Battery charging led circuitPekerjaan
...pabrikan motor listrik harusnya menaruh perhatian pada ketakutan-ketakutan tersebut. Sehingga, kepercayaan konsumen terhadap tunggangan elektrik bisa lebih meningkat. "Model motor listrik sekarang sudah sesuai minat konsumen di Indonesia, tapi orang mungkin belum percaya sama durabilitas dan safety-nya. Yang jadi masalah sebenarnya orang belum percaya sama reliability, durability dan itu tadi, charging-nya bagaimana," ungkapnya. An employee works at the assembly line of an electric motorcycle at the United E-Motor factory in Bogor, near Jakarta, Indonesia, August 25, 2022. REUTERS/Ajeng Dinar UlfianaProses perakitan motor listrik. Foto: REUTERS/AJENG DINAR ULFIANA Lebih jauh, Agus beranggapan, masyarakat Indonesia punya satu kebiasaan unik sebelum membeli kendaraan, y...
membuat content 3D illusion force perspective untuk di tayangkan pada LED screen
Program GUI for Instrument LED checker
Desain banner/neon box minimarket yang simpel dan menarik dengan menambahkan icon pembayaran multipaymen,charging,edc,parkir,tempat ngumpul
halo,saya sedang melakukan penelitian tentang charging dan discharging baterai VRLA untuk kebutuhan PLTS 1 kWp, saya butuh grafik baterai dari software PVsyst beserta analisa ringan, diutamakan orang indonesia agar lebih cepat proses dan analisa nya, terimakasih.
Hi, perkenalkan saya Andre. Saya menjual lampu LED untuk headlamp dan foglamp mobil. Untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan customer, saya membutuhkan Warranty Card sebesar kartu ATM. Berikut adalah contoh Warranty Card yang dimaksud. Untuk bagian Remark dan Logo akan diberitahukan lebih lanjut. Harus mencantumkan kata-kata 18 bulan garansi. Kolom yang dibutuhkan hanya Serial No dan Date. Silakan buat Warranty Card semenarik mungkin dari 3 contoh Warranty Card ini.
Hi, perkenalkan saya Andre. Saya menjual lampu LED untuk headlamp dan foglamp mobil. Untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan customer, saya membutuhkan Warranty Card sebesar kartu ATM. Berikut adalah contoh Warranty Card yang dimaksud. Untuk bagian Remark dan Logo akan diberitahukan lebih lanjut. Harus mencantumkan kata-kata 18 bulan garansi. Kolom yang dibutuhkan hanya Serial No dan Date. Silakan buat Warranty Card semenarik mungkin dari 3 contoh Warranty Card ini.
GLOBAL ELECTRONIK •Ahli Servis Panggil Spesialist Tv Makassar •Sgala Merk&Bentuk(Led/lcd/Tabung/Plasma) •Kerja DiTmpat Anda Sampai Tuntas,Expres&Memuaskan •Di Tangani Oleh Tehnisi Brpengalaman Puluhan Tahun,Bawa Lngkp Sparepat,Serta Brgaransi HUB:082192174997 - 081241312195 (Anshar Ali Daeng Mattawang) “PERIKSAAN LEBIH AWAL, ONGKOS TERGANTUNG KERUSAKAN TV ANDA"
saya ingin kontrol nyala lampu led sesuai keinginan saya
Elavorar linternas estilo brazalete para usar en muñecas o tobillos
Membuat mock-up animasi untuk iklan di LED Videotron (outdoor advertising)
Salam. Proyek ini berkenaan dengan pengerjaan tugas akhir di kampus saya. Proyek ini berhubungan dengan mendesain tampilan dimanis (dynamic UI) dari sebuah battery managament system (BMS) pada sebuah mobil listrik. Komponen UI dari sebuah dashboard mobil listrik kira-kira: 1. Indikator baterai (state of charge)+perkiraan waktu bertahan 2. Arus baterai 3. Tegangan baterai 4. Kecepatan mobil 5. Suhu sel baterai 6. Status konsumsi energi 7. Perkiraan jarak yang dapat di tempuh 8. Komponen lain yg mungkin muncul ke depannya Komponen-komponen tersebut disusun secara real time dimana saya bisa mengubah level kecepatan mobil dan indikator baterai. Ketika saya mengubah kecepatan mobil, maka akan mempengaruhi 7 komponen lainnya (misal akan mengurangi sisa baterai). Proyek ini ter...
...pengguna simcard OG1. • Mendapatkan bonus-bonus dari setiap mereferensikan Paket-paket OG1 mulai dari Rp. 500.000,- per hari hingga Rp. 18.000.000,- per hari • Dengan membeli paket VIP anda berhak menjadi Reseller OG1 • Mendapatkan keuntungan Rp. 100.000,- hingga Rp. 5.000.000,- dari setiap Registrasi Member Baru OG1 • Berhak membeli produk-produk OG1 berupa peralatan elektronik berkualitas seperti TV LED, PowerBank dll dengan harga yang sangat murah dan bisa dibeli dari Mallpoint di Aplikasi OG1 JADI TUNGGU APA LAGI ?? SEGERA GABUNG DAN MENJADI MITRA OG1 !! Ke Depan, Orang Sudah Tidak Lagi Mengisi Pulsa Di Konter2 Pulsa, Karena Semua Sudah Bisa Mengisi Pulsa Dari HP Masing-Masing. Maka Jadilah Yang Pertama Di Bisnis Ini Untuk Meraih Keuntungan Fantastis !!...
saya dari panitia acara smak 5 membutuhkan freelancer animator led screen, misalkan utk mendesain lyric lagu dari guest star kami, dan membuat animasi utk semua rangkaian pensi skolah kami
Membantu saya dengan pemasaran internet Jualan sepatu LED anak
Membantu memasarkan Jasa Kami yaitu Rental Alat multimedia. Seperti : Screen dan Projector,TV Plasma,TV Touchscreen, LED Screen indoor dan Outdoor,MultiCamera,Orion MLCD,seamless,Dataton,Video Mapping,dll.
...yang bersifat open source hardware yang dikembangkan untuk arsitektur mikrokontroller AVR 8 bit dan ARM 32 bit. Dari ke3 pengertian diatas , dapat disimpulkan bahwa Arduino adalah kit elektronik atau papan rangkaian elektronik open source yang didalamnya terdapat komponen utama yaitu sebuah chip mikrokontroller dengan jenis AVR. Mikrokontroller itu sendiri adalah chip atau IC (integrated Circuit) yang bisa diprogram menggunakan komputer. Tujuan menanamkan program pada mikrokontroller adalah agar rangkaian elektronik dapat membaca input, memproses input tersebut dan kemudian menghasilkan output seperti yang diinginkan. Jadi , mikrokontroller bertugas sebagai otak yang mengendalikan input, proses ,dan output sebuah rangkaian elektonik. Mikrokontroller ada pada perangkat e...
...yang bersifat open source hardware yang dikembangkan untuk arsitektur mikrokontroller AVR 8 bit dan ARM 32 bit. Dari ke3 pengertian diatas , dapat disimpulkan bahwa Arduino adalah kit elektronik atau papan rangkaian elektronik open source yang didalamnya terdapat komponen utama yaitu sebuah chip mikrokontroller dengan jenis AVR. Mikrokontroller itu sendiri adalah chip atau IC (integrated Circuit) yang bisa diprogram menggunakan komputer. Tujuan menanamkan program pada mikrokontroller adalah agar rangkaian elektronik dapat membaca input, memproses input tersebut dan kemudian menghasilkan output seperti yang diinginkan. Jadi , mikrokontroller bertugas sebagai otak yang mengendalikan input, proses ,dan output sebuah rangkaian elektonik. Mikrokontroller ada pada perangkat e...
...Ali Mustopa selaku pemegang Tunas Muda Electronik Servis, ingin menawarkan jasa reparasi/servise kerusakan peralatan electronik yang di gunakan di perusahaan beralamat di: Rusun, ,,Legian,Kuta, bekerja dengan sistem on call service dan juga menerima pengerjaan secara electronik yang kami kerjakan di antaranya: Video: TV-LCD-LED-Plasma Tv (spesialis) Audio: Spiker aktif-HT-Amplyfier pendingin: Kulkas-Freezer-Dispenser Bersama surat ini saya selaku pemegang Tunas Muda Electronik Service,mengajak kerjasama perusahaan saudara dalam hal perawatan barang info lebih lengkap silahkan saudara menghubungi nomor telefon yang tertera di atas,atau datang ke tempat kami secara langsung. Atas
...Ali Mustopa selaku pemegang Tunas Muda Electronik Servis, ingin menawarkan jasa reparasi/servise kerusakan peralatan electronik yang di gunakan di perusahaan beralamat di: Rusun, ,,Legian,Kuta, bekerja dengan sistem on call service dan juga menerima pengerjaan secara electronik yang kami kerjakan di antaranya: Video: TV-LCD-LED-Plasma Tv (spesialis) Audio: Spiker aktif-HT-Amplyfier pendingin: Kulkas-Freezer-Dispenser Bersama surat ini saya selaku pemegang Tunas Muda Electronik Service,mengajak kerjasama perusahaan saudara dalam hal perawatan barang info lebih lengkap silahkan saudara menghubungi nomor telefon yang tertera di atas,atau datang ke tempat kami secara langsung. Atas
Led panel matrix adalah sebuah media dimana product ini dapat menampilkan tulisan secara digital dan dapat digunakan sebagai animasi visual.
...resetter. Resetternya bisa di download disini. Berikut langkah-langkah untuk mereset (Flash Bios) Printer Canon IP 2770. Printer dalam keadaan mati dan listrik terpasang Tekan tombol RESUME dan tahan beberapa detik, kemudian tekan tombol power Sambil menekan tombol POWER, tekan tombol RESUME 5 kali. Led akan menyala bergantian orange hijau dengan nyala terakhir orange. (jangan sampai keliru 4x karena printer akan mati total). Lepaskan kedua tombol bersamaan. Led akan blink sebentar kemudian akan nyala HIJAU. Dan komputer akan mendeteksi hardware baru, abaikan saja... Silahkan Anda download terlebih dahulu Reseter Printer Canon IP 2770 disini. Exctract File Resetter Canon IP 2770 Siapkan 2 kertas di printer (ini untuk print ...
Led panel matrix adalah sebuah media dimana product ini dapat menampilkan tulisan secara digital dan dapat digunakan sebagai animasi visual.
...resetter. Resetternya bisa di download disini. Berikut langkah-langkah untuk mereset (Flash Bios) Printer Canon IP 2770. Printer dalam keadaan mati dan listrik terpasang Tekan tombol RESUME dan tahan beberapa detik, kemudian tekan tombol power Sambil menekan tombol POWER, tekan tombol RESUME 5 kali. Led akan menyala bergantian orange hijau dengan nyala terakhir orange. (jangan sampai keliru 4x karena printer akan mati total). Lepaskan kedua tombol bersamaan. Led akan blink sebentar kemudian akan nyala HIJAU. Dan komputer akan mendeteksi hardware baru, abaikan saja... Silahkan Anda download terlebih dahulu Reseter Printer Canon IP 2770 disini. Exctract File Resetter Canon IP 2770 Siapkan 2 kertas di printer (ini untuk print ...
remote tv LED dengan hp android dengan cara memberi aplikasi ke android inrared yang bisa menyambungkan ke tv
Mahasiswa Departermen Teknik Kimia Universitas Indonesia punya cara unik dalam mempromosikan penggunaan energi terbaharukan di lingkungan kampusnya. Mereka menginstalasi Solar Panel diatap gedung departermen mereka yang output listriknya digunakan sebagai kebutuhan charging laptop dan handphone di saung (Gazebo) tempat mahasiswa biasa berkumpul. Proyek ini adalah bagian dari tugas mata kuliah Energi Berkelanjutan yang merupakan mata kuliah pilihan di Jurusan Teknik Kimia. “Proyek ini merupakan action nyata pengimplementasian keberlanjutan dan bauran energi ketika kita seringkali hanya mewacanakan isu-isu tersebut” ujar Prof. Dr. Ir. Widodo Wahyu Purwanto, DEA sebagai pembimbing mata kuliah Energi Berkelanjutan tersebut. Solar panel yang dipasang memiliki total daya 815...
Saya desainer yang terampil dalam membuat logo ataupun business card , Kemampuan bekerja seya telah teruji sejak tahun 2008 . 6 tahun bekerja desain grafis di perusahaan battery . saya harap saya dapat pekerjaan dari anda . Terimakasih
I need a professional to redraw my current electrical circuit. The new version should be of better quality and formatted as a PDF. The circuit design should remain unchanged, but it should have a moderate level of detail. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficient in circuit design software - Attention to detail - Able to deliver in PDF format - Able to maintain the same design
...the same as shipping for a dozen of the same item. This needs to be corrected. Key Tasks: - Implement proper shipping configuration so that my customer is charged the same fee I am by Gelato (additional fee on 2nd, 3rd items). I may want international shipping too, but domestic (US) is most important. - Provide advice on optimal shipping strategies. - Temporarily remove tax charges. Gelato is charging tax where it shouldn't be. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Shopify and Gelato - Experience configuring shipping rates on Gelato / Shopify - Familiarity with both flat rate and live shipping methods - Expertise in e-commerce shipping I do not want to go with Gelato+ or Shopify Advanced. Time is critical for this task. Only proposals that can guarantee immediate start and ...
I'm in need of a sophisticated Battery Management System (BMS) for my Lithium battery packs, specifically 7s and 10s configurations. Key Requirements: - The BMS needs to manage the simultaneous charging and discharging of the battery packs, or prevents charging and discharging between battery packs. The re-used battery packs already have their 10s or 7s BMS. - Communication protocols are to be discussed, so flexibility and expertise in various systems is a plus. - Additional features required include: - Temperature monitoring - State of Charge (SoC) estimation - Fault detection and notification Ideal skills and experience for this job include a strong background in BMS development, extensive knowledge of Lithium battery...
I'm looking for a professional with experience in long wave RFID programming for a special project. The task involves developing a selection gate for horses tha...for the range of transponder recognition and the opening times. The RFID gate will be used primarily in an outdoor paddock. Thus, the RFID hardware must meet heavy-duty and weatherproof standards. Additional features required for the gate include: - A battery backup system. - Provisions for remote monitoring. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proficiency in long wave RFID programming. - Experience with creating hardware for outdoor use. - Ability to design with CE compliance in mind. - Skills in integrating features like battery backup and remote monitoring. - Ideally, fluency in German to fac...
...Booth (100 sqm approx): - 1 Booth (3x3m) with platform and backdrop - 2 Vertical branded totem screens - 1 Reception counter - 2 Flags - 1 Popup stand Medium Scale Booth (200 sqm approx): - 2 Booths (3x3m) - 4 Vertical branded totem screens - 1 Screen Arch (3x3, 50cm screen) - 1 LED screen (5x3m) - 2 Flags - 1 Reception counter - 1 Sound system Large Scale Booth (400 sqm): - 1 Octagon structure or alternative layout with 5 adjacent 3x3m booths - 4 Vertical branded totem screens - 2 Touch screens (55 inch) - 1 LED screen (8x3m with podium) - 1 Sound system - 4 Flags - 1 Screen Arch (3x3, 50cm screen) - 1 Counter The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness among our employees, so the design should effectively communicate our corporate values. An understanding of creatin...
I'm looking for an expert in IoT and app development to design an LED light control system using an ESP32 chip. The lights should be controllable via a dedicated app on a smartphone, with features for color changing, brightness control, and timer settings. The system should also be integrated with Amazon Alexa for voice control. Key requirements: - Experience with ESP32 chip and related hardware - Proficient in app development for both iOS and Android - Knowledgeable in IoT and home automation systems - Experience with integrating systems with Amazon Alexa - Able to design user-friendly interfaces and intuitive controls
...Incorporate large digital screens or holographic displays to present Brand’s journey, products, and global reach. • Dynamic content that educates visitors while keeping them entertained. 10. Stand Height and Structure: • The stand must have a minimum height of 6 meters to make a strong visual impact in the outdoor space. • Utilize the height for creative elements such as large branding banners, LED displays, or iconic Brand visuals. 11. Premium Materials and Finishes: • The materials used should reflect the luxurious and modern image of Brand. Consider high-quality finishes, sleek surfaces, and bold colors that resonate with the brand’s identity. Additional Features (Optional): • Interactive Map: A digital or touch-screen map showcasing Brand&...
My Google Merchant Center account has been suspended due to policy violations, specifically related to invalid product identifiers. I need an expert to help rectify this issue and get my account reinstated. It is crucial to understand the guidelines of Google Merchant Center thoroughly and be able to identify and correct the invalid product identifiers that led to the suspension. Ideal skills for the job: - Deep understanding of Google Merchant Center policies - Experience with resolving account suspensions - Ability to identify and correct invalid product identifiers - Strong communication skills to provide updates and explain necessary changes
...primary focus will be creating circuit layouts. The draftsman should be capable of producing detailed, precise wiring diagrams with full specifications and annotations. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in AutoCAD, particularly in electrical drafting - Extensive experience in creating circuit layouts - Ability to produce detailed wiring diagrams with full specifications and annotations - Strong attention to detail and accuracy in technical drawings - Good understanding of compliance with project specifications This project requires someone who can transform design concepts into accurate, scalable 2D and 3D representations, ensuring clarity and efficiency in the designs. Please provide samples of your previous work in electrical AutoCAD drafting, particularly circuit...
I am in need of a professional who can design an indoor, digital LED display board for informational purposes. Key Responsibilities: Optisign platform - Design a user-friendly, visually appealing, and effective digital LED signboard - Ensure the design is suitable for indoor use Ideal Skills: - Proficient in digital sign design - Experience with designing for indoor digital LED displays - Strong understanding of creating informational display boards
I need a PCB designed for a linear array of fewer than 10 LEDs. The main function of the PCB is to facilitate the LED layout. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in PCB design software - Experience with LED layout on PCBs - Knowledge of designing linear arrays - Ability to deliver compact and efficient designs Please provide a portfolio of similar projects you've completed.
I need a PCB designed for a linear array of fewer than 10 LEDs. The main function of the PCB is to facilitate the LED layout. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in PCB design software - Experience with LED layout on PCBs - Knowledge of designing linear arrays - Ability to deliver compact and efficient designs Please provide a portfolio of similar projects you've completed.
We want a unique and minimalistic logo for our brand «MultiLed» It is all about led light but we dont want a logo with alot of noice. But it should be unique
I need a basic weight measuring system designed using Arduino. The system will consist of a 10 kg load cell (preferably HX711), a 4-digit 16x2 LCD display, and a numeric keypad for manually setting the weight limit. Key Features: - Display weight data on a 16x2 LCD - Use of HX711 load cell - Manual limit setting via numeric keypad - Real-time w...and weight measurement systems - Knowledge in interfacing LCD displays and keypads with Arduino - Ability to design simple prototypes Please note that the finished system should be able to compare real-time weight data with the manually set limit. The alarm system should be straightforward, requiring a simple push button to reset. NOTE : Look/Appearance in not hard requirement in the protoype, circuit wooden board and soldered wired are ...
...text. - **Secondary Font:** A lighter sans-serif font (e.g., **Open Sans Regular**) for the tagline "Tech-Driven Education." - **Visual Balance:** Use contrasting weights for the company name and tagline to maintain hierarchy and readability. --- ### **5. Iconography** - **Symbol Concept:** - A stylized **"L"** as the central icon, integrated with elements like: - **Circuit patterns** to represent technology. - **A book or learning shape** to emphasize education. - **An upward arrow** for growth and advancement. - **Design Approach:** - The icon should appear sleek and modern, with sharp edges and subtle gradients to give it a tech-inspired feel. - The "L" could subtly resemble an open book with digit...
I'm looking for a professional and informative AI voice to narrate a video showcasing my LED bulbs and lights for Youtube. Key aspects of the project include: - Using AI text to speech technology for the voiceover - Creating a modern and sleek visual style for the video - Showcasing tech gadgets in a clean and minimalist way The ideal freelancer for this project should have experience in creating product videos, particularly for tech gadgets, and should be proficient in using AI text to speech technology. A portfolio showcasing previous work of a similar nature would be beneficial.
Improvement of a Scraper Bot for Collecting Ads from a Thai Classifieds Website with Database Integration and Image Handling The bot is already mostly functional, but it requires some final adjustments and additions. Due to lack of time, I’m looking for someone to complete the project without charging "millions of dollars." What has been done: The bot connects to the database and successfully retrieves the structure of categories and subcategories (first and second levels). The JSON file with ad links is generated and added to the database correctly. CSS classes for identifying data have been initially configured, but they need to be thoroughly reviewed and verified. What needs to be done: Verify the CSS classes and ensure that all ad data is correctly scraped, inc...
I'm seeking an expert in thermal analysis and materials science to help with a comprehensive project. 1. Thermal Gradient Analysis: - The main focus will be on quantifying thermal gradients within individual Li-ion cells and across modules in extremely low winter conditions. - You will need to assess the impact of these gradients on the lifespan of the battery, as this is my primary concern. 2. Material and Design Optimization: - I want you to explore advanced thermal interface materials (TIMs) and innovative module designs to minimize the thermal gradients. - This includes investigating novel materials with better thermal conductivity that can still be compatible with existing Li-ion technologies. 3. Thermal Management Strategies: - The development of ta...
I'm looking for an electronic engineer to design a circuit for a digital level. This level should have an LED illuminating when a 2% fall is detected. Key Requirements: - Medium Precision: The digital level doesn't need to be laser-precision, but it should be able to measure with medium accuracy. - LED Display: The display should be an LED that is visible in sunlight. It should activate when a 2%, 2.5%, or 3% grade is achieved. - Power Source: The unit should be powered by an 18v Milwaukee tools battery. - Brightest LEDs: The use of the brightest LEDs available is essential for this project. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Electronic circuit design: Proven experience in designing electronic circuits is a must. - Knowledge of LED t...
...Strong knowledge of quality standards for consumer-grade and medical-grade wearables. Scope of Work: Review and optimize our existing prototype design. Provide actionable insights to overcome current development challenges. Advise on long-term scalability, production design, and supply chain management. Ensure the design meets high quality standards and durability benchmarks (e.g., waterproofing, battery life, sensor accuracy). Budget: Up to ₹75,000 for initial R&D consultation phase. Engagement Details: Freelance/Consulting role with milestone-based deliverables. Flexible hours with collaborative communication. How to Apply: Please share: Relevant project portfolio showcasing experience with MAX86174A and similar wearables. Brief plan on how you will assist in overcoming...
I need a PCB designed for a linear array of fewer than 10 LEDs. The main function of the PCB is to facilitate the LED layout. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in PCB design software - Experience with LED layout on PCBs - Knowledge of designing linear arrays - Ability to deliver compact and efficient designs Please provide a portfolio of similar projects you've completed.
I need a project focusing on the charge/discharge cycles of electrochemical batteries. You will be required to simulate these cycles using Simulink and perform calculations based on the project prompts. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Simulink - Strong understanding of electrochemical batteries, specifically charge/discharge cycles - Abil...batteries. You will be required to simulate these cycles using Simulink and perform calculations based on the project prompts. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Simulink - Strong understanding of electrochemical batteries, specifically charge/discharge cycles - Ability to perform complex calculations Experience: - Prior experience with modeling or simulating battery systems - Familiarity with academic or engineering projects focused on batter...