Aws cognito documentationPekerjaan
...In the field of accounting, it is often necessary to generate structured and well-organized reports. I use Microsoft Word to draft annual reports, audit reports, or other official documents. By utilizing features like tables, headers, footers, and automatic tables of contents, I can ensure these documents are professionally structured and easy to read. Project Documentation: In running a project, I also write and structure documentation related to project progress, challenges faced, and solutions applied. Word makes it easier for me to record this information in a neat format, and create documents that are easy to reference. Editing and Revising: I use Word’s editing features to rewrite or refine documents I have created. Tools like Track Changes and comments are inc...
Saya memerlukan OCR untuk membaca data pada eKTP untuk ekstrak data NIK, NAMA, TEMPAT TANGGAL LAHIR, ALAMAT, RT RW, KEL/DES, KECAMATAN, KAB/KOTA, PROVINSI. OCR menggunakan Google Vision API atau AWS Rekognition, silakan dipilih salah satu. Bahasa pemrograman: PHP Native atau Python (PHP lebih disukai). Jika pakai python, code python harus bisa baca data pada image base64 atau decode base64 menjadi file image (jpg,png) kemudian ocr dieksekusi. Tampilan cukup sederhana saja, yang penting data berhasil diekstrak selama tulisan masih dapat dibaca. Output diharapkan tersimpan dalam file JSON. Contoh eKTP (kartu identitas Indonesia) terlampir.
...**Perencanaan Finansial:** 1. **Estimasi Biaya Pengembangan:** - **Gaji Tim Pengembang:** - **Full Stack Developer:** $2,000 - $5,000/bulan (tergantung lokasi dan pengalaman). - **UI/UX Designer:** $1,500 - $3,000/bulan. - **QA Tester:** $1,000 - $2,500/bulan. - **Biaya Infrastruktur:** - **Server dan Hosting:** $100 - $500/bulan tergantung kapasitas dan layanan cloud (misal: AWS, Azure, atau Google Cloud). - **Layanan Database:** $50 - $200/bulan (tergantung penyedia dan skala aplikasi). - **Biaya Lisensi dan Alat Pengembangan:** - **Tools dan Layanan API (misalnya, Firebase, Sentry):** $50 - $200/bulan. - **Biaya Pemasaran:** - **Iklan Digital:** $500 - $2,000/bulan selama periode peluncuran awal. - **Kerjasama Influencer da...
Membuat Sebuah Dokumentasi Software Bara App menggunakan markdown
Dicari seseorang yang dapat mengimplementasi CI/CD dengan background di AWS, github actions dan docker. Tugas utama mencakup: 1. Setup AWS Konfigurasi servis AWS seperti EC2, Route 53, S3 2. Konfigurasi Github Action Membuat pipeline CI/CD yang mendeploy source code secara otomatis setiap kali ada merge branch di github Tugas bersifat jangka panjang. Harap melampirkan CV jika anda tertarik. Terima kasih
Halo saya mempunyai project blockchain, sebelumnya project tersebut telah berjalan sukses namun dikarenakan satu dan lain hal. project tersebut dihentikan sementara. Projectnya adalah crypto wallet, sekarang saya ingin menjalankan project ters...blockchain, sebelumnya project tersebut telah berjalan sukses namun dikarenakan satu dan lain hal. project tersebut dihentikan sementara. Projectnya adalah crypto wallet, sekarang saya ingin menjalankan project tersebut, namun pembuat sebelumnya sudah lost contact di karenakan sudah setahun lebih. Saya membutuhkan bantuan untuk mensetup semua server (AWS) sehingga dapat berjalan kembali Semua files saat ini ada di bitbucket, sebelumnya saya menggunakan aws namun akun tersebut sudah tidak ada, dikarenakan sudah hampir 1 tahun proje...
Para la configuración de aws y la instalación de scripts php
...dan di compile ulang (untuk perubahan di aplikasi cukup dari backend) Seperti memasukkan API key, Referral ID, Username untuk tip, Max login/Register perday,Timezone, Setting, dan lain-lain yg diperlukan (aplikasi consume 2 api). Dokumentasi API dari situs penyedia tidak lengkap jadi untuk beberapa fitur harus rekayasa balik dari situs penyedia menggunakan Chrome Network Debugger. “The API documentation isn't complete. Some of the features you would have to reverse engineer from our web API (Using Chrome Network Debugger).” Webhosting untuk backend sudah ada dan Design UI sudah ada namun perlu revisi tampilan dan penambahan untuk beberapa component agar terlihat lebih menarik dan lebih rapi. Catatan: indonesian freelancer only dan sudah pernah membuat projec...
Halo semua, saya lagi butuh untuk pengerjaan modul unsubscribe payment dengan strip. Harga unsubscribe beda2 sesuai dengan paket subscribe. Yang kedua buat notif yg berisi invoice via email jika masa berlangganan sdh mau habis/jatuh tempo. Yg ketiga memperbaiki tampilannya agar login button di pojok kanan atas saat di versi mobile tdk numpuk. Saat ini web sdh live dan subscribe payment sdh ja...pengerjaan modul unsubscribe payment dengan strip. Harga unsubscribe beda2 sesuai dengan paket subscribe. Yang kedua buat notif yg berisi invoice via email jika masa berlangganan sdh mau habis/jatuh tempo. Yg ketiga memperbaiki tampilannya agar login button di pojok kanan atas saat di versi mobile tdk numpuk. Saat ini web sdh live dan subscribe payment sdh jalan(). Web sendiri hosting di AWS.
Saya perlu web design untuk static website untuk bisnis kecil. blm ada mockup, jadi pekerjaan dari design sampai mockup, dan development. Saya tidak prefer wordpress. Website akan di host di AWS atau public hosting server lain. Bisa bs bicara detailnya.
Configurar Webhook bitbucket para servidor aws
Kami membutuhkan yang bisa melakukan tuning DB mysql di AWS cloud dgn tipe provision agar menghasilkan performance yg optimal.
Membutuhkan specialist infrastruktur untuk deploy web application (CI) ke AWS. Menggunakan module Terraform. Tools yang digunakan Gitlab dan Jenkins.
Busco desarrollo para hacer OCR utilizando Google o AWS Textract para ID's
Jadi saya ingin membuat website dengan konten Pixi Js (Render Engine JS) atau Phaser JS (Game engine berbasis Pixi JS) yang menampilkan virtual exhibition atau expo. Akan dibuat sejenis penjelajahan vi...Jika tombol diklik, memunculkan windows baru (bisa modal bootstrap atau sejenisnya) yang bisa memunculkan konten atau hyperlink ke website atau url lain (misalnya untuk website sponsor dll) - Dibutuhkan backend untuk memodifikasi aplikasi js secara dinamis (misalnya URL streaming, gambar tombol, dll) - Untuk bagian server dibutuhkan pengaturan server yang tepat dan stabil (misalnya menggunakan aws dll) untuk menjalankan aplikasi JS yang dapat diakses oleh sekian pengunjung. Misalnya memastikan jika ada 100-500 concurrent user yang mengakses situs, situs masih tetap dapat stabil d...
Web aplikasi sudah jadi, hanya ada beberapa menu dan laporan yang harus di tambah Menambah menu -Menambah kode customer -Laporan export data customer per-orangan dan perusahaan dalam e...beberapa menu dan laporan yang harus di tambah Menambah menu -Menambah kode customer -Laporan export data customer per-orangan dan perusahaan dalam excel per 1- 3 bulan (kode 1 perorangan dan 2 perusahaan) -Laporan underlying net jual data transaksi (memisahkan transaksi peroranga- Bank - perusahaan) -Menu create cabang, transfer stok antar cabang -Revisi beberapa halaman yang kurang pas -Mengerti AWS Cloud, karena hosting di taruh di Amazon Web Service Cloud -React JS -Postgresql -Golang -Kita minta design / mock up dulu, setelah acc lalu pengerjaan di utamakan : -Yang memiliki portfolio -Foku...
Job Description: Kami mencari Full-Stack Javascript Software Engineer, yang akan bertanggung jawab atas aplikasi SaaS yang sedang kami kembangkan di sektor pendidikan. Kualifikasi: 1+ tahun berpengalaman dengan NodeJS dan VueJS. 1+ tahun berpengalaman dengan DynamoDB. 1+ tahun berpengalama...berpengalaman dengan DynamoDB. 1+ tahun berpengalaman dengan HTML5, CSS3, Javascript 1+ tahun berpengalaman dengan MySQL, MariaDB dan NoSQL Bonus point Berpengalaman dengan plugin Javascript populer seperti jQuery, jQuery UI, Highcharts, dll. Berpengalaman dengan Bahasa Scripting seperti Phyton, PHP, dll. Berpengalaman dalam bahasa pemrograman modern seperti GoLang, dan Scala, dll. Berpengalaman dalam AWS ecosystem. Berbicara dan menulis bahasa Inggris dengan lancar.
Buscamos un experto para AWS
Kami dari Ikuti Digital Marketing, mencari seorang freelance fotografer yg bersedia mengikuti ke tempat klien kita. Untuk : - Buat dokumentasi & video pendek dan bbrp foto [English Translation] We are from Digital Marketing, looking for a freelance photographer who is willing to follow our client's place. For : - Create short documentation & videos and some photos
...microsot untuk pengembangan produk kami. saya butuh tiga orang senior programmer dengan requirement : 1. slicing html ke 2. setting server 3. desain databese 4. backend developer dari kami sudah mensiapkan : 1. business process 2. UI UX 3. Project Management yang nantinya anda hanya fokus kedalam development dan nantinya anda juga harus membuat technical documentation dan user guide terhadap perkembangan sistem yang akan berjalan. timeline development ini yaitu 4 bulan, lebih cepat lebih baik. tolong nanti anda tampilkan : 1. portofolio anda memakai 2. pengalaman anda mengenaik 3. saya butuh anda selama 4 bulan adakan waktu setiap minggu 2 kali kekantor untuk mempertanggung jawabkan timeline pengerjaan dan update seputar peke...
Requirement: - Bersedia untuk Client Visit - Consulting, Training dan Implementasi - Memahami VB.Net - Memahami SQL Server - Memahami Crystal Report - Perform Design, System Analysis, Testing and Documentation dari project yang dikerjakan - Perform User Acceptance Test with Clients (Agreement yang berisi requirement dari Business Requirement Document telah complete dan sudah di tanda tangani/di approve oleh client) - Memastikan keefektifan dari aplikasi pengembangan yang berkaitan dengan project yang dikerjakan.
BUSINESS SYSTEM CONSULTANT [FREELANCE] Requirement: • Memiliki tingkat pendidikan Minimal lulusan SMK jurusan Sistem Informasi atau Komputer Akuntansi ...atau Komputer Akuntansi • Memiliki pengalaman Minimal 1 Tahun dalam bidang ERP Accounting Software • Memiliki pengalaman dalam Odoo Implementation Project akan menjadi nilai tambah Working Time: Based on Project Responsibilities: • Memberikan pelatihan Software untuk Client • Client Visit • Mempersiapkan dokumen-dokumen project • Perform Design, System Analysis, Testing and Documentation • Perform User Acceptance Test with Clients • Memastikan keefektifan dari aplikasi pengembangan yang berkaitan dengan project Note: • Fee akan berdasarkan perjan...
dibutuhkan contoh LENGKAP function function dalam bentuk PHP untuk bisa transfer dengan API BCA
dibutuhkan contoh LENGKAP function function dalam bentuk PHP untuk bisa transfer dengan API BCA
Wordpress hosting sudah ada. Saya minta bantuan setup : - Kasih saran dan Install template/theme mungkin modify css untuk biar warna sama dengan main website. - Setup beberapa sections (news article, feedback, API documentation). - Bantu post beberapa artikel (artikel dari kita)
Kami butuh membuat news portal, modified Wordpress based, dan menggunakan AWS.
Ingin membuat sebuah Website online seperti tapi ada konsep seperti rakuten Yang di perlukan: - Drupal 7 Dengan Custom Module tetapi tetap bisa berjalan walaupun upgrade dari Core Drupal 7 - Payment gateway API Custom Module Drupal 7 - Shipping (JNE, RPX atau TIKI) berdasarkan Kubiksasi atau Berat berdasarkan jeni...Module Drupal 7 - Shipping (JNE, RPX atau TIKI) berdasarkan Kubiksasi atau Berat berdasarkan jenis barang. API Custom Module Drupal 7 - Promo Custom Module Drupal 7 - HTML 5 dengan AJAX dan Javascript (Hanya coding untuk template tetep dari saya) - Template Administration B2B dan B2C yang berbeda untuk - Saran untuk memisahkan Database server dengan web app server Dan diperlukan Documentation yang lengkap untuk setiap custom module untuk hook variabel
Ingin membuat sebuah Website online seperti tapi ada konsep seperti rakuten Yang di perlukan: - Drupal 7 Dengan Custom Module tetapi tetap bisa berjalan walaupun upgrade dari Core Drupal 7 - Payment gateway API Custom Module Drupal 7 - Shipping (JNE, RPX atau TIKI) berdasarkan Kubiksasi atau Berat berdasarkan jeni...Module Drupal 7 - Shipping (JNE, RPX atau TIKI) berdasarkan Kubiksasi atau Berat berdasarkan jenis barang. API Custom Module Drupal 7 - Promo Custom Module Drupal 7 - HTML 5 dengan AJAX dan Javascript (Hanya coding untuk template tetep dari saya) - Template Administration B2B dan B2C yang berbeda untuk - Saran untuk memisahkan Database server dengan web app server Dan diperlukan Documentation yang lengkap untuk setiap custom module untuk hook variabel
...candidate has superb writing and speaking ability in their native language and is also highly proficient or fluent in English. They should also be tech-savvy and work well with modern computers and software systems. It is ideal if the tester lives in the Metro Detroit area, but we are accepting out-of-state applicants. Job functions include but are not limited to: Proof-reading technical documentation to ensure linguistic accuracy in the dialect Making any necessary changes to target language text to make it culturally accurate Work closely with Microsoft Excel 2010 Operate touch-screen interface Requirements: Candidate much be a native speaker in the target language (lived in the dialect region for at least 7 years between the ages of 5-15 OR have lived in the dial...
...interview for an AWS Cloud PostgreSQL DBA role. The training will specifically focus on Postgres-centric DBA tasks, with an emphasis on database performance tuning. Key Areas of Focus: - Database Performance Tuning: This is a critical aspect of the training. I need to understand how to fine-tune the database for optimal performance. - Query Optimization: I would like to delve into the intricacies of making queries run as efficiently as possible. - Index Management: Understanding how to manage indexes effectively will be a key part of our sessions. - Monitoring and Diagnostics: I need to learn how to monitor the database and diagnose any potential issues. Ideal Candidate: The ideal trainer will be someone with extensive experience as a DBA, particularly with PostgreSQL in an ...
...cursor, which already has a loop set up for fetching values. • Implement about 9 additional calculations based on simple formulas provided in an Excel spreadsheet. • Update a different table using simple IF conditions based on the calculated values. • Ensure the solution is optimized for minimal database overhead and runs as efficiently as possible. • Deliver the source code with minimal documentation so that I can easily understand where the logic has been programmed and which calculations have been added. Skills Required: • Strong proficiency in MySQL, particularly with cursors and loops. • Ability to work with provided simple formulas and integrate them into the cursor logic. • Expertise in optimizing SQL queries and minimizing databa...
Job Description: We are seeking an experienced AI/ML developer to work on an exciting project. The ideal candidate should have expertise in...similar). Proficiency in using Text-to-Speech APIs like Google TTS, Amazon Polly, or similar. Programming skills in Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, or equivalent frameworks. Experience with data preprocessing, model evaluation, and deployment. Excellent problem-solving and communication skills. Preferred Skills: Knowledge of NLP techniques and frameworks. Familiarity with cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure. Experience in real-time or conversational AI applications. Location: Remote If you have the skills and experience we’re looking for, we’d love to hear from you. Please share your portfolio or relevant proje...
I need an experienced creator for a 5-minute 4K 3D animation video of the Airbus A350. This video should include scenes of passenger boarding, takeoff, and landing. Key Requirements: - High level of detail and accurate engineering representation. - Inclusion of a ...level of detail and accurate engineering representation. - Inclusion of a modern/contemporary background score. - Seamless integration of sound effects and a professional voiceover. Deliverables: - A 5-minute 4K video. - Source files. - A draft for review. - Step-by-step documentation of the generative AI process used. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in 3D engineering animation. - Strong understanding of the Airbus A350. - Excellent audio-visual integration skills. - Experience with creating detailed source files and d...
...a seamless integration with Shopify to allow platform to synchronize product Pricing, inventory levels, and orders between the platform and Shopify stores. Enable automatic order processing and inventory management to streamline operations. ( Valid data push to Shopify Platform or Shopify API) Deliverables:  Fully functional platform with all specified features implemented and tested.  Documentation covering system architecture, API specifications, user guides, deployment instructions, Source code and Detailed code comments for easier understanding, maintenance, and and promote continuous improvement.  Ongoing support and maintenance as needed post-launch. Time Line The project timeline will be discussed further based on the developer's availability and proposed approa...
...credible CSV files. 2. API Integration or Replacement: - If necessary, integrate a new reliable API or develop a hybrid solution combining API and direct Solana RPC calls. 3. Filtering Mechanism: - Implement robust filters to exclude irrelevant wallets, such as: - Wallets with insignificant balances. - Wallets with minimal or misleading activity. 4. Documentation: - Detailed documentation outlining: - How the scanner works. - The APIs and methods used. - Steps to verify wallet data credibility. 5. Testing and Validation: - Conduct thorough testing to confirm that the scanner provides accurate and actionable data. - Verify outputs using independent sources to ensure credibility. Key Requirements: ...
We are seeking an experienced AWS backend developer to help us design, implement, and finalize a robust data pipeline that meets both functional and operational requirements. This pipeline will enable scheduled ingestion, transformation, and analysis of API data and provide a RESTful API to dynamically serve data to our website. Objective To create a cost-effective, highly available, and secure AWS-based backend architecture that ensures seamless data ingestion, transformation, and real-time interaction with our website. Key Responsibilities Data Ingestion Schedule Python scripts using AWS Lambda to fetch data from APIs. Handle API rate limits, errors, and retry mechanisms. Store raw data temporarily in Amazon S3. Data Parsing Clean and structure raw data for furth...
...recommendations based on the data. 4. **Customization:** - Customize reports to meet specific business needs. - Allow for dynamic filtering and drill-down capabilities. 5. **Documentation and Training:** - Provide documentation on the report structure and data sources. - Offer training sessions to our team on how to use and interpret the reports. **Skills Required:** - Proficiency in Power BI - Strong analytical and problem-solving skills - Experience with data integration and ETL processes - Excellent communication skills **Deliverables:** - Fully functional Power BI report with interactive dashboards - Documentation and training materials **Timeline:** - Project completion within 7 days **Budget:** - 5K **How to Apply:** - Please provide example...
I'm looking for a seasoned .NET/C# developer to improve a Windows desktop application designed for data management. Key Responsibilities: Analyze and optimize existing data structures Debug and resolve issues with current components. Write clean, maintainable code with proper documentation. Ideal Skills: Proficiency in .NET and C# Previous experience with Windows desktop application development Familiarity with modular class library development. Experience in software development with a focus on data analysis, storage, and visualization Debugging and testing skills. Good understanding of version control Please provide examples of relevant past projects in your proposal.
I'm seeking an expert in Jitsi and AWS to install Jitsi on a cloud server, specifically AWS. The installation should support both local and cloud recording capabilities. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Jitsi installation and configuration - Extensive experience with AWS - Knowledge of setting up dual recording systems Please provide a bid if you can meet these requirements.
...Storage: IPFS for storing data in a decentralized way. Deliverables: • A working prototype or POC of the 3-tier storage system, with local, remote, and decentralized tiers implemented. • Complete implementation of data encryption, syncing, and storage across the tiers. • A simple frontend interface to manage data and metadata, view encrypted files, and perform syncing operations. • Full documentation on the architecture, how to set up the system, and how to use the application. • Source code of all components + comments. Timeline: • Estimated time for completion: 4-6 weeks (Flexible based on your experience and progress). Skills Required: • Knowledge of encryption algorithms (e.g., RSA, AES). • Experience with decentralized st...
... MAIN GOAL IS IMPLEMENTATION AND FEEDBACK, DONT NEED VERY COMPLEX SYSTEM) Development: Building a functional prototype with privacy-preserving features. Implementation: Deploying the system in a professional or public setting, collaborating with stakeholders, and gathering user feedback. Impact Validation: Ensuring measurable outcomes, such as reducing false positives by 15%, and preparing documentation that highlights the project’s real-world results. Deliverables Fully Functional System: A working prototype with key features. Implementation Report: Details of deployment and stakeholder feedback. Outcome Showcase: Materials to highlight the system’s measurable impact and ethical considerations. Budget and Timeline Total Budget: $130, allocated for development, testin...
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Hello, Looking For expert Mobile App tester Thank You
...Development Manager focused on the AWS sector within the Technology industry. The ideal candidate will be responsible for lead generation, client relationship management, and market research, specifically targeting the North American market. Key Responsibilities: - Lead Generation: Identifying potential clients and opportunities within the AWS sector. - Client Relationship Management: Building and maintaining strong relationships with clients to promote business growth. - Market Research: Understanding and analyzing the North American Technology market, specifically the AWS sector, to identify trends and opportunities. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in business development within the Technology industry, preferably with a focus on AWS. - S...
I'm looking for an AWS expert who can configure an IP camera to connect to an AWS S3 server. The project will also involve setting up a system for batch processing of the video files. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with AWS and its services, particularly AWS S3. - Previous work with IP cameras is a plus. - Competence in setting up video batch processing. - Ability to deliver clear, thorough documentation of the setup process. The ideal freelancer would be able to streamline the process and ensure seamless integration between the camera and the AWS server.
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a web-based application that simplifies the creation of Word documents, specifically for tax documentation reports. Requirements: - Build a user-friendly e-commerce platform that allows for easy document creation and purchasing of additional features. - The web based application should let users add their data and generates word documents in a particular manner. - The web based application should enable user to add tables and the data to be linked. - Integrate a secure payment system for transactions. - Implement a content management system for users to save, edit and track their reports. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in web application development, preferably with e-commerce and CMS systems. - Strong understand...
...(SaaS) application for my pet project. This application should primarily focus on generating Word documents based on customizable templates, with the ability to insert dynamic data and apply various formatting options. Key Requirements: - Development of a user-friendly SaaS application - Implementation of a comprehensive Word documentation generation feature - Incorporation of template customization, dynamic data insertion, and formatting options within the documentation generation process Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web application development - Extensive experience with SaaS and Word document automation - Strong understanding of template customization and dynamic data insertion - Excellent problem-solving abilities to ensure the application meets all specified needs...
1) Working in existing template AdminKitPro, using their defaults. There is online documentation to use template. 2) Visual Studio 2022 .NET 7.0 3) All data will come from existing API. 4) All loads should be with ajax calls to Api and Avoid c# code. Example: - 4.1) Load selecbox data with jquery and not passing a model to view - 4.2) Load Index page with list of data, by ajax calls and not passing a model by c# code. - 4.2) Save data with Ajax or JavaScript
The following are the improvements and verifications required for the virtual campus system. The main objective is to resolve existing issues and add functionality to ensure an efficient and robust workflow. The script has separate files for administrator, teacher and student, so the changes to be implemented...allows editing multiple items attached to an assignment without the need to re-create the assignment. *Additional considerations. Security: Validate all entries and uploaded files to avoid vulnerabilities such as code injections or malicious file uploads. Testing and compatibility: Test compatibility with popular browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) and devices (desktop and mobile). Documentation: Provide clear documentation of changes made to facilitate future updates ...
We are looking for a skilled development team to build a multi-platform business services platform that enables clients to purchase and manage various business services, including branding,...Reporting and analytics. System configuration. Nonfunctional Requirements Performance: Page load times under 3 seconds, scalable for a large number of concurrent users. Security: Secure authentication, data encryption, and protection against vulnerabilities. Usability: Intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. Deliverables Fully functional web and mobile applications. Deployment-ready code with documentation. A quick training session post-completion to explain the code structure and usage. Additional Notes Compliance with relevant data privacy laws (e.g., GDPR). Integration with modern payment...