Bible quiz questions answers biblePekerjaan
...bahwa mereka terinspirasi oleh game tersebut karena kesuksesan Capcom dalam pembuatan game tersebut. Salah satunya adalah Trench Tales, yang segera tersedia di Steam dengan tema perang. Game ini menarik untuk dimainkan karena proses di balik layar dan keseruannya. Menurut Gaming Bible yang diterbitkan pada Jumat, 9 Agustus 2024, judul ini tampaknya hanya dikembangkan oleh satu orang. Dialah Alexander Ponomarev dari Selandia Baru yang berusaha memasukkan elemen dari Resident Evil 4 ke dalam permainannya. Menurut Gaming Bible, dia mengatakan, "Tujuan saya adalah membuat game ini tersedia di konsol, namun saat ini, sebagai solo, mungkin sulit untuk mencapainya." Dia mengatakan bahwa dia terus berpikir tentang konsol untuk mempersederhanakan seluruh proses porting se...
...want to create a quiz in the form of a dynamic form, where the user will input something, and the next question will be adjusted based on the answer to the first question. 2. I want to have control over the prepared questions, even after the freelance work is done (ability to edit, I am okay with editing at the coding level/without an interface). 3. I want to have the results of the quiz/form (preference: in the form of a Google spreadsheet). 4. If additional costs are needed for data storage and/or other matters, please discuss them upfront. If possible, it would be better if we use the following tools: a. Google Forms b. Google Spreadsheets (for data preparation, data collection, and quiz results) c. Google Apps Script (to make this form dynamic, s...
...want to create a quiz in the form of a dynamic form, where the user will input something, and the next question will be adjusted based on the answer to the first question. 2. I want to have control over the prepared questions, even after the freelance work is done (ability to edit, I am okay with editing at the coding level/without an interface). 3. I want to have the results of the quiz/form (preference: in the form of a Google spreadsheet). 4. If additional costs are needed for data storage and/or other matters, please discuss them upfront. If possible, it would be better if we use the following tools: a. Google Forms b. Google Spreadsheets (for data preparation, data collection, and quiz results) c. Google Apps Script (to make this form dynamic, s...
...daily basis. - **Fitness Tracking**: The bot should enable users to keep track of their fitness progress. Key Features for the Web Application: - **Wellness Resources**: A comprehensive library of wellness resources for users to access. - **Appointment Scheduling**: An integrated system for users to book wellness appointments. - **Community Forum**: A platform for users to share experiences, ask questions, and support one another. - **Fitness Challenge**: A section dedicated to fitness challenges to keep users motivated. - **Nutrition Consultation**: A feature that allows users to get expert advice on nutrition. The project is of high importance and must be completed ASAP. Ideal skillset: - Proficient in Telegram Bot development - Experience in developing complex web applicat...
Saya sedang membangun e-learning menggunakan platform moodle sebagai base. Dalam platform saya memerlukan chatbot yang dapat digunakan oleh user untuk : 1. QNA tentang informasi akademik dan seputarnya, 2. mengakses course secara cepat, mengerjakan quiz, atau mensubmit pekerjaan (Chatbot dapat berkomunikasi dengan APIs Moodle). Chatbot yang dibangun harus berbasis Azure (Microsoft Bot Framework). Chatbot dapat diemmbed pada front end e-learning.
...Diskusi (Forums) Fitur ini memfasilitasi pengajar dan siswa untuk melakukan interaksi hingga diskusi terkait materi pembelajaran. 3. Absensi Siswa (Presence) Fitur ini berfungsi untuk memantau kehadiran siswa di kelas virtual. Baik untuk siswa yang berhalangan tidak masuk atau sakitpun dapat disesuaikan secara oleh pengajar. Sehingga catatan kehadiran siswa dapat didokumentasikan harian. 4. Kuis (Quiz) dan Ujian (Exam) Fitur ini digunakan untuk kebutuhan evaluasi dan instrumen yang akan digunakan pengajar untuk menilai siswa. Berbagai tipe penilaian yang dapat disajikan oleh guru melalui fitur ini, meliputi choice atau pilihan ganda, numeric, mengurutkan, mathcing atau menjodohkan, dll. 5. Pesan Singkat (Chat) Fitur ini memungkinkan para Peserta didik atau siswa dapat melakukan o...
Kalau bisa menggunakan figma. Fitur yang diinginkan login beranda admin beranda guru beranda siswa halaman2 materi yang berisikan pdf, video dan audio halaman quiz halaman chat
Web-based Quotasi untuk solusi dan servis bagi rumah2 yg akan revonasi dan memerlukan home automation He will work with our in-house project management team to develop web-based configurator for our home automation system. People that browse the web site can key in certain answers to predefined questions and the configurator will propose solutions and pricing and of course call to action for the user
Fitur: - Login dan Register User(login dan register bisa menggunakan google) - Video Pembelajar yang bisa diupload dari youtube (dikategorikan per bab dan per mata pelajaran) - Latihan - Quiz(Jika lulus quiz mendapat sertifikat kelulusan quiz) - Fitur chat akan dikoneksikan dari siswa ke guru(berdasarkan group) - Informasi Kontak Kriteria User: - Admin( dapat membuat materi video dan quiz) - Siswa (terkoneksi dengan guru) - Guru(guru dapat membuat latihan) jadi Guru memiliki group siswa dengan kode yang diberikan guru ketika pendaftaran. Terimakasih
Saat ini saya pengguna wordpress dgn plugin learnpress. Ada bbrpa fitur dr plugin tsb yg blm mmnuhi kbutuhan saya, diantaranya: - fitur export/import question dlm format csv/excel(utk quiz), yg disediakan saat ini berformat .xml - fitur export hasil tes quiz dan pilihan jawaban peserta dlm format csv/excel - fitur live score/rank, bgitu peserta slesai mngrjakan quiz/course - fitur setelan/pengaturan bobot skor per item soal (misal: kustomisasi bobot skor yg berbeda utk pilihan a,b,c, atau d)
Membuat web untuk quiz, sudah menggunakan template WP dan plug-in thrive quiz builder namun dibutuhkan kustomisasi input dan di database (sql).
Berikut objek 3D yg dipesan : untuk animasi dan 3d low poly dan riging Karakter anak kecil laki2 menggunakan baju adat Irian Jaya. Burung kasuari Burung cendrawasih Rumah adat honai Pakaian adat dan senjata (Beserta karakter dewasa sedang me...didalam game ini. Untuk movementnya sendiri, menggunakan searching, jadi kita mengetik contoh "Rumah hanoi A" lalu karakter akan berjalan menyusuri terrain dan menemukan Rumah tersebut setelah sampai kerumah tersebut akan muncul pop up message tentang deskripsi rumah tsb dan muncul model 3Dnya dapat dirotate seperti pada penggunaan AR. Pada akhir permainan, bila semuanya sudah ditemukan akan ada quiz dengan 10 pertanyaan mengenai objek2 yg ada didalamnya, contoh "Rumah ini berasal dari suku papua mana" seperti itu Mohon...
...Activities Capable to create various course types such as e-learning or classroom courses, blended training, webinars, test examination, and quiz. In other words, customizing in-house internal training to fit the organization and different learning styles 3) Engaging user experience The engaging learner is a key element in an effective learning strategy. With a personalized whiteboard, dashboard, leaderboards, and certificates. An interactive and real-time experience live video conferencing. 4) Tracking & reports Track learner progress and transform your data into vibrant, comprehensible visuals of reporting. Live Reporting for grading, test examination, and quiz results. Capable to analyze the data to improve learner experience or ensure employees are compliant with...
Urgenly Needed!!! lagi nyari yang bisa membuat quiz drag and drop dengan format HTML 5. materi nya berupa video yang akan di embed ke HTML 5 lalu jawaban dari pertanyaannya bisa di drag and drop atau di susun sesui urutan yang benar. Materi dan video sudah di siapkan Waktu pembuatan Max 5 hari Sertakan Portofolio saat bid
...para member yang ingin mengikuti program pembelajaran online saya. Setiap member harus membayar untuk setiap paket yang akan diambil . ada beberapa pilihan paket harga nantinya. Didalamnya terdapat juga fitur : 1. Membership ( 1 kali bayar ) 2. Chat group ( private or group ) 3. Video pembelajaran ( Private - tidak bisa di download ) yang tidak bisa di skip , tetapi harus dilewati continue 4. Quiz dan tugas yang harus di kerjakan 5. Member mendapatkan tugas dan harus submit tugas tersebut melampirkan tugas 6. Mendapatkan Point dan penilaian jika membuat tugas dengan tepat waktu . 7. Pembayaran mengunakan paypall - kredit card - manual transfer 8. Aktivasi member setelah membayar 9. Mempunyai reseller dengan skema pembagian komisi bertingkat maximal 3 layer 10. Mempunyai reffera...
I have some problem with execute python file form laravel that I have to present to my bosses every week the first thing I need to award you is for you to help me estimate the expected visits I don't know how it is in other parts of the world but in Mexico we are measured by results If the expectation is 100% and we reach: 110% or more they give us bonus (more money) 100% excelent 90% no problem 80% no problem, some questions 70% no problem, many questions 60% much more questions 50% or less , they fire me and I'm out of a job So, tell me what do you need to begin with the project...
...ingin mengikuti program pembelajaran online saya. Setiap member harus membayar untuk setiap paket yang akan diambil . ada beberapa pilihan paket harga nantinya. Didalamnya terdapat juga fitur : 1. Membership ( 1 kali bayar untuk 1 tahun ) 2. Chat group ( private or group ) 3. Video pembelajaran ( Private - tidak bisa di download ) yang tidak bisa di skip , tetapi harus dilewati continue 4. Quiz dan tugas yang harus di kerjakan 5. Member mendapatkan tugas dan harus submit tugas tersebut melampirkan tugas 6. Mendapatkan Point dan penilaian jika membuat tugas dengan tepat waktu . 7. Pembayaran mengunakan paypall - kredit card - manual transfer 8. Aktivasi member setelah membayar 9. Mempunyai reseller dengan skema pembagian komisi bertingkat maximal 3 layer 10. Mempu...
Proyek ini adalah pekerjaan pembuatan aplikasi e-learning. Skema proyek yang akan dilaksanakan adalah: 1. Halaman Muka 2. Registrasi 3. Konfirmasi by Email (tanda peserta disetujui untuk mengikuti e-learning) 4. Peserta mengikuti pembelajaran (akan ada konten infografis, artikel). Akan ada sekitar 8 - 10 halaman artikel/ inforgrafis. 5. Pengerjaan Quiz 6. Melihat hasil (apabila soal benar lebih dari 80%) maka peserta lulus 7. Download Sertifikat. 8. Selesai
I need some articles written for my should be professional and encouraging with some author's opinion so readers will respond and leave comments. The articles should be about interesting ideas and be original content. Please message me if you have any questions,
membutuhkan programmer atau developer pop-up quiz untuk os android
saya menggunakan ispring quiz maker pro untuk membuat soal-soal ujian. di website mereka () ada cara untuk menulis ke server, namun menjadi teks file. saat ini saya ada kebutuhan untuk bikin aplikasi php untuk menerima output dari quiz maker, lalu dimasukkan ke dalam database. database ini nanti bisa digunakan untuk menganalisis jawaban jawaban soal ujian,
Silakan Daftar atau Login tuntuk melihat rincian.
Hello there, I am looking out for an expert who can help me in developing my idea. I am plan...Functionality 1. Each Of These Extensions Will Contain Maximum Of Five Functions 2. This Is My Initial Such Project While If You Turned Out To Be Good, Then I Will Hire For More Projects. 3. The Data For Each Of These Extensions Will Be Taken From Free APIs 4. Design And Development On You While You Have To Help In Submission 5. Each Of These Extensions Will Have Monetization Function Questions 1. Please Showcase Your Experience. 2. Please Share Your Proposal In Detail On How You Can Accomplish This If I Hire You. Last Bullet Points 1. If You Are An Excellent Developer, Then It Will Not Take More Than 48 Hours To Develop All. 2. The Budget Is For Whole Project. Tha...
Hello there, I am looking out for an expert who can help me in developing my idea. I am plan...Functionality 1. Each Of These Extensions Will Contain Maximum Of Five Functions 2. This Is My Initial Such Project While If You Turned Out To Be Good, Then I Will Hire For More Projects. 3. The Data For Each Of These Extensions Will Be Taken From Free APIs 4. Design And Development On You While You Have To Help In Submission 5. Each Of These Extensions Will Have Monetization Function Questions 1. Please Showcase Your Experience. 2. Please Share Your Proposal In Detail On How You Can Accomplish This If I Hire You. Last Bullet Points 1. If You Are An Excellent Developer, Then It Will Not Take More Than 48 Hours To Develop All. 2. The Budget Is For Whole Project. Tha...
Hello there, I am looking out for an expert who can help me in developing my idea. I am plan...Functionality 1. Each Of These Extensions Will Contain Maximum Of Five Functions 2. This Is My Initial Such Project While If You Turned Out To Be Good, Then I Will Hire For More Projects. 3. The Data For Each Of These Extensions Will Be Taken From Free APIs 4. Design And Development On You While You Have To Help In Submission 5. Each Of These Extensions Will Have Monetization Function Questions 1. Please Showcase Your Experience. 2. Please Share Your Proposal In Detail On How You Can Accomplish This If I Hire You. Last Bullet Points 1. If You Are An Excellent Developer, Then It Will Not Take More Than 48 Hours To Develop All. 2. The Budget Is For Whole Project. Tha...
Hello there, I am looking out for an expert who can help me in developing my idea. I am plan...Functionality 1. Each Of These Extensions Will Contain Maximum Of Five Functions 2. This Is My Initial Such Project While If You Turned Out To Be Good, Then I Will Hire For More Projects. 3. The Data For Each Of These Extensions Will Be Taken From Free APIs 4. Design And Development On You While You Have To Help In Submission 5. Each Of These Extensions Will Have Monetization Function Questions 1. Please Showcase Your Experience. 2. Please Share Your Proposal In Detail On How You Can Accomplish This If I Hire You. Last Bullet Points 1. If You Are An Excellent Developer, Then It Will Not Take More Than 48 Hours To Develop All. 2. The Budget Is For Whole Project. Tha...
Hello there, I am looking out for an expert who can help me in developing my idea. I am plan...Functionality 1. Each Of These Extensions Will Contain Maximum Of Five Functions 2. This Is My Initial Such Project While If You Turned Out To Be Good, Then I Will Hire For More Projects. 3. The Data For Each Of These Extensions Will Be Taken From Free APIs 4. Design And Development On You While You Have To Help In Submission 5. Each Of These Extensions Will Have Monetization Function Questions 1. Please Showcase Your Experience. 2. Please Share Your Proposal In Detail On How You Can Accomplish This If I Hire You. Last Bullet Points 1. If You Are An Excellent Developer, Then It Will Not Take More Than 48 Hours To Develop All. 2. The Budget Is For Whole Project. Tha...
adalah sebuah startup di bidang digital media. Membutuhkan freelance content writer untuk menulis konten kreatif bagi web kami. Tiap hari wajib menyetor 5 konten (20 hari dalam sebulan). File disetor secara o...menyetor 5 konten (20 hari dalam sebulan). File disetor secara online melalui platform yang kami sediakan. Bisa dikerjakan dari rumah (asal ada koneksi internet) dan tidak terikat jam kantor. Bentuk Konten Konten bisa dalam bentuk article, listicle, atau quiz, sekitar 500-600 kata per konten. Topik konten adalah seputar anak muda: lifestyle, relationship, humor, berita unik, OMG facts dll; dikemas dalam bahasa yang santai dan gaul. Referensi konten seperti di bawah ini: (article) (listicle) (quiz)
I need someone to create an iOS app for my business. The app should be functional and professional. The app should also follow the branding of my business. Please message me if you have any questions.
I need some one to enter some data for me. The documents are provided separately. The final format of the entered data should be consistent and standardised. Please message me if you have any questions.
Solve the problems from 3.119 to 3.155 in Problem Set 3.3 in P.127 - 128 and 3.4 in P.139 - 141. Your assigned problems are the number 3.n ( n = odd number ) example 3.119, 3.121 ... . You don't have to make answers for the even numbered problems I attached for you the whole book (all chapters) and the chapter 3
i am starting an online business called "The Faith Adventure" that provides downloadable sermon guides and small group bible study discussion guides. domain has been registered. The look and feel of the logo should be professional. A mock up website can be found at Am happy to alter colours.
Using a given Contact directory, need to cold call and introduce the company and services. Answer incoming calls from prospective customers. Use scripts to provide information about features and prices of products and services and present their benefits. Do prior research to understand potential client’s requirement Ask pertinent questions to understand the customer’s requirements. Persuade the customer to buy by explaining how products or services can meet/compliment their needs and requirements. Record the customer’s personal information accurately in a computer/CRM system and share with the management as directed. Deal with complaints or doubts to safeguard the company’s reputation. Go the “extra mile” to meet sales quot...
I'm seeking a professional who can help me build a WhatsApp chatbot hosted on a cloud-based service. This bot should automatically reply to customer messages, handle FAQs, and send my ladies' suits catalog (in PDF format) when requested. Key Features: - Auto-reply to customer messages - Instant catalog delivery upon request - Handle frequently asked questions (Pricing, MOQ, Delivery, Payment methods, etc.) - Support for Hindi, English, and Hinglish - Moderate level of customization for bot's responses - Managed and updated via a web dashboard Ideal Skills: - WhatsApp API integration - Chatbot development - Automation & AI Please provide your portfolio and estimated timeline for this project. I'm looking for a quick and efficient setup. Budget is open for ...
Hi, I am interested in completing your Oracle database project. Given the detailed requirements, my quote is for: Installing & verifying Oracle DB Answering all questions with explanations Providing required SQL queries & execution results Capturing screenshots for all tasks Creating a well-structured PDF report Recording and submitting a work output video Estimated delivery: 7 hours Looking forward to your response. Best regards, Abhay Kumar
I'm seeking a developer to create a mobile responsive web application for a directory of services. This application will need to be optimized for iOS, Android dev...detailing their services and credentials. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development and mobile optimization. - Experience with creating interactive, user-friendly web applications. - Knowledge of implementing rating systems and user profiles. Please note, the specific type of services to be listed in the directory has not been determined yet, so flexibility and adaptability will be key. Questions you must answer: 1-I have received too many bids. What sets you apart? 2-What part of the requirement attached can you improve on and how? 3-What is the closest popular directory application you know offering a si...
I need someone proficient in undergraduate-level mathematics, specifically algebra, ...someone proficient in undergraduate-level mathematics, specifically algebra, calculus, and statistics, to help me with a math assignment. The assignment consists of 10 questions, and I need to get full marks. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in undergraduate-level algebra, calculus, and statistics - Ability to provide both final answers and written explanations - Strong focus on accuracy and clarity in explanations - Familiarity with finance and geometry questions is a plus The ideal candidate will have experience with undergraduate-level math assignments and a proven track record of delivering accurate, high-quality work. The questions to be done are in the pictures and sho...
...fixes. ====================================================================================== Study Details: • Purpose: To understand the role, challenges, and effectiveness of tools, including AI-powered solutions, in Software Vulnerability Management (SVM) tasks as used by industry professionals. • Duration: 45–60 minutes • Format: Online questionnaire (mix of multiple-choice and open-ended questions) • Incentive: $50 AUD upon verification of your responses ======================================================================================== Who Can Join? We’d love your input if you meet the following criteria:  Experience with tools or methods used for identifying, assessing, mitigating, or reporting software vulnerabilities.  Roles: &bull...
I'm seeking a skilled programmer with experience in creating Telegram bots for a unique project. The bot's primary function will be facilitating quizzes and polls. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a Telegram bot that can conduct quizzes and polls - Ensure the bot can handle automated responses to quiz participants Ideal Skills: - Proficient in programming, specifically for Telegram bots - Experience with creating interactive features - Understanding of quiz and poll dynamics Your expertise will help me create an engaging bot that can entertain and challenge users with a variety of quizzes.
...platform must: ✅ Retrieve and process government-issued forms and applications securely and efficiently. ✅ Present an intuitive, branded interface that reconfigures official application questions into a user-friendly format. ✅ Utilize AI-driven dynamic workflows to guide users through form completion while ensuring regulatory compliance. ✅ Auto-populate and submit completed applications in the appropriate county/state-approved format. Key Features and Requirements ✅ AI Bot Guidance & Dynamic Questioning • The AI Bot must intelligently guide users through restructured application questions, ensuring clarity while maintaining compliance. • Users should interact exclusively with ’s branded interface, while the AI Bot maps responses to the ...
I'm looking for a professional web developer with substantial experience in building ecommerce websites specifically for digital products. This project primarily revolves around creating a platform for selling software. Key Requirements: - The platform must include the functionality for automatic updates. - It should be user-friendly, secure, and...traffic. - The website should be optimized for SEO and mobile use. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Previous experience in ecommerce website development, particularly for digital products. - Strong understanding of UX/UI design principles. - Knowledge of SEO and mobile optimization strategies. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if you require furth...
Bonjour, je viens de finir la traduction en langue française de la bible grace à un logiciel informatique. J'ai besoin d'une correction approfondie afin que toutes les phrases soient intelligibles et traduisent fidèlement l'idée qui etait contenue dans la version anglaise. En plus, j'ai besoin que toutes les mesures de grandeurs soient à jour. Le correcteur devrait etre à mesure de vérifier le sens des mots en arrameens, Hébreux ou francais afin de trouver le correspondant le plus proche en français. Enfin, j'aimerais que le correcteur s'assure que tout nom mentionné à la fois dans plusieurs livres de la bible renvoyant à un même personnage s'ecrive a...
I'm seeking an experienced game developer to create a cross-platform word game (iOS and Android). The game should include thousands of boards and implement in-app purchases. Key Features: - Thousands of Unique Boards: The game must be engaging and challenging with a vast number of boards. - In-App Purchases: These could include hints, power-ups,...Strong experience in developing word games or similar puzzle games is a must. Please provide links to your previous work and any relevant games you have done before. - Cross-Platform Development: Proven experience in creating cross-platform games. - Understanding of In-App Purchases: Ability to strategize and implement effective in-app purchase options. Please skip answering the first three questions above, as they are not relevant...
...Experience: - Strong driving experience - Proficiency in creating artistic content - Previous experience collaborating on brand campaigns - Comfortable in front of the camera - Engaging personality to connect with our audience on Instagram & Facebook Your challenge is to create content that integrates our premium product into your driving lifestyle while evoking a sense of excitement. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out....
I'm in need of an Excel worksheet It is already in a wook book split into 3 parts with a total of 32 questions. The questions are designed for a beginner level course, so they're not overly complex. Key Requirements: you are a financial analyst at a large corporation responsible for managing and analyzing the company's product reports and financial data. Your goal is to set up a dashboard to display the needed information. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel - Experience in creating educational materials - Competence in trend analysis - Ability to work with financial data Heres the Project: You are a financial analyst at a large corporation responsible for managing and analyzing the company's product reports and financial data. The company deals w...
Hello Princess, I would have another job for you. Could you do 2 to 3 drafts by tommorrov or by Monday even. HN-Saneeraus Oy The company does building technology works. Heating network, domestic water, ventilation work/renovations. Also other small-scale construction work. Let me know if you have questions.
...Lychee Tours: Virtual tours of Lychee farms around the world, showcasing cultivation practices and farm produce. - Augmented Reality: Use AR to provide an interactive experience where users can visualize Lychee trees and fruit in their environment. - Community Forums: Create community forums for users to discuss Lychee cultivation, share tips, and connect with other enthusiasts. - Lychee Trivia Quiz: Fun quizzes and trivia games about Lychee fruit to engage users and educate them in an entertaining way. User Authentication: The app will require a simple, secure email sign-up for user authentication. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Strong experience in mobile app development, particularly for both iOS and Android platforms. - A good understanding of e-commerce i...
I need a skilled web designer to create a distinctive e-commerce store on eBay IMPORTANT NOTE: We will have probing questions before we award the work. Having a computer DOES NOT mean one is a developer /designer. We will make an effort to weed out all unqualified folks Ideal Skills and Experience: - Sound experience with HTML and CSS - Proven track record of e-commerce store design, especially on eBay - Strong graphic design skills for logo creation - Creative thinking Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in the past.
...Check-ins & Progress Tracking to monitor stress levels. Cloud-based AI Model to allow continuous updates and refinements. Gamification Elements including rewards, achievements, and progress milestones. Community Support Features such as discussion forums and peer groups. 2. User Experience & Flow 2.1. Onboarding Process User Registration & Profile Setup Email, password, and basic demographic questions. Option to complete a burnout self-assessment (CBI or MBI scale). AI chatbot guides the user through the onboarding process. Choose Your AI Coach Personality Empathetic Mentor – Warm and supportive. Structured Coach – Goal-oriented and direct. Motivational Partner – Encouraging with reinforcement. Mindfulness...