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Ihor S.
Senior Web&Mobile Developer
$50 USD / jam
Ukraine (10:22 AM)
Bergabung Februari 10, 2020
$50 USD / jam
Hello! Everyone! Thanks for visiting my profile!
Working for your business is my pride and pleasure.I am really good and happy to do that.
Experienced Web Developer adept in all stages of advanced web development.
My Skills:
• .Python | Django | Web Scrapping
• .React Native| Swift| Flutter
• .NET | C# | Vb.Net | ASP.Net | VBA | MACROS
• SQL Server | MY SQL | EXCEL | MS ACCESS | PostgreSQL |Sybase
• NodeJs | Express
• MVC| | Web Forms | Win Forms| Java scripts | JQuery | Json | Ajax
• HTML | PHP | CSS | Bootstrap |Graphic Design
• IIS | Windows Server | DNS | Server Security | Active Directory
Please click the Hire Me button and Let's work Together.
Have a Good Day.
Ihor did his job but it took time on my part to review and get a few revisions. He was wrong about the timeline but that is alright, he did end up finishing the job correctly