Aws kubernetes pricingPekerjaan
Saya memerlukan OCR untuk membaca data pada eKTP untuk ekstrak data NIK, NAMA, TEMPAT TANGGAL LAHIR, ALAMAT, RT RW, KEL/DES, KECAMATAN, KAB/KOTA, PROVINSI. OCR menggunakan Google Vision API atau AWS Rekognition, silakan dipilih salah satu. Bahasa pemrograman: PHP Native atau Python (PHP lebih disukai). Jika pakai python, code python harus bisa baca data pada image base64 atau decode base64 menjadi file image (jpg,png) kemudian ocr dieksekusi. Tampilan cukup sederhana saja, yang penting data berhasil diekstrak selama tulisan masih dapat dibaca. Output diharapkan tersimpan dalam file JSON. Contoh eKTP (kartu identitas Indonesia) terlampir.
...**Perencanaan Finansial:** 1. **Estimasi Biaya Pengembangan:** - **Gaji Tim Pengembang:** - **Full Stack Developer:** $2,000 - $5,000/bulan (tergantung lokasi dan pengalaman). - **UI/UX Designer:** $1,500 - $3,000/bulan. - **QA Tester:** $1,000 - $2,500/bulan. - **Biaya Infrastruktur:** - **Server dan Hosting:** $100 - $500/bulan tergantung kapasitas dan layanan cloud (misal: AWS, Azure, atau Google Cloud). - **Layanan Database:** $50 - $200/bulan (tergantung penyedia dan skala aplikasi). - **Biaya Lisensi dan Alat Pengembangan:** - **Tools dan Layanan API (misalnya, Firebase, Sentry):** $50 - $200/bulan. - **Biaya Pemasaran:** - **Iklan Digital:** $500 - $2,000/bulan selama periode peluncuran awal. - **Kerjasama Influencer da...
Dicari seseorang yang dapat mengimplementasi CI/CD dengan background di AWS, github actions dan docker. Tugas utama mencakup: 1. Setup AWS Konfigurasi servis AWS seperti EC2, Route 53, S3 2. Konfigurasi Github Action Membuat pipeline CI/CD yang mendeploy source code secara otomatis setiap kali ada merge branch di github Tugas bersifat jangka panjang. Harap melampirkan CV jika anda tertarik. Terima kasih
Kami mengunakan CRW Ver 2.1 dari Growncrm. Kami ingin mengubah format CRM kami dengan rincian sebagai berikut : Perubahan CRM 3 1. CUSTOMER A. Client • Ada menu Account Owner mohon rubah menjadi Contact • Ketika klik Company Name atau XXXX – m...diarahkan seperti Poin A No 2 • Ketik klik tanda bulat merah untuk Create A New Estimate, hapus tulisan Project dan kotak kolomnya. 5. PROPOSAL • Pada halaman ini 1). Rubah menu Proposed To menjadi Company Name, 2). Hapus menu kolom Title • Ketika klik salah satu company name mohon diarahkan seperti Poin A No 2 • Ketika klik view/edit 1). Rubah tulisan Client menjadi Proposed To, 2). Klik menu Pricing di kanan atas kemudian hapus kolom Unit • Ketika klik tanda bulat merah untuk Create A ...
Halo saya mempunyai project blockchain, sebelumnya project tersebut telah berjalan sukses namun dikarenakan satu dan lain hal. project tersebut dihentikan sementara. Projectnya adalah crypto wallet, sekarang saya ingin menjalankan project ters...blockchain, sebelumnya project tersebut telah berjalan sukses namun dikarenakan satu dan lain hal. project tersebut dihentikan sementara. Projectnya adalah crypto wallet, sekarang saya ingin menjalankan project tersebut, namun pembuat sebelumnya sudah lost contact di karenakan sudah setahun lebih. Saya membutuhkan bantuan untuk mensetup semua server (AWS) sehingga dapat berjalan kembali Semua files saat ini ada di bitbucket, sebelumnya saya menggunakan aws namun akun tersebut sudah tidak ada, dikarenakan sudah hampir 1 tahun proje...
Para la configuración de aws y la instalación de scripts php
Saya ingin melakukan orkestrasi komponen tools-tools big data dengan docker kubernetes. Sehingga sy membutuhkan image setiap tools big data (Apache hadoop, kafka, ambari, spark, zookeeper, spark mlib, pig) dan pengerjaannya bisa di remote dari server sya.
Saya ingin membuat arsitektur hybrid data center dengan menghubungkan server local sy(on-prem) dan server google cloud menggunak tunnel vpn. Semua server sdh ada tinggal d remote. Dan isinya berupa container kubernetes
Halo semua, saya lagi butuh untuk pengerjaan modul unsubscribe payment dengan strip. Harga unsubscribe beda2 sesuai dengan paket subscribe. Yang kedua buat notif yg berisi invoice via email jika masa berlangganan sdh mau habis/jatuh tempo. Yg ketiga memperbaiki tampilannya agar login button di pojok kanan atas saat di versi mobile tdk numpuk. Saat ini web sdh live dan subscribe payment sdh ja...pengerjaan modul unsubscribe payment dengan strip. Harga unsubscribe beda2 sesuai dengan paket subscribe. Yang kedua buat notif yg berisi invoice via email jika masa berlangganan sdh mau habis/jatuh tempo. Yg ketiga memperbaiki tampilannya agar login button di pojok kanan atas saat di versi mobile tdk numpuk. Saat ini web sdh live dan subscribe payment sdh jalan(). Web sendiri hosting di AWS.
Montar un servidor en kubernetes para una plataforma WP con balanceador de carga.
Saya perlu web design untuk static website untuk bisnis kecil. blm ada mockup, jadi pekerjaan dari design sampai mockup, dan development. Saya tidak prefer wordpress. Website akan di host di AWS atau public hosting server lain. Bisa bs bicara detailnya.
Configurar Webhook bitbucket para servidor aws
Web-based Quotasi untuk solusi dan servis bagi rumah2 yg akan revonasi dan memerlukan home automation He will work with our in-house project management team to develop web-based configurator for our home automation system. People that browse the web site can key in certain answers to predefined questions and the configurator will propose solutions and pricing and of course call to action for the user
Kami membutuhkan yang bisa melakukan tuning DB mysql di AWS cloud dgn tipe provision agar menghasilkan performance yg optimal.
Membutuhkan specialist infrastruktur untuk deploy web application (CI) ke AWS. Menggunakan module Terraform. Tools yang digunakan Gitlab dan Jenkins.
Busco desarrollo para hacer OCR utilizando Google o AWS Textract para ID's
Jadi saya ingin membuat website dengan konten Pixi Js (Render Engine JS) atau Phaser JS (Game engine berbasis Pixi JS) yang menampilkan virtual exhibition atau expo. Akan dibuat sejenis penjelajahan vi...Jika tombol diklik, memunculkan windows baru (bisa modal bootstrap atau sejenisnya) yang bisa memunculkan konten atau hyperlink ke website atau url lain (misalnya untuk website sponsor dll) - Dibutuhkan backend untuk memodifikasi aplikasi js secara dinamis (misalnya URL streaming, gambar tombol, dll) - Untuk bagian server dibutuhkan pengaturan server yang tepat dan stabil (misalnya menggunakan aws dll) untuk menjalankan aplikasi JS yang dapat diakses oleh sekian pengunjung. Misalnya memastikan jika ada 100-500 concurrent user yang mengakses situs, situs masih tetap dapat stabil d...
Web aplikasi sudah jadi, hanya ada beberapa menu dan laporan yang harus di tambah Menambah menu -Menambah kode customer -Laporan export data customer per-orangan dan perusahaan dalam e...beberapa menu dan laporan yang harus di tambah Menambah menu -Menambah kode customer -Laporan export data customer per-orangan dan perusahaan dalam excel per 1- 3 bulan (kode 1 perorangan dan 2 perusahaan) -Laporan underlying net jual data transaksi (memisahkan transaksi peroranga- Bank - perusahaan) -Menu create cabang, transfer stok antar cabang -Revisi beberapa halaman yang kurang pas -Mengerti AWS Cloud, karena hosting di taruh di Amazon Web Service Cloud -React JS -Postgresql -Golang -Kita minta design / mock up dulu, setelah acc lalu pengerjaan di utamakan : -Yang memiliki portfolio -Foku...
Job Description: Kami mencari Full-Stack Javascript Software Engineer, yang akan bertanggung jawab atas aplikasi SaaS yang sedang kami kembangkan di sektor pendidikan. Kualifikasi: 1+ tahun berpengalaman dengan NodeJS dan VueJS. 1+ tahun berpengalaman dengan DynamoDB. 1+ tahun berpengalama...berpengalaman dengan DynamoDB. 1+ tahun berpengalaman dengan HTML5, CSS3, Javascript 1+ tahun berpengalaman dengan MySQL, MariaDB dan NoSQL Bonus point Berpengalaman dengan plugin Javascript populer seperti jQuery, jQuery UI, Highcharts, dll. Berpengalaman dengan Bahasa Scripting seperti Phyton, PHP, dll. Berpengalaman dalam bahasa pemrograman modern seperti GoLang, dan Scala, dll. Berpengalaman dalam AWS ecosystem. Berbicara dan menulis bahasa Inggris dengan lancar.
Buscamos un experto para AWS
...down yang sudah disediakan informasinya) Services dan Project dibuat pull-down jadi User tinggal pilih (service dan project ini akan mengikuti nama company yang dimasukan - informasinya akan disampaikan kemudian) Untuk penawaran dan scope kerja harap dapat dikirimkan dalam 2 alternatif: 1. Time frame & Scope kerja & Pricing untuk sampai sisi admin list jawaban survey yang masuk dapat di download dalam bentuk CSV (mirip google forms). 2. Time frame & Scope kerja & Pricing untuk sampai sisi admin list jawaban survey yang masuk dapat auto-calculate langsung menampilkan chart/graph (mirip google forms). Graph yang dimaksud variablenya: a. NPS score dari tiap services b. NPS score dari variable @ company c. NPS score berdasarkan fiscal year d. NPS score ber...
Saya ingin membuat web aplikasi utk PPOB (loket pembayaran online). Product yang ditawarkan berupa listrik PLN, Telepon, Speedy, Kartu kredit, TV Kabel, Pulsa, Kredit Multifinance, Tiket, dll. Modul yang tercakup: - product management (list product) - member management (agent) - Deposit management - Pricing management - transaction management - Point of Sales (POS) utk agent (Web dan aplikasi android), - Reporting Requirement: - Menggunakan webservice utk koneksi ke POS Diutamakan yang sudah pernah membuat aplikasi sejenis. Referensi:
Kami butuh membuat news portal, modified Wordpress based, dan menggunakan AWS.
Saya ingin membuat web aplikasi utk PPOB (loket pembayaran online). Product yang ditawarkan berupa listrik PLN, Telepon, Speedy, Kartu kredit, TV Kabel, Pulsa, Kredit Multifinance, Tiket KA, dll. Modul yang tercakup: - product management (list product) - member management (agent) - Deposit management - Pricing management - transaction management - Point of Sales (POS) utk agent (Web dan aplikasi android), aplikasi android optional - Reporting Requirement: - Menggunakan webservice utk koneksi ke POS Diutamakan yang sudah pernah membuat aplikasi sejenis. Referensi:
...Menambahkan CloseLoop communication system. Vendor dan user dapat berkomunikasi langsung melalui message system di dalam website. - Menambahkan system credit / subscription fee untuk vendor yang baru joint di dalam listing. - Menambahkan fungsi access block manual, sehingga admin dapat memblok akses login bagi vendor yang belum membayar biaya langganan / creditnya habis. - Menambahkan Hi / Low Season pricing pada listing hotel. - Menambahkan auto google curency converter pada system calculator booking, sehingga vendor dapat memasukkan harga sesuai currency lokal mereka, sementara user dapat melihat harga sesuai curency yang mereka inginkan. - Menambahkan system rental yang berbeda untuk Hotel dan Villa, saat ini kedua systemnya masih sama. Job Requirement: - Code Igniter...
...Menambahkan CloseLoop communication system. Vendor dan user dapat berkomunikasi langsung melalui message system di dalam website. - Menambahkan system credit / subscription fee untuk vendor yang baru joint di dalam listing. - Menambahkan fungsi access block manual, sehingga admin dapat memblok akses login bagi vendor yang belum membayar biaya langganan / creditnya habis. - Menambahkan Hi / Low Season pricing pada listing hotel. - Menambahkan auto google curency converter pada system calculator booking, sehingga vendor dapat memasukkan harga sesuai currency lokal mereka, sementara user dapat melihat harga sesuai curency yang mereka inginkan. - Menambahkan system rental yang berbeda untuk Hotel dan Villa, saat ini kedua systemnya masih sama. Job Requirement: - Code Igniter...
membantu untuk input data, quality control/checking data, memasukkan kata atau angka tidak menjadi masalah. Sudah pernah menjadi data entry untuk suatu marketing research dan agency advertising. ( FGD data, supplier, pricing, etc ) baik dalam bahasa indonesia ataupun inggris,
Saya ingin membuat web aplikasi utk PPOB (loket pembayaran online). Product yang ditawarkan berupa listrik PLN, Telepon, Speedy, Kartu kredit, TV Kabel, Pulsa, Kredit Multifinance, Tiket KA, dll. Modul yang tercakup: - product management (list product) - member management (agent) - Deposit management - Pricing management - transaction management - Point of Sales (POS) utk agent (Web dan aplikasi android), aplikasi android optional - Reporting Requirement: - Menggunakan webservice utk koneksi ke POS Diutamakan yang sudah pernah membuat aplikasi sejenis. Referensi:
I'm seeking a freelancer to assist in transferring approximately 150 product listings from the Wholefoods website (USA) to a Shopify store. The listings should include the title, description, pricing, weight, and at least one preview image on a white background scaled to 95% of the space. - The store needs to be set to Wholefoods Delray Beach Linton Blvd 33445 (see screenshot) - All products from category coffee except "Ready to drink" Requirements: The ideal candidate should have experience with Shopify, data entry, and product listing transfers. Attention to detail is crucial to ensure all information is accurately transferred. Access to USA whole foods website!
...the old website to ensure a clean and efficient new setup. Use tools like SEMRush or equivalent to monitor and improve SEO rankings during and after migration. 2. Stock Feed Integration (4 Suppliers): Integrate stock feeds from 4 different suppliers into the WooCommerce platform. Handle discrepancies in product names, descriptions, and pricing across feeds for the same product. Implement logic to: Identify and deduplicate overlapping products. Set pricing rules based on business logic (e.g., lowest price, preferred supplier, etc.). Automate updates to ensure real-time stock availability with minimal manual intervention. 3. Stock Availability Display: Implement functionality to differentiate stock availability between Mullingar Shop and Warehouse. Display clear stock lev...
I'm looking for a MERN stack developer to create a modern and minimalist service provider website. Key Features: - Service Listings: The site should effectively present various service providers. - User Reviews and Rati...modern and minimalist service provider website. Key Features: - Service Listings: The site should effectively present various service providers. - User Reviews and Ratings: A robust review system that allows users to rate and review services. - Pricing Plans: Clear and user-friendly representation of different pricing tiers. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in MERN stack (MongoDB, , React.js, Node.js). - UI/UX design experience with a focus on modern and minimalist aesthetics. - Understanding of e-commerce features, particularly service pricing and...
...applying, please address me by name, demonstrate genuine interest, and avoid generic applications. Showcase your suitability for the role with specific examples or details. What I Offer: My business is substantial, and for the right content writer, there will be significant bonuses in addition to regular work. I value someone who can see the bigger picture and craft content accordingly. Competitive pricing is a priority. Thank you! Dannyord count approx 750...
...**. We need assistance with: - Identifying the best crowdfunding platform for our product. - Creating engaging content (text, images, videos) for the campaign. - Providing coaching and consultancy to define and structure the campaign strategy. - Executing the campaign from start to finish. ### What we have: - Branding and design system. - Product developed with initial pricing. - Website live with a few initial sales. - Basic product photos. - Customer review videos and application videos. ### What we need: - A timeline and project proposal. - A clear outline of what support you’ll need from us. - Budget estimation and cost breakdown. - Assistance in defining the campaign budget. We are open to outsourcing this project entirely. If you ...
Welcome Packet: Design a comprehensive onboarding packet or email that outlines what clients can expect from you. This could include your work process, timelines, communication preferences, and pricing. Client Questionnaire: Ask your clients to fill out a questionnaire that helps you understand their needs, expectations, and the scope of the project. This allows you to start the project on the right foot. Set Clear Expectations: Communicate clearly about timelines, revisions, and deliverables. Set expectations on both sides regarding communication frequency, work hours, and any boundaries you may have. Sign a Contract: Always use a freelance contract that outlines the project scope, payment terms, deadlines, and confidentiality agreements. This helps protect both parties and ensures...
...accessible on both desktop and mobile. Deployment: Host the app on Google Cloud under a custom domain. Technical Skills: Frontend: React.js or for dynamic and responsive design. Backend: Node.js, Django, or Flask for secure login and data handling. Database: Firebase or Airtable for integrating Google Sheets or any other robust database . Deployment: Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or AWS for hosting....
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a comprehensive wholesale e-commerce website. Main Features: - Full suite of e-commerce functionalities - Wholesale specific features integrated into both user and admin dashboards - Drop shipping integration allowing customers to add all orders for us to fulfill The ideal candidate for this project s...Drop shipping integration allowing customers to add all orders for us to fulfill The ideal candidate for this project should have significant experience in e-commerce website development, preferably with wholesale and drop shipping integrations. A strong understanding of user and admin dashboard design, with the ability to implement wholesale features tailored for bulk order management, custom pricing for different customers, and...
...following categories: Kitchen Gadgets (e.g., cooking tools, kitchen organizers, innovative devices). Convenient Home Accessories (e.g., storage organizers, decorative items, functional home products). Fashion Accessories (bags, watches, jewelry). Trendy Products (new products that are currently popular). Products must be checked for reliability, dropshipping availability, and competitive pricing. 2. Product Descriptions Write unique and SEO-optimized descriptions for each product. The descriptions should be informative, appealing to customers, and include relevant keywords to improve search engine visibility. 3. Image Preparation Edit and enhance product images, and create additional visuals to improve the visual appeal (e.g., creating collages or additional photos usin...
I'm looking for a skilled professional who can host my Angular application on Amazon ECS and set up AWS CodePipeline for automated deployment. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Angular - Extensive experience with AWS services, particularly ECS and CodePipeline - Knowledgeable in setting up automated deployment pipelines Please provide your portfolio and examples of similar projects you have completed. Thank you.
...Strong programming skills in **Python** (preferred) or **JavaScript**. - Experience in developing and deploying machine learning models. - Familiarity with handling large datasets and data pipelines. **✨ Nice-to-Have:** - Basic understanding of **blockchain technology** and smart contracts. - Experience with **no-code/low-code platforms**. - Knowledge of cloud computing services (**AWS**, **Azure**, **Google Cloud**). --- ### **What We Offer:** - Opportunity to work on a cutting-edge project combining **AI** and **blockchain**. - Flexible working hours and fully **remote** collaboration. - Competitive compensation (negotiable). - Long-term collaboration potential. - A chance to contribute to the future of decentralized AI technology.... the UK. International orders outside of the UK will come with a fee (which we have already placed on the site). We want to do a End of January sale, so we want to create a section on the site that showcases products on sale for January - which will go up until Feb 10th. After that, the products go to their normal retail prices. Shipping: Please revise the shipping prices and rules for pricing. Weight + location BLOG PAGE: We require you to build a blog page also. the content will be provided but we need a nice style to work with. PAYMENT GATEWAY: Currently the site is working with both woocommerce and Stripe. Are you able to use the Stripe advanced features? Checkout Page: I would like this to be designs appropriately and the same/similar as the reference site. ...
I've been experiencing consistent slowness with both read and write operations on my DynamoDB. This issue has arisen without any recent changes to my database configuration or usage patterns. Ideal Skills: - Deep knowledge of AWS DynamoDB - Experience in database performance troubleshooting - Ability to implement optimization strategies - Understanding of both read and write operations dynamics Bid only if you can connect immediately.
I'm looking for a freelancer to create a spreadsheet for me that calculates the price of a wedding ring based on the material, fingersize, material width and thickness, and price of material. it must also include additional labour and engraving charges. the final price must include VAT i want to use this spreadsheet to quickly calculate the price of a wedding ring by having customisable field...give me an overview of that wedding band price in the different wedding ring profiles, thickness's, and metals i have already created a spreadsheet that includes all the relevant data that is required to create this wedding ring calculator The ideal candidate for this project should have strong skills in spreadsheet software and data analysis, with experience in cost calculation and pro...
...configuring a local Kubernetes environment with the Cosmos RPC node and a monitoring stack. Assignment Objective Create a fully automated, one-click deployment that achieves the following: Local Kubernetes Cluster Setup: Automate the deployment of a local Kubernetes cluster on your machine (using tools like Minikube or K3s). Cosmos RPC Node Deployment: Deploy a Cosmos RPC node connected to the provider testnet network. Utilize Helm to manage deployments, prioritizing open-source Helm charts (if available). Monitoring Stack Deployment: Deploy Grafana and Prometheus to the local Kubernetes cluster. Configure Grafana dashboards for monitoring critical metrics, including: CPU usage Memory utilization Disk space usage Dynamic Namespace and Context Management:...
I'm looking to build a comprehensive website for my HR consultancy. The primary function of this site will be to provide consulting services and information. Key Features: - A detailed section showcasing our service packages and pricing - A storage area for documents - An online store - A section for case studies - A client dashboard - An HR consultant dashboard Additional Requirements: - Client and HR consultant dashboards - An online store - A section for case studies Ideal Skills: - Web Development - E-commerce Integration - Dashboard Creation - Case Studies Presentation - HR Consultancy Understanding Freelancers with experience in developing similar websites, particularly for consultancy or HR purposes, will be given preference.
I'm seeking an AI expert to help develop a conversational AI for my real estate platform. The main role of this AI will be to answer inquiries from potential buyers, providing them with information about properties, pricing, and availability of open houses. The AI needs to adopt a formal and professional tone, making it suitable for a real estate context. Key Responsibilities: - Develop an AI that can answer inquiries regarding property details, pricing information, and availability of open houses. - Ensure the AI adopts a formal and professional tone. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in AI development, particularly in creating conversational AIs. - Strong understanding of the real estate market and buyer inquiries. - Ability to program AIs to adopt specific tones...
...configuring a local Kubernetes environment with the Cosmos RPC node and a monitoring stack. Assignment Objective Create a fully automated, one-click deployment that achieves the following: Local Kubernetes Cluster Setup: Automate the deployment of a local Kubernetes cluster on your machine (using tools like Minikube or K3s). Cosmos RPC Node Deployment: Deploy a Cosmos RPC node connected to the provider testnet network. Utilize Helm to manage deployments, prioritizing open-source Helm charts (if available). Monitoring Stack Deployment: Deploy Grafana and Prometheus to the local Kubernetes cluster. Configure Grafana dashboards for monitoring critical metrics, including: CPU usage Memory utilization Disk space usage Dynamic Namespace and Context Management:...
I'm seeking a professional to help me customise my Whatsapp Business account for a rental business. This includes setting up an order booking system and automated responses to handle various enquiries. Key Requirements: - Implement a real-time order booking system that checks for product availability. - Configure automated responses for enquiries related to product availability, rental pricing, and booking status. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience with Whatsapp Business customisation. - Familiarity with setting up order booking systems. - Skills in creating automated response systems. - Previous work with rental businesses would be a strong advantage.
I'm looking to hire someone with a proven track record of setting up and managing Shopee Singapore seller accounts. This person will be responsible for uploading and publishing products onto my Shopee Singapore account. Key Responsibilities: - Uploading product descriptions, specifications, images, videos, pricing and stock levels - Ensuring adherence to my specific formatting and guidelines for product descriptions - Initial upload of 1-50 products Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Shopee Singapore - Proven examples of successful account setups - Familiarity with Shopify and potential sales channels like Tiktok - Ability to follow specific guidelines and formatting We can discuss rates (open budget), and once our team is confident in man...
...Analytics-based strategy improvements. ### What We Expect: - A strong portfolio showcasing your social media work. - Experience with luxury or design-focused brands is a plus. - Creativity, attention to detail, and a results-driven mindset. If you think you’re the perfect fit, please share: - Your portfolio or examples of past work. - A short overview of your experience. - Your pricing packages. Let’s create something extraordinary together! Looking forward to hearing from you. Best, Aryan Harpude...
Engineering Financial Analysis, course I'm looking for someone who help me through the course, (4 months). help me in two major exams and one final exam. and one project. two major e...bonds and stocks using various techniques, including discounted cash flow analysis and relative valuation methods. Risk and Return: The course explores the relationship between risk and return, introducing concepts such as the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and portfolio theory. Students will learn how to assess and manage risk in financial decision-making. Options and Derivatives: The course provides an overview of financial options and their applications in corporate finance. Students will learn about the different types of options, their pricing, and how they can be used for he...