Aws lambda customersPekerjaan
...Pembentukan planet: Proses terbentuknya planet. 3. Ledakan supernova: Ledakan bintang yang mengakhiri hidupnya. 4. Radiasi kosmik: Radiasi yang berasal dari luar atmosfer. *Misteri* 1. Energi gelap: Sumber energi yang tidak diketahui. 2. Materi gelap: Materi yang tidak terdeteksi. 3. Asal usul semesta: Pertanyaan tentang awal mula semesta. *Teori dan Model* 1. Relativitas umum Einstein. 2. Model Lambda-CDM (Cold Dark Matter). 3. Teori inflasi kosmik. Sumber: 1. NASA. 2. European Space Agency (ESA). 3. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 4. Buku "A Brief History of Time" oleh Stephen Hawking. Apakah Anda ingin informasi lebih lanjut tentang topik tertentu? [9/12 01.37] Meta AI: Semesta alam atau alam semesta adalah seluruh ruang, waktu, materi, dan ene...
...worked on include: Writing Financial Reports: Crafting financial reports that are clear and easy to understand for stakeholders. This includes explaining complex data and figures in a way that is accessible to non-experts. Creating Promotional Material: In business, effective copywriting is used to create marketing materials, whether for promotional campaigns or educational content for clients or customers. In this project, I wrote product descriptions, blog articles, and even advertisement copy. Engaging Writing Style: Copywriting isn’t just about conveying information but also doing so in an engaging and persuasive manner. This is essential for building brand awareness or delivering information to an audience in a memorable way. This copywriting skill is beneficial not o...
Saya memerlukan OCR untuk membaca data pada eKTP untuk ekstrak data NIK, NAMA, TEMPAT TANGGAL LAHIR, ALAMAT, RT RW, KEL/DES, KECAMATAN, KAB/KOTA, PROVINSI. OCR menggunakan Google Vision API atau AWS Rekognition, silakan dipilih salah satu. Bahasa pemrograman: PHP Native atau Python (PHP lebih disukai). Jika pakai python, code python harus bisa baca data pada image base64 atau decode base64 menjadi file image (jpg,png) kemudian ocr dieksekusi. Tampilan cukup sederhana saja, yang penting data berhasil diekstrak selama tulisan masih dapat dibaca. Output diharapkan tersimpan dalam file JSON. Contoh eKTP (kartu identitas Indonesia) terlampir.
...**Perencanaan Finansial:** 1. **Estimasi Biaya Pengembangan:** - **Gaji Tim Pengembang:** - **Full Stack Developer:** $2,000 - $5,000/bulan (tergantung lokasi dan pengalaman). - **UI/UX Designer:** $1,500 - $3,000/bulan. - **QA Tester:** $1,000 - $2,500/bulan. - **Biaya Infrastruktur:** - **Server dan Hosting:** $100 - $500/bulan tergantung kapasitas dan layanan cloud (misal: AWS, Azure, atau Google Cloud). - **Layanan Database:** $50 - $200/bulan (tergantung penyedia dan skala aplikasi). - **Biaya Lisensi dan Alat Pengembangan:** - **Tools dan Layanan API (misalnya, Firebase, Sentry):** $50 - $200/bulan. - **Biaya Pemasaran:** - **Iklan Digital:** $500 - $2,000/bulan selama periode peluncuran awal. - **Kerjasama Influencer da... tips and facilitating print orders. Key Features: - The primary function of the site will be to share photography tips. To ensure a pleasant user experience, I would like to organize these tips by photography genre - landscape, portrait, and wildlife. Each genre will have a dedicated section that users can easily navigate to. - In terms of print orders, I'd like to keep it simple. Customers will be able to place orders for prints by sending a direct email inquiry. This way, I can engage with them personally and offer a more tailored service. Skills & Experience: - A strong understanding of website design and development, particularly in creating user-friendly and engaging interfaces. - Proficiency in organizing content categorically. - Experience with inte...
I'm seeking a versatile marketer, looking for an individual not an agency. Who can help to get sales in the ecom sites and also for cleints who wants to sale courses who can automate everything from setting up the pixel on website to make conversions. Specifically, your focus will lie within Facebook and Instagram. Your goals will be to: - Drive substantial traffic to my...rates are consistently improving is paramount. Furthermore, an understanding and ability to tap into a range of age demographics, implementing effective strategies to capture and exceed our audience's expectations, will significantly boost your success. As a result, a background in market research would greatly enhance your application. Dig deep, get creative and help us connect with potential customers...
Dicari seseorang yang dapat mengimplementasi CI/CD dengan background di AWS, github actions dan docker. Tugas utama mencakup: 1. Setup AWS Konfigurasi servis AWS seperti EC2, Route 53, S3 2. Konfigurasi Github Action Membuat pipeline CI/CD yang mendeploy source code secara otomatis setiap kali ada merge branch di github Tugas bersifat jangka panjang. Harap melampirkan CV jika anda tertarik. Terima kasih
PT. Clinivac Medika Indonesia sedang mencari seseorang yang bisa menjual produk dengan target tertentu, terutama saat terdapat project/campaign yang sedang berlangsung. Klien bisa berupa Direct Customers atau Business/Corporate.
Halo saya mempunyai project blockchain, sebelumnya project tersebut telah berjalan sukses namun dikarenakan satu dan lain hal. project tersebut dihentikan sementara. Projectnya adalah crypto wallet, sekarang saya ingin menjalankan project ters...blockchain, sebelumnya project tersebut telah berjalan sukses namun dikarenakan satu dan lain hal. project tersebut dihentikan sementara. Projectnya adalah crypto wallet, sekarang saya ingin menjalankan project tersebut, namun pembuat sebelumnya sudah lost contact di karenakan sudah setahun lebih. Saya membutuhkan bantuan untuk mensetup semua server (AWS) sehingga dapat berjalan kembali Semua files saat ini ada di bitbucket, sebelumnya saya menggunakan aws namun akun tersebut sudah tidak ada, dikarenakan sudah hampir 1 tahun proje...
I want to create a 10 pages ebook in the topic of corporate career. I will provide the outline, but I need ghostwriter and also someone who can design the ebook so it would be appealing for customers.
Para la configuración de aws y la instalación de scripts php
Halo semua, saya lagi butuh untuk pengerjaan modul unsubscribe payment dengan strip. Harga unsubscribe beda2 sesuai dengan paket subscribe. Yang kedua buat notif yg berisi invoice via email jika masa berlangganan sdh mau habis/jatuh tempo. Yg ketiga memperbaiki tampilannya agar login button di pojok kanan atas saat di versi mobile tdk numpuk. Saat ini web sdh live dan subscribe payment sdh ja...pengerjaan modul unsubscribe payment dengan strip. Harga unsubscribe beda2 sesuai dengan paket subscribe. Yang kedua buat notif yg berisi invoice via email jika masa berlangganan sdh mau habis/jatuh tempo. Yg ketiga memperbaiki tampilannya agar login button di pojok kanan atas saat di versi mobile tdk numpuk. Saat ini web sdh live dan subscribe payment sdh jalan(). Web sendiri hosting di AWS.
Saya perlu web design untuk static website untuk bisnis kecil. blm ada mockup, jadi pekerjaan dari design sampai mockup, dan development. Saya tidak prefer wordpress. Website akan di host di AWS atau public hosting server lain. Bisa bs bicara detailnya.
Configurar Webhook bitbucket para servidor aws
Kami membutuhkan yang bisa melakukan tuning DB mysql di AWS cloud dgn tipe provision agar menghasilkan performance yg optimal.
Want List APP side Android, Ios - V2ray Windows mac - v2ray, ikev2 1. Always On button( windows start up auto start) 2. Customer Info. page , Noticement, FAQ, Q&A 3. Payment page 4. Check New version Upgrade and new version coming popup. 5. After App starts, Shown 5 se...3. Payment page 4. Check New version Upgrade and new version coming popup. 5. After App starts, Shown 5 seconds full page Advertisement. 6. Different user level(Free, Normal, VIP) , It decides what servers can be connected. Admin pannel 1. Payment management 2. Customer has pay monthly, pay for using time. 3. Customers and Servers have levels(Free, Normal, Premium, VIPs) Free Customer can only connect free level servers and time, speed control 4. Management Servers and Customers(what customer now...
Membutuhkan specialist infrastruktur untuk deploy web application (CI) ke AWS. Menggunakan module Terraform. Tools yang digunakan Gitlab dan Jenkins.
Busco desarrollo para hacer OCR utilizando Google o AWS Textract para ID's
Jadi saya ingin membuat website dengan konten Pixi Js (Render Engine JS) atau Phaser JS (Game engine berbasis Pixi JS) yang menampilkan virtual exhibition atau expo. Akan dibuat sejenis penjelajahan vi...Jika tombol diklik, memunculkan windows baru (bisa modal bootstrap atau sejenisnya) yang bisa memunculkan konten atau hyperlink ke website atau url lain (misalnya untuk website sponsor dll) - Dibutuhkan backend untuk memodifikasi aplikasi js secara dinamis (misalnya URL streaming, gambar tombol, dll) - Untuk bagian server dibutuhkan pengaturan server yang tepat dan stabil (misalnya menggunakan aws dll) untuk menjalankan aplikasi JS yang dapat diakses oleh sekian pengunjung. Misalnya memastikan jika ada 100-500 concurrent user yang mengakses situs, situs masih tetap dapat stabil d...
Web aplikasi sudah jadi, hanya ada beberapa menu dan laporan yang harus di tambah Menambah menu -Menambah kode customer -Laporan export data customer per-orangan dan perusahaan dalam e...beberapa menu dan laporan yang harus di tambah Menambah menu -Menambah kode customer -Laporan export data customer per-orangan dan perusahaan dalam excel per 1- 3 bulan (kode 1 perorangan dan 2 perusahaan) -Laporan underlying net jual data transaksi (memisahkan transaksi peroranga- Bank - perusahaan) -Menu create cabang, transfer stok antar cabang -Revisi beberapa halaman yang kurang pas -Mengerti AWS Cloud, karena hosting di taruh di Amazon Web Service Cloud -React JS -Postgresql -Golang -Kita minta design / mock up dulu, setelah acc lalu pengerjaan di utamakan : -Yang memiliki portfolio -Foku...
...inventory control) focused mainly on businesses such as restaurants, hardware stores and parts stores. If possible I want to work based on objectives with unlimited keywords, but focused on the target market that are 3 types of businesses: restaurants, hardware stores and spare parts in Nuevo León, Mexico I'm looking for more traffic and visits, but not from all over the world, only from potential customers, that is, from the target market (that I mentioned above) , I suppose this will be achieved by being in the first positions of the google search Do I select the keywords or do you research them? In how long with these keywords the site would be positioned in the first 3 places What is your monthly fee for maintaining the website in the first places I want you ...
Job Description: Kami mencari Full-Stack Javascript Software Engineer, yang akan bertanggung jawab atas aplikasi SaaS yang sedang kami kembangkan di sektor pendidikan. Kualifikasi: 1+ tahun berpengalaman dengan NodeJS dan VueJS. 1+ tahun berpengalaman dengan DynamoDB. 1+ tahun berpengalama...berpengalaman dengan DynamoDB. 1+ tahun berpengalaman dengan HTML5, CSS3, Javascript 1+ tahun berpengalaman dengan MySQL, MariaDB dan NoSQL Bonus point Berpengalaman dengan plugin Javascript populer seperti jQuery, jQuery UI, Highcharts, dll. Berpengalaman dengan Bahasa Scripting seperti Phyton, PHP, dll. Berpengalaman dalam bahasa pemrograman modern seperti GoLang, dan Scala, dll. Berpengalaman dalam AWS ecosystem. Berbicara dan menulis bahasa Inggris dengan lancar.
Size A5, file submission in ai. The brochure is intended to attract new customers to come and buy. Mandatory in the brochure: - the brand logo - main message (below) - price @ Rp. 6000 - water elements to portrait from natural source (mountain? spring water source?) - color themed background --> gradation / combination of blue and green as per the brand logo Main message Untuk air galon isi ulang, kenapa beli di HYDRO MART? 1. Dari sumber AIR PEGUNUNGAN (bukan Air Tanah di tempat) 2. Diproses LANGSUNG dan DEKAT tempat Anda 3. Diproses secara HIGIENIS dengan teknologi MODERN dan HALAL 4. MAINTENANCE peralatan dan kualitas air secara rutin 5. Didukung oleh PT. Hydro Water Indonesia, pengalaman >20tahun dalam water processing, dengan puluhan ribu pelanggan di seluruh ...
Buscamos un experto para AWS
We are a Fashion online shop in optics / glasses we need a module for prestashop websites, So, when customers choose glasses in our product catalog, before they can add to the basket, they can choose whether they want to change lenses or not, if they want to change lenses they have to enter several fields or they can choose to upload their recipe. sample modules can be found at
I am running a Commerical Learn to swim business and I am now using MailChimp which is the email automation system to send out pre-set email to different customers in accordance with the campaign. So now i need someone to do content writing for me for the email. Advantage if u know how to operate MailChimp.
Windows C atau C++ Saya ingin membuat program simple berisikan data customers saya yg bisa di update sewaktu2 dan bisa di view dengan filter yang di inginkan..
Saya menginginkan beberapa perubahan pada website yang sudah ada kami ingin membuat akun wallet untuk customer kami. customers akan membuat akun walletnya dan membuat password sendiri. kami akan memasukan saldo ke wallet tersebut sesuai nilai cashback yg di dapat. nilai wallet bisa dicairkan dengan transfer, akunting kami akan mentransfer dan mengupdate saldo wallet tersebut.
Kami butuh membuat news portal, modified Wordpress based, dan menggunakan AWS.
I need complete database of Bank Customers, specially the customers from Banks in Indonesia.rnPlease place your bid for every 1000 customers you can provide. Send me some qualified sample of the database so I can make a review and pick some qualified bidder.rnrnSaya membutuhkan database matang nasabah pemohon kartu kredit dari bank-bank nasional indonesia.rnSilakan anda bid untuk setiap 1000 data nasabah yang sudah lengkap (aplikasi dengan fotokopi KTP dan Kartu Kredit, billing, data lain).rnKirimkan beberapa contoh database yang anda miliki agar saya bisa menentukan siapa saja bidder yang terpilih.rnrnRegards,rnBhinekaSoft
Kami mempunyai mesin cetak Offset printing yang berlokasi di Tangerang. Bisakah bantu kami untuk mencari customers di daerah Indonesia?rnrnKami dapat mencetak Buku apa saja (Novel, Buku Pelajaran, Majalah, Buku Tahunan, Buku Tulis, Flyer, Brochure, Company Profile, Bookmark, Kartu Ucapan, etc.)rnrnKami tertarik untuk menghire Marketing Freelance yang dapat memperkenalkan kita dengan potential customer, dengan komisi tinggi per order dari customer tersebutrnrnwebsite : rnrnMohon hubungi account freelancer saya untuk info lebih lanjut.
Kami mempunyai mesin cetak Offset printing yang berlokasi di Tangerang. Bisakah bantu kami untuk mencari customers di daerah Indonesia? Kami dapat mencetak Buku apa saja (Novel, Buku Pelajaran, Majalah, Buku Tahunan, Buku Tulis, Flyer, Brochure, Company Profile, Bookmark, Kartu Ucapan, etc.) Khususnya untuk Buku Tahunan atau Yearbook, kami menerima jasa cetak, bukan jasa design atau fotografi. Kami tertarik untuk menghire Marketing Freelance yang dapat memperkenalkan kita dengan sekolah-sekolah atau potential customer, dengan komisi tinggi per order dari customer tersebut Website : Mohon hubungi account freelancer saya untuk info lebih lanjut.
Kami mempunyai mesin cetak Offset printing (non digital printing) yang berlokasi di Tangerang. Bisakah bantu kami untuk mencari customers di daerah Indonesia? Kami dapat mencetak Buku apa saja (Novel, Buku Pelajaran, Majalah, Buku Tahunan, Buku Tulis, Flyer, Brochure, Company Profile, Bookmark, Kartu Ucapan, etc.) Kami tertarik untuk menghire Marketing Freelance yang dapat memperkenalkan kita dengan potential customer, dengan komisi tinggi per order dari customer tersebut. Website : Mohon hubungi account freelancer saya untuk info lebih lanjut.
Saya menyediakan sebuah program layanan design secara freelance dengan tujuan memberikan kesan visual yang kuat dan menarik berdasarkan konsep dasar dari pihak company yang nantinya disampaikan pada pihak customers. Berikut ini adalah jenis-jenis design yang bisa saya layani: banner/spanduk design (tidak termasuk coding) poster 3d Dan berikut ini adalah software aplikasi yang saya kuasai: illustrator draw
I was a freelance designer who had been accustomed to creating logos, icons, flyers. I want to make my customers happy with a design that I created. I'm also include samples of my work for reference.
Kami mempunyai mesin cetak Offset printing yang berlokasi di Tangerang. Bisakah bantu kami untuk mencari customers di daerah Indonesia? Kami dapat mencetak Buku apa saja (Novel, Buku Pelajaran, Majalah, Buku Tahunan, Buku Tulis, Flyer, Brochure, Company Profile, Bookmark, Kartu Ucapan, etc.) Kami tertarik untuk menghire Marketing Freelance yang dapat memperkenalkan kita dengan potential customer, dengan komisi tinggi per order dari customer tersebut, website : Mohon hubungi account freelancer saya untuk info lebih lanjut.
Entry data examples finance report, customers report, monthly report,etc.
Pembuatan Identitas Perusahaan Startup dengan basis online yang bergerak di bidang F & B (Food & Beverages), mencakup logo design, corporate identity yang akan digunakan di media social (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, dan personal website). Logo juga akan digunakan di kemasan (packaging) makanan, jadi aspek warna dan yang berhubungan dengan printing harus diper...dan yang berhubungan dengan printing harus diperhatikan. Merk business venture: Ceker Lekker. Jenis makanan: main focus is chicken feet (ceker ayam) dalam berbagai saus & variasi + variasi jerohan seperti kikil, babat, dan paru yang akan disajikan bersama dengan nasi dalam sebuah paperbox segi empat (no plastic). Identity yang diinginkan: warna & logo harus eye-catchy & gampang dikenali customers, ...
I need someone who can do cold-calling from a given list of contacts to promote my website and also provide the customers with in-depth information on the services that the website provides to help them with their business. The target take-up/complete registration on the website for at least 25 customers per day. My goal is to get up to 100 course providers to sign up in one week. Contacts of 150 course providers will be given. In addition, I would need this person to develop good customer relationship, good knowledge of my service offerings/products with a good grasp of customer support and etiquette with methodical approach to logging customer information, status update and report for tracking purpose.
We are Stubbs Coffee; a coffee roastery that wants to change how the average person acquires, brews and drinks coffee. "Love...acquires, brews and drinks coffee. "Love Coffee, Love People" sums up what we're about. With just over a month from launch, we've had numerous people buying our home made roasts & many more people joining our taster sessions. We're going places! And we'll like you to join us & help us show a professional but down to earth Logo for our roastery; A logo which revolves around the relationships with our customers. For some inspiration, we've attached the photo of a sample logo. However, feel free to be creative around the core idea of a "Coffee Beans in a Heart" as depicted in the logo. Colour Scheme...
Hey guys, for my mobile application. It should look very creative, polished and professional. Here are the links of some good landing pages just to show you the standard in which I need it done. Here are some of the functions that I need for my landing page: 1) The landing page should have a link to the app store so customers can go to buy the app straight from my landing page. 2) I also need a link to my Facebook and Twitter Pages. 3) Landing page should be made in Wordpress so I can change content in the future easily if I want to... 4) The landing page should be made mobile friendly so users can view the landing page from a link in the appstore. I look forward to hearing back from you.
...using video editing software (e.g. Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro) - Excellent attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines. So my budget is $5/video (5-20min long), $5/5 short 2 min videos,, we will need more than 500 such a video work, so I hope you can be working for a long-term with us. The explainer video should be 2-20 minutes long.. Budget is not negotiable, until we get enough customers to our website and/or monetized our YouTube channel by that mean I will need at least 1M subs and/or 1M views in each of the video ---- Please check in this google sheet, send me draft version of video 24 edited video according to the step in tab 'Standard Guideline', if you can do it accordingly, then I will send award to you for the rest of the other videos :
I'm looking for a skilled video editor who can help me create a compelling promotional video targeted at potential customers. The primary goal of this video is to highlight the features of our product in an engaging and persuasive manner. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in editing promotional videos - Strong understanding of brand marketing - Excellent storytelling skills - Proficient in using video editing software - Ability to work within deadlines and deliver high-quality content MY VIDEO EDITING FISS IS 100RS ONLY
...Letters of Intent from Canadian farmers for Ecoflare Solutions Inc. This is crucial for our online platform's launch. Key Requirements: - Collecting specific information from farmers such as: - Farm size and type - Commitment to work with Ecoflare Solutions Inc - Technology readiness level - Type of assistance needed from Ecoflare Solutions Inc - Willingness to deliver directly to customers or thru third parties - Additional Information to be collected: - Preferred communication channel - Intent and willingness to collaborate with Ecoflare Solutions Inc post-launch - Complete physical address Ideal Skills: - Proficient in email campaign management - Excellent communication and networking skills - Experience in agricultural industry outreach - Abi...
I'm seeking a skilled animator who can create a 3D animation/explainer for the replacement of a valve actuator. The primary purpose of this animation is to demonstrate the technical aspects of the installation process to our customers and end-users. Key elements to focus on: - Comprehensive depiction of the installation process The ideal candidate for this project would be someone with a strong background in technical animation, with the ability to translate complex engineering concepts into easily-understandable visual content for non-technical audiences. Experience in creating educational tutorials or technical demonstrations in the engineering field would be highly beneficial. Installation process is a simple 3-step process. Illustrated here:
...sell mobile products, for instance, the Samsung Ultra 4. For this SKU, we have variations based on color, storage, and location. We have a stock of 120 units for a specific variation and we need to associate 120 unique IMEI numbers with this stock. This requirement extends to all our products, not just the Samsung Ultra 4. - IMEI Information Display: I need the IMEI numbers to be available to customers after purchase. The IMEI numbers should not be visible on the product page, but rather accessible to the customer post-purchase. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with WooCommerce and ideally, eCommerce in general. The ability to manage stock and product variations, as well as implementing post-purchase customer information, is crucial. Prior expe...
I am looking for a seasoned Google Ads professional with a solid understanding of the gaming industry to help drive more traffic to my website. Key Objectives: - Increase website traffic through strategic keyword targeting in Google search ads. Target Audience: - The campaign is aimed at capturing the attention of national customers. Industry Expertise: - A deep knowledge and experience in the gaming industry is crucial for this project. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Google Ads, particularly in keyword targeting. - Need to apply again if suspended pay is per month . - We pay fee if u run on your verified documents 5% on spending - Strong understanding of the gaming industry. - Experience in creating and managing successful search ad campaigns. - Ability to analyze campaign pe...
I'm looking for an experienced Flutter developer to create a small, customer service-oriented application for my existing business. This app will primarily function as an attendance tracking tool. Key Features: - The app should be able to track attendance efficiently. - It should have a user-friendly interface, making it easy for both staff and customers to use. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Flutter with a portfolio of similar apps. - Experience in developing customer service-oriented applications. - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles to ensure the app is user-friendly. Please provide examples of previous work and your estimated timeline for completion. Looking forward to your proposals.
I'm looking for a professional custom shopify store designer to help set up a shopify store for me. I already have all my products and content ready to be added, so I just need someone with the expertise to help me design the perfect store. I'm looking for products and content ready to be added, so I just need someone with the expertise to help me design the perfect store. I'm looking for an integrated shopify store that will be connected to various online platforms, as well as to my social media accounts. This way, customers can explore my store both online and on social media. Whether you help me customize the shopify theme that I provide or come up with a one of a kind design, I'm confident that together we can create a highly functioning, eye-catching s...
We are looking for a skilled developer or team to create a high-quality e-commerce app that provides an excellent shopping experience for our customers. The app should be user-friendly, visually appealing, and include the following features: Core Features: User Accounts: Customer registration and login (via email, phone, or social media). User profile management. Product Listings: Categorized product display with search and filter options. Detailed product pages (images, descriptions, pricing, reviews). Shopping Cart: Add, edit, and remove items from the cart. Persistent cart functionality for logged-in users. Checkout Process: Multiple payment options (credit card, debit card, UPI, PayPal, etc.). Address management and order summary. Order Tracking: Real-time updates on order sta...