Bim building information modelingPekerjaan


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    2,000 bim building information modeling pekerjaan ditemukan
    Build a Website
    Berakhir left

    berikut bahasa pemrograman & framwork yg saya bisa di bidang web programming, yaitu menggunakan : -HTML5,CSS,Jquery,PHP -Framework Bootstrap, Codeigniter pengalaman saya - Pernah membantu teman membuat website untuk salah tugas akhir kuliah - Membuat Website Administrasi Online untuk lembaga Le...'Latisprivat', bisa dibuka di - Membuat website jasa keamanan untuk perusahaan 'Langgeng Jaya Group' bisa diakses melalui - Membuat website untuk komunitas Diving (Penyelam Laut) IFF Pelatihan/Training yang pernah saya ikuti adalah -Kursus Framework Web Codeigniter di universitas gunaadarma Dalam 3D modeling saya mampu -membuat bagunan interior menggunakan software blender -pernah membantu teman modeling objek 3D untuk sala...

    $168 Average bid
    $168 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    Klien dari flyer yang saya buat ini adalah Sekolah Model Hijabku. Sekolah yang bergerak dalam dunia modeling dengan menggunakan hijab sebagai fashion dan menciptakan gaya-gaya baru dengan hijab. Itulah mengapa saya meletakkan gambar-gambar perempuan cantik dengan menggunakan hijab yang fashionable. Karena sekolah model Hijabku ini khusus perempuan maka saya menggunakan warna merah muda sebagai warna dasar, karena merah muda selalu identik dengan perempuan. Melalui flyer ini klien saya ingin mempublikasikan tentang sekolahnya dan membuka pendaftaran bagi peserta baru.

    $90405 Average bid
    $90405 Rata-rata
    10 penawaran

    mencari informasi dalam suatu website, yang mungkin ada beberapa orang tidak dapat menemukan informasi tersebut.

    $106 Average bid
    $106 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    Projects With Aedas Ali Naqvi Architects (Ali Arshad Associates).rnCOMMERCIAL PROJECTS rnrno K.E.S.C LDC, Office Building, DHA Karachi. rno K.E.S.C IBC, Office Building, KDA Karachi. rno PAK - IRAN, Office Building, DHA Karachi rno EFU, Office Building, DHA Karachi rno Zehra Industries, Office Karachi rno Toyota Western Motors Showroom, Karachi.rno Toyota Easten Motors Showroom, Karachi rnrnrnRESINDENTIAL PROJECTS:rnrno Habibullah, DHA Karachi.rno Raza, President of National Bank, rnDHA Karachirno Mr. Sohail Madiha Tai, DHA Karachi rno Mr. Rasheed Barkat, DHA Karachi.rno DHA, Karachi.rno Mr. Sattar Karar DHA, Karachi.rno Gen. Ahsan Hayat, DHA Karachi rno Syed Iqbal Shah, DHA Karachi.rno Mr. Athar Khan, DHA Ka...

    $164 Average bid
    $164 Rata-rata
    13 penawaran
    Build a Website
    Berakhir left

    berikut bahasa pemrograman & framwork yg saya bisa di bidang web programming, yaitu menggunakan : -HTML5,CSS,Jquery,PHP -Framework Bootstrap, Codeigniter pengalaman saya - Pernah membantu teman membuat website untuk salah tugas akhir kuliah - Membuat Website Administrasi Online untuk lembaga Le...'Latisprivat', bisa dibuka di - Membuat website jasa keamanan untuk perusahaan 'Langgeng Jaya Group' bisa diakses melalui - Membuat website untuk komunitas Diving (Penyelam Laut) IFF Pelatihan/Training yang pernah saya ikuti adalah -Kursus Framework Web Codeigniter di universitas gunaadarma Dalam 3D modeling saya mampu -membuat bagunan interior menggunakan software blender -pernah membantu teman modeling objek 3D untuk sala...

    $198 Average bid
    $198 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    saya menawargan jasa gambar rumah, disain, dan modeling menguasai, autocad, skechup dan vray,

    $649 Average bid
    $649 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Projects With Aedas Ali Naqvi Architects (Ali Arshad Associates).rnCOMMERCIAL PROJECTS rnrno K.E.S.C LDC, Office Building, DHA Karachi. rno K.E.S.C IBC, Office Building, KDA Karachi. rno PAK - IRAN, Office Building, DHA Karachi rno EFU, Office Building, DHA Karachi rno Zehra Industries, Office Karachi rno Toyota Western Motors Showroom, Karachi.rno Toyota Easten Motors Showroom, Karachi rnrnrnRESINDENTIAL PROJECTS:rnrno Habibullah, DHA Karachi.rno Raza, President of National Bank, rnDHA Karachirno Mr. Sohail Madiha Tai, DHA Karachi rno Mr. Rasheed Barkat, DHA Karachi.rno DHA, Karachi.rno Mr. Sattar Karar DHA, Karachi.rno Gen. Ahsan Hayat, DHA Karachi rno Syed Iqbal Shah, DHA Karachi.rno Mr. Athar Khan, DHA Ka...

    $193 Average bid
    $193 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    dibutuhkan 3d modeling dan animasi, untuk game dengan formar fbx, animasi berdurasi 1 menit dengan 3 karakter. dibutuhkan yang berpangalaman dan bisa mengerjakan dalam waktu 2 minggu.

    $542 Average bid
    $542 Rata-rata
    8 penawaran

    Proyek ini memerlukan keahlian untuk menggabungkan promosi di sosial media dan juga menambah traffic dengan melakukan SEO dan Link Building.

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 penawaran

    menerima pembuatan 3D modeling menggunakan Autocad dan Google SketcUp

    $287 Average bid
    $287 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    menerima pembuatan 3D modeling menggunakan Autocad dan Google SketcUp

    $361 Average bid
    $361 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran
    Desain Arsitektur
    Berakhir left

    Proyek ini bergerak dibidang arsitektur yaitu seperti desain, modeling 3D, menawarkan pula project dalam perancangan desain arsitektur dan desain interior penataan cahaya (arsitektur) , penataan udara (arsitektur)

    $137 Average bid
    $137 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Sebagai ahli teknik yang bergerak di bidang bangunan baik gedung, jalan, jembatan dan bendungan kami sering kali menghadapi kendala bahwa tenaga drafter terkadang dibutuhkan mendesak, hal ini karena jumlah tenaga drafter yang dipekerjakan dalam perusahaan terbatas. Ternyata sesama tenaga ahli teknik lain yang berprofesi di jasa konsultan, kontraktor, surveyor dan pengawasan memiliki kendala yang sama, terkadang sangat dibutuhkan terkadang belum dibutuhkan tenaga drafter tersebut. Maka kami pun membentuk tim drafter yang independen, berdiri sendiri dan berfungsi untuk mendukung perusahaan kami dalam menyelesaikan penggambaran, khususnya dengan Auto CAD. Dengan demikian perusahaan kami lebih efisien dalam membiayai personil, karena saat kebutuhan personil drafter lebih besar, tidak ...

    $475 Average bid
    $475 Rata-rata
    8 penawaran

    I'm looking for an Indonesia/Jakarta-based programmer who masters website design and building, so we can have discussion more easily. Projeknya membuat website atau blog yang cukup simpel. Preferably tinggal di daerah Kemanggisan/sekitarnya agar bisa meeting untuk diskusi. Terima kasih

    $4604 Average bid
    $4604 Rata-rata
    16 penawaran

    3d modeling in maya interior designs in 3ds max,setmodeling in maya,max

    $179 Average bid
    $179 Rata-rata
    25 penawaran

    kantor kami sedang proses mengembangan salah satu bidang software aplikasi nya, dan yang kami perlukan anggota team secara freelance dengan syarat : 1. mampu n mau bekerjasama secara team 2. bekerja dalam time line 3. komitmen penuh pada kontrak kerja bedasarkan project yang akan di jalani. jika memang anda tertarik persayaratan utama ka...aplikasi nya, dan yang kami perlukan anggota team secara freelance dengan syarat : 1. mampu n mau bekerjasama secara team 2. bekerja dalam time line 3. komitmen penuh pada kontrak kerja bedasarkan project yang akan di jalani. jika memang anda tertarik persayaratan utama kami ini ,anda bisa mengirimkan copy ID/KTP dan juga pengalaman serta list skill yang anda miliki ke adisa@ ( Multika Building-Mampang Prapatan Jaksel ) terima kasih adisa

    $99 Average bid
    $99 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran
    programer dotnet
    Berakhir left

    kantor kami sedang proses mengembangan salah satu bidang software aplikasi nya, dan yang kami perlukan anggota team secara freelance dengan syarat : 1. mampu n mau bekerjasama secara team 2. bekerja dalam time line 3. komitmen penuh pada kontrak kerja bedasarkan project yang akan di jalani. jika memang anda tertarik persayaratan utama ka...aplikasi nya, dan yang kami perlukan anggota team secara freelance dengan syarat : 1. mampu n mau bekerjasama secara team 2. bekerja dalam time line 3. komitmen penuh pada kontrak kerja bedasarkan project yang akan di jalani. jika memang anda tertarik persayaratan utama kami ini ,anda bisa mengirimkan copy ID/KTP dan juga pengalaman serta list skill yang anda miliki ke adisa@ ( Multika Building-Mampang Prapatan Jaksel ) terima kasih adisa

    $97 - $97
    $97 - $97
    0 penawaran

    Menerima rendering Online dan modeling 3d House untuk bangunan hunian(runmah) dan lain-lain

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Rata-rata
    10 penawaran

    Project Description: Keyword 1: Commercial Refrigeration Repair Fort Myers, FL URL1: Keyword 2: HVAC Contractor Fort Myers, FL URL2: Please Include: 12801 Commerce Lakes Dr # 16, Fort Myers, FL 33913 (239) 791-8501

    $42 Average bid
    $42 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    gambar 3d baik dengan autocad maupun dengan program lainnya dengan cepat

    $137 Average bid
    $137 Rata-rata
    11 penawaran

    Keyword 1: Commercial Refrigeration Repair Fort Myers, FL URL1: Keyword 2: HVAC Contractor Fort Myers, FL URL2: Please Include: 12801 Commerce Lakes Dr # 16, Fort Myers, FL 33913 (239) 791-8501

    $42 Average bid
    $42 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Interior ruangan modeling character

    $178 Average bid
    $178 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    Saat ini saya menjalankan bidang pekerjaan desain arsitektur, pengawasan serta pelaksanaan pembangunan untuk renovasi, bangunan rumah tinggal, ataupun komersil. Selain itu saya juga bisa mengerjakan pekerjaan bidang design kreatif lain, yaitu : design logo perusahaan, kemasan, 3D modeling dan lain-lain.

    $16 - $650000
    $16 - $650000
    0 penawaran

    saya melakukan kerjaan modeling dan animasi serta gambar realistik untuk desain gambar perencanaan.

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    Untuk menanggulangi kemacetan yang terjadi di Ibu Kota, Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta tetap akan menaruh perhatian utama pada pembangunan sarana transportasi umum yang memadai. Salah satu cara yang bakal ditempuh adalah mengganti transportasi umum berbasis bus, dengan transportasi berbasis rel, misalnya kereta api bawah tanah (subway).

    $361 Average bid
    $361 Rata-rata
    147 penawaran

    Membangun system manajemen sport, atau bisa juga event manajemen dalam arti luas: transportasi, akomodasi , housing. Membuat aplikasi multimedia berbasis jaringan untuk berbagai keperluan.

    $5000 Average bid
    $5000 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    mencari internet marketer, link building, dan SEO untuk meningkatkan traffik pada kelas-kelas online kami

    $105 Average bid
    $105 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran
    Desain Brosur
    Berakhir left

    Desain Brosur ( A4 - 1 sisi ) - produk building material - submit final dalam bentuk file corel draw / psd - bisa menggambar teknik sederhana dalam CAD, untuk dimasukkan ke dalam brosur - bekerja dalam tempo waktu yang cepat Hubungi : 031-91358820 (SMS) Referensi :

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Rata-rata
    13 penawaran
    Link Building 1
    Berakhir left

    Link Building discussed via pm

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    i can drawing with autocad and 3 d with sketch up. to report, i can word, editor and excel. to building, i can RAB.

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 penawaran

    Hello, There was a website that ranks in page 1 in google with one long tail keyword, but because of a wrong link building google spammed it. Please bid only if you can send me a detailed plan about what you can do.

    $1083 Average bid
    $1083 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Hi, I require a logo for a handyman business. Red as the main colour and based upon icons eg for the following trades that he does: Some of the following icons can be merged in...wall and floor tiling (float) 8- painting and decorating (paint brush) 9 cleaning-gardens (shovel) -Internal carpets and tiling (float) - internal house cleaning (broom) 10- demolition and bobcat work (demotion hammer) 11- building inspections and reports (pad and pen) I have attached a couple of sample logos that I like as an idea.....I like image 003 - obviously though we would require more icons around the circle....

    $46 Average bid
    $46 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran
    Electrikal - Repost
    Berakhir left

    Design instalasi elektrikal for building (Mall, Hotel, Apartement, dll) 1. design instalasi penerangan dan stop kontak 2. design instalasi raceweay (jalur kabel) 3. design wiring diagram panel 4. design system penangkal petir , grounding dll

    $5555 Average bid
    $5555 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran
    Berakhir left

    Design instalasi elektrikal for building (Mall, Hotel, Apartement, dll) 1. design instalasi penerangan dan stop kontak 2. design instalasi raceweay (jalur kabel) 3. design wiring diagram panel 4. design system penangkal petir , grounding dll

    $1155 Average bid
    $1155 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    ...experience with OpenAI’s GPT models (GPT-3, GPT-4, etc.) and integration into web applications. Machine Learning: Experience in using machine learning techniques to adapt AI models to specific writing styles. Knowledge of NLP techniques for style recognition, fine-tuning, and model adaptation. Database Design & Management: Experience building and managing databases to store client-specific writing parameters and content history. Frontend Development: Expertise in building user-friendly interfaces for content generation tools (e.g., React, Angular, or similar). Backend Development: Experience with backend systems (e.g., Python, Node.js) to handle data processing, machine learning tasks, and OpenAI API calls. Consultation & Communication: Ability to advise and ...

    $990 Average bid
    $990 Rata-rata
    15 penawaran

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer with experience in building e-commerce platforms. I have used Lovable to create a backend and front end prototype that I want to have the developer use. The application will be centered around selling physical goods which are furniture, so an understanding of this market would be advantageous. Essential features include a user-friendly online catalog that the admin will use to enter the items and authentication for each user, with shopping cart and robust inventory management system. Knowledge of creating a seamless, secure, and efficient online shopping experience is critical. here is the information: Frontend Development: React.js (18.x) - The core framework used TypeScript - For type-safe development Vite - For build tooling...

    $458 Average bid
    $458 Rata-rata
    194 penawaran, Key Requirements: - Improve On-Page SEO: This includes optimizing our website's content and meta tags to make them more search-engine friendly. - Off-Page SEO: We need an expert who can help in building backlinks to increase our website's authority and visibility. Competitors: Our primary focus is to outrank our direct competitors in the bar exam review industry. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in SEO, particularly for educational or review sites. - Expertise in content optimization and meta tag improvement. - Strong skills in backlink building strategies. - Ability to analyze competitors and implement effective strategies to outrank them. Ultimately, I want to see a noticeable improvement in our search engine ranking, which w...

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Rata-rata
    80 penawaran plans. I need detailed accurate measurements and plans for framing and Structure plans, I already complete architectural plans, i am repeating. - Familiarity with creating plans suitable for construction and framing is very important. - Attention to detail in both aesthetic and technical aspects. I would like you to do everything that I requested. With the framing, use US, standard building code (header over doors, studs 16" on center, etc). some notes client provide early may be helpfull for you i am mentioning. Note: Sauna and bathroom ceilings are 99" to current framing. Bedroom and office ceilings are 86" to current framing. conclusion:- I will provide dwg and pdf architectural plans, of both interior and exterior are ready, I need framing and Stru...

    $13 Average bid
    $13 Rata-rata
    9 penawaran

    Project Overview: We are looking for a talented Video Creator & Image Designer to produce engaging and visually stunning content for an upcoming AI and blockchain-powered project set to redefine how AI agents interact with decentralized systems on a 2D map. Your work will play a key role in building anticipation and excitement through teaser videos and striking visuals that offer a glimpse into the project’s vision, creating buzz across social media and digital platforms ahead of the official launch. The goal is to visually communicate the project's vision, core features, and unique value propositions in a way that captures attention and resonates with the target audience. Scope of Work: Video Creation: Design and produce high-quality promotional videos showcas...

    $950 Average bid
    $950 Rata-rata
    67 penawaran rights to resell these models and be able to transfer those rights to me as part of the transaction. If you have already created such tools and are interested in selling or licensing them, please share a brief description of your models and, if possible, screenshots or sample files for review. I look forward to collaborating with a professional who has a proven track record in financial modeling and analysis....

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Rata-rata
    26 penawaran

    I am seeking a professional who can model and render the exterior of an office building for me. The model will need to incorporate detailed architectural elements, as I don't want just basic shapes and structures. To assist with the project, I have detailed architectural plans and sketches available for reference. If you have experience in architectural visualization and can handle detailed modeling, I would like to hear from you. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software (e.g., SketchUp, AutoCAD, Rhino, Revit) - Experience with architectural visualization - Ability to interpret and work from detailed architectural plans and sketches - Good attention to detail.

    $43 Average bid
    $43 Rata-rata
    34 penawaran

    I am in need of a professional to create a 3D model of a large, existing live oak tr...The primary purpose of this model is for architectural visualization. Key Requirements: - Level of Detail: The model should be of medium detail with basic textures. This will suffice for the purposes of architectural visualization, without needing to be overly intricate. - Output Format: The final 3D model needs to be compatible with SketchUp. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D modeling software, with a strong portfolio of similar work. - Prior experience with architectural visualization. - Able to deliver a model of medium detail with basic textures. - Familiarity with SketchUp for model output. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed, and your timelin...

    $100 Average bid
    $100 Rata-rata
    54 penawaran

    ARE YOU YOUNG, SERIOUS, AND LOOKING TO START A DIGITAL BUSINESS? If you're looking for an opportunity to create a profitable digital business, you're in the right place. I'm searching for 4 committed individuals who want to take the first step toward success by building a digital business. What do we offer? ✅ The chance to learn and work in a motivated team. ✅ Effective strategies to stand out and attract clients on Fiverr. ✅ Guidance and support in the process of building your own digital business. ✅ Collaboration on a project with high growth potential. What do you need? To be serious and responsible. Interest in areas such as graphic design, translation, writing, video editing, marketing, or any digital skill. Willingness to learn, grow, and contribute v...

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Rata-rata
    31 penawaran
    Master Bathroom Construction Drawings
    6 Hari left

    I'm looking for professional construction drawings for a modern master bathroom with a walk-in closet. The design should be functional and stylish, reflecting a contemporary aesthetic. Key requirements: - Deliver Fl...reflecting a contemporary aesthetic. Key requirements: - Deliver Floor plan with dimensions - Deliver MEP drawings - Incorporate a walk-in closet within the bathroom design - Detailed and precise construction drawings including dimensions, water supply, sewer connections, electrical requirements, and HVAC ducts. Ideal skills and experience: - bathroom design and construction drawing for Florida building dept - Strong understanding of modern design principles - Ability to incorporate a functional walk-in closet into the design - Attention to detail and precis...

    $362 Average bid
    $362 Rata-rata
    83 penawaran
    Flutter iOS Build Issue Resolution
    6 Hari left

    ...experienced Flutter developer to help resolve an issue preventing my Flutter project from building for iOS. The project runs successfully on Android, but when attempting to build for iOS, I encounter the following error repeatedly: Error (Xcode): lib/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/material/:6: Error: The language version override has to be the same in the library and its part(s). Key Details: - Environment: - Flutter version: 3.27.1 - Dart version: 3.6.0 - macOS and Xcode are fully updated. What I Need: - Identify the root cause of the issue. - Provide clear steps or directly resolve the issue to allow the project to build for iOS without errors. Additional Information: - The issue may relate to mismatched Dart language versions in some files or dependencies

    $35 Average bid
    $35 Rata-rata
    33 penawaran

    I'm in need of a talented 3D designer to create models for a series of tabletop game miniatures based on football, basketball, and baseball players. These models will be used with my 3D printer, so please ensure they are printer-friendly with appropriate dimensions, detail, and support structures. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software (e.g. Blender, Autodesk, Solidworks) - Experience designing for 3D printing - Strong understanding of sports and ability to translate this into design - Creativity in designing unique and engaging game pieces - Knowledge of tabletop games and their components

    $25 / hr Average bid
    $25 / hr Rata-rata
    92 penawaran

    I need to create 6 very simple scenarios in 3ds Max, each representing a different theme: Christmas, Horror, Tetris Game, Robots, Pollution, and Classical Music. The style should be minimalistic. Key Requirements: - Simple but effective 3D modeling - Use of minimalistic design principles - Incorporation of basic lighting and textures - Emphasis on characters, lighting effects, and textures in each scene I will provide reference images for each scenario. The ideal freelancer for this project should have experience with 3ds Max, a good understanding of minimalistic design, and the ability to create simple but engaging 3D scenarios. There are some examples here that are from another topics and it just for you to undestand what i am asking.

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Rata-rata
    29 penawaran

    I've created a steel construction 3D model in Advance Steel 2025, and now I need your help due to lack of time. The model is av...The model is available in IFC and DWG formats. My requirements are as follows: - Exporting 2D DWG drawings that include: - Front view - Side view - Top view - Including connection details in the drawings - Cleaning up the model by removing: - Extra lines - Redundant objects Also, it will be necessary to create drawing title blocks. Please note that this project does not require any modeling, only DWG drawing export. I will only consider applicants with previous experience in DWG, construction, CAD, and civil engineering. Ideal skills for this job include: CAD expertise, DWG proficiency, and a strong understanding of civil engineering an...

    $102 Average bid
    $102 Rata-rata
    77 penawaran plans. I need detailed accurate measurements and plans for framing and Structure plans, I already complete architectural plans, i am repeating. - Familiarity with creating plans suitable for construction and framing is very important. - Attention to detail in both aesthetic and technical aspects. I would like you to do everything that I requested. With the framing, use US, standard building code (header over doors, studs 16" on center, etc). some notes client provide early may be helpfull for you i am mentioning. Note: Sauna and bathroom ceilings are 99" to current framing. Bedroom and office ceilings are 86" to current framing. conclusion:- I will provide dwg and pdf architectural plans, of both interior and exterior are ready, I need framing and Stru...

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Rata-rata
    16 penawaran

    I'm looking for a licensed architect based in DC for a residential renovation project. The focus of this renovation is primarily drafting the permit drawings for the interior locations listed below- Kitchen-l...The focus of this renovation is primarily drafting the permit drawings for the interior locations listed below- Kitchen-layout change Powder Room-layout change Hall Bathroom-existing layout to remain-fixture change out only Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in residential architecture - Proven track record creating construction documents - Excellent knowledge of DC building codes and regulations - Experience responding to DOB review comments - Experience coordinating with MEP consultants - Licensed to operate in DC Will need permit...

    $500 - $1000
    $500 - $1000
    36 penawaran