Benefits of juicing once a dayPekerjaan
Halo, kami sedang mencari spesialis di bidang promosi melalui medium twitter - Kami ingin mempromosikan merek kami melalui berbagai akun populer dengan target negara untuk promosi adalah INDONESIA. Untu itu kami mencari kandidat yang familiar dengan market di Indonesia.
Saya memiliki wedding galery yg sudah berjalan selama kurang lebih 4 tahun dan saat ini tempat untuk wedding galerynya msh gabung dgn teman&saya ingin punya wedding galery sendiri, Saya juga sebagai master of ceremony (MC) untuk all event menginginkan memiliki manajer sendiri yang bisa memberikan saya banyak job MC.
Memasarkan produk Event Organizer ke perusahaan, instansi
intinya membuat point of sales atau stock manager online yang terintegrasi dengan tracking number. jadi ketika kami mengirim resi ke customer maka status finish dan resi diberitahukan ke customer secara email dan sms
Dibutuhkan segera 2 desain untuk t-shirt dengan tema Youth Olympic 2016. Saya akan sangat senang jika saya bisa...mengangkat tema lokasi diselenggarakannya Youth Olympic - satu desain general dengan tema Youth Olympic, satu desain dikhususkan untuk pendukung tim USA/Amerika Serikat. --- I need 2 designs for t-shirt with the theme of Youth Olympic 2016 a.s.a.p as the event is approaching (i would very much appreciate if this can be done within the same day this ad posted). Brief of the design: - bring up the spirit of sport - show appreciation / encouragement of the hard-work that teens athlete have made - they are all winners - can bring up the uniqueness of the venue/location of Youth Olympic 2016 - one design is general desi...
sebuah software travel agent untuk memudahkan pengerjaan itinerary tour ke prospect client spt: pemasukan data : - tgl/bulan/tahun - mencatat nama tamu/jumlah tamu - alamat/kontak dll - sistem kalkulasi dari A - Z (harga transfer, hotel, tiket, biaya-biaya tiket masuk, guide etc) - memasukkan descripsi paket perhari day by day - memasukkan gambar obyek wisata - buat voucher - mencatat nomor file/invoice/voucher - menampilkan hasil akhir setelah di formulasikan - dengan sistem database (memanggil data xls yg sudah di siapkan yg bisa di edit) - membuat invoice/voucher secara otomatik
Dibutuhkan freelancer Programmer dan MySQL utk melakukan bug fixing (maintenance) atas aplikasi Point of Sales. Aplikasi telah berjalan, tetapi programmer sebelumnya telah berhenti. Sehingga dibutuhkan programmer pengganti yg sementara cukup bersifat freelancer.
The given Tamil data should be converted into a audio voice, of female. the voice should be clear and audible Sample: kannil kalanthaan karuthil kalanthaan en ennil kalanthae irukindran pannil kalanthaan en paatil kalanthaan uyiril kalanthaan karunai kalanthu - ramalinga adigalaar
awzsexgfvym jnkzaesxrdfvgbuhnkmjzwsxrdygvhnijmokzwxsrfgvihnjokp,zwxedrfgbhnjmkwxercvtgyhnjmnxecrvtybnu
...guesswork. Each assumpti on is an "educated guess", a likely condition, circumstance or event, presumed known and true in the absence of absolute certainty. Each constraint is a limiting condition, circumstance or event, sett ing boundaries for the proj ect process and expected results. Once identified, these assumptions and co nstraints shape a project in specific, but diverging ways - assumptions bring possibilities , and constraints bring limits . Consider this example: • A defined budget is a fact. i.e. $10,000 has been allocated to complete a given project. • The belief that the budget is sufficient to complete the project on time and as required is an assumption. This assumption should not...
Point Of Sales dengan Sistem Akuntansi dalam bahasa indonesia dengan fitur multi gudang, multi satuan, multi harga jual, multi mata uang, modul penjualan back office, modul penjualan kasir, retur, sales order, point penjualan, history hargajual, daftar pembayaran hutang meliputi giro, modul pembelian, retur pembelian, purchase order, history harga jual daftar pembayaran piutang meliputi giro, konsinyasi, produksi produk meliputi penggabunga beberapa item menjadi 1 item, adjust lost dan surplus produksi, persediaan meliputi item masuk ( item yang bisa dijual tanpa pembeian), item keluar, opname stok, transfer item antar gudang, dan mutasi item, akuntansi meliputi kas masuk dan kas keluar dan kas transfer, laporan lengkap sesuai modul dengan beberapa filter. menggunakan dev express at...
...pemain utama dalam industri kimia. Total memiliki sekitar 93.000 orang karyawan yang menempatkan keahlian mereka untuk bekerja di berbagai sektor industri yaitu eksplorasi dan produksi minyak dan gas alam, penyulingan dan pemasaran, gas dan energi alternatif, perdagangan dan industri kimia Pelamar yang diundang untuk posisi berikut: 1. Chemical, Oil & Paints 2. Senior Drilling Engineer 3. Day Drilling Supervisor 4. Production Method Engineer 5. Site Planner 6. Senior Data Management Engineer 7. Senior Development Geologist 8. Senior Community Empowerment 9. HSE Analyst 10. Purchasing Officer 11. Senior Reservior Engineer 12. Proces Safety Engineer 13. Operator Produksi Persyaratan: 1. Pend min D3,S1,S2 2. IPK min 2.75 3. Umur min 20 th & max 47 th ...
...menempatkan keahlian mereka untuk bekerja di berbagai sektor industri yaitu eksplorasi dan produksi minyak dan gas alam, penyulingan dan pemasaran, gas dan energi alternatif, perdagangan dan industri kimia. kami sedang mencari seorang profesional untuk membangun karir bersama kami. Pelamar yang diundang untuk posisi berikut: 1. Chemical, Oil & Paints 2. Senior Drilling Engineer 3. Day Drilling Supervisor 4. Production Method Engineer 5. Site Planner 6. Senior Data Management Engineer 7. Senior Development Geologist 8. Senior Community Empowerment 9. HSE Analyst 10. Purchasing Officer 11. Senior Reservior Engineer 12. Proces Safety Engineer 13. Operator Produksi 14. Contract Engineer Persyaratan: 1. Pend min Diplom...
Saya ingin dibantu desain baju t-shirt muslim anak-anak dengan tema nasihat sehari-hari seperti: 1) doa before you eat 2) makan makanan halal 3) start your day with bismillah 4) dll... Meskipun temanya berisi tentang dakwah untuk anak-anak, namun desain tetap harus modern seperti Osh Kosh. Contoh akan saya lampirkan... Jika tertarik untuk desain ini, mohon kontak saya secepatnya... Thx
Saya ingin dibantu desain baju t-shirt muslim anak-anak dengan tema nasihat sehari-hari seperti: 1) doa before you eat 2) makan makanan halal 3) start your day with bismillah 4) dll... Meskipun temanya berisi tentang dakwah untuk anak-anak, namun desain tetap harus modern seperti Osh Kosh. Contoh akan saya lampirkan... Jika tertarik untuk desain ini, mohon kontak saya secepatnya... Thx
Saya ingin dibantu desain baju t-shirt muslim anak-anak dengan tema nasihat sehari-hari seperti: 1) doa before you eat 2) makan makanan halal 3) start your day with bismillah 4) dll... Meskipun temanya berisi tentang dakwah untuk anak-anak, namun desain tetap harus modern seperti Osh Kosh. Contoh akan saya lampirkan... Jika tertarik untuk desain ini, mohon kontak saya secepatnya... Thx
Saya ingin dibantu desain baju t-shirt muslim anak-anak dengan tema nasihat sehari-hari seperti: 1) doa before you eat 2) makan makanan halal 3) start your day with bismillah 4) dll... Meskipun temanya berisi tentang dakwah untuk anak-anak, namun desain tetap harus modern seperti Osh Kosh. Contoh akan saya lampirkan... Jika tertarik untuk desain ini, mohon kontak saya secepatnya... Thx
Saya ingin dibantu desain baju t-shirt muslim anak-anak dengan tema nasihat sehari-hari seperti: 1) doa before you eat 2) makan makanan halal 3) start your day with bismillah 4) dll... Meskipun temanya berisi tentang dakwah untuk anak-anak, namun desain tetap harus modern seperti Osh Kosh. Contoh akan saya lampirkan... Jika tertarik untuk desain ini, mohon kontak saya secepatnya... Thx
Saya ingin dibantu desain baju t-shirt muslim anak-anak dengan tema nasihat sehari-hari seperti: 1) doa before you eat 2) makan makanan halal 3) start your day with bismillah 4) dll... Meskipun temanya berisi tentang dakwah untuk anak-anak, namun desain tetap harus modern seperti Osh Kosh. Contoh akan saya lampirkan... Jika tertarik untuk desain ini, mohon kontak saya secepatnya... Thx
Saya ingin dibantu desain baju t-shirt muslim anak-anak dengan tema nasihat sehari-hari seperti: 1) doa before you eat 2) makan makanan halal 3) start your day with bismillah 4) dll... Meskipun temanya berisi tentang dakwah untuk anak-anak, namun desain tetap harus modern seperti Osh Kosh. Contoh akan saya lampirkan... Jika tertarik untuk desain ini, mohon kontak saya secepatnya... Thx
Butuh orang yang bisa membaut website dengan minimal UV 100 visitor/day, niche home designs. Isi content bahasa inggris, blog dengan article dan 10 gambar/post.
We need a team of 5 members to work part time so that you can make some dollar per day. If you would like to work on this project for long term you can do even for 1 year. We will give you a list of sites with login info and you have to work on those sites so that we can earn. This login info is sent by our client. Of all the earnings you make we pay you 40% of it, 35% to our client and 25% for our company. Since this is you do-amount gets credited policy WE DO NOT GIVE MILESTONE PAYMENTS. But payment is sure as we have recruited many from other freelancer sites and they are getting paid. We like to have fresh people from here so that you can earn.
...This is a simple and straight forward AutoCAD project. I have 220 x 2D Technical Drawings to be manually converted to AutoCAD (DWG). Attached below is a sample file of what the drawing should look like. Below are some notes for you to take note: - All drawings are almost the same. - Only convert the FRONT VIEWS that is on the technical drawing, however, I will need ALL details that is in the front view. There may be more than 1 front view per technical drawing. I will provide a excel file "Reference" which you can refer the number of views for each technical drawing file. - Dimensions provided must be used and drawing has to be to scale (1:1) - Dimensions that are not provided is to be estimated to be as close to the JPG file as possibl...
Membangun POS Web Base sesuai dengan keinginan saya, dan masih bisa customize posnya untuk perkembangan lebih lanjut dan versi setererusnya.. Nanti Ada Kontrak Tampilan user friendlynya sesuai yg saya mau.. Bisa Pakai Android sistem. Khusus, orang Indonesia Only pastinya, Kalau Bisa sih Jakarta.. klo Jakarta tidak ada yah, apa ajah lah.. Nanti bisa ketemuan minum2 kopi lah... Khusus serius yah...
...competition for the keywords chosen for best SEO ideas and tactics Off site SEO and On-site SEO ++ IMPORTANT ++ You must use as many different article directories as possible, a maximum of 5 articles per article directory is the limit Don't bother bidding if you cannot write AND submit your articles. Please write "I agree with the payment terms" in your PM. Any generic bid will be deleted automatically. ********* Requirements ********** - You are able to write in proper English - You will submit at least 3 articles daily - Articles must pass copyscape, no plagiarism - Article must be indexed by Google (at least once) - Maximum 5 articles to the same article directory The project is complete when ALL the articles are INDEXED by Goo...
...competition for the keywords chosen for best SEO ideas and tactics Off site SEO and On-site SEO ++ IMPORTANT ++ You must use as many different article directories as possible, a maximum of 5 articles per article directory is the limit Don't bother bidding if you cannot write AND submit your articles. Please write "I agree with the payment terms" in your PM. Any generic bid will be deleted automatically. ********* Requirements ********** - You are able to write in proper English - You will submit at least 3 articles daily - Articles must pass copyscape, no plagiarism - Article must be indexed by Google (at least once) - Maximum 5 articles to the same article directory The project is complete when ALL the articles are INDEXED by Goo...
Terima kasih kepercayaannya, disini kami sampaikan logo VONA JOB dengan format Photoshop dan Adobe Illustratoratas rnatas kerjasamanya terima kasih
Mengukur kinerja sebuah usaha atau perusahaan: Melalu penghitungan laba-rugi Harpa pokok produksi Harga Pokok penjualan Cashflow/arus kas Neraca
Outline - The Project consists of entering receipt data into Excel from scanned papers located on a DropBox folder. - Each scanned DINA4 consists usually of 1-6 receipts. - Every receipt contains 6-7 different Data to be entered in Excel sheet: 2-3 highlighted fields, in green or yellow colour: - Supplier (shop name etc) - Money amount (needs to be inserted in corresponding Currency column as GBP, EUR, SEK or DKK) - 4 digit card Visa card number (occasionally, on less than 30% of receipts) - Date. NOT highlighted in advance - Receipt number, spanning from 1-500, handwritten in Red - Category, handwritten in Red - Description, handritten in Red Who we are - A small company based in Spa...
menjual aneka ragam jilbab-jilbab pesta (reseller) dengan berbagai pilihan warna dan model yang cantik-cantik. harga berkisar antara Rp 150.000,- sampai Rp 200.000,- harga terjangkau untuk kualitas yang oke punya.
jadi saya ingin membuat sebuah proyek yang dapat digunakan atau dirasakan manfaatnya oleh para pelajar, akademisi tapi bukan hanya para pelajar dana akademisi tapi semua orang yang sangat mencintai dunia penulisan dan pendidikan
Saya mempunyai sebuah website untuk belajar bahasa inggris secara online. website tersebut sudah berjalan, dibuat menggunakan joomla 3.1 dan saya sudah membeli sebuah template untuk diinstal di situs tersebut. Saya butuh beberapa perubahan pada template (design, photo dan css) sehingga tampil lebih menarik. Beberapa hal yang saya butuhkan termasuk dalam project ini adalah: - design website secara keseluruhan (menggunakan template yang sudah ada) - konfigurasi joomla sehingga tampilan menjadi apik dan responsif - editing gambar dan design - pembuatan icon agar ada kesatuan antara grafis, tampilan dengan tema yang diinginkan. - beberapa perubahan warna pada design agar tema keseluruhan tampil selaras Terima kasih.
We need a professional programmer to build a complete new website for a general construction company. You will get the logo and contents from us. All you need is to design and write the website in PHP. Some competitors websites links will be also provided for reference. We need a professional and eye catching website. You will have to build the whole website within 7 days maximum and no advance payments will be granted at all. We shell create a milestone and the payment will be paid once you are done with the project.
Hello I need few regular writers may of any country , writers should be available at gtalk or skype for more than 6 hours. i need 4-5 articles per day. rates would be $1 to $1.20 per 500 words. payments would be through paypal or moneybookers or GAF weekly. i will check the quality and mark the rates. if writers improve their writing then will increase their rates. bidders who dont accept my rates plzz dont place bid here... bidders need to send their previous samples. thanks
Open Project Translate Language, make Bahasa Indonesia - English, English - Bahasa Indonesia, Japan - Indonesia.
I'm in need of a high-precision 3D scan of a small plastic object, roughly 2 inches or less. The primary purpose of this scan is for 3D printing, so the model needs to be as accurate as possible. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in 3D scanning technology - Experience in creating models for 3D printing - Attention to detail for high-precision tasks this posting carefully, **please start your application with the answer to this question: What is (4+2) x 3 - 7? Applications without the correct answer as the first line will not be considered. About the Role I am seeking a skilled PHP/Symfony IT consultant to collaborate with me (via screen sharing and coding together) for 5-6 hours per day, 5 days a week, for 6-12 months. The hourly rate for this position is $10-$12 per hour, depending on your experience and expertise. --- Application Process 1. Interview: A 1-2 hour unpaid session involving a screen-share and coding test (3-4 PHP/Symfony/Laragon problems). 2. Strict Skill Evaluation: If you lack the required expertise, it will be quickly evident. Please apply only if you meet ALL th...
I'm looking for a skilled Core PHP developer to implement a notification popup on my website's homepage. This popup should only appear once per user session, and it should engage users to visit a specific page. Key Requirements: - The content of the popup will convey important updates, so clear communication skills are essential. - The popup design must seamlessly match the current website theme. Experience with web design and a keen eye for detail will be beneficial. - Proficiency in Core PHP is a must, as well as a solid understanding of website interactivity and user experience. Looking forward to your bids and let's make this website even more user-friendly together!
I need an existing PCB design re-created from provided Gerber re-created from provided Gerber files. The project involves a PCB with 220x LEDs. You will be supplied with: - Gerber, component position, and BOM files of the design - A reference design to emulate The expected output is: - Comprehensive KiCAD files (including schematics and PCB design files) - The original design with added appropriate heatsink pads Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in using KiCAD - Experience in PCB design - Ability to incorporate heatsink pads based on thermal requirements Please note, while you will have access to a reference design, I expect you to use your best judgment and expertise to create a functional and effective PCB...
Hello dear readers, I am a full-time professional trader, having started my journey about five years ago. During this time, I’ve experienced both the pitfalls of scams and the benefits of working with genuine people who truly want to help others succeed. Now, five years later, I am a consistently profitable trader, and I’ve gained a deep understanding of how the markets move and how to profit from them. My portfolio generates an average annual return of around 500%, with a strong focus on risk management. My goal is to attract investors who are interested in copying my trades and linking their accounts to my trading portfolio. However, my main challenge lies in attracting and finding investors, as marketing is n...
I'm in need of a dedicated and creative individual to manage my beauty blog for 30 days. The primary focus will be on daily product reviews of various makeup products. Key Responsibilities: - Generate and post fresh content and imagery daily for a month. - Conduct in-depth reviews of makeup products, focusing on their ingredients and benefits, user testimonials, and comparisons with similar products. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in beauty blogging or product reviewing is highly preferred. - Strong understanding and passion for makeup products. - Excellent writing skills with a knack for creating engaging and insightful content. - Ability to create appealing and relevant imagery. - Experience in comparing products a...
Seeking a skilled social media marketer to increase exposure and sales for 'My Daily Choice,' a brand specializing in natural weight loss products, including sprays and supplement pills. The project will involve: - Developing and implementing a marketing strategy tailored to adults aged 25+. - Creating engaging content that highlights the benefits of our all-natural products. - Managing and optimizing our social media presence to maximize reach to the target demographic. - Utilizing analytics tools to monitor performance and adjust strategies as needed.
You have a pre-built java vaadin saas platform? I'm looking for an experienced developer who can work with a pre-built Java Vaadin SaaS platform. The key tasks will involve extending the platform to meet our specific requirements, as well as incorporating our branding guidelines into the design. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Java and Vaadin - Experience with SaaS platform development - Strong understanding of UI/UX, with the ability to adapt to branding guidelines - Prior experience with platform customization and feature extension
This project delves into the fascinating intersection of behavioral finance and data science. We aim to analyze ptivided data through the lens of investor psychology, identifying behavioral biases and sentiment drivers that influence market trends. Using R and statistical modeling, we will examine historical market data, news sentiment, and social media trends to develop predictive models of market movements. This project offers a unique opportunity to contribute to a cutting-edge research initiative with real-world applications in investment strategy and risk management. Key Deliverables: Quantitative analysis of market data and investor behavior. Development of predictive models incorporating behavioral finance insights. Comprehensive re...
Project Overview: The project involves the development of a Tournament Management Platform with clearly defined roles for Players, Admins, and Super Admins. It requires integration of specific features for seamless tournament creation, participation, and resolution of disputes, along with strict adherence to security measures. The backend should be robust, efficient, and secure, supporting APIs tailored for the roles. Frontend elements will ensure user-friendly interactions for Players, Admins, and Super Admins. Key Project Requirements: Roles and Access: 1. Players: â—¦ OAuth-based login system (Google). â—¦ Separate database table for Players for added security. 2. Admins: â—¦ Email-password authentication. â—¦ Manage player disputes and KYC processes. 3. Super Admin...