Backup policy baculaPekerjaan
...oleh NTP tidak diblokir oleh firewall di PDC Server dan perangkat lain yang terhubung ke jaringan. Anda dapat menambahkan aturan firewall menggunakan PowerShell dengan perintah: New-NetFirewallRule -Name "NTP" -DisplayName "Allow NTP" -Enabled True -Protocol UDP -LocalPort 123 -Action Allow 9. Mengonfigurasi NTP di Group Policy (Opsional) Untuk mengonfigurasi pengaturan NTP pada banyak komputer di domain secara otomatis, Anda bisa menggunakan Group Policy. Buka Group Policy Management dan buat GPO baru untuk mengonfigurasi pengaturan waktu: Masuk ke Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > System > Windows Time Service > Time Providers. Di sana, aktifkan opsi Configure Windows NTP Client dan tentukan server wa...
... (Website ini mengguanakan Shopify) 2. 3. (Website ini mengguanakan Shopify) ://,2614309/ Yang kami harapkan. 1. Freelancer / agency yang proaktif 2. Website dalam bahasa Inggris 3. Website lengkap dengan 50 produk. (CSV data akan kami berikan) 4. Landing page dan policy lengkap dalam bahasa Inggris (Boleh menggunakan website lain untuk reference) 5. Website yang responsive (Boleh menggunakan template jadi berbayar -- Kami yang akan membayar) - Tidak termasuk budget project -- Kami juga harapkan page load speed yang baik. -- Gambar yang di gunakan di landing page harus sudah di optimisasi 6. Meeting seminggu sekali untuk mengupdate project sejauh mana. 7. Fitur
Hello, I'd like to create a website design and I need assistance from a UI designer in the form of minimalist Figma designs with a sustainability concept. Here's a list of pages I'll need for design: 1. Homepage 2. Services page 3. Blogs page 4. Contact page 5. Portfolios 6. Global pages 7. Physical sustainability 8. Privacy policy 9. Invoices page (including PDF) 10. And several other pages (if needed) I have a reference website that I would like to emulate, so you can get an idea of the project later. The design will included with responsive design, also for the assets including the logo should also be included in this project (which should indeed be the case, as it's part of the UI/UX task). Thank you.
Saya mau request pembuatan program buat windows Dengan konsep dan permintaan ini : 1. Program dengan sistem yg terbaca seperti device hp karena penggunaan untuk fake ordr (fo) di marketplace 2. Program terpasang seperti hp yg di root, ada aplikasi mirip titanium backup, dengan setiap settingny ada seting yg mirip aplikasi device emulator pro
Saya membutuhkan freelancer yang bisa membuat VDI dari backup DCS Centum VP Yokogawa
- produk tentang oleh oleh haji premium - referensi - website menggunakan wordpress - Template Harus SEO friendly - install plugin security(wordfence), caching, backup restore, dll - hosting dan domain udah punya - deadline 2 bulan budget 2jt dengan di cicil 1bulan 1jt
Google drive unlimited produk Gsuite dengan STORAGE UNLIMITED Kelebihannya : 1. Bisa request username sesuai keinginan, domain default dari saya 2. Bisa untuk menjadi host Goog...dan E Learning) 3. Domain bukan .edu atau .sch id yang sewaktu-waktu bisa di suspend 4. Jaminan akun lifetime selama tidak melanggar aturan google (TOS) 5. Login langsung ke website gmail 6. Dapat menggunakan 2step authentication sehingga sangat aman digunakan 7. Proses pembuatan akun maks. 15menit 8. Email bisa digunakan untuk korespondensi dengan aman, privasi anda terjaga 9. Bisa menggunakan Backup n Sync ataupun FileSteam (hanya GSuite yang bisa, gmail biasa tidak bisa File Stream) 10. Fungsi utama yang dijamin adalah google drive unlimited 11. Bebas upload download file hanya rp.100ribu (tanpa biaya...
Menyarankan Parameter sesuai dengan best practice Mendokumentasikan parameter yang sudah disepakati bersama dalam bentuk manual
saya membutuhkan sebuah aplikasi database untuk mengolah data kepegawaian (2000 - 50.000 pegawai). saat ini data tersebut masih diolah mlalui saya menginginkan aplikasi web-based yang ringan untuk dijalankan pada komputer medium speed, terserah dg program apapun yang penting aplikasi...ini data tersebut masih diolah mlalui saya menginginkan aplikasi web-based yang ringan untuk dijalankan pada komputer medium speed, terserah dg program apapun yang penting aplikasi tersebut dapat dijalankan multi user, offline dan online untuk sumber data bisa diinput dan dimport dari dan dan untuk output report bisa ke , , pdf, dan mempunyai kemapuan backup. Untuk report nantinya bisa diedit sesuai kebutuhan saya juga membutuhkan beberapa table di databasenya
Saya memiliki sebuah website yang bergerak dibidang marketplace add-ons untuk sebuah game. Website tersebut dapat digunakan oleh publisher/ pembuat add-ons tersebut untuk menjual produk yang ia buat dan produk tersebut dapat dibeli oleh seluruh orang di dunia. Tugas Anda disini adalah membuat dokumen atau tulisan mengenai Terms Of Conditions dan Privacy Policy untuk ditampilkan di website serta EULA untuk ditampilkan di Installer Produk saat pembeli melakukan instalasi produk. Dokumen tersebut dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia.
Saya memerlukan developer android untuk menambah fitur aplikasi pencatatan penjualan yang sudah dibuat. Penambahan fitur berupa - Tanggal dalam proses penambahan transaksi - Fitur diagram batang dan garis untuk mengetahui jumlah transaksi dan jumlah barang yang terjual - Fitur backup dan restore - Fitur rating pada play store Saya tidak mencari penjual / seller aplikasi yang sudah jadi! Detil proses aplikasi awal dan spesifikasi perubahan terlampir Terima kasih
K...maintenance dibawah: 1. Troubleshooting peralatan IT (laptop/desktop/printer) 2. Jaringan 3. Website dengan joomla + website server 4. Email server Kami membutuhkan jasa freelancer jika sewaktu waktu ada permasalahan mengenai IT di kantor dan dapat di hubungi dengan cepat. Terimakasih ___ We from the Foundation Transformation of Indonesian public policy is in need of it support / maintenance services. Transformation Needs is to solve problems and maintenance under: 1. Troubleshooting peralatan IT (laptop/desktop/printer) 2. Network 3. Website with joomla + website server 4. Email server We need the services of freelancers if at any time there are problems regarding IT in the office and can be contacted quickly. ...
Perangkat lunak mengbackup data secara otomatis
Perlu penambahan storage pada space server Zimbra yg terinstal di VM Proxmox juga setting backup mailserver.
...beberapa administrator dengan peran-peran spesifik. 2. Memiliki kemampuan memberikan masa tenggang waktu atau periode sebelum folder [email, trash dan spam] di hapus - secara otomatis, jika saat yang di set oleh admin tersebut telah tiba. 3. Sistem harus bisa me- rebrand tampilan webmail menjadi tampilan sesuai yang diinginkan. 4. Sistem harus memiliki hot Backup / Restore, artinya tidak perlu dimatikan service nya saat proses backup/restore berjalan. 5. Sistem harus memiliki kemampuan untuk me- restore sesuai waktu yang diinginkan oleh admin. 6. Sistem harus bisa memanfaatkan kemampuan High Availability (HA) dari platform virtualisasi di perusahaan, sampai ke level service, artinya jika service dari platform email baru tersebut tidak bisa diakses, sistem akan me- res...
Melakukan sejumlah pekerjaan Excel Bisa membuat RAB. analisa dan backup kuantitas pekerjaan.
Saya memerlukan graphic designer untuk membuat layout ringkasan kebijakan (policy brief), jumlah halaman dokumen dimaksud adalah 7 halaman (M.S. Word), saya akan memberikan beberapa ringkasan kebijakan (policy brief) yang telah kami miliki sebelumnya sebagai referensi dan menyamakan "tone"
...Website saya sudah jadi dan sekarang memiliki lebih dari 1.000 listing direktori bisnis lokal, dan akan terus bertambah karena saya meng-aktifkan sistem agency lokal di kota tersebut sehingga mendukung pertumbuhan database user dan direktori nya. saya ingin ada tenaga ahli yang membantu saya dan team kecil saya di kantor untuk menjadi staff freelance terkontrak atau bahkan remote full time admin backup website saya tersebut, terutama untuk membantu administrasi websitenya antara lain : Konfigurasi & Trouble setting admin : - konfigurasi website, lay out dan widget - mengelola dan menangani UPDATE, UPGRADE baik wordpress dan themes serta plugin - menangani bug, trouble setting, server dan terkait - memberi masukan, ide, usulan untuk memperluas kemampuan website A...
Sales freelance untuk penjualan produk Extendable AC Power Backup System. Produk ini bekerja seperti UPS dengan waktu backup hingga 4 jam jika terjadi pemadaman listrik. Fee + diskon harga bagi sales freelance
Proyek ini ditujukan untuk mendesain sebuah ogo NGO/LSM yang bernama The Jakarta Institute for Financial Policy (JIFP)
Proyek ini untuk mendesain logo sebuah lembaga riset yang bernama "The Jakarta Institute for Financial Policy" yang disingkat dengan nama JIFP. Lembaga riset ini akan bergerak di bidang kajian kebijakan keuangan seperti kebijakan makroekonomi, regulasi pasar keuangan, dan pembangunan sektor keuangan dan sebagainya.
Dibutuhkan IT support/ IT helpdesk familiar dengan microsoft products. Lingkup pekerjaan: 1. setup dan troubleshoot printer 2. install MS. office 3. MS. outlook 4. penggunaan exhcange server basic (membuat email, delete email, backup email) 5. menguasai microsoft system center configuration manager untuk format dan install ulang
Saya memiliki website (bisa dicek di ), yang saya butuhkan adalah penulisan untuk halaman privacy policy dan terms / TOS. contoh TOS dan PP dari website , ada beberapa penyesuaian karena perbedaan konsep bisnis. nanti saya jelaskan selengkapnya
saya membutuhkan sebuah aplikasi database untuk mengolah data kepegawaian (2000 - 50.000 pegawai). saat ini data tersebut masih diolah mlalui saya menginginkan aplikasi web-based yang ringan untuk dijalankan pada komputer medium speed, terserah dg program apapun yang penting aplikasi tersebut dapat dijalankan multi user, offline d...ini data tersebut masih diolah mlalui saya menginginkan aplikasi web-based yang ringan untuk dijalankan pada komputer medium speed, terserah dg program apapun yang penting aplikasi tersebut dapat dijalankan multi user, offline dan online untuk sumber data bisa diinput dan dimport dari dan dan untuk output report bisa ke , , pdf, dan mempunyai kemapuan backup. Untuk report nantinya bisa diedit sesuai kebutuhan
...jejaringbisnis deskripsinya menggunakan html sehingga akan lebih mudah apabila Anda membuatnya di word terlebih dahulu lalu di paste ke kolom description. *jika ada perubahan konten dapat diedit, tetapi disarankan edit di file word Anda baru dipaste kembali/ simpan kode source htmlnya di word. Karena jika tidak, file akan eror. buat backup data dalam word dan susun paragraf menjadi rapi dan enak untuk dilihat. Pada akhir bulan dapat mengirimkan file backup berupa word ke email saya wangnei32[at]gmail[dot]com jika di dalam deskripsi terdapat gambar anda juga bisa menambahkannya dengan 0. upload image (gunakan server yang aman, jika bapak dapat mengupload di server lebih baik, atau facebook untuk amannya) 1. ke file gambar 2. klik kanan copy 3. paste dalam description j...
Saya ingin minta tolong soal setting server di whm. Saya punya dua dedicated server, yaitu satu di jakarta dan satu nya di usa. Saya ingin mas mengcopy settingan seperti yang ada di webhosting di jakarta. Server yang di...itu akan saya install website2 baru seperti yang di jakarta. Terus terang saya masih kurang faham tentang perintah / command di linux, oleh karena itu saya minta bantuannya. Soal bayaran, akan saya buat di . saya akan bayar via paypal/CC. Jadi, pekerjaan nya adalah, setting server di USA, di samakan dengan yang di JAKARTA. Di buat sama persis, mulai dari setting partisi harddisk, backup, cronjobs, security, dan lain2. Tolong dibuat persis. Dan tolong di buat supaya kinerja server jadi ringan dan mudah di akses web nya. ( yang bagus dan laju biar gak...
We need a team of 5 members to work part time so that you can make some dollar per day. If you would like to work on this project for long term you can do even for 1 year. We will give you a list can make some dollar per day. If you would like to work on this project for long term you can do even for 1 year. We will give you a list of sites with login info and you have to work on those sites so that we can earn. This login info is sent by our client. Of all the earnings you make we pay you 40% of it, 35% to our client and 25% for our company. Since this is you do-amount gets credited policy WE DO NOT GIVE MILESTONE PAYMENTS. But payment is sure as we have recruited many from other freelancer sites and they are getting paid. We like to have fresh people from here so that you...
...Software : disini * Jika anda sudah menginstal software tersebut, anda bisa menginstal software BlackBerry device software yang biasanya terdapat pada ponsel. * Hubungkan ponsel BlackBerry anda, lalu buka aplikasi BBSak. Pada aplikasi BBSak terdapat pilihan Backup Apps. Klik pada tombol tersebut, maka aplikasi akan backup semua aplikasi yang terdapat pada BlackBerry anda. * upgrade os blackberry * Kemudian buka BlackBerry device software untuk backup data yang ada di ponsel. * Setelah anda mem-backup data dan aplikasi anda, selanjutnya adalah pada aplikasi BBSak klik pada tombol Wipe Device. Maka akan terdapat pesan error. Biarkan saja pesan error tersebut, METATRADER saya seorang trader pemula sekitar 1 th ...
saya membutuhkan sebuah aplikasi database untuk mengolah data kepegawaian (2000 - 50.000 pegawai). saat ini data tersebut masih diolah mlalui saya menginginkan aplikasi web-based yang ringan untuk dijalankan pada komputer medium speed, terserah dg program apapun yang penting aplikasi tersebut dapat dijalankan multi user, offline d...ini data tersebut masih diolah mlalui saya menginginkan aplikasi web-based yang ringan untuk dijalankan pada komputer medium speed, terserah dg program apapun yang penting aplikasi tersebut dapat dijalankan multi user, offline dan online untuk sumber data bisa diinput dan dimport dari dan dan untuk output report bisa ke , , pdf, dan mempunyai kemapuan backup. Untuk report nantinya bisa diedit sesuai kebutuhan
I am seeking a professional 2D animator to create a 1-minute video explaining my insurance policy, Miracle. The animation should be in a cartoon style, conveying a professional and informative tone. The video needs to be simple yet creative, clearly explaining the policy benefits which cover maternity, adoption, surrogacy, and childbirth. Key requirements: - Experience in 2D cartoon style animation - Ability to convey complex information in a simple way - Understanding of the professional and informative tone required - Ability to deliver within a minute Sample video content to be made - Miracle: Covers expenses around maternity, adoption, surrogacy, and childbirth. Carry forward the balance maternity sum insured up to 10X. Mi-racle has a maternity sum insured which is d...
I need a professional video animato...for a child. The video should be designed for an adult audience, with a unique and memorable concept. The first project will involve explaining a specific insurance policy feature. Here are some one sample script - Miracle policy benefit- Covers expenses around maternity, adoption, surrogacy, and childbirth. Carry forward the balance maternity sum insured up to 10X. Mi-racle has a maternity sum insured which is different than your regular sum insured. Eg. Your sum insured can be of 10L but your maternity sum insured can be of 20k. Mi-racle will only cover uptill 20k and the rest, you will have to pay out of your pocket. Policy feature like booster plus will be valid for this benefit aswell. Make video for less than a minute Nee...
...with extensive experience in Google AdSense for assistance with reauthentication of my AdSense site. The primary objective of this project is to resolve some policy violations that have been affecting my site. - Main Goal: The goal is to address and resolve these policy violations, allowing for a smoother operation of the site and the potential for increased ad revenue in the future. - Policy Violations: The main issue currently is content policy violations. I need an expert who can help identify these issues and provide solutions to rectify them. - Content Policy Issues: Fortunately, I have not encountered any specific content policy issues such as copyright infringement, adult content, or hate speech. However, I do need an expert who can co...
Need developer who has previous experience in submitting app to review, all details like screenshot, icon, feature graphic, privacy policy, description etc will be provided you just have to utilise your own dev accnt, no development work is left and its very simple and straightforward work
...add, update, delete, and audit changes to site names/numbers and their associated Google Maps links. Admin Control: Admins should have full control over the site names and Google Maps links. This includes the ability to add, update, delete, and audit changes. Security: For admin access, basic password authentication will be sufficient. Additional Features: The bot should have a scheduled backup of data to ensure we don't lose crucial information. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in bot development, particularly for WhatsApp. - Familiarity with Google Maps API. - Experience in implementing basic security measures for admin access. Experience: Freelancers with a track record of developing similar bots, particularly for logistical purposes, will be prioritized. Please incl...
I'm looking for an HR professional with experience in policy development and training. The primary focus will be on creating a comprehensive training program for new hires. Key Requirements: - Develop HR policies, particularly around employee conduct and equal opportunity - Design and implement a training program focused on compliance and skill development - Experience in HR policy development and training is a must - Excellent understanding of equal opportunity principles and employee conduct norms - Strong communication and training skills.
I'm in need of a Shopify expert to assist in completing my e-commerce site. The foundatio...foundational setup is mostly done, but I need help with a few important tasks. Specific Tasks: - Creating essential sections for the homepage including 'Featured Products', 'Customer Testimonials', and a few more category related sections. - Designing a 'Modern and Minimalist' styled footer for a polished, professional look. - Setting up basic pages such as 'About Us', 'Contact', and 'Privacy Policy'. I will provide a reference site to guide the design and structure. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in Shopify, e-commerce website development, and a keen eye for modern minimalist design. A...
I'm looking for an HR professional with experience in policy development and training. The primary focus will be on creating a comprehensive training program for new hires. Key Requirements: - Develop HR policies, particularly around employee conduct and equal opportunity - Design and implement a training program focused on compliance and skill development - Experience in HR policy development and training is a must - Excellent understanding of equal opportunity principles and employee conduct norms - Strong communication and training skills.
...any user account. ? Payment Methods – Seamlessly integrate all popular payment methods (visa,mastercard ,,Perfect Money……….and ) ? News System – Share updates and news with your users. ? Broadcast System – Send messages to all users at once. ? User To User Fund Transfer System – Allow users to transfer funds between accounts. ? User Backup Option – Provide users with the ability to backup their data. ? User Activity Logs – Track user actions for better security and management. ➕ Add Unlimited Services – Expand your offerings with no limits. ?️ Add Unlimited Categories – Organize services into as many categories as needed. ? Bulk Add All Services from API Provider – Set price percentage increases. ? ...
His Rajeev. My son sent me your information. He said you can provide a good website for a decent price. I need a base political campaign website, and I need a logo for the website. The website should be real simple. Bio page, policy page, volunteer page and form, Similar to this but not exactly the same.
I'm looking for a video editor to help with post-production for my YouTube channel. I have attached a typical example video. We have approx. 30 of these videos that will need post-production. This contest is to find someone to do those and work with us going ahead. Your task (using the example video) is to smooth the mouse, condense the long backup sequence, use general zoom, zoom in further where required, and anything else you think is necessary. Your video must be formal and for business users. We don't need any sound or excessive editing. The video was made using Camtasia. Thanks!
I'm looking to create a standardized email template in Outlook. The template will permit users to insert specific fields while keeping the rest of the content fixed. Your role will be to outline the whole process for setting it up whether using VB or other method . But it needs to be a process native to Outlook Microsoft office (external apps will not work due to security policy) Key Components: - Fields for User Insertion: The user should be able to input Text, Number, and Date fields in both the email body and the subject header. - Template Design: The layout, text, and fonts must remain consistent throughout the template. Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of Microsoft Outlook - Experience in creating email templates - Ability to clearly outline and explain tech...
...have shortlisted a few free Framer templates that need to be customised to fit my needs. - **Design Focus**: The design should be corporate and professional, with a particular emphasis on showcasing the features and benefits of my product. - **Payment Gateway Integration**: The landing page should include seamless integration with payment gateways (Paypal & Razorpay). - **Legal Pages**: Privacy policy and Terms & Conditions pages are also required. Drafts for these will be shared with you. - **Theme Recommendations**: If you believe a premium theme will enhance the user experience, I'm open to your recommendations. Ideal candidates should have experience with Framer, web design, and payment gateway integration. A knack for corporate design and a strong understan...
...Offer training materials and resources for future reference. Skills and Experience Required: Expertise in WordPress theme installation and customization. Experience with job board or recruitment plugin integration (e.g., WP Job Manager). Strong understanding of responsive design and mobile optimization. Ability to provide clear, concise training on theme updates and management. Experience with backup and migration processes for WordPress websites. Payment and Timeline: This is a fixed-price project. Payment will be made in milestones upon successful completion of each phase (theme installation, recruitment features...
Our long term server admin passed away and we require a new person to take over ongoing server support. We run a small business with 2 servers running Proxmox and 4 VMs. (3 Linux 1 Win) We run a separate Proxmox backup server. We run Hestia for our webserver and Mailcow for mail. . Backups are done to the Proxmox server, NAS and Mega (cloud) We often need small tasks done to support the web devs (ssh, DB work etc etc) and we require monthly maintenance to ensure reliability and updates etc. You need of course to be fully able to work with all of the above, and also be available during NZ time in mornings and evenings. (Our previous admin was from Serbia and this time zone worked ok) We will pay a one off hiring fee to FreeLancer and work with you on an hourly rate moving forwar...
...Merchant Center operational. Their store uses DSers to import products from AliExpress to Shopify, including product images and titles. This has led to multiple flagged issues that need expert attention. Key Responsibilities The specialist's duty is to solve all the following issues in bulk as listed in the provided images below: ● The Merchant Center Suspension due to Policy Violations: ● Suspended account for policy violation ● Text on image ● Additional or promotional info ● Personal hardships in personalized advertising ● Identity or belief in personalized advertising ● Legally restricted content in personalized advertising ● Alcoholic beverages ● Restricted adult content ● Sexual interests in personalized advertising ● Adult-oriented content ● Image too small ...
I need assistance restoring my Nextcloud server from a failed one. I have access to all old files including the Nextcloud database and the filesystem. This needs to be done on a new Linux server. Key Requirements: - Restore from the latest backup - Apply specific configurations on the new server Ideal candidates should have: - Strong expertise in Linux server management - Proficiency in Nextcloud setup and restoration - Experience with server configurations
La settimana scorsa il dominio di un sito web che appoggia su Wordpress è stato bloccato da Aruba per presenza File Malware. Aruba mi chiede la bonifica del dominio, io la faccio e mi salvo nel computer un backup settimanale quindi della settimana prima di quando mi è arrivata la notifica Aruba del blocco. Mi salvo il backup anche del database, ricarico i backup vecchi che ho scaricato e Aruba mi sblocca il dominio. Wordpress mi da Error establishing a database connection. Ho bisogno di qualcuno che sappia risolvere questo problema.