ads black tepatnya online gambling, apakah bs? Tq
Halo pak apakah bs menjalankan ads fb, ads google, unt proyek ads black tepatnya online gambling, apakah bs? Tq
Halo mas apakah bs menjalankan ads fb, ads google, unt proyek ads black tepatnya online gambling, apakah bs? Tq
Halo mas ihsan apakah bs menjalankan ads fb, ads google, unt proyek ads black tepatnya online gambling, apakah bs? Tq
Halo siap pak christ, sya serius sedang mencari yg dapat menjalankan ads dan seo black, apakah bapak berkenan. Tq
... jika didownload hasil nya PNG jika di zoom akan pecah. 2. untuk itu apakah bisa dibuatkan file PSD untuk membuat font generator yg hasil file nya SVG, JPG or PNG dimana klo di zoom tidak di blur/pecah. asumsi sy PSD, mungkin ada file format yg lain welcome 3. file mentah font bisa didapatkan diinternet 4. font yg mau digunakan adalah batman, superman, the flash, iron man, captain america, black panther, spiderman.. detail font bisa dilihat link dibawah ini Syarat hasil jadi desain 1. file PSD nya bisa dimasukkan berbagai macam font untuk kedepannya 2. jika sudah menjadi file PSD bisa diinput berbagai macam text (huruf atau angka) 3. hasil SVG atau
Nonton Black Widow Sub Indo – Natasha Romanoff, juga dikenal sebagai Black Widow, menghadapi bagian yang lebih gelap dari buku besarnya ketika muncul konspirasi berbahaya yang terkait dengan masa lalunya. Dikejar oleh kekuatan yang tidak akan berhenti untuk menjatuhkan nya, Natasha harus berurusan dengan sejarahnya sebagai mata-mata dan hubungan yang rusak ditinggalkan di belakangnya jauh sebelum dia menjadi seorang Pembalas. kunjungi disini ya: CNNXXI atau CNNXXI21
Caratula para ep sobre mitologia andina There must be three idols around the campfire. One like the one that appears in this drawing, the second as an old man with wings, the third with a single eye, four ears and a tiger's tail, they must be stone statues, around the campfire, and among them a witch making an offering by raising their hands and offering a liquid ...three idols around the campfire. One like the one that appears in this drawing, the second as an old man with wings, the third with a single eye, four ears and a tiger's tail, they must be stone statues, around the campfire, and among them a witch making an offering by raising their hands and offering a liquid in a vessel. The whole scene must be inside a cave with stalagmites and many stones. Full black and w...
Black & White atau yang biasa disebut dengan Fotografi BW bisa juga di sebut Fotografi Hitam Putih adalah jenis fotografi yang menghasilkan gambar yang terdiri dari warna dalam deretan tonal range yang dimulai dari warna hitam (pure black)sampai dengan warna putih (pure white).
...Kaso 4cm X 6cm X 400cm = 6 batang Paku 2,5cm, 5cm, 7cm secukupnya Kaki kayu tinggi 10 cm (bisa beli jadi) Lem kayu BAHAN UNTUK MEMBUAT 2 SEAT SOFA MINIMALIS : 3 m Kain sofa motif 4,25 m Kain sofa polos 4 m Kain Furing putih 1 m Kain Furing hitam Benang jahit nilon (sesuai warna kain) 1 lembar Busa (foam) Yellow 4cm 1 lbr Busa Softy 4cm 1 lbr Busa LG 4cm 1 lbr Busa LG 2cm 1 lbr Busa black 1cm 3 kg Silicon Hollow 2 m Dakron Karet / webing secukupnya Isi staples ukuran 13/8 Lem kuning (lem busa) ALAT-ALAT: Gergaji kayu,serut, martil, tang Staples untuk sofa, parut Mesin jahit A. MEMBUAT KERANGKA SOFA Potonglah multipleks 15mm dengan ukuran sesuai gambar di bawah ini: Potong Kaso dengan ukuran sebagai berikut...
...karton tebal Kaso 4cm X 6cm X 400cm = 6 batang Paku 2,5cm, 5cm, 7cm secukupnya Kaki kayu tinggi 10 cm (bisa beli jadi) Lem kayu BAHAN UNTUK MEMBUAT 2 SEAT SOFA MINIMALIS : 3 m Kain sofa motif 4,25 m Kain sofa polos 4 m Kain Furing putih 1 m Kain Furing hitam Benang jahit nilon (sesuai warna kain) 1 lembar Busa (foam) Yellow 4cm 1 lbr Busa Softy 4cm 1 lbr Busa LG 4cm 1 lbr Busa LG 2cm 1 lbr Busa black 1cm 3 kg Silicon Hollow 2 m Dakron Karet / webing secukupnya Isi staples ukuran 13/8 Lem kuning (lem busa) ALAT-ALAT: Gergaji kayu,serut, martil, tang Staples untuk sofa, parut Mesin jahit A. MEMBUAT KERANGKA SOFA Potonglah multipleks 15mm dengan ukuran sesuai gambar di bawah ini: Potong Kaso dengan ukuran sebagai berikut 117 cm = 6 batang (untuk body sof...
...produk rokoknya ke luar negeri. Pada tahun yang sama, Djarum memasarkan Djarum Filter, merek pertamanya yang diproduksi menggunakan mesin, diikuti merek Djarum Super yang diperkenalkan pada tanggal 21 April 1975. Saat ini Djarum dipimpin Budi Hartono dan Bambang Hartono, yang dua-duanya merupakan putra Oei. Djarum meluncurkan rokok Mild bermerek L.A. Lights pada tanggal 21 April 1999 dan Djarum BLACK pada tanggal 21 April 2000. Alamat Kantor Pusat PT Djarum Kudus Jl. A. Yani No. 26 - 28, Kabupaten Kudus Jawa Tengah 10260 Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2016 PT. DJARUM Indonesia : Administrasi Produksi Trainee Engineer Administrator Auditor Recruitment Staff Lokasi Kerja: Semua Cabang PT DJARUM (INDONESIA) Fasilitas
Ini adalah proyek yang mendesaign Produk untuk produk RANCAK BUAH Rancak buah adalah Catering Juice dan Buah potong delivery. Kami ingin menjadi solusi bagi customer yang ingin memakan buah secara teratur, mudah, higienis, dan efficient. Sehingga mereka tidak harus lagi repot-repot untuk pergi kepasar, kehujanan, atau berat membawa buah tersebu...membawa buah tersebut dan harus mengupasnya terlebih dahulu. Rancak buah telah berdiri satu bulan yang lalu dan saat ini mempunyai kios di depan Kampus Maranatha Yang perlu di desain adalah 1. Stiker untuk Jus 2. Stiket untuk Botol 3. Plank toko 4. packaging Buah potong Target market : Wanita umur 22-30 Value company : Happy, Healthy , Efficient Colour : Red, Orange ke kuningan, black.. liat contoh warna di logo yang...
Ini adalah proyek yang mendesaign Produk untuk produk RANCAK BUAH Rancak buah adalah Catering Juice dan Buah potong delivery. Kami ingin menjadi solusi bagi customer yang ingin memakan buah secara teratur, mudah, higienis, dan efficient. Sehingga mereka tidak harus lagi repot-repot untuk pergi kepasar, kehujanan, atau berat membawa buah tersebu...membawa buah tersebut dan harus mengupasnya terlebih dahulu. Rancak buah telah berdiri satu bulan yang lalu dan saat ini mempunyai kios di depan Kampus Maranatha Yang perlu di desain adalah 1. Stiker untuk Jus 2. Stiket untuk Botol 3. Plank toko 4. packaging Buah potong Target market : Wanita umur 22-30 Value company : Happy, Healthy , Efficient Colour : Red, Orange ke kuningan, black.. liat contoh warna di logo yang...
Saya membutuhkan jasa pekerja Search Engine Optimization yang berlokasi di Surabaya. Saya perlu jaminan bahwa website yang akan dioptimasi akan muncul pada halaman pertama dalam 2 bulan pengerjaan. Jika website tidak muncul pada halaman pertama diakhir bulan kedua, maka saya akan melakukan refund 100% dari pembayaran yang sudah dilakukan dan freelancer tidak dibayar. ...pengerjaan. Jika website tidak muncul pada halaman pertama diakhir bulan kedua, maka saya akan melakukan refund 100% dari pembayaran yang sudah dilakukan dan freelancer tidak dibayar. Saya membutuhkan pekerja yang tidak hanya melakukan SEO Writing, tetapi juga Link Building, Blog Walker dan trik-trik SEO lainnya. Saya tidak membutuhkan pekerja SEO yang menggunakan trik White Head atau Black Head.
1. Spesifikasi T-Shirt, Kaos Anak, Black Vintage & Raglan : Soft Cotton Combed (Bio Polished) - Gramasi 190-200 gsm Kami menggunakan kain katun berkualitas tinggi, dengan finishing Bio Polished. menghasilkan tekstur kain yang lembut, tidak panas & nyaman kaos tidak diukur berdasarkan benang 20s atau 30s, tetapi perhitungannya lebih mendetail yaitu dengan gramasi kain. Kain ini merupakan custom order ke pabrik garment dengan standarisasi internasional Oeko-Tex, Zurich, memiliki spesifikasi yang khusus. sehingga hanya bisa anda temukan dalam produk2 oceanseven :) Chain Stitch & Inner Strips Jahitan rantai berkualitas, standarisasi ekpor. kami tambahkan dengan Inner Strips berwarna kontras sebagai penanda / ciri khas kaos original oceanseven...
1. Spesifikasi T-Shirt, Kaos Anak, Black Vintage & Raglan : Soft Cotton Combed (Bio Polished) - Gramasi 190-200 gsm Kami menggunakan kain katun berkualitas tinggi, dengan finishing Bio Polished. menghasilkan tekstur kain yang lembut, tidak panas & nyaman kaos tidak diukur berdasarkan benang 20s atau 30s, tetapi perhitungannya lebih mendetail yaitu dengan gramasi kain. Kain ini merupakan custom order ke pabrik garment dengan standarisasi internasional Oeko-Tex, Zurich, memiliki spesifikasi yang khusus. sehingga hanya bisa anda temukan dalam produk2 oceanseven :) Chain Stitch & Inner Strips Jahitan rantai berkualitas, standarisasi ekpor. kami tambahkan dengan Inner Strips berwarna kontras sebagai penanda / ciri khas kaos original oceanseven...
1. Spesifikasi T-Shirt, Kaos Anak, Black Vintage & Raglan : Soft Cotton Combed (Bio Polished) - Gramasi 190-200 gsm Kami menggunakan kain katun berkualitas tinggi, dengan finishing Bio Polished. menghasilkan tekstur kain yang lembut, tidak panas & nyaman kaos tidak diukur berdasarkan benang 20s atau 30s, tetapi perhitungannya lebih mendetail yaitu dengan gramasi kain. Kain ini merupakan custom order ke pabrik garment dengan standarisasi internasional Oeko-Tex, Zurich, memiliki spesifikasi yang khusus. sehingga hanya bisa anda temukan dalam produk2 oceanseven :) Chain Stitch & Inner Strips Jahitan rantai berkualitas, standarisasi ekpor. kami tambahkan dengan Inner Strips berwarna kontras sebagai penanda / ciri khas kaos original oceanseven Cotto...
1. Spesifikasi T-Shirt, Kaos Anak, Black Vintage & Raglan : Soft Cotton Combed (Bio Polished) - Gramasi 190-200 gsm Kami menggunakan kain katun berkualitas tinggi, dengan finishing Bio Polished. menghasilkan tekstur kain yang lembut, tidak panas & nyaman kaos tidak diukur berdasarkan benang 20s atau 30s, tetapi perhitungannya lebih mendetail yaitu dengan gramasi kain. Kain ini merupakan custom order ke pabrik garment dengan standarisasi internasional Oeko-Tex, Zurich, memiliki spesifikasi yang khusus. sehingga hanya bisa anda temukan dalam produk2 oceanseven :) Chain Stitch & Inner Strips Jahitan rantai berkualitas, standarisasi ekpor. kami tambahkan dengan Inner Strips berwarna kontras sebagai penanda / ciri khas kaos original oceanseven Cotto...
1. Spesifikasi T-Shirt, Kaos Anak, Black Vintage & Raglan : Soft Cotton Combed (Bio Polished) - Gramasi 190-200 gsm Kami menggunakan kain katun berkualitas tinggi, dengan finishing Bio Polished. menghasilkan tekstur kain yang lembut, tidak panas & nyaman kaos tidak diukur berdasarkan benang 20s atau 30s, tetapi perhitungannya lebih mendetail yaitu dengan gramasi kain. Kain ini merupakan custom order ke pabrik garment dengan standarisasi internasional Oeko-Tex, Zurich, memiliki spesifikasi yang khusus. sehingga hanya bisa anda temukan dalam produk2 oceanseven :) Chain Stitch & Inner Strips Jahitan rantai berkualitas, standarisasi ekpor. kami tambahkan dengan Inner Strips berwarna kontras sebagai penanda / ciri khas kaos original oceanseven...
DEAR FREELANCER, Saya membutuhan jasa pembuatan logo untuk brand "MadHat". MadHat bergerak di bidang Food & Bev. Untuk bahan pertimbangan: 1. Bergerak di bidang F&B ( lebih ke pastry dan coffee shop ) 2. Logo harus kreatif (Fresh & fun ) 3. Warna yg ada hanya black&white, black&gold, black&silver 4. Refrensi akan saya attach, logo harus berkaitan dengan topi dan nama madhat.
CELANA Pembesar Alat Vital Pria menjadi Lebih Perkasa produksi USA, yang dirancang khusus untuk para pria dewasa berfungsi untuk melancarkan darah sekitar alat vital, dan berfungsi juga memperbesar alat ...40cm. XL – Lingkar pinggang 68cm, Lingkar Paha 46cm. XXL – Lingkar Pinggang 72cm, Lingkar Paha 52cm. Cara Pemakaian : Pakailah Dengan Cara Perlahan – lahan, Lalu naikkan batang kelamin ke atas sehingga terpisah antara buah zakar dan batang penis. Rincian Product : Made In : USA HARGA : Rp. 500.000,- PRODUK LAIN : PEMBESAR PENIS VIGRX PLUS HERBAL ORIGINAL CANADA OBAT PEMBESAR PENIS BLACK MAMBA AFRICA OIL PEMBESAR PENIS COBRA OIL USA PEMBESAR PENIS ARABIAN OIL PEMBESAR PENIS VACUM PENIS ALAT PEMBESAR PENIS PERMANEN VIMAX PILL OBAT PEMBE...
We are Stubbs Coffee; a coffee roastery that wants to change how the average person acquires, brews and drinks coffee. "Love Coffee, Love People" sums up what we're about. With just over a month from launch, we've had numerous people buying our home made roasts & many more people joining our taster sessions. We're going places! And we'll like you to join us & help us show a professional but & help us show a professional but down to earth Logo for our roastery; A logo which revolves around the relationships with our customers. For some inspiration, we've attached the photo of a sample logo. However, feel free to be creative around the core idea of a "Coffee Beans in a Heart" as depicted in the logo. Colour Scheme: Dark...
Hello all, This is a simple and straight forward AutoCAD project. I have 220 x 2D Technical Drawings to be manually converted to AutoCAD (DWG). Attached below is a sample file of what the drawing should look like. Below are some notes for y...the fonts to remain unchanged. (Refer to "Template") - Only display certain dimensions (Refer to "Template" and "Sample") - Friction material to be hatched with color and logo to be placed. (Refer to "Template") - Model and brand name to be remained according to ("Reference") - Only draw in model space, paper space (title-block) not required. - No need for any colour/layering, just draw in black. - More details on the requirements will be provided once project is awarded I will not b...
Singapore & Yahoo Singapore, for chosen words. Methods used MUST be white hat. NO BLACK HAT METHODS! You must analyze the competition for the keywords chosen for best SEO ideas and tactics Off site SEO and On-site SEO ++ IMPORTANT ++ You must use as many different article directories as possible, a maximum of 5 articles per article directory is the limit Don't bother bidding if you cannot write AND submit your articles. Please write "I agree with the payment terms" in your PM. Any generic bid will be deleted automatically. ********* Requirements ********** - You are able to write in proper English - You will submit at least 3 articles daily - Articles must pass copyscape, no plagiarism - Article must be indexed by Google (at least once) - Maximu...
Singapore & Yahoo Singapore, for chosen words. Methods used MUST be white hat. NO BLACK HAT METHODS! You must analyze the competition for the keywords chosen for best SEO ideas and tactics Off site SEO and On-site SEO ++ IMPORTANT ++ You must use as many different article directories as possible, a maximum of 5 articles per article directory is the limit Don't bother bidding if you cannot write AND submit your articles. Please write "I agree with the payment terms" in your PM. Any generic bid will be deleted automatically. ********* Requirements ********** - You are able to write in proper English - You will submit at least 3 articles daily - Articles must pass copyscape, no plagiarism - Article must be indexed by Google (at least once) - Maximu...
A vacancy has open up for an excellent article writer with experience in writing articles. For this i mean you need to be able to write 500 words in 1hr or 1.5 hrs max and submit back to me. This means you must work at the same time as me and do atleast 5 articles a day or more monday to Friday ( Weekend optionl) .So in a day you can do atleast 6 articles. Topics covers a wide variety so you need to be able to write on many topics. pay is $6/500 words. Ready for this? Apply. Immediate Start Thanks Alex
jual beli batu cincin, batu akik, permata, jenis batu yang dijual beragam, mulai dari sunkish black oval, dan yang paling spesial amethys dari indonesia lampung yang berminat silahkan hubungi email saya
saya akan membuat sebuah desain animasi , yang berbasic warna hitam dan putih seperti portrait jadul gitu , semoga anda menyetujui project saya , simple does not mean out of favor
I'm looking for a designer to recreate a jar label. The label should replicate the image and layout of the provided reference as closely as possible, with specific modifications. Tasks include: - Updating text as highlighted in the circles and indicated below the arrows. - Replacing certain images as specified. - Adjusting colors to match the reference image. Th...indicated below the arrows. - Replacing certain images as specified. - Adjusting colors to match the reference image. The logo will be provided as a file upload in JPEG format, and should be placed at the top of the label as per the reference image. Ideal skills for this job include: - Graphic design - Label design - Attention to detail - Proficiency in design software The wording on the labels in black, should b...
I'm looking for a designer to create a unique steering wheel for me. The design should consider various options, shapes, colors, and materials. Key Requirements: - The steering wheel should be round with a flat bottom. - It should incorporate both perforated Leather on grips and matte Carbon Fiber on top and bottom. - Color options should include both Black and details in red ( mostly in the center trim but i´m open to options ) - Led rev count on the top Ideal Skills: - Experience in product design, particularly automotive components. - Proficiency in using design software. - Understanding of materials and color combinations. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. I add few photos with examples of materials,shapes, revs ...
I'm currently facing an issue with my Homeowners Association (HOA) black sewage invaded first floor and most of my furniture got damaged due to the association's failing to fix ongoing issue. Also, the association refused to clean up, even after I clean up, my home smells bad I need a professional to review relevant documentation. Also, it is possible that the association reimburse me for lawyer's expenses and pain and suffering that they put me through The key tasks involve: - Reviewing the Bylaws and rules of the HOA - Analyzing correspondence and emails exchanged with the HOA Board -Association keeps on asking me to move out, with no date to return -What are my options and how to negotiate - Most of my furniture got damaged, association does not mention to reimb...
...Section – Address common questions (voting rules, submission deadlines, etc.). Dedicated Pages: Leaderboard – Real-time results, sortable by category. Submit Facility – Full-page submission form. About the Awards – Background, mission, and benefits. Contact Us – Simple form, customer support email, and phone number. Visual Design Ideas: Color Scheme: Clean and professional (gold, white, black, and navy blue for a premium look). Typography: Modern, easy-to-read fonts. Headers bold and inviting. Icons and Badges: Custom-designed icons for each category and badges for winners. Animations: Subtle hover effects, transitions between sections, and animated vote counters. Mobile Optimization: Fully responsive, ensuring seamless experience on all d...
I'm looking for a modern and sleek logo for my gym. The logo should incorporate the gym's initials or name, and convey a message of strength and power. Key Elements: - Design a contemporary and streamlined logo - Incorporate the gym's name or initials into the design - Convey a sense of strength and power The ideal freelancer for...gym's name or initials into the design - Convey a sense of strength and power The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in logo design, particularly for fitness-related brands, and a portfolio showcasing modern, strong designs. Experience with fitness industry branding would be a plus. The name of my gym will be called “Boss Lifting Club”. I want the colors to be black and gold. I want the ...
*** Please only the Brand Name as Logo - Cirel *** Overview: is an e-com...Objectives: The goal of this project is to design a logo that: • Reflects the brand’s values and vision. • Appeals to the target audience. • Is versatile for use across different mediums (e.g., website, packaging, social media). Design Style and Preferences: • Preferred Style: Modern, minimalistic, and elegant. • Colors: Explore a palette that conveys sophistication and trust, such as neutral tones (black, white, grey) or subtle accent colors (e.g., soft gold, muted pastels). • Typography: Clean and contemporary fonts that are easy to read and visually appealing. • Imagery: Consider incorporating elements that evoke creativity, reliability, and modernity. Avoid ...
I'm seeking an expert in digital marketing, specifically in crafting engaging Instagram ads for my professional service...for $2,000 each offer limited to the first two that have half deposit submited. normally $2,500 2. i want my logo somewhere on the ad "logo uploaded" 3. offer ends at the end of Jan 2025 4. Text me 281-989-7133 to get offer 5. I want a picture of a wrapped cybertruck, you can use pictures from my instagram EZTwraps profile i have 2 of them that are wrapped and posted on there. One black and one that is blue/black if you would like to cartoonize the cybertruck with a different color wrap thats cool too. please let me know if you have questions I look forward to collaborating with a professional who can help boost business through effective...
General description In this topic, we are looking at processing an image to obtain a stylized version of it in the form of a sketch. A sketch image has the following characteristics: It's black and white with no shades of gray. Preserves image contours. Contours are made using Sobel filter + binarization The hatching lines show where the image is darker. The denser the hatching lines are in an area, the darker the image colors are in that area. In the attached image1, you can see several results obtained from applying the approach you need to implement within this topic. As part of the assignment, you must implement a specific proposed method, which is described in the following sections. An overview of the steps for creating a sketch using this method can be seen in the...
I am in need of a professional graphic designer who can bring my modern and sleek concept to life. The logo should be minimalistic, exclusively using a black and white palette. It should also incorporate geometric shapes, adhering to a clean and uncluttered aesthetic. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in graphic design, particularly logo creation - Strong understanding of minimalistic design principles - Experience working with geometric shapes - Ability to work with a monochrome color scheme Ideal candidates will have a portfolio showcasing similar design work. Please reach out if you can help me with this logo design.
I need a logo designed for my credit card that creatively incorporates the letter 'C' and abstract symbols representing the benefits of the card, like coupons. The logo should embody a modern and minimalistic style, with a black background and a white letter. Key aspects of the project include: - Creativity: The logo needs to be done creatively, standing out while still adhering to the modern and minimalistic aesthetic. - Abstract Symbols: The benefits of the credit card should be depicted through abstract symbols, cleverly integrated into the design. - Website Ready: The logo will primarily be displayed on my website, so it needs to be suitable for this medium. Ideal skills for this job include: - Graphic Design: Expertise in creating visually appealing and professiona...
I'm seeking a talented designer to create a minimalist logo for me, based on a premade photo I will provide. Key Details: - The logo should be in a minimalist style. - It needs to be in black and white only. - The logo must incorporate some text The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong portfolio in minimalist design, particularly in logo creation. Experience with monochromatic designs is a plus, as is a knack for typography. I look forward to seeing your proposals.
I am a single retired gentleman seeking a full-time energetic and intelligent manager/housekeeper for my private home in Fort Lauderdale, FL. This is a Monday to Friday job with an excellent salary. Responsibilities: - House cleaning and maintenance - Running errands and grocery shopping - Preparing breakfast, lunch, and dinner (simple meals) Requirements: - Fluent in English and Spanish - Valid driver's license Ideal Skills: - Energetic and intelligent - Housekeeping and management experience - Cooking skills (not necessarily professional, but able to prepare simple meals) - Excellent communication skills
I need three logos recreated in high quality. These will be used as my website's logo and images. Requirements: - File Formats: The logos should be delivered in PNG, SVG, and JPEG formats. - Color Variations: I need the logos in both their original colors and a black and white version. - Size: The logos must be large, over 1000px. Ideal Freelancer: - Graphic Design: You should have a strong background in graphic design with a portfolio showcasing similar work. - Logo Recreation: Experience in recreating logos is a must. - Attention to Detail: The ability to accurately replicate the logos and deliver high quality, precise work is essential. - Proficiency in Design Software: You should be proficient in design software capable of delivering the required file formats and sizes.
Important: please see attached brief to give you an overview. Some parts have been hidden with black squares for confidentiality purposes. ** I will supply brief with the logins once project has been awarded ** The website was built using PHP/MySQL/Bootstrap/JS technologies. The website is a simple ‘document management system’ with 2 areas: • Admin area • Client User area I have some new features that I need adding (explained in the brief) summarised below: TASK 1: Split file manager into 3 sections. TASK 2 (3 parts): Add new features to chat system. TASK 3: Add admin posts area
I need a freelancer who can improve my logo, which I currently have only in medium resolution. The task includes: - Delivering 3 high quality renderings of the logo in black, white, silver, all with transparent backgrounds. - Making the ring of the logo a full circle. I have only images of the logo (in medium resolution) and not the original file. The freelancer should have the necessary skills and tools to work with these images and enhance their quality to meet my specifications.
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